fMOS TWO TTTH UA1LT 1TEWB Its Sale is Phenomenal AIVAZOFF WILL GET LIFE WAS MISERY ! RUSSIAN BUSINESS IJ The Man in Ihe Moon uLtt the I was readlnp the other dar SAYSt- Clark Its Quality is Irreproachable about Neurasthenia, about the Kitchens Former Resident of Prince Rupert Urge number of people who were jr.i' Thinks Canada Should troubled wilh this die.e. It is I MI.I.DW I'llS of Cone till help you AH Benefit from Trade Just what my wife had. She felt iniirning n-insnleil: "Twlny'a lite 1MB IT ATI stantly miserable depressed,all the time and.She was would con day on which I My I vote, tel-ler i inn mi,m will place nn ur-ilc waken In the morn'mr and tell me Mian ever." r..r liiit.onil.iiiiii tiiishehi of that, somethlnr dreadful was going ijAlilillA lu-al wilh 4'.auada. and 4hal to happen that day. Life was 'I'l 1 1.If,I-. never 4a- tieen nn illier largi oiileiv. for supplies, nothing short of ml.ery for her. rlevlMin xxlien n nwiny people, fhe was so depressed that I ex fell Ihciiisetxc nf-fivlcd and. Hill nuipiiienl. inaehinery will s-ronnllv DES JSk. peeted she would lose hr mind rtiunx'lfi (kuiada If propeir laelie and have b Ihe le.nll a then' are to go to a sanitarium Is the Purest and Most Cleanly Prepared Tea i Ij inuue in iliNlliiui wild ltu and 1 kept wondering how t Kulay. ia, i I lie opinion of Miiak Aiva-enlT, would et the money to pay for - in the World iiriiininonl lliisimi of Ihi her. She could not eat and had rill'.lli: I n in the smith Ully mis. )! Voneoiixnir Siiiv. no appetite for food. She was irritable nrnml Ihe wav fasoline stations PORKondDEZ-sNS anif-s-cranky of the I ,fo ecrialn is Mr. iva.ii(T Hial nxot Irenl their clients. Ttiey give time. If the was crossed in any this eau ir arciiiiipllslioil I hut he way, she would Immediately work no rrexlit. The Daily News tiM aitri'eil in assist Ihe Uina-illun herself up Into a violent temper. a. What a relict to know that the K-iverumenl nnd oilier larfre This worried me because she had l.ll'i: I n mad sernmlile nfler meal will be ready on time PHINCti IIUPKHT - M.IT18II COLUMBIA J iiiiliisirnil ami iiiniiiienual' inlrr- always had a kind and rentle dU a dollar with Hie dollar nKxlxys Just heat and serve Clark's Publiiheil Rvery Afternoon, except SumlayT the Prince eslis uf I'.anaila In II en secure said position or and done nothin seemed which-to irritate wax at least heei paces ahead. Pork &! Hcans, or one ol the News, Limited, Third Avenue. Itiissinn tMisines fur (nmda her. I spoke to our family doctor many other delicious Clark Huperl Unity mul will soon lime fur l.nnilnn about her and he Slid that her Till, eauditkile will dciuhlc Prepared Foods-No II. F. PULLKN. .Managing KtlitiT. li cnufiM- wilh prmiiinenl Pus. trouble was imairlnation and that in Hie council chauMier of the sian leaders. . If she would try and forget about city Iwill this exening at seven Mtk ne oerrv if her nnd look on the eeryasM ulll prtn iK reok(n Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. i inly two men in llussia were depression lo receive seiHe(sce. would bo isle of