!1 .it 11 Dissatisfaction Over British Elections. "f A- PAHE TWO. THE DAILY XFSVS. f Thursday XavamUr ty The Daily News f PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ruggists Enthusiastic Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. in commendation of H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IV ru a ci? c City OeJiTery.'by mail or carrier, per month - ..11.00 11 By mail to all parts of the British .Empire and the United States, in advance, per year. . . .10.00 jtt;j ia.v.K - aaaem To all oilier countries in advance. r year. ... ;..v... . . .(7.50 TELEPHONE M lnbr of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Thursday. Nov. IS. 193. II i quite ea-y to under-tapd why then? -hould Im dissatisfaction over the calling of a federal election in Ureal Britain ju-l now. There wa an election ihern only a -bort time ago and doiihtlc-- it taxed the r04tte "f the Laltur. Socialist and Literal members much a it doe- m this country. Now they are! culled upon to fight another election and fac? po-thIe if not j probable defeat without having enjoyed the honor- of pariia-j inenlary membcohip and etei-eqwent leadership more I nan a few mouth-. They arr indirnanL Of rtmr-e they are! ; Many of Ihe present menuVr of parliament were elected j hy mean- of fund- collected by pa-ih? around the hat It will he extremely difficult to pa- aruund lh hat a rain, at any rale o the same people. The result wiM be that mbic of the pre-el member- may no even -re-ore Rommalioa at th? fojrtheomr ! ig elertioti, "Aajtr"" i- too imle word to expre--. the feeling- of Iho-e who are cflted ua Utphe f what lh?y thought were secure portion- in rder to again face Ihe efeelors or a new political UMetk. . ' y Baldwin's PosIUon . " Rathir Creditable ' . .x Forgetting the? triviafiHe-aBd': reroHaHUes and looking al the matter from I'mfiier Baldwin.- point of view, it mii-l be acknowlelged that it i- rather a corageoi- thin? for him lui throw up a -ecu re o-itioti ia order to flpht out a cau-e on which precedent ""ouW indicate he wa- prelly -tire to be beaten. -Had he been an office eeker. he wttold not have dared to face the people. He would rather hav? rumpromi-ed with the free traders of hi own party and held uu to hi-, job. Instead of that he did the courageous thing. He looked evond the lemurd- of t party politic- to the great field of empire and decided lo tru-l; hi- ea-e t& the people who fir-t rliMed him. One canto 4 1ml admire him . Can ProtecUon i Win In Britain? I Si many peole ape., Inter?-ted in- the-election lein?r hekij aero- the -eas that v-e make no apology 'for giving a lot of -pace to it. especially in ie.w of the fact that liinada' will he? affei-led directly by the ontcocce. What .peopl? are aAin? them-elves i whether BaWuin can ptibly win. Mo-t Liberals, or lalwr -iippurler? who" have lived in Britain or who have kepi "" clo-ely in touch with the political itiiatiou ther? are inclined to ridicule the idea. They ay the British nrkuirrrun wilj never i allow protection there. Cbcap ft-Mi and clothe- appral to him I loo -Ironrlr. ' . ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. Mr. Harry PeJirrew. Drurr t. St. Joha'k. XrU, "rite" "I end a3 Dr. C' li edifice rood rp:en n't c. at thr Kas a drcx tcrc Unt ccbs-liW wtthOBt." HALIFAX, ItS. "Oar etmr frBUy AtirrtIon wllli Dr. Ct't iirii- ST. JOHN, N.B. Th Row Dnsr Cl UnhnL wr!t? -Dr. ChiV yiSlielat at tan; or whrn lumdter them 'r tW ccatir IU! they r rod medlclse.' MONCTON, N3. Mr. O. O. Spencer Drarrft. wrtter: -Dr. rhaee'a K-daey-I-eer PUle. Nerea Faod acd (Hctmeat are taeer the test eScra at all proprietary Bed.Jtiaea." CHARLOTTETOWN, PJLL Mr. E. JL Pmtrr. Droexijt. wr'.tra; -It la alvaya a p!eare t ell Dr. Cbaae'a Medtsea. for1 raMomera tra. queetly retaTB and state that they were atufactary." Tbe Man in live Mow . - They may be richt but al-o Ihey mai- le wrong. No on ' ' ran ever ;-ay they are -ure which way