laumuKi miu ana i imoer Limits Here are Sold and Pulp Plant VANCOL'VKII, Xov. I.". The Prime lluperl mill, together! xxuu square, mil-., in mnlier on the KhiiUermatceii River, cruising. tnto.000.000 feet of lumber, Inn lecn Mild by the Prince llupert Molding Company, successors to the late John Kmeroiit nrronliiirf to u rumor current here. The purchasers lire Hld to hae beii California ami I own capitalist who have been negotiating Tor the property for Mime lime and who pro-He to operate the mill mid ererl n polpmill to handle Ungraded of limber which ure u-"le for lumber. 'I The mill I a modern one it-' TPAMkDADIEV "alrd al Seal lloxe within the lAnlL 1iALLI boundaries of the City of prince . 'lluperl and i In jrood condition.! AT PllDTl A Kin n,,,'i,i"!r I'raotlpally no overhaul til lUAlLillU lo l,ul 11 readiness for opera.' lion. It ia n capacity of over Pacific Coast Foreign Council Opens Three Session Trade Day POIITLAXD. Xov. 15. Various Hpeeli of foreign trade In lis relation lo Hie Pacific Coast are o be considered at a three lay convention of the I'aelflo, f-'oritfTrHlA-4!tiwiiciUMvWtiAUlw openeil here IhU morning, Unity or the entire Pacific Coast dls- Irlct n the expansion of it et- a lernal triple relation! and (he development of possibilities preaenled through ro.onllna- 4 lion 111 Hie various field will l; I he keynote of lhoe who will peak during the conference. DROP CAPITAL $ LEVY POLICYj: Old Country Labor Party j Strengthens Cause by Ellm- Inatlng Radical Plank j I.OXDOX, Xov. 1 5.--The Daily Fxpiess pays the Labor Parly will abandon ils proposal to make a levy on capital on which it fought the last election. 'I'll Ik will havn a decided effect on the eb-ctifSn next month ami the paper suggests should haxo a reaction unfavorable to the Con-servallxe who are going to the country on n policy of protection with imperial preference. NO MORE DOLES FROM GERMANY 1 1 1 111 I.I N, Xov 15. The Herman Oovernment aiiuoutices that II will bo unable to continue unemployment doles in llulir mid llhluelaud after too.ono f.M-1 a day mid aUo a new planing mill initialled Just a short lime before it closed iloxxni oxer two yearn asm. I There haxc been a number of wiB concern negotiating with 4 4 4 SALE OF MILL. ' ; BEEN CONFIRMED .Special lo Haily .News VAXCOt'VF.H, Xov. 15. California and Iowa capitalists, have taken oxer the old Kinorsnu sawmill and limber and pulp limlli at Prince Hu-pert and in .Northern Hrilish Columbia for a consideration said to be close lo 5uu.000. Confirmation of the report I given by W. II. larris, of Farris, I'arri, Slullx and Kmeion. "olicilors for lhoKinerMn eflate. The dclaiN have nd been made public hut ft I reported thai the purchase 1h the forerunner o( the e4(abtihuienL of amdher pulp mill and the expenditure of a larKC Mini of money. by F. . Diw.son of Prince Uu-pert mid represenliiur Chicago and Minnesota interests was particularly keen and was expected to close a deal. The timher Is particularly al-uahle and easily accessllde. It is mostly located between Prince lluperl and the Xaas Hiver and can be tailed to the mill without difficulty. Demand Steady The Japanese disaster has increased the demand for properties of this kind us Ihe demand for lumber from, that source promises o be consistent for November 25. after which clll-'seve'ral years Ui'r6iii;erThe Mill, NEW MANAGER FOR THE VICTOHIA, Xov. 15, l.leut.