fxtti row T". "" TH1 DAILY H1WB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMahu The Home of ONYX Shoes MOO COUL.Q CO AROUTHO THU C L MOW DO "TOO DO- yoj coitsi to t wctLD Tins t-.mets AtsQ rstivrc; NO" "iT for Ladies AROOMO MEf?e ALL DAY L"TA.S?M ANVTHINf. -WtW ADI-N'T CAi- j OK TO THE. LttCTUKr. WH" DWT TOO CO mm TYMMI-.MT O J G. . ' f "CHUMS" Shoes -A OUT AND SEC THt ' C PLACC TRAveUNC, I I VAiX- I f --?r7.ii r for Children L SHOULD ee AN -TrnfTHWVOiU eoucatioh: I . IT V Jflt . 1NVICTUS Shoes L nM flt 16. lr for Men LECKIE Shoes for Boys Family Shoe Store 11 Phone 357. I JT"V1 V is jet. What a Name Some Sport Leaders Maintained Means ! Vantage in 1922 but, as usual, K Daily News Classified Ads. i Buy your 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adv-artUenMnt Taken for L. than BOo there were Some New Surprises Shoes ' WANTED LOST SILVERSIDES F.arh year produce champion in every line of nrl nnd al- WA.NTKI). Men and Women loll.'WT. (Stilif itniunlli-l trhe. fruil a Nhnotimk' ' tlioiigli suntc iif (ho leader manage lo liohrlhc tillos, There are SCHEDULE FOR learn HarU-rtnir. Paid near Hay (Jove Itriihir. I ind.-i lulo rtnileinleo roniing up who sooner nr Uler Win a till. while BROS. resume of some of the lending sjNirt conlest in Canada nml the learning: and tool free. WriW U ileasp riMlirn In ll.nl) Nrw BRINQ YOUR REPAIRS II -tiul fi.r ipialilv nnil U'nileil Slate fur the pal veitr hear llii mil WHIST LEAGUE for ratalofru. Moler ILirlmr, me or I"Wine lirrrn tt:. In SIl'MMIiak'T l.iiw Price in v I Canada's MMi-aliun on Hie track in U2? was Hie Winnipeg Oillege, Vaneouver. II.C. FOUND BRINQ YOUR FOOT R-roiiiid-lMirner. t'.vril Coafee. whit nnl only hroke all (iuadian FOR SALE TROUBLES VARNISHES, record for IJie 100 ynnN" ilash hul equalled the world mark fo- Second Half of Men's Season l"OIXI.--Oii llfird Avenue a ENAMELS, this (1 1 1 11 ii -o. II was at mnipep Ihnl (.oafee negotiated the According I'Oll S.M.K. Ar furf Intel. .R. inild rinn el wMli thc-e iM-arU In II SImh-iiih),.'' Commences January 18, RAMSAY'S PAINTS, renlury run in eeinil nnn Itelmonl M lives, l ive rHioed rttnn cAli he ohliwiHi al the 11.1 I it 1 Ik Ml- Mi ... i STAINS IN OIL, . ho Kliirlleil (he wnrhl ! so ilninsr. li-ailfr oT lhi.alie Son lasi to Time Table Iioii.o ami iitinernl rlahu, I.-5 Daily cw nflle un (n.Mif OiaTei' later ran .at Turonto hut jf.ir. is ihi' lirainiesl ami fiathie! Just Out fl ffc s(ii:ixe. .