k (20 Selections) and. ZOO STEEL NEEDLES I SAPPHIRE POINT 1 RECORD BRUSH i nrrrDr a t ni i n COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR n n l mm ft rrDSDBC ors 3-- - r Mn'i Fine Shoe fim - $4.50 VtH wide or nar-fi-ra $5.50 ana n irfa i ammmcm" nAAVa $8.50 REPAIRINQ. GEO. HILL The Shocman. Nl St, nrxi Cafe. III IU (MU lilllPltov Hotel liullding. or the Month. m w m i i hi a iam Water. POOL TABLES. FlriUclaam Rtatirant In connection. nAB T..ni a....ui.. LINDSAY'S i ww l v m m ma v M3 HUU UlUI JjV Phono M. v, it nrt'iiuujniKi "ou Jitributln(r. Team or Motor Bervlce. Coal, Sand and Gravel. apeclallio In Piano and Furniture Moving. jl n m.ak m. m. m. . ' m -m . O Cafe Hnoe Rupert's Loading Roitau'ranL Bakery Unturpaeeed. Third Avenue. RECORDS 50 Thl beautiful Instrument posnoanes all those exclusive futures which have made the Brunswick Internation-sUy famous Including an All-Wood Horn and the J-ui l Ultona Tone Ann and Reproducer. The com-tdete outfit, an above listed, will be delivered to your borne immediately for ONLY $5.00 cash, and you can jay off the lalance ($63.50) at $1.50 a week. Don't delay1 We hare only a very limited number of these outfits, Never before have we been able to offer a genuine IL-unswick, with so many extras, on such extra-ordinarily good terms. Come and see this outfit NOW I Walker's Music Store HOTEL ARRIVALS PHnc Rupert Mr. Harry K. Jame. Fori St. ijame: li. II. Illeeeker. Terrace: Y : Itaytfen. OUawa: I. Me- lotyr.-. Shanghai. W. J. Tliam. il k; a. F.. iimwu. Port Simpson; .Jeftny lHbl. Terrace; pavid A. KiifftiMR. Sutlle; J. U 'jn. aoali. Junetiti: J. Wynne and T. 3 F. Ilanter lleml. Slikine. Central M. M. Ilolen. Hlv; 11. V. Ford. t:iupewan. Alia.: William Shaw, Ketrtiikart; W. Smith. Prince fliipert. I MINIMAL ACT. CCRTIflCATC Or IMPftOVfMtNTS. HOTICt. V." -Voo . t." .. t ' Vlnrrl nrnni, Mtutie In lb tkmia MIMnr niTlumn r Hinr 4, Cnl hKlrirt Wtwre Iwiled; .er Rlrer lut hi AVtule rjuinnrl. Tike Ikal Whl CtianM Mine. I.traltnl. ITre Vliwr- Certifrii Mo. :fv.i Intend, Uir day f"n the die hwif. to tppir ! xmitif hrr r- rrrtirmi -f Ittpeavenwal. roe IV purpn f oifUininc Crn nnnt tt in ajjt.ir Htira. Vbit fulilKT Uk nutlr that irtkNi. HtMVr )vO"ft !. mutt t Mninnrt b-Itire lb Umawe of th Ortiri'aie nt HnpMnrnt. rntd tbi ii day or ttirt. a d. ttJ. p v. vosckto. r"- LAND ACT. X Netlc 1 InUMloa U Applr U LaM t. In niait land pltlm-t aerwrdwia- IM-,r-t r Prinr Iwpwl. aiut llnal in rmlwa InM, M.irr-lir IMand. unr i.lurMi Hiaoda. ' Taku . Ihal 1. Ttmniaa A. kfllr. r Vineon. !.' . rinailiMi tJrrtnr oiraor. lulrnd to apply rr pnmlm in Ira. Ibe fnllilnt i1rnI fur- ,,1iioii'liit al lh iiuilil comer of Tl. IT1; lhn' winih t rhaln! lhne I IT... 4l.il -haln. tbenre north I rialn: thnr minlwrly ai urljr. ajkJ f..UiWlnr lb b.te r Cimilia Inn-t In I lie point r r4nnnrnnl. and Uinmi IK.JI ar. rmrf r . THOMt A. irtLtT. Xame nf Appllranl. nated purotf Hlh. It. LAND ACT. Netlc f Inttnllon tt Applf U taaa Land. . . . ....-.. ti .n.pI n v nil in pana i.nu uinmi. ..v. ..i.i r irim- Import, and alluU ai Caplalna Cove. Pitt Itland. CJt. . Take flotlce thai W. Jf fferaon. of Van-our. occiipillun camierr man, mind !) awl tor pennlaaKin to lat IM foiloWtnr dearribed 'ndl:.hc,J",L'",'flnJ! ' aoiith tbore or Cap-fa i ixnt planted on th in. Cut., thenre .uth " writ IP rhalnii thrnr north II cbalaa to iboro to plac fhorti thence follomlnr SnVm"nt and con.aln.nr frty Acr.. iwi.. or icu. w ; JErrtno?i. t Nam or ArpUrtnt. TiatMi Tin in". jaw w w r"" fiONDS XCi jl an ! -',tiJ'M: ,. activities during the week have heeh market hy light arrival of halihiil ami high price ofTerin on tlw Fish F.irhange. The light arrival, nrninlintf to nan Ural celerities, are due to the hard weather rmitlilinn met with on lhe dei "round during the ll week, ii. u rutomary, with fiirleuient weather prevailing, for the Arneriean rhimner ue-reedinjf in t'ctlinif only light ralhe, to put into Seward and Sitka and market I heir fish at