an election wiil pn. peo- SIZE i not everylbinz i PLAYERSI 1 . NAVY CUT a CIGARETTES And mihxs of w4k& S iKAn " er Grinds 1 50 and 100 f?42CSgA:3 combined & -:MauV.p I KINGSTON, ONT. Mr. A. P. Ckewa Draryt. wrrteet "Dr. rhie'e Medlrtaee te for mix 7 year had a ateady a!e aad dt rood r ulu aad tfrtlc " lrbably a eaMetWtale rur rjeeiiwa- or be -ell ynJ xtneiNin; or, PETERBORO, ONT. Mrj'Juse I.rh. Dnirrwt. wrtteer -I aee told Dr k' Medir.ee. far tw.mtr-C'e year, and aaa pleaeed ta atata that ay rcetaaera are wrB aatla-Ced with the baeSU ferieeeL" f ffi-hiHR iftlu-lry. t'aink of any- t one -kinninr So4 man! SATM I T1IF vt.imi.l t- lh man m.h.i ai iHf : lib", lo J , happy . I 'h .uglit, he would llTf. TH K labor ntemler of tbe Hriliab Parliament are alngin? in uniia -Ve ibni'l wawl lo go bome." A LfCU. hunter wa out in Ibe breeie .Sutwlay bffnd lb protection of Ihe itlandV and he .ahl be atany. pie chatife rapidly and the condition- f unemitloympnt in Ihal tim- a mall per-in ran make la Imo fine -a-i w,i hae!nlf. feH Jy.l Hie tier- A ;OI.K f.laver wa taken ill alar leltin? everybody thai ion the link- lhe olber .lay I '. S'tiw- w ball hav let buki up fur'WI rek li if I ba.! to play ciHiulry wilJ have made many of ihem r.ady to try anylhinr iwier a mark noifl- a a bis expiecJ here. I i 111 w-hich offers a po-sible olution Of Ihe present economic jrt- oe.' - IlKIMt btawn un i ju" I4ent. "Lei u five it a trial" will he the -u??e-tion of many . IK a prn trip yoa by I It 1 another name fin- trmirn o and once the idea jets going nthitrr will -top il. Baldwin may RKP11RTS frm the old r.Hinlry baled an. a-k kw Ihinj- are, an tllwil. win and praieelAn may very -oon he the ndored ti-ral ntJirv in-1i-a!.- ibat tb iimun. ar wrtb tpo, tte aol itnasin- Uei itf lllA Itrilt.K pn . .1 inonl . . . I I - IL II - . . B ... ....... v . .....v m:''? ' Uf X'l-irnnien 111 Ihe ,ipeeTir j"r nn. 11 r- i WINNIPEG, MAN. Mr. F. K ArkeU. Drwniat. wrtleo -We lad De .an"a Md e.aea eH well aad r!e rood Ujfftia." SASKATOON, SASK. The PnMIe Dmy Campay. tad . aad t!ad ft., write "VVe haea teea haadBaf Dr. fhae' Medlerae eeer 'are we hare heea ta hueiaewa. aad lad them a tpteadld enjte t'ae ahd amaar tkt Vee eeUera." Ten Years Ago In Prinoej Rupert a ... The I.ana4ian Vmudp A WITH Ibf ierliM on iHnr!tlunlt" l-d- f T -r . linlain e are beplnnin; tn .learn wbal --1je L,.fbe. Itrii-!iher really Ifaink ci each ollter. Tbere i nolbin? like an el. ihmi lo briny rati candid peeeb. IF all Ihe fWUinv.tw.al ha4 Ihe luck of Ihe Majeelie, all the pepe ef Ihi Cfimtnunilr would tee oul fi.hin; atvl there would be nobody bejl a few women left lo be tbe lrfoteF?injr. THERE i. rne yral Ibinp In jhe thankful for. I.e thank'-Isivlaip felivilie are over and !nr nnvre we ran pel back lo Mir dieiia?. I RKMFJJIiKR Ibe itme when Ihe Irih eommanle. a certain amoual of reiei. Tlial wa before Ihe ilay of Barney fwtjle. .NOW I bat Ibe Uw factory al Victoria i in motion peore are bell in? on b many addition Ibere will be Ihi year lo tbe lalule t4. A CI.ERtSWAX object lo zolf leeaue it ead lo lylny. Pertiap Ihey miyhl be doing wufe on a iucvilay aflernoon. THE police reeeive.1 a 'report Ilka I a Ibief had brvken ino tbe Calbolie i;arib houe. -Tliahk heaven be Jij ni ( 0 ratry off Father McOralh. " IN a court caw- ininaNf..rnlai Ibe ju-lye ruled bat Ibe wjf bad a rifbl In enjoy- 'UK Ye, a lot of lbee udse arejtolnr bally. and New York I -endinr it ri-perl lo eiamlne rroeert ir i. Ihe Salmon River lilrel. The eotHataay will make an offer for Ibe Surf Inlet mine tm Prtree Royal lland, il i tHwWi.