life she ever .iranlwl Ihe special privll-res brifrht W. CLARK Llmll.d, . MONTREAL a all rlirht. Of coure I didn't dae tXUL.1 I.WITUIJX s(; iB Tliiirs.ln, Jim. II, IOM. (riven liy afsiciald' pni-vi te'l her thle beeau 1 knew she Ml NICII'AI. life like .hulied 50, ""'V'eTo ! lire's in the timller uf asur-tllris would ret Into one of tier tempers. olive. an neqiiinst !, over Hie sianalun- of the AVhen she rt ovr these fits of Successful Experiments iiiuviim'mI trovernors ami Hie wiiil temper, she was alwsy weak and 1 1' i re-lHitMeil that Pf I'liHtft-on Of The Archbishop. of Hie district. Ilial lliese pro. III and more depreed than ever. is ii(iirtluit ii miser of v.t-r reiidiT hi tin liiiily News lnnill iSrnfirUy pern thc! viiH-e wniihl slaud lieliinil I In' The her doctor nnd said a tonic might rhiieenm hxfe lo f sell lo the J a li help a jrxxe me preirrie nrliVli- iii IIh- work nf AivhliishtiP I Mi Yrnit in triiiiMiliUuiK ilien in ,inv venture I hey inijthl tien but this did not do her any leixie Hlilktan. ' lliiiiiulii ini'SMiBi'i. The results lnvn liei-n niui slnrlflHg hikI xvii linderlake itt the etcnl of py-inv good. Plie t-Ie.1 all kinds of other nsliuiih I lie sfienlifir world. II is not nfin-asiinrtlile lo expect nw Tor llieir fallui-e if nsres-.sacy tonics with the same result Car- sllAVI.Mi trettitw he a i-oull tlmt Prinee Huperl will liecome known Ihe home nf In llie'exlenl of I .'.(InO.IKlO nol was recommendeit to me and I ; fin- art. Tire yrml (ulni(i i itlie man who first M-jontifieiilly tlemiiiistriiliMl tlmt lluiiijrlil me-safrv Jnrtiles. lac if lliese men whs wish all to state "that It taking is the leader It I how miieh of the lepl-sr lip ' of tonics. Hince my could hen-eeeiveil hI will'iind recorded. .Jilimiki AivansTf. wife has changc-l completely. Now ltiouhl f-e eeiv-rer if any. There have in the pit hoen all url or ileuYuiislriiliiui of l urtlior ImiMirn were won by she Is always- ready for her meals thoilgjil meitges having lieeh rei-ttivetl. hut in .many rases they Aivamlf in Die Itulslan JaMiuesc and work is no burden. It U a j Till: dlffieiilly in tin town i- January were not deliberately eut and in no ease, sn far a eaiy lie a-eerlained, War for Ihe )lllwii pertple. yunl pleasure for me to recommend tn make a "fcieker" inemiie kwp SALE has llieiv lifon an effort to ret eive the message wliitMi nrmeil with these eredmils. Carnol to anyone who Is In need !up with a ratlin entiwr llc. li;i proved siirressful. In Hie "past all Hie message have Jmen (.(fcllnr Willi Ihuse ulveu nol of a tonic or a tssly builder. Clearance Kxcuse me for writing this letter haphazard ami the rer.iiver has'had Ihem forced upon him rather only li Varsyver lint by lltum-ilian but I wont you to accept my HOW' xxe do resnosMe llw rei than, as in this cn'e. having carefully prewired to receive them interests in general. II is thanks for that wonderful tonic if Hie worbll and then done mi wil'h.Vucre. Srientisls have lieen agreed thai Hie inteiiiion of .Misak Aivnioff known as Carnol." "Mr. J. JU there vu Mich a tliing.ns thought