wednesday, November 80, 1939 a Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIF incite rn CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 2 No adyeriisement taken for less than 50c. je a word. FOR SALE first-class con- 284 260 7 MeCLARY Heater, diti a. Phone Biack | "oe REN T NEWLY Runovated mocern flat, Rand Block. Max Heilbroner STORE for Rent. Third Avenue, adjoining Wrathall’s, low rental McClymont tf condhiiteliesia alapinnthilninsassnctngsen iit hascipaionan HOOM for rent in private home Centrally located. Board if we ived. Phone Green 938 PO... PENT — $17.00 per month. mode.n 4-room house, close in; large bath room and pantry Phone Green 402 or call 329 Fifth Avenue West tf ea. a PIANO TUNING PIANOB Tuned $3. 00, Walke: r's } sic Store. si | DANCING | TAP DANC ING taught by Mis E)- eanor Tite. Phone 20 ee PAINTING and "Papert langing. | DAIRIES | An Our— Milk and Cream SHIPMENTS Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Moller, Phone Rea 802 ». The AUCTIONEER, Packing — Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES—Phene Black 12° FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES for sale or rent. F. W Hart. tf CLEANING & PRESSING Ri 28 reasonable Benke1 ‘hird Ave., next door to ee News HAIRDRESSER HURRY ¥d genuine “R Permanents at $3.50. Nelsor Ficouty Parlor TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent ingiette Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Prince Rupert : DRY DOCK | AND SHIPYARD i Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons and Ship Repairers ' Shipbuilders | Tor Steel and Wood Vessels ' Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding f0-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Repaired and Overhauled a aaa Guide to Correspondents fhe Daily News welcomes correspondence on_live topics of the day or any other sub- jeet of public interest, but let- ters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded cor respondent has no place in modern journalism Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily | for puiblieation but as # mat- ter of good faith and courtesy 41! ungigned documents ge to the waste ‘paper basket Let- ters of a eaustic character must have the signature ap pended*for publication j Letter should be written on one side of the paper only Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be al lowed in the ordinary rules of debate. M IMOQHY—Zzii i “Ser -entuaaamamane mer tm mm (Hw Sawmill and Mining Machinery hs TRANSFERS Wood, Coa) rent . tf CAMERON'S Transfer moving. chairs for ‘“ FARMER OF REMO DIES Ror FRESH LOCAL MILK | Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 PNEUMONIA IS FEARED | Sole Survivor of Puget Sound Gas- boat Tragedy Being Treated In Victoria Hospital VICTORIA, Nov. 3 Dr. E. E THE DAILY NEWS NATIVES IN CONVENTION | Native Brotherhood of Northern B. ©. Has Annual Sessions at Port Mince PORT SIMPS 3ON, Nov. second annua! convention of the Native ltish Columbia was in progress in 1e Church Hall here for three days } last week. Delegates were in atten-+ 'dance from al! the surrounding vil-: important matters | the pro- lages and many ciscussed posal to have a for the di Prince Rupert Many resolutions regarding the industrial life of the natives are also being sent to the proper auth- |orities as a result of the convention. Everything touching upon the wel- wel especially residential sehool trict ’ | | lfare of the natives was dealt with, | A number of important resolu- | tions regarding fishing were passed , forwarded to the! jand are being fishery authorities. Officers for the ensuing year | were elected as follows: President, Ambrose Reid. Vice-President, Alfred Adams, Treasurer, E. F. Dudoward General Secretary, William Bey- jnon Recording Secretary, H. Bailey. The next convention will be held in Massett i