1 1" I ill !!& :4t Ml ! ( I f 4 'iit: I I llil. I I I: junn two. THE rAU,Y K;s Tuesday, OcliMr to, "I Was Terribly Weak After Bafey Was Born" ji BBBjB. .tLt i M M Cemu at kot, all dealer, mt order will also be provided. This will lake Hie place of the Vki. a Mcdure, Nor- wifOnt, writes: "After my bby w born. I w ttrribly ek "d run down, with pain acrott Mjr back. I had heard to much f Dr. Chaic't Nerve. Food that I decided U try it Three boiet proved enough to make t aafc ttrong and well again. al ktcd Dr. Chatc's Oint-eat for a raih which broke iit el the baby, aod the raih ditappeared completely U abort taac. DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD The Daily News HUNCH RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every AflernoOa, except Sunday, tfce Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Areoua. H, F. PULLRN. Managing Editor. Member of' Audit Buraau of Cireulatlons. UAlLY KUITIUrt Tiiesday. Oclber 50, I9J3. GETTING ACTIVE iefiisM coin. latino (dans of entertainment for the romin? winter season.; the-6nly aMermen to vote for It. am: Macdonald, who said lat ",crtst involved in mstkin? the con- n aM t im vniilJ tia it lau x-t nla.1 lie functions. The flor will l 1 , , , . . . i"nle he would not , ,. ... . . support the strengthened ami the dance bal , en arpod. hxtra balcony Mmcft.nmT,kl; w01(, favor wdlbe provided for the acctm- . . lfn nl m, f inflation of the public. Steps HhVrinaV,(avjnjr ha,j "J '-J" fin-l riinrtThaf Kiuiize Fy mna,iimi classes jor f ' . . . ..., ..... t . i. tad already en made br the T: '"J'M'f committee and he had nouncemenl of winch i w.ll u 1e tiwM hat lh, Mip,rinl.ndent ' made ,n he near future. Ar-ak Mlfh n)aMer, wjh ,e ranpement are nder wny Tor eolm accommodal.nfr he Hasketball MC M , , f rf League games. rh.s slionld" , ".inaking f the connection, look a valuable acqu,s..o fr the tht. Vlt,nt H lnipl( ,.ncourap, are already installed dressinif.jj quarlers, slower balhs and pyifi.. ,.nar rf , nas.um equipmenL mAkfn of ,he fnnnion tn(l Time CarnUai 9tnunil ih9t the value of ,e pro. t r il'" im,;or-.-l!- 1M wa"ant it. f. fea ures of the season s acht.t.e A fiitu,n , A,d y , t w ll be Ihe s aginp of an oj.l. .,jmnan off time carnival a,,.! bazaar in con-'fjft ha,h wa m acJ junction with Ihe Ladies of llhe . ., Hoyal Purple, December ' on at r u pnnil 1 1 n IC and 5. Many prominent old-tin ALU. nAllAJllALlJ 10 Cilizens are pivinjr their assistance In producing Cenlre HLvel; rind Hiiperl Hoad durine the days; of 19n. stores and character of old-time days will be reproiluced Mich as the first police station, post office, I!ichanpe Crill, NOT TO BE IN FIELD Says He Has No Idea or Intention of Being Candidate For Mayoralty Mewarl s O.mmissinn House. L Aid. S.- l. Macdonald wishes il Christiansen & Hramll's Ilep'Ltllo- b diJAhctly understood that menl More. JSchriber's Ltd., el;ihe ha n idea or intention of be. f'ntertafnmenl f a fiisi-riassliuir'a caiididale for' Ihe mavnraKv ... i -.v .... . . rtj' the fojlhrorrfin.' civic election TtlU 111 etatehienl was made br him I'.lks'Anntial Xrna Cheer MinOeM" tlie Hsily Xews last evening. blinu- - nlM..I ,1.- 1II -J Itoyal purple hae struck :jbejr tjt, f;Mc'auflilon, C.N.11. di-everal cfiiiimfllees with Ihe ibfyVW; paienifer aiept. left last Ject if maklnjf Ihls one of 'thV.ltHii :firN'ew dlajelleni fin com-mnst novel and interesling evenli. 4fiirjy ':lifJies': 'He'will .be back evefhed In Prince linpert. . 