f V It; fAQ9 TWO USED THE WORLD OVER mutaJiw are made from the Juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunesand tonics. 25c and 50c a box. FRUIT.A-TIVES LIMITED, Ottawa, OsU Qfiaaaarfc N.T, lM4a.Eaf, aChrUtafcartfc. NJL autonomy of which the Canadian premier speaks Property Owners May Be Useful. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Priaca Kupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. . . tl.OU By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all other countries, in. advance, per year. .S7.&0 TELEPHONE 9 Transient Display Advertising $1,40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page,. .$2.80 per inch Local, Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion .... .2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application, AH advertising should be in The' Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Saturday, October 13, 1923. All Depends Upon v. Spirit. Of Freedom. The elasticity of the British Empire has proved its salva tion. 11 is .scattered all over the world and has no cohesion ex cept that uf sentiment, yet it is -trough' hound with lit" that hold it tight. Mackenzie King, representing Canada in London, rightly epitomized the situation when he .-tated that it would remain iudhsolute a long- as it rested upon the full, complete and untrammelled autonomy nf its. component parts. It is worthy of mention that the only parts from which' there are heard any rumblings of dissatisfaction are from the parts which hav? tint thai full complete and untrammelled The newly formed, property owners' association may quite well fill a useful purpose urjhe life of Prince ltup?rl. They got away -to a good stavtkw,ith'tf' very god list' tif 'officers;' he"n of moderate tendencies and reasonable aspirations. The difficulty in some other cities in forming asociajioiis of this kind is that they have been-made up larsely of extremists. In Victoria, for instance, they were mostly men who never did anything to for ward the interests of 1he city bid who voted "No" on all bvlaws If we jruage the newly formed association risrht, Ihev are not a negative association but the members-are ajl keenly interested in the progress of the city industrially, socially and morally, i Make Prince Rupert , Finest Place. .Miles Higley, addressing the Rolariaus Thursday,- urged the members to make Prince Rupert Uip finest place on the continent. In this be did not mean only that it should have fine buildings, fine streets and, sidewalks, avenues of trees and beau tiful gardens.. lie meant also that the conditions of life here .-bould be such that the finest yooug men and women should be developed A cily is made up of a community of men, women ...... i i i .....,,, ... . noo vnuorro, aim n mcse are oi me rigni canure mere is no need to wurry about the quality of the streets, the buildings ami the gardens and boulevards, (liven the right kind of men and women, the rest will follow. There ace a lot of men and women in this city who are making money, yet they 'hardly ever 'spend anv of jl in a wav that will benefit the city. There are other -who ara not making very much but Iheyput every dollar of it inlo improving' their places or enlarging their interests here. Vhnl every city needs is a sufficient number of local patriots and it is bound to succeed Encourage Local Industry. When the sawmill opened in Ibis city it was given a low rate on electrical power. Then when it began to operate there were a number of city officials and others who continually grumbled because the mill had siich a low rale. Now the grumblers see the folly of their1 ways. If the mill had continued to operat1 we should not have hadtsiiclv n ban time here Inst spring. What we need is to have that mill asain operating and extending its operations in include a pulp mill. If it comes to us wilh a propovil for reasonable treatment, the people here today will b9 in the humor to treat reasonably with them. A pulp mill in this city would be worth a great deal as it would pm- . j.. i i , i . . . . . . -vine sieaoy enipi iiiein lor many well-paid workers and would iiuira Mie jiusiiiess generally manning transportation. Eczema Covered Arms of This Healthy ChiM Mrs. Alex. Marahall, Sprucedale, OnL, wrkeai . "When my little ton was tbret monthi old be broke out in iore oa kit cheit and arms. We did H we could to heat thoie terrible aoret. but nothing did him audi good. Finally I ventured on a box of Dr. Chaie'a Ointment and kept on using it. At last wc were rewarded by the iteady healing ol the mki, and finally he was completely relieved of tbeta. Ha ia now three, yean old. and has had no re- Bbf ttenibjJL turn of toe trouble unce. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT M emmU a bus, all dlen ur IMhiaiukiu, llalm A C., Ltd., Timnmmo. ANYOX COMMUNITY LEAGUE DEALS WITH FEW MINOR MATTERS With J. Jones a Vice Re- malndtr of Year AX VOX, Oct. 13. The regular meeting of IIm Community League Council was held in He-icreation Halt, the following icouncilbir attending: :ecretary-treaurec Tovnhend, Mrs. Ctoke, lj.Mrs. Ihvyer. and Messrs. Harper, Jonc and van!. I tie secretary reMirt slated that in connection witli the gymnasium the Oranby Company would furnish estimate of gallery construction and pipe installation for fuel oil between the tank and building in the, near future." The dance of the Tennis ("lull bail been postponed until the laller part of November. The Moose Lodge would hold its dance on Monday October 15, the late originally set for the ten nis dance. It. Armour, local representative of the Northern Ilritish Columbia Polytechnic, had been granted lh-ns of Reerea tion Hall on Monday, October 8, for the purpose of organizing the olylechnic classes. An arrange menl had been concluded with Mr. Stringhara for the placing of a liarber chair iu the pool room. Mr. Strlnprbam to assume all ex- ttenses in connection wilh its in lallation ami pay a monthly rental of ;. Additional shelving for th library bodi had been ar ranged for, and would shortly be ready. A report was submitted on baseball and football activ ities, and the status of the ten nis club was alo shown. After all expenses had leen jiaid, the amount in hand to Im divided be tween the thre clubs fielding teams was 2K0. Owing to the extensive alterations which tin ben made to the. tennis court at the beginning of the season the deficit for the yar would 1e 2;t.30. flie council adopted the report and endorsed the arrangement made with Mr. ftlrinabam an Hie secretary' action in ronnee tion with the tennis and Moose dance. Trut second., ami fourth Wedns4ay in each nwmth are novij to he Hie regular Leagu meeting nights. Because of the resignation of W. Cajlauan a president of the league, tkr. llafier tas elected ti Hie office, anil J. joue wa chosen vice-president. The conn IhiMi upMiiuled L. Ingram a councilkr to serve until the an nual meeting in February. It was lecided that a letter of thank be tendered Mr. Callanan on hi leparture frnn Anyox. Dr. liar por asked the council for the n-e of Hecreation Hall for concert Miriose ome linie In Decern her. The request was granted the secretary to make arrange ment. Mr. Yard suggested the league should provide some form if dramatic entertainment, and thi was agreed tn SM1THERS The Diamond Belle and Silver Queen mining properties in the Owen Lake country about S5 miles front Houston have been acipiired by the Federal Miuing Cii. The Silver Queen belonged lo If. H. C. Wrinch of llazelton and the Diamond M4I to .lint Cole, of HoiiHonr In the course of a tour 'of Can ada for the purpose of invetl- gating agricultural condition and opportunities, Charles Reid of Belfast, correspondent of sev- ml, Irih publications, visited the Hulkley Valley last week. An examinathin of Hie Crn- ado property on Hudson Bay Mountain was made last week by I). J. Williams. Miss Jean Kangsler, formerly public Hchoot teacher here, writes a letter to her fallver ilescrihing the recent fire in Berkeley, Cnl. Phe was there at the lime. Mr. J. P. Wheeler of Telkwa is in Ihe local hospital recover ing nicely froni an operation she underwent lu week. H. C. Llfton has left for Vic toria to attend the funeral if his father who died last, week. Mrs. A. Kllpalrlck is her from Winnipeg: vislltng with her sons. Jack nnd Norman. Ilev:. Maun DoyU, HA., of To ronlo, secretary for the religious 'duration 'depart in'out of the Mellmdist Church in Canada, will preach here next, Sunday evening. '-, 1 ati i -l in injr -, a J The Man ia tie Mew I . - ( ,..we--. .a worship." the mot iifleu Or .Harper ia Nw President fairy Morie i "Not aiuilly. your A MAN learning o drive a ear Hiks very much like a mau leuritiug to danre.. Uotu ur vry uucomfortatde. IT'S easy enough lobe pleiisant: lien i-erytoing s . sunny ana bright v Hut the guy worth while I.' the one nho.can smile When uis. girl takes a Midden flight. WHEN you next find yourselt itliug in your boat looking: at a cold but stubborn engine that re fuses to respond to treatment while a boatload of expectant picnickers make unpleasant Ve-mark ami offer foolieh sugges tion, remember "Adversity makes men wise." NEVEH judge a. Sausage by its skin or a nwdoiboat. by ils paint. IF you make mistakes, lei -them tie new-ones each lime. 