MflMN Vmi Want A LlNlM)X. Oct 13. Soiilli Africa U In aeeord wild 'Canada. JOE' Hra.vrin n n insiilirniriheirmiie,ti , : mtnoiu). tieneml Hnutu say till the iKimlnioH" are wirtuer le of the Kiiipiw. They are, ' ?! nilmrdlnale in any uay lo Ihe ei ior narlner, (ireat Itrtliitii. I' nncnieiil for the emor jarl. to act for them in dealintr 'h oiher lle hut lliry expeel kc coiihIIpI IroMi lime to hine mnl nut l oininllled i'IiouI Ihelr ttdvtee iM-mp akel lit drpartutrs Imuhinif -rrelallon of ajiplicalloio of 'he rrcognlicd nrmciide of llrtl-iih forcngn policy. Geenral mul in-il! lhal iKiiiiinloii IbIui tiiuol he n-eotf. tuieil as u realty and lhal I here muet be no Hllempl lo po hack on it lie nnd liU follower!, believe lhal Ihe one Him which can make dl!olullon of Ihe Knipire even Incviialde l any ileiiid In imdid ution the "r'ilal control" ir Ureal llriliun. In hie 'aiid it l aid tleneral miiui rnliithleneil 'iiiiiiie!i-'i KILLED TODAY GLIDER CONTEST Frenchman Trying to Break Re- cords When Wings Collapsed From Wind Pressure IAMP.Nl:, Oct. 13 -The French axialor Mnneroll. competing in ' motor glider contest here wu killed lodav when the wings of thu machine gave way under lilVKxiirn of ihe wind. He was attempting nt Ihe lime 'f "' collanse lit net better nlltude fe- . i ... i . . i i i.. .i earner bin .. inailo " GETS POWER Authorization Bill Passed by Reichstag Giving Him Dictatorial Authority 1IKIU.1X, Oct. 13. The Reich stutr thin afternoon voted Chun cellor Strcseiimnu'8 uulhorUnHnn I'lll. giving hlm'aulhorlly lu .lic-tallng tnciKJUt-ev for economic re. . form, ...t ORGANIZER FOR CONSERVATIVES S-ci4l lo Uaily Sewn VAMUtl VKIl. Ocl. 13. J. I'.. Merryfiehl. formerly of Prince Ituoerl. now re-cldenl here, ba been ap-poinled orjianiicr for Ihe Oiferxalive parly in Hri-lih (rfdumhia. Mr. Merry field proxed hiini-elf it xery elticlenl r-KimUer In Prince Jlncrt dtirinif hi residence I here II lx aid. He w (.elected Omim'IA alive randidale for Skeena in llll i. hut relin-iulhei Ihe position in faxor of Ikdonel C W. Peck at Ihe L'nion election in IIU7. Then he inoxed lo Vancouver and has been prominently Identified with Ihe Onioervatixe eausc here fince that lime. NO EMBARGO ON Will Ship Grain as Long as ' lis Ihe support or , , , , . , a, . 4 v opinion in Sinilh Afriea distincllon of racial oriwin NATIONAL LINE General Manager Warren Elevators Take It WINNH'F.O, Ocl. 13. --No em- ... . .I I irhu III bargo win .pe piareu u ' dilpments lo Ihe racinc ooasi uj FsbPBBBBBbX: BB Something irlling Charlie Paddock the world chain, pion sprinter. HAL PECK IS ! 'Qun Exploded When He Was En- ! terlng Auto to Go on Hunt- I Ing Trip ! AHIIOTSFOIth, ttcl. 13. Ilali-'lnirtoH Peck, older hrollicr of llol. tJ. W. Peck, V.U., wa kilttvl here thi morning when hi! fhut- fin u nceidenlalty exploded. He wa enlerink' an aulo to so un a hunliiiK Irjp. l Deceased formerly owned and v Hi., iltti if .l flivti KUU'likllt near Prince Huperl and at one time w as mamii.-rr of the .Vamu cannery. He in surxived by a widow. I ens. lion ami l.o inc. and two diiiiK'hlers. Mrs. Seymour Wright umj Mtss Kleanor Peck. Ibodyofman Floats In From Sea Near Victoria With Weight Around Neck VICTOIIIA. Oil. 13. Floating in from seaward with a weighted sack around its neck, Ihe body of av an unidentified nuiu was taken Walren, general manger 01 western region. Ship.nenl over t rrjl I AIT A T ll.o national road have not reach- LURU LUYil cd sunicienl volume u ..., .(.lion, he salil. ami as ."'t .m a nan ... " elevators at Vancouver in inc i ay. numireos oi si-i-M.