the.e talinn. With only a light ealrji it doe not pay the nig fellow to rotlie down to Itupert eprially when it j taken into account that me of the Aineri- run boats fixft some HOC mile north of llii port. The smaller ii;anaJian vee, it j thought. have lindoiihtetlly been stormbound under these condition and thii their fibing limn ha len materially paten Up wailing for lerr weather. On Mouda'y fish landing started nlT lisUI when l.rrtu p4Miud were marketed, .mericau reviving IK.fte and I le and (laHadiau 17. Ic and I IV. TueiuUy prveU au eventful day from a price lanJHiinl wheu the American schooner Orescent rw- reive.1 I lie hfgbel price paid in Hie lal I wo j earn al 2t. and lie from the tanadian Fih A tdd Storage ilo. lm thi lay the total landing amounted to A 1.000 outid. The arrival on edne.day totalled 73,ihim kmihiI and American price look a flight downward eoure, halibut eing al Jil.le and Mr. Price on Thursday morning took a jump of one point with a total landing .New KiiKland Fih trawler yotenlay morninT with lOO.uon mmiioI of American halibut, winch wa uuloailcd at the Alliu Klherie for eastern ehipmciit, u total of IIU.7HH pound of ball, hut wa marketed Consequent uhin the heavy landing price dropped toniderabl'. - - Repair Activities It i reMtrlel thai a number of Canadian halibut schooner will ' lie up in Ih near future to uu. derjso peneral overhaul. With Ihi work conlemplateil tbe waterfnuit hip)Ard are pullin iheir way In onler. X .M. Mc Lean yanl, on' which tber ha been a cimuI deal of eeniou work done, are nearly completed and wilt oon be in a poilion to lake up several schooner now awaiting to get on the way. - -4 Float for Hayiport John Currie. i btiy building a float al Cow Hay for I he loiu-iuiori suvermuent. Th float i In be put into commission at llayporl in couuection with tlie I'orl Kssinjilon ferry cric, Tln work i ucarins cunpletion and when finished the float' will be lowed by the power boat Hubv Jimmy and Jey Bird Jimmy Thomas, first male on the FJeanor Mac, has completed hi duties in Ibe fish packinx business, on which he ha liecn engaged during the summer, and will turn hit attentions to the winter activities with hi launch Joy Hint. In preparation for the winter hire work Jimmy has been giving the twice over (otitis naullral charge. The launch ba been scoured inside and out, while lh machinery ha been tumst up lo a fine point. The Hkipper dropped tint butlle, Oil! what a dreadful fate, The crew gave all his wlsker. As a present to Ilk mate. Fish Butlnota Iluring Ibe week 327,200 pounds of halibut has been marketed on h Fih Kxchitnge, American uere higft al SiKaoand 12c and low at l"o and 10c, Canadian were ttigti at t5c and atOrean Fall In which iflnl the Volunteer taken to undergo an examination at their skillful Itftri.ls, UiU report a water Lookii tig to LOOK! shortage at the paper town ami say they have not harl any real rain for lhr nvnlh. lie figure SOFT it wiMili be a ginul spt for a rainmaker of proved capabilities. HaH-;slMBMaaHaaH GOAL BrandNew,Model4 The launoh Narhelbong, lloomes K. Freeman, wa over al Iigby Islaml during the week umlerKoing a hull cJean up, The Admiral of the Mouil 10.5c an. I low at Ifle. an.l IOe. A wot until the return v I report that the waterfront Arrival were: Myra, Thelma,ftr,l,.,4'B interfered with Muirneag, If, A It., Crescent. At- nainaiioii Kiiewiial. In order ten. Kagle, Ingreu li., Jo Haker, ,,,lf4' Ju lt f I'riiw Ituperl Lillian Helitulion, Hepubfic, jcoill.t Ue made in ahdute safety lmierieue. Sherman. Surce.,(:al requiilUmet ll.e rvic o( June. Helianre, M.M. Christopher. t(:aL Uuieh Ilenry apIo- Wbib Hippo, VMtf Spear,, New Fngland, Harding, Scnib. W. A h I'oini May. Cap look the. wheel pilot Henry laid the eour.e on a plate. F.. Maine, who ha bn chief The power boat Wiawam, tipL rn8i"",r iU RiKlea.Jer for Claude Kelchum, i buy lowins ",on,h Pa"t. t Camp. lumber from lhe fleorBelown mitt tMJ It on the. Muri to Prince, RuterL Several