-Co, Charles Vllllers has been appointed manager of Ihe Canadian Colleries (l)unsmuir) Limited in succession to (he late I. M. Savage. Mr. Villiers is a S011II1 African mining man. Thouias (Iraham, who has been acting general manager, remains xvilh the company as general superintendent In charge of operations, The company has mines at Cumberland In the Comox district and ulso owns 1 1 1 0 Intension n'ltfej r.ear Ladyami'h, a view to purchasing the property. one of which recently introduced ...! ' " w --4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 START WORK ON PROPERTY AT DOREEN J. F. Duthle Acquires Fiddler Creek Gold Property From Dempster Tredway The Fiddler Creek gold property near Dorreen about 125 miles up the line from here has been acquired by J. F. Duthle, the Seattle capitalist, from Dempster- Tredway, W. E. Williams, of Williams, Manson A Oontsles, returned yesterday afternoon from the south where he had been In connection with the deal. J. R. Turner, Mr. Duthle's engineer, also arrived In the city yesterday and proceeded by train to Dorreen'where he will make arrangements for the starting of development work at once. Ten or twelve men will be employed to start with. BRITISH PREFERENCE Exporters See Salvation of Can nerles and Fisheries In this Country MOXTMKAI., Xov. 13. lillt'lfM'ta I Llr nrikfiiMd litis Iti.lInF Mint Ihe Hrilish iiiiiV reiiei 1111 1 Expected to be Built Before Longt ' 4 canned salmon and oilier !raWt'i,'"U"' fish will mean the salvation of the Canadian fisheries and canneries mill will eliminate Amer ican competition in Ihe Hritlsli market. ALDERMAN COLLART TOLD EXPERIENCES AS AN IMMIGRANT At Ihe Hotary Club today Alder man I lien, l.ollart gaxe some in that can be made, easily available w)io 'were strange to the customs' for big steamers to moor nnd tin-nfrerted by xxvnlhoo ronditions, 'is very suitable for Hie nffshore CANADIAN ffllllFRIFS,""'10 "'" 0rl(M', Anverica, While Ihe men reporjed o huxe made Ihe purchase, have an. nounced no idefiulle plans, It is understood they will the plant in operation early next year as soon as jirrangements can be made. COMPENSATION BILL FORMAT BRITAIN I.OXDOX, Nov. 15. The House of Colnrnons yesterday gave a third reading In Ihe Woikmeu'3 Ccmpintt"n liill. iyid language In see that they got started right on the land. FISH ARRIVALS Two American Schooners Sold 55,000 Pounds at Exohange This Morning Two American halibut schooners sold catches al the Fish F.x-chiitiKe this morning totalling 55,000 pounds. There, xxere no Canadian arrivals, l.iluya sold 22,000 pounds at 15c and He. to Ihe Atlln Fisheries and America 33,000 pounds al U.Ho and c lo the Canadian Fish .V Cold Storage Co. Advertise in the Dully News. XIAV WKKTMIXSTEIl, Nov. 1 5.-.With a total pack of approximately 200.000 cise of salmon ince (lie .(irin of the year, fiiliinir in Ihe Fraer Mixer District Xo. 1 closed; down today. More than 1200 men SOU Imals were ensaired in the industry during the year. 44444444 444 444444 PROPOSAL TO FORM MEMORIAL RECEIVED terestiiur experiences of the earlyronsul, life and difficulties of an im. mlKraul to Canada, who knew no. lliiiiK of Ihe language and rus. FOR DEAD SOLDIER Swedish Consul Has Plaque and Papers for Next of Kin of Late Sapper August Fredln A bronze memorial plaque accompanied by a service ccrlifi- jcale and personal note from King Oeorge V. has been r- . I 4... il..r 11 1: 1 vvm-u wimi lllllisiill, 7vriSII for delivery In the next ' p.-r---. - .in,, in; mi- i-.ij llirill .111 IIII4.-I .... , . . . . I . . a 1 ens in both regions must uhlft being 0.1 deep water at a place (nk,. lo ,,M)V nr((.r imnjKPnnl, ,,e fl lo(.M,lfi , 1 " 1 1 ik-?im.:!". of kin of the late Sapper August Frediii who lost his life in the (real War while servinir oxerseas lonis. lie lol.l or farming in the with Ihe Canadian Kngiheers. V. foollillls or Alhertn and or ploii-'F., Ksseu of this cily is a brother coring- in Prince Hupert. of deceased and delivery or the Al Ihe. close or nn Intensely 'medal niul n.ioers will : DRYS CONVENE 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 LUJHERAN CHURCH Field Missionary In the City Wltb a. View to; Organizing Hex. P. K. Haisler. H.D.. field im'ssioirary for xx'slero Canada 'of the 1'nited Lutheran Church, i here for Ihe purpose of looking ffraniziiiK an 'Kuelish Lutheran congregation jiere. He has al- Ininpd niarlhl .kiiin!. in nrtrnn. i iiiuite andlVictoria aint he ex- 'necls f it Iofl7esa"ine li'Pfi'. Soeak'incr lo Hie D.