r.i.V.y. .la path rown THl DAILT HIWH i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMarim "M WE I 0E THC.KE 1 1 1 f oh'. THtt ! o-i or I 1 1 I niNTv I r rt'.t- I i rV J' ) L r . , 'v I I lVT m. -o vlT.W V.UWOC. I TV'X yJ J 1 'jVT ,. ; WHAJV A. LOT I or I to 0 ANNOUNCEMFNT. We ben lo announce Ihnt wo '- have now opened a firt rla t shoe niiiM'inu depnrtiuent and hnr secured the service nf Mr Veefi ,-in l'!iitti'ii hopuiaker te1 v v""" Willi practical experience . NX ... IL Qua ir- r. Loggers' Boots'made to order. Surgical or Dress Boots mada to order. l" iimriil. Why. Iip nk'd, wn Ladles' Tine Work a speciality. WOltLD TODAY iIipi-p nmrh diffii'iilty in ftJt-linu BUY YOUR I..iwe-P pt ice- with expert Hip Ilihl.' into lln .uhii.' wiirkmitili. clionU? p inailp a ppa Tor a Daily News Classified Ads. Sal i- f ii i urn 'u intra triced. ni'w Hihp. lh. llihlp of Ihp rar-. Sh lin h would include all rplioinno. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Aclvrtlment Takon for La than BOo Thoy ilioiild (pacli more crnm-nftir Family Shoe Store j H. Heustls Lectures on World in Hip Hi-lioN. 'Jlipy wrc WANTED FOR SALE I CLOTHES CLEANED from Third Avenue. Problems at Presbyterian rmpliafcijinp ton inucn Hip, idea Phone 357. P.O. Box 1668. Church Hall of trettin? on and witp not rpii I-iin? WVNIT.I To nnrclia-e 1ipi Hill SAM'..- Oak I lining room and reed by luteal 8TF.AM Shoemaker (Iial nvoiipy n Hip in4ru-iHciil a TypewrilPr. Menimiilon or l'n-dcrwood. !: ilroplieod Singer: oak preinB pro.-e. of ipricp. llPUprnipnl ( 'Ihe Challenge of the Present rerenl modpl, inii-l IMn-Hry lnhle: yoiilli- hi. S tilt rail-.I for and .evere "AMHERST" "ii hi ! hroiu'hl Hhont only j hy World Sit unt ion" wa the subject a hp bursa I n. Apply X.Y.. I Lilly -prihg and maUreioa; eleelrir Prions 649 SOLID LEATHER SHOES, low iii.Acmi nt ciiianiilinu from t.f nn inlcroslins Ipcturp given Xpw oniee, or I'hone 08. If Imaler, iron' ami I'msler and LINO. Th. Talloe From $5.00. THE RICHT PLACE TO BUY lnt night In n fairly gr.n.1 con-Lii'i'Viiliiin ihp licai l of men. oilier linirwho pffpel. Xo. I WANTKI). Men and Women lo "LECKIE" in t lie Presbyterian Umad I Hock, ntlr 7 evening. NURSINQ Wallparjer s ihur.-h.. lie.I Deer.Hall by Alia.lr. He:. It.oaiil lleusti thai The Man in the Moon "j learning learn llarberinir.and tool free.Paid Writ while TOIl RU'.. -WliHe ensHnel hel. OH daily A DP TK iit MUSK..r ti.Mrrly availaole niir.lng.for SOLID From LCATHCn$5.00 per SHOES,pair. 'tin for catalogue. Mnler Harbor Trin an.I mnMre; Mk v f - . iill iirogre ilrindoit upon SAYS:- College, Vancouver. II.C. ilrelig aile; rhilir rri: Maternity mrring .i --uiiv. Shoe Repairing, Mint al :irro or iPn-lonrloM were I'hone Ite.l 155. Kvii IiMi I hi" only ruffw; ItMim: baby. A oi-k in a ntniiwinil.v. way in whirh (li world wouM TIIK audrenrp t llm eniincll BOARD. huavy: hlfrh oliair. ..ply Xo. TAXI GEO. HILL sniw IkMIit wn for lli nfon ami Wiamher laul niplit win iniieli IK I.Wl I . Inlaintcr. H.10 Scrand !l. Sinimrlt