When You Want A PRINCE RUPERT DOCKS MONDAY? ".MA. July :,. The moue liiion arific loeouuitne which' Ml July ,r,.w in.,J(.nl r I ieelal I in in Into Purtlandl wreckd J(t oulide of the r"' t la ci i ma thi nini ihiih I '"ir iinliiinun .lend, iinolher1 ' "ritii,y Injured, four or five" .".nuirn were MiKhlly hurt' Wl,li the ni.liilltv of one ori tin, i,. Iran,,,, .,IK ,,., , r .. "" 'Hie eimlne. which w 'H'Hitu the Union Pacific owl 'I'm from piirtlniid. ran into n jai.iWide al Salmon IV'iicli early 'iiniMinir, l'.dviird Itoildey. r v seer or Seattle, i dead. englishIxpress train crashes at mouth of tunnel Sl Persons Killed When Leeds-Manchester Express Collides at Full KnnnH With Englno llllIU;ilHFi:U. July 5. Six I't'iHiniH were killed, IneJuilliiR ,w" railway muml and feven l't'fou were Injured in u train vv'cck Ifiihiy nl llUln near hero I't'M Ihd: 1ei'iln.Miiu'chestei' Kx-I'le iyu ,y tWll't'llKillV ''"I "''"I while uiiniiiK full 0"d ?v,,li an enitlW uiiledde' a liiimel. "'C crash iilled ui u fm'a of department of soldier' rivil re- lablodiUieilt of the Hrmciil which w til only lend In creale national dUroittriil and ihiiipccs- Coitt Steamer Will Hae Pro- nry u(rMg." pallor Blades Changed New Tli rwwlutloii a pael al Funnel For James Car- !-1 a ml the lMbf id the vMrr ruthers mo. that "Die people nf Canada arr )liiMilhrlic to the px-mtvIcp TWO C.Q.M.M. BOATS 'Man and it Ihrir wuh that n ARC EXPECTED SHORTLY,eiiiM be uiril in m.IvIiik Hie foMew of rt--laMiliMm aod v Monday. Hi" .. n. I lo- proper rart or On illa1le l -i Print llitperi writ he nod -the prolfHlon of the widow t"iilil ttt wttMlMttiind'iir'liaMitrHirlMtri"f'' .liv lock t have bur re form I to the ronrlii-tiMi thai i ' !'. Miol- changed. 'Ihf.wr ran tot longer plwrp ronfi fiom l he mil ft iM'blirr hi -nffmalo who Uhm- .. ".,f, i, and (be "hrk-'lilTHlely illeil their in-lrur y- MTforniel w1l bout lion btd eleMiel lo olrore . Midi b-r wbelide!ti.Mr xiolalwi by ery tHMttil for lir rviurmiitf .ubterfuar." " i' hi. ! It rroltrl Ilia I I he ao ' M M. freivblero Wt Ho- i lock In the roiir--"' it few w-rck for ner IMitiile date of arrival lewt.T. nut known Hie l aiui'luii Tub A Od-l . " lrawlr Jnmr. ijir hi i' i al ore.ciii tost ui n (r k ItiHiiiii a new unoke tark lilllr.t, U. P. TRAIN IS WRECKED LocomotUe Which Hauled Presl-drl Train Runs Into Landslide Engineer Is Killed nation iiri:e iimmi the nitintM- of obller civil re-eUllihniPiil and oilier itiPtidr of the in wnniPiil "Hip Mlal iircelly of idueuiii lrcilaiion for the adiiiiinotnitioii only in the band of offk iil that afe fully ewsiilinnl of beir r-litiitdllly lowafd th dhulilcl and dependent, wbo renliie Hie pirll in which uirliitneut devi'd and )ei thl Ifcnefioial IcK"-lalum. ami who are nol irejili'"l l nn in-oiy rircrt) i-liinloiif. n ( the i.iliiilulily uml roe of the nuiflinelll Annouiieeineiil has been maile or Ihe rurlhcoming wedding or Princess Maud, niece of King drome, to I.onl Canietile, oldest son or tho Karl or Soulhesk. Mr. and Mrs. D. i. Slewarl are sailing lonlghl by Ihe sleainer Prince lluperl Tor Vancouver on I licir iiniiual vacation trip. Mr. Slewarl will be away till the end id litis month while .Mrs. Stewart and family will .,.-nil (III Ihe end of August ul their summer home at Jluumla'rj Hay, t?ar The 'iniiid Trunk Pacific Development Co.' are-mnl fiii'ul cae agaiut the City of Prince Itupert. which kh heanl in the Court of Appeal at Vie-toria. wa unanimously diftiuUtcd according lo a wiie received I hi morn-imt hy Al.l. M. M. Slepheu frmif City Solicitor I'.. I". Jone. who hat hern lijitiil-lili? the i'ii-c on hehalf of Hot cilv. Mr June will return to Ho- ily on Moiulay. OLIVER LAUGHS i :! :i :! Says Will be no Appeal to Country In Near Future: Eipense of Election Too Great Vli:HHll.. July 5. "Premier i iluer ;:itp tin- luuidi l nil cIpc. I M mi