P.4GE TWCV i i i i For Your Health you should bur the best. "SALADA" ECOO is the purest and most scientifically prepared tea, sold today. Try it. The Daily News I'RINCK BUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except 8unday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month, 1 1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year .16.00 To all oilier countries,, in advance, per year. ... $7.6" TELEPHONE 88 Transient Display Advertising 11.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising nn Front Page S2.K0.per inch Local Readers, per insertion, 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion. 2c per wont Legal Notices, each insertion, 15c per agate Jm- Contract Rates on Aoplication. AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to npprovnl Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1923. Raising Prices And Making Profits. There is always a point beyond which it is not safe to raie prices. The railways found that whn they jumped the freight rnles.nfle.r the war and Killed practically all business except the carrying of actual necessities of life,. The express companies are now complaining Ihdt they are not making any profits and that it is necessary to raise the. rates. The express companies are really departments of the railway and their profits or losses depend largely on the amount the railways charge them for carrying Ihe goods which they handle. There has In be a sufficient margin between the cost, of transportation to them and the amount' they charge the customers,' else they lo-e money. The question from the point of view of the people who use the ex-prcs service is whether the extra' amount should be taken from the cuslnmers or from the railway companies.;'"' , A railway js a public utilitj' concern and one of the gneat objects of Ihe railway in all iN departments j- to give public service. If the rales, become exorbitant' Ihe public finds itself unable to use that service. Even at he present prices charged, there js a great deal of grumbling among Ihe farmers and others along the railway at Ihe high rate. charged on small shipments by express. H j claimed that often the express rales not only take all Ihe profit hut lake Hie whole sum realized from the sale of Ihe produce. If these things ore Irue, it is plain that rales cannot be raised and Ihe institution still be of service to the people. 8trenuou$ Times In . British Elections. ; ; , Apparently Ihe British people are taking tlfe present election campaign seriously and tomorrow's results will be looked forward lo with a good deal of interest. The American newspapers, a well as Canadian, are devoting a great deal of space to Ihe. contexts, showing that nn. lhis side of the ocean Hie big political battle has much more (ban passing interest. II is one of the common subjects of ronversation and discussion wherever people congregate. Because of . that the results tomorrow evening or Ihe following day will be looked forward to with al great deal of interest. . Get Very Best Civic Candidates'. X' The Daily .News has no intention of taking part in the i..iiiri rscepi 10 report me meetings and lo place the issues before the public, but now,. Wore the contest begins we strongly urge mat, an, err.irl be made to get the best possible candidates in Ihe field. Prince Jlu'perf needs a strong council Ibis year, the cily needs n good school board nnd also there is need of good men or women on Ihe jMtlice commission There has been talk of a third candidate for mayor and also of one or two women candidates for the' council, fi js now time thai nil Ihe candidates were in the field so (hat electees ..... .... mtia I..... i H.nc .in iipioriuuiiy 01 lamilinruing themselves with their records, . v' The coming season promises to be an important one in Ihe history of Ihe city. In view of thai, im effort should be rnade 10 induce Hie lnsl busiiiesiiieii or Ihe cily ' lo underliikc conduct of affairs. ,t- , Sowing The Wind And Reaping The Whirlwind. . the The rulers of (Sermany since Jhe war hnvi been deliberately sowing Ihe wind and the people there are reaping (he whirlwind.