PAGE SIX TI1E DAILY NEWS. DOLLAR DAYS D FRIDAY AND SATURDAY LATEST DESIGNS AND MATERIALS. "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. Wa Specialize In Piano and. Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot and CoU Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. 11 is a pleasure to the discriminating housewife to see COX.I SUMERS COAL go into her bins. r.very piece sizaoie, urigm ana clean. Not a piece of shale or non-burning .dirt. All of it packed heal full heat value for every dollar paid. CONSUMERS COAL is stove coal cleaned and selected. Consumers Goal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. $ Our Dollar Ikiys are an auranre of wonderful values. All regular line at SPECIAL PRICES and ev?ry one a winner. Knitting Yarn, full range of color. 8 tall fur . . Sweaters, Children and Ladies' . . Ladies' and Children's Hals Corsets, a limited number Kid filove. Black. Brown and lira5 nhamoielte Glove ... $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Ladi" Vet. winter weight $1-00 Children's Vests and Drawers : . . . St 00 Indies' Fleece-lined Bhiomer. white $1.00 Indies' Stockingelle Bloomers, 2 pairs Tor $1.00 Brassieres, silk and laee. Gbard maks $1.00 Children's Rompers, values to I.0 $1.00 Children's Overalls, regular l.30 . $1.00 Curtain Scrim;-, white and eepi. 5 yards for $100 Print, light and dark. S yards for $1.00 Chambray. Ian and ecni. 3 yard for . n. $1.00 Fancy Tiirkish Towel, colored border, each $1.00 Feather Pillows, each $t.00 Gra Mats. 2 for $1.00 Hemstitched Pilkwlip. per pair $1.00 35 iHfh White FlaiinelHle, 15c value, a yard $1.00 Dress Goods in good variety; per yard ." $1 -00 Cretonnes, an assortment 3 yirds Tor $1.00 Baby's Bonnet, to 1.50. for $1-00 Ladies' Cashmere lloe. black and white. 2 for ... . $1.00 Children's Cahmer Hose, small ixe 2 for $1.00 MILLINERY. All Ladies' Model Hats go on Sale at 33 per cent discount. No two alike. Only a few left. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. Exquisite Evening GOWNS Take Home a Raisin Loaf Baked Fresh Today Electric Window Bakeries Third Ave. Phone 667. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Hock, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, to 6. Phons ttt. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. FlrV-e.lass Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. TVlittU DolTt Coefvrd Mtk nliu stud f isae for me smati apartment or cramped living room, the Doherty Small Piano has become a sreat favorite. We have had nearly 20 of these pianos this year and only have one left at present, but will have! anomer shipment this month. For Sale or Rent at Walker's Music Store Ltd. BURNS LAKE Tlie Burns Late Literary 'Society debated last week on the subject: "Reoled that a Font Car is w. 'rt h more than a Wife." Tbe necatne side, taken brMiv Sophie Saul and Mi Viola Kerr, !wvn oer the affirmative repre-'sented by U. Saul and I. A. jTitu. The judges were Miss M. E Carries. Mis N. Ji allot t .and S. Godwin. S. Yv. Campbell ba arrived here from S mil hers to take -harze f the Prince Rupert L-ssing Cm." tie ramp at Franc. i Lake. Mr and Mr. II. MrPhail. who bate taken over the North Francois Hotel at Franc. Lake from J. McLean, entered into possession on Monday of thi week. Uig Ifehlberv of CoHrjiooun was taken to the Smithers Hospital last week suffering from heart trouble. PRINCEGEORGE Tue Prince