Thursday j , rAoE six Tilt DAILY NEWB ADDRESSES AT HEART PALPITATED FISH ARRIVALS HEAY1ER TODAY Phone 370 H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. CHURCH SYNOD al Was Short of Breath Kili nil ere lieaMer al Phon, the I.liaui!e llu miirimia- ni Summer Anniversary taotbef r lor evral da ia. IK 'l " The House of Quality Tbrouth on rt Rev. James Gltlatt Showed .PIe marietina S.S IMind-. of mtjurltr of I"!' 'r inmblea. awr er lures and Rev. Canon Simpson let. w lib wm turn of brirt IroabH halibut. KJirn Ameran Im.bI-M Speka on Religious , Miny prepl may be nniair? of btvttt S JWHI Himl and eeii Education nrthint a root ilb Ihrir beiM U insHllan. ia.HH pmiShlt. i-rue. TWO DAYS MORE IN WHICH TO SECUnc "rrv Von. inn. etriiement. over-wor. SALE I I rx.-n. Ihe i rtnllli- HOLIDAY nEQUinEMENTS ttirlt II to ttlpilit lad UK. stt beitt, were a mot AT l.nsl ever.rtig In SI. Andrew's belt fit for Urn tad " H ihik if miiihititr a llehl ait Church Hall fit rtimfe.l ion with la urn Imotl lo ttuO. Ibea II tl vantage Hie session of the Anailcali. Synod iml inuelv tnd tlirra. Arrival ! ale ver a Pre-Inventory which fj mow in In TO til inch tafftrert pi-oners For the balance of this month, our tock of follow: Ihe rily, a 'iihidio meeting vyt Milburn's American held at.which Hev. Jump. liillatl. low .V At im uihIii. al or Hie mi shift launch Weslprn Heart and Nerve Pills I - ie and f.&e: latniUM. IIMhhi Coats, Suits, Hope. savp nu Illustrated adder rHwf. ixMim4. at l.1.5e and Ife: I ninwt. Sale Prices and muvmir . picture eyjnhilion Mr.ill Alice lv pnH'l lbup. II pcrar.Hiwlborn f, ii.dMi hhiM, al I3.r ami lU.fte. ami lte. Caiuin Simpson, of Cal- llimiltoa. Obi, writer "I us lir and Usmdn. j, Mund Hats and aary. western field sceretury of la irtwnmrDdlnt Slilbura Heir! tad SMtd lV. lo the lUnm.llaii BATHING SUITS, I lie Hoard or HHiyioti llupalion !erv rim to tit prreoei troubM I KiS) V4d Sturaae II'1) ' ILifjiuig No ill ii-- of Ihe Aliglii-nji Church. okr bid bwi. pi-i 1 on i suffered rruu nthtlttuoa of Um brtrl I.UMeti. T.tMHl nhnd. at 3.:ir Men's ll.ilhii.R Suit.. 1..1I1I01 i,r., .ixi, r "Itplixiuu l-jluealion.' Arrh-hishlip tod tbortnttt of brrtU; Wrt M and Ip: Helianrp. IS.oimi (mmiiki W ool. Spei oil Dresses lu Yernel presided and Hp tn. iml la Ibt mrtt tl. Whm. I f halrfxit ami .1 INMI i.oiiiwl. of Me Hip atleuilam-e wai larse and re-pi-cspiitalive. would bait la III sp 10 frl mj wrrnm. . . . rtnl. at I3.1r anil 10c for MEN'S WEAR. Men . Poii-ree Silk Vllllellr 1 Will be offered at great reductions. CCHJKl BOI WO vp tnir .-J n - lialilnil ami 5r for blaek r-aJ, ami l.liilillllil,..,, . .4 riaiirnnr. tnJ my wr llo. h Imk 1 In ill Sirl Shirl- He.. Mr. OillaH moving pir-ire ViMtn. taisisfi iM.uti.1.. at 13.3c ftranr, but neo MBt your ftaMt rw" i'4 our Windows for bargains. SHOE watch i cxliihilion, whieh Oerupipd h.r. r.ii lit dirrerrot Mrocn.' ami inc. lo the Hoyal r ih Co. DEPARTMENT. he first part of Ihe program. rrlro SSe t boi tl til oilrt or aiilM J. P. TtaaVI. i.H IHiimds al Kmm v lliuiir 111 ltolnlii noil Sport 'ool. phone 9. Mall Orders Promptly Filled. was tolh iilleresHiiir hiii! amus- dnrcl oa rrrpt of prlrt by ObU Tbt T. l.t.le ami "Itsr. ami Wahasli. In.-Sini diiei-il Prices. burn Cd. Umllrd. Toroew. ii)c Mini ilcmoAsI rated to lorat Ntrittda. al 13..V ami Inr. to people Hie -nltu of Hie work Hie Booth Fisherirn Canadian ' iwmf whieh i lietnp rarrieil om UNIVERSAL which' he i fai ryui? on at (he inol eiirrefully un Hie prairl. Rainier. 1 11.000 pounds at TRADING CO. (Jiieeu Charlotte Island. 1 1 if . .. . i. IJ. te ami Inc. ami Hi liilt. IS.lmo CHANGE OF TIME hml film vva an eiluealiwial one ol.nion exlillrtleil n IMtulMla. al 13 V and lO .'n-. to Ho-Pap "Outfitters To The Whole Family." ....mi...! v.. my Hip' at :ailon Simiisoii peei- I fie KlahPriea We Prepay Mall Orders. Satisfaction or Mont. i ii INSIST THAT IT IS ON C N. RAILWAYS whieh a-" nrlraypl mintHrly. f Hie lil.-ralure whieh are Canadian .. ii..1. 1 eir-ulali-il. 1 he aillre- Hip life ami hhbil, ele. of Hie teiiia 1 1. imivinl erv nilereslinic to Hie Malaniute. I? mm p,.une.. n p .1 - P j 'Kffedive Sunday June S 1 It pei I. The mom! pirture wasi a aU'lieuee. 13.Jp ami m.ev; pi.M, i.hoo; i there will te a Ocneral, Chance d"fhptie ewmPdy. ' x poUmle. at 13 Tie anil I Or, hi:,I I BBaaaaaasaaaaaaaaawaaaaaawwBB" Fraser of lime ie Hie eehelnle of Pa-Hcnzef tlanhii Simpson ileall wltli Ihe PRINCE RUPERT iMai-a-allce. a mm hmih.Is. al 13.'. SUOOESTS tranut the Canadian, various phases of religion e.lti-ealion AS TERMINUS FOR C.P.R. I a nit Her. lo the Mini r t.lieri. 1 1 m National ,ll. AUer that dala, and MiiphasiiPil eperially TO .COAST ; Malt. t.SIMi pounip. al M.:h aC PEACE RIVER FRESH FROM THE GARDENS passeniter Irani will leave Prine the work of Ihe Sumluy ScIhmI Use: lues H.. w.tN)f mums. ai Vallev llupcri for the Kat Daily Kxrepl1 (ronUnued from page owe I3,ftr aaai HV. and W. ami t OF B.C. Su Kiiwlav at 0.15 p.m. instead of SYNOPSIS OF d.Mo Hitiiii' at 13 ftr and In ' mmer .((. an.) will arrive from IJicj eon.I nrp- uten aWel iy ie the Canadian r Mi A ijhl Vegetables of i lw pal feW days. rant Daily, except Tuesday, af ieeopi-ir-nt Sloraae Cai. i.'to instead ut 5.JO p.m. LAND ACTAMENDMENTS While (1 is hiahly IttMinsHtbtr. ' Hoae Spit. I.mui M,wmts al Hie u I.- time. 1 .-l.-iy, Ti at' Shoes t" opiHion Ptil! particular at City Ticket .i.ri-ordinK I3.&P and HI.-, lo the Itnynl r 1.I1 ICE Offiee. phone 2(H). la) jmaiiy people, that Ihe C.PJt. wtl! Vjo. IIj'I-Im s l.lfcll Oinoiit, Minimum prl of riral-ciuo " I.ver lake mr Hie P.O.I.'.. HiPrv Spinai li. Ciilihasi- '-w I'ar-eols. rducrd to l u CT. HOMlUt to inn- many' rea-"M ! l-e"lipse thai t 1 Is an.I I ilflilpe Men's an White Trm SUMMER li M an aero TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. EXCURSION . ITt-mHkl now conflnod to mr. 'l.e hia porMiralioii has in v lew a Shots, Plea.e lake nollre lhal Mr. T CREAM FARES YIA CANADIAN vrM Rvcorda landtt win fraotod eovtrtra ooijt in iiltitiuile il.