0( w n. ic:3. aa 4aaavaa,M lltlttlv "eiaaai. ....- . . . a a . PB V I & M IIF1H . . mm m in 1 1 a , il iiuivih iili.ii'I'iih biw njwimh iMaaavaiaM. ap 4. w .p nm ULUULJ i Tr n iwriuao tLtlltU HW1 IlilY IIS I ON ACTIVITIES ii..L fiM ImAMwiminl - - hi alto Helo HOtplUI AIR SKATINQ RINK 18 PROPOSED ill m it! Mm Hall l.nle . njicriul tj' In view nf ,ut imllifntr farlllHci. for il.lrrn and making III' re-,lir Ihaii H I" the pre. mr i "lie of- Ihe i t t i tin irrain fT 'fiiliir public. arliviHc f the J'liiice dyrii (Unit, which win .,-,.,1 ami iicuei, ai ;,l i regular club luu-;, iu' HI IIprI Cafe lnl Material nllnrirp In Hie iiuner' General )loifital nollier Uil It wa i fiiiiuir. Committee a a . W TP PIPC1PU, raip iimiiry fr Hip-work il al Hip Hall l.akpn, wlilrli t s . j ii i . . .m II i 4' , .-a- " ' iivil,'l piiifimpnl. II i4 ,1 t pl!ilillli an oim'ii a nmilllrp rompriinir Hoy W. W. WrlKhl, ailiirV ItiiV N'irlmlla ulnl wa apMiiip lo ko ; v into Hip mutter ami A lrowil of local CVII. ' Hip uioierlakinir liu :. (iipI provMlnjr. of l:s Hip properly will al ia s-.ailalile when II may J hy Hie cnmpany. In Aid of Hospital taHer of ntliuir the 4 hrouKhl up hy Pre-c ;atp who umtplpl :.' miyhl teratel in Hip : re liy mean of m coll. It l;al leen reporleil t !ai Hip lnMpilal Hil )par I of financial ail- l, 9 Ill M II II baa laPPII HI l Sleriltier III Hip oper-j - ;:t liml lo le chanire.!, t an "ii- , -e nerear ami fur-1 !i-e of linen HUII he a -. . al. i men I wa ietip ltaioM'r lack of fuiul a Hip rc- II.,. .. .. aw.l ..rlv aa aii". j. hi nai ti... iw. j . i lal year. While irniiipra am m isaaaiT waira ill i f ioiiif pwrylhlmr p-t ahl the hoapilal, there' H. . , ... i I . I . . . ...i.. i. a a a 1. . " "Ml- IIIIHIO P.'-l 1" - Iipi, Some faoreil III',. "f a concert while oilier i ii a mar or tarcc wiiii 'lent iiiiuht lake mow irlv ulkl, II,. i.nl.ll. K -..j - Mil J' .. . . " " i-i. ... . . . . .at.. ii - lim r.Mii' I iiiii - I Iiip hy the club In life more plcaant for I he nf Hie hiKptlal. After Iprable .)Uoulon, Hie mal- ai Iff I In llm tin Mil aif n .ill- - 1 LI I. ire ClllirilltK W V. HoltertJC, lr. I.. ....I- H ..a ...i I t v III I' II I All I I 111 null Fit Prlnulaa f.a rii.irl tmeL 111 "H nieclltiR of Hip cluh. Address by Wright "innecllnif .wllfi Hie Mihjccl Flllll j Tailaaa.a nalla lla T.I i iii iii i- itri m ii n--. kJl 1 Ian a . . 1 117 II I HAIII Atul.l nei n 1 1 a I fit al lileal ami oliiecl ( Hp ciircMr'il Hie opinion "c principle f friemUliIi i. it .iii a . ..a. njnn rouiu iiei '- la A . i'j nuiklllH iiinio'i I'nijpct for I he puMic nood. '"hi he heller lo umlerlnkc liiiinlile work ami Id In it Hi ft ii embark on piimc am- I PI f .rtltti ! I I I j I l.u M I ASSAM at III I -M'iuniiiuii llir 11 r"i"iiiiiri, i( w 11 Mil wimhu 'HiIiioiiK. Alnv Ull U WltM rnl .. all me i ii u i oncn nyro in ilallv i.i.c i.u . .. i.... i ..r rii in t'l IW'l i" niylliliiK Jlial was umicr 1 "ixi lhat the ImhIv work ! rll tie cornn. he coiirpe, of ilie cvenlillf, ') Wa I'Pliilei-ai.r Kv lln I.. V ''i, Hliiiilio HalatfiX) acrom ' mailer of Marlliiir a chili "n wa left in Hie. haml of Hnnler and W. J. XcNnn. ''hle.nl Milton Onnralp was ie eliiilii you buy advertising you CIRCULATION, nd m thai let it. It m unnnoun DAI LAmr'S MI Sir. r R Social Olub Renews Its Activities. ... With Great 8u4.. Mr"' E Wl," Will Again " ! Head OrganliaUon Meeting HVAXSOX HAY. Orl. J.. -Tim Yesterday Afternoon HwatM.in Hay Surinl Clul, ,n .. .. . . . . renewed il arllvili-. nw.i y-Menlny af, .romin, Coliilltic .easim urn,,,, - . lr IT" i al l Ihe h "'" . . . I MII-fW HI very gay ,.. ... , ' """. Slrwl, ' III- 111 I It I 111! Il.ixi a. ,.ert a managenient or ll. c.oinmiffee in , ' " ",r ,'a""' cvcrnl wry etijoynlde evening haw been ajmtu. ,, salimlay evening fouml Hi, hall.in fi-lVp array fVr 1 ! "Hani Time" dance. Many clever iui. original co-luinc wimp ,im, .M raptured the la-lifV ,irj(. ( Ki'iilpm.M, wa awar.li..l f,. jWallir n. Ilimiiini. AiimiiK lima rrM)l wfrf: .Mr. L. llenii-Myt .Mr-. j.;, LaiiKl. Air. ami Mr.' Aaljili Mc-A'lain. .Mr. ami Mr. It. w. Mac. huy, Mr. amj Mrn. Waller C if i ... i BE AFFORDED BOYS President II r. V. K. , Secret a ry-Trea u rer .irnnn.K. .ir. ami .ir. i:riMA S . Hlanro an.l Mr, p n i ic. Mr. aim ir i- n i. , n... I . . . V .. ""II. ..K ill WIHl. iiiMi.1 in....... -nini, (.ajnain nm Mr. Hprsr Mr -,.r Wirt imNUH if-,a, Mr,, j,., Vni , .j a 1.. I II . . 4SHIK aiUl intuiirujn hip kiwpI. Mr. SIwpI Mr l.ork- iian. Mm. Power, Mr. WIipIipII. Mr. Salmain, Mi Smilli; Mpr. II. Vah. T. MpCiiIsiui, Hamilton , Ymu-ouwr , Avon. KirrliPiiPr. Jack Arkley. Harry Wlialpn. .loliniiy MrNiroll. Win: 4i it rfnk IliU winlpr mijorr, n,u l.ar.on ami (iuerney. VII projMTly lylnir on Hipi . . . insrti i hp union ami nm jnOAi iiip curiUP ..lllrp. Tli rluli IiiIpii.U UWUUI1L LI1UI11C . . I ... - a . .... can ,ia I iiii.i iiaii.&:aav I iIip if ron in I may Iip I hat II may lp iipi In ii:::::ipr a pnni court . , i. ....... i .....I ii. ..m.. Li1 I w riiaiMt-ia aaiuj iii- aiin- t- lowaril Hip filll'l u! ! plalillliPil for work Hwi' I aiip TIip pxpculivp .1 f a rpnorl on Hip mat- INSTRUCTION WILL W. I lift Mr-. H. I)ai Inn, Kxp.miI J w Mr. i. ,. WimmI-aii.l, Mr. S. A. Hranl, Mr. A. T. parkin ami Mi M, A. Way. Hpinrl rtf la ypar'.s urlivitiH jwpr r-aH liy Mr. Ilarlou. upc- rflnry. . Tlierp wa a luirt program. Mrx. Parkin wail a pappr, "A Jpa for Mii.ir," Mr. I-:, p. H'pnnj-winprp a piano uoo, ami Mr. I. McMillan There wa a stjiinI atlemlance. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. P.. KuiKlit, . JJIarr. M. '. McKerelier ami ii. T. Hcouler, Vancmner; .1. p. WiMxIanl, l.oin. pie,r.ii1.. F. .Mimi Jame. J'ort SI. Jameo; K. F. Mirliam), Terrace; It. Ilerrimlay ami Mr. nll Mrn. K. Kchniiilj!, Winuipex; K. For. ber, lln mil I; A. It. Near. Hwan-wui Hay; Frank llealey, Niagara Fullx; Mr. ami Mr. i. MrK'en- 1-nlU; Mile M. Hiifley, Hpokaue Member of Hie hool board al Central lal mvlil'a meelmrx agreed that; h- ewiiham. nillakdamix: pn engine lHtruction ImmiIiI l.e added to the rurriciillilll of the manual Irnininii classe after