Tburslay. July 5, (923. How do you buy oil? Your judgment in buying oil will give your motor short life or long life. You insist upon distilled water when you want tin purest water for your hat tcry. Because distillation removes the im puritiesThat's w hy you should insist upon SUNOCO THE DISTILLED OIL Mint oili are a compound of light oili and heavy "cylinder nock." Sunoco is not a corn pound but a pure, wholly dutillcd oil, an.! It's made in tlx type. One if best for your car. It will not break down as moit oils do; better lubrication, longer life for your motor. More power because Sunoco makes a piston ring seal that prevents power leaks. Try Sunoco. Have one of these dealers fill your crankasc today. Ak him or utile mi for bwXlft, -What'i UarprnlntlniiJtYour Motori" MARSHALL-WELLS COMPANY VANCOUVtR MOOSE JAW tOMOSION CALGARY WINMPIO Thru dealers ull SUNOCO talk lubrication iA them Prime lluprd llo.it liiiUHf. Pniu-e Iltirl Auto tympany. Th Kuieii Hardware. "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT mm Coast Steamships Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX . . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m., FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Islands June 13th, 27th, July 11th, 25th PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ... fcm. rmnrrt dally . -hM4 at ' I' m r"r Prills tir minimum, Winuiiwv, dlrtrt omnr. n n til pilru tailcrn until ana ttuvra Slataa QKnoV Ton ALL OCIn lllmnir nr.... Cltf Tla.J Offk., BIT Third A,, rrlnct luparl. "haul 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert . . n a " ft irr S.8. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. Kmnutao hliul. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, June 3, 8, 10, 23, 30 July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. For Ketchikan, Wrangoll, Juneau and Skagway, June 11, 18, 25, July 2, 0, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27. 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Buledale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. llini rrtitu rrinre UniH-rt. tor VANCO0VIR, WIOTOaiA, 0c FilH, " Swanton Bf, Tu.d., B P.M. 'or VANCOUVIR, WIOTORI, AUrl BtJi nd Swioton Bay. Saturday Noon, 'or ANTOX, ALICK ARM, STKWART, Willi llland, Sunday .10 M. for PORT SIMPSON and Niai RIip Canniflti. Trlday A.M. 9nU Wtim. i. Barnalir, Agm. I'llme lluill, U.t: LADY FED SNAKE ON WHITE RATS; KILLED IN NEIGHBOR'S CELLAR NKW YOllK. July 5. Hy Can- piliati I'M- . MeSwiney. a m-vcii loot make hidoiu.mg to Mi I'.hwuor Pirkuer. of Hrooklyn. re- ivntly wriggli-d into flic collar of MImtI llcdiiiiK ami coiled hiinell around ir pipe. When Mr. Hem. nig iilcd Ihe cellar he nearly bad ncrvou prolralion. flu; fclipvalcii to tin coriicr linker.. who Irleil liU lurk win, a ,mir ,,f hear lull ri.il when Ihe,. nak made for him. Laler .Mr. linn tun rHiarned hutne a ml killed .MOwlncy Willi a nlmvel. When rppried of her pel'-. dpalh, Ml nikiier wa very i ni t n a ti I . Mit oxpiaiueil Mcfwincy van penile audliarinh ami that she ucd u feed him on white rat every other lliniMlMy until the firm Dial iip.liwl tlieui went hank. iupl. "He wa- o font of while rain." f TOOK COFFIN FROM GRAVE TO SELL IT All. ASIA. Oa.. July i. Hold ing llml it wa not attain! lln uh 4ii oeoigia Hi .n ii av al. d rcni'jve coffin: I he court of appeal hux granted a new (rial (u Sain Wan, a uejtro untler taker, who wa recently cenlenreil to ten ear' imprionnHant for irinoving a l..y f. obtain lln coffin, which lie i alleged t have resold POWER OF SUGGESTION i rave 1 1 mp i Dceoininu r.ior.1 am! more nf a fine art. Formerly II wii resaMetl Minply hi a prw- v of pellins from one nlaee t another nHl (income hut un aoiiabH'. Now it i liMtkeil upon a a joyful umlerlakiiip, a ile- jliKhlful iiil' ilmlr in (he reifiilar iiMiluie of life. eeciaHy when Mo- journey i n. r Ibe line of I Ik- iaiiailian National Hailway 1 he kevnoie i.r the Ui'iMlHr. Na. iional Hallwnvo i S-rire. Jlml -lAiee ainH to make the pan v r a romfortahle an poihle iir.,1 in te him enery