El mm PAQI FOsTH THI DAILY NkWB Thurl3, July S, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan J rr LADIES! JUST ARRIVED. A rcw grey suede, 2 strap, very cnic. . Drop In and see them. SPECIAL. Brown Kid Oxford, Welled. Soles All sizes $6.50 MEN! Our range of Men's Shoes In Hrown or Hlack. All shapes and sires S7.50 Cannot he healen anywhere. Family Shoe Store Ltd. Shoo For The Family. HHHHflHHHMHHHi j Summer COAL Great satisfaction! Repeal orders heing filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Quick Fire! Lasts Longer! Costs same as other Nut Goafs. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery limited BARGAIN two Lots in Section 1, $625each Terms arranged See us for particulars. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. We beg to announce the opening of our new Garage and Service Station on 3rd Ave. East, In the former Pacific Cartage Stable and Warehouse Buildings. i Competent mechanics arc in charge, and you are as-cured of prompt and courteous service and reasonable prices. Tires, Tubes, Accessories, and a ful'lne or genuine Ford I'arls darried in stock. Phono Green 392.. Free Air. Phone Green 392. Free Air. S. E. PARKER, Ltd. tr ' hven if you don't live in a glass house and throw clones Your WINDOW Or Wind Shield May Get Broken. T. ROSS MACKAY Will Fix it. Everything In Qlats. iH I Jutrr take, a, Quiet snooze in the: hammock. whiue. nac.ce. ItJ OUT HOPPirV.' WW' y --h MNDERHOOF Mrs. Harry Hall, of Prince George, is visiting wilh tier sister Mrs. A. Nelson. . 1 O. J. Iteid, and new, are cyw-linuing work on Ihe Fori SI. James road, "and il wilisonu he in very giHuf shape. - - Harry Ingham and family are having a inolof trip in Washington stale, and visiting relatives they have not seen for n number of years. On Tuesday last John Irvine ! bail Ihe misfortune to sustain u nasty axe wound, and was brought to Dr. W. II. Slone la receive medical treatment. ! A. J. ami Mrs. Richards and , daughter have left for Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. Richards was tne principal or Ihe local chool durrng the past three! lerms. At F.ndakv Jaine Ilonner, car inspector, was run over by n team and wagvin, and got his ankle badly crushed. He was at tended by Dr. Stone. I Mrs. 0. J. ItPiil, of Chilco, has returned from Hie general' hospital in Prince George. While somewhat improved she i still far from well, and is. saying i inwn unocr -niie, earn ofi,MNl?',i'!fl' Richard Stuart, Mrs, J. M. Johnston and Miss Kdna Hnrdelle lrave lefl for Ihe coast. Mrs. Johnston will be away about a month in Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Miss Hurdelle will visit her sister-at SuinniPiland for six weeks or so. j rvc "Clark" ChicKeH I coup next time you want WM ; an extra food one it is MM I one ol the 13 delicious ! I Clark's I evi me? BH No work no Ion J cook- H ing simply a(jd equal H parts ol water heat and erve. BBS Hj In CanaJm aiuf Bfl Canada Appnwd BBJ B SoU 'vrywhtrt BBJ - W. CUPK LIMITED .JbtJ PBJBk MONTREAL A Bfll j- 4 1VT.JJ Mr. Harretl Is now Ihe largest agriculturalist in the district, having 1,600 awes under culti- I'illinfi in II.a ll.,ll,1A II ln ha" Hp savs-lhe hay Mrs. T. W. Jackson and l1PP.ere eiilrusiHI In F,rnie Thoinp. sister. Mrs. M. E. Jones of Seat-i"' tl(. vUIIpi! lliis .lilrirt lnul vionlr ' Mrs. Jackson owns land properly in the Xerliako