GIFTS May we suggest Slippers for nil your friends. The one gift always appreciated. 1'rieos: Ladies' from $1.00 In $3.00 Men's, fwin $1.60 lo $6 50 Children's, from 90c lo $1.75 Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Christinas visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket. Rales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybtiavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Dread is your best food. Eat more of it. Kept by the leading jrrocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C HydeTransfer Phone 580. NIGHT OR DAY. Express Baggage Coal 139 2nd Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand arl GraveL Wa Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Loggers' Club Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Weak or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In oennectlen. Jamas Zarelll - Proprietor. SUNDAY SCHOOL . ENTERTAINMENT i? Affair at Baptist Church Last Night Was Best on Record person including many vprr in allpm1aiu with recital ions by Nessie Smith- son and Tommy Johnson. The concluding number, a dialogue chorus "Itelhlehem .Star" by Mr. .. Hamblin class was perhaps the niol effective item of Ihe entire program. Beautifully roslumed representing star, several girls look part, around the centre "llethlehem Star" taken by Joan Arthur. Presentation or priie ror serjptnre readinc ami regular attendance wa made by Mr. S. Dawson. The thirteen scholar I receiving book prixes in Ihe for- !mer department were Catherine Mussallem. Xes-ie Smithson. Kenny lireen. Ralph Johnson. Hetty Smithson, Hilly Etkin Hessie Ierry. Joan Arthur. Sid Elkins. Wadea Mussallem. Wil- lliani Murray. Knyde Morris and Mabel Ivarson. Awanl for re igular al tendance were nwde to Hishitn Thurber, Ralph Johnson Uatberine Mussallem. Tommy Johnson and Kenny Oreen. ; anta Glaus arrived on the ! scene and distributed eandy lo the cnmmjttee responsible for the affair and Ihe accompanists (Of the evening were Ml Imoa anil A. 1 Box. j Miss M. Banna of Ihe Smilhers teaching staff is spending the 'holiday at Digby Island the jguesl of Mr. R. Erskine. Learn Gas Engineering By Mail New Home Study Cnunte malffi it nowible , 1 I e for , learn ri?h L.x.. ? von to at i lie ii3niii Limrori .iithiv . . . v . ... ......... hnmm vnnrlKilrf unilrt fcnooi i.nrisima entertainment i . . . fast .. rooming on the ite of the Acme 'Rn "r Clothing t. block. The new ; Willi building i to stand on Avenue next to the Theatre. ,uie ciuhlreo more the gather- The new fishing steamer fi. H. jing dispersed. I Hughes is rep.rle. to I a com- .Uiss Dawson was Convener of ,litele wl un Mnlirr Ir.lnl 'l.otes In a large number of; tyoung friend one evening lat " week and I he event was of a very mm Enjoyable character. Dance and igame made the hour pa all a mm ',0 l'iekly. : - ' J The Mai a the Meet, S A VS- I r Rev. J. J. Smilhson opene.1 II.H wondertui new course . ; ' -i! n I V that teaches you neht at ' olden day eye H. I.iiuey. Sunday School sujer- " home to be an expert. report of Ihe year's work. Th report showed an average ( I . i. . :n 1 ' " 1 " I . TIIIVI' it,. I . rolment of 15 and the Unrest j attendance al any session dur- j inp the year III. ; A dialosue "Wishes" by Mrs. j D. M. XcweU's elas was the; ,iirj number on the proyram. Retty Smillison rave a reeita I lion and a violin s.Io by YVil-jliam Murray, jr. followed