,:'J TIIH DATET HIW8 ROTARIANS HAD Hdre is a wide Practical MUSICAL HOUR XMAS GIFTS Selection of useful Xmas Gifts Program Was at Yesterday's Diverting and Luncheon at Bargain Prices XMAS GIFTS Entertaining BOY8' AND MEN'S DEPARTMENT. Men' Nerkw ear. 50c, 76c, $1.00, $15, $10, $1.75, $2.00 The PHrire Hupfrt Notary Cbtfij Men 1 Hii.nderv 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $1.75. 'M:, In Was it tMi-.,. an' Meu'a Pullover Hwealer-. (il.nn and tntied. $3.00, $3.60, Our first earload of Ham?terly Farm Canned Omul oreh-lr fnsntwvMl of rniw..r. $4.00, $4.25, $4.75. arrived lasfc Halnrday. We are making up mixed rae of ff "ho Hi Hilnr sutm-h Mi.- Men's Wool Vet, IfMK, Pure Wool, $6.50. Canned Fruit and Vegetables, alo Jams and Marmalade. Ur--:il MiM.lH ..f the Hlb ..ri Men's V nei k Hweater Conii, $5.00. Here i your opportunity lo buy a serviceable preent for Ihe .-..iiHwnt. rvuirwtl f. ,,f i Fanry Arm Hand, 25c, 60c, 75c. ome one, or lo tork up the pantry at -emi-wholenle K 'i Thin-fv a I noon mi Utr J I IireM .Shirts $1.50, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $3, $3.75, $4, $4.60. prire. fWi- Ciif.. ttrfrW th or nay- S.IH and Wool Whirls. $4.50 to $9.50. No. 1 Case 24 Tiny, Per Case $3.75. fcx-iri ..r .liirk Nwfc..i, rhaiiinaii Men's Wool (Move Leather Hound , $1.00 Pair. tins Corn, 2's. " 2 Cln Pumpkin, 2. r. of ih.. riniMc .-..oniiitb-r- tit.- ,,i . ! Meu'n (ipp Hkin i.liives. $1.75 to $230. fin Pea. 2's. tint Oreen llean. 2'a. rti'--tea .ii'-ihmrj jt first tin.-I Men' Flannel lsj.im.i, $2.50, $3.25. C tin Tomato, i'n. aratii t.i iln- mrtirtwr mirf Men - llandkerrhief-, 2 for 25c, up to 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, No. 2 Case 24 Tins, Per Case $4.25. ' heartHy i-m-oreil. 35c, and 50c each. t lln firn. 8'. 9 tin Tomatoes, 2H. The nivtipim romfiai-. .if Men Hilk llo-e, 50c to $1.60 pair, with rlox. 1 tins I'arly June Pea. !'. 3 tin Pumpkin, 2'4's: lh. A. H. Itavno. II. W. Hour, li Mfii s WiMil lloe. 75c to $1.50 pair, with rlox. 2 tin Wax Ian. !'. ? tin fkreen Itean. 2'. 1 V.Hmw an.i J. t.. .. ! Mi d Hwealer ...u. Roll Oillar. $4.75, $6.00, $6.75 each. No. 3 Case 24 Tins, Per Case $5.25. ' The fSr1 thtnir to liapiwn wtion Men - Silk Si arK $230 to $4.00. i tinf Corq. tint Harilett Pear. 2's. Itte fiftfhvr nt 4.iwii wa tin. It..- Jer-ev. foil'. Pure l. $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. 1 tin Pea. ?. 4 tin Crawford pearhe. 2 appcai-am-- irf Jhii mil nr""in. a Hoy-' Hweaier Owt-. Pure WimiI, $3.25, $3.50, $4.50. t tins Tomato, r. 1 ttn Aprlrl. 2's. HikIiIim.I itttH-r in fn iifirfrinn Hu Shoes. $3.00 to $6.00. No. 4 Case 24 Tins, Per Case $6.95. kii. i.nt..-i nnmiM ih Infill". Men - Shoe. $4.00 to $12.50. tin Tomale. 2H . tin Pearhe, 2H'. v. !il 1W nHnvHta Hov Suit-. 2 pHu . .nt-. $9.75 to $12.50. ? tin Pumpkin. 5V. 3 tin Pears. 2. iij rulh'Wi-a ljr M limri'ti Men s Suit-. $15.00 to $45.00. tin Corn, 2'. 2 lln floy Anne Cherrle. JV iiiiii!.. t miry VMNflaiMl Hav. Men - Overcoat. $15.00 to $40.00. 2 tin Pea. 2'. 2 tin Strawberries, 2. ,i -,... "tmoV HHI." on tn Hm- Olner Twi-1 Suit-. $4.50 to $7J5, ' 1 pail Oranjre Marmalade. 1 pail .strawberry Jam. t'iri.