PAC1I BIX mi da:lt hiws Harl Pa:ns MODELS NEEDED FOR ICE BREAKER Rar. WC QIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE MANAGEMENT rrDMM cTimrw-rc "Let Ihe OF RENTAL PROPERTY Intrusted to our care. ULIUllin UlUUIilUU Clark If you need the services of an agent of known reliability SMASHES WAY in Her Heart Kitchens m tea. and experience who Is a good collector of rents, thoroughly Dearth of Model al Dresden and you" help conversant with rental values and leasing conditions, will IMunich and Other Art Centres VaaUAHKS water rates and taxes when Nerves bad attend to repairs carefully, pay Worst Season In Many Year Between were very"X. Mm Ii H Su. h a due, see that insurance policies are kept in force and who Canada and Newfoundland dearth of livinu io.hH-U for nl-fil TOMATO will remit to you promptly and render you detailed state-ments, Nr. John :. n a . i tathar lia- tti.eiiei in lre.n. KETCHUP consult us. . wot., rllr I ih lo f celtler of havr. brert tiolhrrrd trry much lib my Munich, and.olbei ri- H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. I i i:. i.. lirarl and nrtvr. I dorlored ltb Ine (Icrtnauy. thai ihe itiivemniettt I Uat tea J Rentals. Insurance. Real Estate. Marrli S. Ily Canadian 'r- . itirrrrml do.tor. lm did not find nuar i-rl uradetfiv lieu- tin- taken ntep I eaBBaieTel The lre.h relief I urn M rain, ! uM ban - 'Mil' ear ferry I'rinee lahvnrd lo relirfHly tin- -itualio"). woaM be aliwjnl o well my heart. t timrv I blended land, tin- link whirli c mtieeti. afraid lo uiote or l.rraihr, and al attbt The pre.war !. i otir of the LAND ACT. (In' ilaml Willi dm inalnlatrt or 1C00M not alrrp. tr thr pain in my Iwert lahl of Mm n e h and aotiir other Purcaplcdnci.1 Notlc. af InUntl.n u A.plr I luii Land. Canada, it liming tbe hurtle! rre row, my awitr. oold K a bad I I Hie nil' Ihe mill Let (jr llli.ilr'- Tomato Kctchup..f In liaiirr ;. l.ol Land I'l'tnrl. Iirrord-hi fight of her eareer, this inoiniir- maid not lie Hill ami nwrt nj ret where hi-IiI i -aiilarl) tnadi excredintlyu.ty1 IHMrul of I'rlnrr Huprrl, and ulunr n the rant liorl of I'rtrie front able winter. I., maintain ber -rr-' "T- ZT.m M e-w their oelrH-iion. II waa a ki Printing 'tut mi Lot la, Hanar . o"t Imtrl'-t. Mt'i' Hi-tux tlir Iri'.rlmltnl Nor. mlam crowl which aeinjie.l, an I Absolutely Take .VHIt-r that Alfred K Writ hi ral l.i I rry tnk and mon ly who!,. a. una- a aa-rnt for Alfred Snanaow, of tlitiliilxrldihl Strait. tlnnyt or I wikl havr no maw HlrM llntially there wan a lirpltl ' rrim-r mirirrl. ort-uiialton Inarlnrr. in tciiil tu aii'ly for prrnM.sion la k-aar Ihe Captain John I.. Iii-al. I In nhtrlt alwajo madr my brart joiina women ea-er orier tio mitonina- nrMTiDnq tana: t.omnirnritiii at I bad brrn ruffirinr for nrerly lo nl'niiiir"! m.itlfr, Mho roiuniiinl-rtl nervieea ImoleN of iMle kind " ti a,l.t planted ai ihe oiiihrl rornrr rr mtill one daj I lelklar ovr adltloi, Looseleaf or al-r I "I mark;J. tnrnr thenr aoutn northerly rnaint and ea.lrrtT lo Iww ict'lirctikiT! in lliijon liny an I drrit aboei Ibr ' fr"- f' another. Hot timer li.ive i-Iimi l-. .1 to routL Ion? low mater mark SO fbaina; turner t.xicp linik C.anii'linii irrlironk.-i-a rrd in 16 ait MUUunu lirarl rt nml in iile of the urpln atevvaand omelttj. -! i riiain 10 Doini aur rani or Ihe unrNerte I htr now Mkrn lo the Wliiln Sro .tiniiitr II.r. a fair mal women in liermativ. iiimleU ,i Billheads n.irinraM rornrr or i.m am m inr tHrtfi and rail nrstrrty i-omer or aloe lot hirh J; Ihrnr mairr aouitirrl:mark aa for II..- llu-MHt. ' iJ?" ""I" Va.'J!l"ZL haid I n- t I W. CLana 1 1 . . jrnaltif, niorr or Fra. to thr tMMnt of fin.liiiR lite he hpavier in IU ,u. -.lbl , ..unui iVuae ilie art itea.ii-uiv i-f lin -ii- n Letterheads nmre-.Hiimenrrnieni.or . anu rowaioina; la acrra. Slrnits tlii 1nlor (ban It wan in an ap'aler .. ilu- v..iiib whiim-ii) ALrnr.n MVANsns. thotf norlhorn . walrr. Many Milburn's o roine Imek tn lie ii Vi n1i.-i' .Name nf Mfllrant Envelopes ALIIIt.ll t. moil I. limr in tin" tt( inoiilhx ho Iih-not Heart ind Nerve Pills .n. init that even .. t t. .... AstM. Itui four honrn n-.t in s. inodet'ii itrlil Ii.iiiu in.Hlel- .h.- Vln you lrj. i'mu January tj, trra. H MrMy." B usir.ess LAND ACT. Onrn rwr"!!!!" Iif Trk tl forly-llir4 Ifirr See Ixjt al ell dralrn or maltpal alintdlltelv oeee.aiy. Nol i.hlv tfooaf PorJr t ., hours wilhoiil nt, lful irorl on rrrHl of prtr by Tbe T. SMI nr.1 iihmI.-N .a I for palnl.-. -and Cards Nolle af InUntl.n t Apply u Laa Land bom Co. LaMtrd. Tornl Wat. Iwo hours, aiitl clurlfj tin- fi mi Hatirr ... t.iat Land Ol.tnrl. Hrrnrd on , an- enlitiii nf human Inr M-trl.l of Priori- liutrrl. and altual it llirr lenl ImuiV iif. (lie li. -fuiir lire. a ;n n-'.-iiry in BBaaaaaaH'JT on inr -ri Dorr or rrarr Inland, oppo ir iih- rniranrr lo uioiirti inirl. Uiplnin lloa-l is a joii of tlie Cjti-I'" III armr of moUiTn aobifAr hut io woinrti arr re.p-n..l Cowan SLatta aillnr Take a .ollrr arrni thai for lilrhard irn-d M.I Gammon.Wrlrhl aili Jifpli ll.-u.l who r-iirrpnlnl iiM'iil m rccliiraki-r bmlilitiK lliaf vho weur their i-lotlniiu .a i f '- Rose, r rrinre Kufirri. orrttaiinn rMtatiiMn, in-irnd I'rini'i'. I'.l'.l.. in the I'cl.-rnlUlu" h . ( t- iiiaiiitain Iiit larly well, nr vh. h- Ho- k.iu lo arN' for orrn.tion lo lrar thr Limited followlnir drrrlbrd larnl: rommrnrltif at IIoiii- nflt-r I In' rliTliMii- r'iAif- ri-xnl.irly. hv ha f drapniK tlo-tneli- r' i -1 a l"'t planlrd on ih wri borr of anil who. . iiii-l only iv lnt and foir t aftor Inn tlrallt. Prince Rupert, B.C. frarr Maltd. iTKMMlte Inr mtranre an wsi ally -nil In.- .iii'-l ii. .-.I- Hidiirn Inirl: inrnrr rrirm ft rnala to Kiw in tlttl in llo- iHinliliiptiry b,'',,' '' liii---l hrit Irani Phone 234. !rr mark: Ihrnrr norihrriv amn mv WESTHOLME THEATB! jrr mark In a point to rtiaina north mt h rp!nt prt'iiiirr. .wi-n- ,ili Mi- k .1 n..-. il.r f... i).., Il.nw New. ;thr initial Nt: Ihrnrr ral i rharti to Itlrn watrr mark: thrnrr Mrtilhrrly alon In onini.-r Ihr t'rinrr llvr-l jhirh jrr nurk tn rnalrn. morr or lr.. lautl inak. K hr nini- mUr rim 'RRFTKH PAV I AR1T Tonight Only. ThurgJay. 7 and 9 1 10 inr pnini nr rnmmmrrmmi. ami mn talTilur le arrrp. morr or lr. ii lr iIihii an hour but inr.- I In r.iciitrtn yimr v. nr niMiinx.MUiraal. irl f ltionr lir ha oflrn SUMS TO RAILWAYS ALrnru l. wiuoh Ih-pii twvltt to twittr-four hour 3 l"l- illHTT J, f TJI A"" inabini: Ikt way arro. Dorothy ply I.ONlMl.V Vl.m-li 7. ihe Hail LAND ACT. ltlarr wtio b-forr liar car way AiMalatiuiinlioii Tribunal ft-rry da rrosmil thi . nnr .., T.-.Ml. I M.V .1' l I II.- ..( none or inunlion I Appl to Laaao Land. ttm .roved an urrwal oeheiue . In llanrr i. rnm'l I.a ml ril.tnri. Rrrord iilf in IIh iiinII lrl riirwrrHj nf la.i io in ii . no r. i .-f. inr I'ninri or rrinrr Huirri. and iinat" preVaaBletl by I be railway niin- Lonaih ..( noli i- -o. I t rr.1. drat I Ion north .ixirr of rurriirr frentlM nail boalM whir-h t!My hail to hrp i lm II." Ir r,( .f I Mill. I ,. It I- DALTON Lot !!. Ranrr i. Coat IHtirlrt. pull arn the Mrailn. ail twtnipn for the dial rifeut ion f l.alrm -.uo-u .1 veneer Takr .otirr mat Alfrrrt r. Wrlrht. Nr m.tnw,i of Ihr cit Inrlal- fauj u.utM-d airl 'm . - i ariinv ai arrnl for Robrrt Tbomi. or fr lli privilrart. of o tluinir. or mil parlrol.r. .ml i . rrinre lluprrl. orrupaiHi boat man. tn. njeirt of C3i.Oi.ox payable i.. aotrt .-an M -iiia..H.i Irmt. bi apolr for prrmlk4i io lri.r thr mIio h. Iwn rauicht for -lay or I thr . tllrf III- . I.., .1 I tkrMi the vtrvprnsnpnt umler Assisted by Jack Holt, M U loiiommv ir-sr-ntiru iami: ijononiriar ai wk i hi lhi lrrlirfair Stanley tty a'. Ran RuiMioii. I jiH-.ii ic a pout piantrd at itjr aonihrnrrl rorarr or TrlMl.. . lo Iw r--. r .r! . .i lot ift; tbriirr writ I rhala. morr or MiuLo or I larl ltrry oil tin- I'irton. the pritvialono of Ike Railway tra-. nMrk.1 ' f. I 4lr--f h.41 nnJ a laru brilliant ca , lr. lo biv matrr mark: 'ihrnrr nonhrrlv Vl. If) I. ion . .W.H1M1 w ao.irr.-fi i. . j...... panelling akiny low atrr mark te rhain: Ihrnrr 'orrlowii roiilo. y thf nni-r 4iJI. lo-pmv Vinolrr .f rnr ana I 11 raol 1 rlialn to north rt romrr f lot a roriiiilion ii. Ihr Strait Sir John Simon, who appeared rrw.. otlana. and mu.l Ir- r..r,ir.l al Ut: . llirnrr oaiihrrly t rUaln atony oilana nrt lai.r own ir - .i...k o--. hlrh wairr mark lo nulnt of rotninrnrr- wore than lhr- arr I hi- winter. fr thr rairway etHiipaiile. lat- inr nta 4av . veni ti 'On the High Sea' Gives a Beautiful Interior iwfiL irra. and raniaminr arm. more or It in i-nly lx-ruu-r the far frrry e Ilia! the alloratlun w.uld he hr I J.,i-ri..r v i in..r n"-atr..uvr. v i , I MUBEltT THOUl. lartween i I wo eMllpanie. B.. . Man Ii 1 li ' Effect and Can be Applied lo lame or (pti'lrtal. ALThED t. WniOIIT. and wa teed on tie amount the Walts very Rapidly and aiea. janoary. ! 1VT3. trent. which lUryr were In arrrnr. in SYNOPSIS 0. Christie Comedy, "Let 'Er Run." 35c ariVi era Easily. rPfipert of inaiiilenauee. renewal, CANCELLATION Of RtSCRVC TIMBER SALE X4TS1. aim rollfntr alork on I Ireriii-bei- LAiNDACT AMENDMENTS For Htasonable Prices call ViTIOF IS HI KF.BY OIVF.I that . the 31. I - -t rtt arrrrtlnv Inr ubn rvrr-d by ca-'ird Srnlrd IrlMfcT.' IH Or rrrrlvra U Inr Titubcr Llcrure o. Itlie I ran Mlnilrr or loud-, al Victoria, no I tor The pajrnerrt anrtioneti prae- Albert & M-llrd. Ikaa awun on Or- itud day of laarrli. McCaftery 0. It .1ADFA. itj. ror inr pumutM- or umm 1171. llrally rvunplele Lave nm pay lint .4 loiiity Minister of La nil.. t" rut ou rm or Hraniork. -pru-r-and able Ihe iJoveriimenl in M".ini'iir King Cafe LIMITED by eiuo r-)urd lo IS an rr aro4 H..a la George St. Regis I .tii-i- fparifiieui ij-Jir. on an am adjotmnr 1.4 '. n. .. trar hiuiuii. Leru Mit.r. Halm i. .oal Minalion for all claint dm in Ir I arro Phones 116-564. la ar ih l.iiu.p Itfl IjimI Ittitri'i. rrr,emitifl now at-nnnod ro t tran will or allonrd for rr.- the periotl of ronlrol aloe lo I lie .rd Larrla OAlj oioial t.f Rrrvrda. all k) (raol) cofrrtr.a mm I urinrr iiawbrr.parlfc ular. ut inr ihr ror-rt. war. Ihe llailway .el prmiiri-u land arlM far rtrtrwllvral purn ! NEW CAFE I tirlona. R. of pi.trlrl r. for Ihe pjymeul of C4M(.UihMmhi. aM vhlrh I nor. nmnrr land I Cafe iio-- Hupn, fix linarnaia or rmipo. an.Ht.nrd and t35.000.IHW hail loen bait nantao of not nvrt that four m. . We I serve the H-t CHOP arrari. for djorM nr omnooo. allocaletl. iniMibl llial a 'Week-end with Jofat rtrlOH. oof ror, raakli-a SUKV am) .S'OODLhrS Prince Buptrti U5 eonxiderable prottoriiou of Ihe arriaaar lfnorintH on rrrii olalma , ftattaurt'L Fishermen! Ct5.0OU.OOn will br atailtible f..r lt-iaapior mart -rruo io. the ettenrive of e.m-lnielional fra. yrrr. and naak tmar..rmrnt I A Biker, Untar"5 TIMBER SALE X 472. ,proa;rain tain of lie par a-r. Inrtradtrf rltir Specials work which ha been tmt airl rvMitia- of ai to ror i Phon Blu 471 Thlrt aitotrt .l.d rnxlrrr mill or rrrHira) b) tan rwrltrine -r.. :an Viiiirirr of iMWtm. at V M-turte. owl lelar mappetl out by Ihe roiopatne. Wkwr proroiHor lo o. -i i ... Hun noun ou Uaa Itth da of . Marafc. km ilu I and na tta.dr i V..U mill BREAD (li:il will NOT Combination Canned Fruit mn. ror trr- iMarraaor oT Urrara M1. lanlort lawarrovrforote. a raaf b. CO SOUR. V iii.ik.- BREAD tba! Special bi rui t it., imo rm ttaaduw an) HOTEL ARRIVALS nan of IB-Nralth or otbra rain, i- frllrd and liiMk-it fro.-,-, i rdar and Mtm-lork. rraniad ) dial cvrnflrat ol in will NOT GO SOUR. I only Jt ut Libby's Sliced I'ini-. .Hi lot till, k a. lot Ilaa4. tOKtrwai and iraaafvr hw, eealm Iurea luiioiti- 1-laiwJ- land lil.lnri Prince -. olinoai awraaaarnl i. We JIakr apple, i', tall. onr 1 1 . rar will br alkmrd for rr Rupert donrr mo i taatvort. fmnrMrd appt, I only, tin lh- MoiiU; Miiv. m. tal of iimtrr. A. V. I'ankhurol. M. A Xu- tant naaar imfaroromrnla to eaari of THE . SQUARE, I'linbrr 1-jrllruUr. of Ihr I hW-r Iwo . . . tSe and rrrir) IRISH. I'earlo'n, (all. lr. irtonai. . . or matrlri l nmytJi. John W. Allen. II. il- rear nor Tailorr rf.nan to naak lanprrv.oa rj i-or rnnrr nuprn. b.i;. miii. I',. I!. Vuunaf, J. t'.. xiurr K. r.t4 kooio atU oorralr to. RAISIN. I only, tin It-I .Mtinle I'care. I'n. frilorr Title .Mart b obfaiord t. BROWN, and tall. IN PROBATE. W'illijin. .1. Iieiwia and J far Iliar, t f,.r. and traao-vv.iooo-, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH of fie) nor aerr Harludlrf . turn, Qassic Sh ii. V. Ilrul-l-on Creeeh, Vaiarouver; RYE BREAD. I only, tin of Lombard I'lilnm. 1 , COLUMBIA. rtoarml and ruKloatrd. and i "is, or Oabapp:. 2Vi'i. In Ih.- I Valler or uk- AOioiul.lratKxi Art: and It. Oitotlall. W'iniilpew: of at o-.r s tr arr ronalrrd. rrt rattHor hotdlre rVowo tlram INSIST UPON QETTINQ ELEC- 4 Tins for $1.00. , lu tlir Mall. r of thr I .latr of Itobrli M. Sheuilv, -4nniin; I". II. naa rwt-ird ar.oihrr prr-rmptloo. If b i-ornrr: lOH-i-aMsl. Iltlrtlal.-. Mm. A. J. rvfu-rr land lo rortu.itor- with nl, TRIC BREAD. Jelly Powder are k"xI buyinvr. Till MiTH I thai in oroVr oT III Worlork, ifloria; fan.i aiirortii aturU orrumibrn. I" estimation ll.iw.iir I VrB ..iiii, inadr Hie llh Thompnon arid John illmaii. ldri taiuifT Unervro.i.t raadr Stands high in the 'I'ho recent price a'lanes of day of lnl.niarr k.. ittJ. I at ap- . Vduilni.tralor or llo- l.tafr of I .k; .1. J. Mr.Sri II. Telkwa; Mm. and rw,i.. aMlatakard on tramf. Phone 667. Kuvar ha affnctr-0 thin line. KMlllrl i:..rn-r. vrar.ird land of the public di-i-.-aMMl. and all iiartar I). A. MeKiiinoti aiwl Mm, ('.. V. tTr.ortrd aera not rairrrttftf ja We have a complete Moek of 01 inr rlaim. iaaiii.1 llo- ialil I..latr arr bo Irorrd rrr. a bomlt, Electric Window Bakeries Malkin's lieel Jelly I'nwdern jn Rrrrtiy orirird rr4ulr-d Ui iih on or rurnl.b lirfurr Mior.tin 7lh roprrly liar tireen, ierraee; W. 1111, I'rinee IMI to b ut rwKalrrd aftrr f-jifeiire rl-aVotiai We liavu bundled ttc tjluaili' t?lne i' of, l:i and all .arti.- lnotr-l i.i-orne: 1. II. Dowlinir. lintel- 4l Itopaairniirot eoodtlbyoa all flavor. While they lal. lo thr -:lalr an- rt-qmrrd In iy tlir Po rraatrr and tndaii t MorrMj are imle kalinfieil In pell lliclioe r In-'- Third Ivenue. 3 for 25c, per doz. 95c. aiHounl or tlMir ind'birUnr t- lor forlh- lo... g,W, "roan rirmtltif SI arrr. ntay b KUll Central .,..1 lv oor ifwon or raotioony Tltt! iUiilil- t alwtiai)eli tntl our i , ANOTHER CATASTROPHE. JOHN II. Mi Mi l I IX. Mill iutfy or tod tti rial alt. o orro-lal d'iimltral.ri. Cbarle- WUmiA, Sniilher: I. inlhrr land toi irtrdtg t aor. riKlil, lifiicu Uiatli iiHiTij lor'tlie (ilaM h Ginger Snaps got eauvbl in Ihr I'rlnrr (lulwrt B r. on lr porrnaard. rodltMHi. lorludaf wave of tbe nupar advanee. W- Iiali-d Ih.- ?7lli rtj) ..f lliriiar. let!. llanieU and J. A. Ityan, r..X.II.: iy.tiri.nataral or toaf--orhK I. Terntee. have u limited slock on hand. Maeintyre, id ronn.( ni4 mmt bo puirkaMd vvodttlonal ooortroriion of a road Don't ! and we have about 500 lb. on in thorn, llrloila upon of rr.-lirlf of ao.1 ol Worry! order, which will be old at thi-old We Are Now Open BOAT ARRIVALS I rroid,rlta. l not mao raroodU.f nit or iranMMw price. For Business In Our ar cmptoS' rata cnarrr ct 2 lb. for 35o, 6 lb. for $1.00. Amoiitf lite paenireri arriv-tii-4 TIh- otio. of Ihl. Ael la onJ.rgod . NEW PREMISES in tin- eliTila itfler-iinnn ail illy orrrona )ilnliia and arrtr Wc have I'orcbcr Island Van Camp's Soups. Prlnre if wlik Ilia Stajratta Tin On ':n Avenue, where mi I lie nleaiuer i-fnr oMhli. nNieri tin I'omalo and Vegetuble onlv, 2 for WO ttr d.t iaar urilialiv (iiniite frnin the oulli were: II. t a drrraoad nr-nMor may aptd WOOD 25c. i.ip..l u cinlmii. for Oil. uudrr tha Art I. at.od.d Hardineit packed in aiiee i.f ..ur cu-.loin and Olia-ln. Mr. Ilnillon, A. Martin. frtoo for on rear front ih drain o jUornnet pure II. liilberl. II. Wllrolt. K. Snherk. urh tarraon, a forrarl, uoin ex.a Olive Oil, 3 for 36c, V for $1.00. KOOllWl'l aar anr lb roio-ltwloo of lu mi Dry Hemlock and Cedar M. I".. Xiimilh, Mr. II. Temide, rar Ttil orlrllVf la a la. mal r Cut to Your Order. IHamsterley i Jam. We have Farm laled Blackberry them all. II. Wane,,, Mi.. K. M. rialli. I". irormte.No far. rrlatl to nrr-roiniton. arr SILVERSIDES tiiiwiiiiK. I (irr, J. Slark, A. do or parabl b aHo ra on or, but tlii it the line that bring rmtaione rrwordod afi.r i r t. oil Meliniiaiili. II. Cuinmlii. It. roar. ar. rraultiod for flta raara. ; back the days of real hoim- lrovl.loe for morn nf l.ii- naoaaa ae Itoherln. H. Irf Siek, HydeTransfer made jam. Try a tin of thj-I BROS. Ilyman. i"?..0" "t ul Oil. I In, M. Slieudy. Mr. and I, 111. an aeoounl of armnla. jam, ain you will admit thai )eali-i - in Intra on old-r -r .oiptlooa. Mi-. X. II Wullon. J. W. Allen, Intrrrrf .HI arrrnol. t,, i' know a uood Ihliiir when n.irrliMrr w.- WALLPAPERS, Phone 5S0. PAINTS, Mi- N illume, Mia Jlrown. Mr. '.".r". "L Hr u" 5,ld fc mambrra of ee it. Thi week-end only, per GLASS, PICTURES, tltirfl Kiirr. droro.l' .riiutrod ServM-.u and Uuaiily our llule. dirrrl Indtrrrt. uihI Mi. . J'. IUwry. I-', or r.mlnd from aa Motto. tin. 95c. ART SUPPLIES, ETC. lirlmaui lo March II. Ilia. I l i-ruif Mil fleorre l-'ri- Qreen Stuff uri-iving thi wek. Phone 22. sua.puncHAseae or crown Krureel Kproute, liUliflowei , II. .1. h. injall, -Ii liraf, U. K. lands (ui-umbers, Tomatoee, llanan-uh. Ynniw. Miiolar P. Heaeh, A. frerlalon mad for la.oanra of i.roon cram. IO aun.wrrhMa.ra Head I.etluce, New fab I'urkliiii-i lUwrle W'ileon, Mr. Pron MiUm. aoovilrli.f rlahta from 8PnilNQ STYLES ARE STIMULATING. huge, llhubai'b. f'.eler'. Hpinacli. KEEP IN 000D HEALTH uud Mi- ieorge Idiwreiiee, It. v. lall.o lo I'or ladle-: ur well us or iliildrt'ii. tin' 1 Dr. E. S. TAIT rarnley. Florida Grape Fruit.' BY EATING GOOD W liilnime. ,. u. Uliilaere, Mm. loroal rmrii.rit and of laiaa coanltioiie Whin of puretiaoa.ol.-oon-liaa In (Hid ejtrliMive. I.owi-rt Market I'rin-x. I at the ;. Ilarreit, K. II. WorliMik, Mm. ra do not tlala nhola of oria-ioaj oai l( Small I.. I.elirman, TelllillK'. al, imrrluior prior riu and taiaa inat Tlio few ium in Um' window ut e uh Juicy Oranges, per doz. 25o, fi DENTIST. (jet our price on cua-ii tin wi-ck ' wbola ara AppOcalior. muat b mad av.r "jH ing urrivuln. Gome sis uud una, for lb'' CLASS by alar i, lt Boston Helgerson Block, I'lilletv uud Standai'd'i ai'i'ivuig. NOTICE oaaiNO 'lake millet) thai ATU"W I'laee, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. IteiueiMi and 1'ifllt Ave.. dvloni.t-i Ora.lm Art,tf for,, uiirlh oru. Office Hours, 0 to 6. Rupert Table Supply' trldaa for tralr. dl.lrkla a id i.,,, Jabour Bros.,Lta GRILL Seel ion :, wilt bo cloaeil Monday. adminiatralloii uod.r Coiiiinl.atoo.r Phone 686. Aoi.utl araaloa oorioita la.... . Mm - Ii I .' l;:i, until fui llier on iiutoUr- .m..(4 Open Tuesday, Thursday anj Phones 211-212. Open Day and Night. I i. llanad o.,.ra. dloi-k..,.,,,,,irtorlly tor a.ub m oaar Tl.l-A .a. a lid SSC 8aturdt.y Evenings. 3rd Ave. Phone 457. form Aaaoctaliona for rai.ia fllUIIO IHU, wwra linm Order rnant. Jly ra.t or parliaUy fiM. riu CUV JL'