FAQI BIX TttU DAILY NlWfl Tu v i ii FOR SALE. EXILE OF PRINCESS Had Bad PainsPRYS!VILLL 5 Roomed Cottage, Section 6. Has living room, dining PROVED BAD OMEN; room, kitchen, pantry, two bedrooms, and bath. All AMERICAN CONGRESS on one. floor. Price $1760.00. Terms of $500.00 ca!i, in Her Heart WESTHOLME THEATRE balance spread over three years at 7. Now rented at Lady Who Wat Banished For In. No Chance of Getting Any Change $25.00 month. traducing Flapper Ideas In United Slates Law Re Tonight, Tluirtlny. nt 7 nnd 9 6 Room House, Section 6. Hall, living room, dining Among Indian, Nerves were very bad gardlng Liquor room and kitchen Tirsl floor, thro bedrooms and bath second Returns floor. HasemcnL l'rico $2,000.00 cash. Now rented Mr. Julm re. It. It N.i. t. t. ralhar ASIIIMi KI.V. Jan. tt. I lv at $35.00 month. HVITIKl.ti. Wi.c, Jan. It. - lue. Onl.. tardea: i ih to m) that Canitdtnii Pre- Nolwilhttanil Wallace H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. :lly l.ntiiidiaii I'rVm,. l'riitrr lH-art haw been and nerve..liotliered verv i ,J, ZZ ntv h . and nint.vr- iifl. t Across Newana Rentals. Real Estate. Insurance. linrili. wlm introduced dirrerent doclora, Lot did m mad mark ""' '"''ln'r 7 rltvtlon Hull IIh- lolleU hair and rolled lioo. ton relhr I wmlil have m-h bad Palm m'WH in li linw r.Hffrtft would powder unit liiliR itilia Hie Hrlllr. inj: Heart. tiioea. I cuM he ahmtat foree tiiilirteallnit nf Hie V I- QUIIN CHARLOTTK itn'iit uf Hip Wliineliuffo ludiuiix afraid lo move breatho.' and af Matit ae,l ii-tdii)lli..ti low. Hie I11I.-1 the LAND DIVISION. ootild not alccp. ir the pain m lujr hrl ami va exiled from Mm nettle ll..'llIIO'lll III.It. Ill'' tilt I II" Take Notice err rune, my nerve would lw an bad t that A. 1. rinM.in. r sim. REID nifiit for it, ha awl timed and will evtiM rmi lie allll and wuuhl mlr art ry are likely I.. Ink.- (He wlm. '. It allowed to remain. furllier-more nitw ateep hy betnt MrtMl oat. Mr hand nior.' eoiU.l.ii'ly ilian .'i Printing l'or petroleum anil natural Continent aa ..... miiu.t uic louowinr nearrined land,over llieri' will ln itn n,re pro- aiMnacti aa ako very bad and I cuuM 'Hie new llonitr.' chiiii. nil.. altuale on Skldr-ate rat but Very link, and then Inlet, Graham lolamt U'fl aualift her only certain "flapper jrarh Mtaivli . . I. ll .1 power 1- .n ?n.'!.",.n?",r " I""' Mauled ! the thlnt or I would have vi much dlatrvaa corner or Section la. Tnnhit nii.r lialill. Hie Set 1- will l- Uience o chalna kmHi alwaya made toy licarl worw new 111 tiiore 1I1 north, ilience SO eham jwnt, thence to chalna aouth, thence m I'ulloulnp her eslte m-pi'hI I had I wen aiirferlna ror nearly two hail Ho' pri'enl ..in- Looseleaf Located November II, tt. week niru Hie re..erutioii va ypar until otw day I a. talktnr lo war In Hie proi'iil II.if..