'frtmorfW ;a ff ernoori - -- f . V '11 e ' ftk ANDREW BONAR LAW DIES IN ENGLAND AGED SIXTY FIVE: A STRIKING FIGURE ! (continued from pace one) wa sinsiuar. ne a i; year of ajre lefore he entered politics. A successful !Ihjtow Iron merchant who hml len Imrn and educated in lanada, his rise in ehilnmre in the lrilih I'arlla- Inienl biraii with hi fieri iih in tl00 a a 1'iiHMii-t from the Illackfriar division of (Slaspow. Slronp for tariff reform, he Mmiii leame noted for hi clear-rcas. oninir on lhal subject. anl a nJ jrestill was made Parliamentary Secretary of Ihe'ltoard of Trade. 'Later he successively became flemlpr nf the Unionist, or Oppo. sition party in the HuVe of Common, Secretary of late for the Colonies, Chancellor of Hie. Kxrlieqiier, Lord of Ihe Privy Peal, ami finally Premier. Primarily a business man,- hi employed the taMics of business rather than the strategy of pdi. lie in dealinjr with national problems. With the advent of Lloyd Georjre a Premier, he be came the Welshman Jonathan, atwl was referred o a hi "Man Friday," As a member of Ihe vvar cabinet, a Chancellor, and a jthe ( Vital it ioti frnveromenl' leader jin Ihe lloiie nf Common, lie en-jjoyed Ihe fullest confidence of his ramoo enter. Scotch Businessman He interpreted lmiubtralioii measures, parried thrust avail)! the srnvernmenl and answered Interpellation from Ihe fliKir. A lithe. slim f i rii r of a man. The report or the board of j scarcely fie frel in heithth, with Dance Hall Being Enlaued nl,rL rPt.otiimendinphal a water ja brisllinp nnjslache. bright, ac-Readlness For Big Function connection be pi-anted to J. ?lier-'t'v ye, and a determined ' set Early In December lnan for nj, t,,e t,n j0t Mockji" tnoulh and chin, he was a . 2K, section 5 wt(! rejected byl)"P'cal hanl.headed Scotch busi- rmrin? the past two months In ad.lition, he e counciMa,t nicht AM. nes man. was Ihe H.P.O. l.lks .ave.een fomm- M(in iM Ad Mafk(,nik beinpiomethin? of an orator, quick of thouphl and ieech, usin? short, sharp sentence. that often Ihe, ia-e renewe,, ine lea-e o ihal , wl jn a .Umacked of lhat hitter, culling m A . arr,anFP" Hon to.xote on the report. Mated arcaia for which he wa fa- .. . ..... ... jajt nipht lhat he had kKke, mrns- eral improvement, to the Mlild- II his thai sronn(, n II,(,!llIoi and had s persistency ing which were necessary m etMiu if(jjh, ,4, u,p fof lna hroupht aboul the evacuation of luj wiiii i ne t uj r"jiiainiis icr tainin? In dances ant) other pui a fish t connection Oalllfioli. of ill-slarred Dafdan. elles campaign fame and the re moval of more than tun.non sur viving British soldiers from an untenable position. Ilis service as government leader in Ihe llou-e of Common. a more difficult and thankless position than thai of the leader of the opposition, placet Itonar Law hizli among his illulriou predecessors. Disraeli. Gladstone. IVampbell-Hannerman, and A. J. Ha I four. News of hi retirement due to ill health in the s print: of 11121. came as a. shock to hi colleagues and tributes to his work were paid even by former bitter opponents. Former Premier Asquilh said: "I have for many years been enpatred in giving and taking blows from Mr. Honar Law but they never left any rancor behind Ihein." ' Lloyd Oeorjre, in reading Ihe retiring Chancellor's letter of resignation, repeatedly choked back sobs and exoressed the hope that bis friend might re-turn to his duties after a prolonged re.l. Finally the Premier, wtio had been so courageous and powerful in the conduct of Ihe war. sank back into bis seat with a jeslure indicating his ixilillily