-iilv Y.w f14""'- Lutheran form of worship. Hep. he understood there x-ere iXor-wepian, Icelandic and Danish. As Kulish is Ihe language of this WUULU DL DCntMUAL'they would utiile in worship bet ter by using (he English lanpuase than through either of the others. Mr. Haisler has arranged to hold a service on Sunday in the liltle Lutheran Church here when 1... ..;n ...1 1. 11... . ..1- .... miiiir." .Ill- -tlMl." Mil llic I. 'lriiMHi huh ue is uopeiui mat interested will altend 011 that AT VANCOUVER ueiegaios From all Over Pro- vines Attending Meeting j of Prohibition 4 ..COUYKIl, Xov. 15. With 4 fleleKale in attendance frdm all 4jpar! of Ihe province. Hie an-4nual convention of Ihe Proviu- ,eial Prohibition' Association 4 1 opened here this nmrnin? Hex. A. F Cooke. Hie resi dent, will present his report this afternoon and Hev. T. A. Alo.-rl Moore of Toronto will address 'he memhers on Dominion Pro- iiibiliou. LEGISLATURE ASKS CUSTOMS OFFICER PORT OF NEW YORK VICTOHIA, Xox-. 15. the oxer Ihe field with 'a view to or- ''""luw unanimously adopt vm a resolution introduced by Pi-emier Oliver deuiandins; the appointment of a custumi of- izintr similar churche bolh at ',l, d' ,orK Uf remove. ! lie outlet on Canadian luade sriVU Shipped-by-wy.iUJli-lUnuoia this morniiip. Mr. Haisler said M !,rt'''iU.. oods .made in Ihe uniled Lutheran churchesr.",ar,w al"1 "''IpPed to a Hrilish 'xxvre usiiallx- more successful be- jC('lumbia j.orl by water have to Icatise there were in the conimu-!,!"" Hiroiuth New York ami 'iiities neoole reoreseirliim various ."'"si nay duty on arrival on lliis 1 1 nationalities thai adhered to the! coast because there is 11.1 Can ailian customs ofllcer at the .wneriraii port. I lie appoint ment has been opposed by the railways brcause the water route inlerfers with their SEATTLE LEADING in Ihe .-out tt. IN HOCKEY LEAGUE Goes off to Flv.; Start Beating Vancouver and Victoria by SKATTI.K, Xov. 15. Seattle lias jrone olT lo a flying start in the Pacific Coast Hockey League winning the first two games of the season, the first on Monday night again! Vancouver at Vancouver ami Hie , second last night. In the game played here last exeninz Yicloria was heaten by a score of seven lo six in an overtime game. Leo. Sweeney, manager lor I lie Canadian Western Cooperage Ltd., or Victoria, a well known lacrosse player and generally all round good sport, arrived in the cily yesterday in Ihe interests or his rirm. He is going east this evening. Today he attended the Rotary luncheon. He has been renewing Interesting speech Mr. Collart by Ihe consul when he arrixes in aciuainlance urged' thaf more care should be Hie cily Irom Ihe interior w'iPii.'lorians whom wit Ii many Vic-he .formerly knew In Accord With Similar Action in British Columbia, Dominion Assumes Control N. B. Wharves ITtKDKHICTOXj Xov. 13 Hon. Peler John Veiiiol, premier of Now Hrunswick, announces thai Ihe Dominion government has taken over more than thirty wharves on tha tidal waters, of the province. OTTAWA, Nov. I .-.- The transfer of wharves from the It ts probahle that the en. garment between the Duke of Brahaut, heir to the Hel-nian throne, ami Princess Mafalda, the second daugh. Ht of the King and Queen or Italy, will shortly be TALKS ON INDUSTRIES TO SCHOOL PUPILS Suggestion Endorsed and Permission Given at Meeting of Board At the school board, meeting last nighl H. S. II urn- .supervising principal, nsked permis sion from Ihe board lo institute a series or monthly addresses lo Ihe pupils dealing with various industries. Dr. Kergin said he approved the idea and would like to see it extended to take in visits to the dry dock ami cold storage plan'.. II xvas slated that as the boys were at an age where they xvould be choosing a trade or profession soon it was xxell ror them lo know something about these. The permission was granted. BORDEN ST. SCHOOL 361 I , Whan Ye Want A TAXI 99 8ft mil BOSTON NEW (ML ii a hurry Third Ave. The Latest In Restaurants.? 