mmm TOMORROW-SA TURD A Y 9 Sharp(clock mrnmx tp m .'.tM urn".,j Martin ly Launches the GREATEST SALE OF MEN'S WEAR Prince Rupert has ever known- A Real, Genuine Closing Out Entire Stock of TEN MEN'S SHOES DAYS lVi: I'AIKS OI-" BLACK AND BROWN CALFSKIN DRESS SHOES "TOO MUCH STOCK"- These three words explain the reason for this Big Rip-Hoarin Sale. There is only one thing Genuine Goodyear AVlls. All shapes to do. "UNLOAD" and we are going to do it,and do it quickly. And REMEMBER THIS: and sizes. Shoe that sill in other ONLY Thin sale will he conducted in such a manner that this store's Reputation for Square Dealing and Honest and Truthful Advertising will not suffer. c-itios at $10.00. AH Hut this sale will he the GREATEST PRICE-SLASHING EVENT in the History of Prince Rupert. ONE IMtlC'i: ONLY fU.i7U There will be Sudden and Swteping Reductions in Prices on the entire stock. Values that will have no bearing on costs. Values THAT . i WILL SHATTER THE VERY FOUNDATION OF MEN'S WEAR PRICES in Prince Rupert There will he Unlellable Thousands of Ha renins. The values will practically compel you to buy and Huy Here and Now. He here when the door swings open Tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 9. TODir m rei?n at t piav rDinA vji.j r iri.: Cj.l U B m m. M m m m - T m - n ,m - mm - - m m.m m I W.I s m Bin wiwj D SB mm. i MEN'S SHIRTS Men's Suit Prices Shattered Men's SuitPrices Shattered UNDERWEAR big grouping ir all of our regular A line big lot of MEN'S HEAVlf $loo men's dress sunn's. Ml I lie newest shilling malcri;ils. RIBBED. ALL WOOL. SHIRTS and Soil double cull's; all sizes, Suits for DRAWERS, lo clear at $35 $23.40 Blue KIP-ROARIN" SALE PRICE $1.43 $35 Serge Suits, $26.80 RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE 90c limilcif number of regular $l..r0 I'nmicsliouahly Hit greatest bargains yet offered Genuine All Wool Serge Suits. Indigo Dye. Fine STAN FIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE JEN'S DRESS Not all in Men's Suits. Fine Hrown ami Cray effects in SHIRTS. "and All Wool, Worsted Tweed Suits. Splendid FINE RIB KNIT SHIRTS & DRWS in (his lot but every one a har-r Tweeds and Worsteds. $.'13.00 is Ibe New Low laltems and popular models. Regular $:t"i.OO, at values at Ibe tii II. Price on these suits. Splendid regular price the New Low Price. Rll ROAR1N- SALE PRICE 90c RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE of $1.50. ... RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE VERY VINE DRESSY SHIRTS in RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.20 iu Ih'sI makes, Beautiful imported $23.40 $26.80 Civnm Colored, Spring Needle. materials in 1 lie newest colorings , :i in I patterns; soD double cull's, Elastic Ribbed COMBINATIONS. lb ilar V2.m. $45 Suits for $33.0 Regular $2.00. RIP ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.90 20 oz. Blue Serge Suits, $38.40 RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE. $1.G0 MEN'S BLUE CHAMHRAY WORK Certainly no kick here on this line lot of Wool Guaranteed 20-oz. Pure All Wool Serge, Indigo Fine Botany Yarn, Elastic Knit Tweed and Worsted Suits in the wauled colors SHIRTS. Splendid wealing material. Dye, new model; also the finest and newest COMBINATIONS. $.100, HI I -ROARIN SALE PRICE SOMEN'S and patterns, and new models. $15.00 values. Regular iiuilerials in Worsted and T.wced Suits, in the RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $2.20 WORK SHIRTS of Cray latest models. These are all regular $.r0 values. 'Near Flannel. Generous litters. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE Splendid Weight COMBINATIONS Regular $l,.r0. $33.40 in while all wool. Hat knit. Heg. $1. SALE PRICK $1.20 RIP.ROAR1N' $38.40 RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE $2.90 Wonderful values in Men's Military Leishman Suits $42.40 "RED LABEL" SHIRTS AND (Army) FLANNEL WORK SIHRTrf. Positively Hie most satisfactory work $65 Leishman Suits, $48.80 DRAWERS. Heavy ribbed and guaranteed shirt LEISHMAN SUITS The best and most favorably made. Regular $.'1.00. all wool. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $2.35 known make on the continent. Hand .tailored You'll appreciate the quality and style, but you'll RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE $1.45 in every reaped, A splendid range of appreciate even more Ibe low price of these niun-haud-lniloml, colorings, patterns and models to choose from! Leisluuau Suits. The choice is SAME IN COMBINATIONS $2.90 OVERALLS Regular up to $00.00. splendid, the stvle and iiiiisb cannot be surpassed. "BLACK LABEL" .SHIM'S and Regular $05,001 at the New Low Price. RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE DRAWERS. lixli-.i heavy, pure all Plain Blue and Hlue and While Striped Overalls and Jackets, $42.40 wool, ribbed. RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICK $1.80 $48.80 RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE $1,90, HATS and CAPS A SMASHING CLEAN-UP ON MEN'S HOSE HANDKERCHIEFS & SILK TIES Regular $1.00. FINE FELT HATS, in (he MEN'S WHITE HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS.. new Spring shapes and popular colors. REGULAR 75c. BLACK CASHMERE AND LISLE HOSE MEN'S HEAVY WORK SOCKS. All r f ti Regular 15c each. RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE $2.90 in black and colors. Double sole, triple toes and wool. RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE: D PFS I0F $1 RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE 12 for $1.00 heels. Wonderful values. 45 HEAVY BLACK COTTON AND NEAR LISLE HOSE MEN'S FINE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, PRICE SALE "BORSALINO" HATS -The most popular RIP-ROARIN' "0c hemstitched. Itgular Double Sole. Special Values, r dM f nn selling bal on the market, and certainly HEAVY PURE ALL WOOL RIBBED, BLACK AND RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE D PFS. I0l J)I.UU RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE 3 for $1.00 the besi value. Our entire slock in Ibe season's newest styles and wauled colors. Regular FANCY HEATHER MIXTURE HOSE. Made in Eng. REGULAR 50c FINE BLACK CASHMERE HOSE. REGULAR 75c FINE SILK TIES, in the land. Regular $1.00 values. ?A Double Sole. Extra Special Value. Q f M new Spring and Summer patterns and $7.50. IMP-ROARIN SALE PRICE ....$5.90 RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE DU RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE O pFS. I0F J)l shapes. REGULAR 50c MEN'S A WOOL HEAVY RIBBED RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE - 45c REGULAR. $1.00 JTANCY CASHMERE HEATHER MEN5,AND YOUNG MEN'S CAPS in all WORK SOCKS. 3 for $1.00 .MIXTURE HOSE. Fine all wool. Made in REGULAR $1.25 PURE SILK TIES, in colors, and the latest shapes. Hegular.$2.50. RIP-ROARIN sale price prs. Enbind. RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE 70 newest popular shapes, colorings and' 'patterns. RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE $1.(!5 RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICK 83c REGULAR $3.50 CAPS This lot contains 2.00 Values In Newest SILK NECKWEAR, all the new shades and patterns, silk-lined. MARTIN O'REILLY bought for the summer selling. To go at RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE $2.35 RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.33