'E rolled alonz oir-roller skate, And oeilaled on a b'ko 've shared a fanner' wagon seat And often had to hike. I've travelled in a Pullman car And m a ship at ea Dul little old Elizabeth U goiMl enough for me. ' t .r . ten I ears Ago ( in PI nee Rupert f .... K Ortober 13,1913. James N. Wilson, manager of the cily telephone system, ha advised Mayor Newton that lie will Jiae to remain in Scotland mi account of hi wife's heallli and therefore must reijjn liis loilion. Sam Masey is arlin: manager. Allied Wright t iu the cily from Toronto visiting wilh hi son. A. E. Wright; 'Fifth Avenu? East- linlractor Hilled 1ia. charge of t lie con struct inn of a new wharf for the federal govern ment at Ouecnslown on MuHt Inlet. It will lie 650 feet long and one uf the mot ubstniitut iu local waters. After two week penl on the property, F. It. Chetlleburgh Vnd L. Y. Hire have returned to Telk-wa from the Hopper Itiver "nal field. Mr. Kice made an ex amination of the property for the National Finance Co. of Van couver to which he will npurL The new Langara Island light house on Hie north end of the Ou-en Charlotte Islands has just been put in operation and very soon the tower at Cax? Ft. James on the .south will be. ready. Oeorge A. MrNichnll, O. T. PROMINENT WOMAN GIVES HIGH PRAISE MKS. A. C. MANNING Wife of Northwrat I.umbrrmaa J0-TO COMPANY: Gentlemen, I .have used jrour wonderful Jo-To for some time for lodigeation troubles with tb moat gratifying results. 1 kep it ia the houae constantly and would feel lost' without it Sincerely yours, MRS. A. C. MANNING Jo-Ti quickly aad harmlraai; r liev all atomach dlalrvaav a4 aat-ferine auch aa cas, acid, auar stvat-ath (heartburn), bloathur, and all after eating diatreaa. Caaasntawat abaulutrly harwlaaa. H14 ' s4 all druf aloraa. 00 SMOKE months in the Yukon and Alaska for Hie purpose of -gathering certain tlata for the company. TENDERS ARE CALLED FOR PUBLIC WORKS IN SKEENAJONSTITUENCY The dominion department of public works is calling for ten. der for wharf extension and re pair at Heila Coola, the bids to be in (he hands of Hie department I w fore Hie end of the tiMinth. An office dwelling and boat landing i to lie built by the ko. minion public work department at Schooner passage, in this dis trict. Hid for this work have to !e in the band of the public work department at Ottawa lie- fore Novendier 5. CARNIVAL QUEEN SAW HERSELF IN MOVIES IN SOUTH While in Portland recenlly ac companying her daughter on the iiMir she won a a result of Hie Fair Hoard' rarnivnl queen con lesi, jirs. i.. iienricien aw moving pictures of the parade and float here during Fair Week. The Fishermen' and Moose float containing her daughter. MU Adeline llenrick- en. Hie mieen, and tier maid of honor were very ditincl. The picture i being .shown in con nection with tew gazelle, through the Foiled Stales. W. J. Thaius arriveit fnm lk t.At evening anil is registered nt be Hotel Jrinee Itupert SEALKIi Ti:.IlhS nllrrwsl to niHlxr.tma im1 mdursrd TmnIot orrirr.dmrllmr am Hi I IjimIiiii SEALril OM.kU a ... 'HPEmAl TOBACCO COMPAQ T i f.r Srboiltrr Plioorj IIJC m 111 m rrrrltMl t O.U urTIrr IllitH 11 'CkK.k iimw. VrMsf, NtiwilM 2. 