- ....i, -liioioeuls nmnnnn.. . ml W n.ufli .llicr ut n Mi- olKLotluAIxIN .... o u liis (minion. h soon as it can be that Ihere will be no conges tion, shipments over me uiom- diiiu Pacitie rou.e wm ..,.,..u-. ior lo l. u. i.oiiini", ------ . . . ,. .,111V. jce-pl eslilciil oi i ue COMPANY INCORPORATED fioni Ihe water at Fisher Hay neat here laic Thursday. Yesterday an Inquest disclosed the fact I hat Ihe man was dead be fore the body was placed in the water. It was lhal of a man (ho Canadian National rnllway'a,,0l 5ri . inj,,, jM hoighl. welghl ioi account of the longshoremen nounds, fair liaired and of strike, It was announced by A. ntiitilc age.' Kiln KILLED TODAYS IS DISCOVERED IMPRESSED Organization of Canada's Timber Resources Pleases Him Following Visit LONDON. Oct. 13. Lord l.ovnl. chalinian of Ihe Foreslry (Uiinmission, in an ititerview glvou on his reluru from Caiiiula lexpressed great salisfai'tlon ut the results of Ihe visit or tl.o Imperial Foreslry Conference, Ho ,.,,11 t;i. Among said he was greatly impresseu ny i.rovlneliil lucorponith.ns'the forest resources of Itrilish it.,, l,,c J'1.0. .!. ill. & Hon Coliinibla and also li.ipres.sed . . .',....1.. nnn,...rn ciiiillul. willl the orgiuilxttllon of Cannda's !.'... .V. omi will.' head office timber Industry and the rise of aV Prince George. ' Mhi.ulp wood trades. . ; CLOSE FRASER ! TO HSHING IS NEW PROPOSAL Hon. William Sloan Suggests to ' Minister of Marine 25 to 30 Years ! VICTORIA. Oct. la. The closing of the Fraser River for o-k-;ee salmon fishing for a period of between 25 and 3l ye?rs In ordT that nckeyc might he saved from extinction wax suggested hy Hon. William Slonn lo Hon. Kruest La-loiiilc federal nniiioler of marine, in a conference here yes-tT)lay morning. This year Hie combined sockeye Iralrh of British Columbia and Washington waters adjacent lo the Fraer lifter wa only 75.-000 racx wherers in 11M3 Ihe calch S.5"r,iin cases. CHINMN KILLED IN CANNERY EXPLOSIONS Coroner A. R. Mallory Colnq to Thurston Harbor to Hold ' - -Inc'wast Chief Minlv of the Provincial Police wa advied Mil" mornin; hy Slijtendiary Mayiflrale J. I.. narjfe oi iiuim-o i.uarioiie ouyi thai it Cinaman Jiad been killed in an explosion in one of Ihe (Jueen Charlolle Inland rannerie. Oir-oner A. It. Mallory is puiii? lo Thurston Harlntr wlnre Ihe bod?' va taken ami an will b held. NEW BOSTON GRILL Third Ave. The 'Latest in Restaurants. in a burn "9 t Private Boxes for Ladies Www ami Party Use. PRINCE RUPERT Best Food. Best Service. ", Beet oar ana sxesx service u "Take Her to the Boston." In the City. Rates .Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. VOL Mil., NO. 212. PIIINCK HLM'EIIT. IUi, H.VITHDAY, OCTOIIKIl 13, HS3. TMtr' C.rtuUtlo 1TZS. SUM! S 41 1. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TROUBLE tVITH STRIKERS AT VANCOUVER EXPLOSION OCCURS ON LAUNCH MURfcELET; NARROW ESCAPE OF SKIPPER Strikers Drive off Men Working Str. Canadian Highlander at Vancouver i VAXCOl VKIt. () i M -Vine alleged linking longshore men rrrpt aboard Hit Cti.M.M. steamer U.iiadian lliglilaiiile r i. l night with litk iiikI axe ami attacked sixteen strike break inn longshoremen wliu xvcre working Uire. Four men were !eriouly uijureil and the tcl were driven from Hip "hip. Strikebreakers rlumi Ihul armed guard aboard (he ship .-lood by ami mtuli' no allenipl lo ilff-ml Ihcm. Several oilier cHhes look place between lrikfr? uml strike hrenkiT lnl none prnxed serious. The slnke i now In ll fourth EMPIRE UNDER DISCUSSION IN LONDON TODAY General Smuts Speaks or Partner StaUa and Would Have Status Defined day ami ha extended Itself Victoria. Thrrr l no f iti of r-Miiuplion of iifiolfalioii. Non union labor ha been working all nloiiK at Vancouver ami I rate liver Mtrt. The -hipping federal ion claim that ships are being handled promplly and I tie strike I not utfcriittg I hem. Longshoremen are standing Iih( hi their demand for the five eoiiU Ih-iiii for handling lumber JlsHi' ilOi. Mr MB W bbbII I 1. 