dislricl and came up lo inspect it, Wliile here she met a number of old friends whom she knew in the big day? of Ihe Yukon mining Xatne, PRINCE GEORGE Mayor Johnson is-making ar rangement lo be in Vancouver on July 20 when President Harding makes his visit following his Irlp lo Alaska. Auloists wlio have been over the West Lake Road say it has never previously been in such good shape as il is at present. There arc at I lie present time eigiil road crews working in Ihe Prince Georgo vicinity and for mud roads llie'highway are hard lo beat. Charles Harretl, one of Hie old- i-si pnieers n inn reuirni ior, is spending a few days In tins j cily. Mr. Harrell came into the district in connection with the building. of the telegraph line lo Dawson when there was but one white settler between Quesnel and Uazellon, in tlie person of E, S. Peters the present sheriff, who was Ihen Jiving at Eraser Lake, crop never hxikch neller. He ex-jiects to cut about 1,000 Ions and will leave the rest standing for his slock. Mayor Johnson js having rather goin luck in Ihe hatching oT Ihe Siberian pheasant eggs which lie brought up from"! lie. coasf. Willi two Settings of Ihirty eggs, which a "n,r" '- clucks was SCCUrCiI and it I rinks as If Hi henswil! be able to rear at least Iwenly of Hient. HAZELTON Miss Hanna has left for Smitli- ers w iere .she will remain I lie siiniTner wilh her sister; Mrs. Welch. . Itiere have been thirty-five fires Vn Ibis district to dale Ibis season. ' At present ihefe is only one under pal ml. Of the total number only eight cost the province additional money and I liny averaged about 1102. Miss Cbappell of Smiliicrs was Ithe guest of Mr.,MarKuy during lier Slay here ;m tiresidihg nx- nminer for the cnfrance'rliiss. Mr. and Mrs. Harbeau and children nrrived in town recently from Ottawa anil will spend Ihe nere in connection with trary Indian hisiory, .vial! .Myers is acting postinas - ler for a collide of weeks while Miss Smith is on her vacation. ' MagotTin A Co. have secured the wo contracts for culverts and fills west of .South Uazellon BRIER station on the Canadian National Itailway. A crew is being assembled and I lie" plant put in shape fur about si months work. Mrs. Anderson "and I wo daugh-ers.will return home early in July from .Nanaimo. Mrs. Aiidcr. sun will lie nrrfiuvpanled hy her "isle and two children who will spend pari of Ihe summer here. Win. Grant was in Sin it her lat week, lie has been appointed a Justice of the pence for ffaxellon. A couple of real eslale deals liave been put through in town ecenfly. Jim lloilder is reported o be ererlinga pool room on Ihe iver bank. lliree' prospectors, wiltu a twelve horse pack train outfitted jut tlie Hudson's May (. recenlly, : and have, started for Ihe Omjneca ! where they' will upend a year or two. Sport Chat j The Deinpsey-tilldMHis world's lieavyweight rhauipioiisliLii patlle goen ikiwn in ring hisiory as Ihe. Kiealest of boxing pioinolinri fiascos. Thejnily ones who made any money were apparently Ihe champion and his munayer and I hey did not make as much as I hey wanted or agreed upon at. IliVugh Ihe iimcensus of opinion will iiiidniibledly be that they made all Ihey were entitled lo and more than they desnl un. der Ihe ordinary run of Ihinss. Hie figlil at Shelby win! the cir- cumslances' siirroundimr it mere ly emphasize Ihe agitation Ihatj lias lieen rising in a desultory manner of late against the growing greed of champions in de luding suclr immense guaran tees for entering the riiiif. 