+ a Wedn ! PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS sii ’ SEY, November 9 yy y! - ~_ poor oe ee - - ecm mone em nae ve a o omeen “ ee ——— aes ; ? | a ‘Bm la Wednesday & Thursda i= TWO SHOWS — 7 ang g y a e \@ Feature Starts at 7.48 & Hips . “ ADMISSION — 15 4 1 ae : er THURSDAY MATINEE a1 mn fh , * Feature Starts 3 :18—15, & 85 T, T, TIS] FOR PRESENTS ' f he SENTIMENT IS LASTING || " Their Love Laughs at “Hard Times? Give Your Friends Slippers This Christmas — a Gift |8 Greatly Appreciated By Old and Young ‘@ r. : ; Naturally if the gift is a temporary thing that is soon worn out or used up, the sentiment sae oR ‘ : CANO Sed: ‘= a * | which inspired it is soon forgotten. If you want your good wishes to live on for years, give WE HA\ E THEM AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL i a lasting gift. OUR stock of distinctive gifts consists almost entirely of articles of that kind. PURSES AND POCKETS H y t al if ¢: ; Buy Now! While Stocks are Complete. The following are a few 8 a , sta Dat = | specials, Sl ers at very low prices, fe DIAMONDS mounted in Platinum and Gold Jewelry. PRECIOUS STONES mounted in | pects, CANE Prem te Per em if ( m7) bi ! Gold, Silver aud Chromium, Men's Felt Slippers—Leckies Ladies’ Patent Leather Bou- | | LY i Ladies’ and Gents’ Fine Watches—HAMILTON, WALTHAM and ELGIN mg gm 99¢ OS tue woe sae “99¢ i i? } eg 0; pall i ° , 1 Ur 4 STERLING SILVER, SILVER PLATE, FINE GLASS & CHINA, FINE HAND CARVED reg. $1.95; very spec. Cc \Z With MARY ASTOR, EVALYN KNApp and a ee ‘ y Sa ‘ BRASS & STATUARY. Men’s Camel Hair Slippers- Children’s Felt Slippers—Var- ; Great Warner Cast ie . : | Leather soles: ious colors; reg. $1.00; these | , ‘ : . ok a te Ri is take cate | nth | MANY UNUSUAE NOVELTIES, AS LOW AS 25c. see HAI Moccia! $1.45 are vets sound 59¢ The Story of the Funniest Failure Since 1929 “Rc ae f Comedy—“STEALING HOME” Ladies’ Leatherette Slippers Also a varied stock of Boys,’ a | And the surprising part of it is that most of t fts cost no more than others which are Rubber heels: colors. red Girls’ and Children’s Boots & 7 “ soon forgotten | blue, has 59e¢ Shoes, best makes, at lowest Harry Lauder si sings i L ove a Lassie tea fk reg. $1.25; pai possible prices. i 44 Values You Never Dreamed of. Prices Have Never Been So Low. > Travel-—“IRELAND, MELODY ISLE” - i rt } « 4huths 9 4 aha OLE ' aia Come in and Look Around (| -RATE SHOE STORE PARAMOUNT NEWS i . : . . * ye ; ; a e3 Another Grand Arliss Program Vi AX HEILBRONER Diamond S ecialist It is not our intention to carry over any Slippers after Christmas ’ , ud p as this store will be definitely closed down, ah he “ 4 ‘ae «Fri. & Satur—“MADISON SQUARE 6 ARDEN N* PRE ae Pe op ee ee eg! PICTURE OF CONCERT " IMPORTANCE ENJOYED} 1om: Andrew | George Arliss in “A Successful Concert By Moose Legion Band and! b DEMERS’ — i 1 Calamity” is Showing at Assisting Artists is Much i ne P x S | Coe Theatre Apprecinyes | HAS OPENED “y ra Tias a eC A new George Arliss pi ture is al The concert staged last night by ’ ay re b [vase an event of importance to the use Moose tosion Rand drew alaveel] Amdrew’s Cash and Carry Bread ae) | moving picture public and AS d ap Si etatiliahik diel diel " , z i ce a : ; ; na ipp Cially au en Oo tne; %, ;cessful Calamity,” his latest, is said oe | d C k Sh 5 | DECEMBER 1 . 