PAQI 811 Silk Hosiery Special 8ILK HOSE AT THE PRICE OF LISLE. All first class goods ami well known brands, such as Penman's, Winsome .Maid and various other makes; all regular lines which retail from $1.83 lu $2.ii0. A full range of sires in Holtle Green, Greys, Hands, Navys, ele. All go on Sale at, per pair $1.25 H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. We Prepay Mall Orders. frni 1 i rn o itiiiio I l People's providers. Special One Week Only We have Just received another shipment of our Famous Ground Coffee and offer for one week only, .. 3 lbs. for $1.00. With each 3 lb. package we will give absolutely free 1 lb.f Hulk Cocoa. Special Hreakfasl Hacon, sliced,' per lb. ... ... 5c Jersey Hrand Creamery Hul-ler, 3 lbs. for .... $1.25 Phones 45 and 574. FARMERS' Meat Market For High Quality at Low . Prices. Just Arrived! A car load of "A" Grade POTATOES From Morlcetown. On Wednesday, we will sell, delivered direct from ear in five sack lots or more , at $ 1.50 per sack. One or two sack lots, $1.60 per sack. Phone Blue 428 at unco to book your order Dr. E. S. T AIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, to 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. Phone 9. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 Thos. H. Ince Presents "Scars of Jealousy" A photo-play of red liol thrills, flaming forests, blood hounds, moonshiners, feudists, lynchers, oulfaws. Human heart in a titanic struggle. A love story that strips the cloak of falseness from men and women fnd hares their elemental souls. Brilliant cast includes FRANK KEENAN and MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE. COMEDY "BETWEEN SHOWERS." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 35c and 10c. notice to contractors, burns Lake school. SKALKIi TK.NIiKHS. riidorm-d "Tt-iiA-r for Hum ljik School." will h rrrlvd hy the Honourable I tic Minister of Public Work up to I? o'clock Mmmhi, of Thura- day, I Ik- tstli day of October, tl. for tin- rrcrtloit aiHl coinplctliHi of a tlirc-rMiiii Srliool witli liawiiicnt and outliuu. at Hum iJkc. lu tlie Oinliicra Electoral IHMrlrt, B.C. I'lau. Specification. Contract. ami form of Tender may be een on and after Hie 1(111 day or October. 193. and rur-tlier Information obtained at llw liepart-Inent of Public Worka, I'arllanieiit Build-Inir. and at Hie Ofrire of llw Uovemiiient Aireiit at sniltlier and I'rlnce Ueorre. Coplea of Plan, specification, etc. can be obtained from the department on payment of a rielt of Ten Dollar Uio.oo). wlilrli will be refunded on tnelr return In pari condition. Tlie lowert or any tender not nerea-aarlly accepted. T. PIIILlr. Public Work Knrlneer. Tlie tieiBtrtineiit of rubllc Worka, Virlurla. B.C October 4 til, 1J, VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES EDSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58. NO CONFLICT WITH SCIENCE Is but One System of Truth Says Sir Oliver Lodge In Address at Presbyterian Church INCIPIENT DIETY LONDON. Oct. It. (by mail . A striking address was given hy Sir Olher Lodge at Seflim Park Presbyterian Church. II,. llr.l :ri c iiiauni uitti nil jcuts ago there was supposed to be conflict between religion and science. Inly years back he was.pieent ut meetings of Hie HrtUsli Association, when great nfen like Huxley and Tyndall dealt witli certain discoveries and indicated their view of the universe. At that time il seemed to be buntlv rcalized that one system of truth could not bo in opposition 1o another system, ami it was probable that scientific men enthusiastically eng-iged in the pursuit of truth hardly realized there were other avenues than their own. Mistakes were doubtless made on both sides. Revelation of Sky Sir Oliver Lodge went on to speak of the revelation of the sky and of the other world In m TIMBER SALE X 5451. Srilvt Ti uiler will w rt-rrlviil by tlie MlnUlrr (r Land, it Vtrl.irU. IM laler Hun immi on iiw itu day of uitnlx-r. IVti. for llw I'lirrhaM- or IJrrnrr X5IJI. lu rut 75.uuu Trrt nf IImiiIim k. HaUam, spruce and tedar. mi Lot 16 and Kit. liana f,Cual Land Mlrlrt. Two year will le allowed fur If-uiuval of limtier. 