ty esday November 30, 1932 EE — THE DAILY NEWS =~ AEE VIVE Knitting Yarns See the full range of colors showing in our window temember it is unshrinkable We are showing sample garments made from this popular English yarn Standard price throughout Canada Per ball 20c. yper, sound engines The County Court e of Fred ern Electric Co ir- E. Reisch He y Hill id G. P i I Ru-| Heir wn f from \V vel yurned u ) I re ula The rctior { equipm i on ) vart and is undeli Act LOCAL NEWS NOTES | Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone 290, tf afternoon along Come ati from 3 till 6 iyo = WZ wily, «“ ATAMELESS” lamps cost you money in early burnouts and higher electric light bills. EDISON MAZDA Lamps save you money by giving more light—better light—and longer service. Insist on lamps that bear this name. MADE IN CANADA EDISON @ MAZDA LAMPS)... CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. | IMITED OIL BURNERS LESS DIRT LESS LABOR CONSTANT STEADY HEAT Big reduction in prices of Crock- | . ' : 1 ery and China. See our stock. Gor- ion’s Hardware ti Canadian Legion Christmas Tree; {Members are requested to give hemes and ages of children to committee at once Ul ehcamebs | Mrs. D. Taylor of ;jrived in the city on the Winnipeg ar- Prince morning to pay a visit |with her daughter, Mrs J. H. Car- Norah thi United Church Baziar tomorrow | C.L.D.L. Dance, Exchange Block, Dec. 1. | For @ay and night Taxi Ser- vice Phone 32, tf Lutheran Church Bazaar, Dec. 3 2.30. Program, lunch at 8.30. Ad- mission 25c. i alll | Reid McLennan returned to the | city on the Prince Rupert this {morning from a two-weeks’ trip |} to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Stewart and child of Anyox, who have been on sja trip to Vancouver are passengers aboard the Prince Rupert today returning to the smelter town. }son, Waldron Apartments ao | --- Capt. H. E. Nedden has resumed | A. Schriaberg of Vancouver ar-|command of the steamer Prince | rive d in the city on the Prince Ru-|Rupert on its present voyage pert this morning from the south,|/north after having laid off last b ti with the/trip in Vancouver on account of 5B. ( { b illness -_—- Sons of Norway Celebration—the I A. R pre { of | 100th anniversary of the Norwegian e Bank Alaska w nead-|author Bjornstjerne Bjornson, Fri- quart at Skagway, was a pas-|day, Dec. 2, Oddfellow’s Hall, 8 enger aboard the Princess Norah] o'clock. Adm. 35¢. Good program. th morning returning north af Everybody welcome er a ‘busine rip to Seattle and) wie south | A meeting of the local Workers’ | Unity League was held last night | Announcements Ketchikan after having spent the United Church Bazagr Dec. 1 CNR teamer Prince Rupcrt,| past few weeks in the city Capt. H. E. Nedden, with a fair- Moose bridge and whist D 2 sized list of passengers, arrived in Response to the appeal of th port on time at 9.30 this morning] Boy Scouts for old toys to be over Eag] Da D : 9 \from Vancouver, Powell River and|hauled in the top repair shop and Ge 0c. I ) Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o’-|distributed at Christmas to tl *k this afternoon for Anyox, | needy reported to be slow. Al! I ie] Ba ) } Stewart and other northern points|contributions of such toys woul 2.30. Pr 30. A whence she will return here to-|be appreciated ana the ho} of 3sio1 row evening southbouna the Scouts is that they will b : sent in as soon as possible G e. Moose H eguliginls Ce ee C. P. R teamer Princess ; : ; ‘h nas Norah, Capt. William Pa r Satu D ) ” rived in port t 9 o'clock thi 9 morning frdém Va tv ind sail Moe I ‘ Ye I B U S H S ed an hour later for Skagway and ; ther northern points whe e sh JONES’ Family Meat sea Market wc Qs he GO GE phe C a) a & > 957 Phone © © © 2 f2 © re wt e) & when various matters in regard to unemployment were taken up There was no statement for pub- lication this morning. Annette’s Month-End Sale 20 Dresses Afternoon, Sunday night and evening styles; Special In satins, flat crepes, tweeds, etc. : io —— a $7.95 20 Dresses—In Satins, etc flat crepe Extraordinary values at 50 Felt Hats— to clear at Ss, celanese, $3.95 | 200 Pairs Shoes brocades, etc; all sizes at Two and three-piece Wool Suit Reg. values to $12.95; Special In cuban and high heels, kids, Special $2.95 ~ $5.00 25 Purses— HE he Pi if 100 Bbxed Hajikies+ 35e¢ or 3 boxes for 25 Corsolettes—Extraordinary value Sizes from 30 to 34; sale special 12 Velvet Hats— Specially priced at Reg. values to $095 $1.95 500 Pairs Hosiery—Full fashioned, all 79¢ sizes, all shades, all perfects; special 4, 3 in & box ee tt $1.00 95¢ 95¢ $9e black and burgundy 20 Fur Trimmed Coats—In brown, navy, Reg. val. to $29.50, to clear $12.95 100 Pyjama Suits, fancy rayon 1 and 2-piece; special ... $1.79 50 Dansettes—In rayons and re silk; priced at 95e and ee cS train for duties N. Westby of Seattle, organizer of the Sons of Norway Lodge, left on the Princess Norah this morning for Buy prices from us at lowest and get all the best grocery services. Look at these prices: ld Flour- ick Al be Rose Flour v-ib ack itoes ck Sweet Chow 40c Ark . Chow Sweet | Mixer Sour Mixed WASASSSS oon C B 11ts Air Furnace tl WHIT! erately pris Air or Hot Wat I rh ie j Ward Electric & Marine Supply Co. oem UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer eave SS. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M roe Fall i W USS. VENTURE EVERY THURSD AY MIDNIGHT Wee o Po! Sim River p SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RAT! RUPERT TO VAN‘ OUVER, $3 ROUND TRIP PRINCE nit March 31, 1983 On sale Nov. 10 to Peb iit ' formation regarding all sa'll 1 ke ehone 56h VRINCR RUPERT AGENCY: Second Sven Po er LS TT ee eet ce neeeeneetnnnaaaa “PACIFIC CANADIAN PA © : } LN 10 P.M ? ; °) ‘iy pRIn NO ) R ! >a pRaIONS TO VANCOUVER W FARE ROUND TRIP WINTER EXCURSIUNS Oy 1998 Vickets on sate November 10 I | en eee De EI Prince Rupert, B.A \ L. COATES, General Agen! TRAIN SERVICE From Prince Rupert 9.30 a.m, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Trains will arrive Prince Rupert 9.00 p.m, every Tues- day, Thursday, Saturday, on railand steam- Old Country Special low rates ship tickets to the Special Fare-and-a-Third Round Trips to Eastern Canada Tickets on Dee. | to Return limit three sale Jan. 5 months for information atl or write > + 6 HeIPi Piers | | w a Y 2 ati Ti a j RX aut 4 V.199 R82 | Jap Oranges per box ‘ampbell's Tomato Soup eT tin ‘alifornia Seedless 2 lbs Telephone—211 oo Grocerteria Dec. 10 Ends Free Premium Offer --- Act NOW! possible “Pe $1.30) 70c! $1.15) : $1.35 ! 25c per tin | yighy Soap 29C| Pacific Milk | ; fn tins lic per $5.00) 10c Raisins 25¢ Bush’s Grocerteria “ $1.95 appliances. ee ee 50 Bobettes & Bloomers—Non-run rayon; special at 50 Pairs Bedroom Slippers--In crepes and patents; special .......... $1.49 YOU are invited to inspect our stock of corsolettes, ‘girdles, garter belts, Sale Starts Wednesday, November 30, at 9 A.M. brassieres and sanitary Lieut, Commander Edwards R. C. |N. R. of Esquimalt is here to pay a visit to the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, having arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south. There were 35 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Norah this | norning on her arrival from Van-| ouver enroute to Skagway. Two ersons disembarked from the ves- | el here and three went north | | | eseligeiie | L. Topliss is expected to arrive in he city soon from Vancouver tc} icceed S. N. Boyle as accountant | 1 the local office of Canadian Na-| ional Telegraphs. Mr. Boyle left on where in the south. \* this morning's train for Vancouver | » which city he has been transfer- Advertise in the Daily News. ° Every purchaset for this Norther during the comir fourteen-plece se utensils absolute who gives us an order ABC Washer ig week, gets a beautiful n Electric *t of aluminum kitchen ly free! rhe ted Mode! here is a that washer i | | B Playmayd Washer illustra- makes quick work of heaviest wash. it and will not injure the sheerest fabrics. standard, full capacity the is fast, quiet, rugged— per Ib -$5.00 down and twenty-four monthly Nabob Tea 40c, payments that are less than what you per ib . ane save on laundry bills. ° ard handsome porcelain Come in today a like the tub, the full-roll, And you will like our special casy terms nd see it work. You will enamelled four-spring wringer. * ; M. A. Burbank, C.N.R. divisional} Leonard M. Campbell, Wrangell} Orme Stewart, who has been engineer, left, on this morning’s| merchant, was a passenger aboard | spending the past couple of months one of his periodical|the Princess Norah returning north|in Vancouver and Victoria, re- trips over the lines on inspection | after a trip to Seattle and else- | turned to the city this morning. Daily Specials Te tam Corn, 2’s i3c Ni } i 104 Coffee 43e Braid’s Tea— 90¢ 2 lbs. (& 1 lb. Free) Swedish Health Bread per Ib 15¢ Tomatoes—l’s per can Aylmer Golden Ban- Mail Orders Reccive Prompt and Careful Attention MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store 18 — Phones — 360 P. O. Box 575 The ABC Model B but high in quality by both the Northe Company Limited Company. Buy NOW Save Money and Drudgery Playmayd, is. lew in. price, Its perfection is sponsored rn British Columbia Power and the Northern Electric This Model “B” Playmayd Washer at Only $198.50 (Cash, 30 Days) $5.00 Down And 24 Monthly Payments of $4.85 Each OR See these Washers being demonstrated at Northern BritishColumbia Power Co. Ltd. ate OTe © dle ‘ 3 wh, beg tt gm” : ie ia