January I. In the meantime, I he board has undertaken lo pay the fee for Mr. lto, Hie lnlriirlnr. laklne a course in lhi work at Uie Xorlbern iNdyteelmic Insli-IiiIp. The purchase of an en- 8ine will e Kiine into later. TBI nnrt tfiwi fcVtKi dAIIIx WITH SCIENCE' So Says" Canon Barnes of West minster Preaching at Liverpool Cathedral MVF.IIPOOU Orl. II. -r;annn liarnea, f Wetminli'r, preaeb. l at I.iverpool Catlieilral. It wan a coinmonplare, he ai,l, that all elitaion. ewn Jhoii'gh - their fr-mnlurie anil (aacTeii liookn xeem. eil lit Kiianitileo nh"nr if change, were conlanlly.moiifiei. Ijiile reliirioii ua morthiiml it wii ilynainlc ami not otcllc. II was a living prncen wilhm Hie pirit of man am) a ucb it wa affected liy (he idea and emo- UjoiiM of Jlie poinmimily in whirh II exllei. Keiisioii riioupjil and feelinp alike were influenced for jrood or ill. by contemporary Militlra, aiocial, and inlelleriual ' ninvemenN. I Opposed by Leaders Camm llarue emd)ail the gain to Chrilianily which had come from secular profire ex. tern a I lo jNelf. The aump-lion and ini'tlnxl of mMi-hc, he naid, had affeetiNl Hie wliolp outlook of educated men. In particular Hioe Itninche of ncience iwliicb wen" concerned with pbyoic and biology bad radically .e, l o Antaele; Mr. J. O. Mob-'changed our conception l,lh of 'Pi. '.' !!na:.."- raylor- iienn "" "trunure of the vi-ihle uni- vcrp ami also of Hie develop, menl of life upon thi eartli. The effect of the scientific move. W. V.. Van Meier. Terrace: F.ir.i..i oiit ... .-.,. ni .... "nr. .. ii- uiiih it aliatl'.ll lianlcls and W. p. Patterson, C.Mul on private faith, had besn X.H.; II. Shaw, Huiilhers; M.pr,Mjrimis. Under any circiim. Iausim. Port Hssiimlon; ieorjreUanre II would have been far-Ookut.in.cily; W. J. Hartley, Van-jrenrhiiip. Hl unfortunately re. roilwr jpreenlalive CJirltian leader. '..III. il. a. ti.:. ' jaaaiia an- rnjiri iii..iia in ailll Will...... I ll,..ll. . . .. ......I ... ii.Mirj, iiniiinMi- communion, opposeii ine new of Mark Fisher Si Son Oi., Van- Vcjcnlifie eonceptions a they an. n.uve,r tailoring firm, arrived ppared. Pcience wa then enm-ifrom the south on the Prince oee. lo ficbl for nulonrtrnv on giiheHe ''- Vewa.jiieorjte yesieniay afternoon. jU iiwn territory: and, a Dr. I CANADIAN NATIONAL OPENS ONE OF WORLD'S LARGEST RAILWAY YARDS FOR GRAIN IS Som. Idea of the extrnt of the Nrebin Trrmlnal opened at Fort William this fall by the Canadian m i: i..t Riilwavs it given by int iove piciurrs, nwi; i'n a aaw nuir won vi', J.yJi i.r. This new terminal is doinr much to minlmire thcposaibility of grain car conjestion on Can-j- wlilnnal lines at the head of the lakeaj expedite delivery of grain to elevators for shipment down the the trsn.rort.tlon service provided. View, shown are as follows: -Clatsificstion yard looking eastward from the hump. -Twenty-four stall round-houae with electrically operated turntable in the foreground. -View from center of the clasaiftcation yard, ahowing tar coming from "hump." ' "rickl and one-half million buahel