'Hie iiieslon is; "Should any champion he paid 300,11(10 for eule;- ing the prize ring and is the hesl lickel to a world's heavyweight boxing, championship bout worth rt0 or nntlliliitf like it?" The answer in the minds of all ren snnahle people is "No," and the sooner lie fans as a wliole gov ern themselves accordingly ami place a virtual Imycolt on such demands, the sooner will athletics and boxing part inflarly, turn back lo a proper course from I lie track of financial depravity and unreasonable grei'd that is now being followed. The capilaliatu lion of sport is going Just a Utile loo far and the lack of patronage afTorded yesterday' bout may be taken as a sign thai the public i beginning to realize il. The fight ilself proved Hie boxing eensalion of the year. Con lo general expectation, Gib lions stayed with it until the very lasl and tune Dernpsey absolutely 'the best bailie ho has had since he won the crown. The outcome jwould indicate that either Gih- 'lons has been under. vhIiici! ns boxer or Dempsey has lost his punch. Tlie progress of the bat. tie in.licale.l. however. Hint the rLrjfcv " 1 M.i I ... Qttu r mr. ftATuw Sorvict. '. Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. Mo Advrtlmnt Taken for Ls than riOc WANTED WANTKI). Representative to take orders on commission for; Dairy Product In Prince Ru- pert and District. F.xcellert side line. Pleuso give rufer. encn and full particulars lo Hot 123. Daily News Office. 135 FOR SALE HAHOAI.N for Cash if .mild immediately, Lot in, map Drt7. Terrace. Apply liox 122, Daily News Oftlce. FOR RCWT TO II EXT Furnished , wilh hoi and ridd water, by day ir week. Norfolk Rooms, Phone lllack 321. if TO RENT.--Furnished suite In Wablron Apartments. Phone Green 430. 155 STEAM Healed Flat for rent. Hcsrter partment. M. M. Stephens. , FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms 410 Sixth Avenue East. Phone Hluo 217. tf MODER.V four room flat for rent. Weslenhaver Hros. If ROOM ANO BOARD PALMER HOUSE. 10(5 Seventh Avenue Wes. Phone Red 119. Furnished suites. ROOMS a. ST. EI.MO HOTEL, llol and cold water In every room. Sleani healed. Rates reasonable. Phone Grjen 510. 836 Second Avenue West. champion handed his opponent much punishment which (Sibbons sustained mol gamely proving himself lo be the logical conlen- ler for the title. As a result en. Ihusiasni has been Instilled in Ihe situation which will only be satisfied wilh another meeling between the I wo men and cer tainly Gibbons has earned the rip lit lo another meeting for the lille. -- Ihe dissolution of Ihe Grolln Senior League baseball learn and the taking of the players from thai organization into the two re plaining clubs, Sous, of Canada ami Gils, will provide heller baseball for ihe. fans for1 the re mainder of Ihe season and some real live games may be expecfed from new on, Senior baseball games w'rll lie played weekly as already sel down in Die lime table on Hie same dales as now posted. The standing will remain a il appears al present wilh the Sons and fills lied ,wilh lliree wins and one loss each. Tonight ifie first game under the new r. rangenienl will take place- Lid-slone will pilch for Ihe Sons of Canada ami Frizzell for Gil's, Principal Vance of Ihe