Tutldr. October 30, 1923. THE DAILY NEWS. Food instead of flannels T t; r I- r! Are you ready for the chilly days? Bodily warmth comes from nourishing, easily digested foods. Piling on flannels will not supply warmth to the poorly nourished body. Shredded Wheat Biscuit served with hot milk and a littb cream gives warmth and strength for any kind of weather, and it is just as satisfying for lunch and dinner as it is for breakfast. It is ready-cooked and ready-to-cat. Contains all the bran you need for stimulating bowel movement. Delicious for any meal with sliced bananas or other fruits. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand S OCKEYE ALMON andwiches ICptnadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. j PRINCE RUPERT 1 1 Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! ' Real Satisfaction Cheapest in Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. TIU3CUIT it the ShrrdJcd Wheat cracker a real .y.hole uhcat toast eaten with butter, soft chccc or Thf Canadian fhrrddrd Wheat Compinj, Ltd. KUf.r. rlU. O.Lrt Shiedd Wheat For Your- Hallowe'en Party Invitation Cards Pumpkin Jack 0 'lanterns Black Cats Witches Masks Hats Decorated Crepe Paper v Cut Outs Novelties Orange and Black Crepe Paper Greeting Cards McRae Bros., Ltd. VISITING HERE WITH MR. AND MRS. MCLEAN Mr. an.l Mi. S. M. Mi f.- in lav un. 'U'!'!i f 1 - nv I lit ill J Country Mr un.i Mr. K. Mi'Mauux. t Im oonu ii(j which they enjoyed very iiHird. They rroed from South-hiiiIi'm oij the Minnedoa. j Mr. MrMauug has travelled ex-jleiiM-l tii the Kat and during h" inai War jtrxetl in the army land al-n a- a uilol in the iloyal Air Frre in the eastern cam-IMtitt against the Turk under FiM.J .MarMiati Lord Allenliy. FUNERAL TODAY Late Peter Jennings Was Laid to Rest This Afternoon In Falrvlew Cemetery The funeral of the late I'elcr Jt-nmiig of llazelton look place ilit afternoon at S o'clock from the H.C. Undertakers' l'arlors to Fairview Cemetery. The local Kniglil" of I'ythia lodge was in rimrge. deceased having been a member of thiMirder. Ilev. C.. Hacker olUeialed al the chapel and the graveyard service wax conducted by C. C. " Weelaway, chancellor commander, .and John llulgrr, prelate of the local K. of I. lodge. The pall bearer were John llulger. 11. M. Hlake, V. liurken, K. J. Large, Norman lloliitiMin and (i. S. Hill. Floral tritiulcM were ent by the Knight of I'ythia. Mr. Ann lloss and Mrs. tileniue. CHINAMANGETS THIRTY DAYS SELLING BEER Tom I'ong pleaded guilty before Magistrate McClymont till morning to a charge of soiling beer on October 1 1 to Henry Haggles of thv provincial dry siHiad. lie was sentenced to thirty days imprisonment. V. ). Fulton was his counsel. INSURANCE FOR LIQUOR VICTOIUA. Oct. 30. The pro- vlnrial government will receive ( JU.fi-'O 17 insurance for the destruction of liquor in the Wirt-cliouse fire here in the old IMIher and l.riser building lust summer. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST.- Airedale puppy. I'lione J3U. Local aid Person! B.C. Undertakers. Hayoers. Undertaker. 361. - Interior Tasleumed rince Hubert Dairy. Mack 216. , All Muoe J)leae attend rcial mealing Wednesday night. Spec- 1.1 1 . - .1.... j iui jJU'iiicys-.ji ziti A. It. Harrow has left the city for Telkwa where lie will elab- liali for I fie "winter. lioHpital Hallowe'en Dance, Wednesday, night, Auditorium. Admii4n-I.O0. 256 Everybody Invited to the Fish Luncheon In the St. Regis din- ing room lo-morrow at 1 p.m. Tickets 75o. Tlie November 1 Issue of Mc-j Lean's magazine has an article! on Thought Transference, Arch bishop UuVernet s theory by H'H editor of this paper. 30 live young turkeys for t hanksgiving arriving November I 7. IMace your order now and! avoid disappointment. .Supply Meat Department. : 2- JflYKxley ha offered the cily council 5 for an old set oft scale in the City Market. The olfer lias been referred to the finance .committee for report. A bylaw authorizing the coun cil to dispose of land acquired by the municipality under taxi proceedings were finally adopted by the city council last night. The city clerk's olliee will remain open until it o'clock out Tuesday night of this week to receive declarations for enrol nient mi the city's next voters' list: l. .1. Malln4oti, city treaurer, wa olllcially "named acting cil clerk during tile absence of. City (Solicitor H. l Jones in the soutt r Ih-iiij; a limilier of Mr.,r reolulion of Hie council la 1rl.eti. Ttwy arrrvvt' lie. nl nitftit "T T "i r are art rvulurly nlca.! with 1 lie The bylaw to amend the Fourth and F'ifih Avenue grading bylaw by eliminating a certain portion of the work on Agnew IMace was given its third reading at last night's council meeting. HULUS. Just arrived in first class, condition all kinds of Hya cinths for indoor and 'bedding out. Narcissus,' Tulips, Snow drops, Chinese Lillies and Crocus. also bulb glasses and bowls. Olennie's near Post office. tf Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Allen, of llanull, announce the engagement of their daughter. Kathleen Agnes, to John Whitby Smith, son of the lalu J. Fred .Smith, of I'orl Clements'. The marriage is to take place late in November, Mrs. 1. Metzjf Iort Simpson is the first native from that that place to lapply for American naturalization papers. She is now living in Seattle and al though transferring her allegiance from this country says she still enjoy reading the Daily News. Permission was given William Wilson latt night by the city council lo rent his residence on lot VI, block l, section 5; built under the Soldiers' Housing Act for six months providing the renluts are-paid over to the city lo apply on the purchase price of (he house. The cily council last night received ami referred to lite Hoard of Works for action the following prices for lumber lo he Used in (lie patching up of plank roadways: Itig Itay Lumber Co., 0,000 feel of 1 by 13 rough spruce, fi4 per thousand; Prince Ituperl Lumber Co., I by I's in five foot lengths, 915 per thou sand; board, I i.5-t per A report from the finance com mittee recommending that no action be taken in connection with the resolution of the city council of Nanaimo requesting that the provincial government give permission to municipalities lo devote proceeds from motor vehicle licenses to relief of local Improvement street work was ac cepted by the Prince llupert council lait nighl.. iIIMsHbI PAGE THREE. j - . - mm WWHi 111 pb0..,. &M&mmmmwJ mmmm mmmmm t illillfl Miii! mmm Z iml ill n MmPTsym mi mm i WMMil toil ! SiHB mm mm mm pjf 7Z7L . 9 jo Bmmt : sOriKkfi mm I JPra&rant MM- Illllfl bsi o . mam. worn rvtr' f & DOCKPTs BWm MiJk ... 'laXliK'Kfc . Fi.iou steamer Cardena, Capt.i : .1 , SB A. I.. incKson, arrived irom Any- B r H ' 'RPfPflK 256 un anu Nr..n a noon anu w -v. . . , f . ... , flB m sail lor oiiitouot ano wuj . " 'A " aA .ports' at 5 o'clock this evening. B thcTellow Box . . rr . i . i m tu 1 "Wmen.a. aeeoums as ,o.- , - TS I W . lfcS ows were passed lor paymenioy I - v m WW Jllll- cny council lasi lum; u I J II II 'Jv "IttlE L ' Uchools, mAi idieqe- and h Vl N '1 ... ?1l.1ilsf J jlighr, ?l.lrt.7;' "iRlseellanefius.1. J pOv r ' I il-ils Collison yesterday on a charge; of selling liquor to an Indian and was fined ?i00 and costs with the option of four months in Jail. Evidence was given by Constable Mancor (if Terrace and William Holton, Indian of Van arsdol. Mali Hon Quen, Chinese, appeared in the police court this morning to answer to a charge of selling intoxicating liquor lo wit beer to an Indian, Amos Collison. Evidence wa taken and judgment w;as reserved until Thursday next. Milton tiouzale prosecuted and W. 0. Fulton ap peared for accused. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. It. Tirmm. Ottawa; W. M Nichols and It. L. llrown, Vancouver; M. L. Clark, Georgetown., Central Malt Smith, Moose Jaw; W, King, C.N.H. ROCHESTER NOT RUNNING Ex-Mayor Harry llochester definitely slated this morning that he would not be a candidate for the mayoralty at (lie forlhcom ing civic election. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hospital October 31. Hallowe'en Hall. Adair Carss Chapter. I.O.D.E., Hazaar, SI. Andrew's rooms, Second Avenue, November 7. - Anglican ClTurch Hazaar, No vember 14. - Presbyterian Church Hazaar. November 21. Hebckah Hazaar, Saturday, November 2lj Women of Mooseheart Legion Hazaar. Melropole Hall, Novem ber 28 and 29. Iloyal Purple Hazaar, December I. Elks' Home. High ScJiOoT Xmas. Concert, ' December f ! s.1 ''i uJW ... ... Sfiliif Saran Singh, Hindu, was found I iv yyff-?n!r I PFjlnr 1 . ruilly by Indian Agent W. E.! i 4J 1H to ' mtfVtm. Get the film that gets the picture Kodak Film . We have your size. Just as you count on Kodak Film, you can count on our developing and. printing service. Films care-, fully developed ;prints patnstaktn gly made; work that's right and right on time- that's our reputation. Ormes Ltd. THE REXALL STORE. Corner Third Ave. and Sixth Street. Phones 82 and 200. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE QEORQE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX , WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART v SATURDAY, 10 p.m. 3.3. PRINCE JOHN. Fop Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Oct 17t Nov. 3, 17 at 8 p.m. PASSENQER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. LmvJ Prince nupert t.a pm. for rai.icE GEORGE, edmo.nto.x, wiji- MPEG, 111 poind Eitlero Ctntda, I'uIVhI Stte AOINCV ALL OCUN STEAMSHIP LINKS City ttkt Of f let, S2S Third At frlne Rupert. ehon 260. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Slllnt From Prince Rupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Oca Falls, mtf Swtmon Bay, Tim4r, S JM. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. AUrt Br. M4 Swuiton Saturday Noon. Far ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wll.a laland, Sunday S PJN. For PORT SIMPSON ai Neaa Rl Caniterlas, Friday A.M. S nrt Awwe. t. Barnalay, Agant Prlnca Rupert, B.C it ;-. . .i: i i V- if .. 'I IS I