-' In Ihe apparent effortto. avoid reparations obligations the cmr-nry or the country lias been systenmlically de-based by .keeping the printing presses running nnd turning' out f paper money al wholesale. The result is that today Herman money ,s vutueless and Ihe slricken peopfe Mud that even in heir own country it will hot purchase the necessaries of lite Uolhes and soap and common household articles are 'beyond -the reach of the worker and the coming of children is dreaded owing to the imiwssibility of providing Tor them. The condition is not so much Ihe result or the war as 'of the nind policy followed since peace was declared. URGE INCREASE ARMY NUMBERS Secretary Weeks Asks Congress to Provide for Enlistment to 150 000 WASHINGTON, Jloc. 5. A urgent warning "against th lightest culling of Ihe budget" for Hie army j ronlaineil in Serelary Weeks' annual report lo Congress. The arinv not only is "cut be low. our vital needs," Ilie Secretary said, bul Increased appro-print ions for national detense snon would lie necessary due to Hie consumption of war slocks. "We are not able even now to make Ihe progress which I necessary lo insure (he fulfillment of the purposes of national defense," Hie report conlinued. ' Since 1921, Ihe total number of individuals under military train? i 11 v. or in military organizations, has decreased from 519,-01 1 lo rnt,0l0. This does not pell progress, but rather reliction. "I am convinceil thai our peo ple as a wind are in accord wilh the constructive policy tin der which we are endeavoring: to operate. I believe Dial they will deeply approve Ihe constructive statesmanship which demands that Ibis policy be fulfilled even al the expense of Ihe natural complaints on Hie part of the lax payers " In specific terms, errelary Weeks reafllrmed his recommendations of former years that Ihe enlisted strength of the regular army be increased from its present limit of 125,000 men to i:n,000 men "al the earliel possible dale." The Man in the Moon SAYSs- THKHK are two difficult thin?' in this lire, keeping up appear ances and keeping down I HAVE been wondering how many of those men who brae about honesty being Hie lest policy lei! their wives Hie truth. the whole truth and nothing bill the truth. THE Chinese were truthful until Ihey started playing golf and the Japanese until Ihey look up hunt ins- and fishing. - WHAT I hate is making de. cixions. hvery morning I have lo decide In gel foil of he, nd it hurts. . " ONE I bin? worse lhan being a candidate is being a candidate a second lime. THAT Elks street may be like Centre Street, bul I can'l delieve they ever raked a man in Hi old town like Hiey did the visitors al Klks Jlnme lasl nigh!. WIVES are beginning In humor I heir husbands. Christ mas is coming, evidently. A MAN doe not need lo marry Iwo wives In order lo get. into I rouble. One is enough. WI1EN Iwo men begin to call each, other Mars, .you know both are tellinsr lliei Irulh. WHEN she calls you "Old Hear," billion up light. IF a man would find fnvor wilh Hie girls here be needs lo be a raiu beau.' A OOOI) way to gel rid of a bill collector is lo pay him. MANITOHA Free Press suggest thai if faith will move mountains, Hrilish Columbia should try il nn Ihe excess freight rales lo the west. PCHSIA has a Shah that II Can'l control. The dillicully about shahs Is that hey are very iiiiicIi like oilier people. j Ten Years Ago In Prlne Rupert . December , 1913. Miss Anna Chrisllne Mcl.cod and Heruard McDonald were married this morning al Ihe home; or the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil MHLend, Hays Cove Circle. Hev. I W. Kerr THE DAILY NEWS. Wednesday, hta),et s, igjj ofllcialed. Several Iellers lo which lh! writers refuse 10 attach their names for publication 'appear In Kx-Mayor Newton' paper condemning Ihe present civic bout hern this month between DTonigM lV to Una aaa alratOiati tha .organ of aifaallon ana! Hmiaaflon, Imorovo aaaotita, tap aick haafaahoa. raOavo bll-Iimi, ewraet oonatloatlan. Thay act w-amatly. .oloaaantly, mildly, yf thorowthly. Tomorrow Alright 0t a tSe. Bex y Wonder what to Give? As the desire comes anew to remember your loved ones with gifjs of appropriate sentiment, why not choose the one fitted above all others to carry your message of affqetion "His Master's Voice" Victrola"the theatre of the home." U Here is life itself, unending days of pleasure, the companionship of the. world's greatest artists, for one and all they have chosen the Victrola to interpret their incomparable genius. Here is the key to the kindgdom of. music, a gift of enduring happiness, that not even time itself can dim, a theatre within the home, awaiting your pleasure to present, an endless program of living, thrilling entertainment. Indeed, "why wonder what to give" when you can secure such really worth while gifts, at any "His Master's Voice" dealer for as little as $37.50. Prim of ftnuint Vict roll range from 137.50 to $61100. "Look under the lid" for our famout trade mark "Mia Mattrr'i Voire" . It U placed here for your protection. K him and It. 1 1. Skinner of Ibis cily are olf. The Kelrhikan man wants $.'0 and expenses In come here, Ihe figure Mdk above what the local interests were prepared lo pay. There, Is a posihility.-linwevcr, that Ihe Iwo men may yet meet in Prince Oor-e received an aivpiioilion lo Its' population lasl week fn Ihe inron of "Sunny Jim" who claims to hob) Ihe heavyweight .championship of Ihe Pence Hiver dislrict. He OpUI Sport L Chat V..11CI.L 1 y n9uu ht f .1 1 . i tic Negotiations between the Hrolio Alitlelic Club and "Hed" Campbell, (he Kelchikan middle, weixht, wilh a view lo stasinsr a at lor, poums anil is willing to lansrlc wilh any one who is willing lo meel hi ui. In" Ihe Interval he proposes" lo lake a course of iraininir in Hie lie ramns bull ...... .4 win re ready lor en(rnfreriicni al any lime. 4 After a sensational race between Harry Ileilniaun of lie- Iroil and (icorjte lliilb of New York, Ihe Del mil sluirpcr led the ;bnllers in (he American League during Ihe past season for the (second Ifine in his career. HJs .percentage was .103 against Ituth's .3'J.I. Ileilniaun and Itulh led (lie procession all. season. Old trhrers were nroniinenl among Ihe leaders and few new men reached over Ihe ,300 mark. The first ten men 'were: Heil-mann, Archdeacon, Chicago, .102' (22 games' otilyi; Itulh, New York, 393; Speaker, Cleveland, ..')(); Uhle, Cleveland, .3111 ; Collins. Chicago, JlfiOj Williams, HI. bonis, ,3r,7; Hewell, Cleve. land, 353; Jamieson, Cleveland, 7n lirinf gilt i Ui ( "HiaMaatar'a Vole." Vict Racer' tnti krta Ito t mm mi ymM Irva4 IU W4 ww al Ml ImvMial Mr . Cwfrm. OTa4 dm$ tmtt m Ummm iMnuarn ak m Htf Li.arr, mnm-U fan MiMn mc4 rul , IM. lrM ft Md yM m. fci ly Vy ndt U4 mi " It Uaxtf krwwra mi tS, kcm." "H Ui.f'1 Vmmrn" aVslm tmrm ' mmnf tmmmmmmtmmm mi mft atvartiwty p-r4 mt irdii 1 1 Ww, wiOl iW piwikmi pi nrknt mtyrt Chnmtawm, 4 tumtd awwiy. .3Hi: Coldi. llelrolt. .310. Clewlaud finished al Hie lop among the American League learn In balling bu- II was n close race wilh I let roil. the former winding up Ihe euou wilh a percentage, of .301, only one point ahead of Del roil. New, York Yankee, pennant winners and world champions, were an even ten points behind I lei roil while SI. I.oui was back another ten points. Thf Philadelphia Athletics were unable to keep up Ihe early season's clip and Hnlshed next to at with .273; llolon winding up Hie season wilh a percentage of .201. Just 10 points behind Hie leaders. Chicago was midway wilh .270 while Wiii lil nit I on was a point above Philadelphia. If you find you cannot gel Hie dally News regularly, call n ami subscribe for it and have II de- livcrel lo your homo. tf J "His Master s Voiced Wriline to Ihe cily from Smilhers; Harry. Hanson, Hie plumber, lells of very prosperous lime Ihere. Much huildin? is gnng on. '" Victrola MIS MASTER'S VOICE. LIMITED "mVF St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert' Loading Restaurant. A Bakery UniorptiJ. Third Avenue. THE Valentin DAIRY Cor. Mcllrido and Fff! West. MILK, CREAM AND BUTTER RETAIL Phone 57. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER I Real Sail if action Cheapest In Lena Run I NO 8HALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaf f ery Ltd. Phones 110 and 564. ( TT- Subscribe for 'The Daily NeW