15 | to equal if not excel all its excel- Moose Hall, The progpam of band an a e op Mowat to ilent predecessors. It is the: mid- °®&* tions and of contributions by} week feature offering the Capi- | 2Ssisting artists wa splendid one. |} Thi ’ : A ee ee kee te indie De eee Third Avenue next to MacLaren’s Music Stor B P . ] if e tol Theatre screen here. The story ider the leadership of Bandmas ” uy ractica Gi ts at Reduced Prices |deals with an American family of ‘er Robert Greenfield, the band i P. O. Box 416 Phone Black 667 fo h ‘ jgreat wealth, a great financier, his|Tapidiy being brought into a stat i Laeees and lovely wife and his two Of nigh-perfection and has already ‘ grown children, all of whom find | established itself as a real asset to “ ts K d 1 | themselves so busy with the plea- the musical life of the city A complete line of superior quality Bread, Cakes and Con % Coats nitte uits and Coats sures and duties imposed upon them; Last night’s program was as fol- fectionery. Order your Xmas Cakes and Plum Puddings now ‘ on ‘8 by their money’ and position that} lows } a * : : ‘ to ‘ oes é . . | J } ; OW A Coats—Satin lined and interlined Knitted Suits—Greatly Reduced |no time is left for the enjoyment of! “go Canad iy Reg. $19.50 to $45.00: now— Prid jreal family life. In an attempt to] March. “Crisis” Banc tau ; t oe of West For escey * $4. 50 iremedy this unhappy situation. the Song, David Houston ‘ $11.95 0 $29.50 Re g. to $7.95; now .. | father announces suddenly that he Violin S« Bert Cameron Og jis ruined. Amazing and far-reach Waltz. “Co t band iow doet ad — er : : oque Band Pride of West Jumbo Knit 5 50 ing complications, which he little! pee, 5. Sites. Mieatieih, Canal 5 Coats. reo $9 5): . ae expects, result immediately Leod ‘ D Oats, reg. 9.00; now 5 ene a resses The delightful comedy unfolds} Accordion Solo, Mike Colussi ‘ ig Te against most luxurious settings and Overtul Stradella Band , ; Dresses—Silk ’ reg. $7 95 Sweaters a play is presented with a cast of Ste} Dancing. V in Bruhn a $12.00 to $19.50; now . - Coat Sweaters—Reg excellence with each part played by! Humorous Monologue, “Kidd-in 3 x ¢2 OF CALETE~—TyOk. $3.00 an actor or actress of considerable | Report,” J. Dougherty : Dr . ’ SstL. . Ql « DOW Bd ie i 0 ote Sale } do} : | resses—Silk; reg. note. Selection, “Palo Mio,” Band ‘ig $9.50 to $12 bee ahi >. ‘ | Although the entire program is Saxaphone Solo, F. Kenn: | DY. 12,90; Pullovers—Greatly Reduced dominated by the character por-| Russian Dance, Clara Dahl | ee Dre -—Wool: reg ee |trayed by Arliss, the supporting Selection Commonwealth | # 2sses— OL; ‘eg. $7 95 H cast is a noteworthy one. Mary Band ‘ o “ > a i f S é we y one. Mary A I ; ‘ J $9.95 to $15.00; now . e ats ; tt Hand Sleighs 75¢ % tor plays the part of the young and God Save the Kir { Hats—Reg. to $3.75 susceptible wife of the financie . . £1.95 ‘i ‘Badminton Dresses— $3 50 now {.. e 5 [Evalyn Knapp appears as his| Steering Sleighs $1.9 | Raya ek. 74s idausnter: ¢ y Tunney 4a , ' os . . a Reg. to $6.95: now .... . daughter and William Janne oi ( ompl te With Pulling Rope aan ee mess de> phake the son. Grant; Mitchell plays an| ; ‘ ; Hats —hepg, to do. (9 $3.95 |important butler part. David Tor- oy L now , ‘ ’ rence, Hardie Albright ‘and Hal ; aha } ‘ ingerie Hamilton are among the other fea y E. & S. Currie Lingerie—Half Price Raincoats—Greatly Reduced tured players To TAKE 4 TOYS — * & : Also on the mid-week program : / > me phad Soe a", janother of Harry Lauder’s populat : snd