-. Mr. il COMEDY. A. J. oonnnv viili'il by an i-iiliTi'iiili- tit criti and drutflM al'Ut the wav Ml II l lell of Mm...11. lin-. il Hi. viteU nie to alv Milouru Heart ana Billheads QUltN CHARLOTTK LAND it hoot ow'l. Hip Indian'' "Ull.lu iwaker. i 11 cl. Tin' DIVISION. ivpnl.li crve rill, a lair trial I hare how taken Admission ISo and 35c. Take Notice that A. iToordon. or skide 111" or "liiid oin'ii" iile.l Hie rn. lve Ultra an.1 am rrrlinr ao much bell, eail leitil. r. Mr. M011d. ll ..n Letterheads rile. B.C miner. Intend to apply tn the i'aiiim'lil ninlilly fur week. I am able to do ln on otk, and rati Inn. i n dry. The nn.-l 1.1 "Mini. 1 I Mr VlnlMrr roal.or petroleum Land ror and llrenw natural to froapeet over MllierMMtull uo Hi.' I...Her of cat auylhlnt I lh. I raunot prarac eniiilidule Ulr -Hie iihtee nf M uurr um. roiiumnr ucacrtned land. iltief Itiiiiiiinir V..f and lie de- Momlell i. Iteurencrriali.t l...n- ituaie on 'kldcaale Inlet, nraham Inland: Milburn's Envelopes i.nmmenrlnr at a rmM planted at the luili lioil lln Ini-lmtitl 0f II,,. rin.. w or Hi oflitilo, mm.In-law of r.o aoutnweM. corner or Section 31, Township re after Iter Willi order o Heart and Nerve Pills nier l'ri"iitit lloo.eyell Mi i .;,..: iiurin e mains, inenre eai an Business 'Chalna, tnence aouth (0 chain, thence went Lrinif her li.irk r-Kin-dlcKn of l.oiiuworlli i a wtI. ;ev cnauis io point or commencement. loo l .4 nlieHier lrhl Located November to, !. -In' "reformed" or not Now the lryi are riiinw up i-. Cards a. i. nnnniiv Mm- ii'Iiii n.'il uil'l al Willi .1. I'rlce &0c a Imi at all ilpthT. i.r lMall1 Mty Hint il will never hi to i- I QUttN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION. ialiliMMt - nionlliH old i-aiKmbtin, i.... i.lnlwL rn.t... om. leet Sveniier tlillett mih! el. . 1 Kippers Take Notice that A. J. Onrdnn. or Sklde. Iiiii.i-d lo Itor La'k while IIh-I ll.'pif..i(alie t.OIMTNnirill lend. ' rate. B.C.. miner. Intend to applr to in Mil ii'xoilildiil So Hie mum-it !,,., Milliliter of Rose, Cowan & Latta Minister or Land ror a llrcnae to prospecl I : ... . .. . . ." I'iiiu! M'.i.v iint-r men, Inetutlitiat -"i" - rr coal, petroleum and natural raa over '"I'MtioK oi iiruiu. i in wt'ini i! Ii i"iu-li". of -1111' fariH lifiN-. are lalkiim "f Mi,. ll and under the rollawlnr derrlliel l np.'ii v lamia. Limited .nit of Hip lirnc mid Hn whM! nit enlirr "Mew ileal." Tliev aiiuaie on Mincraie inlet, nraham Miami, llll'' ItllU'Tlittll I Ih line Prince Rupert, B.C. ('..rtntnenrlnt at a poM planted at the I