rumor and latc thai the OTTAWA. July 3. -The first meeting of Ihe cabinet since pro-logation of the House of Common is scheduled Tor today. Premier King, who has been in the country, relumed to preside. H is, ivsilile (hat a number of e,niiiorial and Judicial as well as Mgh clxil service official appointments may result from the session. , Tim weililinir lakes place lo-itighl Id 8 o'clock in Hie Pres-bylerlan Cliiuvh, llev, Dr. II. 11. (Iran! ollleiatlng, if Ml Helen Mckerson and 11. M. D. l.atube. The couple will leave on the Prince lluperl foi- Ihe south on (heir honeymoon ami will return here lo lake up their r ijaTMtf,yJ IWV.Mai '.ttodiV 'I acmu to Ibe couMlry for a loop! Ilui'' lo coiiie. The rcM'iil term ol the eailnliir extpud to tiea. Hie pint of ll'Ifi MIDI il i very likely the K'erilliienl will deciil to live 'Ki I il term. At the a nu ll me Hip ouiiovH r exin-hi thai the gt eminent i lo-Uy plroutter than il ba evrr been. Ibe de feat of the farmer movement in Ontario i on indication that people do not look with ery vreat lavor on lliinl pnrtie. Mint of Ibe follower of Ueneral Mcllac. Hip millioiiaire rlf-apoiutei -ivioiir uf the roince, are re- i iiitetl ' from the Ikmoervnlive inuk and any lreuutb he i able lo liov i the direct re.ull I the ilil.1n I In larl over the lendcrliip. hi-"atifac(ioii with Mr. llower i jii't h Kreal a ever and the op. in.jllon fone are broken up. One of the iniiiUli-r her .aleil lliul (hi would be an op- rlune lime for Hie ieruinent ( appeal to the cvuntry bill the .11 not feci justified in piitlin-Hie province lo the expense of nu :eclion jul now- In order t cl it iviiewnl of power foe Ibe pre- cut nduiinislratioii. The eoiin-i.-y recouiilieirihe pteudid field I rentier Oliver had put up on the lieiuhl rale ipietion bill he did not think il would be riphl t in,'M' advantage of the situation . . i . . . i I. i . . ..rri Iri caien jiii o jrei ihick io CABINET MEETING" AT OTTAWA TODAY A Number of Important Appointments, It Is Understood, May be Made at Session wa on baud, lulei-mediale points rrom Paeifie on he west to Fn- I a k on Ihe east contribuled their share id those on pleasure bent. Ibe new fair irioiiinl itualnl just off the Lake Kalhlyn llond wiis Ihe scene of ai-livilie. and ihe Athletic t'luh ofricial are to be complimenlcil on Ihe arnince-meuts made to lake care of Ha- rnwil. Ice cream and refresh uieiit stand were hives of industry, while FjI. F.hy and hi capable ailauts saw that no one willins lo take a chance at the variou values or skill were al-(conlinucd on page fivy) STRIKE CRISIS IS NOW COMING Military Being Rushed to Cape Breton and Special Pollco Being Recruited SVDXKY.. July 5. -Willi speeiul trains carrying trained delneh. im-iils rrom all but two military centres in the West mid reinforcement h Tor special provincial fnol and mounted police being - cruiled as rapidly ns possible, Ihe strike situation in Cape Hretoit isj thought to be reaching a ci-isls. No oulstnndiiig cm-iiI marked lit lasl twelve hours. 'Ihe annual Anglican Church Sunday School picnic -is taking place today on Digby Island. The "Oh llaby" made Ihree trip across al 10, II and 2 o'clock and some 15(1 youngsters with today. TAXI P.R.FISH MARKET 99 Phone 671. in a nurry Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Phone Roast Ham with dressing, flap anil Baal Sapvlna PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Home Made Beef and Ratea Reasonable Pork Sausage Dally. City. tha ln Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Out of Town Orders Solicited XIII NO, 157 Vol, IMU.NCK HIPKIIT, 11.11, Till IISDAY. JUJA 5, lls:i. TMttrdtr'i ClreuUllon, 1604 ttratt Slt 311. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WOULD hlvE PENSION OFFICIALS REMOVED 1 " 1 CHALLENGER STAYS WITH CHAMPION TILL VERY END BUT LOSES DECISION G.W.VA ask for Purge Pension Department by Dominion Government V N(.!Or KM. July ". - Declaring Dial Ihe remit inoTcd-odore. 