Ti -,t , PA MR TWO yon do with a politician? GEORGE WALLEY tULNr.n VI. Mellae was nothing WESTHOLME THEATRE BORrYTCD Mil a haled capllalfl unm -herame TALSUN POWDER a nroftMnal i-dMician. TONIGHT. TOMOnnOW NIQHT, SATURDAY MATlHrs ., , MiaomuMnd -I.rtifltf iiti II is ine.imi sutj - AND CVCNINQ. lApSrientJofMiltioHTofBabia Ihe downward enrse. 6econd Show Commences at 9.15 p.m. - Pleaded Culltv In Police Court ..uvnlxj Iklftft nhniit This Morning to Charge of ; i h4m liuneri. you n'cr The Daily News Brsvaklnn With and Intent EnUrlng loe a man ai- -lh links. Douglas Fairbank s PJUNC.K RUPEUT - UIUTISH COLUMBIA . MANY women remain sme Published Kvery Afternoon, escept Sunday, the Prince tienrjze Walley leailcl (riiilly The Secret of beeuse Ihey prefer the ill- Hi" In Itupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ta I lio poller court Hits niorninr know. lnrr Mngislrale Mclilynionl I" Its Success II. p. PULLEN. Managing Editor. rharjres of drtvintr a mlnr vehlrl while under the influence q THE SALVATION ARMY ! Ten Years Ago SUBSCRIPTION RATES: nf liquor anil to breakinir and entering believed that there I In Plincsi Rupsrt City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month.'. . . . ... . . f,;WU Hip residence of Charles not only Uy msil to all part of the Uritish Empire and the United States. YnunsniMtii. (irahani Avenue, with was hope for the worst,it went mm Jyns it. 1t1X in advance, per year l-''Z intent In rnmiuil an indictable after the worst in the slum, Ilullock-Wehsler i- I'll To all other countries, iu advance per year ..' onnet. Kleelins for summary in the gutter, in the prison-It AM. to the l.akel.e : Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. trial before the magistrate, he from a irip vvs fln ;on or six months is still doing this all Ihe Kit-rumkalum inlere! of dislrici Ihe fall fair taken He o DAILY EDITION stgDTitirlay, Jim 8, 1923. impriMHuenf on IJi"firl charge farmers ure ami a sentence of sis months at over the world ays lhal -Terrace flkatla was impoe. in Ihe desirous of reejiriwll wilb al Road To Cannerlas -Is secsmd. lli terms In run ron,- J YOUR contribution to The merchants through Ihe Iniyum To Be Built. enrrcnlly. W. 11. Fulton, of Pal. SALVATION ARMY Awa.! nefeMlie here in return f"t men I may make a start Ihl yep i :n of llieir pcxtm-e, The provincial govern .urehae V Fulton, appeared for the i.. ... ........iln-liou..... T Ihe msiil III the canneries,. is III. v- more SERVICE APPEAL in' in Mini .ri -. - - arnnel. . noiinrement made liy lion. Dr. Sutherland. nimMer of public, Mr. Knl I iii krl li make a is a wise investment in practical llition le Yernel is hack fr-mi wN.rks. who was nere ai me ..cgiiiiiiiiB - m . ' ""I "I'Mali-wer.! on behalf of Ihe ar-good Christianity. j.l lo Ihe llulkley Valley He I HOODI ,ew to us all. The fai l thai survey wi.rk is go.ng ,m Mw nn lb lraied mhmw Ihe Ihe railw.iy it..i ii.iitnaiAj SPA linr nrcrarfil as lo col i srade frW Ihe end f sleet seeoaiit charge was made. He et- Annual Service Appeal conraging feature.. The government. 