1BS3, lot Uf riHioirurllun ( n nffi-irniii ami H IMinr al Srhiaitwr rwuiM, Skonu jMMHrl. B.C. I'Un and form uf nmirari ran Iv aiMt -tflraOiKi ami fiirtns nf Hulrr ,.h talnxl al ibin rM-ptrtnnt. al tlw nrrirr i,f Hie tumrirl Lnniwr. Vut offir lliulldiur, Vlrinrla. B.: ami al Um I'ooi I. IrfflTM, Vanrotitrr, .C. and SrlkMirr superintendent, has be-n Tr. .ii .i be cid.,! Mnir pointed commissioner of the nui uo printrd rurnn iuptna br O" ii.... .i i.. ,.tj-i a IPrMuriil and hi afrdai mllh frfi colonization and industrial d- d,h-- rMitud tiroi. parlmeiil of the company". ' He' Ears iMuir mt a arrt.mpaiikd iy will return to the city this week runt I- to nw onirr .f Miniir if after having spent the past foiir f"' SSL'" ",L JL'. ut Uu PuniliiWn IU alwi b arrr.l a wYHrtly. it War aut aixt rhiw if riMulrt-ri in link up aa Mid aiiuxint. .Vilr, Hlua print, ran tir tsjUllwd al tills OfiKliiK-IU hy WiiHi aa arrrplml bank -litiu tut Um auui r liu.iio. pay alilr lo Itw airdrr uf Itv Mlnllr ( I'libile Wurka. hlrh IU la rMartwHl If Ilia In indtne bidder autmilt a. rrrilar but. Hy rnr, h C PKSh'MMllHS, . SKrrrUrjr. wummtww ni riiaitr worn, miana, tx-vnwr Ittl, 1J itw fur II.C." will m reiHunl at Oils ..fflr. ...ill !i "fl' Tuaadaa, OcUbar SO, SMS, fyf la i wulnu llu ttt an rilrimiun ajin ,f I ti . I K. u .,,.. u.n. .- i Skw-iia lumrlrl, li.o. nam and furow uf rontrarf ran lr M-rn and H-ririrallim and forma of lender tdlfUSl al Oil, 11'lii.Hiu.nl . .... ...... .of lb UUtrlrl Liurliiwr, fiMl Offlrr, Vlr "'"I aim ai wie riMi orrirro,. van- rnimr, S.C., aad Delia CuuIh. II.C. Tehilera win iu,! u, rwunuivrnd nnleaa luada oil prlllled funna Mipplied by Hie ,r-piu uimiii aim in avroriiaiu'a w lin roil-intuitu routallied Uieren, r.nr lender iihikI l arroiiiiaRlil hf Mi afe.ah-0 rlie4i ( t eharured bank iu iut .tinier oi iue niniaier or Publie Work., equal lo p.r. of th .11 M, I 111, uf (Km l.n.1.. . . ..... ... . . . - " " win PU1III of th nomlnliiii- sill .1... t.u laeriirlry, or War a-aiiK ami rboqiwi ir exiuirrv , iur up ail Will 4IIH1IUIL tlila lwaarti,iiki hv tt.tM..i,i-ir .......... ..1 bank rUeuue f,,r Um aniu of lo.(in. pay. aide l tlie order of til Mlnlaaer of I'nbflr iwuras, wiura kiu imv ratlirueil If tlta Itf leaoiuic bidder aaliimi a regular bid. By order, II, C DtlhlK.lltUS, Sorreury, tiepartuieni 0f futile Worka. 1 Ottawa, ociobat t Uti. lit Satnrday, OctmW i3, Ha. 'Ufhk ""1 f. OLD CHUN TOBACCO 0 Stock Cal Reducing aJdlC at Ormes Drug Store Tuba Tooth Paste Fr with Tooth truth, Special Value at 35c 50c Tube Shavald Free with 50c Shaving Brush. t llegular ,Uf nr I'rpstMlrnl Tooth l'ule. and a gtiaranfvKl ollc Taaatlli Uru-h. Ixdh for .75c lluliber .SuigeN UU' siie for 25o I.O0 six fortiOc l.50 sue for g 75c llaby's Own Soap, Im, 35c Cutirura Soap. m 05c Snap Ho . 20c Talcum Powder. tin , ,c Shaving Slicks ifr5 Shuvuiff Oram &20c Pejodenl Todh Paste v"40e (U.gle' TtwUh Pale 20c (iillelle Hla.le.. H d.iieu 40c J ' 1 dozen . . 75c (iilletle Hasor 75c mid $1.00 Auto Strop Hnror. with 3 blhdes ami sirup 75o Fare powl?r of many klnK values, front 50r lo I any of Ihesr Utr '. .". .. . . . . ..... J 25c Hair Nels Cap Sbaje. (om1 Form, sinslt mh. 3 for 25c loiible mesh. 2 for .- 25c Tanlac. bollle 85c Kriiilativa'f, o kage . ,40c am-Huk. Ih.x 40c J-To. Irottles 40c ami 75c California Syr. Tigs , 60c Piuex 40c Murine K Water. Udlle 50c Phillips- Milk of Magnesia, bottle 45e llechani's Pills, 3 package for 35c Allen & Halibut-)'" KihmIs. No. I and 2 large, l.2.. foKSOc Xm, .1 large, 85c for 60c Hinds' Honey a; Almond Cream 50c Sal llepul it-ii. Mioll. 40c tued iu in. 75cj Urge 1J0 Pen-lar Appetizing Timk, l.u) iie for 50c Penlar Hheiuiulir Hemedy, 11.00 sjxe for , 50c UriMik' Ilahy Harley. TMr itf for 25c Ptirlers Ikiby Food. . He slip for 35c Hon! 'Mi Malted Milk, r0c size for 30e Honleu. Mailed Milk, $1.00 ize for 65c Herbert Barley. 50c sixe U . -25c Neslles Foid, 00c sixe for . 60c fain Pills. r,0c ixe fir 35c tUir Wriliup Tublet and 15c package nf Knvelope. ImiIIi for Aase; Toilel Soap, lo clear al 10c a ike: H for xMc Toilel Soaps. A0c and "0c value, to rlar al 1 5c THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY. ORMES LTD. Rexatl Store Cor. Third Ave. V Sixth. Phones S2 and 200. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7. 8. 9 Smith Block. Office Hours. 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant "a. - Canadian National Railways ,MM'''''l,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiMajaaaajajajajB Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND, M SHIPYARD WOODEN HULL CONSTRUCTION A SPECIALTY Plans and Estimates Furnished For All Classes of oat. Anyone. iHuislderiiiK the purchase of a new fishltiK yossel lug, or wooden boat of any description is cordially invilfd to inspect progr on the two 00 font n'uiserrV are now huUdiajr for Ihe Fisheri f)eprti,ieiil