The Daily News SECOND SCHOOL pniNCK iujpumt - nnrrisii Columbia Published livery Afternoon, erept ftunday, the Prince AUDIT IS ASKED llitperb Maily News. Limited, Thin! Avenue. H. F. PUI.I.KN, Managing Kditrr. Resolution Passed by School Board Last Night Calls on MILLBANK SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Contractor lo Produce City Delivery, by mail nr carrier, Hr month. . . ..$1.00 .Books By mall In .ill part of Ihe British Knpire. and the United Stales .w in ndvartre, per year fl.on the school iionrrl passed a Triftll tilher countries, in advance per year. $7.5" resolution Insi niuhl ciiIIiiik K, I upon Col. McMordic to produce TELEPHONE M ui necouius in eonnecuon wtui construction of Ihe IVtolh Miv. 2anlent Display Advertising f MO per inch per insertion mortal School so that a com Transient Advertising on Front 'ntn $2.80 iisr inch plete iftiitil may be made. This 2 line neTjoii was lakeii' follow in Ihe Local Neatler. per inerlion per of Trftl. MiiMonlie In suli-lilfr Classified Advertising, per insertion. M2c. per won' refji'al to n eciind nmlit of his lfc. agalcline Legal Notices, each ;neitinn. per hook by iSenrne flnrie a had) Contract Rales An Application. leen deldrtl upon previously by I All advertising should he in The Daily News nrtlce on dav pre-reding I lie board. Ill eonimiiniealimr In Ihe hoard publication. All advertising received subject lo approval. in reirard to ihe mailer, iVd. Mr-Mordie stale,) I hat lfnre he had Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. lieen rdeasoi fril his ennlrnct an niulil had been made nn.l his DAILY EDITION mittD Thursday. March , eeounts had been found correct I and all parlies had heen shown Fisheries Report have heen aid nceunliun lo Ihe vouchers..- Ther"fre. unless Before Parliament. etiff wS slihiifHIMI In him; While the Fisheries report as submitted to . Parliament lhal this audit hail not heen pro- seem lo e much like Ihe forecasts given out at the close of lM?r mid eorreel there would lie Ihe session of Ihe commission, it Indicates that in spile of ad nrt'further evid-Hiee s far as he verse, influences the commission has. stuck to ils gun and is in was concerned. II. V. IMII. who had made Ihe sisting on changes In the' fishery law. What success they will aii'lit. rtijeareilby remiest he fore hae when it comes to implementing 1he report in legislation Ihe hoard and explained Ihe extent remains lo be seen. of the audit, after whlelr il Fred Stork, member for Skecna, who wns a member of the was decided by Ihe hoard thai ii commission, is like'y lo be very iiisMenl in regard lo lb had not been complete enu:rh. changes which it is recommended shall be made and so will The resolution passed was as follows: "Thai in Ihe opinion of William linlf and other members. Ihe hoard Ihe' audit of Mr. Lvitt doe not aive the information Journalism in detail fierlainin? In Ihe ex That Does Things. penditure of money in eonnec. The following editorial j from "Editor and Publisher. IWdi with Ihe construction of Ihe Journalism i thinking for it-rlf once more. It is shakinir school neeesiry for the en- THE off Ihe cods that prejudice ami propaganda shackled it .with Ifplilenriienl of the board and Ihe public and il is desirable to have during Ihe last decade. The signs have been increasingly fre a complete audit from hesrinnioir quent during Ihe jwit twelve months, but they nre unmifikahl l end of all nccminls and. furthermore, in 1 ne successful efforts the American press i making lo Ihe fMirpose is noli QUALITY CIGARETTE place before,.its readers the news of an ancient civilization that moved wilh any su-snieion of: ii being uncovered in F.gypt. .That work is real journalism. fraiiil but to clear U situation i in onler lu maLe clear and IU proportion at a news-petting achievement can le real concise an explanation as pos TOBACCO COMPANYor CANADA. UMITL5 ized when it i considered thaj America is reading at its break sible lo Ihe public." IMPERIAL ing lame commit upon commn not skeletonized iifklull in Report on Audit Haled into lengthy stories id informative, tightly-packed, well- In report ine on his audit, Mr. written ami well-edited Ahle. of events that had taken place less Kvitl slated that he had examined the vouchers and mmparin-t .- on one mde ami 'tie ill!S' r.iul t rtK dhd f le age tif than 24 hours before. In addition to Ihe excellent dispalrhe them Willi Ihe monthly olale-menls p,enox" n ,hr ul,"r n pimtt Cool II p piic'or at I'ein-i fhrnished ! the regular press association, the newspaper of submitted to the hoard The Man in the Moon lfil. i AmerjevHre-,publihing daily rohjimn-hHig cable written bv ex had found that Ihe disburse. SAYS: HOLLINGER GOLD MINE law in , - Shoes! fieri KgyjdologiMs in daily contact with the men who have put iiiciiIh had beMi made correetlv. ' I ' T XT years of labor and study info the search for Ihe tombs of Till lie not underslood that he Ai:i:4lltllIMi to the late.I idea IN NORTHERN ONTARIO i I en t cars avo a. Ankh-.Amen and the IMh Dvnasfy of Egypt's Kings. Their was lo make a complete audit i. a man and wife should have IS WORLD'S GREATEST' "- -.-h lories are of Ihe highest educational value andare being used but had simply exmntned the separate account, and each daily ars- texts ror school children lo whom Kgyplran history has checks as approved hy the board should wad been as dry as the dust in Ihe Luxor caves. And the story is showing Hie accounts had been will put tte up a si;iii "Trespa-sers How many know thai Ihe Plarsh S, 1913. , worth a dozen pornographic divorce caes fis a builder of circulation. nehially paid. The only infor proseculeil." urealesl gold mine in the world l h ll"nital Hoard las' nlshl mation he had wh that the ' Is in Northern Ontario aks a accepted Ihe .-ider of S.'.COO' Our Prices money jiid ay the hoard to Col. VOIT ran tell a iimh w!m a Canadian .Viillonal information I innli ted by Tiirnbull A l. fr Mechanical Difficulties Me.Vordie had been paid In Ihe a slacker during the wur because publication. II the lh'lirmT the fnsHalion of an elevator' Were Overcome. pe-ron intended. Mis audit he ran eat eanoe.1 iiuit is hxiate.1 at Timmins. in the hoptiNl. i .Mechanically, the feat of delivering this volume of eable covered Ihe entire period of rtm- without wineioc mile north of Toronto. II ha; from an isolated point far up the Nile is unprecedented. The slnielion. Co. MeMnrdie had become Ihe lending ir-Id producer ! The filling tip nf the interior a sleepy town of Luxor, without a morning newspaper of its own. piven him all Ihe information he II was a phantom of delftrht wiltiiii the Ul few month. For'of the Ikahk of liotoineree lias J530. reads f events in the Valley of the Kings wiien reports cabled bail ke. for and had shown all II kept him wnrnt anl hnS'geil two year il had been runnimt a Just tw- emfriHel and tU -Ii i lo r.ngiaud ami America are recabled for the local afternoon 'ihe account be wanted. htm tight ' elosr race with il nearest rival place i nwa credM lo I bet HI J. Tod paper. A single telegraph line, owned by Ihe Egyptian Onvern-menl Hr. Kergin explainer that Ihe And yet it never eame In sinlit the new Moiblerfonleia of Km : , i and probably manned by native operators, carries the Luxor school board bail no) seen ail Ills I'liderwear. Hand, South Africa; hut U now Fifty fishermen arrived Ut SM0CS ntr unto file to Cairo, where it is taken over by the Kalern Telegraph ihe invoices hut hod simply paid . steadily fursing- ahead, figure aiKhl by the Pnrtce. Heat rice. yOU WAIT, Company. From London nrpari cable points the news proceeds out according lo Architect poller's A On Pleca Suit ' Issued by the Ontario Iieparl-1 from Ihe aouth to enter the em 1 over regular trans-Allanlic lines. Mdhing has come from statement. There was no Mhhr Ibinsr behind meni -f Mine how. and mayiploy of the C.anadwn Klih tt McArlhurSkete Luxor On the difficulty of handling such youns" Kj , . ,h, ,ii r,,i,i .,.. r,, n a daily volume of check on aefuul disbursements counter: -Could I Interest you "' ' . " r. ".'::' . "press" Willi meagre facilities but American cable and telegraph except hy Mr. Poller' stale-menls in a one Oieee lif '"ine in io woriu. i oiricrn riopanien ii.nin ty ?ne urirr, N vt e II expert declare that the Luxor-Cairn line must he working which did not civer all lltrdee;i oi, i,.r: -sh. 'urn a?", Vrrati. M.e . oa.pany . lalilmt : full spej-.f 2 hours a day. On days when no great discoveries Ihe r cjuirenierits niw .wanted. Wife over theip at Ihe ribbon ' ' " - are nriled. (he news takes Ihe usual course of re mailer, Wanted to Know counler." but when the dramatic entrance to the tomb of King Tnt-Ankh-Amen ' Trustee Casey .aid thai some 4 AUTHORIZED HOOVt" came, cronomv was forgotten in Ihe ru.h lo flash development 300.000 had been spenl on Ih CflAI, dealer In Otlnw-i are! DCALCK to the world. Those bulletins, every few moments school. What he wanted charging was lo up to twenty dollar a came through l urgent rnle. J00 miles from Luxor lo America know bow lhU money had been ton and the people want fo know relating in les than -the flick of an eyelid what had been hidden sjnec r centuries before Christ. spent. lie until I'd a detailed the reason wfry". They are gef-iinjr statement of expenditure rover lher club ready to go af-, .Ttiere has been a healthy rivalry among the correspondent injr labor and material. He could ler Ihe barons. Shades af de-' on the Nile, some slight dissatisfaction wilh Ihe for making Ihe arrangements wit see any' comprehensive mneraey! How like lliiKrt of a news available. Thai wns inevitable. has been Hut there statement in Mr. P.viH report. few yeara ago fltlavr.i Is becoming. no hesdiincvw.ii.ttie part of American newspapers and Dr. Kersin said lhal the hoard ' news associations jn ,,0, jlj(r Mnpj. 0f)(i jn 0fuimintf n had iiolliin? more than Mr. Pot -- i it Ihe men best .nullified to report what transrored. The achievement ter'n statements. There was no Oloey of Luioe is a bodv blow at the theories of Prof. rher ( and olher of getting Ihe in way Ion formal How majestic hfs f smart ale.-ks that Ihe newspaper of America depend 'iinon mummy, now renuired other than frnrn How' stately hi sarophitau. " oohi uicir renoer and th.-l their cable new tid. JloMnrdie'a accounts. is Ihe product of ;i Ifl-line bulletin and et Kinx Tutank had a tummy a healthy bicycle pump. .Mr. Casey aaked if Mr. F.vllt Once and an enpTian. could revise his.audit lo give the THE SECRET information required to which r i.. HOOVER WOMF.N make gord bar. . . i THE Mr. IMII replied this would be never uj iiiawng gooa cocoa is m usmf "My Hands Trembled her because they ire too fond IT BEATS. H Impossible for he did not have the of culling an acquaintance. It CUan- and I Could Not Sleep" There information was further himself.dirutinn -- Baker's Cocoa Jre lleni " of a technical nature which re. lift AINH may be.ill rilrlit ll h ii Mr. Thomas Honey, Brantord, Ont, writes sidled in Ihe passinsr nf Ihe re. il I wonderful 1i0v(- Well a bit Phona 3. solution as- staled. In ease, Co. of people get along without any. For its quality is good Kaien Hardware "Vhtn 1 L((aB ukinf Dr. McMordie still refuse in produce " Chci Ntrve Food, I wti to his book, il was decided lo MUX. L c. llaninglon. head of Third nervoui tbat when I picked up have the coimniUee 4o charge of Ihe Victorian Ordr of Nurse Tho purity, palatability arwi nutrient cup of lc my fund would the mailer of Him uudit take and formerly of Victoria y characteristici of lugK grade cocoa steps Immediately lo convrne Ibo girl stenographer, are u danger beam IrrmLIt like "a U.I. I could board in peial session. Ibis to middle ayed liiJhesfiM-ll and are fctairwd in BAer's Cocoa not iltep well, could not re. commit lee consist, of lir. Ker. inese iianirerou girl should be owing to tlie perfection of the proc-esse member lliinii, and there were yiii, Mr. Mi'liinan and Mr. plaoed in more feiiiinine oeeuna- ana machinery pccuJiar to neuralgic p.ini through my body, MoiHuomery. lloti. Tut, inl, Mr. Ilnnlng-Ion. metKcxJ, our After I.Ving teveo Loiei of Dr. In olher words. khn k! i CIuh'i Nerve Food, however. I U'ord ha been received from T MAD0 Ihl CAWA0A BY DrJJasuire ro in perfect health. Kd. Ilrown, who is now in Heat- TIIK be thlnir lo do. lo pro He. . .iiy. e will be up here tect Hie Dl idlie axed business. WALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED ...miiklMlk DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD Ibi spring. Thiinf are quiet men ayaliist danger i lo erect Euu' '' D-J-i.Vf-s, I here and be hope lo nee Prince, u fence around Ihrin. low would CAiiADlMi UlUS AT UOHTIUM. OfflcoMour.. SO cruu a all kjaujrm ut IMiuouaoa, Uatrs M Co., lAd.. Turoulu. unpen on the up ftrade when he it be la ha u trellU fewce BmkU CUlu gw '' iacroia Hie ofUca wilh Hut m.a.n. f,m