-vetopnipnl th- M W'lllla lsu. IKM..1..II 1.. Fruit un larnl rolllMo for trVt-ullorml purpoM ...PliUiV of . northern litM" to Ihe, ,fc Brown Canvas Sheet, and which la noa-tlmbar land -1w(rlKN coast, Ihe t'eiiiiiiius proUahly Isp-inif $1 NATIONAL RAILWAYS partncraaip pro-mptlio aboflaboa. a rpptpeeiiliutr Ihe Hoard f but parti of nol moro tban Iota m, al Xaas Hay. wlipre Hip cow. Slravvliei ries. tiooeeber-rirs. Men's Fin thoei, arrareo for adjacent pf.tnptkw' Marinvp ('iHlerwrilera of San with Joinl ra-nc. bu oarb maklat luiiiy already ha larpe Iroklinic. I'lleaprle. lalllclopp, MM Tin- (.anuiliati National Itad-wyys noeopaary tmproTomonta on roooettT and xChirli is Hip near"l ocean Krniici-e ami I un loMKtrr art . Jierriea. Aprools. peaclira The Height of Purity clalina. in;; for ii LECKIE SHOtI, SSM ai iuifiiu r spenal low" round me any PUrlly. Pro-mplora In tut oeropy claim f lu IMiinl readily aceessihle fmm thi Plniiis. Ilaiiatia- 'iraiifte. trip Summer Mxrursion Fares lo flo ytrs and mako lmprwmonta to S. OUI.I.IMHOX p. r Titus of lit por aero. Inrladlnc rlssr ertion of llir country. Ihe t..P,H. I.i'iii'iiiv aii'l (rapetriiil Jasper National Park. Kilmonton. Inc and cuimatkMi of at Uaat 4 1 also retHirlr.l lo have larse Surveyor to lh lUaanl of Marine Kir qualify 1. l'.-k! a'i'l SHOE Rtfll'ISC. K'aisary- ml hrl'-n rriTtr Cran cjtanc I'lulervvrllers of San FraiiPico WmnipPK anil PoinU Vhm nrwmntor In nccusaoww av holiliuva oY coal ami timlser ill llir j out pi 1. a t iglit l.ale:-n Canada and and baa nado r for llrllish OdiiHibla. thf l"ni:eit loaa than S yoara. lit bo country lymir hetween Hudson's GEO. HILL pnrtlurtv Impros-oinonta. ho mar, the Vtaiei.. Kull paiiii'ulai al Cilr caaso- of ia-haMh. or ofr raoso. o lliijse ami Nats Hay. and of the! , For Ticket flffire, 58 Third Ave. rrantod I- trmdlato rrruflralo of im BOAT ARRIVALS F.W.Moersch TM tnotmta. of ina prwsmoni and transfer bis dalra. three parlies, hi in engineers '.Phone !G0. lit Record, wiinoul permanent raa. now iiisserlintc the iron iletils Arritala from (he sasttth on the Tblre . C4iu done makee nut tie Improrementa lamed, pronded to etlent appU of of the llinNon's Hope fied,l. one in P'rinpr ireorKP. llapl. W. S. Phone 13. P.O. Boi .123. I', " tllo annum tod records same eacl. per MistHnrkoilsp, ypstppelay iHeluilc.l year. Kallure lo make tmnrovemeata repuPil lo he working in Ihe Interest or re-ed name wUI operate aa lo. of (he trig railway company. For Prince Mujsrrt - T. II. Ja k felture Title ranuM be obtained la M. Iluptilrr, J. A. T. V fetuyl. .est' than i eart, and hnproeeniem . . Swimming Suits. Arriving rleare of III Ut and pee cultivated,a.-re, taetadli.f and reeklec a scree Making Reconnalsance Kerr, Mr. F. Ibsier. W. It. Pennv Summer Underwear, of ol leas 2 tear are required. "A parly of men lelirel lo h II. Kileas, J. A. Ahlrleli. P. II ITe.emptnr boldiee Cro-n llrsnt . Il .1 1. a ll La.t sa. ft . I"Vikmg t ulou SulU. etc. mar recvd tu,l ber iire-emntlon. If be 'Pnyaunl in m'onnalsaiiep Work ,ir'K,( "" r.rro, ,1. .ui Hals and Caps. Friday 'terufrea fane without land In actual con to occupation,net ten with vpre-rided hie are now-en route from Spirit Key. Kerr. Miss p. Extra Extra! Socks ti) all weiii-. atattoiory leipnvementa mad (liver III llllllsuti'a 1 1 Of r. Mr SiiHrnon. Mm. lulliill, J. s Dress and, Work Shirts. and rraaled reeiUeTs-o land. maintained on Crown Itoiiul'a. Simtison left Sniril IHvrr llee'ere. Mia M. IPrfMd. Mis. The Latest Styles In Summer ' Ax Moinlay will he a public Ceaqreerod ereea. not elreedlne f on Sunday last lo join the, othrrlK. Potlprftl, Urrlt.vMr. A Suitings. . hulnlay there will he a tlile .may he obtained le leased after aa f jlfmist uipiidiera of Ihe imrly at ponce' McKpiuIp. Misa l. MrKeil.t. It Order Xakrii for Made-lo- hi ileuiaml for fJi-oen Stuff For eraatnr and Improvement aad indjstrial eoadttlcna mirts-see iupp lo make a irtfsisepiiir tour T Willipra, J. MrkJitiiPH. Mm. II. SPECIAL Measure Suit. i ver the week-end. We have areaa eareedlrc 4t acres may be of Hie eoiiiitry in Hip inlprpat ga,. SmsMIi ami lUimhler. ll. Nuptrr, OILSKINS "I'rini Unpen ' a complete Mock, arriving .Icasen MNI. he-tutor-one person or Industrial uf numuone.sites so the C.P.It. Their plan la to rorer.Mrs. II. li. firaham, Midi M. Manufacture. Friday. ilmbef land not eiceedinf 44 seres ahoiit two htlli'iritl ami fifly.HiirV, W. MrMurray, Mm. C. K Home Itraiid. najr be purchased: condiiioria Include FOR THIS WEEK New Potatoes, 6 lb. for 25c. ynei of aiympsfa. niilp wesl from llml-ou's lliiisp.UiMiwtrlt Mis Je.sip WalklHson. Head Lettuce, 2 for 25c. l.y Natural eipillnc aay roads meadows may be Inac.-eeslbte pwchaaU! tor v.. men .innisisr. uni'ic.1 aipLW.JI. .MrC-anlell. Mr. X. Prr- Yoil are siirr lo n ti life iili. I In mk Thor Johnson Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. conditional la them Hebatt upon construction of nne-haJf of of cost a road 4 lranMirt were ureuiiyed hy h (fhlhifi . s. SwarU. II. A. John. Jul) raleliralitoi and the llolid.iv. Ilrn- -I 40 c. road, noteireedlnff haU of purchase ny-ii al Spirit Hiver. Man M. Clark. Ml fi.' Willie. nl e i many m-i iuI iIpiii thai we .inn-all New Green Peas, 2 lb. for irlce. la made 'Thai Hiet-f an many a.laif' Mmtfli kprman and daliaMer. here. Just look al our wiii'suv., 01 I-walk Neit to Post Office. 35c. ORE-CMPTORS'Tbe -eopt of tbla FREE Act GRANTS la enlarged ACT. laes in les eaineil tiy liavms a fMa,.W. C. Splatii. A. Harvey, niitnil our nlore i oiihIpi -. lief nr u " Cauliflower, 35c and 40c'. include all persona Jolnlnt and aer. new t atlway Ipriiiliiii at Naa:it7ll. Marlall W. l.uiiiK. II. Myers ilptii Uial ma) interest von. His forces. The Rhubarb, 5 lb. for 25c. lug om with wlthit. which Majesty's Ihe belrs or dertseea. Hay 1 shown in Hip activiliea of i(ti a parly of 10 logger IhiuihI Filly Ulrla huU .Misae' Piiiiaui.i ll.'-. Green Onions, 3 for 10c. 1 4 a deceased pre-emptor may apply Ihe C.P.II. in con lut'l ion wilh the j for Huekley lay Marfan) rice. K li JtXO for title under ibe Act la sit ended up. New Carrots, 5o per bunch. from for one year from Ihe death if silk iruili'e- 1 111 r 1 UK Hie past iwi r ,ii)ov- . HunllHif, Ml The reiiiuimler of mir Milliuri" si n k .