after iwhirh there was a reeitafin by '.Mr. Uroeerv- Man." by AdeliA Thurber and lou?la Smithson followel. Tlie year's fiolden Texts were retreated by four scholars Kennv Oreen. Ralph Johnson, Catherine Mussallem and Nessie Smithson. A dialogue -The Post Card Roys" by Mr. Limey's class was followed i Addn The Sons" and IUushters of' England Christina Tree enter- lainment held yesterday afternoon in the Kmad Hall was at :enlel by ome 75 kiddies and Ibeir parent. suit. THE beauty of a mince pie i (Same were played and Iherephe uncertainty of the content. wa a Urief program. reeitaliHi being given by Mr. McLean. Rnsie Cox. Eay.le Morris anl V.m Morris ami a nio? by Irene Houller. Refreshments were servel. Santa Clau then api-eired anl distributetl gifts anl randy In the children. The committee in charge of ihe affair comprised Mrs. S. Y. Coi, Mrs. U. Wilton, Mrs. Boulter. Mrs. W. II. Smeelon. Mr. Walter Shaw. Mr, lieorge Iek and Mrs. J. Howe. Sport Chat l am Take the work as ! if "v up " " I.". yon '" wmild """ test " the oi. which look place las, evening m "V ,he elmreh ......u.r!..,,. ! or slow ou ?h L !' " tell finesl and most enjoyable affair! iTrT!""S J t-, ! ",an- O icnl 1UUV UIVUUBIEU, " ' UUJkMJT Some 150 Z 7 K Send for IT ,rc r mastered. today Tunny r ,v iv, cnuurcn : b . . . ,. , , . . j B free information regardirg am iw niake hie i a e. how a baker loaf tail bread. strain wa the result or reading Uut mueli. now the oplieian .a thai "i Mail this Coupon 'tTullV ' i ' locking a ad kzuphiu. trade schools ltd. j .member or the fair set are tT el. niuch l material vo- .i a. they ran put into the neit season bathinjr WO.VDWl how many physical t Vulture t-nth'jslast did their daily .j doen n Qiristnva mornins Kilby Lamb. A quartette mad.'" ! what the mfwtn IH nni up of Nessie Smi.bson. tether- (CHRISTMAS TREE FOR her mother I enrenot me Mussallem. netly Smithson. , advie-. and MaN-1 Ivarson from Hie; ENGLISH CHILDREN Busy IW Club rendered the j j 0 Wfrt, rttuWy "Alphabet Hymn.". A dialogue is.. 7K tttaMi. .-a p,--t. .Miartr.l with mnilnv. Prr.t.aklv Attended Affair In Emad a ew or Hie erir txam Um Hall Yesterday Afternoon (abusive. (INK of ihe little thing thai keep us gneing is what be come of a man wxnt if he le!it keep it ,v IT'S funny bow many bite one can take a auage roll without gelling a bile at Hie sausage. WK rea.l I bat Henry' Krd not run against Calvin Owtlilge. Sound like a suggested nrdor arridenl. ONE" of the most stupid girt we ever heanl about was the giving of a nit of H.y.O.' by a miKinary li hi Hsquimn friend. CORRECT tin entence by a ;nnirrr jmodern girl "Oh mother, let me a Ton Vif A 5 " waging tip winle yon go aesi aviOigw f to Ihe picture in nince tcupert l Oecember 29, 1913 I Pile driving ronunencrd tlu I a putout record of .995, Second (Charles Orinun of Pittsburgh wa Empressilhe leading first baseman in Ihe lloe Islaml. The aeeident hap- pened on lecenf!ier 21, when she National League last year accord ing lo fielding record for the eaon just issued. Samuel Bohne. Cincinnati. i the leading second baseman with a percent age of .975. and Heinie Groh, New York, the lea.ler in 19? ran ashore having sailed from 1 i again head the Ibird baseman Vancouver two days lefore. The with a ereenlage of .975. iValler cause of the wreek wa due to thejMaranville, Pittsburgh, lead the fact thai her engines broke down horttop