1'urllier lurliruUr of IIh- Cliit-r 're-tr. Victoria. B.C.. or tin- IHttrlrl l'orr-Irr, I'rlme lluTl. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6505. Sealed Trader will lie received by tbe Mlnlner of Land, at Victoria, not Uler than iMMiit on the fSth day of Ortober. 1921. for tlie uurrliaM- of Licence X 1.03. to rul to.iino Hemlock Tie, on an area adjolnlur Lot If I, Hanire &, (UuM Land lUMrlct. Two (i year will lie-allowed for re moval of Umber. Kurtlier particular of lue Oilef lure- ter, Victoria. B.C.. or the IMttrirt Korea-er, I'rlme Huert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5306. Sealed Tender will be received by the OOlrlct Forealer. not later tliau lioou on the I6tb day of October. tor tlx imrrliMe of Licence X S309, near klldaia Arm. c.h. i. to rut g-.uuu r.bJn. or Hemlock, spruce. Balaam and Cedar Eaw- lor. one il' year will be allowed for re moval of tlmlier. ruiilier particular of tbe Chief t'oret- ter. Victoria, or I lie DUlrlct forester. I'rlnce ltuM-rt, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5565. Sealed Tender will be received by lite MluUter of Laud, at Victoria, not later than noon on the llli day of October. IVfJ. Tor the purriuw- of Licence X Uti. to rut SO. ooo Jack Hue and Spruce Tie on an area altuated near I'erow, Hanire 5, Coast Imtrlet. one (li year wilt be allowed for re- UHival of timber. rurther partli-ular of tile Chief Forei- ter, Vlrbjrla. B.C.. or Dlilrlet Foreter. I'rlnce liupert. B.C. Are You Batching? If so, you will find our Meat Pies make a first class ready-made meal. You can pel them fresh every day from our modern oven at the ElectricWindow Bakeries You can't get that flash flash heal so I! 'H I necessary to baking baking cakes unless unless VpHP I you you use use clean cieau Coal. voai. xMMBBBBBjWVssbbv--m ,4, I CONBUMKHS CONBUMKHS COAL, COAL, cleaned cleaned free free 'ffj a from choking shale, burns brightly. It sends clean heal direct to the oven steady heat which stays. Our Coal is free from soot. Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. ThUttlrDohcrty' CopW(d wilh ordinary iicj piane. Sewing Machines, J'iaiios, Phono graphs and Mayer Pianos For Hen I by Week or Month. THI DAILY NEWS Thursday. October H iq3 sal ctciiri rciBBaai A")mP II PiW lHaaT(il'Mii.l!uXli SE&Bmim&& Always reaily alvvuys as firli and as good its (he day it is drawn from fine, healthy cows. Your procer can supply you any time. There are four convenient size. Write for Free Book of Recipes. VANCOUVER. Condensary at South Sumas, B.C bjiacc, and oanl Ihuf Hie aine s stein of law ami order ran through all the magnitude of the univere. The same laws of phsics held throughout, and the same chemical element existed cat aual)es of tlie stars he de scribed as a wonderful achieve ment, while the size of tlie stars jlowsf as recently discoered had been a revelation. 'the miii was earth, but it was known as a yond and away in the depth space were oilier systems, perhaps larger, and so on without end. It was u revelation of the infinitely biv. , Then there wal the revelation, of. the infinitely small the atom and its d cochin', about which they had heard in Sir Krnesl llulherford's presi- deutial add re h. Hampered by Ancestry Anions tlie immensities man inilit appear iiiniiufieiil. and he was hampered by his aiiinml ancestry . lie had much to contend against and . overcome. Sometimes lie seemed evil and only, but lie was immature. lb' was in the process of making. Man was a comparatively reeeni comer oii tlie planet, and was as el far from perfeet, but he had in him the Heeds of majesty, lie was a beinjr endowed witli a free will, and not like a mechanism. constrained lo ?o richl. He had tlie power of jfoiiiK wrong, and he utilized I hat power lo his own hurl. If lie had not that power, however, he would not have a kinship with IMvlnily. Man was related on his bodily side lo the animals, but mi his menial ami spiritual snle be bad some in cipient kiiiohip with Deity. He