PAGE SIX TBI DAILY MWB Friday, Jun lfl ACTIVE PROGRAM OF CITY IN ORDERLY G. H. Arnold, Notary Public DEVELOPMENT WORK aKJImkJJLlJ CATARRH BLADDER rl the CONDITION FROM WESTHOLME THEATRP AT INDIAN GROUP POLICE STANDPOINT FIRE INSURANCE ir.rh Cmul uih Tonight and Tomorrow beira nam Ifv Is carefully wrllen by us In tellable companies. Wc aro permanently Local Company Has 12 Men at Fines for Month of May Totalled engaged In the business and our records are accurately Work on Property North $412.35 26 Cases In Police Kept so that when your policy expires you will be notified of Stewart Near don he had heen ni-rretary of Court and 11 Convictions. Wallace Reid In sufficient time to keep your property protected. We solicit Premier. len or fifteen eomjianies. many The i-eporl of Hie chief of business. po your of them South African, and this H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Twelve men are hems employ had jriven him an iusiuhl info lice at last night's meeting of IN Insurance. Rentals. ed liy the Indian Mines, I.Id., o I heir workings. While a Inisi- the police commission showed lliis pity on development work at that fines collected duriiiK the ttes.s eoiidiielnl hy an individual lite Indian Mines in (he Salmon praclically reused til (lie death moulh of May had totalled "ALWAYS AUDACIOUS" tllS.35 and there had been Mixer valley north of Stewart -'(! lake notirc ilia l v u. MrMorrls. of of Ihoiwner, the corporation AH lliat hear about Vain out fr. B.C.. miner. intends to apply ri.,, 1- one of Hn nlilcr cases lit the poliee eotirl wilh you t the Ninlslcr of Lamls for a licence to Iohiij wits continuous ami mere was pro.-ix-cl for roil I. petroleum and natural nnes ill Hie I'oi'llaild (lillial ilis- no I ncak in opcrnliou.s through 18 rtiuxiclious. Under the Opium Animal Comkijy, "Stuffed Lions" over ami unuer mo aenrruieu .n ius loiiowinjc and .Narcotic Act there had been Mr,, UihI. xltuate on SkMeriln Inlet, tiraham Inct lllld III"' COll 1 1 !.I ly IlilH 1)0011 the death of any of the members. Hartt I'land, H.I..: t:uiniiirnrinir at a Ii.t planted iiirni'poi'iileil ever sinee the Hirer- cases of possession, all re uiiii.siui, oix: and joc 'at the northeast corner of Section Si, Money eould in- raised easily iTnniuhlp t; lurlire. cl 80 chains; thence hoiiiii days iiT HMO. C. D. II. (ln'olih the sellinif of shares sulting in convictions. The city I ..nil. an t.i.i. Huihh an win reported as being in a must thence north 80 chains to point of coin- Turner, tif Victoria, i in rharse to small investors who were inirnrenieni. of oiienilioii.s now (.'oinj on. lroleeled from liability in rase of orderly condition. Hread and Located .March II, tm. Shoes VV. . Mc.MoHMS. Locator. Anions the iiiemliers of the coin. failure. "There wis, also a cen oal weights had been examined iml found correct. The payroll OltEX CHARLOTTE LA.ND DIVISION. Iany are J. F. Itilehie, I.. V tralized control Hint was not al fake notice that W. o. Me.MorrlJ. of I'alinore, Ueorpr Aylard, James for lhc month totalling fltiM.'jH ways found in a partnership. Vancouver. B.C., miner, Inlemls to apply to the Minister of Land for a licence to Cronin and (ieorjrr Clothier. The The objection lo ineororaplion and the usual budgel of accounts, Summer their pood looks, perfect fit, rr and natural prospect coal, petroleum includiiiir A.V.i for keep of prisoners K Indian is loraled im over and under the followliif desrrded group across was found in the difficulty it Ions fndtirance, is fully verified lands, rltuate on Skldrrate Inlet. Graham I'.asemle Oreek from the I'remier at Okalla mid l I for relief hy the genuine satisfac-lion (Island, R.i:.: Cnmmrnrinir at a fxtfl planted small company orien found in were approved for payment. ai ine noruiwest corner or mtiiuh Mine, nliottl one mile distant nbtainins credit. Firm? that you receive when you Tuiihl : thence east 80 rhalnsj thence Ihein. south 80 chains; thence went 80 chains; from it. would gji credit lo an individual s wciir Ihcnre north 80 tiuins to point of commencement. The mailer of buying new Mi oflen refused lo give it lo a low for shoes Tin' price is Located March II. toil:. uniforms for the police force U11S CORPORATIONS oiupany. of this high quality. W. McM i iHIUS, Locator. was brought up by Chief Viekcrs Speakinp of Hie duties of a CIIAnl.flTTE at lal nighl's meeting of tin OL'EE.N LA.M lIVIS!0.. $12 50 pair Take notice tint w. 0. MrMorrls. or J. W. Nlcholls to omplroller. Mr. Nicholls said he commission but left per Vancouver, B.C., miner. Intends to apply Speaks Rotary had In examine and check tip was over and to the Minister of Muds for a licence to Club on Financial Matters. for u month, Hie chief lo make prosper! for coal, petroleum and natural ill financing during the opera- MS over and under the follow loir described an inspection of the present lion of the lands, situate Sklricnte Inlet. Graham concern. Financing on i:plainina thai inrorjioratioti eitiipmetii in the meantime. I bland, B.C.: Cmiimenrlnir at a pot planted was not always an easy mailer. Cosits KIRKPATRICK t ine norineasi owner or ection 7, was sometime a ln'tiefil and Township I; thence west 80 chains; thence If cu;;a;;cd in foreign' business.. south 8n mams; tnence east 80 chains sometimes a dislinel disadvantage. The Store of Satisfaction thenee north 80 chains to poiul of coin. .1. W. Nichnlls. comptroller mailer of exchange had to lie HEARTBURN meuremenL looked afler so as lo jret lite Located .March II. Hit. of the Canadian Fish A (.old W. O. MeMtmltlH. Locator. most favorable results. Ill-edits Storage Company, pave an inler-e-slinfr ad In be watched and other lalk til' jhe notary (Tilth imilar work undertaken. A SEVERE CASE 20 per cent LATEST MODELS lunelieon yesterday on corpora Many people are trutihlrd with heart EDSON COAL IN SUMMER tions. He explained that in I.on-i liurti uImj really ilu not rrallie Just what OBJECTION TAKEN TO It is. QltE. CH.inLOTTE LAND DIVISIO.N. In rases of this trouble there l Reductions, COMPANY Hats and Caps Take notice that XV. O. MrMorrls. of! I I llINf. VrHnfll RfllilVIV innwlnif and burnln lialn In the Momaeh Vancouver. B.C., miner. Intends to apply vuiruiuvi uuuuuimuimu attended by disturbed ipillle. 11 Is Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. lo the Ninister or Lands ror a licence to1 - Icenerallv caused br treat arldltr of the at moderate prices. ?.ToTer iSSSS&r ,nrde.7;.ii Inspector Will be Asked to Try to '''"";. l"Ml" " " , liable to ferment, and becomes lands, situate on Skldeeate Inlet. Oraham for all Rooms Arrange to Island, B.C.: Commenclnir at a poM planted extremely oiir, rautluy heartburn. til at southeast corner of Section 3t. Township Carry on such cjes vomilliif oflru occurs, and J SUM "Demers Best Coal STEVE KING S, thence north &0 chains; thence net SO chains; thence south 80 chains; Is turouii up is sour and sometimes thence east 80 chains lo point ot commencement. The eliioit lni:ii-,l ol if. tiif,l- bitter, Third Avenue , . , . I The one way lo (ret rid of heartburn ill Located March SI. I0S2. ... ill,,. .... Third Avenue ..-k ,.,rL i.,j, .,fv xv. o. Me i 1 1 nng. Locator. u t(J k)J(.p )our vrr t).(vc by U4nr at speclor I'raser not to close anyi milburn's OL'EE.N CHAHLOTTE LAND DIVISIO.N. of the city sehool rooms in con- Laxa-liver pills Take notice that V. O. MrMorrls. or Lowest Prices Vancouver, II.C, miner. Intends to apply neclion wilh the - condueling of !" " l-irtburn or other THE to the Minister of Lands for a licence to il. ....i r i: ii... : BEST prospect for roal, petroleum and natural ffndrT,,r,V7.nersk;'drnmed '' fivewceks forc .be eyes, coated lone. foul breath, is none loo good for our Heleerson Block, Prince Rupert. Phone 686 land. B.C.: Commenrtni; at Post Manted a ot me term work. tins action Order Now! Phone 58 at the southwest corner of Section 3a, customers that's the way Killtb Cutllnx, !fhalliw lake. Out. was taken on the i ii 1 1 1 v i,r -M,ss Towmmp 1; inence north to chains; .. ..-I..... t. ...,l...n l..nw we feel, so we choose the thence east 80 chains; tbenco south 80 Mrs. I.ins who said parents Dr. E. S. TAIT best of tiling. rha'ns'. tbenco west 80 chains to point of nine. There were irnawinir and hiirtiinir every commencement. cnmplainpl that sone of tlie pains lu my stomach, and then when I Located March xv. SI.;. Mesionnia,10??. Utnmr. rooms wi'l'C lo be closed. Vomited Hu m was a sour and bitter taste Dental Surgeon The Boston Brill I'rineipnl Campbell stattd that I used two vials of Milburn's Lata-Llver OL'EE.N CHAHLOTTE LA.ND DIVISIO.N. Pills, and they have cleared me of my Dr. Geo. L. Barton Vancouver,Take notice B.C.,that miner.W. O.Intends apply or Mr. rrasfr had ordered the rooms i.,.,,,!,.,,, j don't think thev ein be Office Hours, 0. a.m. lo 9 p.m. Third Ave. Phone 457. to the Minuter of Lands for a licence lo 111 ine 1X111.7 l-.iiw.ilil sciiooi Closed b,.aien by any other medicine.1 prospect for coal, petroleum and natural and Ii.-hI-al.-o asked Miss lloth. Price, nr. a tlsl at all dealers, or Dialled Sunday by Appoinlmtid (Palmer) Open Day and Night Iras over and under the r.illowlnr iiesrclbed I lands, situate on Skldegale Inlet. Graham well to belli with Hie e.xamina- airer " rew'fi ' Pr" T" T, Mil Island. B.C.: Commriicliiir at a Host nlanled burn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Unt. lions. Hum closing her Chiropractor ai ine soiiineast corner or section SS, room. Tow nship 3: thence north 80 chains; I hence Miss ItoHtwell had done Hit work From the Farm west 8U cliams; thence south chains; thence eal 80 chains to point of commencement. last year. Federal Block to the Table Located March SI. tUSS. The mailer will be laken up Phone 660. xv. 0. mcmqhuis, i.m-mr. with Hie inspector with a view to Follow the Crowd! OL'EE.N CHAHLOTTE LA.ND DIVISION. keeping the work poin. BulkleyValley Take notice that XV. O. McMorrls, of Vancouver. B.C.. miner. Intends lo aonlv to the Minister of Lands for a licence lo TO EUROPE pnistieri ror roal. petroleum ami natural ALICE ARM-STEWART BEEF Fas over and under the following- described Choice Cuts PORK lauds,Inland. situate B.C.: nommenctnir on Skldcrate at a Inlet.isist Graham tdauted TRAIL POSSIBILITY .MIKE RESERVATIONS NOW! to Fuller's General Store :: MUTTON on Si'i-tloii 1 1 at the Intersection of the :: norm line or 1 1 and the west line of Lot VEAL t. Township S: thence west ftu chains; WILL BE INSPECTED QUEBEC-CHERBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON. FRESH KILLED POULTRY lliencv south 80 chains: thence cast 811 HAMBURG HAYS COVE AVENUE of the meats await best you chains- thence north 80 chains lo point here. I'hone order lo Skeena River Farm Produce or commencement. " Jun. 27 July 28 Aug. 22 Cmprtit of Icotltntf V aro now moved and doinsr a trriiieinli'j ii; your Located March SI. 1022. George Clothier and George Jui1t,Auj. (p. s Emprtit r rrnc SHOES AND Itluo 7 1 1 with the assurance VANOERHOOF CREAMERY W, O. Mc.MOUItlS. Locator. Young Contemplating Trip Into HARDWARE, DRUGS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, , MOntreal.southmpton-ntwcrp STATIONERY Reduced to a Minimum. that will receive just BUTTER you That Country This Summer. BAu. 2 30 Minndti July Aug. 