Angli can llieologleal College at Van couver Is spending a couple of days In Ihe city on Ihe way home from i visit lo eastern Canada, He has been giving addresses al various points and Ibis afternoon he was Ihe guest of the Rotary Club which he addressed. Mr Vance is no stranger here, hav ing vlslled the rlly and preache. al Ihe Anglican Church on n former occasion. Misses Irene um Jessie McAfee arrived from Vancouver on (lie Prince HupsrT yesterday iifer. noon mi Ihefr way to George-town where Ihey will Spend the summer with Ihelr parents. Mr .and Mrs. George McAfee. I nil 7-5 BOARD. HOARD. The Inlandr, Second Avenue. Phone 137. MISCELLANEOUS. I'LVPERIENCED MANICURIST and a upeclally. Phone llluo 171. Mrs. Coleman. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone, (Call George or Gust) Ross Brothers. Five-passenger Touring Car Prompt Day and Nlabl 8ervl5. SUnd: Boston Grill Third Avenue AUCTION SALCS. Conducted In your home or a' our rooms. Goods also sold on commission. H. M. HEMMINQ3, Auctioneer, Third Avenue (Det.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone black 136 and Oreen 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE. O.C. Chiropractor in! Avenue. Prince Ruperl, H.C. Hours: 10 to 12: 2 In I; 7 lo 8. Phone Hlue f.25. Residence, Green 136. HOLIDAY RESORTS MASSETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resort. For If-nns apply proprietress: Mrs. J. C. St Dunn. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl days, closes al 5.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and Pal unlays. 4:30 p.m. L From Vancouver Sunday -P. M. Mondays .3 P.M. Wednesdays 3 P.M. Fridays .... A.M. Fridays 3 P.M. C.P.R. July 2, (1, 13, In, 20 and no To Vancouver 'Mondays n P.M. Tuesdays, Mail closes al 4 P.M. Thursdays .....W.JM 10 P.M. Salurdays A.M. i Halurdays ,. ... in p M. C'.KR. July 7, II, IK. 21. 25 and 28. x To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays 9 P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays 8 p.m. To Stewart and Premier- Fridays 9 P.M. From Stewart and Premier Saturdays g i,m( To Alaska Points-July 2. 0, 13, 10, 20 and 2. From Alaska Points Lily 7, II. IH, 21, 25 and 28. To Naas River Poir.l. Thursdays 0 P.M. From Naas River Points Salurdays A.M. To Queen Charlotte Island Points July, mid 25 5 .30 P.M. From Queon Charlotte Points July U and 2.1 a,M, To Port Simpson, Alice Arm . Anyox and Arrandale. tf i oiiiioays o ,M, rrom port Simpson, Alios Arm Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays (l Signs of Good Health S3ri!;.,,ir,&;)vhuW-:IU,,l,r,' Dr. Martel's Female Pills r 'u JTV'T", ti M "ru.,1.1., nr diwt It ALU RIGHT MACie -WHAT SHCRC ARE , XOU7 t' QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIJ. irtiur. Application to Purchase Land. i .io .'" en i.iia.iuue ijjn i j inrt. liecoroing outi ng u Rupert, ami initiate h Hay. hkidegnle Inlet, a il as Hiirnt Island, lying I J Taki. Notim that V i Morris, of Vancouver. Il rupatioii miner, inlands . lor (ermision to pur1i following dencribeil Jan.) mennnir al n pot plantr i norine.isieriy corner I IstAnd. Hiefice following line of said island to r t commencrinenl. contain irz flwehty acres more p e. WILLIAM GEORGE MrMOfl'!' tle.1 Mo ;r, t?3 CANADIAN OOVCRNMINT MIMCMSll MAMINC. LIMITIO, PON SALS ST TINOtR. Ifntfnirfxsl it fie l ivn UMitrrO. 1 4nd, until m- n a .. 