had infinite possibilities of de. velopmeiit. ain, when the Work was completed through the (Slow r 1 1 S- L 1 process tn inr aKes we snooni see that the tirtxiuct was worth all the labor mfil sacrifice and pain which seemed to have been necesary to brinpr it about, and thereby to create a creature who went right lieeuose he so willed, and not beeaufe he inusl. TANKER EL LOBO WAS V ASHORE POINT ROBERTS VANCOI.Vi:n. Oct. ti. The Hritish tanker Kl Lobo, bound here from San Krancisco witli full careo of crude oil, went ashore in a fojr yeslenlay afler noon 011 l lie llfilierls liar near ,1'oinl Holier) k 3i t the mouth o Hie rraser lliver . She was pro ceeding slowly when idie groninl. ed and was floated later 011 the hllth tide, iiiidamaifed. NOTICE Advertiser are reminded that copy for advertisements should be In the Dally News ofllce before 4 p.m. today o ensure insertion in tomorrow's Issue, tf 4.. A.a,.44. 4. LADIES' WHIST LEAGUE OPENED LAST EVENING Orange Ladles, Moose Legion and St. Andrew's Winners of First Matches baaaaaVf! aaaaP The OlieilillK Klllues III lllC HRj1 ladies' oectiou of the Fraternal lillaaHill Whist League coiuietitloit were bag Mi1 idioed last eeniiiK in the M. SaP lUejfin baniuet room. W Tlie Orange ladies won tner the llebekahs by S to t, the Mooe hart Legion defeated the I'ythian Misters by & to I, and St. An drew's ladies were victorious oer the Daughters of lliialanil by 7 to 2 Tilt teams rousMed of the fol lowing players: St. Andrew's Mrs. Mrltobbie captain . Mrs. Itcid, Mrs. Taylor. Mi.. VI. ......... III..I I I mi r ' r . t!.Mi-. ..nil in;, .mii. niviliii iii, mm lne Borden to. Limited Anderson. Hatighlers of j.nslund Mrs. Ilnwo icaptain . Mrs. Smealon. Mrs. llemmiiiKs. Mrs. Sluiw, Mrs illon and Mrs. Wliuliuaii. Moosehart Legion Mrs. J'hris-leineii trnptuin . Mrs. l'o;s, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Jidiuou, Mr. Y Ivnrson. and Mrs. Matrhford. I'ythian Sisters Mrs. iNiler-sen (captain . Mrs. Larue. Mr. Leek. Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Clark and Mrs .A. Ivarson. llebekahs Mrs. McKeiule tcaptaiu . Mr.-. ialarno. 5lrs Cox, Mrs. Sherman. Mrs. Simp-sou and Mrs. Smith. Orauee I,adics Mrs. Smoke (captain , Mrs. lenif, Mrs. Mini- in tlie most distant star. Cheinl-!'. Mr"- Mrl. Mrs. Houller. and Miss Smith. L'sipne slanilinj.' to date fol- Ornnue L:idie. gigantic body compared with ' HiePr",'hart ... . w' I I SI. Andrew's dwarf anions the-stars. Heyoiiil uenekain , . the stars we see were cluster I'ythian SUlers innumerable, whicli were un in-,laui:lilers l.uii dication of other universes beyond and outside our own not exactly olher universes, but other stellar systems. Our .-t'-llar sys- em was I lie Milk) Way. eunsist- inir of millions of worlds, but be I l'la)ed Won 1 1 I ft 0 0 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. In tlie Kafate of kleania fetiir-au) day of September tj (I o (I I I I limited. amnoriied loirwr. .NoTIi K I Iwreby alien that kU-ania (nitaiMr, .flted. or I k. B.C.. did l tlie lh djy df Sepiemoer. II. make ,.t an autimnied a.oinineiil 10 tin under MITICK I furllier hen tlial tlie rl Neetinr nf Creditor In tlie abo c-tali will tie tiekl III the orflee of Vlc.r Hirli k small. Chartered Arrouiitant. reuVral Hulldinr. Crlnce Hufert. B.C. on tlie tlth dajr of Orlotier. ltJ. at 1.19 pin. To eiillll" yuH lu Vole thereat pnf of )roir r la Uii nturt be hUrd with n be trw the tnertint I lield. I'nule to be Hed at the nieetlnr HMUt be kxlred wilh lne wiir tlierrUi. A.M H IITIII II TAkK ViTIO: that If ynu luie any rlaitn aralutt the debtor fur whlrti I'ou ire en II lied lo rank. I-nf of, ucli claim lou.l be filed with toe wIUhii llrirly dai fnau I lie dale of tin iMdlce. for fnn and after I be eiMratwm of the tlute filed by subjection a of SectHUi 17 or tlie Mld Art. I aliall dl tribute the proceed of the debtor e.tate aiiHitir tlie (,rlle entitled thereto, barlni lerard only to the claim of whlrti I halt then notice. haled at I'rlnce Hunert. B.C . tbl tllli UCOItOK HOIIIR I. V,. Aulborlled Tru.lee I'rtnre ltuiert, B.C MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS Hamburger we make it fresh twice a day , lbs. for 25c Hound Steak, lb. ...... 