11 realiting that the rood taine IIihI Wwlley nal leen Chicken Ijike, .Sunt her. Telkwt is n modem neeesily and they wilj gel buy on it. The next raied in Hi' -il anil had h"n llulkley aad H'rtind Lake and re-liiriie.1 move' ill he 'o arrange, for Ihe oily in conneoi up us ran iproinise ns he was arowimr up Arfiiitant Krr financial rep .y si age on Ihe Atdertiier- A year or mi a 20 he gol in with resentative, aekii only that he be mIc ..T Ihe llulkley ltter. Higher Taxes On n f,a,j comnanv an. lout one into given Ihe funds with which to The Ivjorry Outlaw who robbed the rich to give to the poor. Timber Likely. whal he now rwlUrl was a had ime lha community for another . il. Slensirom.' Iial b"k-keeer llolller ..X limlK-r wil '" io ""'"'"J buine. lhal o"r laxi .Iritfnir. year. foe Foley, Weleh A Slew Superb Realism, Daring Adventure, Stirring Romanes, Ihey owe the govern menU u the t "Hias ?nnt. frolM ha,, , wor art. arrivod lhl imMning on the Scintillating Bsauty. determining what limber wa on he and and the , (lril,kjniI a,. Vi. Prince Hewrae wMh his bride, have often been (on high and more often Imi low. The lax i.J -j,,,,, ,, hlul formerly Mls Itlancbaril. ( Admission- Evenings 75c Saturday Matinee, 50c and St. bated on the value of the timber. , ...Ulnme.! the nipl.1 l-fore Ihe The Han in tbe Moon :alirar- They left on ihe tram all the t mber of the The govrniment now- enj..g ha., SAYS for ew llarrlton. Tin mi H m and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. Admission 25c andSOc pmvinre wilh a view lo making adj.L men ip , , , Monday be valuable for taxafio,,. prpo-e, and it will alo val e In P J Five thousand tlollar down ami .he owner, of the limber, many of whom are find, g hat the 'f nt W. narl- MANY a woman irrstis Ihe pay firty-five th'rtjsabd dollar in iv The One and Only CHARLIE CHAPLIN, onginai eru,e ron. oru-n . " . ' ner. Having bn drinking heav rne4ie ! iiretenl some vamp months is Ihe priee laM ( Hie I.. I... I... t I'r.id., i "THE PILGRIM." .-h . y-ll m it her husband. II Will e III Vailie III Hirro.irr3 "I uiuiiri m ".. " ily tlial night, he had taken a quartx mine of James Jiun anl ..i . ii'ci.nir might pniblv be fnle rUmale of quantities. riie im I lie nn .ujr in iiielin Jack Hums al Fiddler r.reei. ac. i... KATHERINE MACDONALO "THE BEAUTIfX in Ihe valuation will add In Die revenue f Ihe PKnl'I.K who leave their blind The i hange lo ctir hi hel. Waller Serlni-iremir cording lo information received LIAR," PATHE REVIEW. Ihe rot of should lo bed in Ihe dark. Mighlly. more than enough (o nay Tor Up go provim-e said had areonipanie, him. . herelialay. The boer is making Ihe rniise. t- M. I lender hoi I. Incapable Condition T.KK Ihe message and I will Levy On Capital The eoW air or Ihe bad liquor get il front you later," was Hie with Mr. and Mr. l II. Wkins. Is Latest Move. he bad been ilrinking niusl have inter giten Ihe sienoxrapher. their I wo children, left on Hie The old lime orialit wanted lo immediately eonfile all a(Teele him fr when hearriel Af.iI I hen she mentioned lieriiure-ly steamer Prince lerge, fhi-niorniHK property, lie orated from Ihe oap box nnd inveighed agaiii-t al Seel ion he reatiied that he lhal his Utile girl M al Ihe for Vancouver for a Canadian National Railways the evil of rapilalim. often nllh roiiiderable efferL ul ii Ihe was not in a fit eondilion lo.lrij oilier enI and waleit lit ki-s bort hlilay. aggregate he did not get. far because every peritn i at heart Ihe ear. He knew where Mr. him over the jilnine. . 4 a eapifali't. Y(Mi!?niu) liveil, having taken F.. II. Flelcher of Vielorla, si Prince Rupert N'ow- Ihe method io changed. He 1 now urging that the liim lhre previously in his ear. AMI I Oils y the gears nf Ihe office returned jester- inspector, rhnnee be hroueht about irradually nud i advocating a levy oti He did not know Mrs. Youngman. essimlsls am smiI (if revere for day frm a trip lo Ihe Interior rapilal. Inleod of taking all the properly at once he would do however, anil bait never niel her nce. . and lefl by the steamer Prince DRYDOCK it i little at a time and In enlwt the sympathy or the mat! copij-aiiVt iefire. lln arriving in front of Heirg this morninir for the he would exempt the small man front the levy. Mrs. Yiunpman's house, he roi PIT Ihe hammer in Ihe locker The eulom has been (o raie the income if Ihe counin Hit of the ear, telling Herimgeoiir And Hi' ("Minding Issard like-Le. mitb. AND by taxing income's. The eapilal is allowed lo remain inlar: lhal tie was Koing ! phone into bill a giMxIly portion of Ihe inrome derived from it goe. lo Ihe town for a man In lake rharze Anyone ran be a knocker SHIPYARD siale. and the gre.-iler the income the greater Ihe prop.rlion Ihe if the rr. Ity lliis time he wa Anyone can eriliele. stale lakes. The goose whirh lays Ihe golden egg hss remained "crazy ilnink. lie ili.l rememrer Gullile pleasant manner imtotif(red but Ihe egg has been taken. having hail a eonversalion with TbiHijih al first it may seem TIMSCR taUC X Bill. ! Opsratlng Q. T. f. 20,000 Ton Fl.sUri Oft 0 LjS Vswi sill b rnml In Die To ehange that method and begin lo lake Ihe principal as Mrs. Youncman hill ili.l not re. queer, s . vnsi.m- ul Lands. ! Urtws. uwrr Enolnaara, HscMnlsta. ollsrm.ksrs. BUek.evlt., well as Ihe interest is n change of policy Ihnl has never been member anything lhal lransiirel Then jus pull yourself logelher tiua I.if the! tmrrlta-isi Ihr Ilk t IJcrare dar wT X 1ml.III.jr. Itfl.v masars, Foundsra, Wood-orssrs, tu. inaugurated in any civilized country. Kings. at one lime made Ibereafler. This was confirmed Anl ell s"l there, iwr. far. rsl !. I I it Ssl-asj HrssksS. Welding. levies when Ihey ran shoH of ah and such tilings have been by the fact that when he left the U sprurr siMUa imI redsr.Kosr.urn ruor tn im t. silsslsa imt w Electric antj Acetylene done in China by semi-brigands, but Ihe principle is a mol dan-gemu loHise he had taken two gramo HOYS never fall in lov wllh one. 11 is doubtful It it will ever be adopted in any English phone reenrds with liToi. He ha-l a dimple. lit ere more to a iwrt si r lla.brr. Our plant is equipped to k-adis all Hods ' speaking rounly. arle in a ilicreliliiMe manner girl lhan that. rmtutrt rsnicsisM r iiMt Tir rrs but if appeared he did not know mora r. Vtriurta.itsir sr..ax. t ltoVt l'orrir Marine and Commercial Work Interesting Speculation what he was doing. "LKTri K"t married said Ihe Regarding C.P.R. Mr. Fulton also referred lo a nervous lad. Vhod have us," TIMBCfv LE X 3117. PHONES 43 AND Interesting speculation in regard lo Ihe possible next case al Ihe recent Assizes where was be reply. MiDir Sralral Trwhr t LaatK, IH l t Ur rMltail kul bt U-r Of I T. move of the CI'.H. is'going on all over Ihe, w'et. N'o one seems a man. oieadinir guilly to a seri nua uuua nn lbs ilk (Ujr uf Jsir oi; In know nut tiling but Ihere are plenty of people who pretend ous orrenre, had oeen let oil ny (F everboly" cray about you, rsl eir I.IISMM It MrrlMts Irrl (r SpracF,Llrrare Hrwhirk,XII I J snrl V a lo have inside information. Hie jud? because il was proven remember ypii may be not bins' our ua lt IT, 'nit).i lain, iorn There is no doubt but Ihe country lo Ihe north of us w'ill lhal be bad been drinking and bul Ihe ke.f.er in a lunatic s- ruriKU'tau iusini rf laisi alU iHMnn,ba alWard fur ra ARRIVED1. le openf-d tip before long and il is likely it will be done under was incapable, not knowmir whal luiu. svnsl n lunLrr, ruflbr larilraUr of lb CJUrf riirsa-trt, private nnnice rather than by the NntionM system. The c..i. be was itoing. He submitted lhal Virt-rf-ia, a.'.- tf Koirlri focnirr took over Ihe old Mackenzie & Mann rharter lo build from Walley was absolutely incapable A STOHM raue.1 when the Cn rows astirl. B.C. Peace Ilivcr lo Stewart, but the terminals are never-very definitely a bad been shown by his actions. servalive victory came in Ontario. csmacuui sovsaaasar sitacHSNT fixed in a charier ami are usually subject lo change. Any Thvuvh a plea of iftiilly was he-inz And J el (here are pejde who same, Lisnrts, Complete New 3lock of railway will make n thorough investigation, before finally-decid entered, he (Mr. Kiill'li felt nave no run it in omens. son,salt sr Tenets:. ing on Ihe location and many different factors will determine Hint all Ihe rircuiiLstances should Priced Srttr Trdr all! U- rrlts br Ihe DRY MASH HOPPERS. the route. Whal we say. wial Stewart savs. or whal the people be taken into consideration and rai.NTll.UlY to custnui, when I IMleMdied al si. Jsuvt sum. GRIT AND SHELL BOXES. 2k Moot ihe route stiy nas iitiie mriurnce. The project is so stu- a, moderate prison term Imposed. Ihe labor members had a roes MHilrrl. i:iMdi. naul nua lutn.l ll. 111, -tur ihr Mirrii4M of IM Mloaiar DRINKING FOUNTS. .J I Will . Tendnii that minor coutiileralious have In be swept aside and , long sentence mixht prove IU saae In convey tn the Imperial laiir : linl-r. lo l fcad mi arrrf. FEEDERS the geiH'rnl n-efulness of the line considered. aar 44 lb rrtfTU1 rls la Ikrir CHICK FOUNTS AND turning iiolut In a life of rrime. Purl lament Ihey "said it with fr-.ml r)44ii.a sad lera V kM-simt. Magistrate's Advice flowers." nj tutr tit buutrr nai Ital Biar be! Hee Iheseeaiew s.1 Hilary puslllrv i-' l im Isortf ewludrd. I Mnislrale'McClymimt, addressing c ruined accused, said thai Mr. Fill KPKAKKnr come and speakers irrsitatlftil Co.LU rarly Milling Ion bad put in a fine plea on Ills o, .mt. rtmit. The Brachman-Ker lielinlf. Accused must be inlellU Home of 'em say "I lol you so,' .. "Csiiaillaa Mlwr" . . . fS ISta 1 B.C. s,s. "rauailisa hrsl-C . . . )7 Isra 1 eitlHCE MUST, UO'iit euoiigli however, to realize rWiine nf m slarl lo "show Ibeif s,s, -caiwrti.a Trir" Sill lls I lie danger lo Hie of stuff." S.S. ransdisn sutsniarer" lltl His community s. r.nllsa Saibir" . . . HIT Iff is ueople running wfl.l as he hud1 Home of 'em start In "Ihtviw S SJI. rsi.adun Si.arr" . . . l li bluff SJI. ':aitalisa Cihf Slia IStl I dime. a SJI. Canadian l.udnrrr" 45t Itfl "I do not like to gie a young Home of ui Iry lo be real funny S.s. Canadian sirnsllor" ISIS HIS like I'm Home of 'em come In get (he .S. anadiaa tiuunrr St ISI FISHERMEN mail you a if prison sen. s.s. ""bs4iis Warrw", ssts ISIS lence tjiouph this is a serious money S.S. i:anHiuii nf' SSTS Itra offence," continued Hie magis. f till Hie ono who makes us all S.N.s.s. 