lieorge Parent-j Teachers" .Vocialion ha eleel-j ed tbe following officer: Honor-! ary Presidents. P. C. Coatee and Alexander Smith; president. T L. Hornsar; vice-presidents' Mrs. A. J. Roger arid M. Ej Harper: secretary - treasurer. Mrs. J. F. AbbotL Rev. W. F Kelly. M..n, conducted the services in Kaoi Church here lat Sunday. Tbe B.C. Trappers" Co-opera tive Association wRI open offices in Ibe city thi winter to assist in tbe marketing of fur to the be' advantage. II i expected loo.oort wi.rtli will be handled. The director of the association are: President. W. P. ogilvie: i-e-ireidenl. R. A, SPECIAL XMAS n in i it no n iU niri 49 CENTS PER LB. fir the liet Bacon in town. Wc do not wish to mention the name of thi baron as the maker do not wih a cut price advertised. Hut you can gues. Buy it now by the piece. Assorted Jams Raplerry. Slrawlerry, Loganberry, reengage. Apricot Blackberry, per tin 75c BotllfJ Ciler for Mincemeat 35c Shelled Almonds. er lb, 50c Marmalade, tin 75e Special Fresh Es? . . 50c Pure Honey, fs . . .. $1.00 Seedle Raisin, 3 lb, for 50c Corn on Cob 35c C"m special, per tin . . 15c Standard Peas. 3 tins for 35c ' MrCormick Jersey Cream Soda in palls, special 50c Grab Parcel Free With Each Pound of Taa. FULLER & AIlu People's Providers. Phones 45 and 574. INDIGESTION GAS ON STOMACH PAINS AFTER MEALS ay rk t.fTrr r-fco rrvaa i 4 l4a la ia iMMit after ewrj mrX. aaJ are la nwlul mt ti Far tar po I 1 rrsrs SanSvk llml BMWr au Wr kraiI a"C aa4 ti W Unas saRmw tram taraaa r HuMdi tnwMr. hr( Ukraa to at Ikrr samvar awai any: ar W sl aajtaaar twjr la. KtH kia to Wrtrr tor n itw. Mr. rrl .wm. Mm itm. -. Tfto- -tB ktot if I mat U t4 nk Hcam trwer Mrf MrlM, Ml tayttok rtrrp ar IrM Tmt ia4 rra tare I iwU k(WfJ i ifW rr I mM M4 rt 4r ttkMit kra Ar aC I I rrrjtiar: Awmi. erww 1 rMK I k ulni tmmr buitlr t4 H k ktrly. iMrnrr4 rtr by TV t. x Ca. UwW. Totm. (M. Kester: rrHary. and John iHineaa. C H. Hegto- The ga-loat "RoHniler," - eratej in the Kramer Rher be tween Prince Geerge aaW Qt. nel, ba tee taken off for the winter. Ice in the mer Ui made navigation baiankwi. J, K.'lmthie. Seville eapaHl. and John R. Turner, hi eei-ziaeer, paej Ibntugh here lal week enroute from S wither to the Cariboo nlry where they ill lok over mining prper. lie. Hunting about five mire oti the Fra?er river fr the eily. Dick Corle.s al John Itaacan zot a mooe lat week wbteh dre!ed oer 800 lb. George MrCullagb. r., who ha been engaged in the walcb-making business for several year, leii on runlay lor Win- nips. STEWART Country W i Fiiin seraU mow outkial to eLTouTK-oiinaoua-LOficon. AalMla to. 24 FROM HALIFAX TO OLA MOW. latsraia IPhIIuI Dm. S) Ore FftOM NCW TOMS TO QUCCnSTOWN AMO UVEII-POOL. Saauria 0. 1 Amtni ( BmI ) Dac S LMeaia Oac 13 sctuiu bk. r cmeriouks amo souTManrron. laftafaria IMr. 27 MUiiLa Dc S Brafarla Dae 22 A4ltU ..... W. S LONOONDtnar and eLAsaow. Aaarri 24 CaJtTanli Ore S r-LTMOUTM-CMCMBOUea-LOWOOH. T r ' . 24 Andaala Dac 14 .n rOrr ait dnfu at ' ntit nira. ) al htrorautio) Tntm A trot or CUNARD S.S. CO. omrr, ..ft Hauar S't V- V- A full face 4f irM ulpbid ore ba been encunterel durins 'he pat few day on the Titan bein? Wehped for tbe Titan- jSalinun River ijrndieate. a local company. 