20c Sirloin Steak. lb. for 5e Itib Hoiling lleef, 3 lb. for 0.. 25c I'ol Hoast. lb 10o Hound Hone or Hlade lleef, lakiiiK larye cuts, lb, to Hoast Cork, lb 22o I'ork Chops, lb. . , 3So Hoast Veal (lip . lb. .. 1Sc Yeal Chops, lb. ....... 25o Log Mutton, lb 30c Shoulder Million, lh. 20c Pork Spare Jtib. ' lb. 3So I'ork Hocks, 2 lb. for .. 3So lieef Liver, lb Bo Calves Liver, lb 20c (round Hone for Chickens. Place your orders ahead for this Hue as the supply is not eipial to the demand. 5 lbs. for . . . 25c DELIVERY SERVICE. Morning Delivery All order taken before 10 11,111. will be delivered by noon lo any part of the dly. Afternoon Delivery closes at i p.m. Orders taken af. (ei i p.m. will he delivered early following morning. Wharf DelUdics Time and Tide do not Mail ;for any man, therefore we put no rcMricllons 011 this class of business. We are prepared to deliver to Hie wharf on fifteen minutes notice if necesnary. Rupert Table Supply Three Phonee, 211, 212, 2S1 Phone 376 Phone 376 The House ffi of Quality; Blouses Jnl received new shipment of Ladle' Urep dc C!' )v llloiises in varum ;-lU-s mid color. Home have bt trim on shoulder and deeve. others Pauley with peter p collar, also enibruid red designs. Price runge from - $5.50 to $9.09 Do not overlook our di-plav of Leather Hand lla Vainly Case, and one strap purses. These are pur, h e t direct from niuuofurlnrcr- and are selling ut Hie vrrv v . price of $1.50 to $5.50 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. "Outfitters to Whole Family." We l'ripv Mu Order Sat sfiif lion or Monev k zv" ar ies" -zy sa' v ifs FOUR DOLLAR DAYS STARTING WEDNESDAY AND ENDINQ SATURDAY. October 10, 11, 12, 13 We do not i ke t. l ifce op loo tnio li iare lu trll v about this sale, liol WE WILL SAY IT WITH VALUES! Here are some of the Dollar Day Bargains In our yard goodi department. lU Piece Flannelette, while, pink, blue and gra. Itegular 30r and Il.'ic value.-.. Sale Pnre, )rdi for $1.00 White Flannelette. Itegular 10c. .?ale Prie J yunls for $1.00 Hlnpeil Flaiinelelle. Meg, 10c. Hale Price, J )urd for $1.00 tStripfd Flanuelelte. Meg. price Hale Pric-. yanJs for $1.00 While tiiulon Flannel. Heg'. 8Uc .altj Prite 5 yurds for . $1.00 While Canton Flannel. Iteg. Ue. hale Price, 3 yurds for $1.00 Pillow Tubing, io, .is ami ii iinlie wide. Heg. 050? Sale Priee, S yunN for $1.00 Pillow Tubing. Jleg, 7& and !Ce.' dale Price, If jards fur $1.00 Hheeliug, MS inches. Iteg. 7.V. Sale Price, S jnnJs $1,00 Crah Towelling Iteg, :tiie, Huh' Price. & jartjS for $1.00 Union Linen Towelling. Hejr :t:,c. .Sale Price, i yards for , . , $1.00 (iiiighains, ;t(J inches. Meg. ildc. Sal? V'rice, S uni for t ; . . . . $1.00 llray Oollon. Heg. Se. Hale Price. 7 yttnU for . . M&0 (iray Cotton. Heg. :p)c. Hale Price, i janh for . $1.00 While Cotton. Heg. sr.c. Hale Price, 0 vaitU for $1.00 White Cotton. Heg. illc. Hale PricP. :i yrd for . . $1.00 CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Children's Fleece Lined Vests . Heg. 05Y. Hale price, 2 for $1.00 uiiuureii mack Knitted Drawers, nil sixes. Heg. 70c up. Hale Price, i for $1.00 Children's Sleepers. Heg. .S.-. to J.lo. HalV Price, 'ac $1.00 Childr-n's While Flannelette .Nightgown Vg. $1.35 and l.rd. Hale Price, eaclt ... $1.00 FOR KNITTING AND CROCHETTINO. Mercerised Crochet Cotton, nil roh. Kale Price, 0 balls Tor $1.00 .Shetland I Floss, all colors. .Salc'PriVe', balis'for $1.00 .Saxony Wool. Sale Price, 1 keiiis for $1.00 .Scotch Hngering Wo,d, in brow,,, gray, black ftud while. Heg. inc. Sale Price. :) skeins for . $1.00 1 here are altogether loo many bargains (o list herd, ,i (.,.,. ru hOI. Ladies Nighlgowns. Heg. value i..lo. Hale Price, ''"'h oo Sfv!"1',11 ll"M' K.'iir,VsdeVriiv. $1.00 p'ric," .t"rfc,'n r!'1 ,,r,w"- "'K- n',00. Hale rit' I'lni ) $1 00 Children'. Fll Sllp,. Hg i .so ;;i(Vi i.o. H"li ' 1 rif.e $1 00 Jabour Bros., Ltd Corner Third 1 and Seventh. Dn. R45.