1 Phone Private Hoxes for Ladiej l Oars and Beit Service PRINCE RUPERT and Party Use. In tha City. RaUs Reasonable Best Food. Best Service. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "Take Her to the Boston." -OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. V(U.. XIII., NO. 2fU, 1'HIXCK, RUPKUT, n.G, TUlTtHOAV, XOVKMBKIl 15, 1JI23. Ten-. e.r,... W2T PIIICE FIVE CENTS. JKArop OF SEAL COVE ML ANDllMBER ANNUAL CONVENTION ASSOCIATED BOARDS OF TRADE OPENS IN VANCOUVER ...... , ,j FRA8ER RIVER PACK IS 200,000 CASES 4 Freight Rates, Customs n Agent at New York and Highway Route Come up AXC0L VKH, Xov. 13. The annual convention of the ssCiatcd Hoards of Trade of British Columbia im..,i ik:? morning with more thaf, lot) delegates present representing '40 Hoardi of Trade in the province. Maxor ctmrle f Ti.,i,n tended an official welcome. . Ratification of B.(l'.s demands and a customs officer at New York City will be nought." Opposing interests of the interior Will tipplr In haia question uf a trans-provincial highway route discussed witho view to giving endowment either w ih 11 n.:. ........ i.t ,1 r . ic--iiui;eion ur Fraser River joules. GERMANY WILL r PAYNOMORE REPARATIONS Says France Has Broken Treaty and They Will Not Ob-' serve It - "I.OXDO.Y; 'AovJ.t 5aM,'niiipltie,l cessation of every kind of reparations payments by Germany is announced by the Central Xevx agency, which quote Hie (iovernmenl al Hetlin as savin? iemiany will no longer observe Ihe treaty of Versailles now that France has violated it. ASSISTANCE TO . SHINKOKU MARU; Tug Humaconna Reached Disabled Steamer Yesterday Afternoon Heavy Sea Running SILVITLE, Xov. , 15. The luj J Humaconna yesterday afleinoon al 3 o'clock reached the freight er MitnKoku Maru which since . November I has been driftiu?. towards Hie coast of the Alaskan Peninsula willi a broken tajl sliaH. A message received hen says that there is a heavy si? running and that Hie tug Is having difliculty in gelling ?a line aboard the disabled slcamejrl SWISS IMMIGRANTS ARRIVE , IN ClflL vr Eleven of Eighteen Men Whfl Reached Terrace Last Week-y? Are at Present In This City F.Ieven of Ihe eighteen Sxvfss inrmigrants who arrived at Terrace last week are now in this cily. As yet they have not deciifeil RE-OPENS ON MONDAY, The question of placing them I (being taken up with the C. N. It. It was reported at the school colonization department who de-board meeting last night lhat(deslre It is to have them reniajjjf everything would be jti readiiiess in the district, preferably along for the school classes to moveilhe line of the railway. hack into the building on Monday next. Oeorge Scott reported that the cost of the xvork On the school had been 1,300. HAYWARD FOR MAYOR government or .New Hrunswick lo that of the Dominion govern-) VICTOHIA, Xov. t5. Mayor inenl announced by Premisr Veniot is in accord wilh Ihe policy, liny-ward, who was here, to attend followed by the Dominion in Ihe. case of I fie province or Hrilish, the convention (r the Union of . . , .... J. I.!.. !v il I.. ..II. ' l.t fl v a a i.v'iuuuMii hiiuii is inv uiuy inner province interested, umciuis n.ii, .Municipalities, announces or llie Deirimeul or Puhlic Works stale that under agree. incut between Ihe Dominion and thO.-.e Jry ::. 'ts. the latt-r mads- his intention to stand for a sec- a free transfer or the wharves tojonil term. So Hir there Is no op. Hie Dominion which In turn position either announced or ru. Viv. i I 1 nuaitaia them. mred. PREMIERS BANQUETED IN HOUSE OF LORDS FAREWELL SPEECHES I.OXDOX, Xov. 15. The IK-iniuion premiers, who have been attending the Imperial Confer ence here Tor several weeks past, were given a banquet last night in Ihe lloyal nailery or Hie House or Lords. Farewell speeches were the feature of tbo e t-iiing.