with a percentage of in the heavy sea encountered Little Muriel Pal more J05. am Louis Duncan. Cincin nati. i Ihe leading outfielder wa with a ercentage of .993. Ih BRIER TRAOC MAM MGIfTlRIO MOLKlt ll.ll HER want men and lean i lite Ilrtwr Tra.te. Paid hii leammc. im your ppirlMaMy lo learn a Ira tie anil gel into tdy employ. menL radale eaira frwn 10.00 to liOiW) per we4. Write fw Jree ealatru. M Hatting K. VaKwtavvv. FOR SALE FOUND REPAIRING AUCTION SALE. aiLI.EiiK O. ANDERSON. SailrnakerSalls women and Tarpaulin made In order WANTED AT OXCK. Wimian for ilintag riHtm wrk. Mut le ei(wrieeed. Tlie Inlaixier. WANTED. Experienced ironer and foMer. Apply Onudian laundry. HOl'SEKEEPIIR ttanled. Apply Box 156 Daily New Office. I EARM FOR SALE. 160 acre-top ami bottom land, dark loam soil. I .oral ion ami waler good year round. Illver thnnigb properly. Present crop fruit, vegetable. hay. Sloek inrlthle in price. Fr further infonnalkta apply W. PrHtyjohn. Uwtinili. Quern Cnerlotle IIaml. B.C. mill! SEDAN for Sale, in good riHtniag order. IWl.t) . Term If desired. Pboe 93. Bl lLDLSa for Sale. I sed a new lan1 on iJovernmeBl Wharf. Awdy A. C. Utile. FOR RENT STEAM Heated Flat for rent Desner apartment. M. M Stephens. BOAHO. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137.' tf FOUND. Lady vanity eae Apply Daily New OftVe. A.NYTHINO IN CANVAS. Phone .786. P. LeClair. Ow Bay. lrri(N SALE al J.30 p.m. on WetneMlay. January . 102 1. at llft'Seeoml Avenue i. Brussel- earpet. ilining roni lable ami chair, bed, bureau, crib, kitchen utensil, etc. H H. Hemming. Aueliteer. 307 figure being a record in the annals of the league. Frank Sarder of New York lead the catchers with a perrenlaze of .990 and fifteen pitcher finished the reason with erferl fielding record Victor Aldritlge. diieagO. leasts the latter grtntp by reason of accepting the mo.t tola! chance. 2. New York lead in rlub fielding with a percentage of 972. e Adolfo l.uquex. Cineinnali. ha Hie title of leading pitcher in Hie National League with the InweM a v erase of .3 run earned per me. Arthur Vance. Brooklyn. lead in strike-out with 197. James Ring. Philadelphia, a in 1920. allowed the most bae , n tails. 115. and Gmver Alexander. Chicago. Ihe least. 30. Burleigh Onxie. Brooklyn, allowed the mot hil, 356. and Howard Keen. Chicago, the ea.. 169. None of the National league pitcher acliieve.1 a no hit game in 1923 althoush Arthur Nehf. New York: Ernest Ohorne ami llowanl Keen Cbieazo: Arthur Vance. Mtmok- lyn. ami John Morrison. SMH iMirgh. each pilrhe.1 a one. hit gsme. Advertise In the Daily Mews. and repaired. Third Avenue, opposite Pioneer Laundry, Phone i!ren :m. P.O. IWx lis. CHIMNEY CLEANING. M ierate Prices OLD NICK Prince Rupert Cigsr Store Pbone Blue LOOK HERE MR. TRAPPER. Here i where you gel the big prlee for your fur. See mel Pbone Black 114 and Red . Salorday .. TAXI Tail 67 Pheo. (Call Georgt or Gust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service, and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avanus MAIL SCHEDULE i Foe the East Monla. Wednesday and PrL day. roes at 5J0 pjn. From the East-Monday. Thursday and Sil-urdays. I JO p.m. From Vancouv Sundays Wednesday Fridays To Anyos, Alios -.P. M. 3 P.M. A.M. -3 VMi I'J'.H. Deeesnker 15 al St. To Vancouver Toe4ay. Mall ete al I P M Tliursday Saturdays . A.M. Sundays - to P.SL C.P.R. Ieeember 19. From AnyOK, Alice