A)Hirlienh.. Phone Paints women in il lo miike it lirlli-r. dinappoinletl. Xo Fh-ewtrrk were AventlP. I'htinr I.'IT. If Hide SO I. If. Phone Number 67 Changed to The Shoeman, Different Today epn. 113 nere .kiumI four roomed (Call Third Ae. Oeorge rt Mr. Ileii'li" ;iit lip iliit not -- . lnHip. burn. Pbleken hoile. Five.papnger Touring Opp, CN R, Ticket Office. think thr roali?eil linw ilif-rcri'iil WIIHX Vaneoiivpr pels Wirtee Car p"0.lo Iwo well. en under ox're L Sport Chat Promi.i mid Day Sight fervtee. Hip world wax lixliiy from Hu( n dock jllip wwld will riilllvntUirr for le nr. will Stand: Boston Grill Third Window wlial in iii Iflll. lliloriaiM pomp 4o cm ond Mnen. .1- exehange for I'rinep Ifnperl Avenue liMikyin hark. Iu opiunf, would . r- Mil' I.Hii Uae di"fhiilely properly. M. M. Stephen. iiuk of jhi ax the lipfriiining or 'lilKIIK arc twn Important M'opiieij ,ml of Jhe Senior MAIL SCHEDULE American Express moli'rn hislory-. HfMt qupclioni! Hiinw taring on'In Hm world today. IVikenh,ll lAmrne leavini- lb MI'sl- SKI.l.. -,Mir rrHmed werp ilcinandins solution. Tliry rth nrnvmifiH of lnnrp in Son or Oinada ail Hip Oi1U lHrp. funilhis,v anal Int. Any January, 1923. Money Orders Glass had to dptrrminp wlietlicr iium l.hr llolir unit Wlp, action of' Hip to linixh up llu mn. (.ame reaonalile offor ncreptpd. Aft. For the East . was iiuytliins moiv than a fiplil- nw mMinPil In nifttvay Ifiiiir Hip rn niiH-ii hip i.ik- nave inave.l o Ily lki 73, Daily Xewn ItflV'p. Monday. W.-dnendny and 8-U. Issued on inu animal. II was said that by '"y I1""- Inr Ihif -.en.un will Ih- d. lelp.1 KOIt SAl.K. Tole.o Hninpiiling unlay, closes at 7 n.ln. iligpin? dorp rnonpli Hip avar! 'in me Mainline ami einn- Sealp and Hfnnlfcinl SHeer. From the East- Norway, Sweden & PICTURE FRAMING could a!wnyn Iip found honpalh Kvpi) IIIIIp inhvptiipnl ha ' i.iil-atiims from ihw on will in. Iloih iearly new. Ihsrpain for Monday. Wednesday and Fridays, Denmark at Lowest A speciality. jihp 1'iierr of riili.ation. Tho ineniiitiff all H own. .-lu.le jiii.t Hie two Mtr4MaHuf( eaMi. KulleTn...Srooery. tf 5..10 p.m. Current Rate iXpandrrlliol man, a hnital lialry jliMin. To round out the Ihrye Irrraturo, wan Hip reult of half Ir. IIiipH 'Min lo 'fpnr game prop rum Ihr KxliHHIinn HAY KOH SAI.H.- Timokjiy, From Vancouver a rnillioi yvarn f iprlopinPnl Hal- Hip i yHlnje no hrl- an ,m ,n,eba ni?lri per ton. Wild hy, .'l per SiiuJ) Agent for SI ijiinl IIiitp had hppn hi'iicli dp- pr VPry fat and yrl il I, tiol i .lniii..P Innyt nn uiti ..i inn. f.o.lt. A))ty llulall .Mnr. P. M. Norwegian American Um Wedneelays ...:... I0:3n A.M. i'lfiinpni Minoe lliaL ne iivci vei-y nan okj wnri.i m a Rreai on when Him SPtihir r- noli CBiilile (In., lluKnll. Hi'-. Jmunlajrs Bwedlah American Lin IJiy fisliliiiff and many ppoplp to. many an.i mere are jrreui ruon . ,MTfonniiir. rftbt&ri the Kalen - A.M. Scandinavian America Poll MAI.P.. One niilendld Tbird :.P.R. Jan. I, 15 and !. BROS. . 'ay looked on fiphlins an the I made 1 1 -lay in it. 