- unit m i. Maii(aiiHvt tiv th MISSES' AND LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Mi'tnlwi- in rH.ini. r HiiMi.' Mm-ii )np an evVnt I.i-le llo,e. 50e, 75c, 95c, $1.00, $1.25 per pair. Xmas t-.i in-: wtiM'li wis SiwU.! Milk Iln-e. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 to $4.50 pair, Suggestions i. .hh.iIi.-' rkilf ! by tihiimoi-pil tilnvi"-. 95c, $1.25, $1.75 per pair. W - .llitii.l .1; in I r nlui"rv"jnix Kul nid Yi-ti (ilove. $230, $2.75 to $5.00 per pair. POULTRY. We have ordered heavy in nl! line lhir .i wliii id.. mikI Hm ..ivln"ln Wai-M in Oefte, S.Ik and T i'olet(e. $2.95 to $7.50 each. year. Turkey. Oeee. Hmk and Fowl. In addition we .Ml.lcn.. iltttll.T rh.irw. Cimiote. $1.10 to $25 each. have on hand the finest . oltertion of Live (leee we could 'In, whxniI .if Frank H. Silk Teddie and Step uis. $5.00 to $7.00 each. buy. We expei-t lupment of Live Turkeys from Ihe I Mf'l' ii. rl ynir(ir of H... S lim HIiHimei. $3.60 to $5.00 each. interkir. ' MJ i ..limlap nllwli.ni wn Finn- d.irtrr. inxrl. $1.85 to $2.60 pair. XMAS CANDY. MIXED NUTS. rt' I'm ih.i' f.ir 4lit nil'.-f Iliii-.e ireoe. $1.00 to $4.50 each. TABLE RAISIKS LAYER FIGS. ' i lit n'.n.'i W'" if. lt,l J h I'r.in. $130 to $1.95 each. XMAS CRACKERS. XMAS STOCKINGS. fi'.tifcli Wt rwnl fiii'. I mlireUii. $130 to $630 each, DATES. FANCY BISCUITS. in. t.trft.. imf ih Uit i-itimn ttati.lkeri liiet.. l,i.r.J. 50c to $2.00 per box. PLUM PUDDINGS. We have a rhoiee eWion of ttinl at tin- i- 1.1. I11-1..11 ..f W.miI Swvnter. $5.00 to $7.50 each. Plum Pudding, made of Ihe finest material, in Ihree size. ht talk, tf tm'l hII imiittwm Ji-r-ov Miiblie. $6.50 to $75 each. 2 ilk. :t lb. and S lb. earb. Place Your Order Early. Gcnrivil Ci4or Co. Limited pun li.n-- hvmI .int uM l.itiiii- Silk I inler-kiil. rmliroidered. $6.75 to $76 each, GREEN STUFF FOR XMAS DINNER. IM. (.liter-. $2.25 pair. Frenh Tomato. - Cauliflower. Controlled and Operated by Slipper-. $230 to $3.50 pair. llnlhofie Ciiriifiilier. Celery. Hntlirobe Uliiiiket- $75 to $10.50 each. Head Lettuce. nrfel Sprouts." TOSSED COIN FOR Tobacco Co of Canada Limited Imperial fJiildren - Ilresfe-. $3.50 to $630 each. Parlev. tvteet Potatoe. INSURANCE ON Mi --Ilre--e. $6.50 to $1130. Cranberries. Jap Oranse. l.hildren KnUte.t S11.1-. with tonne and mill. $3.95 and California ranes. , Florida flrape Fmit. NEW AMBULANCE $5.00 each. lliililianl Kqnati. illiii.tren' ..il Swr.iter-. $4.50 and $5.00 each. SPECIAL NOTICE. This SUire will coe mi li p.m. A GIFT (Hi lh iiyml.n ..f Itii- fin. t;ti;ltren'. Iwimh .l (a. $5.75 each. exi-ept on Fndav and Saturday when we will remain open Ian.-- .-.WMiiUlr.-. iik li..ftHal i:tulli-eii'- Slipper. $1.00 to $130 pair. till to p.m. Thai RetfTy Meant Something and Will Endure for a Llfe-llmc'cart iHHinl lal ntfM ttrrh t.i lak Store Open in Evenings All This Week. Wednesday Will Not Be a Half Holiday This Week. bo'Selected from our Stock of '..ill firr and rntilotini iii"hiw ;n I.thf iHnlMihMMw.Molte. rv(MirMna fr tii UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. Beautiful Jewellery ivhimihHm-. Maid Hip i'-i f ft.'on innriiiv tar ivnn w.ml.l I..-di Cor. Third Ave. and Sixth SU Phone 376. Phones 211212. m u.l fin- t;.Mi n v.