elevator at. Port Arthur, owned hy Canadian National Rail- -r.ifciia - ... v...,ln n-..in ffn'mir Inln elevator from Cam at one enrl anil beinir loaded Ml wayii me piciuir niuink boat at the other. i tv,. "Kumn " where the force of gravity is the only power used In placing cars In the elessincatlba trecki Wiied I tJ "hem. Two cars have just been released and are shown on their way U cIsMiflcatlon yard. $TR0U It CiaAaetVTV WItmTwi llolxon had aid in hi Oiffordl leclureM, the reull had leen a iirolonged nl tussle in which1 Iheolopy had lol eery liatlle. Ai a consequence ft wa now widely heljeyed by the populace that (hrilianity itself had been worsted. Mythological Accretions alBBa X'afBBBBBBBBBK .aflBkalBBBBW. "m- .'"flS Jr i k Jlsv in Tins ofSOandJOO TIMBER SALE X 5454. Tlvre mill I uttrrni fur SJIe al Public Aurlii. al Dtam m IKe od day i.f .Niivmi- txr. In the uttirr of th lii'trlrt; yomlrr, Omrt lloue. Prlnre Ituperl. Ihel Lirenra . J4.I. Ui nil SH.7II0 Jarklilne At least a generation must pass-Vr "Xa.e,. ,T 'Z before, il wa generally recijr-'-Aiina hiar. apiniiinuuir f jniie a..i l fruoi ImwiiI Lake, taupe fj' , , a . ii.i a a niscd thai, Titb regard to re. inorirt. ligion. science wa neutral. Kdu-j ''' ., nn ' it"-i fr re-1 rated men knew that the tradi-i runtk-r luriiruUr. r iw cwa-f Fore lional representation of the JJJ. MlT Tun i.urisiian laun must ne onorn oi what had become mythological j acerelion. Hut Cliri-tianily re. I TIMBER SALE X6S90. lied a biological Orjranim vim.i,, r i.mi ,t viru.rla. n,.t lalw willi n racial future. In (i.f. Ihaii irnon mi Uie tn dar t Aoveniuer. tail r. j- th. miM-h.. ..r 1 1.-. v c-.cin Irilggle foif exislepce il jraineil nit ii.jnu Jark I'lne aod Snruee Tlea! strength and power by utilising XmX" "nl"n' H,"r' its environment. It ioughl Jhlh 't ( ar wiu'te aibiwed rr re-freealom from old limitations and n'n.ri'Jr'?iur r ,he ant or-increase mapry of hostile ter. vinona. nr... nr ie bMtnri rore- . a i a aa a . wr, rnnrp ituperl, li.l.. . force. Amid all change lis e. senlial character wa preserved, for il rested on historical fact TIMBER SALE X5464. pealed Tenders will tie rrreiveal br th flltirt r.MMiar tu.1 l.lp th.ii nmrfi ttn combined with permanent in- tue tub dar r ort.r. !. f-r iiu tuition and continually repeate.) tt experience of all hunian spirit, ooo riuo. ut cedar, HMuia-k, spmre art It mu.t never be forgotten lhat Tmo j,, K,rs mm tm hlVtfa lur all ti'iimnn nelivilt- ntul not cral tt limber. . ,, . .. .a, Further paromlar of the Chief Fore- inrrrij iiiiikp us- i iin n iurj Pf. virtiarla. lit Hie IHnirlrl lia-ener, called science and religion, rest- I'rtaee imperi, B.C. ihI upon imjiroved and improv- TIMBER SALE X 5429. able assumption". Faith, bow-, There will be off-red for Sale at Public Aut'0". l " lh daj of Oe eee ever, wa wa a a necessn.v ieeeilv oi of eTUtenee exiMenee. vX)t ,,tJ , ttM orrlre or Uh Dltlrlrl Zealots sometlnie contended rireer, Cuart House, prince BuperL the n.i !... l ..t.. : LleiM XJU, lo rut 1 04.500 JaUpine .ai inn ...a- u ..n, lame glKj spi-Urp Tie, cm an area fituatedsou Idinit faith, lint the ioilern world. Franco! Lakr, at a polDt knuwn as Up. . , . - lt a ii Nnnil nay. itanpv t, iuasi unu uisarica. so far as it bad fallen under the Fhe i, rrtn lU i .nowwi ror re- sway of scientific method, ,e i"ai r uiuber . ... ; Further lurtirulara of tl Chler Fore. mauded lhat faith should lie rea- ter victoria. B.C.. or District Forever, 4.nable and not blind. !,!l!Llll,Pf1,.B: Universal Mind TIMBER SALE X4701. As Ihey passed from science lo- Sealed Tenders will be received by Uie philosophy an.l religion. H.ey had ZT'Jt lo assume Hie existence of a uni- !. f'" Prrhae of Ueeivce X "t. , . , . , . a , a I" CI 4i0.l0 feet aif Sfiriire, Oatar. Ilem- versal ni.nd in onler to bind to- hk taA Balsam. r an area nutated on gether the sequences of phe. JJ,,,, ' xt pm lln', Klor liomena which science observed, two ( year will be allowed far re-and described. Then, as the 'aMs '""?1;ir"f;(ltar(, ,)f fnkf For. of religious failb.tliey further as-iter. Victoria. B.: or the tlirin Fores-sumed lhat the value which they,1"- ''rl"r ""pyr'- Hf- instinctiely deemed supreme ex- TIMBER SALE X5538. pressed the quality of that mind!. There will be offered for Sale at Public 1 Anoesikei ! tsatatti iti th lOtn n v rtf lit. lo whom all natural process was iber. isii. in tW office or the District, ilue. In- Jul In. I n as there mere wits was a a miilv tinny Furesler, Court House, Prince Hupert. ';jckpuw the 'x Ur,llre ss Q fu, 4, 000 between the human mind and the and,, sprue Tie, ou an area situated on. tinitv l-cancois uae. al a poini known a U-i proefsses araieaes oi of nature 1141 11 ri- a a winy ,.. o. . ,.., ,n,a ni.irin ' which made, science possjhli. so Fire S) year will be allowed for re-j there l.etween the mnfl.r xiUn wa a unity or (he a.ir Fores-i moral and aesthetic, judgment of lr. Victoria. B.C. or District Forester, Hie human spirit mid the Cod 'JSJ"!-?-i- whom Hint spirit owed it crea lion. Through these processes TIMBER SALE X 5250. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lauds, at Victoria, not later fioil revealed Himself. 11 was .a.iluu g,i on ihe tth day of Ortnber, . for ihe purchase of Licence x s0. fnet laci Hint mat, n hi lovnllv mjany to to the me high. iumi-i,o fnx JJCOii,00 trfX of Crtlir Sprur., est ideals implanted within lis, we Hemlock and Balaam on an area situated experienced the .certainly that, no- 'SXir'SSt: VnU- Ct"m'i' thing cimlil separate lis irotn uie, mree (J) j-ears win be allowed ror re I .a aC I iiii.aii ui aiiiiari. lull- 1l "I'll, Obsolete Dogmas Science had given n new conception of what they meant by reasonable faith. In doing so it Further particular of the Chief Fores ter. Victoria. B.C., or Distrirt Forester, prince llupcrt. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5512. Sealed Tender wilt be received by the llnl.i.. ' a ...- .a .