tin' 'fri'tiii'il iiiiiv, whirli nr I make Hepreeiilnli' . aoutheail corner or Section US. Tunhip I Sl'lll I III''. Phone 234. I. thenre SI) chain north, thence AO chain uiiil'iiMi -il Ilic ri'lrl.r.ilii.ii of Mi IViopi.' if l,eiin-lvMnia aiM-ake et, thence ao chain aottth. thence 90 I'll t of I Iwtil iinka. Miii-il of .. and II. preetilnlie Oraltalii of A Substantial eal to fiiit or commencement. Located November SO, a.Itit.j. r.onno.v. uliii'. BIG ATTENDANCE lih'101. leatler. IkiHt. are dry. I In. iiiovenrent ban not yel U-.-n QUttN CHARLOTTK LAND DIVISION. and Nutritious lullv li'tel but Iliere are int-ity Take Notice that A. J. Cordon, or fklde Ten Years NEWTON MEETING 1 limy, in (he ilnalion wtii. li are ; rale. B.i:.. miner. Intend ti apply t" the Ago 3 ply I Minister or Land ror a lliene to pCtapeel I hk.-iv to make il fimiutltde. Breakfast Food ror roal. petroleum and natural aa over In Pf'nce Rupert f Tito... who a re enitineeriiiK il are,' ann tinner ine roiionina neennea tann. annate on Sklderate Inlet, Oratiam l!aod: a Ex-Mayor Submitted in.i-l.nl I ha I Hie liani.e Heiuli. His Commencinr at a pot planted at the Case for northea! corner or Section f7. Townahip SiiM'i niii,,.i w Mayoralty Election at Empress :iean Irave anl to urtianiie mwu. . Smoked Daily I. thence SO chain aouth. thence 80 chain. Mi'i'iiuM lata from Hie i M.I Ihiant elenieiil' if' jii-l eat. thence ao chain north, Ihenr ao r.--id,'d vt-liii.iim Theatre Last veneer cbatna wpt to point or commencement. fnmi I la.- Ilotaiil t Uil- Evening. far an larmnihle and that itt Hie' by Located noremDer so. A.t J. CORIiON. uy i:iiMiiiHioii'ri ullH.riiMii tune Hum 4liey nttiftl tin 11..II.111.' Hi.. ontliim ,,f H. rniKvay he. The Kmrv. Tlteulre wu lo litii ilieiiiM-lvr a eilhi'ii Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. wen here avel or ill.'lilied In libeniltjte Utf and IktixelUHi for ivr.rwSli',1 laul mail I In lieir Kx-Mynr .as.'ii-er and frvhflil service S. M. Ninvl.Mi. eamliihile dtenl Ael. Iimmiieli 11 10...1 PRINCE RUPERT panelling f - of I he deiiHM-riai in I In- Hon.," for Hie iirayorirlly. oiiliiiiil BURN WOOD A ImiiK-li of the HuikerV nie r KliKrl nl I.Mhiy'-j 1111111-N'ipitl ur.' dry. it i nut .liffi.-ull 1.. Ti-iil Hie wet are elinuiiiK ) Trail Oertfoilion ir Ha 11.1.1 rnceril. Mr. .Veutaill op Gives a Beautiful Interior lia li.-eii Prl jn . e-.tithli-.liiM hene atty p.-. liilion Hi, wilti poke al hi'itaUt and Aid. W. II. Effect and Can be Applied to CORLEY'S WOODYARD J. J. Sl.aan manager and Mie fn-Uvinn Mopianniiery u rli Ward, lii may have or a.ouin. lu have o' To the Housewife- the Walls very Rapidly and Link" New Management adviy.iry hotted: T. II. upetarli dealiiiat pi'Mn-iimtly willt llellllu; the .r..Illlilln.il laWK IIM.I -! I'ulliillo. .1. A. kiikotilriei, .' lrirl. Easily. f. the fjlierti ilia.il htn. I'll.-tiie.'l NOW HYDE TRANSFER liawKon, I. II. M.il. v, A. ,. int.- wa llii-i.vti oii.'ti 1.. ull QUtlia CMARLOTTI LAND DIVISION. Motii. You Want Good Results When Cooking. A. M. Maifon. I.. 1:. Mae. ' ruiHliditlvx and A. .1. For Heationable Prices call i I'mdlnniinie, Take V.llre thai A J. .H.nfcai. ..f i,. CORDWOOD. I.i'n uitd .1. I."i n.' Mut'kti.'ii. of 'I'elKWH. Ofeaide!. fate. B.i:., Mtnrr, lui-ndt b. aM.t) t . r.r Albert & McCaftery I DRY STOVEWOOD. I II I I'M' (nwkerit 4.ejil.l.'n Hie fur oal, iwic-.iuih and nalural ..e, USE Tlie I'Im.I unA" KINDLING. II0I.I.11.; A-"oi'inlioil lllxvifHMv eanuHimaH I w.e I- . .1. Sr folfcrniBi dcH-ribrd lam1.. artvatr kidrale ixi lnit. i.raiaain l.ian.1 LIMITED held a iiiie meeiiity in I tHler. lie.ii-u.' . Mlllll'o. S. I." anrins al a p-l i-tanled al Um- Phones 116564. NO BEACH WOODI Ho. l'r.-.,lei-raii l.liim-li laM nurtkc.i crner ..r -ii., j. T,.ii-iin. Leaf II. Flom Maeilomild. W. Sliertliatl UII.J I. then.- al rtialll uth, IhrfN-e .-Imjiii. i Maple nlnlil. II. I.. (iuiinj irehlm Ale;. MeKenzie. nl.lM'ltiHllk' ewn- etl. Iliencr au .liain- n-lh. Hn-ii.c All Orders Given I'lonijil Cbaltt Vet lo fMtlnl or CtMIWIM-enM-tll QUIEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION. .ii.l.il... iiml W. II. Wul.lorf, LucabHl -N.einbet tl. I. Attention. A. i DOHIM.X I Phone 580. Take tulle lhal V 1. ii.in..n. ..r kl.l. u.ili.lal.- for Hie police 0111- OUItai CMARLOTTr LAMO And your C.,.,k,i.K Will ..Uv i- lo. A MARKED SUCCESS. rale, H.i... miner. Iiiirn. lu ai,.l t., ll,r llilr.i"ll. DIVISION. Minuter or l.anl r..r a II. . tu rocl 1 lor cut. iM'triileiiiii aiul iu.ti.ral ,...rt Tale .,ti.T thai V I i:,.ra"M. ,.r i.il-Mlr. "ONCE USED ALWAYS USED." Fishermen! ami a..:, miner. li.leM. i aH-lt t, .. iinjer Um- ruiluiiia .w.nu-ii iii- PI IO LLKo NUWlnAlt IntIK Minuter l l and for a llrrnae i. .nM' t 1.1IJ.I -III.'. Willi Kveiv i... k ?J:l'.k,rr.le.,nlr,.?r!,;,, ,r,l.,.,, ri coal, iwiruaniiai a.nl natural ra mer and nmler I lie rull..nr ORDER "MAPLE L-EAF FLOUR" decntM-4 ImI-Mtuatr from Grocer TODAY , ftfilllhea! corner r ectl.rti . Tonlil your 1, then.-,- so ..-haiD- iwriii. th.-ii.-c an , iiaii,- OFFICERS FOR YEAR .mi "hHieaalr Intel, liralwm l-Ui.,1 Let Us Advise You weai, thence to ,-luni. -,,.nh. ll.cn.,- ai MMllHP-l iM.HuMici.ia C(Mner at a",r i-i V' ll.MI tdanied.I". T..l,.h',al Um- Yot t I BREAD Mini Mill NOT cjiain eai t. point r cuinu.eri.