Pure Tea Optimistic Ovor Local Prospects. Evtry lmf of dvlicious SALADA DAILY EDITION GREEN TEA II l sealed in air-tight aluminum. n r . . . m -..'i oww vp to me reuna. 1 ry The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA t. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert DaiyNews, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month s.fl.00 By mail to all parts of the British Erapjre and the United States, in advance. per year...................... je.OO To all other countries, in advance, per year 8J.50 TELEPHONE tl Trtnaient Display Advertising... ...$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.'. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion..-.-.-. . . . . . iV ...25c per line Llassifled Advertising, per Insertion. ..?.c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. . . .... ....... 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. All advertising should be in The party News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. -Monday, October I, 192.1. LABOR MAttSA V AIIAITttMltk.L: nfUNUUNtlmNT Executive Council -at Convention Today Sets Pert New Aim DEMOCRACY OF INDUSTRY Objection Taken to Political In torferohoo. Mcdelesomenees and Restriction I'OKTLANl), Ore Vt. 1 velopment of an industrial franchise "comparable to our political rrniu'liiMf'" must he the next goal of the, labor movement, the executive council of the American Federation of Labor declared today in il rjurl t llif federation s annual convention. Warning of the "threat of state invasion of imlusl rial life" the eouneit asserted that the hwir has si ruck for "a pronouncement of the aims of labor that shall more nearly express thefftill initdtra. linns nf trade uniomW " "The rlnsfl of UieTwar .'market for us a IwriiingTKoint' iii human relations." the 'mioiHsni.l, jm,i threw forth' in boldVrelief the in- adequacy of existing forms and institution. Henceforth the movement for organization of the workers into trad unions has a deeper meaning than the mere organization of group for advance. merit or group interests. 'Rescue From Politics "Henceforth the organization of the worker into trade unions must mean the conscious organ ened participation In a democracy of industry whose puritotc must )e the extension of free- i. The general manager of the railway is now optimislic oVer;1m, the enfranchisement of the I'nnoe Ru)erts pn.siecls. While he said litlle, what he did 'producer as such, the rescue or ay was all indicative of impnivement and prosperity. , (industry from chaos, pr.4fiteerinp i mv. . v iriiM iii .iiuo v 1 1 . n------ n' a..'. t.lllllll "Minn illlll linn II ii 1 III 1 i ItT. t- i Ill u- siiveo HIIVI.II IIIWIIIII Ullfl II III I a llllllli j .... II by ... , bing ; so hiifilso , . there winilil'liot. he.iiiiy prefereiitial Irenl-nienl to any j.a'rt.iMilar part- pM.ie7rtm.ilry. Kmrnk lavVl for' all ' ' ' are ;reqtund; . ;. Protection Against . . Hemful Dritosv 1 nays the hitmonlon linllefiif "linn n.n n r..i.V:. i -., r ' Him, i . i iiiiiiiii mmiiii'U somelhuig. al , itienevn when bo tidd' n-v.r.,.,miii ,. . .. ' "iiiiiillii l- il -ills ilKIK r oiLaNaiionrtial Harmful drugs nre. being innmifaclured in SvviU xth-laml ami .imported .landestiiiejy i- (Janda mid the 1,'nited btales; mid ,r-eel-(l to prove the charge l.y dociirnfMilnrv 5-yi-(lenee. I he' League' is thus iiiiri.miii.i .... ...i. ...",.. . dnirhiailkind' a timirililu ninl l'.a.V.o..ilf.... . -A - , . . nil-Mi, 4 ii r, ii ini i.engue cnniiot tndu-e nienibor-iiiilions Hi ken tt leii mitiinnlc fmm ..l , . " ' ' o'i tii. no rienr now ll is b. aiM-omplihh much in the larger relnted undertaking nf rw'esri-iiifr imiKii n... .... . n .. iipmi bwilieriniMl lo. lnp lh.'XM.rl of drugs o Onndn. il is bound moral y to .ilso c,l upmi Canndn lo prevent its mminnls M.ippH.g whisky iulo Ihe Unit,,, Stntes. Canada has no right to .jxpecl She Hwjss n.ill.orilies lo protect jt against illicit traffic in .Swiss drugs unless it is prepn.-eil lo prolecl Ihe lT,,ited Hlnles against (.auaduui boollegger. "Nugget" Your Shoes! It not only shines them brilliantly but it softens and preserves the leather. Shoe Polish SViS:,trIAr-TONE'r "- UAKh URUWN AND WHITE fusion ,and more hopeless langleinenls. 'lraJle unionism may lead' the way for true pro gress, even nt the, rosl or being brunded as reactionary by those who do hut little, save: propounil rormuhis luisi'il- llllfin Itfiinlan . ( ' . I '""I""" Ilioiiuiu and devoid of llie wl. fit of experience and of any wig. nizance of our fundamental so. rial strurlure.. our industrial lib or our national chnrncl We advocate organization of all wa.e .earners and of all useful and productive elements. Nobler Purpose "Labor now parlicipale.s more ruiiy in ihe decision thai ahape human lire thnn ever beforo and more fully in America Hum in any other nation on earth; but our participation must be gindonllv brought to completion. The pur pose of this Is not onlv n. coninianiling of heller. wni?e nn.i betler cniidilloiis of work, vital as H.-iiMiii- soMieiiiing oi uliteh we have a nalloiUil consciousnesn. It mils) rense o be h disconnect. ed colleclion nf fri-miiiu in., " I'i imi- Hlutc withoul a union. The fu ture demands no American in dustry, in which 11 shall be pos 7H1 i'm iii t J.HIWD1 ni-r national life must fit them selves to work out 1 heir Viwn "hm. Menus eradicate their abuse ami mrnisn America wittan ever in rreasinn flood tf Wm modi ties, liolh necessary and pleasure giving. Industry alone tins the euni Portland pHence. mid it must demonstrate Hud competence through organ ization. 'Hie orgatiued fnnr- lional elements in industry will find easy of solution those pro piems to which politicians now turn their attention in futility. Industry nfusl organize to govern Itself, lo impose iiihiii itself tasks and rules and to bring order into its own housp. Industry joust bring iirder to itself construe lively, or it will hae an order Ihrnsl iion it which would deinornlizinp if not fatal. lur peojile cannot lie and IhriviMiu der the rejrime nf imreaucriicy that. tlii'fNtlens (unless imtustry solves its own problems. iniiusiry. oriranizett as we. lllte it must he organized, will lejrln in truth on era of senicn. rotional, natural development and productivity unmatched hv nasi achievement or fancy Avrieoltiue was irpet l join in the next ih'velooinK sten. U tnoilBll Hie Council denied Mint it wished to offer "nnasked advice to those w(io occupy other fields ill our productive life.-- II urtred that Hie Federation eontinue to co-operate in every .way with or cnniztsi farmers. "Ourinp the nal year," Hi' r- Iort said, "the relations he Iween industrial workers , and priMtuctixe aurictillure has grown Iremendonsly. It is ur hoje that the farmers will conlinio their work of orpanizalion ' am izalnm of one of he jnost vitalju.at we may pive assistance functional elements for enlight - ioi:.ii iicon e Claim lit see in tlie i .f ': : o...l . ; flenl lluiigerrord the first step toward so improving lite road as cludinp individual incapacity and I" make it iHissible lo iurrease Hi? speed of trains such as the Hie rescue or industry also from fish trams, the passenger express and posihly silk trains. It isjlhe domination or incotnpetent well i known that if lhejk business is to come this wav it muil!llilirBl Ixwlies. he rushed through w-i Ih great speed lo'the Kast ,-oast. The rail-1 "'I'" latest rreciom or ae- way oiticials say they can give nil the. speed required at verv lion, the n-eest play r.r individ- 1 Where Is Whisper Of Death Now? w nere is tlie w-lusper of deolh nowv? Lord AUie!stoir' newspaper has been publishing a series of articles on The frout! n;)Kre ntlli n-lnt'iiicr ltnfli:....- 1 1... . i uai iniuaiive ami yen his in industry cannot l.e had umler the shadow of ronstanl incompetent tiolitical inlerferencev meddlesomeness ami restriction. iniiMiRii the ,muddlmir con- i'ik7 mii Kiau x Jienmiiies nin le.irno rmr on imH.. o... ...... rani r .. i i:n . . eral heading The Whisper .of Death" in which it warns JIib iiupossihle to come together in lieople nsraiijst expenditures and especially against the National ,c-operalioii we must l.w.k to a .Railway situation. The whisper has not been taken serioiislv futiu-e that must haveits foumla-ainl in fact it is generally attributed lo the tntliienre of a rival Hon upon co-operation and col. corporation. ilahoratiou. The He or stale r V.W.?,mes,. fffr "r r,"veriiment securities, and, in spile invasion or industrial lire is real. ... . wo.sper, me people are inlying llie imnds as fast as thev Powerful crouj.s of earnest can get them and paying a be.tt-r price than has heen secured .sincere persons conslanllv snicj lierjii. Jliu . II i . f.. . . ... .... ., ,, .,,. ,, ,,,,,,, rio oiiraiug iiiing to see uie exieusiou if slate suzer y.iu.w,.o peopie Diijmg wanaoian J.onu and thus keeping Ihe aiuly over purely industrial luleresl payments in this country. The only way lo k,?ep a stahle'fields. Such ijinoranl en-goveninieut is bi have the loans taken up by the people. That eroaehmeuts as the Ksch-Cum-wilLgive them n considerable inlereM in ke-pinp the government niins Act, the Kansas Oourt or " M,.Bt oui u-j in a mhiiiu conililiou. '.Huch a condition swnis InduslHal Helalions ami Ihe r.ol Id exist Hist riiiu- iiidaiiiir ....11. ........ ' '"pf .orauo industrial commission . , ,. '. . ' l. , each a Munderinp (reslure Special Charters. t ii ' , , ,. . .... organied ".'Kunnsen proiiaganda irtikiiKUlioa 11 It seems about time (o limuinfe sncini ..i.oniu.u ...t ....hia..i : : Of Jihrriitil Ann ulloi 4lk - i make all dif.es .!!! "Z Z. "7:. ' " " are ' ,,mM must parlake V: or r Ihe "" nature in the Province come. 1 1 1 1 1 1 p i ho i a . . . . . : . I Tancouver.nnrtakingunalo. v iinco over .nee .itmir t,n ir.i V Vn i.i r -i-i... . ,t . . l" e "I- " woo'ioirc I'-nr. i oe coiUMIUing Ciamorilul I imp or r llie i I .eiriwlnliiiui . lm, I ... v.-v . iiuiij. v liar movement in nn. f inm - .... - mil iini , iiniii' hip inn of or of that Ihe offspring in merica and In .v... --. ... ...0........ M.,.,l nvnj .rr in secKiuK auieiid- lor extension or .sue regu nloryl paMian ua-L. nieiits t.i,,ts.charlcr li meet changing conlition.. If th'ese powers under the guise of re- w. raT vvoTker. ehaiiges ure Jieeded for hoso i n n....- ...:n i: . - ........... . .. I: ca" imo "Pon worker: of -, ' .t "in i'- i iirruru ior ." oeiivernnce irom CVl foreicrn 1 1 i.. . i 1 ..f..i.. a- ,, , . . . . 'frai" (ithers and . the li.' should be the same for nil mo..ieinni;ii... ,., can hut i i..,.,i lend i..f,. info greater , 'i f1"" '". ofJany nartieulaBirraile. Vol .....K. ...m ,: "T ' ,T" ,r. ' ""- J " uw i-,ascisU of any I in pushincr fo'rwanl the program upon which we believe depend our future national well being and safety. ' Fasclstl and Klan , Roth the Fascisli and Ku Klux Klan movements were condemned liy the council as "hostile to Ihe purposes of organized povern-ntent and (he trade union mpve-menl." With resranl to the Klan. Ihe report said: "This secret organization pro- moles discord among our people and strife within Hie ranks of organized lalxir. seeks to destrov the cherished American principle or religious rreedoiu and tolerance and purposely fwsler ra cial prejudices. The Klan seeks also to lake into its mwii Imnd Ihe adutiitistralion of ipuuish-nient, thus setting itseir up as superior to government." Krrorts to tu-nntnte Fascism in Hie Failed Elates was denounced "as ii token nf lnlilll. and.Li our d emocrnlic inulilnii.... "eek nn, parli"ularly lo our American trade union niovemenl," "Promotion by a foreign oower of a hostile movement on nnr soil," the report continued, "can not be lightly regarded hv our movement or hv our neorde in ei, general. o. dic la mer government are ill. prepared to come at all. The inevitable result of continuance or such efforts as Hint represented liv the nrgani7.nl ion or Knscisti group in Anwrica ran lead mly to n more determined resolve to tmr Uie dimrs more tlghlly lo those who abuse the freedom and the Instil ulions of the country. ! MIMCK RUHsrr Tinri Monday, October 1. High 5:1 1 a.m. tfl.3 fl 17:03 p.m. 17.7 " Low 10:50 a.m. H.'J - 23:11 p.m. CD ' Tuesday, October 2 High ...... f,:09 a.m. 15.2 rt. Low I7;0f ji.m. 17,0 A lii'C a.m. 0.7 M LAND ACT. from "Wirtion U Apply to fvrchaM Mllll-I , In OwM l.inil iii.inVi ii-....ii. i... ;'onntry. lM;!,,"f1j::';.f. iiir. if.il hoi hers . WHO come lo Clmrli.ur. I.lamk' .nd iiimii r t "111 lllfllf'M III lTlllUI TO till r llrd -"". K4T1 !... ' "."i -Itkr iHlrr Ibal 1. Tlunim A. L.li.r ""',,u"r wiieiicn oners, freedom f viiirir. U.C, orniiu.n U.wni and opporlnnity tor the Individ.' iTZfc.'X?..1!! ' Jf"'". "' i-n"'"'"" IIHI. Ill 1I1 rriti nn oro-nn- Uttmnmrtnt It I ihmI iki.iiii.wi .... .k. iznlion hostile Jo every institution S?X W Zi'H ... ..,.i. i ii nn .iii-iKiiiin is io fees. I. . ' ".u. mj.i inr-nm ui iml . .... . . . . nillllUltUr tlHi ll1 nnlh lw...,. i. .. every principle n;jOnesy rtu, ,u.,,,,r uV 1 1 .TTh-i ror Tllil III liu in, guilty ill.. ..t i ..i . lll'T Jlf uld Tli ll...,.u . . in Irlit ' -"ii ait nun ri w llf II i-itij mi i.miii.,1; ....i ; ii . (wsiiiicrlv. mul i . . ruilnulur tlm iiun run not be condoned The Fascisli America without the mi.mber- fthip and support ofworkers wo have come rnun the hirihntne of I'nscism. Thewi Tnnul 1 ii I'ascisti in our renuhlic. nnd ii 2. llie duly of Amerlcnn lrn-1 unionism lo use every honorable fifforl to purge' th,. country of Mils orrshool or llnrorienn Land. fMt Umi iiuiriii. on l.vrll llan,l lit tlaH tlMMfl .if Alll I..I... iin .I..I...M iiini i........ .. '" ii. ..i. a.. ... . . . ... ..,.,.r.Hi- iiiki in the jhiOm nf omiiiif-nriii-iu. ami nuiniliimr tiM TII01US A. KKU.KV, LAND ACT. "iV.CV.0i.'.B,.,,,,!?n.U "' t0 L"l 111 UijM Ijiiid liMinrt, HfHiirHmt t V r. .L.SJ'r". ,"t'rt. -i Uii.lf Ukm .iiv tbal I, Tliiinitm A. k.lli.v ii m initiiivAii r . fur. .W ii i,,;' . ; . wnr i mnr " wiiii " ' fitimnr nitnm in' . ; fif-nni " ntrtiifi ""ii far "iiimi., i-iiioi' io .iiirrr- nirr America prepared lo find expres. L '-"-ik i tb. ,..ihi ,(nw f Hioll for their oi.lni,.,.. .i 'lii IV.?.- !'" wm.i rlwin ii.Hi.ri. q'"'.enls through the orderlyfe' ,T r'Wlt inelhods hrouirhl into " VR" "t ':.iM-w.- n'l" I b;;: are am, have been. KX 1 Z Z, Z " & Mirpose that now unfolds is Inhllshinent I " iauv of rree r "'m"r'"" m M l.roader and nobler and filled I .i..m ,..Huf nu'"'' A""1 Willi Willi ilnniiiii lleellfil iiiminliiM miiiinlnn. I I i I inn . . k an. I ' ' ii "I'm. 11... r..l i. 'i.. ...... . ... .1 . LN0 ACT. . . .... .iiini iiiiiusii-y IIM1 ti miw f inuntloii Ami. m. . - Aiillraii, I .. ..::"".""?" PPI 10 !. Land. i... lr" Of IT liter liniM.ri .mi if 1'rln.i. n V. ' ,..",u,".. V ?! J t,f All) i.iIhi l i.ii rL.v.I.':'',l,v.r.r:...'u.;" wru;xi , T"V .w i-".,r.i;m ei" iMr lwriiiiiMti.li ' " rmni Turn i7rpii iJ. uliurr: n In I iiiirriiunr ii.- llir t rolluu ii nr ()(,cr-., iirf..i .... . Oiliiliii-nrliiir m I ,IUIM-Iirn l .. m.,.,-., ... .. . pjblr fur all t ive of the., l&Tjfy H.rough he r,le, y prw.-ses f , ;-', iu? rimiL ..i, .V 'TiiuZVZ demofiratlc. Riinl.iillon, represen(av. r. tasy tolutlM The functional elemenls in f.;rio ",'.7 . "J " iin-i: iis.,e7 J nii,;rwj" iv.'r . 'W ii?i niiirt op ihhu.. ,,.-. l.'l i',7!' "-"n-iii.HHm miff W"""n vii I. in lr," TIIOJUK A. KKI.U.Y. '"!'" r D.ll Hrpimter tMtW. Al"uui- IIIOMtH A. Illlll twA 6pumtr u""i','i' ''". Monday, October i, i&$8. To the Untold Legion of 1923 Victory Bond holders Whet are you going to do? Canada wants you to renew your investment for another 20 or 5 years at your option. . You know you've had a good investment. You know your security is right You know your interest has been paid with unfailing regularity. Remember you get two weeks' interest as a bonus, and to repeat your security ranks equally with Victory Bonds. Will you renew your investment ?-exchange your Bonds? -Will you If so do it quickly please. Don't wait till the last minute. The privilege may be with drawn. Dominion of Canada Refunding Loan 1923 5 Bonds jO Year Dondi due 13th October, 1943 3 Yr.rbond. due 13lh October. 1928 Price: 20 Year Bonds 98.25 and Interest, yielding 5.!4. 5 Year Bonds 99.00 and interest, yielding 5.23$. OrJrr tneg It ttltgtaphrd or Ulrphomtd ctdlret) and rttktny,$ mtadt through your umi.1 liond Dralrr or IS auk. Premier Gold Medal Beer 0 i The New Wonderful Beer rr- There in only oneway to prove that PHK.MIF.il 'GOLD MKDAL" HKKH in ht'st THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displnjAl by I he Liquor timtrol Hoard or by Hir (lovernmeiit of liritish (.oltimbia. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK and; SHIPYARD WOODEN HULL CONSTRUCTION A SPECIALTY. Plans and Estimates Furnished For All Classes of Boats.. Anyone considering Ihe pnrdrtise of a new fishing vessel, log, or wooden boat of any description is nirtlffifly mv.led lo inspect progress on the two 00 fool rn.lsrrvTwo nru now build,, lg for tie .'i,i1PI.j(.s t4.w.rl merit ShockleySi Waning Miljs Are now Hole Atrunto f... n.. i . . ,V loruc. Pr,BE,,-.8PRUCE CEDAR 8HIPLAP. P nil ntl"9 and Cedar for FoundaUon Work. OET OUR PRICE8-.IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone S83.