Arm Thursdays .8 To Port Simpson, Alice Anyoi and Arrandale. Sundays 7 P.M Palunlay Derrmlirr & PAGE FOOTL THI .DAILY NEWS. v BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManiif New Year ( IT"J A TERRIBLE RAWHY L OW l i'y I CHCERIO-OLD CHCERiO - OLD TOPPER TOPPCR. XOOb? XOO? ) I HOW , Hfcf fijjM .ref, r55 1 IT ISICHT-VOO LOROtHiP I THA"r CHM.MM wipe tvND I'M TO WHY TRXOCO HOME1 LI OUUN SHARE TMttj ROOM WITH YOO J j Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PEX WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdraartlMituant Taken tor Laea than 0 WANTED I MISCELLANEOUS. TIMBER SALE X 5347 rlr4 Tnrr. kill te f Ihm mil dr i4 JMr i , ftrr ul Ijmirr X . il lISI. mtk hurr :t kiuu 1 . i I. m m f Jum, .. l llenlork ku. I Ian it r m l B-bmI iinOr. rmtkrf ptrmmhrt -4 hr ler Vteeta. ikr Imi i f 1 T ! e 1 . TIMBER SALE X MJ1, Nrt and lait before telling rise. lMrt , ,r .rf khere. I like y..n (.. make money. iT . m. uui.uii.uum, tm4 l,4 mI .a "llie Jrapper'a Friend." 1' " Second Avenue i if. im l- jr. AUCTION SALES. 'VZlJutr,n " Oooil Bona hi. SobJ or KrlinnKe.l H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Croekery. Third Ave. TIMBER SALE XS4S2. mmwr ,4 ins ti ' S tft i:m mr , ilSSi, r O" lM.SAv M x IVOW tl l4Ti Swk. rtr M tm ft 'm 0 ttore 'Kktwr f. M)t U4 l..i Tm if i mn MM Sv . ranker ttt H -I ir .-lev. WW. ttA . -' hto- KtJtft. a TIMBER SALE X MM. TW SM br flenl l tmmm O SISS. V ri f . '"1 kvt. r?rmn i4 ' It, 04U ISlr. ua MlM StMt MMl I S nt sIimm Mitre. Hut Tt f ft r. in he ler. viesMSt. nr... i- nimhtn. , a . TIMBER SALE X $70. I MlMl Te Imirl'l rarrsiM. 4 tmir IW Ihr M 41 ' Jtwun lf HUM of l x XV awe BvtMf ii. 1 1 - 10 PM 4M. . 9 P.M. p.m. Arm Md imbf. mlt a ( CANCELLATION OF RCStRVE. SOTICg II III HtBT '.ivt f'' " I ih nmh ttt '.amaer tii l ' ' From Port Simpson, Alice Armi'"' ; Anyox and Arrandale j twimiy Mm n f Tuesday A.M.) t?fSF' a svtwarv ana rrtmur Saturday 9 P.M. Sundays ......7 P.M. From Stewart and Premise Sundays Tuesday To Alaska Poln Ieemb'r 15 anl From Alaska Poln Iecem!er 19. 8 P.M. A.M. Simpson Thursdays 10 P.M From Naas River Points Snrday a.M saiuroay, December 29 High I.OW 5:31 a.m. 18.7 fl. 17:3.1 p.m. 17.9 -11:31 p.m. 8.2 " 23:5! p.m. 5.7 " Sunday, December 30 "teh 6:26 a.m. 18.8 ft. 18:11 p.m. 17.1 " -ovr I? 31 pn 7.9 " in f Ilk Orbr. IStS. in enoaATt. thc tussive couht or sem" To n. J. imi. : Queen wn"0 Charlotte ." Island Points .. . '"'idreiee to the route re n't iierrmiter la anil Z'J. 'th tiunaai f ikrir iikW" From Queen CharlotU PoInU1"11""' iKvi-mlM-r 1.1 and 27. To naas River Points and Port id COLUMBIA. Ita Ike Wttler Mr hrunlVl fad . hi Ih Mllr of the r.'tk si I aarM. Owm kiWii TVIE siiTKE i imi i ,jr (ilmloo tralie t th taut f Uarta. dered. aii jrt"-Hua rlal Uw miI rtl v rraMrrat Ut rma jjr. -rtX' .tied to n. tm r br-r m Ik tiio. w HMvr " ti ornetti AannHiisv ffe4 Ikla ik day ut l ."L m rnoaATC Trig sueaint count or s"i COlUaasiA. laj the Mailer f Ih vtin ind 4 4 4 a l Ihe Mailer of the rial PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ZSSSt,. ' 4ee4aa) Tu,: x'Tur imi I- ' oeeohrf. ,VJ. I . T lmliuartr rf IN rMt rmt Ut t(a oenrtr Htnr Wed. and an fur- lIR lb mm HUM at " - to rvrvl sarr. nrn ""T ....... i r brre ih li 1 . . Ji. let I. awl all rrn "., - lauie are realr4 o VT Ibeir Mketlea I ae rrfta" tihivus w rar. orrartal M-'-rnix 'fef P.. Plied Ihli ffih day o tM'"1"'