'lie Hoynl Coiiiiinioii together Willi I lie i tear nil :,ft- l I he i imtiiiiin have. toinliiMvely slvwii In (he public . .mi. ial iliargrd Willi administration of the Priiiuii Art Million of I lie government fund for widow and orphan cc-ed soldier have nol only heen derelict in their dntie. : li ne shown nlriilnliw di -regard lo the hardship and in-, . - which 'heir urliilrurv uclion have raieed." The exerii- Mie (iW.Y.V hi aiiiuinl comrnlioii here Joday demanded that the uoveriinwnt of Canada, a trulnr for the widow Audi ndiaii. Iaki lb npfeur trpt to uricr Ihe MiDiiin hoard ami CITY VICTORIOUS IN APPEAL COURT vkBfKpflnioiB. aasaajr'BeBsaff iBBPs Ureal Heart, f - eight venr dd thoroughbred hure owned by Sr. Stuyvrsanl of Uhieapo, broke the voi-ld' bijfh Jwmpiog iveonl -.vhejr he rleamlthr hiinJIe at S feel 1:1-10 inches. Smithers Celebrates Holiday with Sports and Games in Spite of Doubtful Weather SMITH Kits, July 5. In -.pile of Ihrcalening cloud which appeared a if thej held a deluge, a record crowd from the Hirrouiidiiig country attended the Dominion Ihiv celebration held in Siiiilhcr on July S. Flag fluttered Troiii flag pole in Ibe town, ore froul and privale houe carried their uuola of decoration, while nil the "Henry" and their more eolly brother were decked for Ihe occaioii. From mi early hour numbers of viilors were niiiiinif inlo F.on.ervnlive Uiwn. mi that by II o'clock when Uie first event on Ihe pro- rant iook place, a kooii erowii SOCKEYEARE COMING WELL Run Better Than Last Year on Skeena River But Poor on Naas Sockeye fishing on the Skeena River Is better than last year at the same time, according to the official report on the progress of the industry received here. The average to the boat has been about 29. Spring salmon fishing has also been good and as a consequence the mild cure plants have been very busy. On the Naas River there Is a different story to tell. The sockeye have not been running as well as last year and the outlook Is that the catch will be not a very large one. Spring salmon fishing on that river shows Just an average catch. Las week at the Naas a freak boat got as high as 61 but the average was very low. CANADIAN KILLED"" . IN AUTO ACCIDENT VANCOUVER, WASH VAXCOL'VF.Il, Wash., July 3. -Three men were killed ' and two were Injured when an nulomobilo plunged through the railing of u grown-ups acconuvinylng lliem-Marshall, ngel 15, limber worker, are' enjoyim,' the day; Artlli. tallway engineer and CanadiuH doueon 0. A. Hix In chat-go. 'war veteran. Dempsey Retains Title Though Gibbons Gives Him Game Fight Until End of Fifteen Rounds SIIKLHV, Molilalia, July 5. Jack hemioev retained the heavj weight criampioiili"iii of Ihe world yesterday when. al the end of Ihe fifleeulli round of the bout amid M-eiie. of irreate! excitement, he was awarded Ihe deciion on points over Turn (iibbou by Hereree Jame llaiigherty of Philadelphia. In staying with the ehamjiioii unlit Ihe hitter end after sustaining a ter-rifde body healimr, tiibltons crealed the boximr sensntiun of lhi decade and went on record as the boxer who stayed ihe loliirest Willi Ilempsey since he won Ihe heavyweight lille i;il,!...,,w ,'ave h Houilerfiil exhibit ion ntak- '. in? Hie champion mi. time afler lime and, llyiu-li H wa ap- oarent from Ihe first Dial lemp- sey iajiighl lo jret mi Ihe fatal knockoul blow, I he challenger. Hirou'lt marvellou defence work and rapacity lo lainj punih- iiienl. wilh.lood these efforts and Meeting Arranged For Saturday retired at Ihe end of Ihe fifleeulli t Which Pattullo and Suth- milin; and slill on hi feet erland Will Speak liouirh mticli weakened. j The decision of llpferee Saturday. Hon. T. I). Pat- auiilierty was generally accept- ,u"0 " Hon. Dr. Sutherland, I as a fair one but the i-ial-..H1'"'dpr t,f public .works in Ihe "user w in the ailiiiirlion or all '(''v''r sovemmenl. wit! relurn fayinif Ihe firteen nmnds. Jfrom a tour of central Hrilish From ihe outet, lhe bailie wm jCoIumbia and will leave that uiplit liol one and a lerriiir oaee was "est mornins for the Queeu "l. In ihe early slaves, (liilion!