cowr1,"'wr'l"fl oil G-P H- tal ye. load of twilh building and box '''Nay for Vancouver en route tn lumber have been transferred A,ra Scotia where they will pay from the north via tbi route :a." '""'n.ie.j viH to relative. It durintr the week. . -k The Qlen Meturna The trolling boat Olen, with Caul. Frank Acker on I lie liridifc. put into port Ihi week baying' Frank Ickwood i figuring on done all the Irollinsr there wa to .f'ing i'lo the Gardner Canal be done around lb llunda I- Muriel In the- near future on a land water. :ap. i mw busy, 'rapping expedition in a row boat, while lyins al anchhr in .w Hay .acconnnjr lo uie latest railio re- lakinjr on store for the inner P,,r'. Frank jut lore row-tnan. At Ihi Ue i. prfiving very ,,oa''' aI", ay one can be sure cai.able o, luuch so in. fact Ihal nf Sf"'ng a short distance in a the flying of eggshell from the n,ne 'illi the power cabin door on Thursday morning 'j'"' ne often set left a short had the appearance of a tlock of 4"ince irom nnwtiere. xeese being chaetl by a battery j of artillerv. The secret service "Knee" Bone Steak are eiiib'avorinir In ascertain uhnlf lr- Kd. Sanderson, of Prince the idea of the replenishment of,!,l"'n fanner) fame, journeyed the larder on urli a cale mean. yho was Ibe comfort Hide looking nautical genlletuan who bad the misfortune lo lose two bottle of erfeclly good cough mixture during the week? - CapL Dms Busy The FJeanor Mac is being of M.iMiil pound, the American l',,or,,u,llv "vrhauled al the ch.M.iier June, and H,iance'ua", ,ler ""'Pir. iJpT. ias. pullkmr down S.3c for JVL'Ja !,,pMn ,he c,,m'1''Uon 'Jf her catche. With the arrival if the iimniT labor. II i the inlen. lion of Cap tn lake out a little party on a mystery trip. It ha tVn learned, on secret service authority, that the interior of the troth! liii i to be lined with Cap'. famous flapjacks which will ! varuihcd lo guarantee their waterproof qualities. Thi action, it i thought, will tend In give the interior of the craft a softer iiud warmer feeljn?. Anojher thing about the idea is.tbat in case of supplies running out the flapjack can be taken down ami soaked thereby affording succor to Ihikse aboard. Laurence Congratulated The consrnilulalions nf the Admiral of the fleet, the secret service and the members of Ibe hiuh bool sijuait, are hereby ten dered lo tjiurcnce pottrlon, famous in (tooth fishery circle, upon tbe occasion of the arrival of another Mis Poller! on last Sunday. The flag "of lh Mosquito fleel wa lo have Immmi fbiwn frtMii the maslbead of the flagship nf the fleet In mark Ibe event but unfortunately someone sold it lo a local shoo, shine parlor and this event had to. Itc called off. Pele Solem is in nveint of a Mae lo llayporl. On urrival lhejlH,pr tr,MU m Knjgu, Kelchi- finihing louche will be put oit and IuiiiIht for this work is aU ready slacked al Ike ferry station. kan nwtnager for IbHoolU Fisheries, in which lie slates that all s well ii4 the norllicrn fish town, Hill, wlur got married reeently. say Ihal married lite is fine, I I lie intention of lhee two waterfront wonder to; return to J heir repelive bip early in the inio town iluring Hie week from llaysiorl Just lit loot the great wliite.way over. Incidentally Cap wa aUo looking oyer tbe steak situation in Ine city. After a great deal of inquiry be discover ed Ihal after all Ikave'. kne' bone steaks were Ibe he! vet and de rided lo slay with the old firm for the remainder of hi tenure of ollice. Irouhlle Dave, has penl many a kWjilc night fig uring Cjip steak" out for the morrow. Hy the way lave is llie kin? of the cannery commissary emMiriuni. Shark Stopped Boat The CmiHiliau scloHiuer Ringleader, bupt. Sollow, ran into some bard luck while out on the deep sea grounds. While fishing in Hecate Strait, off Jkumla Is land, a shark sot on one nf the hoop and in trying lo extricate itself swam into the propeller with Ibe result thai tbe crankshaft was broken. Consequently she had lo l (owed in. it has been necessary to sent lu Frioo for a pewl shaft and this has caused some delay in fishing owra!iou. This was one of tin instances where the "shark" gol stuck. The. Canadian FiI & Gobi Storage Co.'