-ai l.Mruf in .iii'l I'-'k over "'ir -lek. "ti will be surprised fhert r wrl firi .if-f.Tinn ! Hi .t m no ..Hi... tue and 1 1 il f HU ran be bought ihu iu-iiraiu ai n-k--. a i. -I (.1 i. -4Mii imI aM 1 Mi .ii .I I will f. il am aril. I-' .iw.iy until Xma. rlMiiiiiaSml -il AM. Hiirl len-ktiiVK jml flif !.rrt,hH-i i.n ofl.r fir wvai'd 'v anil eeiram In wkn rwi-wwl tin ' i wtMili f Mi.- fiMn i -.aKl i.-te 1 ma kaOly j-i-.w 'i f'.nn ISnifer ' Hnrnntiy. R. ty. CAMERON l.lllll. trtu- hi tifp. ) Xw tie i Inmifiinx lb.. fieU1. Mi. MrMaf uiw.. n-HirtNl m Thoma MniuHan trtk- the wiell an ate and IhmiIi wrth a 1 The Jeweller. 3rd Avenue, ItW .Illation of III-III IHU tti n,i. of Malt Paley: Oiarle rifli- to keep bi eye in pood f rtm DEMERS I iiattomt tra-4lint 111 the 111- W... (Uiimiv Jin's., ami Akik-' ftnt a eil out tmilnB eiirar. tnilaii.'!'. Il- -imIihI rtial it would Aym. Ksnrri Itioer. H)re rMl l:'5 an.I Iimi willi.itil a n 4r.IM MfNHinff (Wt. lialM'nl Utr ! thiM-r Mime but b a mUlaken ininre- Fine Showing Of Christmas Sale lhi wa. .in..r.'. t.. limit. : , - - - .n km that hockey K an American J jrnoe ,,r iiKWn 4 Hue, itoccnl The Man in the Mood 1 jvnavaisoM in Allien lave un- Dainty Goods CAPPY RICKS MAKES DECEMBER 18. STARTS MONDAY, SAYSh- learttteil an ancient Ureek mnilp-,lturl W vj : . . -tii. ! pi- our entire EXCELLENT PICTURE relief Hutt imtMtc g for Dresses, 3ult, Sweater. Coats, Blouse, Fancy . JfOJHe cbly realii lo hockey Lace Collars, Camisoles, Silk Night Gowns, Silk Klmonas, .if Nullum arl ot 4i ,!w. fiayv4 in aneieia lime, llic Dressing Gowns, Handkerchiefs and Laces, Pster B. Kvne'a Popular Stories;wnle 1 1 Ik- narking ' Mli.f . K . . . . .1 XMAS GIFTS At a necuctlon of From 25 to 30 Per CenL I Are Assembled In Picture ;urrie. t4sw; fMCt iat a craoie thai ap- NOTHING IS RESERVED. 1 To be Seen Tonight like tockcy. 1 erfcfil i BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, SWEATERS, COLLAR-SETS, V lull r.iiigr i.l S!i.m'.l it'4l-. Kiln' Work. Illiiwi j fvnr H. kvnr 'Ca-mo Hirka" "MikH wM y.u like, (tar a BOUDOIR T It uiiirr-. tnl Table tlovcrv Fancy Hag. HetH- ;lri are well kiHMii to many by or itiri doll IVM, Joir hay. the Mtunly Httlf CAPS, HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, II i. it , ..ml iiompcr sakUHe-ali.iMiM-e ruuner of Olii-eaxn. SILK UNDERWEAR. i.',i Pillow Slip-. )realtor of iint ru fiel ion who nmtlu'r. ilee." I.Mll..' .1(1'I ll'l H- -ll"W ..l. Ut)1' l'"'k. veil I iwit sni tlw iifiily to ... - Jia been utienleti by the All at Popular Prices. Termsi Strictly Cash, ' tateir vVStiria(kl mmi wt Wie FIHl.M roceiH reMirfs il Vk Nulioiml A.A.F. for aHeBHl ex-ceaie COME AND LOOK THEM OVER. rlKknuw for eltwihite Ifeearfce Husitil nd UMMitflt llal to exjteie. ! .Swtis Hay wa akft lo r4nrn IOrt. Phone 27. FRiZZELL p.o. Box 327. Mrs. S. LntMirrow nigtil. T !lt4w wbo, ...MMpelilHm Willi IreUiin tr shI w yiveii Iril IhU iit.iiitl to hat- not fwl ik' ire. tki'.j.riv work at the i-imm nvad. e mi. Ka4hire lo civitply will iiH'lure asay if rwcammeiniiW - make Iim iimu'hn Mruianenl. IhiIIi ,fnm mory intere.1 and prn-ihicl-.m IT ww n ojrt mnlic liy who It in nl Hay wttl refue toiiliey. KtamliMmiU. boust hk Hatber a (H.ilber bU CHRISTMAS SaaM rucine i Ihe lalel fail FURS FOR lo.' wiile imniT of Mali Ur Xma. To the . in ImiiIoh mikI larye wases arc Housewife Peaaley, ttte N'-w Kiialuml nMt-Hian. AT 30-; LOWER THAN EASTERN PRICES. Hiae on the Ajx-ct mf 4lie IhII t btl'-.t in Mi.