'Caiiaiiun'Canadian Obrrr"lariurr" . . S4 1VII l0 ItfS traie. "It is evident to me that feel happy, S.S. "Canadian hwrf' . . . ItIS s at liei ha w sji. -:aiis.i.u rumr' ISIS tn liuyniff your oulr.i Is Ihe "ten.minute .bird" who If you are vm have been in bad company s.s. Canaduo ll.r-ir" 4 111 Clark's ami iierhaRs being easily led, it makes it "snappy. s.s. "Cauailiaa SSIS litl you lo visit lh "'anadian u(..f' sits Jin lias run away with you. I do not s.s. "('aiiadian HaUIrr' . . . III! Sta FISH Company ENGLAND Hiink, however, (bat I would be THI'lli: are a great many rod S.s. auadian Srlllrr" . . IS isis! NEW POTTED MEATS doiiiK my duty to Ihe community dy similes in hair hut hardly any s s.s.s. "lanatfian"Canadian Hanrbrr"7nnr . . sail list HIM ISta Hard lc, Fancy Ball, and th. Best In Gear, tn lelliiix you off with a wiirnirta red. s.S. ranadiaa Nnni-r'' SSI I lfi S.s. "Thus. I, hrauMWOit" lltl ISIS For Sandwiches and I am also doubtful If such s.s. "Shefcs ' ! ISI !.IH: is darn bill after S.S. "1. S. MrSse" 1S7S ItllS arassBM-MBsasBMsn-a-aTaSBiTawss net ion would do ) u any yood. I Just one IJiVMTHmi. -Trndrrs fuar l PotUiJ Tongue There is therefore sentence yn lo six uuothrr. aillird lot tmt or twr ir Us- rniir FotUKirwilra no iiinnilis al Hkalla Prison Farm Isriilr atra trl. Teudrrs iimiI tm TI Putted Vl spread more and my advice to you Is lhal, NOW that Hit; llrnry has been arruuame t'li ot lbs ky auesisl ciirque uf In tur Irndrr,fi rr rbriiie mil FLY TIME IS SCREEN PltdBl tasty than when your term lias expired, you here am told ijn air about it and Canadian U le luads Ootrrninriit paladin la Mrrrbaul list ordr n(Mann.in Los Mcstt "Clark's" Potted remain uway from !hl,rity In made us happy, let us get down I.linlisd, and arrrrird lit s '.anadlan rtiar tail ai la.U ...is f I Ul and "" ' . PUi U Fw. lireveul your gelling into (lie to business again. .Irrsd babk. II" m !! ar say Msirr ul wiro riy wium. - ,,.B1.k . .:,,p w or Devilled Meats ivrrtaarlly srrrpbd. riaua and n-rlfln 30c, IDC per yaiu -alue, I rouble again or worse," IWiaa of straiwrt ran tv rrea and .r-ib-uUra yard. i U Cnditw Dl dtaltr cvsrywlisra Illi: best thing a man cvin gel t4 drlirrry asrarlalaMid nu aiill vanned. 50c, 60c, 78o per ralliu ! Ite I odaralrwed. .Vain r tan 'ni3& U iJism srvd oiUi CI k- "'red Klnrk was Hih speaker at In inuk hint think is In folilrsrl w BMltt i liMbinl ts-l'tfei UM Irio.frr Screen Door., all sues. 00c, c $1 the weekly luncheon of the II n- for some brains b"fur he is la naursried. n. h. irstrr. Screen Windows, in 6 Mies. CLANK Ll-ll. CO. MONTRCAL ary. Club today. bom. Orarral Xihiw. KAIEN HARDWARE Cauadiao Crrw"il Marrliahl Mamie. Iveft -5 IHullrd. Prosperous advertising means YOt' can cap"an oil well and Tar maaiitiii4 ItifrMU i.t tut ad. Tel. 3. regular continuous advertising, prevent it spouting, bul what can trilOMM-M n an ia(sr IU IM Im iall