transference or mental radi In go lo lAindnii aii, then to Toronto. IT Alseil In m tmt xxe eould nt ii in. They found vell aylhenlicaled iMlnncen iU -npe receiving Hussla nnd Iry nnrt divert mime Carnol Is sold by your druggist, sieak ronlewililwnwoly f ensl mental inllm.'itiiui and even of..liej having had a nientii: of Hie. jriganlie inulclhal cniintry and after If you you haTe can conscientiouly tried it. that say,It As Hie niekel peR. .Now we Iat4 Coats, Suits and vision of scenes tnii.,piftug miles away. All lhee cases have ofTcr Inwnnl r.anmla. hasn't done you any rood, return of SiMilliern llrflisli lilunrtiia a hoen more or less isolated uiui there vs no intention either on Spxcial nlienlinn will"ln' ixen the empty bottle to him ami he Ihe rent eil. the pari of the sender or Ihe receiver lo communicate. Ny AivaKuff lo Ihe Silierkm trade will refund your money. 7-C22 Dresses wilh which In- hopes to increase . Sol,I liy Till: iMily kiieil f n fnxrs Power Of Concentration Hh export iimt import through , Orni' I Mug SI ore ami iis here are 41ie kirn I Mint wear (hi Hrl li million if ilollars. at Genuine Reductions And Mental Reception. McCuleheon's llrug Slore. blue enHps nnd wc don't use Ihem What Hie arehhishnp jiiiil Mi lln Arnet have done is lo although there are a lot of Hieiii prepare lo communicate with each other. They arrange that at PORT SIMPSON HAS -' mi d Mr. Ile-glc. has Iwhii akil to InmiiiHl, We have some very, pretty Dresses u certain moment one will send a message, not yel derided 1 1 1 h i r; re.piesl the establishment, by e. , in silk, satins, canton and tricotines, . and Ihe other will receive il. U the experiment Ihe message SPECIAL SERVICES iciiIixi ordfsr. of u fih'ri's rc- II' Hie profits are tuisge was u wxml spelled otil hy the sender and faithfully recorded li serxe In cover Hie fineri,s of eiuuigti, a uum luee ! faith ranging from a in the hands of the.receiver. jii'liiliiliim i-oiilhenslorii Alaska. "11 i in Musical Event at Native Methodist pos. humanity. The ienduluiu tliey knew would respond lotlie mental urge Church Was Notable Effort ilde thut such u n servi xvll lie. "f the perton J'oldiug it. Jiv tie. tyave.Jjiunjlinlil creiitml lie ion- Ibo lxgi n til lf of) WW llmuvtlt i was Ihe elec-'hc $10.50 "-spomlMfhhe in etiwri i rge nllierwn!t-rfsieeM(iriiieiMng POUT stJMPSO.N. Jan The nest fishing season and 1 lion nnd jiII the lime it xva jut the mind of the person holding the pendnluni. Riillixcrsary of Ihe eslalilishinlii' liopc il will In- done. Tl.-s is oiiun from the Aleutian Island To Mime, perhaps. Ihe discovery of Ihe archbishop may seem of Ihe choir in Ihe unlive .lcllin-dil paramount llderel .lahii.' lie S,,chii... to he a useless1 one. Other will see ip II im'meiire pnssiliililiesV Church was the uccjk ion of a sa.d. . Some splendid SKIRTS too, also reduced We could not a Tew ears ago have imngiueil that it would lie siwcial innsicnl service of some SKI I'l.M. up everi-ise have possible o steer a ship or an aeroplane frpm n point miles distant LADIES! This is Your Opportunity " mile. Much