bit of un ...r. -.ary 'linn. I IHllHlus I a iieniul effort. I'alroiifi of Ihe Ihiiiiik jr Service will now fiml llM-ntele atii thai Invihle. hy a eaul jrianee at the little hHlver lhat U rlilritull ihroUBhout Ibe roaebe on all Irani o which IMninfr or Cnfe rr are allarheil. Uon lh5 .I'mIhit. whirb 1 printed in Ixith i:nplih ami French are eeral ot:ueion for a fuilahJe com hinalion of tlih for the cumins meal. Price for a coin.lele menu lor iireaKia-i. iiioner ami iii'r nmjie frtim :I5 reut to f 1.25. The traveller merely nel lo ileeldc what he wihe to pay. ami upon enteriiiK Ihe HiniiiK f.nr he will fiml linn-elf eret an ipjietly uiel aiifarloi'1y a he woiiM in any wi'll-appointt'tl Iciiie. Silherlho f.-t Iho flv Nw PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, July S. HikIi .. .. 0:1 1 a.m. 111:02 p.m. Low ii; id a.m. IS:;'S ii.iu. Friday, July G HiKh 7:23 a. in. 1 1':,''" p.m. Low 1:17 a. in, 13:15 Mii. Saturday, July 7 HikIi X:'M a.m. .'(. IV) T' i. Low I a.m. lit: i' ui Plus 1c Per Piece. M 15.8 17. H.I f..5 II.U 1 7.3 11.5 17.1 7 i Id 7- a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your waihlnft 80 par cant or your Ironing ayarythlng ralurnad dry You limply touch up a fiw O'jlit garmants tuch aa walsti, blauaai, houia drasara, with hand-iron, Phona ui today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. ri fi. ft. TAB DAILY NEWS VKOZ THRli Local aod Personal Paisley Walsls. B. C. Undertakers Mayjieri, Undertakers. 361. IXMiieru. 150 Pbone 41. tf Phone tr Senior Basebalf tonlaht at 6.45 Sons of Canada vs. Oil's. For a IratiHfcr or cial. Call I ted 523 or 3i, Hoyal Hotel. Ceo. II. Casey. if For Plumbing and HEATINO. W. Longwill. phone Hlua 270. P.O. Dox 730. tf Uitionrfieit'hler Chilkool, Capl. (!eorseon, returned from Auyox ai I oclick lln afleriKMii. Sac Money! Iluy our .Nanaimo- Welliiiglon Nut Coal at $13.50 a ton. Albert & McCafferv. Ui. if Cily lore are oeii llii afler. noon on accouut of Mumlay hav- ni hveu ohcnel as a full holi- tlay. If 'iu fiml you cannot uet Ihe daily New regularly, call in and uhM-ril.c for it ami have It 'Uc-liereil to your home. if llr. I.aini, t lot-onto will preach in Ihe" Firl l'rebyleriau Church on .Sunday eveniiiK. Coiiie and hear Ihi ou!laudiii(; man. 15'J F. MHIenJ, formerly of tin: iMie-.Millerd Packing Co., n. eiiover, an-hed in Ihe cily on the Prince Itupert yesterday afler-mon. , 4.. Mr. and .Mr. IJeorze I.iltle and family armed in (he cily fron inrrace 011 lat nteht' Iniiu am) are ret:ilerel at Ihe Hotel Prince Itupert. PUBLIC MEETING, Saturday, July 7, S p.m., Empress Theatre, Speakers: Hon. Pattullo, Hon. Dr. Sutherland, Fred Stork, IW.P, Ladles Invited. iv.i N. L. I.ando. formerly 111 bui ue neii ami iruw euxaueil 111 Ihe fur trade, arriej fnun Van eouxeroii Ihe Prince Ituperl ye lerday aflerinxiu. S. H. Johnloiie, manager of lie Prince HumtI lnurauce Apencie. returned yelcnlay uf- lernoon hy Ihe Priiicc Ituperl rru a huine Irip oulh -Mr. K. Camtihell relumed on thv Prince Ituperl yelerday arierniiii afler havinir penl Ihe lat few week holidaying in Hi oulhprii-iulerior ut the province, - t. Ilenaud, pioneer of the Klomlyke who ha heen renewinjf aeiuaiulahre in Ihe cily diiriiu: the iial few day, i reltirnintr otilh lo'aucouer on Ihe Print Ituperl tonight. Peal fire at Hie corner if Mc llride Mrcel and Fifth Axenue caused alarm o he run-; into Ihe fire hall at '.Un, lat nisht ami 'J.IIO Ihi mornln'r. tutli were t'Miii(:iiilied without dam ajit lo proerly - . - e i . ... .i. it. iriimerou. or I lie pur- ha.lnj- latr of the Canadian Nnlronal Itailway 'ait .Vancouver, amveil ritint lhe "soulh v Ihe Prince Ituperl yeler.lay afler- iiimiii and 'Irfl on the eveninif Irani for interior jVm Uii hui ne. .Mr. "Cameron i .the on of J. It. Cameron, C.N.H. nilant Keiienil manai'er. 4 ' t .fl.llitil lleideul Hutrineer f limit ami Haleliery lupeclor C. NV. linn iou are liere lixlay afler iinakiiiK an iupeetioii if llio pawnintr proumi at various point in the intetioi". They jviileil Sliiart Lake, llahine, Hum Lake, Lakele'uand other ,110)111 and are now soinjr 'oulli lo variou lake ami river that are Ihe pawninit ground uf Iho fisli. W. A. Mc.Vdam, formerly a-ilanl deputy 1 1 1 i 1 1 t ir oT rinanee at Victoria, pa"ed tlinni'li Ihe ' ciiy fji4iily Hi't-iinir from the oulh -ui the leaiiier Prince llu perl ami leavini on (he eonimr ! I .... i .. r.... 1 1.'