co wae pein a Come in and pick your's out. We will sto ' jshort singing pictures is offered don't take chan Take Buckley's “i ~ Fer Quiet Relics domecd until nearer Christmas Aylmer Label Remains of James e Survival of the : UCKLEY DD ¥ i Saving Contest | Smith Recovered ie “Tasaue ds | Fresh Cut B “: ode S K A | E N H A R D W A ay - Icts like a flash = 24 A SINGLE SIP PROVES IT Sporting Goods & Electric Proving Popular Body of ss da al Gaiieliie| or 2 ada abana | FLOWERS Phone—3 We Deliver : Legion President Buried at ee Anyox—Military Honors aa VANCOUVER. Nov. 30:—Kenneth | Two eggs (beaten slightly), '4| Potted , ' ;* , Mulligan, 1023 Woodland Drive,! ; cup sugar, 2 cup wean, . - Gore | ( HF] S fi | a . : Vancouver, was the winner of the| The body of James Smith, former|™€!, 1 cup milk, %4 cup flour, % Plants or The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous BRAN CORN BREAD WITH BAC ON| bicycle donated last week in the| president of the local branch of the| *@SP00n salt, 2 teaspoons baking | . . 1 an . = Aylmer Label Saving Contest spon-;Canadian Legion oa was drowned | powder, '% pound bacon (diced). | | sored by Canadian Canners (West-|in Granby Bay on September 12 last Combine eggs and sugar thor- | We are now starting our re- | ern) Limited. He will receive ajhas been recovered near Anyox,|°U8hly; add all-bran, corn meal serve list for Xmas flowers brand new C. C. M. Standard Bi-| having drifted ashore. The remains! and milk. Sift dry ingredients {o- Ivories and Silver Articles at Ru ert Brand cycle. Fifty $1 cash prizes were also| were interred at Anyox under the |gether, add to first mixture and i ofa 3 greatly reduced prices Boxed Stati “y awarded throughout the province.| auspices of the Canadian Legion, | POU! into greased baking dish (9x12 ; soxed § tationery ' inches is a suitable size to use). Ladies’ Pure Silk Hose Sprinkle bacon over top. Bake at Arctic Studio special value, $1.00 | SMOKED 400 degrees F. for twenty minutes, : : Her Heart Was Weak bre slip dish under broiler for coe Handkerchiefs , en about three minutes'tq brown the ‘ancy Work Specialties ; Werves Shaky, Nights Restless crust and to’crigp thesbaton., ‘ ! Y Bridge Novelties Mre. A. Black, Wallaceburg, Ont., writes:— Yield: 16 servings e . rr 7 ‘; "*T suffered from heart weakness, shaky nerves, _ Card Table Covers i and restless nights. by a noe eo | Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Wea ‘. I saw your advertisement for Milburn’s Heart | C.N.R. TRAINS | Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran- loys and Games and Nerve Pills and decided to try them although nen se rive “rn “y e I did not have much faith, but om I am ‘wer | for the East— tegd to give satiefncwon. Try & Call and look the pane i Prepared Daily By thankful I did as they have proved of wonderful | Mondays, Wednesday and Fri ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We ail and 100K them ovel | ee days woanesday 9190, am, 9180 Sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ld ' ‘Tam now strong und well again, but am never | prom the East— Oats and Barley. lan ris lorage 0., | without im the house.’ m ; nae ee Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur-| . Prince Rupert Feed Co. The Regal Shop PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 6 ol Greg and prnemnl sore; pot up only by The T. Milburn Oo, Lid, Been Ome days 8 p.m. 58 —~ Phones — 558 NE AMM a A A