creilil for Ihe result INVESTIGATING FOR n.illiing (. do wilh II Id plan by means of power trausrintled through Ktrc. Yet Hi is is nvust be gixeii lo Henry Nelson. of ' -etiini; cm un. SEE THESE! done today. Why should il not llien be ossdile lo romniunieate ehoiriiiaslcr. and I'.. K. Iudnxvaril BRITISH CAPITAL by means of couceulrdted thoiiglit. The Arrlftiishup has proved Solos orgailis'l. xxere llll,en bv La iies' thai be That ! PRINCE RUPERT TIDES (bought ran projected or radiated llirotigh spare. Peir Wells. "Thus Xaith Hie being so, all Iliat is needed Is the right kind of reeeiving npiara-1 lird": lrs. .Magar, "llejuiee A. A. Watts, of Canadian British BENT'S 1 1 to record those thought'-. ireatly"; and Mr I'., f". Hud 'Corporation, Ltd., Visited Thursday January 11. Ready-to-wear v ward. The special unlhein for City Yesterday - High M:l:' u.m. 10.7 fi Immense .'I Oppoiite Dnnk of Montreal Possibilities ' Hie occasion xxere "Oily of ion. p.m. 10. i Of Thought Radiation. Pence lie Within Thy Walls,' A. . Watts, Canadian direelnr l.iw I :JM a.m. 7.1 " If it sjiould become possible to record Ihe thought of our "And I It- tllorv." "h'ltr I'niii l'n of the Canadian llrilish (orp-irn. 1 1 :i3 iliu. " neighbors, imagine what would be the cnnseipfeuces. Suppose a ClilUI i firiiv" Worthy I The lion I.Id., witli hnadipiarfers at Friday, January 12 each one of us was aware hal our thought were being recorded UihiIi." ami the llallefhjali Toronto, arrived in Ihe city yesterday llitisi : Id a.m. ;'ii.n fi liy those around us, wIihI nffiirt there Wiudd be,In so control our ;iuirii Addresses' were gtxen by morning on the I earner H.m. Ifi.O thoughts Hi;A We slimilij not be disgraced in the eyevof (lie ueigli-lior. Chief W allace and W illiain Mus- lrinee lieorge ep rmile to Ihe east !. 2: imii. . - Today we.eonduet ipirselve- in If xmi the Canadian National line. IfiMifi " res,iectably puluie. our tiraxe. 1 lie ortertory g fur pxn. .'i.:i i thoughls were beuig recorded we should have lo think circum-siieclly. choir The Canadian llrilish lipir. Saturday, January 13. We should dress up our thoughts for the public a-id nuriMiscs. at ion has recently lieen imrotpor-alixil Jlisrh licifi a.m. ift.t ft. "le New there would lie no private rtvut'i-vitlioii of a diabolical ehir.i-U'i for the purpose of placing t:-.W i.m. 17.7 " Wash Way" PROPOSED RESERVE liriiish cnniial- in sound Cuilu-dian I'uiler those conditions crime xmiiiIiI reuse, for Ihe thought mild Urn- a:.'ii nm. H.:i " he .deleeleil before Ihe deed xi i-onMliilted. The nosibilitieK xenlures. I7:iim p4ii. t.-.' " IN ALASKA FISHERIES Mr. Walls -would be unliniinileil. ' is uwiking a flying: Sunday, January 14. lour of llrili.h Colunrhia fur Ihe Young men todav max look back In the da when it was mi High ll-.ll imii. 20.0 fl. iiitmiccd li the ArchhUUnp lhal he hail first discovered in a somewhat Canneryman Makes Recommen purpose of establishing personal Uiw 5:0.1 a.m". H.i Everything Washed dations For Protection of conUiel wikh repulalde men who crude way how lo record llniiif-'lit and may