.. t .. . ... .... i . ' ( i urn inr i ne i-,ui, .HI , .'IC.VUUIII i un hi way lo l.omhm, Fiik-ilaml. where he will succeed William Turnliull a ecrelary In Fi I" h'. K.U., agent general for ll.C. Why nnl , subscribe , for Iho liaily .New. and have it. sent .hi youi home tCeTUlarly;? tf An entirely newsT"" kind or soap A new kind of soap. Made of pure materials combined in such a way that it has more cleansing power than soap has ever had before. It gently soaks loose the most ground-in dirt without weakening a single thread. Even ths worst soiled spots need but a light rubbing with Rinso. Ilk 'Diuotx in' boiling Water Pour into lab of lufyntxzrm water Use enough lo get big lasting mix (ieorge V. Xiekersmi is niaW-in? Ihe roiiiKl Iriji to .Auyox on the leaii'er Prince Hupcrl today. .. Tender. for charier of laum-h lo Provincial FiherieA Department for patrol on Ssena Hiver will he nceived hy Chief Con-lahle Minly, Provincal police. Prince Ituperl. Charter lo commence July U for .approximately one mouth. Applicant lo tal rate per day ami full particular.-, of launch alo where a.'ue ma he inpecliil. 157 FISH ARRIVALS llalilnil lauding were light Ihi morning, only one American and two Canadian rhooer ar- riving. The Aiuerii'an .-tliooneri lloal old 18.000 ponml, and I vu Canadian old .'H.OOO uouiul. lolal or 10,000 pouml. i Arrival ami ale were: American Itoynl. 18.000 iMiumls. at 15. le ami l.5o to the Canadian Fili A. Cold florage (o. Canadian Alliance, 13.000 pound, ah 1 1 r ml 1 1.3c, to the Atlin Fiherles Ltd: Pair of J.-teK. 15.000 pounds, ttl-l3.7c ami lie, to the Canadian l'ih Cold Storage Co. The American chuoucr Ilepuli- lic a nixed with CCMIOO pound (if halihul Ihi Hioi-uiui.- aTter the markt I hud closed. It will he held over until tomorrow. BASEBALL SCORES Coast League Oakland 15-2, Sealllo 5-0. Salt Lake 5-1. Lo Angeles. 0-3. Sacramento 1-0, San Francis co 5-1. Vernon 7-7, Portland 8-3. ' National League New York 7-5. Philadelphia 3 -3 ltolon 1-5. Hrooklyn 1-9. St. Louis 5-1, Pitlshurg 7-0. Cincinnati 0.3, Chicago 3-0. American League Chicago 0-3. "St. Louis 7-1. helroit 7-15. Cleveland 10-3. Philadelphia 3-1. ltolon 1-8. ashinifloii 0-2, New York 12- 5iiherih- fn It, hailv Vow ninntrn IMMTtt "'.t" No other kind will doforBabt. BO R FATED TALCUM Best for m For all ihe regular family Wash Rinso soaks clothes so clean that boiling isn't necessary. But if you like to boil your white cottons, pour enough Rinso solution into your boiler to give you the suds you like. KODAK NOTE: la M ni it uln from J t 1 rmfkmt of Hum t a Ink la m4 go4 aui. In Ptn kmri . yon wJl Mad from 1 1 m 2 packages l alvb lo gri t he na; taating aoaU tkail looaea all tbe dirt. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO R?0VI' Put it in your pocket and it puts your trip in pictures. KODAK FILM Jl your size is here. KODAK Self Timers, Carrying Cases. TriDods. ACCESSORIES they re all m stock here. Let us help you plan a Kodak Outfit for good pictures and lots of fun . 0RMES LTD The Rexall Stores Phones 200, 82 and 134 ARRIVED! Complete New Stock of DRY MASH HOPPERS. GRIT AND SHELL BOXES. DRINKING FOUNTS. CHICK FOUNTS AND FEEDERS. Priced from 20c See lht'e new sanitary poullry requisites. The Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store.'' WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 9T. - FLY TIE IS SCREEN TIME Wire Fly Cloth in 21, liO und 30 inch wulllis, priced ul 30c, 40c, 45c per yard for bluck; same widths, gul. vmiizcil, 50c, 60c, 75o per yard. Screen Doors, nil sizes, $3.50, $4.00 nitd $5.00. Screen Windows, in 5 sizes, 60c, 65c, 85c, 90c & $1.00 ea. Tel. 3. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver.