HORRIBLY BURNED IN LAMP EXPLOSION Chances of Recovery For Le Courlsler, Brothers of Saa-nlch Are Slight VICTOIWA, Dec. 29. Victor and Herbert Le Courisler, brothers, were horribly burned when a lamp exploded in Iheir home al Saauleh, Their chances of recovery are declared lo be slight. YICTOUIA, Dec. 29. The royal commissioner who will conduct officer who ha just obtained a lhe Investigation Into the admlii- pilofs ccrtificale at Iho military ,islratfoii or inc raciuc ureai nerodrome al Dubendoif neari Eastern Hallway will be appoint-Zurich, has bought a number or ed by the federal government it fast airplanes on behalf or his is now understood. It is ex-government, plained that the provincial gov-II is understood thai China bus ernmenl has no power to appoint decided In rorm an air fleet. a Judge to carry on Ihe inquiry. Canadian Highlander Will Load Lumber for Japan on Leaving Dry Dock Monday .UU'1' undergoing cleaning and painting al the Canadian nllonal shinvard. Canadian fiovernmenl Merchant Marine freighter Canadian Highlander, Uapt. Fishar, will proceed next .Monday lo the lumber assembly wharf to load hemlock mid spruce squares and boards for Japan. Aiinoimceinent lo this ef-rect w"us m'ade this morning by Heginiild Heaumont, local C. O. M. M. superintendent. Ther is al present 035,01)0 feel of lumber al Iho dock and the Highlander, il is expected, will lake 500 000 ot this, proceeding later in tha week to Vancouver and other purls oulh lo complete The Highlander arriu-d in port 'I'll til ml, nv iiriiiiiii 1iv fiiliu.s Hint at 10.30 last night direct from badly burped, Herbert crawled (he Oiieul. having picked up her Ihrouuh names and smoke lo pilot, Capl. U. MrCroskle, harbor rescue Stftpben. m.i-b'r. n Tivle Isbrnd, ye-tei- day afternoon. This morning Ihe vessel went on Ihe pontoons nl Ihe dry dock for cleaning and painting which should be com-;M"U by M"iidav next. "Ihe lelligenl and we can do nothing lo prevent Ihe marriage," declared a police authority. The parents of Mis Hlakeman discovered Ihe intention of their daughter through intercepting letter from her Chinese lover. When they, found Dial she had left Nelson they communicated wilh the Vancouver police and otllcers met her train. When they found Ihal she was tt age, or more than ordinary intelli gence and properly chaperoned j by a middle-aged woman or her own city they admitted there was not much they could do to prevent the marriage. Miss Hlakeman and her chaperon, Mrs. Hall, at tirt registered at a local "hotel and then went to the home of Chinese friends where they are seeking to evade those who would pre venl (he marriage. The wedding it is understood is lo lake place in a lew days Yip Hen Is rashionably attired even to a gold and diamond studded wrist watch. 11 is be lieved ho was engaged to Miss Hlakeman when the latter was only seventeen years ot age Mrs. E. Anderson left on the Princess Heal rice lor the south Ibis niorntitj. NOT MANY NEW JAP CITIZENS Do Not Seem to Press Tor Natur alization In Vancouver VANCOUVEH, Dec. 29. Al though British Columbia is cred ited with considerable Japanese population, there was no great desire shown by these people lo BIRTH chaos, whose final expressed in Ihe term by disrespect 01 long-esiaiuisii-1 ed American inslitutioiis, are lighting Ihe fires of revolution. It i a cha lenge lo us lo pledsc, renewed allegiance to Ihe faith of our fathers. Ihal we may, in extinguishing Ihe fires that des- l .!..!... I.. II... I ll.-ill our srovernmenl is Ihe best gov ernment on earlh, that our ideafs or national life are the highest, and thai we will as individuals strive in every way to maintain our Constitution in violate, and perpetuate its traditions rorever." CN.R. ACQUIRES Office PARIS BUILDING Plans For Hotel Scribe Being Carried Out PAWS. Dec. 29. (Canadian become naturalized this Of year. Ire!iS cMv .U.gaiiling asser-l 13(1 130 annlicatious applications in Vancouver i, il...... ,!.. . . Hi.Aunl .... It, ... I.. liitnitlu 1V......1.J ... l.Ull? ...a.iu lunilij ... uuiiumw OIIO County, where Vapanese are in, ., hilpll ,.,. 04.L.urr,.j i the! principally lesiuciu. ou were nCKO(ial0s for n.e acquisition never pressed lo hearing by the b Uie (:unaijau National Hail-applicants and the remaining 77 of Ul(J 1Ioc, gcribe here for were recommended Tor Canadian otfKi, nm,inuudation. the Cana- cmzeusiiip ny naturalization uy ,.., P,.S iarn!, ,i1Pr- u no juuge uayiey. uoweer, no cer- ,,u.,iufnpil.n wlil..vpe Inn the liricales or naluralization have 0ffieIa,8 iu rt of ie ruilwav been issued by the Canadian sec- l,.,. reiury 01 iaiu 10 any ui iiiese. The situation resolved itseirt into a question or leasing ac -7 "Take Her To The lotUn" FESTIVE FEASTS. A glad Yuletlde welcome awaits you. Turkey, Plum Pud.linp ami all the old' fashioned good fare will be on our festive board this Xmas. BOSTON GRILL Private Boxes For Party Um Wton Vn Want A 99 PhOM t J Beet Oar and Bait Service PRINCE RUPERT In the City. i i Ratee Reasonable ii Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOI, XIII., NO, 300. PHINCE HUPERT, H.(i, 8ATIKDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1023. Ytrtr't Circulation 1BI1 ttrttt ttlM XtO. PniCE FIVE CENTS. OTTAWA MLENT ON FISHERMEN'S REQUEST PRETTY NELSON GIRL PREFERS HER CHINAMAN TO ANY WHITE MAN LIVING Marine Department Has No Desire For Retaliatory Action Special In Daily New, OTTAWA, Dec. 20. The marine department i silent on tint resolution of Prince Rupert fihermeu asking for Hie closing local business man WEDS RETURNED NURSE Wilts Rose Wall, R.N., and Alex-ander McRae Married at Noon Today at Departure Bay Special to Daily New NANA I MO, Dec. 29. At I lie home of tin- bride's islcr, Mrs. Jump Whyle. Departure Hay, the wedding took place at 13 noon today of Mi lloe Wall. H..V. of British Columbia port1 to American fishing vcsls us ha daughter of V. II. Wall of this been done on the Atlantic roast. The deparlmeul consider the city and Hie lale Mr. Wall, ami situation on the two coast different. It ha always understood Alexander Mcltae, member of that Pruici Ituperl wun favorable to allowing (he entry of Atueri- the firm of Mcltae Hro., Ltd. can fishermen. There, i no tb'sire for retaliatory action here prince Ituperl. Ilev. W. I'. Ewing, and the ilepartrne.it is ready to open all port- if the restrictions pastor of Wallace Street MHho-aml duties on Canadian fii in American markets are removed disl Church. Nanaimo, officiated. or modified. NOT SO MANY UNEMPLOYED Labor Bureau Reports Situation This Winter Belter Than Last According to J. M. Campbell of Ihe provincial government employment bureau, the xllua- number of unemployed In Hie n'y is ronrerned in much im proved over Dial existing at Hie rorrespnndlny ucrlod last year, j Eight men were despatched on Wrthirday night I rain to tin-S.S. Matfoftln construction ramp, a) Oruiiby, and a request i in Ihe bureau for lie loaders tr Ihe Olof llaioon tie ramps at Prles'ley and Waleolt. At Ihe pn'seiil ll Micro are some sovruly men on t lie unemployed register while this lime last year there was Just twice that number. Mr. Camp-) bell talcs I -1 when the recent ' fall of snow has become parked ii(1lcicully lo permit of logging beluy undertaken, he experts to receive application for loggers; from the Cjucen Charlolle Islands where a number of logging camps are waiting lo gel out loss. It is anticipated Willi , Ihe opening u of Ihe logging i camps that Ihe number of un-emtdoyed will be reduced materially. PREPARING TO CLOSE CLUBS Only Leoltlmate Places of This Nature May Operate After February 1 Vn iOIIIA. Dec. 29. -- Liquor clubs throughout Ihe province will bo abolished on February I. This will bo (ho erfeel of regulations now being drafted by Iho l.hiuor Control Hoard. It Is understood Dial only legillmate clubs, which exist for Ihe benefit of members and not for profit of Ihe owners, will be allowed lo keep liquor on the premise. DIXMUDE IS LOST AT SEA PAHIS. Dec. II Is onieiatly announced that Ihe dirigible airship Dix-muile has been lost at iea. The body of Lieut. i'lhe bride, who was given away by Iter father, was attended by Miss E. D. Collis, H.N, or Van-niuwr, nod litllo Mis Lillian Mae Itaudall, niece of Ihe bride, was flower girl. The groom wa supported by the bride's brother. Cecil W. Wall. After Ihe ceremony a buffet luncheon was erved to relatives janil friend wli(i had been ill' Vliel to aiiemi. Grenada, the commander i Mr. and Mr. Mellae then look of Ihe ill fated airship. the afternoon train lo spend their has been found in Sicilian .honeymoon in Victoria and Sound waiers. so vesiigc oi mo iclllc.s. in auouu icn. nays unit e-WktiftrniF MicrdtcirM mi"w1ltMTinMi"l,rTorclHuirt A. . i i. . . I A ' . i . ... el. i . . : i yfl? .... time lrrii uiHinriru, Mini iHht nil uirir rrMi-ni:v TREATY WILL BE RATIFIED Ottawa Expects U.S. Senate to Endorse Halibut Close Season Measure (Special to Daily News OTTAWA, Dec 29. According to advices received here from Washington the United States senate Is expected to ratify with little delay the treaty with Canada establishing a close season for halibut on the Paclflo Coast. There Is ererv Indication that Vie treaty will become operative In the fall or 1924. BELIEVE CHINA TO FORM AIR FLEET Chinese Officer Buys Machines In Europe For His (JENEVA. Dee. 29. A Chinese Eighth Avenue Cast. The bride, who i a graduate nnrr of Montreal (ieneral Hospital. ered throughout Ihe (ireal War in Houlogue. France, wilh No. 3 Canadian Ocncral Hospital and since returning to Canada has been on the staff of the military hospital at Esquimau and Vancouver. The groom is one of Prinre Ituperl' pioneer business men having etablihed there witli hi brother several year lago. Holli bride and groom are also well known in Ihe Hotindary coyntry having spent some tjme in Plioemx Mr. Mellae Is a iler of Mrs. (i A. Hunter of Prince Ituperl and of O .II. Wall, manager of the Hoyal Hank al Tolkwa. She ha visited in the north on various occasions. OTTAWA WILL APPOINT HIM Provincial Government Has Not Authority to Name Royal Commissioner J9 m . .Mine. Adoutli, one of Ihe most prominent French society women, ond wife of Adoutli, the Pearl King, is considered one of Ihe most beautiful women in Paris. She has been a leading figure in many plays fur charily. Miss Irene Blakeman is to Marry Yip Ren, . Oriental Cafe Owner VANCOUVEH, Dec. '.!. The eiitire while and yellow population of Vancouver i aroused by ihe slated intention of Yip Hen (Charlie Wren), tall, handsome uud well-to-do iio-year old Chinese cafe proprietor, and Miss Irene Hlakemuu, 22-year old cultured and pretty Canadian girl of Nelson, to wed in spite of vigorous efforts by the hitler's parents, two police force, clergymen, friends and social workers to prevent the mixed marriage. "I prefer my Chinaman lo any while man alive," Miss Hlakenum declared definitely. irl is of age and is in- United States Government Becoming Political Chaos, Nebraska Bar Head Asserts LINCULN, ,Nek, Dsc. Tliroiigh "con.-liluliuiiul amend- meiit.i and federal encroachment, the form of United .Slates gov-enimenl is being changed from a republic into u political and hvlerical chaos, whose final terms are expressed in His un speakable Htissiu of loday, E. L. haner of Dallas, Tex., pre;i-ident of the American Bar Association, aid in an address today before- the Nebraska Bar Association. Mr. Saner also is chair man of th? national committee on American citizenship. "11 was not until this present generation, descendants of jdurdy pioneer, had learned (o live in fattened and complacenlilj 1 Df1iT J1 fDITf ease upon I lit wealth ana uic iihiii.ii I II, llllllll security and the safely bought I for I hem bv the blood and sacri-) IMDADTC I AWIiD fice of their forefathers. that liHrUilllJ LUfTl tlie nlealll, Hie doctrinaires and the demagogue became an established institution in our national life and evolved a new theory of government for thw Ameriran people," he asserted. "The-age through which we are going tnav well be termed the age of constitutional amendment and federal encroachment, en croaching upon Ihe right, and powers of both the lalesof this republic and its individual tertian to ad liact lime" if lo lo call call a a hall hall and and tilings; back sources of our .strength; back to Ihe re public, dial tinder the constilu lion the fathers so wisely conceived and so successfully in stituted; back to a government ..r II. - ...1..1.. ........ 1n 1.. II. A Quantities Brought Into Canada Legitimately Are Reported OTTAWA, Dec. 29. A decrease in the quantity or mirco-lic drugs which reached Canada through legitimate channels during the twelve months which ended with November, in conyiari- uu wiiii me preceding corresponding period is shown in a report made public by Ihe IKi- minion ISureau of Mallnltcs. - - - 1 hi t ! isrr I lite- t L-li4rI . , luiilu ntwi itl. - ' " "--. irniicnniTing'orifv,:: . I. 'Hi ounce of cocaine was un- it i to Hie real - porleu, a against J, 5(0 ounces during the same time in, 1922. Morphine also shows, a decline, 9,239 ounce reaching Cauada in (923 as compared with 10.G09 in the previous twelve months. The ... quantity of crude opium import wbede people and for Ihe whole ft, lhp period dealt with people. way ny uay. urauuuuj and insidiously, Ihrougli crin- I by the reort was 1,100 ounces, a compared with 1,153 ounces SUIU...M,. mc..U....M. ...... f(r (wp,ve ( j federal encroachment, the form ... v,n.kr , of Ibis government of ours is, '.i," i, ,..,iii from that rcpub-'of boing changed coca,ne inM,orlpi inlf (na(a lie lillO H Illilllllcll unit uj"iriuai are not given, bet it Is shown that UIC l I mill M-..I-II. oi,.in Int.. II. a unspeakable ;(l;r. urIJ ,e lwe,ve nwntIl!i uuss,a oi i.H.uy. ,whjcl en)Iet, wHh Xovembor 'Today, incipient blazes of 1003. (.omarp,i wsi, sin.OOft botshevism and radicalism, fed jn jj,,, previous period. EMPOWERED TO BORROW MORE M. Mills, New Reoelver, Straightening Up Whalen Co. Affairs (Special Daily News) VANCOUVEH. Dec. 29. E. M. Mill, the new receiver of the Whalen Pulp & Paper Company, was yesterday granted, by Justice D. A. Macdonald, power to borrow 200.000 in excess of the original tiOO,000 granted by the court, after various claims and arrears such as taxes, insurance, wage, elc. have been straightened up. The solicitor for Mr. Mill told the court that only $112,000 or Ihe working capital wa left out of $000,000 while the ready assets totalled 9829,- BOAT OWNERS' ORGANIZATION M. Newell Elected President at Meeting Last Night commodation tor twenty years or At a ,(.P(ng 0f halibut fislu A son was born today at tbn buying. Iho railway company int. bottl owners held last night Ceneral Hospital to Staff Cap-'w ""able to rent space al the tUe Cty ,all u Wtt decided lain and Mrs. Waller Carruthers iUm u,,,,'r aeceptubie eondillons,0 forni n isnt Ownars' Assoclo-of the Salvation Army. consequently decided to buy. 0II. Tbc rollowing offlcera were , I For (he convenience of the elected Mrs. A. Daniel and siin were management the building is be-passeneers goinc south on the ing incorporated under the Princess Beatrice this morning. French eotnvany law. 1 President, 1). M. Newell. Vice-president, Harry Lipsclt. Secretary, H. J. UrailbUff.