pe IF THE GIFT IS LASTING The SENTIMENT IS LASTING Naturally if the gift is a temporary thing that is soon worn out or used up, the sentiment which inspired it is soon forgotten. If you want your good wishes to live on for years, give a lasting gift. OUR stock of distinctive gifts consists almost entirely of articles of that kind. Ladies’ Gold, Silver and Chromium, BRASS & STATUARY. DIAMONDS mounted in Platinum and Gold Jewelry. PRECIOUS STONES mounted in and Gents’ Fine Watches—HAMILTON, WALTHAM and ELGIN STERLING SILVER, SILVER PLATE, FINE GLASS & CHINA, FINE HAND CARVED MANY UNUSUAL NOVELTIES, AS LOW AS 25c. Values You Nevér Dreamed of. soon forgotten. Come in and Look Around And the surprising part of it is that most of t hese gifts cost no more than others which are Prices Have Never Been So Low. MAX HEILBRONER —— Diamond Specialist Pie Plates—Were $1.15 Pyrex Glass Oven Ware at New Low Prices! Just right for making Xmas puddings in to send away, White Bowls. 20c Gach ib is 34 Casseroles—Were $2.25 now Meat Grinders— now W it col Sporting Goods & Electric Faney Bed Lamps, a. $2.88 KAIEN HARDWARE Bed Rak com plete | We Deliver ————— ee Living is no less an art than painting or sculpture; its raw ma- terial is human nature.—A. Huxley } | i Daily Specials | We Offer You Reduced Prices on Washing Commodities Lux Flakes—(Large pkg. equal to three small pkgs. 23¢ large size | Jif— | per pkt. 17¢ ' P & G White Naptha Soap, 4 for Ade (This is the cheapest yet) Solvene ! per tin 8c Johnson's Floor Wax—Liquid or Paste 57¢ l-lb, tin Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store 18 — Phones — 360 P. O. Box 575 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting _ Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts eae and Mining Machinery 'founding of St |Church in Stewart | District News STEWART A social and reunion was held in the Moose Hall here on Tuesday night of last week to celebrate the , twenty-second anniversary of the Mark’s Anglican| | F. J. Thorpe, well known in this district and at Alice Arm, is now employed at the old Chicagoff mine ‘in Alaska. BURNSLAKE British Columbia Education Week| !was featured by many special ar- ticles appropriate to the occasion in | James Linton, | MacPhail, | 29.68; jlast week's issue of the Burns Lake | Observer. Among those writing ar- I ticles weré. R. W. MacGowan, Miss Miss M. A. Moscrop, | Roy Jewell, Jean) Maynard Nourse and; L. H. Adair, | Dorreen Little An enjoyable bridge party was| | held last Thursday night under the, auspices of the local Elks’ Lodge. There was a large attendance. The Weather Prince cloudy, hour; Rupert—(Noon), easterly wind, temperature, sea rough Dead Tree Point—Cloudy, southeast wind; barometer, 29.70; part 36; barometer, temperature, 38; heavy sweil. Triple Island—Overcast, strong southerly wind; sea rough. Langara Island—Overcast, west- erly gale; sea rough. Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS Producers & Refiners of TADANAC Brand ELECTROLYTIC “TILLIE THE THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL—BRITISH COLUMBIA AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH TOILER” {the Premier Gold Mining | 16 miles per! light | |} southeast wind; THE DAILY NEWS The possibility of smelting copper NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Proposal Made to Smelt Britannia Ore at Anyox— Stewart Asking For Customs Concentrator— Pitt Goes South on Business from the Britannia ‘mine on Howe Sound on the lower coast at Anyox is being ‘investigated by the provincial government in an attempt to keep copper mines of this coast in ope ration. According to latest advices from Ottaw a, copper smelted in Canada ‘but finally refined in the United States would enter Bri- ‘tain under.the new Empire prefer-% jence of four cents a pound. Thus| |Britannia copper, smelted at An-| yox and refined at Tacoma, where} jit is now handled entirely, would receive the preference. Whether the | |Granby Co. would be prepared to| ‘handle outside copper at its Anyox| |plant is not known to the govern- ;ment as yet but will be determined | by further enquiry. Meanwhile, the Canadian government, alarmed at) the exclusion of British Columbia copper from the British market un- der the new treaty . because it is mostly smelted in the United States, to the British government. British Columbia is pressing for the origi-| nal interpretation of the new Ca- nadian-British trade treaty under which copper produced in Empire countries would receive the British preference, even if smelted in a ‘foreign country. Meanwhile, the’ new requirement that Canadian ore, ,must be smelted in Canada if it is; ‘to receive thé trade treaty prefer- | ‘ence is threatening to have the ef- | fect of seriously curtailing, if not) discontinuing, production of exist- ing copper, mines on the north coast The Premer mine in the Portland Canal district is .one of those whieh finds: itself facing this pasi- tion at present: Efforts are being made to haye the smelting of