(HK1 rash, of ownerhti and iiiiyiuetM' oN '1923 WALLPAPERS, . was nnahle to iln lictler than H player f the tlay. Itnhincie like reitl. ,Mr. TB-lu'l' MilN adveetieiuent. if GEO. HILL Dutch and Perfecto Kalso-mlne, -promt. To him perhaps nire Hores Racing t The seeoml hair of Ihe Men u Onrnp I. Premier Mine. AUCTION than anyoni- in ilanaila, sae He- To Kx term inn tor helonps the ectton of Ihe hil league com. n.c. it SALES. The Shoeman. Every Site In Window Glass, yea, the sculler, - lielonfr tuft title. "The Wntnler Horse of menee on .laniiarv- H. Ihe 'line K(Hl SAI.J-- Tlel Cnndueted in your home or at Third Ave. Opp, C.N.R. Stains In honor "f hrinsins the srt spot- (he tiirf.TliP hidgf-l sensation Inlile i a follows: (VuMlinr our room, flood aim ii on Ticket Office. Varnish, Scle atxl Itmntfonl SHcr. lisrht on Ihis rourvtry in"!"??. ,.f Hie !!!? nii'rai his le-i:i,ar!io January romniilnn. Burlap, iNiililnck. of fi-ilifornia. feat ii? the ri-al Mrirh hieli 18 KIk v. Son ol Can.-ula. iCilh newrly irew. it.irgviin fir H. H. HEMMIflQS, Ramsay's Floor Wax, is looked jip"0 as Hie sprinlinv was iTnliealeu a a Iwji-yi-ar-nlil. rt.W.".'. v. St. Andrew-. ash. Fuller' Oneer-. If 823 Third Ave.,Auctioneer, Oils. :narel of the asre, althouirh llie-lhe imi-r'ft n iloxen starts. tntl " Knialil- iif l Vvliiiuliti vs. 'OH S,t,K. -Khe' nsuo.-'il uuxl. Phones: Black 615; Green' 471. See Us For Picture Framing. Canadian. C.oaffee, equalleil his failnrr in his Iliii.I year, Son. nt KiiVland. eijn hiingatow. cortier lot, 5(i0 Please Accept My record. I'addiwk. Imwever. ha, Kery sMirt lias ils oiitslnn.l-lieen - I.O.l . Mop. ensh. I la ki nee Hk rent. J. TUITION P.O. Box 120. Phone 22. more consistent and A'n Ihe in? figure. Ty. dl -.lilt lh " Knlshls of pjlhlas v. Yal. M. SlefJ.en. .NORTH VANCOIViril SCHOOL Sinccrest Wishes first man to reach Ihe !l :i-i nuirk iron Hum nf hasehall -and foi Ihalla. for . OlllliK. for High hi., iioenr. jin thai event." SJranpely enoupls, i-iphlfn years he ha shown Ihe kS-'Klk. is. SL Andrew's. Kll SAI.K. KhmnI car. in g.l ing a school, 1001 however, he does not go in for way lo Hie diamond alhteles. Ten-indor (l.W.V.A. v. Son-of llnglnud rondHlon. lnn. Sn rejiim-alde Longdate mels. refusing only a ni has its Hill Ti!dn "' a eor: Kniglil- .of Coluinhn v. .(Ter refliei. Hi.me HmI Avenue, NnHli Vancouver. shorl lime ago run inside. f others. . Kxtorminator 1 th"! Mooe. - "jn. 5 Iloioe pare and rHiifrt.-exiierieneed Very Happy leHChcr all Half-price Golf Championships " Ty Odd. or Hill Ti.len of. tliej I.O.O.I". v. Ynlhalla. FOR RENT hraiiohe. HikmI reference. C. C. Happy I ra.er won the "' Ape do.-s nd seonV lo slow, Knight of P)llila v. Son Temi n.erate. . and jyin iaufciteur golf rhauipioii'liip of,P IMenninali.r In the lcat. !.- of Canada. KOI'lt nximeil house lo r,nl. I'lmlip. Irineiwil. 301 Canada last war. He is a .Cn-1 1'ile ine n.i.l-.l vvsm tie is February llttl an1 cxdd water. Apply SALE dealer ami the Tirst one from lhat1r"rr'1 ,'ry h- i-onlinut- to I i'lk vs. Son of Kogland. S.1I .Ninth Avenue Knl. TAXI Prosperous M.n1eh,, '" ' ,hr ''ream of Hie - O.W.V..V. r". too.e. lo win Ihe 4itle for ". ,-ilv KOFI ' Mnn,"r'n.ft '-'sn, " Knialili oriTolnnrtm y. Vat i B K.VT. .Newly furnished Phone Number Changed to vi iiis. I'rnser and another IimK.I. a.arliinMU. fMjM. MclUf-fery 7 'I'll'' lialaiir. treal player, .Norman SeoU. en-ten'd I.O.O.K. . Sonjf Canada. .V (iridMHi. Ud. If (Call OeDrge Ron) 1923. th.