. fih packer Chief l.egiac arrived from the Queen Charlottes on Wednesday. - According lo waterfront report the Canadian schooner l.illiaii M. is to be thnnttighly oVerfiaule.1 in! (he near future, New deck will! liA tI ttKUlt ft Vllktsatki-ktl mill I I Ik tit I : w ill be recaulked. In fact the whole ship, i fo be gone over from mal to keel. . Broken Rudder SUek The. Canadian halibut boat W. A lCapt. leorgeCook, ran into! a Utile hard luck while fishing (hi llie ileep sea ground. The crew had only made one set whenj He never cared aboul getting bis 0,,,, unaccounlable manner own breakfast anyway - RmmWIg In Dirt Baa Th American schooner Re- the rtulder slock broke neces silaling the return of the boat to iKirl vesterdav morninir with onlv 200 pounds of fish. Upon uii-i , .. .. . .. . .. . .i public. Capl. .es Hegge. maiU ,oa,li" 'ah ' "p Hoyat port on Wilne-s,laj after bavins r1" tympany tne necessary re-encounlereib kair n,i r,tr akinV a lough stornt tm wr Ibe ibep fishing gnmnds. A tlw result of gelling chukIiI in a heavy gale ami high sea tho Reimhlk lout .several buoy kegs uud four lories oil Cai St. I'lias. The fwe of the wind lore out tire tuy Kilts by. wbicli Ibe dories wore faslenmli -s Bok aatd Bill Bhlne) The two It's, in the person of Hob Manna ami Hill Shelim, wer? down the coitst during the week !q do ome diving work In con- nectiou with I he mishap to th C.li.MJu. freighter Vceliuitear when she struck a sukniergeil rock olT Cnpe Mudge. Th diving operations weut off ucceifully on sujmlies the V. A F. cleared for lh fishing hank last night. Contributor Note Contributors to Walerfronl Whiff are asked to please give nam) and address a a mark of good fall It when sepdfng in 10,000 SEALSKINS SKATTLK, .Oct. 12. Itringing ffive passengers and 10,000 seal- skiii. the uniteii states roasl-guani jculter Hear has nrrivei) here from Arctlo piitts. Prosperous advertising means rtfular continuous sdvsrtiiing. aKBiBMBBBMSaHV a am ring -solves fuel piobleinj !McQarySAir-bltst J C OFT COAL is the solution of the fuel prooiem. ic is iow-pncea. it is certain to be available for years tp cxime. McClary's All-Cast Sunshine Furnace was built with the famous Air-Blast Ring to burn soft coal in the West, where it has heated thousands of homes with entire' satisfaction. Consult McClary's dealer have the All-Cast f Sunshine demonstrated. Installed as a Pipe, Pipeleta or Duplex Refister System. McClary's dealers can . guarantee a satisfactory installation. IT Nraarys AjLIL CiTvrarmxTvrYlTBTT-kTm. snip How to Foil Wind and Weather on Washday From now until spring .a battle that endangers health must on washday be waged with rain and sleet. That, or drying the washing in the cellar or attic, with its attendant inconvenience and sour smells. Of course we can not order weather to our fancy, but if you would laugh at mud and water, save your health and keep your hands and face free from chapping and roughness, telephone us. Next, bundle up your family washing, and have our driver call for it. In our laundry your things are initialed where the mark never shows. Everything is sorted, too table linen is washed only with table linen, hosiery with hosiery. There is no indiscriminate mixing. And it is laundered in fleecy suds of silky softness. The weather, and the hardship of fall and winter washing need never be a source of worry. Use your telephone and let us help you. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 1 'Send if - HEATER TIME IS HERE Make your selection early while our line is com pie le. All style and sizes, both plain and brick lined, priced from $12.50 to $45.00. Uuy now ami have your heater ready for the first cold snapl V KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P X Box 1B4f. v 0M Third Avo. Tf.S. k 1 m i t t z