'end .Maplp Leaf are lo tiieel in To VancouvAP Lin. Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. firealct Ihlntr in li To. It wan only i-l -- - .-- IlliP I.ailie' "iJainie iml the AVMIlie iol near Mellride St.. N .. . " .. OII?r Typewriter at a great bartraiu for .to.nnay unttn- 7 p.m. cajji. religion thai a ablp to aroucp fftl RT (IF RF.VlSinN """ i iVBhrtiu r.f od M. M. Stephen.. r n...lay, Mail closes 5 P. .M. Cry Saf ill people that cplciiillil idcnliMii Iltlll.ll- ill ll.u .Ifil.Hi.o.ll.k. t FIRE INSURANCE Ihiirnda. Mail rloe 11.30 m il a war cniild aroiue. rUK YtAK la NAIntlJ ' r-r nu- aue,u pi-e POII SAM'.. McClary Healer. p.m. denpstt lie.1 Pri.Uy a.m. Ask the Sphynx Hrcm wt Ill's I'lJ'.'f Ijie f undine almnp4, new. Oteikp. I'h.M.e Saturday- it -noon I'lie leclurer told of a man who lllne'TOP nm, K Dybhavn. & Hanson i v. Dry Kindling Will Consist of Five Members of ""' '"p niiwm imn wnw Salni..i- I'liiiiiii 7 P.M. when a-ked what niiPlioti lie ' " 'r' ror i iivniH.l V Council With Aid. Stephens Third Avanue l-TMl- SAl.K. I .iiiuhil Mc4-,lry ak Hie if Iip wt ,'nilil Sphynx W1" hi and Ch.lrman, and Aid. Smith I"" plm-e To Anyoi, Alice Arm, Stewart Prlno he could grl iaid rang.-. l'lii-)i. , I'lione Ited ll . Ruprt, B. 0. an iicc aiixvr, willi 4ie ZilliolirH. and Premier Secretary ROUGH LUMBER he would nk: "I Hip. World jeven FOR RENT e.hie-day . . 7 P.M. friendly 1" It sPeniw In hp) r"' bkey game of The e, I of eevi-i.-n n'h Hie From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart For Sale Cheap. in-iiie. If (.oil in live, why nil ....ieir.nl :...e....u-..l roll fi.r "n ill HmMIentral Inlerior POII IIP.XT. - Prom Kel.riiary I and Premier I!. tear? Ollipr ipienlioim i'rim-e Hi-orge thU 'Hip. enlire Hour or any portion The kindlm? i dry scran 1023 will eonil of . Slcj,heii:iM,k V Priday- A.M. STANDARD Iwrnlici I'lnin Hie li Hoe's were: nan Hip chiiirti roliape:7 Vl.irrrvn M MeKenfie Al.l.. "'" ',',""e George de- of il a ivipie. hy the To Alaska Points -hip -lied. The lilinUei- l. Max cisilizHlinn' rollrpl?" Orftarl. Mayor Newton and AM. rp:l1"' Vnnde. I,.,f .y a wore of Wanderer' l.liili. SIpmiii ieal-el January I. la, and ?'.). j united a unrulier of wrll known u n"- Vai.dcrhrw.f ami will iiuiao HiMi or blgc lliiee inch I vii and I'.n-li Smith errctary . TIipi-p fdayem From Alaska Points planl'inu rT id rfercid width'. writer ho,pav- it a IliPir opinion . . . .ap-l".Mi'iil .Mil hint m.lnl. oenelieA room. M. M. Stephen. IRONWORKS li.)nlnieiu were mane iu-i iiigin."-"- .Innuary 5 and 10. ! -IliljUllle fur fl'lllllill'.'. iie- that Hip world wa on Hip road '''" tfrge Imy nml ft Mayor Xewlo., and The riiy POIt. IIP..T.- O.H iack. fur- To Naas River Points nlU. 'etc. o ilPKlriirlion. War had KiM'ii a . eiL Tip loiivor Jtaled i " i . n.-.. .nr........ lnWlied. Hoi and eold waer Sunday 10 I'. M. , lew world. Hip innlion wtix ii i.i- i..i...ii..n i., n.. .i.n. it... wa m Mini" wnai n rioui.i iiii.e. Apply 4.'3 PigUth From Naas RivsV Points v Pacific Cartage, Ltd wlH'llicr il wax lietlPr or wnrxp. 