- rinals for the -oeed (SECOND HALF " Kiiisht of Pjlhia vi SI. KOrt flK f. hunle.1 stor Klve-passenger Tounnir Car out aftev title, the fortiieir vvinniliK -Sleam Prompt Day and Nlytit Service. flo Id bloom's r niatrh Until look the (wo lo an; K Klk Andrew's.. Stixwe. ' age space in Keileral Itloek. M. Stand: Boston Orlll Third Avenue exJra hole. The winner had th-'; M. stnIien. misfortune to fiillow Kml deall OF SCHEDULE - O.V..Y.A. l..Vnthalla. CLOTHES CLEANED Dr.J.Maguir.e Knishls of CoIuinJm v. FOR HKXT. Four roonieil steam out in of the lull tie won way Stock of Son olflTaivail.l. -" heated flat. Aply Sudtli and and pressed by latest 8TKAM pile of all. 1 Dentist LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR l.iMU. Hf. Andrew". Mallei. tf pressing process. ii golf in l!-.'2. r.cne Saraieti .Basketball Time Table for Re- Knighls of Sons 8 nil called for and jeliverei). Smith llxk til til' Hlllll i. from Pyjhlas vs. Phont S7S was Ihe oultanding figure malnder or Winter Season Is of FOR IIK.NT. 1 lat in Itener Phone 649 Knglaml. Half the Ordinary Marke. llir inasi-jiline point of view, Apartment. M. M. Stephen. Issued by Association 15 Kit vs. Valhalla. LINO, The Taller Price. Come Early, (ilenna Collelt from the feminine Knight of Coliimhu v. St. BOARD. i.ngle ill tin- t'nilied Slates. Kain- CAR STQRAQE. Tlie schedule for Hie second Atuliew'. iti-ii r-tiirted out liy winning: tlie HOARD. Inlander. 8.10 Second The Very Latest and Best In ImiroMhe haskethall .eaon has (l.W.V.A. . Sons of Catinda. Goldbloom hern from fitorn car at the soul rhiinipioi)tiii Avenue. PIiihuj 137. tf your Northern jii.l t,-u iued and i a fd- I.O.O.K. Sou of Kiigland. ti.,li i'Iu.u f tititl llieti ritlloweil vs.. Eichango Oarage. Rates 18.00 ' Third Avenue. iii ! Inking the title al Skokie.j,"NV,,: Knlslil of pvthiits vs. Nfoose !r month. First Ctass Renalrs. MEN'S WEAR January. 2- Hk vs. Knight of Pylhia is explained partly I y the far This is regarded as Ihe highest aii work Quaranteed. t Kaiens vs. Maple l.elifs. O.W.V.A. . I.O.O.K. t that III ere were lewei irioiiers to honor that American golf can'tie-stow. F. Floyd, Manager, llagn iBnexl lo " i:ik V. Ivnighl of lU.lninliiis " . Yillialla v. Son of CanadJ. Jic' taken koi i Hi ! okalla hioii Waller ; i;iki- v. Chills. AliMi.e . SI. Andrew". l.i-t year (hail in ll'-l. See my np-t" .dale Ktm-I; of American Express SwrnziMi in golf and he won the MAIL SCHEDULE 2- Maple Leafs vs. Adarac. March ? llrili-li oiM-n championshiji. lliollo vs. I'Jks. 1 KIk vs. I.QAK. LEAGUE STANDINGS Money Orders Major League Baseball Son of Canada vwiak. " (i.W.V.A. vs. Knight of Col. January, 1923. Suits and league hasehall leamrs on Major I rt Adanar vs. Kaiens.. Hindus. Foe the East . Issued the wlinle ran leue to form. Knlghl of .Colnniliii v "" ( WHIST on Moox- vs. Sons of Canada. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, Critics picked Ihe Xevv York Men's Section 'Oil I. Son of Knglaml . St. An closes al 7 NorWay, Sweden & (iiniils to reieal their win of IU2I Canada. W. I PIS p.m. Coll v. Sous of ilreu' V From the East-Mondays, Overcoats Denmark at Lowest Hint I hey did. In the Aluf'iican I!) Kaien v. Maple Iafs, H-- KIk s. KnigfTt of ColjinthuK 81. Andrew's 7 2 7 Wednednys and Krl- Hie firnt Valhalla . . . 7 7 Yankee league finished, of (loliim " Current Rates (irotlo v. Knighl I.O.O.K. v. Knlghl of I'y nays, s.30 p.m. hut they failed badly when ap tin. ' 8. of 0. ... r. 3 0 IMat. il Specially Low Price. proaching the wire in the world" Hlk vs. Colls. " Valhalla vs. Mnoi-. 8. of K. ... 1 From Vancouver Agents for i'iiei.. lingers floi'iiliV ciin K."of P. ..V i . Kaien. ' of S3 -Adauacs Son (.f.I'j.alaiiil . Km. Mindny p. ,v, Norwegian American Una Unci! ihe hoiiie run. Iioiior with (Udl KIk. ' Ik; of c. vs. ' Cruada. Swedish American Line J circuit drive lo hi credit vyilh v Oddfellows . Wednevdays tfl:30 A.M. Sou of Canada KIk.' v. 1.1 1.Iks vs. li.VV.VW, I Saliiniay A.M. Scandinavian American Ken Williams second with H5 . n. W. v. a. 0 Thor Johnson Sll Leaf Vitalities Maple v. Line. KlllglM of ColUlllJill Vf C.P.R. Jan. I. 15 and it. and llahe Itutli liadly lieliiud. fliotlo vs. Colt, K'niaht of I'vthlas. - I KIk fl To Vancouver- Oliver Typewriter (ienrge Hisler Ie in the American w lUills v. Sons of Canada, Vullinllii kK. tnn or -Knulamt.Moose H Monday (train) 7 Next to Glennle, Second Ave. - - Cary Safes League Willi an average of .41. ;0 Kifii Manle Leaf. " Kng-, J-adlee' SeclloiT pin. v. SI." Amlrew' v. Sou of Tnednys, Mall cloes S P. M. FIRE INSURANCE Waller Hoover, althougli li" is " I'.Iks v. Knight f Coluinhu "land. Pythian Sister. . 7 Thursday, Mall clns.' 1 1 ..to not known as the official cham ' l'.lk fVdt. Py.nl lloynl Purple 5 3 v. 22 rf.W.V-V, V. Knight of p.m. deisitaUMied Krlday a.ni pion of Canada, is one of Hie out- February thins. l, O. IT. r. I & Hanson Satiiiilit)i 12 noon. Dybliavn landing -culler In ihe country Rehekahs I i- f-af Adanac. " -Maple v. Knight of Co'iniiiiiif v. Salu.nl.iy drain i 7 P.M. Third Avenue Itoday. He woo the liiainoud rVulls (ir.illo v. KIk. I.O.O.K. Valhalla .. 4 t STANDARD iil Henley, ljigliind, last year ' ...... ,"1 Prince Rupert, B. 0. Soil Of l'.lk. Valhalla v. SL Andrew's. St.. Andrew's To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart I Rugby and-Soccee (1 Adanac vs. Kaien. Moone v- Sou of Kngtand. I.". O. II. A I and Premier There is no douht thai the out " Knight of Coliimhu BASKETBALL Welneday ... . 7 P.M.! standing iiran in Canadiru rugliy Cols. POLICE COSTS' WERE Senior League From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart IRONWORKS in the navt iwo ciirs vas I.ion"! " Cnlla vs. Son of Carrada. w 1.. PI. and Premie ' 1 Dry Kindling Cmiarher of Ihe 'I'nronto Argon. I) Kaien vs. Maple Leaf. LOWER IN YEAR 19221!': "f 12 rtday- A.M.! nut; He Is known as t lie '"lug " (irollo v. Kniglil frCoiiui i.iui a 10 To Alaska Points ' and train'' of the Canadian name and I' i l;lk ; 0 7 0 January I, 15, and 2!l. HUGH SMITH EsUmates Provided for there was rerlainly no'hing lo " Uk vs. Colt. $26,000, Intermediate From Alaska Points ' " ROUGH LUMBER loi him. t;i Adanar vs. Kaien. -Oil But Actual Expenditures Will K. of n 3 A January "i and Ml. v Blacksmlthlng and Horse-shoring I Plincetou is 4 lie lea in of il- Ik vs. l'.lk. Be About $20,000 Klks 3 0' To Nats River Points Repairs of all For Sale Cheap. liuy. 'Mini one lenience suit: up K. n of Cfinadit v.'l'lk. flts 3 a Hiinday 10 J'. M. 'I'll'' '.milling i dry srrao the hig thrill of the foolliall mm. ',11 Maple I,en f vs. Ad niw YV..JL Vicker. chief of police. (Indlo ... , 4 From Naas River Points Kinds. Ium1'i renin Hie I try or'; palgn in til'!'! , in" the United; " Tirolfo v. (Udl. and K. A. Wom'l, Ki-ereLnry oTlhe ' Ladles' League , Tuosdays P.M. -Inp -tod. The liiinlier suies. Princeton, regarded hy a ("j.ll v. Son of (i'iiiada. xilicc ciiinintsslon, have fepoitcd Ailliiae H 12 To Port 8lmpson, Alice Arm Wjikoix Repairs, LoKglnp (wn unit Iliivr imli rough inajiirily of enuls a inferior to !l -Ivaieu v. Maule l.eaf. lliai iiih I'liMa ol I he police De Maple I.en f 0 10 Anyox Hupplies. etc. Out of town llankiiiu in ililf 'ri' il width'. Harvard and Yale and certain lo " KIk v.. Kiiiglil of (tluuitiiM partment, for last year will l Kaiens o 0 Sunday III P.M. work promptly attended to, iiillulM'- Inr (nulling, sidi'-vvalks, he defealed ty Cliinigo. won frotn' " l.lkt v. Iills. Uhoill lU,HtiO nr ?IUM". The es. Junlos, League From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Trucks ano Delivery Bodies etc. all three. tiuiale iiinv ie.'i for' an expcmli. 'Piny 'Jim I 0 I I Anyox Built and Repaired. In I nglloli iiigliy played In Men are iic ntotor.: ulien a tqn of :,000 tiut several sUlii. While So 1 1 2 Tunsilay I'M Pacific Cartage, Ltd sritne iarU of the prairie but innlor klH'k there is soiuellUug liient were madi In Ui City Kulron I S To Queen Charlotte Island Points First Avenue. Prince Rupert. liinstlx on the pacific Coast. Jac wmng Willi the motor. Cfiuucil that till eipfiidUiire Colls 0 ' 0 January 0 and '. B. 0. , Phone 93. Tycwhiti. of Vancouver, captain! unijld run to tar,ooO. - - i From Queen Charlotte Points P.O. Box 190. Phone Red 2S5 of Ihe f.cni nils two yeur' ago und Advcrtisu In IJm ' all; News, I he H.nio nurplii for lh year tiulkeribe for the Dally News.j Janirory and 18,