- "w SAXTA '.lai wWI e here. Here ihev g every for n my store. whhh comprise haiakil Mjteeil ilihir-s. iiiUtre whHe tin- vwhi -iaai- Ili '"I- r rther. OlirnWoayi "tin most'beautiful udertion in fh north. u a :i0"t dicuunt. cvirl iimiMK You Want Good Results When Cooking. 111 wImhI wriimg iiiak.- Mn 11 V111-1. tlw- knl a lit). Tli - price i .10 lower lhan eastern price today. Every :harlie Murray, irofcional at .lorie which w.-w "iiK .iilili-li.-'l I'a Iroilli' o wit it joy! ilt - -notion, of fur i included in Uiw toik. Come early a the lUyal Mmilreinl loilf Clili. USE ituiuiii 1 lie !at year -'. , Mul tnak jour dunce. This ffT hold- good until Nmas H-ltMtMDtK-i b turned itawtt a five-year con-Iracl The varioiia .fiali-- llir.mjiti A MAN i ii1 li 15 laoleal Rc ut a iUr.v of 1 5,000 only. wliicli Muii riN.-n tin A H. when ht kwi'w a tihtl lii W. GOLDBLOOM to tin- i.--'i..i. ' J';r!'i'V Hick"' twit ii home rivllnliiu' w the caichin-wiilinsr.yeT be rolf-pnkfeMlonal mo in iwk,and to Maple Leaf Flour 1 -'.-iv ui- .'l.'ii- wiul(cr. . ' "Furs of Quality." on-in-law FJilward MvLean, a Wellington. iMi. nijlioiKiire. I.eo )irK"l ha tiik.-n tin1 Ji1i. Murry lale UrM And your Cooking will always be A MARKED SUCCESS Ghat j he o 11 in -.s I 10 rciiMMii wH4i the Sport "ONCE USED ALWAYS The Gift that Lasts Moulreal club wtliteh 1 uuc of USED." the loadintr chth on the continual. A Guarantee With Every Wack. 1 John INwek, lhi Ni)iruMka Iimib w they wanloil him ORDER "MAPLE LEAF FLOUR" from your Grocer TODAY Why not give the Children a ,wrc-tlcr, out to llicet wilili) of savings account? iln- wti'-ttinv Hour Hundred. He The (5.P.H. ftlnauter Pniia'ess It is the filft that grows (rpm ffiM 1 to meet llanon, iielther Mary arrtr4 here at 3.30 tin year to year and lays the foundation ,u 1 1 ivmlMon in th iniw rtiiK nvominw fnuii the noHlh with D AIT Our frozen herring bait is conceded by Osuermen suctvsaiui wihi. .ill tile Mtlite Hi.lit alal'ugve lo a hijt ittmeiNrer nl nulled DAM to be the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast lnMt lli.'iii, one faM euh and iUt half an hour 4W for Van-euer. -Fishy." Call at any of our branches, or Port and It Is Price, 130 per ton. mall us $1.00 or more, and we wniii.-i to take aw. TIk Mary ww. twelve I PP The best way of Insuring a ood quality trip Is mm will see that this useful gift, a - hour late, farlly dint to the io hnV- plenty of our hard froseu ice. Price, Imlon Bank Savings Account, Hall.- It 11 Mi. one 4 Hue "KiBir of fcirv iwinMiiii of freij-tit badnl tt per ton. arrives In time for Christmas. Kwwl." iimi4iu ic""l Oil h'H St Ahinkan points tiul chiefly 011 Outfit 0ur e,,-Jul'ed "tore n supply Ashing gear, pletbce to eaauy a "MutM-bai'k." account of very boavy blitiard fUhriMu a cjuloiiiff, groceris and provision trt Far fnmi llirodway's lure te U iu Lynn Canal similar to the one and hardware, lixing tto sweet and vunole life In which Ihe 411 fated Princess mi a rai'in near Sudbury, Mnss. Fnphta went down tnm year 'NEW ENGLAND FISH Cdmpany OF CANADA; ).a,r( ittl i n the bur learuo last aito She had J . tons of freight UNION BANK -uiunii i h pr-ned Ins follow- far this prt Ketchikan, Alaska Brans