-,..... I . i .. . .... .....l .'I lini., " , ,. liui l.iri ,. , at I nail siriKiniil) uiieri-u toe uy mi, man noon on lite uin day of ortouer, 's. ror u purchase of Licrnra X 511 . avliieh Ihev ninironeheal relitrion I : r wIik Ii inej approacneu iikioii.i. m oo t)(l or-Han,.,, ,dar.! Some old mitdes of argument and Spruce and Balsam on an area situated' , . .. i i i ... i. had i ,at the south end of Clio Bay, Itange 1, ! heir attendant dogmas rap- U-M District. , idly becnine; obsolete. Among elisions communions there was, n conseijuence, much confusion, ome bitterness, fear of change combined with recognition of its necessity, Theological thought. which claimed ' to be Two if year will be allowed for re moval or umber. Further psrllruUr of the Chirr Forester, VlctiM-la, It.c... or District Forester, Prince Unpen, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5271. Sealed Tenders will b received by Ibe Minister or Lands, al Virinrta. not liter; sclehlificltlMit noon on tin Uth day nf October. ,, ., , IM. .fr the purchase uf Licence XJt7l.'A and was still widely nrrepiei,!.0 uj.ooo feet ut cdar Pole ami; oi-eeriil hmt nail Irndilions irauuion. The ""w on in irr adjolnlns Lot S87, pieciiu "(IMMD nf skeena Crossins. Caiar Pls-I riogmaiie inconseoiieiic in iiiui-n .irict current reiffiou apologetic, waa painful. Canon Harnes concluded by saying thai scientist could dn tnicb to help, the enmmunily in Ihe period through which we were pjissing, omj-he urged them lo lake every opportunity In set forth their religious ideals and lo show how in their minds r.hriatianily and science reacled. Advertise in the Dally New. Tut) (!) years, will La allowed for re.. movai or timber. turlticr particulars or that Clilaf Forester, Victoria. B.C w District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5659. ' Sealed Tenders will be received by ibe Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon on Uie Uth day of October, IVfS. for the purchase of License iiiV, to rut 7.3JO LiMtrvpolf Pine and Hemlock' Tie on an area situated aboiir- iwo miles from Uedirvale Station, Caiwdlau .tallonal Hallway, Cisslar tustrlct. Twa () year will be allowed for re-inoval or timber. . Further particular of the Chief Fore-ter. Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, rince Rupert, B.C. Summer COAL Oreat sail faction I llepe.it orders being rilled every day for Nanaimo-Wellinglon Nut Coal Oulrk Fire! Lasts Longer! Coals samp as other .Nut Coals. Phone 116 or 564." Albert & McCaftery LIMITED Loggers 5 Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in Goodyear Welt, wide or narrow t3es, from $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 REPAIRING!. GEO. HILL They Shoeman. Next St. Ilegis Cafe. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel iitiilding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Wee It or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connecUon. James Zarelll - Proprietor. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and. Distributing; Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Plana and Furniture Moving. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery UnaurpaaeeaJ. Third Avenue.