it II Ilk I i I W mm via !!! t Hi. II 4 )!' IS Ml PAGE SIX. 1 I Sport Flannels A new shipment of these popular Flannels, 54 inches wide, in Sand, Henna, Turquoise, Rose, Paddy and Pekin. Excellent quality at $2.50 FLANNEL MIDDIES Halkan Style in Navy and Cardinal. Sires from 0 y?ys to 11 years in Misses and from 10 to 40 years in Ladies. Serge Gymnasium Bloomers Made in full roomy style. Ages 10 to 18 years; well ctiL From $4.75 We carry Pictorial. .Review and Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. We Prepay Mail Orders. Telephone Specials Shop by Phone to Save Time and Money. Mcintosh Ited Apple?, jiun-hlc pack, per box . . $1.75 Spanish Onions, per lb. 10c Tiiown Supar. 9 lbs. $1.00 Icing Sujrar, 2 lb. pipe. 25c Juliana Raisins in bulk, 3 lbs. for 40c Broken Shelled Walnuts. per lb 35c Shelled Almond per lb. 45c i Llbby's Catstin.-ner hot. 25c W' 4 tn K vi ... ... ... ... (Limit 8 tins to each or- der. - COMBINATION SPECIAL. Canned Fruit, 4 tins, $1.00. 1 Tin Quaker Raspberries, 20 oz tails f Tin Quaker Strawberries, 20 m.. falls. I Tin Sliced Peaches. 20 oz., talis. I Tin Aprirols. 20 oz talis. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281. MADAM! Try our Kleclric-Bake Raisin Bread It will be a favorite with all the family. 15c a Loaf At your Grocers or at the Elec tr ic W indo w Bakeries Third Ave. Phone S67. V'ou have no trouble with CON SUMEIIS COAL, no fuss with flues or draught You never know how some coal will burn clean one day, shaly the next. But you can safely rely on CONSUMERS COAL. , Clean, sized, selected, it ulways burns the same? brightly, with .steady heal and free from soot. Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. Phone 9. Important Auction ! Boom Chains lOver 8000 New Standard 1-Inch ! Chains To be Sold by Public Auction At the Steel Warehouses of Messrs. Balfour Outhrle A Co., 951 Cordova Street East, Vancouver, B.C. (At Great Northern Railway Tracks Just East of Campbell Avenue, Thursday, Nov. 1 Next at 10 a.m. Messrs. Ilalfour Guthrie a: Co. having decided to relinquish handling boom chains for the future have instructed me to clear their entire stock, which consists ;of the following: 4000 English Oversize Tested Chains (about 80 lbs.) (Covered by Test Certificate. . 1800 Canada Chain A Forge Co. Chains exact size (about 70 lbs.) 2400 Lister Iron Works Chains I exact size (about 68 lbs.) ! Covered by Test Record of jsitnples tested by the Dominion of Canada Forest Products Lab. 'oratory. No second-hand or Inferior chains offered. These Chains are Regular Standard Stock. I Inspection of chains and original certificates can he made any time previous to sale at place of sale. ) Messrs. Balfour Guthrie &. Co., ' J t I IIia (nil iiin nan is themselves the right of accepting and executing any orders at current market prices, accompanied by remittance, prior to Auction, and cannot therefore guarantee ithe full quantities advertised be- ling on hand al time of Auction. rur further particulars apply to CHA8. DAWSON, Auctioneer and Appraiser. C52-C00 Seymour Street. (Vancouver .B.C. I'hone Scy. 4593. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. TVLittlfDoWiy' Coapvvd with ordinary sited piano, Sewing Machines, Pianos, Phono grupns and Player Pianos For Rent by Week or Month, ASKING GOVERNMENT AID TO DEVELOPMENT OF MINING DISTRICT To uree the construction of a roail Kilo a Marer nrooertv in I he jjaniieson Creek area of the Omin- jeca, r. (. Iiaugert, and 11. M. Beach, of Ottawa, are registered al the Kmpress Hotel, says the Victoria Times. They have "what Mr. Itaugert describes as a valuable mining area to develop 200 mile freni the Grand Trunk Pacific section of the Canadian National Railway system, iney are asking for a road, not only to serve Ihe mine wiui me intention or making a substantial contribution to the cost, but to open un a consider able area to settlement. The mine, if it were onened. would absorb a considerable quantity of foodsluffs. as a larjre crew would oe required for operating iL Mr. Heach says tha( a road would meet one of the chief difficulties of the country, as the foodstuffs produced have to be used in Cen tral Jiritish Columbia owing to (he freight rates preventing economic shipment out of the section. Both men. who are ennerieneed operators, have a hiah opinion or the future of the Omineca a a mining area, and are willinir to spend a considerable sum in de velopment. Mr. Haugert says the proputy Is exceptionally rich. and would be a substantial nro- ducer if the problem of transpor tation could be overcome satis factorily. H As soon as I heir business it transacted at the Parliament Buildings, they will nroceed to the United States en route home. Sport Chat j The Cambridgeshire Stakes, an important Auluinn handicap, which, wilb Hi, Cesarewilch run two weeks ago, makes oie of the mosl tMtpular soortinz doubles'" of the Hnglish Turf. will lie run tomorrow afternoon, the second day of the Houghton meeting at Newmarket. Although the hopes of the ever-optimistic player of "doubles" vanished when A. K. McComber's foreign trained Ruse Prince won the Cesarewiteli al Newmarket two weeks ago, I lie mile and a furlong dash tomorrow afternoon has aroused unusual interest. The entry lit for the Cani-brij-eshire, which closed on" Aug. 7, contained the names of practically every three-year-old of note, as well as the crack three year-old French colt Kpinard, to w hom went I lie post of honor al the lop of the table of weights with an imposl of 128 pounds. Lord Derby's Tranquil, winner of the Newmarket Classic for fillies and the SI. Leger, carries a lei! pound penalty in addition to her allowance of 121, thus mak 'Demers' BILLIE BURKE DRESSES Venus Hosiery special Showing of Underwear, Vests, Bloomers, Combinations. Come and see our stock and compare prices. Goods shipped everywhere. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. EDSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Phone 68. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, BUS, Phone M. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. THE DAILY NEWS. Tuesday OctoLer 3) Bring Back Your Gold tol people have some old gold article lying around which will never be used again. We will buy the gold for its standard alue. c per carat for each pennyweight of gold. We can allow full value as we use it in our manufacturing department. But if you do not use your jeweler)' simply becaue the pattern Is out of style let us make it over lo a new Bulger & Cameron Limited Jewellers. jjDl FTS iSTKt I I ing her top weight, regardlcs? of sex and ase. with 131 pounds Oilier first division lliree-year- olds lev appear in the acceptance were Mrs. Whitburn's Drake Lord Derby's Moabile and Pharo. Lord Woolavington's I own (iuard. 11. H. Aga Khan's Cos, Teresiua and Paola, and J. B. Joel's My Lord. Sir Ernest Pagcl' He-Echo, who provided an upset to racinsr form by winning the Cambridgeshire last Autumn al 25 to I against. Car rie a five pound jicnally to his allowance of 121 pounds. Soubriquet. Craigangower and Con-diver, four-year-olds, are all in at 12 t pounds, jut one pound less than N. Baring's six year old Roman Bachelor. The Cambridgeshire Slakes. a handicap, of 25 sovereigns each, wtlh 1,000 sovereigns ad- led, run over I he last mile un. a furlong of the Aero flic Flat Crurfe, is a printer"n race and usually bring nut the fast- est horse in training. II was firt run In 1829, and coming Iwo week after the Cesarewilrli Stakes, alo instituted in IH.'O. has loitg been popular wild the Turf followers a a "double'' event. On only three occasions in (he-ftlong history of the i" race hate Cesarewilch winner repeated in the Cambridgeshire Roseberry iii 1870 carried on bolb races, as did Fxhall in 1881 and Plaisaiilrrie in 1885. I'he appearance of Ial year's winner in the lil of Ihe acccpl-auce. draw attention to the fact that liackler' Pride who won in IVU3 and IS0i, and Cliri!uia Dai-y, winner in IVO'J ami I a 10, are the only hores ! win Ihe, "Cam on Iwo succes sive years. Thr question I hat ha been causing no lilt If dicusion is: "Can He-Echo live up In his name ami join the eelect 111 of repeaters in the WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Clear, calm; barometer, 30.03; temperature. 37; sea smooth. DEAI) TREE POINT.-Cloudy. palm; barometer, 2U.V3; temper ature, 28; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 30.01; Irmperature, 48; seu smooth; 8 p.m. spoke molorsiilp Apex in Milbaiik Sound south bound; lOJiil p.m. spoke ttleainer Gray 10 miles south of Cape SI. Jame northbound. Noon DIOBV ISLAND. Clear, calm: barometer. 30.02; temperature, 5i ; sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT . Clear, calm; barometer, 2SJ.U5; temperature, 52; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Clear, fresh southeast wind; barometer. 30.- 02; lemperalure, iU; sea moder ate. .1. H. Pillsbury, manager of the. Canadian National dry dock, who is on a business (rip south, is expected buck Saturday afler- IIOOII. William Goldbloom, local fur denier,, returned by Ihe Cardena I bin aflfM-iVoon from Anvor uhufu he bus been for the past few Clays on business. When you buy advertislnir von buy CIRCULATION, and see ,that you geflt. ' tf i ANYOX PEOPLE HEAR BISHOP DUYERNET Spoke to Parent Teachers Asso ciation and Conducted Last Sunday's Services Archbishop F. H. DuVernet re lumed this afternoon by llie steamer Cardena from Anyot. Last Friday evening he addressed the Pdrent Teachers' Association at the smeller town on "The Psychology or suggestion anu conducted services In the Anglican Church on Sunday relieving Rev. J. II. (libfton who went to Alice Arm in place of Canon Rushbrook whose mhsloii boat Northern Cross l undergoing changes here. Ten Years Ago In Pflnc Rupert October 30, 1913. The Cauudiau (ienrral Electric Co. ha secured a contract for die upplyiug of two 1.000 kilo-wall dynumo for the Grand trunk Pacific dry dock plant here. Together wit li the lights that (he company will alo supply, the busines will amount to f 100,000. William Grant, plumber, i in I lie hospital in a critical con dition suffering from internal injuries and K. Gingras has minor injuries a a result of an accident which occurred yeter- ay afternoon when an rxplo-ioii twik place on Ihe federal depart ment of public works gasoline launch. A trail to the Groundhog country from Stewart ha been completed and a substantial bridge over Hie Nan River i being built by the provincial venimenl according to nn- uouiicemeut made by Charles Uilliugharu, road superintendent. Advertise in the Dallv News. FULLER 6 ATKINS People's Providers. EXTRA SPECIAL. We have made up 100 Parcels valued from 25c to $1.00 each, which we are giving away FREE Take your choice. Purchase one pound of lea or coffee in package or tin at regular price, and get one of Ihe above par-el free. ORDER YOUR TURKEYS NOW. Phone 45 and 874. VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES St. Regis Cafe Prlnoe Rupert's LeUIng RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone SS. Cartage, Warehousing;, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Phone 376 The House of Qualt Blouses If you ute iui'king for something , v delightful in HImi ounr in hihI inpe .1 J( T jf val. From Ihe neat while llulmliii hirl dressy blouse for niforniul iccasioii. Ilciint long wnlsl line -fferls and tied at side wdh by-a- Also tin new shadings in the'alwavs pi.j.i in Jnriiiet(e ami Pullover sljle. Priced fnini $4.25 to $19.00 Standard Designer Patterns. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Sole Agent' for Warner lliitpru f L.t - Slaridartl leigier Pirrtt. TatnnmTT at ti mvTn m The Service 8Uire.M WE CA8H CHEQUES. Agents For: 1 N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue Si. U III Tonight Only, Tuesday. 7 and 9 Betty Compson In The White Row V The put ore -lie ws made for. A la, : Hawaiian iM.uid- (lettv to a pretty new jtt riding and lliila-llnli.ii ut Waikiki Ilea) h T . r. fahmg eyes. Honolulu moonlight Jilid ,ovf S "- if: r HALL ROOM BOYS (PERCY AMD FERDIE) IN -m FLYERS." PATHE REVIEW. Admission 35c and 10c Knnnn Kiinnrr ink i iiii.r. iiiinr.i i i iiinn iiiiiii QknJrlnvrV Planina Mill i II 1 1 II .11 If V - J w Arc now Sole Agents for the lumber output of Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. niBarSifllrvKl nuarn nniior a srnin KHIr 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Wort GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. .j-lWltv I mm to be stout f unufl lhound. of iut all over the orU. Ihe sdnt Pf tht toJZ nd Uilortd suit, it l tut nrctMtry to ytt cw to the CWKt fisind.ts'll Ut A Km, Corl .i T nitomiclljr cw nd contrpl, vnotfh " j.ur l.t line.. AnJ ikj ' Kimo CorKt to nvtl rour'fkt individual nrcl no "w tp ol ngurt J"" 1 1 . ..j .ti)U Ak our cornetierti to hw you Scll.RtduciniT rowl..'"". u how the fmou Srlf-Ktducing tfp lniih urtlfi"'" Ut I nrre 11 no additional cliarje for extra lane le up to 4t. liui It lo4t:t (JO lo X3J0. "Once try a Nttno etui you'll ntvtr chant" KOPS BROS. LlmlinJ, Toronto about pro