-one Da E. S. TAIT New Beets, 6c per bunch. aucb year aier person,the aa conclusion formerly,of until the at ont tat year 'riimpetlHou ha Iiepu leilr( l as te. J. A. Crfajrh. I.. Jpateil, third off. Canlrimipes. WaleriilWnu. war. Tbla privilege la also made ro-frocalrve. hctwecii Amerlran railway rall.Lj. i Johlisun Mis Teabcail. (lirl' While Icti, msp up t $1 . j Slrawherrien. Plum. Cher, No feet relating to pre-empt lorre era ways ami Hip Ikl'.u. for I lie iiiiim- Ml. A. Illakp. Mr. II. Hell, A. HirffHiH prire. pupIi . . , . DENTIST. i tro. Peachpit. Apricots, Cu-riiuilwr. due or payable recorded by after aMdlera June on X. (ll prs-erepltona liiiK of Hip silk shipmenU from Howie. 1 1, Mrltae, Mr. V. Ilpiijf-sIom IlirN' Whiln lirehe. oiti pli I cm- " $2J0 etc., at lowest Taiea art remitted for five yetrt. Ihe Orient, In connection wfih und eliihl, Mr. and Mr. Jl. In i.ri. Ilarifain prire Provision for Holgerton Block, return of mono)a at market pri.-r. rrued, due and been paid tinea Autriiet which spee.l I he larxet fuelor. Ilensloii, Mr. J'. A. Hatch. J. (iirls Miihlie. Hlxn fnuii B li ll PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 4, 1 1 4. on account of payments. Tees the C.P.II, has Iicpii epaldeil In F V Thelheway, Mr. and Mr. W. V,. rtnl mnl Mije. NV'"'1 Office Hours, 9 to 6. it tasee on aoldlers nre.emptlona. while mill colon., Interest on etrremeiif lo purchase colilpele Mith other road lllld Shoiwell, It. Ciena, Mr. and Mr, iraiii Phone 686. Table town or city lott held by members of price t several linur For Rupert Supply lined Koreas. acquired aire a service ll, Cnrvv font ami John Conway. Mirl- While Miild) Sklrla. SUp from Open Evenings Only direct or Indirect, remitted from to-lislment luirker Hiail any Alns-riffin road Special Appointments. to March II, 120. John Worlh a:i.8. Ilirffain price hy operullnif (heir ppecial silk Conway, aovenimciit i HJiililrriia While Wash Hal. Worlh SUB PURCMAIEn Of CROWN :l lit LANDS (rain schedule. A port al iius aaeul al Anyoi, passed Ihrouali f"revision made for lasuanea of Hay. however, would he 5"fi mile Ihe -il y on Hip prince fiporae price WofH' II i I Croon arantt to sub. leiiJies' Wliilp Skirl, all lr). purchasers ol Hie Orient lliau Hip yesl.nJajr liflrrn.. tiouml Crown Lands, acqglrlrf rights from uearei port ti mirth purchasers wbo failed to complete of Vancouver, and wilh direct from Yaurouw-r and Victoria. price Involving forfeit lui. EXTRA SPECIAL, LINDSAY'S ?jrchaae, ure, on ' of conaltiont of purchase. In rail connection IhrouiHi Ivlinon-Inii teres! and taaaa. Where sub-purchasers this Mould advanlaye leiiilien' Miililic We have aliil (" l ' 11 v tilve Cartage and Storage sl. do purchase not claim price whole due of and original taiea pal may in Ihe haiidliiiif of Oriental mi trade While, und While iiikJ tailor Hhie .n- $2.00 oe uistriuuteo proportionately over rruin M 7i Itiiririiill lll'ICC csraiiisl which no American roai II. wnoie area Application mutt be made Phone 68. BaSaSaSaSaSaHl by May L int. roiil.l possihly colilpele in poiul lhiV Oilliin Hwealers, all lie. iidor- T 2 for Caj'tage, WareliQUning, and Online ORAZINO of time, and Would reslilt in ill iiarKain price : ' : c-tmfnT. lili ibuf tug Team or Act, lilt, for eyatemalw. EXTRA SPECIAL IN THE SHOE utrMr..