ay, December 1, 1982 ALLACE’S ~ VIYELLA Knitting Yarns see the full range of colors showing in our window Remember it is unshrinkable We are show:ng sample garments made from this popular English yarn | Standard price throughout Canada Per ball 20c. i? ( ° eh @ Buy Right” Specials For Friday and Saturday —_— se- Pie “ie + 29¢ ee es oe BE qu CEREALS Oats Storage Chateau FLOUR $1. 05 $1. 25 28¢ 43e ” 15¢e Starch ve 20 Famous c 49 lbs k Cooking) (Guarant | 20c |} | * {f Wheat 13¢ Swansdown i-oz. pkg per pkg Rogers Golde olde ‘17¢ 26c COFFEE—Supreme SOUP- | Quality Lux XMAS BAKING SPECIALS 25e - Shelled Aln Ib. 39¢ Shelled Wa [ 26¢ Soap BP cat ames ree» aye | Pickles } te Nabob B Pow Fr r Valle Pe de fret on 2m 2 | 996 biscuit Ginger Snaps, lc lb.; Fig Bars, 17¢ Ib. S Honey Grahams, 22c per lb. pkg. yal City lic GRI N BI = : 13¢ per t pel 2 TOES—Aylmer 10¢ JAP ORANGES per tin THRIFT CASH & CARRY "1 Third Ave “CARRY & SAVI Phone 179 95¢c | THE DAILY NEWS = #~ Big reduction in prices of Crock- lery and Chinay See our ‘stock. Gor- |don’s Hardware i tf Antonelli, three-month returned’ ‘to south yesterday Miss Myrtle been on a | Vancouver from the visit. in the city Basketball tonight 7.30 — Mer- |chants vs. Warriors, Prince Rupert vs. Tallapoosa Coast Guard. Adm }25¢. and 15¢ licpoeshaanes |} Catholic tea and sale of home |cooking at Mrs. M. Burbank’s, 1st Ave. West, Saturday, Dec. 3rd, in lai - , }ald of Xmas tree. Everyboay come 2t | | ential | Mrs. R. E. Benson, who has been }quite i at her home on Firsi |Street with a severe attack of in- fluen report to be makins } Du ) towarc t t Cap B. Colthur will arrive in the city on this ev-|* j} ening train from Terrace and isail later in: the evening on the steamer Prince Rupert for Victoria which city they have lané on which they will pend the iin the neighborhood of wintel ds Checked By modern vaporizing | NTT, / ae! eT | LOCAL NEWS NOTES _| | Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone’ C.L.D.L- Dance, Exchange Block, | 290. tf Dee. 1. who has}— | e ointment— Just rub on | eS y YICKS wen G WAYS AT ONCE 4 ty has be For day and night Taxi ser- vice Phone 32. tf Lutheran Churck Bazaar, Dec. 3 2.30. Program, lunch at 8.30. Ad- mission «25c. This evening’s train, due from the East at 8 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. steamer Venture, Capt Exnest’ Georgeson, is due in port at 5:50 this evening from the south and will sai] at 12 midnight on hei return to Vancouver and way- pojnts Union W. F. Lindsay, who has been spending the past week or so in Terrace where he formerly conduc- ted a store, will arrive in the city on this evening’s train from the nterior and sail on the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he now resiaes D. A. T. Cooper, sound engineer pL TT eT MTT aT | Santa Claus will be at Toyland *” at the Capitol Shoppe Federal Block TTT nets +n Ono pnd Third Avenue 2 to 5 Tomorrow (FRIDAY) And Saturday And also Evenings of those days, 7 and 9 o'clock. SANTA WILL HAVE A LITTLE GIFT FOR EACH CUSTOMER for the Northern Electric Co., who en paying one’ of his perio- dical visits of inspection to the sound equipment in the Capitol Theatre here, will sail by the ss Prince Rupert tonight on his re- turn to Vancouver Phone 953 Phone 95? Announcements Cash and Carry | Specials For Friday and United Church Bazaar Dec. 1. Mocse bridge and whist Dec. 2 ’ a ee xe « 7 — Eagles’ Dance Dec. 2 and 9 Saturday Ir ) I de- | Gents’s, 50c. Ladies 25c. pic g pa if} — We Seli— Canada ; We | Lutheran Church Bagaar Dec. % FRASER VALLEY BUTTER : ‘e |—2.30 Program lunch at 8.30. Ad- Freeh Churned Dells ission 25c Cc | The only Canadian Butter made an aia niall incheon iy th e Cafe| Gyro Charity Dance, Moose Hal) with Sweet Cream ) ) W I x | December 16 A 100% B.C. Product ' “ e | eee deinz Tomato Juice—9-oz y : Canadian Legion Christmas Tree co tis rash Qe i i R (a 4 Saturdat yece ' iu 7. « vit) i, p i ib | ee a Peanut Butter 16¢ W Moose Le ion. Ne w Year’s Ev per. 1-- tin wa Moose egic Ne -ar’s ( ’ yay Malkin's Best ALLE Pu . Adver men : . a i a iia ciesiientiiabiatienicieeiiadaden ae aoc sl“ Shop af ae Canadian Pacif op a me Dee ge SALMO anadian Pacitic re TO BRITAIN B H ’ S v AND THI CONTINENT World's Greatest Travel System FROM SAINT JOHN “ge HALI} _ ro Glasgow, Bellas MACKENZIE’S FURNITURE EXTRA SPECIAL MONTH-END RFTELD.—Leneth lovey with Mol value we eve! $118.50 Third ee RS UNION STE AMSHIPS: pounehel D " Steamers leave Pr ‘ mO.S. | \RDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:50 P M n Palle and W afterno PSS VENTURE EVERY THURSD 3 MIDNIGHT Wee gz Vancouver k l ngs to Port Simps . fe River pol: y Pa PECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER, $32. . , On, sale Noy. 10 to Feb 28. return limit: Mareh 3! F ; tormatio » ing all sal gs and kets at : VRINGS Rt hy yt ae \ venu Phone 568 Wes CAN ADIAN PAC IFIC 1 Ocean Falls anc 10 PM LOW p \uver direct. PRINCESS KE ROUND TRIP WINTER hickets on sale nevensnes Final return | M ‘ » Tk | NORAH EXCURSIONS ro VANCOUVER ruary 28, 1933 ma t bet ’ } } Ml or write rrinee Rupert, Bt COATES. General Agent W. 1 HONOLULU - JAPAN CHINA - MANILA FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA ) tussi Call H i Canadian Australian Line AUSTR ALIA NEW ZEALAND Via HONOLULU and SUVA FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA FRAIN a a SERVICE Sik u From Prince Rupert 9.30 a.m, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Prince every Tues- Saturday, Trains will arrive Rupert 8.00 p.m day, Thursday, railand steam Old Country Special low rates on ship tickets to the Special Fare-and-a-Third Round Trips to Canada. Tickets on sale Dee. 1 to Jan. Return limit three months Eastern For information call or write q e Csamcadicgam y ~ National \ i iFresh Roasted Peanut Bush’s Grocerteria —Tisco per 3-lb. tin