(:,'.ar,ol!p '"lands. liMik tlo lp;nl ttt :i fli:illMit'.p un.l ! Taking advantage of Ihe nre- iroM.tW4wilu,p?-4wf-.i?r IheJwiumiuiHlbp. puiijliment he had previousiy received he was unable to take advantage or Ihe openings that presented themselves. - Fighters Appear (ildions' weight a the Hghl opened was 175 pounds, Demp- ey's 188. Deiuey appciiccd in the ring at 3:30 uccompatded by a lurge luslyguunl including Jack Kearn his manager. Jet'ry l.avala hi trainer, JocHcnjamiii, Ihe Cali fornia lightweight and Hilly Well. F.itglish welterweight. The sun was o hot that Mike i'ruttt raised an uiiilu-clja over the champion when he look hi chair. Dempsey came in willi hi hand bandaged tind be also had les bNird I hat he usually wear in Ihe ring. - Dempey did not appear excil- ed or nervous but (aihbuu sut in his corner wearing a very serious look. The crowd grew Impatient uttd yelled lo. have the photographers thrown front Hie ring. The gong sounded at 3:57. Round by Round Hound I. Dempsey tore in viciously aiiil landed several html bridge over Ihe Lewis Hlveriheio.hody blows, some of which Ciu- 'I he dead include ' Jack. botts relumed. Hlood was ilrawti from Ihe challenger' mouth. Dempsey swarmed all over (lib-contluued on pago ix MNISTERS TO MEET PUBLIC lurulna evervlliiu? ami cily "' tt !'"'" ninx i o-iiit' ar- wailhi? ror his cliHiice. SalisHed ,a"?fed to take place Satunlay fhal .a knoekouf would come t'vfninfr in Ihe F.mpress Thealt; oiiipliine betore f lie pixlli round, at w,,icl' '"""i iilors will ive when On lia.l i,a.e.l eiillmi:iMi P'mres.es. ill view of Hie lliler- or Ihe sppelulors was roued ami t!41 Mtl" faK,,n hvt ' ll,e Gana-wilh each succeeding round in- a,,,a" .aHonal Itailway arid the creaed until towards Hie had leached Ihe.wiMesI propor tion. Afll'l- Hip IpiiIIi I Ipiiiii-cv slarled Ihe lorei.ig and ..INcarded an opportunity to hi usual caution af tempting a. close quarters lo deliver I lie tell ing blow. Here (iilthoiis had hi eltance but weakened by I he I Jack Dempsey .mi, I ii i'ossiiuiiiy of developments aU mg place, nu meeting will be of special interest as il will give tho de clare Ihe policy or the provincial Eoverument toward the city auJ dilrict. Dr. Sutherland i head ot tho preate.t spending deparlment or the government and tor that rep- on it is desirable' that he be given a good reeeplion. He spent v short time Iteie on hi way to the interior ami on his relurn will have another opportunity oT noling the progre.- made here and the needs or Ihe city in his particular department. SALMON PACK NEAR LARGEST Value of Fish Canned Last Year In B.C. About Eleven and Quarter Million Dollars VICTOHIA, July 5. The 1922 salmon pael amounted to .1,290,- 32G cae airainst C03.5J8 in 1021, announces lion. William Sloan, pommisMoner ot fisheries. .Nolwilhslanding the Tact that the pack was the fourth largest on record, its value was low" owing to the fact that sixty percent was pinks ami chums. The 1922 pack wa valued at 1 1.2 17.000 against .8,577.002 in 1921. Sockeye contributed, only forly per cent of the pack, most of the gain being on the Skeena and Naas rivers. Hie report shows a larlling decrease in Fraser Iliver sockeye. BELYEA GOES TO DIAMOND SCULLS Canadian Champ Wins Seat In Big Race by Defeating Dr. Bossard of Switzerland IIILN'LKY, Kjtg., July 5. Hilton Helyea, nf SL John. N.ll., the Caiiaillan sculling champion, today woo hi eat for the Diamond Sculls easily defeating Dr. Hos. sard of Swittrlund. 1TM 1ST r