111, fur Itw lMirrh4w i,t Dtr OMfiwrS' lenrtrrt l be Uirll ivi fiwani rmulllHtn iimI hrrr n w tr tU'tr if Irvtkrt ml Hut ci 4i lrl rirlihVr.l. A'ortalitr 1 l'l. s.s. Tamilian fcuw ITTS (S.S. "Ctltl.n Srhr' t;: : s.s. "-nlun Trader" Jin s.s. T4n4in AiOMiliirrt iri S.S. "lUtudlan Salkir' ST.? S.s. "Cirtiiuii mer' tf: S.S. -Cotadun filtiriMcr' t' i S.S. -lnidirv r.nfinrrrv . V S.S. Taiwdlin sumIi S.S. inadian ftntmn" S it. CuJua Wsiit.-.- . S A. "lUtudlan nmr' , . S S. "famdun hnwr- S.S. Tiiuilian Oberr S. "Canadian hoo-r" S.S. "Canadun C.ir" a-1 S . "tauadun llirtrlr in- S.s. -Canadian lit t$ S.. "Caiiluik Arlalor" ) A.. "Canadian tiaiitrr till I S.S. Vaiiadian s-ilrr- . 4U IS Iss. -fanadian ItaiKlirr'' aaot IS I s.s. -Canadian Tranr" SW. l s.s. Canadian llnnirr 'HI It s.s. Tl. J. liruiiiiiHSxJ- 101 I i S.S. "Shells- 1I0S v- s.s. -J. v Mm" r.f IS i:oxiltloS: Trndra mar t l:S milled for one r iihiiv im Ihe ni Iwrlill TM1 verl. Trniti r lir'l arrbni(anls by 'fis-qne tor (us r rr (St, nf It amount of Ihf lfilH made iralili- ihe - mIt .f It. inadlan nminriit Vrfhant Mir rsr Minl'.ad. ami arrrpted lijf s jn.dun .ar leml batik. The lilthrtt or an rnArr r nrreiMrllr arreplnl, I'lailt and ferlfl i i mnt id itramrr ran ls rn and ar lleulara rif fU-IUrrr au-nriOiinl nn an: rallon lo ilw lndr'ltnHl. Xtm tl tr mini i rnanrni ts-rore ie Iran :-, la eiioipirird. n. a yr.vKt.r: Ooral Unr Canadian novemns-nt Verrhant Mai Limited. . The tinaulntrliifl Inortlnn of thia is. terinwiM hi In anj paper mil not I I NOTICE. In .the Mailer i.f an nt.ti.tin. i-- Isoie nr a prorlaMial Crnin-aie of t .., fir l.ol thlrir-thm Clii nr Im th -i hiindrrd and oily uto,. lianr fl ijm iM'irici (Map S70.. OIfru.c wra.r r h,'s.M or "r IfMrildn hf Cerllflrale nf iirln in I and rtaird n fmh day of May I envrrinr llw aald land, tavlnr len i dilrwd, II la my Intention to sue, ar Ifie riplratlnn of one nmnili fmni It.n fi ' (xilillrallnn f I III a noliee. a l-rnOl. :;; . rtlilrale of Till In llw nam i Jrin ,J'"."ni.ui","l Villd "W 'llon, in v lh, la made Ihrrrtn ' laiKl lieruirr offire. i-rlnrs Imrvrri. R.Ov'flih May, tj. II. r. MACI.EOD, HatUlrar nf Tlllra. LAND ACT. Nll f InUnllon l a..l u urehata in Bki-ena Land riiurii n.r,.Hir. nu irlrl of prinre Imtwrl. i.e., and Uliali l Iho iwrili end i,r klliDiniallutn lake U.li, Take Xoilce thai I, Onrar (llandi-r tt 'rmr. mtrnd to ai- "fir fierlnlOInn M nnr-h... il.. f. ll. J dearrlhivl laiidai Cummoirlnr II ti lilantrd 10 rhalna weal of the north rorrirf .f U am, ninre &. CoaM ft: inrii inenre anaih to riiamn iiunr il In the MO Isnilr nf Cedar nlveri lh-.n nn-ilr Mlcminr rlveo Id t-nili line nf I. ' llWJj Itienrt rati tn pnlht nf eoiiinirnre tneui, and rontainlni to irrrk, ' nmre ' .KM . osfjAiusinrn. nst ,., it,, ml.V Ap,'"fin'' LANO ACT.V Nollaa tf hitantlen Is Applf to Pure" ... ! . :" ltni firlr. iieconllnt M'' tflrl of I'rlnce Unpen. II.C, and alii at Ihe north end or kiuumralluni l.sk , Tike JiMife, iht I. Alfred Euan. ' hiinawiHiil. H.C., farmer, inirml lo appU ror sMnilon to purrha.a the folloi:il JfTibnl lamia: Coimm-mln l a l (klanled al mirlliwao roriier uf UX lil'k ;i "T rr" cinii tin-Tire suuili ' J0!,'';11"' ,0 moimitalinin I.akej ihrnrf folk, in Phi i, a..ilieaierly I" ';' iiiilhsaai ronwr of Lni IUi ih(',' (l ""' In point of re'""1"' ineni, nd rnntalnlnt anotit 15 more or la, Ai.riiF.ii niAN, I'atfd May loth, Kit,