1 "Bll .Miss Audrey (inffin of Victoria, champion lady swimmer of Itrilish Columbia, who recently announced she was alMiiit lo commence training with a view to atlcntplin? to swim the l'.nylili Channel from Hnland lo France next summer Officers of Kennecott say Thought were 25 Miles out coll to Sea When They Struck KF.TCIIIKAX. Uet. 13. Officers of Ihe tnotorship Kenue- wrecteil mi Hunter Point, (iraliiini Island, arriving hero from Ihe xvreck on the cutter Unalgu stale Dial it had not l?cii iulended lo enter Dixon Knlrunce but make direct on the out side route lt Cape Flattery. ". tL Coer. Ihird officer of Ihe Ktiuiecolt. .wliu xvas on Ihe bridge ut the time of the disaster, suys that when they struck 11...V llimiirlil Ihev were twenty-fix v miles out in Ihe open sa. "ii ... I LSn o'clock I had Kone on watch at 8 o'clock .n..ii.. i'iwlnml I In. piiorse. v ' ' I. ...... ... i.w ...:ni iti . 1 would ommaie.i ui u .... in. ....... to be one lhal keep us .i f..iu- ivi.ivfive miles .'and Ihe ship itself al a million; " v r - iui .-"iiiii.. v . . When we struck, my Tirst im-jdollars. collided! members of Ihe crew. i,u nresion was thai v had -Nine with anolher ship as I had norluding Capl. John Johnson and The uu cei- ... .amisi...... .i- shore. idea we were near w.i not fotrcv nor xxiis it siaii.iing oj u.c s.ii,.. stormy. Hut it was as dark as il is possible for the night lo be Nothing could be seen ahead, My instructions, as I xvenl on walch. were to can u.e masier m si-of fog or if I sighted land. There was no fog and I saw no laud, therefore, I did not call the Water Over Vessel Olher officers arriving on the Unalga Included P. F. Kleepan, second officer, nnd W. P. I.owe, Ihe purser. All of these men report lhal after they left the ship ami went ashore on Orahani Island Ihe xessel slarled pound Invr and with its heavy cargo of some tt.ono Ions of ore the. hot dim was soon knocked out. At high lide the wafer swept over Ihe vessel and nt one time Ihere was fully twenty feet of xvaler over Ihe, lops of the musts. xfter striking it was thought that Ihey were on rrcderieK Island but later It developed that Ihev were inuny. miles further south on Oraliam. i itecnn nnn YANKEES WON FOURTH GAME Yankees Giants . 8 4 13 13 The cargo's value was esU-j Yuukec aukec . .u. u. ... ..... ... . i 2 Gasboat Murrelet Blows up and Sinks off Georgetown; Captain has Narrow Escape The well known gasoline boat .Murrelet, ovnd by I)r. V. T. Ixergiu, Dr. L. W. Hergiu and Henry (ieoigesou, .sank in 22 fiithonis of xvaler off Hiirnl Cliff Hock near (ieorgetnwn yesterday afleruooii about ;t.:u following an explosion. On account of Ihe depth of th? water xxhere Ihe boat went doxvu, il will be impossible lo ahage her so she will be a total loss. She was well covered by insurance. LlapL Ueorgesou set out from here alioiit 1.31 o clock afleruooii for Port Simpson no on else beins aboard but himself. Off Burnt ClilT Island he notjeed smoke euiergiuv from; Ihe window of the lavlitory. riirowiii' out the clutch of the; engine ami leaving Ihe wheel h-. weni aft to investiKale. On opeuiiiir Ihe door of Ihe lavatory. Ihe exdosion occurred, blowing him out of Ihe door of the cabin on lo Ihe afler deck. Fortunately, he was only partially stunned and he al once leaped lo Ihe upper deck shoving Ihe dinghy overboard and takini; lo it him.clf. As he got into Ihe dinghy the boat was linking and he could I sec lhal Mown I'll. bringing him info Prince Rupert -a . .... I.. . 