xvoiiileoiil ie IH:03 p.m. 3.3 developments jn Unit Hue win. d rtilloxx-i'd. Salmon In Territory will jecp him informed of the Monday, January 16. copililioiis prexallllg in Hie wvst and In High 0:1 1 a.m. IM..1 ft. Everything Soft Finished gel a first hand knuxxledgH What About IIXNKAi;. Jan. It- Pending Ihe 12:00 j.t " of,the nature of the country. He p.m. Rellolou. i naetuienl of new Alaska fisher. Concepts. u lsw . fi:."iP 7.B Tliouithl Iraiisference has ,een used avgreal deal in Ihe pn' ies code hx Congress . I lie only left I'niu.for Ihe ensl on, but niahl's Low ri:M iin.n.m. 7.h " 80 per cent, ready to use in i iiiilieeliiHi wilh rdigi'iii. Many religious ejilliiiiirl have been salvation for 4hc preservnlioit of 18:30 p.m. .il ' able In give specific instance- of Ihe ower ol prayer. Now this (he fisheries industry in Kouth I.. Major Ilullork-Websler. is sciei'lific.illv explained. We sec bow mind works upon mind (si stern Alaska, lies in Ihe eren fnrincir resident of priiwe a Rnhanrihe fnr Ihe Dnllv News. and influence il. We see Iihh (lie praver of 'a mother coneen-Imled tin! of a fislieriH reserve, ill the llupert lectured "An l-.'x xvilh on Ihe nTnd of her nii max prolecl him from eviltinflu-epces i-pinion of J. It. lieegle, president on eirlnff Ihe Ilraina. AflersAard n' v i n him ol danger-. teUin o ponder on tin siiliiei-i of the lieegle Ikiuniiig Cnnipaiiy reception held his honor. was in and von arc curried on and mi into nil kind of ramifications. T. uf KHrhiknn. Sir. Itecgle arrixed stu.K of the mind i jn! hcgfimiuf.. Wha il will lead lo none iiyr- on the Spokane last Kitunlay MINtRAL ACT. Tisisia sals xatss. Uf ..- , ,!: lell. mi a tiustnesM trlii ami xxiii re. ctiiTiricAT of neenovsMtNTS. Sealed Tender! will 1st rerelved liy tin turn In Ketehiknu -nine time this NOTICI. MlniMer of l.amU si Virion, lsl later it veek. than ismn on llw I tin Ua v of .aimarv, I U,nl kiKiwis-r vuMiir lisll. Irish Ituse, 1113, for Um purrkaM til l.lrrlii-s X 414. I'ndor existing legislation and ilriieral Jeflr, aiH VrriU Miiieril i.Uiui, Li rut 4,v,ouu fsrl of tirure. ilar ami Ilillle Ul Um s.reu. MllllUS PltlMiHl at lli-lnliii aiiuausl k, nn an area en lat "I Avoided an Operation legiilaliuiis, said Mr. Iteelc, it is luilis t Iam.I Pulrlrl. gs-altsl ell Usl'l elsirs or Hrreafurit Ann, Oureo Cuirkulle Muuuialii. I'l'ii lM-i Ulual. JAaiuU Land IHslrlrl. xirlually mi)iossilile for Ihe Hii- Tike Vi.lli.' ilia i , Alfred . ilr.l.', Ii (li yrara s ill be sllnxxeil for r-UMilll Appendicitis remi of 'iieric to prevent the I .xi.i:.. :..m. a. our fur lutu-ir aisl for of lllnber. lb. Disappeared" iiiieikMi Iii-iii-.,n i .m.i . liml avM''i lurilirr tiatliiulari nf Itie Clilef t'orea. per further depletion of the salmon suu. f.M.i:. :.i.-i. A. K. XVrln.l. f.M.c, ler, Vlrtorls, H.i:.. or tnalrlrl lorailer. Mrs. James WelU, Udora, wrUesi lo.Ml. le-e Man.. ril.C. ill". Nlrdsel Ont, .lie p.".. supply, eippliu-ied Ihe, need Ni l siMen. I .II.i 14111. SHI Mdolali, I rrniienuisfri, -fl for priilection of theruns in the I.Mi iim; ami tl A Mrlol. I.Ml TIMSIR "I took a cvi pain in my SWSTI. IlilMi.l -nil ilav ri'v lis ilals SAJ.I X4SIS. right tide. Il wai very bad liuiuie.iMic 'tutuie without having s lurnr.oriifiiali'U a,i"f iiniiroxMiHMila.b. Hie Mtsswr lT.