10 re average as in aue of .which ( i. gM. New of tbe death o VanrQ- ver or Iiol Uameron. pioneer pr.!erlor of this ditricl. ba ben receieil here. He wa the first man ty briny native mher down the Salmon River and wa the ortinalif taker of the Silver Tip. Jack Ellis and (ieorse Mrluie hate taken over Ihe Silver Cnll fnm Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stickney who are goinz out for the wili er. The International Service Club held an Armistice Hay enter tainment and dance in the Hotel tewart on Tuesday eveninj? Contributing lo the program which preceded the dance were Mis Fra-er, Mrs. Dayton. Frank Ihrwler and f. Orr. Music wa furnished by Ihe Ridley's three piece orchestra. Frank Bowler will run a slase betwrett Stewart and Hyderlh winter. He relumed recently from the south with a team of horses. Frank Johnson. h'ad team- tear for the Premier mine drpied dead on his -wagon al rlh Ureek lal week, hi norsi-s Came lo a slop In Iron! or tlie Chicken Inn ami Oeorge Trau'. caretaker of that establishment. found that he was dead in the seal. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert II. C Houglas, Norman Boyd. J. M. Hockin. C. II. Kennedy. O. K. Trim. J. B. Allan. J. Miller and J L. Murphy. Vancouver: Ludvig Quale, Seattle; M. I. Sweeney. Victoria; T. Sheehan. Pittsburg, Pa.; F. J. Wood. Ed monton; W. F. Preston, Terrace; It. M. May and J. S. May. Ixnzbank, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Connelly. Fraser Lake. Central Tony Molter, Prince Rupert. M. Rogers. Wlngham, Onl.: F. Daniels. C.N.R.; J- O. Johnston, city TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FLAT TO RENT. Five rooms and balhT In December. Phone Black 335 or Black 613 H. Letourncau, Sitlh Avenue and PaPon. CRITICISM OF METHOD OF PURCHASING COAL BY THE SCHOOL BOARD At the --Ik l board lal night Trustee Montgomery said there bad been some rnliein f the. manner in which coal contracts had been distributed". One firm. he claimed, "ha never been ab! to Ht any eoal to tbe Hoard aUfHHish he had tendered low S. E. Parker expressed the opiniwn that there was no Jusli- fsealiM fc any cntciin. They had bourht what Ibey considered she most suitable r-oat al Ibe lowel price lendered- Trle MM. en nan fawred the eiiThae t Island coal It wa irecided to ak for ten der for screenings, nut. pea and Mine run grades and to btd.l a kneeling Saturday at fixe o'-rkk lo ooen tbe tenders. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. IdiillY IS1V.M. Raining. nleat gale. Uaromctcr. 2V - t: tHnteratare. 17 : sea mush. IK.I TREE HUNT. -Rain-nv?. simng otheak wind; bar eenHer. temperature, II: roejgh. BULL HARBOR. - Cloudy. freh sajlbeat wiikI; bartmie. ter. temperature. 50 Iseavy swell; 12:30 mfdnlzht -poke steamer Prince John left Anixw llaroor nortbtounl. IS a.m. sfmke steamer Chel- hsin left Namu oulhboutM. Noon DH1BY ISLANH. Raining, strong sutheat wind; barome ter. SV.t: tenerature. t; heavy swHI. IIK.M TREE POINT Raining. -Irotig southea! wind; barome ler. W.8I; teniperalure. 15; sea roairh. BILL l-ARIM)R. Partly cloudy. freh soullieasl wind; haromeler. So:ll; temtierature. 5; hey swell; II a.ln. p-ke steaner Venture in Milbank Souml northlound. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. OTItr IS HEJUBY CIVt. Uul t mrm ruimar iJuaorl stuwled at like (Mtb of Cartfare Caul, kaarr . CmiI WfVt. tad frfly pmrrre ay Tiaitwr Urrarc 5. tiriP M raaminL C. A. .1ADCV. iwiraty Mtnl.ur of laixli. Laadt Nrartatrat, Wtirti. BX, tita OrWwr. lit). Sho es Meti s Solid Leather Work-ins Shoes at $5.00 Leather lilml Boi Calf Hoots .in Blark or Brown at $9.00 Hand made Lozscers' Boots front. $8.50 Men's and Boys' Rubbers. SHOE REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The 3 hoe man. Third Ae next SI Regis COAL The Famous LADY8MITH-WELLINOT0N Lump and Egg Sites. STERLINQ Stove and Egg Sixes. We deliter in sacks or bulk Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 18. Mam Oficr: Hotel Central. Big Reduction on All Coats. Suits and Dresses BENT'S Phone 376 The House Thursday Novfu,btf l fAone376 of Quality Well! Well! Well! Here? we are and the hid wenlh r u uC , n.HTJ JIMI that "'i mit hlC ginnj shoes l"ltlCj-)t it uhIH Um late. Our new Fall Shoes are here Ir,.n; Lest BMAHfartiirers m Cuiada. Derby and Slater's For Men, from $7.50 to 511.00. Al heav storm calf hoes in lllerk and llrovki (r heavy, all solid leather right Ihnnijth. nothing h'J(? From $5.50 up to $9.00. Isim't forjrel the luldrcn. t n tit them ? t i the time of year their feet need attention. A ' " ? now i better than dM-tor's lulls later on To uitridin-r Mr OmmIv to Ihe piiih. w- aie g r allow o per cent di-t.imt on all hoc -old (b w rt UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 376. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 Katherine Macdonald In "Domestic Relations" A drama of court -nd 'irtship of mar f V romance ha faded The tory ( a man v.hi wife Mm his home b i iiddn' drue her fnm h ' LARRY SEMON In "THE STAR BOARDER." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE, Admission 35c and 10c 25 - Discount on all FURS Must Make Room For Coming Stock. My present son k tf F1 r tat. Ve kpiec V. etc. niiit le -old. l-ieal Xmas (ift. Ociahli z TRAPPERS. Yr ,1 !at, see me be' your rat li. It meaifs mooev hi your pmkel W. GOLDBLOOM Second Avenue. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this weak, Novtmb 15, 16 and 17, Jabour Bros. Ltd. are putting on i SPECIAL SALE in the Ready-to-War Department. LADIES COATS AND DRESSES. SWEATERS f0 LADIES, GIRLS AND BOYS, SUITS AND MACKINAWS FOR BOYS, Here are a few rvinrplr Ladles' Coats- -Six ni!y Iridic' Coals, pri r ' ' , frtini .i'.5i to 07.r0. Your rhotre Kijfht only Indies' Owl, jirn cd regular' ' .M to ? Your choice for . . 5a .Nine only Ladies' trials, rired reptilarlv f1""1 to :t7..-i0. Your choice Tor : w REMEMBER All these Coats are new stock this jar. Not one is a "left over." Ladles' Dresses in silks, serges and Iricoluirv r,1f priced from I r.t0 to UU0. all offered a' 2 cent discount-Ladles' Suits, twenty only, regularly priced ? :.0l lo K.:iti. Your choic-, to elear. at et J3" Ladles' Woollen Sweaters, four only, iii dark colors, f. larly priced at Your choice, to cr ' Girls' Sweaters, two dozen cmlv. regttlarlv price'' alttlj :i.5U to S L7o. Your choice, to rlear. at Children's Coats. We have about at) (iildrn t' jf, I)reses. Sizes run from t to 10 years. AO off'"1"1 20 per cent less. The remainder of our Fall Millinery for Ladies t'' l,h 1 " i offered at one Ihinl less, the rce,"l"r Pr',fi BOYS' DEPARTMENT. 35 Mackinaw Coats, sizes from 21 lo HL regularly - - from 7.75 lo .00, Your choice for Boys' 8ults, sizes from 22 to 3t. wjlh on" attU H punts, are all offered at 20 per cent discount Boys' Sweaters, regularly priced from f:.00 to t ' ' jVO choice, lo clear, at "nch lrt , All tiood on Sale marked in idain fiiriiri's, Store a Thursday Aflermxin. JABOUR BROS.. LTD' Corner Third and 8eventh. PhonJ