1 Ut. lloweter. ihey ml lip HUGH l.e....le I., eel .. nrooer meei.li..n J'e Aviilie, tf I inwilay P.M. SMITH IW-Torp Hip war, powpr anil plcan-ii io.Hl.vaiiie nialcli and a reluni ; ii J ol lli- jitt'iH'irient roll lln year To Alice Arnv Phone 93. Ihp'wai' Port Simpson, , Willi POII IIKXT. furiiihe.l rp were MiprPinp. I exie-ie,i in jip ti n riowr Xewly that might en tliey cr.riir.are v.-ilu came an exaltation nf fpirit. Willi nature. A iii-elinrlnary game on airfirlmpnt. 3n.ini. .Mci'.af- Anyoi Blackimlthlng and Horse, ali'rtu before Hm r.iurl of rlifoii 10 I' M jciieroily and splendid M'rvieP Salurilsy lo l he main one which feri- A Or1l.n. lAt. If Sunday- 1 shoring Repairs of all :il. From Port Simpson, Allc4 Arm' men foudhl for a dream. Had liMik place on Sunday resnille.l in Kinds. Let Us Advise You jlheir ideal lieen" reallirdT Hp HOTEL ARRIVALS u.Meore of. II In t -In far f poll age HP..NT.--Hpnm pace in Pe.Iernl healed HhKk.tor M. Tue.days Anyox ' P.M.'I iln.iicl.l not. I'olilit-lans had nol ltinpe OAiirjfp. Wagon flppairs, Ixigg - with a lifetime's eiperi. M. Stephen. To Queen Charlotte Island Points 1 jleariifil Hip pon. Prince Rupert Ritpplle, ftc. Out nf I -a nice in all hranelies of the I SpcakiiiK of the action of V.. Horning. Sedge-wick Hoy; I. I'biyd .i)iniiii, lie KeiiMilioiml POH llTI.NT. pour roomed ulenm January fl ami Charlotte'.'0. Points1 I work priitnptly ntlcnilc ; (. lliiihliiig Trade . 'r'rancc In (ierimaiiy loday.' Mr. I'ltenl. I'orl irfwuen; I'. jaeob-rn.. heavyweialit fntfil ' tirwHI. -find .Imated flat. Apply Smith and From Queen Truck ano Delivery Bodies and 18. I Brickwork, I'cit-di iicschIciI that rranrTl Kri.l Xelw.ii and X. Xe-raiid. Ulli I'ft-pii. Hip i-I.-ik of -Koiitli Mallet. , If January , Built and Repaired. UaH trying to prutlfy her npint of Scmllle; AV". II. I'enney, America, are m.w roiiidprrl I In Stonework, irexentfc and aerire at the mwip t'lliiMhewli; Jt. I.. 'rtire, Hhawitl-lati; bigienl , PonlenrlerK for Hm AUCTION XS ALES. LEAGUE STANDINGS Flrt Avanue, Prlnc Rupert. lime. Tim kltnalion would tmvpr J. Wlllman, L;' :. A. world' pnnvu !failil Jack B, 0. . Conducted in home or at Concrete, etc. ilie heller lonir as tlm your any a HMriMlnd. Valluilla. X.l.; W. il. Ienipey. Jidinvin. IhrrMigli Iih WHIST Ipolilu'iariH had control. He told our room. Hood alo sold on P.O, Box 190. Phons Red 2S5 Man and Specifications Orieve. ICInionliMi; II, MeOregor, 1 rev 11 1 clWir rut vii'lory over Ladles' Section ft 1 1 V- all our clients. ,t;f -t Iff failure of Hip Wan!iintotr;Mr. A. K. Weiorr and rbjld andlllill Hreuiiati, ha enmrjeil full f ommlxsion. W. I.. I'l H. H. HEMMIfiQS, Auctioneer, fereiiee," and aUo referred U i 'on Ii. C. ITmice: II. Hie imllilil aHer a inpUl Milbr,- J.jiiilo I'yLhlKin Hiler I Watts & Co. failure of I'l-enidpiil WiUon (o 823 Third Ave.; William 1 he 1 it famoiii .at I lea ley. Cilyj 'J. II. Hamilton, J. riP hiring Hie ial rpw'liionlb. Phones: Black 616; Oreen 471. lluyitl Purple 3 We Parry