-.ntU-r ror lis- piir-Isne risr' (salrd Tenders HI lie rrrelfed by Hi plus - - - i C per piece at timet. I tried oili and tabid to a Villi I die pusMiue uf leglsla. uf wVlamiiiii a I'jma (rul r Hie Mlmatrr 61 l.aiuU al Virions, iw.l lau-l aHurc riaim than iushi on alias I(lb day of t ruruary, without lion l Congress, which he does III., lor lit I'Uiiliaar of LlrMM XUI, gaining any relief. The .Smt furllur lake nasUer lhal mil i'4'iisider likely at Ihe piesent Wlader sriileli C. lussl Is r.slluelM'ell m- , lo rut 7,.l,ivv feci of n.rure, u.r. doctor pronounced it chronic rorf lis (--usiice uf aiirli iVrliffrair e( Ili-luUxk ami Uil.aiu, aliualed asi an arcs More economical than hiring laundress. session of emigres, lie said Hint lussf,o-nwn.. 'ihi Hie tail aluire uf atrreifinl Arm, a appendicitii. I dreaded an Commissioner li'Malles. of tint I. ml I In- Hh i.y nf Jauiarr, Itlfl XI'. Ouwn Chark.ll" Land Matilrt. operation and a friend advUfd usoil 1u nf i yitars sill Ihi allowed ror r Phone us and be convincedPhone 8 Unreal) of Fisheries, i sincerely nuilier. Dr. Chaie'i Kidney-Liver Pills. lunuer i.arlliulari of the fblrf Korea I utrd them ilesM-ou of ailiiiiluig u pruelicai ler, Vlriorla. H.i:., or In XI li-1 lurrairr, and not only obtained i!ieii of fisheries regulation I'rinre Hurrl, H i:, relief from pain, but 1 that ulll result in a heullhy fishing TIMSIR SALS X4440. believe it hat completely (reed TIMSIR SALS X 470S. CANADIAN Steam and running unlmlry profit, Snle.1 TrnoVr. will l- reit-li.i) by U. LAUNDRY m of ppendicitii, at it it now rid.' alike to (he i.-rri.ory uml lo Saisled 1,-ndri. nt lie rei-elvisl In' III Mlnltier or l.anda al Vlriorla, is.I lalrr ruairirt I .uriri. Ciux e Hvi-i I, iul later lUafi .iss.ii on Mm- tli dai or Mafrli, !:. over a .year lince I have had I In- people who haeinxiM llisn in n Us- Haul da.v of ..auuai). for u imrrliasi nf Llrrnre X III". . nil of the IHI J ler tin- of hi'H.1'11 X ilub. ..Slli.noii Irel any old ivmptomi." .i l cliss' nf S.ruie. l.rdar Slid HrUI in Ihe liusiiie.s.' The Com. near s i I 4.'.i' . Iiraiieya iulei, (oaal lock, .uum uu an are aU-iulu TuiUirr Dr. Chase's nn-ioiel. he null), is utile nnd Hausi ul 4 I IXI. Iioaril reoi nf lluu l.lreiirr 1 1 1 1 1 i.vmaliewa Inlrt, Ourrti Kidney-Liver Pills lock, aal-aii. ' .lai aisl .rin. .liarlntir Inland, lan.l Im.Iii i fin .i.-iiciii and t.'mils for u -ipiare niu i . .. ulll l (Unwed for rr '! (I leai- will If illi.wcd for a t Uum pUt a dM. So a box. All tlralt-ra or I UlmaiiMio. Iliu . luoval rt lllubei luoial of unils-i A C4 I4d., Turunlo. I'l' nil uroiind. lultlie. l.aitl. liar- nf Hie f lilef 're I'lrllM-i rarllnilar- nf ilui ckial i I li.' Ilepni lilienl of Ciliiilllfll'i;.', lei Vi 'li ila . (IK iHalrlrl t''M Hlrr I lei ViMorla, H . if Mairlri .,reiirr. Subscribe for The Daily News' lrlnr il i r li P.Mil Hiibrri It I,. c