-enieiii. I, turure ao rha-lM ca-l thenar rtwl.e Located Novriiilier (with a lifetime's experience ti. it a r.k. nurtn. iSriw-e an rhaiio ih-nr- an' Tlie ul their reiillla'' el iai, GO SOUR. Wi' niiikr BREAD A. i. G0H.O Hint In all branches of the chain mh ti im.ii.i ..r ni,im-rnMil will NOT GO SOUR. Mm In-l tiiulil nmiiiuule.l ruitdl-i.il. Luealed uelnr ft. lata. DEN riSTRY; X-.Ray Se rvice building Trade). for ..rririal ioiliiui. it. Hie A .Jooiuiovi We Mak.' SQUARE, Brickwork, order. Only two offiee. went ,y QUtIN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION. The only ri'li.il.le and -.,,1,1,1,,- n,.(i,,,d ,,t kn,,n,g ll ueelfimalii.il. Dial of eerelury Take Viii.-r lhal A t. liri.Mi. r -ki,M f.X.ict , ondiliiiii ol II,e to-Ill .nni ,,t iding IRISH,RAISIN, Stonework, January mid li"Hiir..-,nll tlie ulher h'"- nt. Ii. jf. i.iiiwr,ln.1. f,.e mieinl an.lv rr...-r.t iim-Milrlater ti.inv -Inn lurr. inu eonlealed. K. V MiU'kii.l.VMlf ror cal. nelrolellM. a.Ml lulural Ma. ..( BROWN, and , and under the r.ill.iwina dearrlbnl laiel Concrete, etc. RYE BREAD. mid A . I.iimmoii Were iilOiel for .lluat.- .hi Maldrgaie Inlet, iiral.au. l-i: DR. l'lans and Specifications lite r- -I'llve offiee-. ON.miet,4-in- al a m..i tdanled BAYNE SALE northea.t corner .r H-ctn-i . T..i,i,,, INSIST free to all our clients. Tlie eliTlioil of officer will t, llMn.r I., rhaina tt. tlM-nr.- ao rt.aii,. Olli'-t! Il'., i ' I) '' ,, J'' V I UPON - GETTING ELECTRIC - -r- ..L.. ..I,.... ,.i .1... ........U ,. ii., ' " cImib; norm, iltenrr la BREAD. " n cnatn rai in m.i..i ..r c.MfjiM.nrenMtii. IH I.I V.. - A .,'. - , William Watts & Co. i laiiiiaiv I'H UM-aled .Sutember SO. I9ff Phone 6C7. i A. J. Will III IV Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Dlk. Phone 109. Builders and Contractora continues BIO VOTE BEING TAKEN ?UIIN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION, Electric Window Bakeries ,'lice lhal A. 1. Uordon. i.r -k.'l' I'.O. Hoi 823. Phone 482. rata. H.i . miner, inlenj. l, aivlt ,, il.. Office; 1017 3rd Ave. 'eoiiUiiui'.Trtiiii alinller ,,r l.atHl. fur a llcenar i. .r.-.M- i Third Ivenue. jiaae onc irr rtM.1. i-ir.leiiui and natural a. ,,(ci Jobbing Work of all Kinds. 33 1-3 per cent off all Cent's an, under Um r..ll.,vii.r dVaerlued lai..l-( iiiu,nnlly .'iiinlidiileH )hniI aituattr ,i Hkidevat titlel. ilralMti. Iln.l SUITS AND OVERCOATS. ii.iMl .leal of lime in lite eaiiieil nuriiiea! .rner i.r ftnriiiMi so. T..iii.i, Just to remind that ARMOUR CLAD AND rllillnlier, vtheri Hie vt.le 4v litk- 1. thciic- au i-lialua aoulli. IIm' au rluii. you our CADOMIN A FOOTHILLS vaeal. tiM.nc an i-iiain m.rtli. tliem-.- ao KLOTH KLAD ill if pliiet' Ull. Jll.irilllin and irtteli ' t"''"1 ' coinnjem enn-nt. Dr.LS.TAIT Suits for Boys at 15 Discount. e.mi. In lie iwinf i.l.'iil of vii'la.ry. 'A. I. iiOHI.ON. January COAL 'Hie general 4llioil of ilic ttitl-lir CHARLOTTK LAND DIVISION, in Haul Hie lOHtlewl Mill m-eloee ?UIIN..tire lhal A. 4. iMirdon, i.r ekl'l.-Kate, DENTIST. H.i:., miner. InleiMl lo aely to Um-Mti.l.ler Dent Coal ruined In Alherta, lleiiiaikaLli- Vuln.K Hi mud Hial llieii' will lie no .r l.atMl r..r a Hciim' lo r.-..-.- Clearance Helgerson Block, la rue iitiijorily for Hie Aiiiiiir. r..r omI, iHein.li'iii.i atMl natural aa tii Clean, Little Ash, More Heat. MEN'S FURNISHINQS. and under IIm ri.ll.,linr dcAcrllM'tl laml. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Mayor ItiR'lie.ler uImo wa "ii annate on rkl.l, lile lnl.-t. iiratiaui lati.i LIKE YOU'LL Office IT. liiiinl Hie rtMi.liM'urlua al a immI lilauU'd al ll.e Houra, 9 to 6. i u...,i imii'I if lime IHH-llmeal coriM'C i.r Mertiiill , Touiialllp Phone 680. Phones 7 and 311. 1 1 1 i m in.li ning mid lMk a lively 3, tlielire ill rlialua Mtulll. tltrnre All rlialll ai, ilience au rltaiu iM.rtlt. Um.uci so Open Tuesday, Thursday and Acme Importers illleiVKl ill Hie iiii r.no. of llf-filir. Llialna vel lo mMiiI tit r..niUM'lir.iiMit. Saturday Evenings. Consumers Coal Go. Lid I UM-aled Novell,lr , A.ISf.f. iiohioj SALE 111.' follow in,; lire Hie eleellotl Third Avenue. .Hii-illlx ?U(IN CHARLOTTK LAND DIVISION, lice thai A. 1. .Inrilon. .r en 1,1, Heliinnnw (lllreer I!. A. Kate, H.i:.. miner. InleiMl to a.l t. Hie A. W. Llpsln, Manager. Miuler or l.arnl r.ir a ll.-eue t. pr..M-c ,.,i,l. ifur coaL iMiroleiiiu aiMl natural aa. ...er! is still Tel. 359. P.O. Box 667. lleliiriiiiiii (ill).' .....I and under llw follova ina .lecriled laud, on lii'Mily in in .,uau mi Kkldeaata Inlet, ilralunu l.lil I'.ill Cterk 1 1 it-i-t'V V. Hindi. CirfiiiMiM!lnr al a mi i.iauini ai ina The same Bargains are still available and added. Ladysmith-Wellington COAL Ianuilivet corner r e.-l..n iff.. Tov.ii.trp more leMlly lllliriilfli IIIIm'.'iv iIimhv au rhaina iHirlh. llM'iM'r au rlialua Many ladles stated I "The Value Given Is Better Than I U' I'. Hi-ill, Iti-iMiL.lkiinL. I-- . Ilience au riuiua aoulli. Ilienre an Thought it Would be." I'ualiu. vel to M.inl nf r.Miiuu'iicettieiil buik on Dock . , . , $12.75 Sacked on Dock . . . $13.75 H. Alli,,lli- mi,I im. V. Il.'llll. i.ucaia iuvetuiM.r av. ivav. Tim li-i lelo wa- mil. ...U. i I... .I u.i ......l ,i ., Bulk Delivered . . , $14.25 Sacked Delivered . . $16.00 Dry Kindling I ly-idiav n ayeiUn V. Will. A. I. OOHIiQV ili-il.i on um rijiiuler- in..i. 1--r HaJiMi'll, V. II. I'HI-I'Hi. QUIIN CHARLOTTK LAND DIVISION, Ladles' Silk and Cotton YELLOWHEAD LUMP lake Aoiice Dial A. 4. tiurdon, ul Mkide-aate, Vests, V..l.on,," isj.r.o. and Ii. AihIi'I'moii, I'. Ilalliirktor, B.C.. mltu-r, Inleud In accly to the Hal.