ore in bond in the United States per- mitted for a temporary period or else to make new arrangements for the smelting in smelters of ore which has been cus- tomarily treated in Tacoma, Selby or elsewhere: in the United States A movement is on foot at Stewart looking to the construction of a cus- jtoms concentrator there. It jtimated that at least fifteen pro-| | perties in the Bear River valley are| sufficiently developed to mine and profitably ship ore if a local con- |centrating mill was in operation IS @S- Dale L. Pitt, general manager of | Co., left Stewart recently for a trip to Van-| couver and elsewhere in the south| 'on company business. lnteriok Weather — | Terrace Heavy rain, temperature Cloudy, calm, 32 Cloudy, calm, 36 Windy and rain, 36 strong 38 Hazelton Smithers Burns Lake Fresh Cut FLOWERS Potted Plants We are now starting our re- serve list for Xmas flowers. Ivories and Silver Articles at greatly reduced prices Arctic Studio A Perfect | film starring Fredric British Columbia | ©” 1 STORY IS DRAMATIC GOVT PAYS Fredric March and Head Cast of “Merrily We Go to Hell” Sylvia hieg | | The moving picture producers, in| wisdom, have changed Take Thee, their Jerry, Joan,” March and Sylvia Sidney whicn will be the fea- ture offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the: first of this week. Despite the unattrac- tive (to some) title; the picture! drama, which closely follows the episodes of the original story, makés jan admirable vehicle for the super- jor dramatic talents of these two |popular players. It is the first time they have been contbined at the head of a cast. The picture dramatizes the story of married life in America’s modern young group of -irresponsibles March plays the part of a brilliant but careless newspaper repor- ter who loves prohibited beverages while Miss Joan, the daughter of ts, who falls for ries him in tions. The experiences March and mar- Spite Sidney has the part of} wealthy par-} 7 the ori- | is making further representations ' gina] title of the novel, to ‘ ‘Merrily | government here has adopted the | We Go to Hell” for the name of the | of family objec-| of the couple | | therafter form the material of a dramatic story which, after m any vicissitudes, at last has a onelatyint| climax Adrianne Allen and Skeets Gal- lagher have the principal support- ing roles MacKenzie’s Furniture Boys’ Sleighs Boys’ Sleighs — With Steel Runners 75¢ from Doll Carriages Girls’ Doll from Carriages— $1.25 Boys’ Wagons Boys’ Wagons—Coast- ers from $3.90 We still have a few Card Tables left at our SPECIAL Price Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. RRS RN Rd Ae Ce NE Picture | Bath Robes Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s at less than 50c on the Dollar MONTREAL IMPORTERS Why pay high prices? Come and examine our goods and see how low the prices are. BY CHECKS New Policy in Connection With Re- lief—Allowance Cut i Wherever possible, the provincial policy of paying recipients of relief by check instead of by relief slip as has been the practice heretofore The relief allowance for unem- ployed single men has been reduced from 40c to 30c per day The monthly relief allowance for the heads of the family, $3.50 for Suffering from { unemployed families is now $9 for influenza, Mrs. W. P confined to bed at her each adult living with the head of friends will wish her a a family and $2.50 for each child recovery. Monday and Ty TWO SHOWs — ; a MERRY LAUGHAR DRAMATIC Sylvia Sidney — and — Fredric Marq (Winner of Hollywoog A “Merrily We Go to fig A Paramount Pictur The wedding was grang somebody tied a jingling can to their married life, Comedy—"Kid Glove kj “PICTORIAL NO. ¢ METRO NEWS Feature Starts at ADMISSION — 7:38 & lie & WEDNESDAY & THURSD GEORGE ARLISS jp “A SUCCESSFUL CALAM evere attack ¢ Armour § me Vay pesdy me 1a BULGER For Values | New Low Prices! Just in time for Christmas Shoppers | i prices. lues, we must now sell sso es last year. : eg JEWELLERS —By Westover. Our new Christmas stock is arri\ we had a big surprise at some of the This compels us to mark down the rest of our stock to keep in touch with today’s va It’s tough on us but we might as we! our loss now as keep the goods over along for what you need. We will qu the new reduced price. We have Clocks marked $ Community Teaspoons were $4.25 Now the price is Actually some things are the price of a couple of years ag ‘Tou BHUMGERS ease THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK $20 to $2 $12" $16 $3 ree abot | present low value |} BOSS- WAHOCO OFPeys PSUS A MATCH es HEER UP. RE TWRA ' ra WilThw vy paired and Overhauled REN RCRA © GL RE PEAT APES OOP PARE OPTI aca go | MAC. THEree Lip BE NO More FOOTBALL For VS AFTER “THE woy WE FELL OF ALL THE STUPIDITY= TILL! STOPPING OCvuR PLAYER ON HE WAY TO A& MINNINGE WoucthDownN TO Arte HIS PICTURE - SENO > eS a, Coo MORNING MR SIMPIINS © WELL, WHAT HAVE You To sAy ABOUT THe PICTURES YOU Or T OH, THE SNAPSHOT BILL BOLE’ ‘S - (SN'T DARLING HeEek iT A LIKENESS