n Cnmpielo HI over In, prnt$raui ft A. and 'P.. II. Tubnun.'ll i. undertiM Hial. PJrpC Builders and Contractors H"4i.ly II. of P, 5 of Ihe Noted There wa to 1'J). Hoi 823. Phone 482. er-ailp. nntjiinp VaiKMNiver: J. M. MimtI-oii, alire Johiloir will have u inaU-li in TUITION .1 llebekriH 5 he evpcclcl from Hip old men Iml limit IV IlkSard will 'iff lea: 1017 3rd Ave. he looked to the youth of loday In Arm. jipeJi an,I HmiIIi GURNEY - OXFORD ngalirTI XOUTHKIIN I'OIATKCII.MC In winnr Ihe cnip- Central . ijl up SI. Andrew' ... 5 Jobbing Work of all Kinds. lake pari in the nellleiueiil of the of ll.C. yii. It. Wrighl, r,..V.It.; Kidney !ey. Pillule Kngiueiirlim, I ft. H. A I 0 iwni'ld firohlciiiH. TliPre wa lo- (iodwin and A. Itarll. II, llln n-! . (V.niinerclal, HoitHiold Jtud Staves and Healers la a fjlr filiiloupliy i.f life ,ake . I ut.e. ihe f... 11, liailv New. Oeneral Piurviilbm. Thorough BASKETBALL People were trying lo uet lm pjr. and prarliral alt in ai!, Ippe 'l Tiif ly, up-to-date Senior League i iimiiience wiliiorl I ii- ..nice. i Pont Worry! eoiire given by qiraUfied in-TinctJir. W. I,. I'l. ( Two Methods I Student pre.arei Stork's Hard Ld There wre two way nf -. (jliny Soil of Ohltad.i II ware for rerognUed l4indaril I'.ilu-iiiitlunal, (.. Hie prohlenu. due wa- ti'lio.i P.ugiueeriiig and Ootlf II Black 114. W !i:ive 1'i.r,'tiei Ihlanil -In xik iiu-IIkmI hy wile Ii all ills 4 i:ik "HI -," 0 Cuiiimeuviul e x a m inalluii. were In lie iiiuijied al Min e add Intsrmsdlat Hie other wa Hie e..ui ionar ' I'veiiiug elaoe. cmliicleil a) K. of 0; 8 WOOD Afiyox and I'rliice llupcel. I'm- iiieHnxl hy whjeh a tieti. i ii1i-, i.rt... H EDSON COAL further particular apply to iml wan lllOllllll a) I (Iimiijk'i BRONCHITIS Plk , r. Dry Hemlock and Cedar J. W. Old 1 11. 1 01 a I agent. iWllo .... fi a i liuni.ii- in tin l. .irt r nien.i Cut to Your Order. Auyox, ll.C. or tin Illi-tvliir. Ladles' 1 letter llllgK W" nip only oni Lsague a i-eligiuu li!i-1 - 1 edui alion BALSA MI!A quickly rclUvti rvrn BALSAM EA la s ayrup conltlnlng U'ullace HloPk, I'rin i-e llllperl. Maple, LrtlfP. it N eon now Hurply our ttuthorncaict uf chronic frpm h root of s II.O. wl Heeded. Thei-. mii-i im au or scut brunchUU. A f dot sl rare plain, and la fr from all barm-fuldruga. T VluHae' II FAMOUS ED80N COAL unveiling of li-iith ttiwl the job Iiculaihcphlrgmandclrara Kalen ..r. 0 HydeTransfer j Irviair ih hacking bronchial cough SEWINQ in nns quanli'y i.f doing it i oyi, declared the a.vj rl-l iht (ulf.rrr lu ilrrpnaiu he Iuiki. Kp it In cwr horn. Junior League Phone 680. - i.eaker. None could Kt-l away rally at nights Klif guaranue J pr mony rcfuruiao.- I'l.MX KIWINO i.iie. prieei Tiny Trill Prince Rupert Fted Co coin (heir i-e-poiii.iijilitii. Tll'Tf 0RMES LIMITED 'eileoiittblP. I'll me Him- TOO. White KI si'i'i h und Quality our Mulio. y an loi mich alleiitirni given l. Pioneer Druggist Prince Kuptrt Tlit Rell Store Ta'iHjn Phons 68. nm .11 eilu. at ion and nni en-mgl. j Advert Me in Hie i.y Ni!w- ' ill!