- i i, , $2.00 Bulk on Dock $11.00 Sacked on Dock . . $11.75 and H. I.. Voiinwniaii. rur miwaier anal,of ..anil iroleutu.or and a lice..natural lo aa..roM'.-..-, Ladles' Muslin Underskirt, regular aa.:,. Sale in. . $1.75 Bulk Delivered $12.50 Sacked Delivered . . $14.00 ROUGH LUMBER M.iillgiuii. i y rv rtil ine. i . aiut under IIm. rollowltir dva.-rllM'd landc. Ladles' Flannelette Nightgown, I .ir. Hide 'n. . $1.10 Aduina, J. I.IVer und J, J. (U.i.uinclii at a mi iilaulrd at in.-,.,ii. Ladles' Muslin Nightgown, no. Hale I'm $1.35 YELLOWHEAD EGG For Sale Cheap. auuihea! i "rner f iecll,,ii l. T" i.-l.ii. e ' I, IliHlice SO chain. vtet, llwnce au chain 25 Ladles' Voile Blouses, '.'.no. Hide i n e $1.35 Bulk on Dock . . $ 8.75 Sacked Tin- kinilliiiH i. dry ..'run luirlli, thence tu chain, ra.t. Ilwurn SO Children's on Dock . . $10.25 . mama aoutti to ih.ii.is or ti4i.iueuceiuiit, Nightgowns, Flannelette, .:ir.. Kale i't i. 05c Bulk DeUvered $11.25 Sacked Delivered .. $12.50 lumber irolil Hie lliv I 'riiunaue ll. HUii'k, -"ii ..f Mi. Lucalwl Ki.vi'iiitMr II. ism Babies' Bath Robes, re. :i.:.ii. H ml ,.rn e I.. . leat $3.50 -hill -ll.'d. The IiiiiiIm'I i anil Miv Juini'M llluik. of llim 4 i nniiiion Ladles' Butterfly Hose, i,nv .,, v,.-,v , ml : n. ll two und three in, Ii -iiitli l ily, ri'llll ll,', ll) Hie Velllltre oil I OUIIN CHARLOTTK LAND DIVISION. To .'le.ir g. lor Prince Rupert Coal Co. 1,1 u 1 1 K i il it hi tlif feri'iil MlilHo. ltl.Mla.v ,...,i.i i.. V nil. Oliver lo laka Julli-e that A. J. Ilurilon. or l-kl.li $1.00 Ml, n.C... miner. Ititwid lu a,ily to lh Ladles' Adanao Silk Hose, iej. 1.M). Kale I'n. e . 75c Htiilahle for fruiiuiiii. nnJe-uulka. ri'Mllliie In- ,'lei'l I leal . lliliee lll M'"'?''. f ' '"em to ,n...eei PETER BLACK, Agent ele. Mllldie tl le I iiiver-lly of ll.i,.," and under M.rolrui the r.llin and natural dr., rlb.-d aa latida over Solo Agent for LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON A YELLOW urier aittviiiK apetiv lite lioli.l-iva iHiimeiii'lns i HdeaU al a .',.t liuel, i'Uni.,1 nialiaiii al Ulaiid lite Jabour Bros., Ltd HEAD COAL8. Pacific Cartage, Ltd l-llllla- Willi llllt 'liurenlM. Muribraai crner ,.r h ii.ui -. i T.'-ii-lm. lumen SO rlialua .unlit. Il,.-i,.-r ai. ' liain. Phone 15, Main Offices Central Hotel. Phone 83. 'll.n.Ti..i,,t. nil uttVl I.I a.r. ......I I.orlh tlM.ll. c 0 Phone 645. Cor. 3rd and 7th. 1 u'Cjiu oiiivihihb mniiHaj i iian;. ridl, l' !! of i IhllH'UrIIM'lll, regular contiououa advertUintf. I iu' noTt.uiixT , iwvv I Ai 4, OOKLMJ.V