1 t dran caused the sudden explosion. The Murrelet xvas 11 feet overall and xvas engined xvith a -'5 horse power lnediuui duly four cylinder Fairbanks-Morse molor. Capl. (ieorgesou lost all Ihe belongings which he had aboard Ihe boat. Kven his hat and coat he had lo leave behind. HARBOR CONTROL BEEN SETTLED Hon. Ernest Lapolnt Confers With Provincial Government and Reaches Agreement VICTORIA, October 1 3. Mi harbors, Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster. Naiialnui, F.squitnalt, H. C, nnd Albeini, will remain under control Steam Roller Tactics Adopted In . i.v,0,. (ioverunu-nt and Crushing Giants 8 to au w icmaluing harbors in British Columbia will be con- Runs Hits Errocji.trolled by the Provincial Ooverti. nienl under mi agreement reacheii yesterday al a conference between Hon. Km est Lapoinle, niin- l!W YORK. Or I. 13. I lie uier of marine ami iism-ncs aim Yankees ferried the sleanv roller ,the provincial gr.vernmenl. The over the Hiirlem River today ami jbounduiies of these harbors are put the crusher firmly bill not mapped out nnd covered in a for- ii ii... niimU I lu Nn. uml acreemeiit between me ixvo PAPYRUS HAS NOCHANCEOF WINNING RACE So Says J. B. Joel Who Loaned His Jockey For Big Event NFW YORK, Oct. 13. J. B. Joel, Ihe welt known British turf- the entire bow was niau, pretlicten beiore sailing lo-Within four minutes ;day, that the international horse lof the lime he left the wheel, it race between Papyrus, Ihe Fng- 'had gone down. Afler being I"" Uerby winner ami .ev, the ithrowu on loihe .altrx, leck. ielA'g.rj'J;Jig.SL, L'!L3.i!lirse L. vouid KeTiTTBfti fffey Ww6tfmrmiyK6uvr' up sviiieihiug Jike -'0 feef. Hc hexe to be KMponed or cancelled ;iiolir.H Ihe oikc pole blown iiilo'caU!" f condition of ilhe air. perhaps forty feel. jPspyrus. joei. wuo reieaseti jockpj ., , - . . I i ihe explosion was licanl by',. .... 1 , , . s said . . ,' iKuiouhue to ride Papyrus, Mie lis i ut? ooai nop nearny ..r. ...:.. . . ii . i he abandoned Ihe intention which funic m uic irn-uc aim Of witnessing the race because Ihe picked Capl. Ceorgeson up Klrtjnjr ,1(1H,i. w ,ake away by the inequality of the horses. UOOUI ihsi nigm. ii..,..,.. l. .IK.rl umlir The Murrelet had been lied up rattiel, in bad condition, and in port without being used lor wouj carry u.e weight than Ihe pastjinonth audit is assumed ev that gas gathered in the bilge , of the lavatory. The exhaust and rmFPTAITP P A TIPA chimney pipes passed Ihrough the KK H II II IN I . AKllH m.. .! (iiul il i H1111117I1I tliev awVww v caused Ihe gas lo smoulder. When the door was suddenly; onened it is believed that Ihe ON KINDERSLEY Hudson Bay Schooner Carrying 13,000 White Fox Skins to to Vancouver Total Value $250,000 The Hudson Bay Co.'s auxiliary choouer Lady Kindersley, bound from the Arelie Ocean lo Vancouver, sailed fu- the south last night afler .having spent two days in port. The Lady Kindersley's precious w cargo oT furs collected from various of the companyV outly ing station on the north coast of Canada included 1 3,000 white fox skins and Its total value is placed at -SiSO.OOO. William C.oldblooiii, fur buyer of Ihe city bought sop.e 50 while-fox furs oJT ,the Kindersley and also obtained!., large Polar Bear skin 1 3 feel long and 8 feel across. The fox skins are on display in one of Mr. Oohlblooui's. slioxv windows on Seeond Avenue. PRINCE LEAVES BOUND ENGLAND BaM In His Honor Last Night Before Departure From Montreal pi-iiiij in, u.i ........-. ....... j .mvTiH.Mr Mi ft XV'IH. it i C.......I riiiiiiiniiiiiu were cove rnmcnis. I jiuiiihuhi, .... l.OI.U. I - - ...l,!,,,. il... li.l.i.. r flattened out by the score of I. inter the new arrangement nine ceremouj mo i n Vancouver bar-jW ales' left here early tills morn- to I Ihe Yankees knocking out oHurrnrd Inlet or ' . . . . . . . . I 2 ' life n S.ih tflai.t. t...di 1 Ii f ill tlk llxA aI1 V slur. remains m uiiur. i. "' '" uu' box two of the (Mauls nor proper slnbsters. Seolt and McOulllan. goverumeni eoniroi wune r.iiiiisii,i.r nuuiru on mo bino ui......v liel.l lie O an Is 111 Inv am r alse lireeK, ll.e inner oi r rauce on ins n,' ; - i . - . , check until Hip eigl.lh when xVeakeneil. The series now stands: i ' Olanls 3 he.xvhlchieuls inio tne neari oi in dustrial Vancouver, xvill be con trolled by Ihe provinae. home. A' ball was given In his honor lust night and the Prince danced from the tlmo of hit arrival un subscribe for tb Dally News. 1(1 adrly morning.