-- ni'ii' 1 1 development of livestock Industry pro verliuK a lare prfipuftioii of u i, tjmSmu il y vldee lor grating district! and IX'' Motor Service. raugt inula. Misses' Tan Cniivna Hlrnii .Slimier. ,1.11 tdminlslratlon under Commissioner, over the new CANADIAN . (kjal. Sand and O ravel Annual graitug permlli laaued based Shortest Haul SERVICE! Worlh $1.76. Ilargulii price V We Specialize In Piano and on nuniLers ranged, prlortty fur'aLsb from.Montreal Sandals. Sues llshad oanert. Btoi'k-owaera may I " The' slimiest possilili- haul " 2.- I'uir IJIillilreir Strap Furniture Moving. fonu associations for rangt manage. Iih iiiveii for TO PLVMOUTM-CMIBBniiaa-l nr.nti $I.IHt. "Ilargain price . jiiilevvater wijiihl msqC free, or partially fret, permits Aalonit Jul T " for aeitiers, campera or trsvsllers. at j Western (Canadian wheat. Hip itis-laiii'efroiii A.eeall jmI, si I hiuiips While Canvas Oafiutl ami I'umi- la lest hsae Pruie lllver lo aa Alhenia unit if-'.IM. Ilariuiu price a Hay heiuir only ahoilt IIS mile Stlurala ,.u. 1( I.mlip' While (smiivhw Slippt'r. 0fortl " t Tlrflilllr tMrrty" lover Hip route which a railvvav TO QUItNSTOWM moat New ANO voaa LIVIRPOOL. $.'J.2.'. lliirgain pripit - EPSON COAL ConpiUrd with 0'dluiti llird ViSaa Dr.A.H.Bayne 'line vviiph! follow, a liBaliist ovit Praocania Semarla (Bosten) . Julr u.t y The reiiiiniiiler of our -luck of ladie Wo'" Ntiii ii.iles in anoouver. A pew Carmanli . vUV fg nil offered al l or Up email ajiarltnenl or St i in is (Botios Wmild u) OF J"-Y. road over (III ionic plan' FOR THE FinST ! We can now Supply our ,raiupR) living : muh. Hin DENTIST ICimmloii nearly 0U mile closer mturtiania CHIRBOURO AND SOUTHAMPTON. to .wvoooy n..nnnn w cKaa,v.v e ,vi ilia lAlmlfl- ,.... -Family- . at Id Per cent DOHERTY SMALL PIANO In lidewah'l' lliau at preaeul. ami aereatiri. ITj FAMOUS EDS0N COAL will he a favorite. ; Rooms 4, 5, 6 Helgerson would make possililv Ihe liaiidiinu aauitssii avrtlanla ij. ,4 si in any quantity. I Quality am loin? have nut been' Block. Phono 109 0 of all wi'tlerii wheat from Hie !"LONooNOfaar and olasoow.,ul 14 I Jabour Bros. Ltd. sacrificed for compactness. Maniloha-SaskufLlu'Wali ioum. Camertalt . v, s Prince Feed Co Office Hours, 9 to 6 PLVMouTH-CMinaouna, Rupert ! For Rent, only $7 per month, j Tuesday, Thursday, Satur. ary at a lower rale than wouM h Albtnlt (Lendesl y. 7 phoni ttcealt posslhle eatlwurd." IHamkorf) 11 Phone 6S. iWalker's day Evenings, 7 to 9 Mtatv trdirt tnd drtflt tl ul,lewtil Corner Third and Seventh. Music Store ltd; ralet. full Isformatloa Irem Aasstt or Adveilue lu 'tie Daily News, pemptsi't Offlct, 2t Msitlssi . W-Vanaeuftr, phtnt Sey, SMS.