November 1933, Planes to Operate 30:—The | of the | Northern British Columbia branch | Brotherhood of Bri- | established in! erage == == bi Ge teeta hae ED ADVERTISEMENT For iit Lutle Girl | in the City of ‘Prince Rupert Irrespective of Age Se How to get one of these Dolls Any girl in the city can get this doll by exerting a little effort and doing a little work for News. Get six new subscrib- ers to the paper and collect One Dollar from each. The subscribers receive the pa- per for 10 weeks. Call at the Daily News of- es _ r fice and see the doll. Then vet to work! REMEMBER that the subscriptions musi be new ones. Girls living out- side of Prince Rupert may get a doll by :ending in caree yearly mail subscriptions at $3.00 each. the Daily | Get an tiful and she goes to sleep like a real baby. She cries when her legs are pin- Adorable || ‘. ua ts FIVE DOLLAR He } out BABY DOLL sie | “4 : si: 1 A Beauty a FJ eae “Baby Betsy” is a very pretty doll. Her |} ee legs and arms are of Tru-Flesh rubber with all the softness, color and texture : Kas of the human body. Her eyes are beau- | f. ched, She is just the doll that every girl wh rE T BACK TO YOVR WORK attenadins lysiclan, and the - . . nursing staff of St, Joseph's Hosp During Winter Into ow __7!~!) Will Want at Christmas. ¥ Richard Carr Passes Away in Local jo) were endeavoring sterday to . Hospital Where He Had Been | ward off pneumonia for Wend Northe Di t ° t | A little extra work gives the winner of the doll a beautiful layette or a pillow Patient For One Week illins B sole sur- ' rm Vistricts, and blankets for the doll. ? vivor of a ragic Clam-digg@ing ex- | 4 Richard Cart well Known ploneel pedition near Bainbridge Island in The Canatian Airways Limited | i rancher of Remo, passed away yeS~ Pyget Sound, who was brought here | wi) again conduct commercial air| ? erday afternoon in the Prince Ru Monday afterngon by the steamer) geryjc¢es with ski-equipped planes | . ed pert General Hospital where he had pyjingess Charlotte which had res out of Burns Lake and Carcross < been a patient for a week cued hir er h compen) during the coming winter. Pilot C The late Mr. Carr wa a eal ” i bI ® ON! Norman Forrester will operate a ee of age and native of ene enough to eir capsizec ‘boa Fekker plane out of Carcross while England. He had lived for years a Berry is st y Pilot E. P. H. Wells will ope ‘0 : rate ¢ Rem nc rved overseas in the pox): es ta 3 oR9 ite a ie s ; Rem m Junkers out of Burns Lake. Consid- est con or S$ Great War. Failing health neces~ six childret Se ible work is reported to have’ sitated his being brought to Nos- rhe m 10 p rt “| been lined up for both planes, he foo Mat swan Pug al here Pr. ; n Pug Largest Producers ' Deceased was single and has &@ gound we Fred Rov Berry 4 hrother, John Cart Wiltghire, prother-in-lav Ph Carnente! - oa ’ gland. , So ne ; he bos Y Twenty Years Ago and Sellers of vneral arrangeme! re ed Marley hands of the B. C, Undertaker: The party left Seattle Sunday af- tn Prince Rupert ~“ a) . - ternoon for Bainbridge Island and f Condensed and +s B Sh Ison nd at 3 ¢ ck Mor na} November 30, 1912 A WADA oT en u mor? n their return to Seattle In outlining his ideals of a plat-| PRODUCT OF CANADA Eva rated Milk : A SS ee mai boat form a forthcoming mayoralty N po aeees way mpec al four were thrown contest, Rev. F. W. Kerr told his 7 i LE: uu erry jicked . Berry was picked coneregation of First Presbyterian acess Teneo | Hospital For Over at 10:00 an by the Prin ch the Empress Theatre rg pane eee > Ho z : Night . i V ysidered a moral mayor | ICH! Nestlé’s ei Four Years Died Last t toria at 1:30 p.n more importance to the : . “a In Institution oben Evaporated Milk rity tha moral platform, He uw F tor tote! & & ¥ ed proj observance of the Sab- | ewe renee -. > as : : B n a y t oli r greater Ye-||