'Ouc Groceries, Fresh I rtiilx and Vi'Kelables vt Hie UmU: what yoh want ON TIMi;. July 19Au.ieS.p. 13 M.IIU NORTHERN INTERIOR Fuller's Bulk Tea, 2 lbs. for 05c. 6 ,"l,,n The People's Meat Market PACIFIC GARTAC E tii'otvc Clolhier. i.tovini'ial Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. for S1.00. CO-OPERATIVE om'iii nl. ri'Miili'iit ininintr imi-' montrial to Liverpool 417 Fifth Ave. E. 81 i r. i l.-aviiiK loinorrow niuht 3o:Jui m Aug.25 M.nttiim Car Delivery to All I'urU of li'v Phone Limited on the I'r.iico IIiijmtI lo inakr Juy 21;Al)J , Vletorlm Phone 45 Phone 45 Phone 93 nit' roiinn 1 rip 10 hiewari on -.-, '''I'nrtnii'iiliil huHini'.-. 'Jui, t!jui,u.. . GbT BACK ON THE FARM Furniture, Piano and I.alrr in I lie hiiiiiiik'I'. Mr. jui is Aug.i2 .p. Tuni.i.n 160 Acres 'i mile from Moricetown. Frame house and Safe Moving Clolhii'l' will- inako a ri-connais. July 22 Aug. 18 Sp. is Cortlcn two barns. Forty Acres Meadowland, balance Poplar and miff of III!- ininoral hi'U h".lwi'eil " 5 Beotlin Spruce. GO Acres fenced. Snap for either cash or terms. 1 General Cartage thf headwaters of Hie Hear ami, Quebec to Liverpool Enquire THOS. McCLYMONT VsCml Sand and Gravel KitKtlllt lliver. lie will he tie- Emprm of lndl Children flilill.anie.l hy (ieoriie Yoiin, 1'Oai .a.1.P. H.Impr.M of Brlltln s siipi'iiiiiinlent fur Attin tli-- iontreausouthawpton-ilasoow l rift, wlio will Inxi.ect the po.-i- Ju" 3 ,toll,n liililies of Iniililinv a trail1 Quebec-cherbourq-southampton iliimiah Ihal eoiinlry linking tiji 8,p' 1 Empr.M of India Hie Inwns of AI it'll Arm ami PP'ir to Agtntt rywhiro, of i. i. Stewart. The nrovineiaj L'ov- '"TER. O.n.rol Ag.nt, C.P.R. Stttlon, Dresses Vincour, Toltphon Smour 2830 I'liiiienl hat already iiiliinaleil CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SALE made.Ihal .ticli an examination to he Trtfflo Aj.nt. 12th ANOTHER BIG DROP IN THE PRICE OF OUR CHILDAE' BIG REDUCTION ON HUNDRED EXPECTED DRESSES. Anniversary SPRING The regular price was $3.76. We had loo many. Noxt Week's Rotary Luncheon THE price was reduced and we sold 8 doien right o Will Be Big Event Owing to ' Now wii want to net rid of Hits line ami ate off r Presence of Masonic Suits, other uiyhC iloen til it iirico lower than any t-ulalusui I - Visitors. VI eminences Thursday, June 15 Sizes from 4-8 at Plan are liein laid for the f nle rlnininenl of a l.trye nuiiu ln'i- nf isllin-H al Hie Itolary Dresses $1.25 The list of bargains is too long to give in liine henii on Thursday next in I lie SI. Ili'jjU riife, when it in ex-leeled Sizes from 10-14 at detail but a full description will be obtained there will he one hundred from handbills, and of tiitiloi'ri and local iir'iiiIht $1.75 a study our til down together. A coininilleo Coats hat all the arrangi'iuc nttt in windows. hand. If not sold at Iho ahovu price wo niialit vv Call In and look over our Ilium in Cow Jlay. Proiiiinent anions the vUilor If you don't get a handbill let us know. wilt h,, tirand .Masler Terry of beautiful selection of Sports Ladles' Houso Drossos and Aprons at 85c eacn. (he uiiiMonio c ni ft. who it alto Goods. it I'luh.itieiiiber Another of lhc Kiieidft Victoria will Itotary hit BENTS Jabour Bros., H. S. WALLACE CO., Limited I ucwiaiier,l'at manager(irnml a Mawler of ineiuher lliu Iliirde.l'rovinre of general Hit; 3rd Ave. Phone 645. Cor. 3rd Ave. "j flh St V 'ii. , ;..(., it 'ary Club.