-1. A. A. Coi, archil eel for tl) Itrovinetal jroveraotenl leuild-' inx here, arrived frvm Vancouver lhi BeorwlHf. lie iie Ibat work a Ibe building f the retaievmic wall will rommeure at oe. il il. Baiter will M engineer ia cbarye. Tlee annual meeUnf f the HrMece Rupert iinervative A-Mmioa wa held in Si. An drew- Hall lar mxbl and thei follow in? vfficer were eleeted: Predet, J. . Tlinipon; fie! vice pre-klenl. O. II. Neln: eeotHl vice preblenl. Tboma Maillaad; eerelary, 1- f- Merry, field; eieeulive. J. A. Kirkpat rick, (ieorfe I. Til. R. V Camen. lieoryr V. Kerri Ir J. P. Caile. J. O. Scoll. C. II Ortne. F K Cullen an. V. J MrCulrheon TO ERECT SHELTER 1 IN WESTYIEW FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Owins to tbe bad con.lilton of Uie rtad in Vetlvetr it wa re.! portel lo the aehool Ixianl lat j nirbt Ibat tbe bu wuubl have; lo ue Second Ave- inMead of! niaham Ave. and pupil would have to walk ome di.lance and it for it. In bail weather tin wa a hardship on Ibe children o il wa derided lo ak Ihe eily council for permit ion to erect a; belter al the comer of Second Ave. and Seventeenth SL The nutter wa brouvbt up by Principal Ilrtdy of Ibe High School and ditied length. al one, No one U o well qualified to tell you which medicine are the good one a your druggiat. For thi reason we consider thatlhese letters from druggists are the highest com- plimeaU that can be paid to any medicines. QUEBEC, QUE. Mr. Mifcwlot IHkboU. Pnr.t. -r11t: Or. Cbt' VrJ.ciiti cxurrvJ u rbV JkiMi, oJ I treatr r- , MONTREAL, QUE. Mr. X Debw. Irfr-l. II Dorchester R fftit write: -It 1 tj puare t re 11 Dr. Ch' VJ!cUe for-tfc reo tkl ery otcr to .g2e4 kea jEr thev," OTTAWA. ONT. Mr. P. J. VcUa. Drrr't. Itt TTrt-CKrto ft. writee: -Drer it Tetrm. ! kTe tr rae4 Dr. Chff rwx! t be c:tet t-Cen. Uc tke bm( r:et erlre" HAM1LTON, ONT. Uer. Pwke A Pmri.. DrfT''. ra: "W'e lu le Dr. CUm'i M4ieBe for rrt my er u4 they een t exreUeit uU- rutua." LONDON, ONT. Streer Drc v'ter wrttee: -Dr. tnV Medirlae Ve J'iT We a kaaatereJ tBiant f fPJ efl-erv Merit 4 re kdiert! obt r rto:b far this c"tlUn.- PORT ARTHUR ONT. The W. T. MrUrhea V Umllei. DrU. wrliee: Urla av at the Ueet Bae t rraarieUry atedMaee a the Ctaadtaa market an4 the etaadard h'r he ket np auke thto Mb at rrett deaeaad 44 Uf aroaa la th hcBie RECINA, SASK. Mr. R. Pv T4K Drsrrt. tim. , Rerlna. SJt- wrM.- "AaU( the avtr e rarry af rarlUri r&ediciaee. Dr. Cheee't rm4ie t4 ut 1 the BMt raaaUtenUr eU4 f. &4 r the teM rfe.!r carry We he heeiUtiaa vhaleVer la r-eaaiBteadiar thia Ha l the hrla( ahUC CALGARY, ALTA. Mr. C - JaaileMet. Drvcrtet. tad Ft fct aad I life Ae, wrttr: -MT ret dee Dr. rhaee'a Medtrtae amaar lke- bmI retaMe la r rarrtetary aiedl-ae eetlew.' . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Mr. W. J. McCstrkeaa. Drarrat Prtare Reft. H C . wrftea: "I -a hawettjy aay that at all time Dr. Co.' ku he the 1UB Mark at aaUafaata Pram the reeah ahtalaed ky rwetaeaewV I eweieider Dr haw' MrdJrt ta k Beat the taoet re&atU af all the pra prletary e sw? . " VANCOUVER, B.C The Wrlrht Drr V tieaited. "It Raheea tt.. wrltear - r hare aleraywe faaad Dr Oiui'i MadMaee ta he reliable aad enrarlava. and aaar the Wet eeljera w have la h itaee." ne lr .f the It'ihlen rlr.-e' mr aoerdlnr a r-ebool mol be hinitlrj r ibe-re .n laade by (iurz iai emetesi w-t, mfjr nejt atjirf. the Th t-and ial ' l$ I CPECIAL J TRAINS waffeiffataffataffeaVaVaffaffat" SPECIAL TRAINS w operated from W ( Sin 2 HI )er Ulh.. Iec II for Sramh.p g Montreal and Halifax a foUw -SA Retina fmni Montreal. Nov. 2ilh. to Hlfa-1. I.wfi -S.S. Anionla from Montreal. Nov. 2llb, lo London S. Auionla from Halifax, iVc. Olh. o (Jurf n'W Liverpool. S.S. Saturnla from Halifax, lie, tith. lo 0Ugw. S. Doric from Halifax. iHe. Olh, lo llelfa!, Liverpo-J S. PitUburfl from Halifax. Hee. lUh. o Sothmi ' Bremen. S. Canada from Halifax. Her. 1Mb. toniagow. Ivrrj-S3 Andanla from llaltfav, Ure. Ifilh, lo Plymoulb London. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING CARS from J and IIniontoii. coti-olidalitig wtih above lram al V ' - f FULL DETAILS ANO RESERVATIONS FROM City Ticket Office, S28 Third Ave., Prlnca Rupert. Phone 260. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY5 TRENCH COATS Now in Stock f Guaranteed Waterproof STEVE KING