to continue. Itonar Law's breakdown daled from shortly before Ihe Paris Peace Conference of 1910 which he attended as one of the IlriMsh delegates. On Irish Question The disposition of Honar Law to take the most positive stand on grave public questions caused him some embarrassment before his firsl retirement. He was an uncompromising foe lo the Irish DOMINION OF CANADA VICTORY LOAN BONDS MATURING 1st NOVEMBER, 1923 XHE BANR OF KiONTftEAL, under authority of the Minister of Finance, it prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at maturity, without charge at any of its Branches in Canada. ' For the convenience of oWnersof the bonds, the Bank 6f Montreal will accept the bonds at any time pribr to Nfovember 1st, and will make payment in each case on hiovember let, either by issuing a cheque or by placing the amount to the owner's credit In the books of the Bank, as the owner may desire. -tit SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY EAT FISH I on BOOST THE FISH BUSINESS Canada's National Fish Daj Wednesday, October 31, 1923 There is no more health giving FOOD in existence than FISH V 2r Eat, Talk and Buy Fish REMEMBER: The Foundation of Prince Rupert's Prosperity is Built Upon the Fish Industry Support the Industry wouni iuii unless i whs Tirm Ipolilics was one of the bl(f(fesl in deaiiiiK with Hints ri'n, ilron merchant of Kcolland. Oolf The desire of Lloyd fieorjre and jand chess were his favorite re. Honar Law to rftsunie trade rela.:creailon. lions with llussla throuKh Hie I Nine years Ufore bis elecllon Soviet UOVerilliietil met u-Hli'ln Hni-ll'.,.i.nt I. . . , . ... , . : . ,"' -"",r"k "arneu .miss leiemiineu resisiance from, i-ari j.Minie I'llcalrn Ilobley of r.las Ciirr-on, Ilie Koreitrn Recrelary, Winsloti till u rc hi 11. hen Secretary for Vk'ur. and Austin Cham. berlatn. Chancellor of '. Ihe Hx- cbequer. The difficulty (if the situation was tinide. cie-ite? bv the jullilude of Kratice and' America, win died In lini !,... children wejr bom lo Ihem; two sons and Iwn daughters. One' dauhler, Isabelle, became Ihe, nn.ie or Mr rleneral frederick, f?kes in London In li!o r... (Kons.-'Atilbony and Lleule'haril C.1 i . uoar Law were lot! In the war.) That Supports You ROYAL FISH COMPANY. ATLIN FISHERIES, LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Come to the Fish Luncheon at the St. Regis Cafe Wednesday 1 p.m. i - HBHBBflBsBBlBBlBHBBBsVBBBlBBBMBaBlBBBBHBHB republican movement, ami when 'to the llrihsh plan. Lord Mayor MacSwiney of Cork Born In Canada lay dylntr, a hutigpf striker in, Itonar Law was born in New Itrixlon prison, James Jlenry Itrunswick. Canala, Hpplember Thomas, presblent of Ihe Trales Jfi, IHiM, the son of (he Hnv. Union Congress, representing fl,-; James Law, M.A of New llruns- 5HOtn(io Hrilish workers, blatnl jwick. In early youth be was Ltminr t.uw nti "I hw nn. mtn move If qIah I !1 . a , . i " "ni ,if wiirr IIP . inyw a i Vllian any other who ha justifM llcniled hih school and finally In Ulster and Parliament the spirit of rebellion," In, a e;eeh in Jlinburh the fihancellor prophesied thut th (fovcrnment heatne bookkeeper for un Iron nrm. Later he wan made a member of (he concern and when he re li red from business In enter Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer T'ie.r ' ly y l prove thai PllKMIKU "flofil) MKDAL" IJKKU g ebt THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. the lTm,na?Vefl,e,!le,,l 1,1,1 l,uW''el or' displayed fa Cohi A. ro1 "0r,, r ,,y ,,e vern.nent of Jlrlti!. ,4