fife'. Will b imsll. iBe '.iter A ocatioa. v.. sfMi I It , - IHM BUM aHH ' TH BiaBBl IH .1 amm i BBBW- - BBB IBBBB1 IHlVW ' ' " Phone S71. SHRIMPS, CRAM, OYSTERS. v Beat Care and Best Service PRINCE RUPERT FRC3H KILLED POULTRY. H Ratee Reasonable FRESH MIDI MUUM the Hy. In sarfL&ssssszJ Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper A Trial Order Soltcifed J VO'"fyo' 231 " j j lMtlXCK HI PKHT. IU1, .MONDAY, OCTOltKIt 1, s.i...,-. oirc...ii i.eso. ,t,.., s.iM aoa PRICE FIVE CENT8 DEMOI SATORS SHOT BYlERMAN POUCE PREMIER BAUWIW OF CREHT BRITAIN ADDRESSES IMPERIAL CONFEKEHCE Revolutionary Movement in Germany is Checked: Number of Demonstrators Were Shot LONDON, Orl. I. A retolutinntiry mm -nieiil organized by 1 1 VITplIFf f iuiinulil iirgitiiizalion lnike mil hI Iviirlrin, CO mile fruiu JAIJV IIUILHfcLL Berlin, u ilfi.''(ili Inuii llorlui. The iiiMirgeut utlrmpled 'viiuuu ilijtriu llif garrison ami nempy Fort He. lut the Nationalist fllCf! AM OITMfYAV i Jrr were nrreMed Mini Hi nOarker ilriten back. 1llilJ UiN ljU1N1Ai iTriorlnp lint Iiren ini-nl on nil military nett m?ii'1' u:;l trout (icriimnj. il i if f i-iull Malil ut Uie (ipniiiin miital. i lit Sri WI.IHMtK. OH. I. A fl.iimli-l .Suii.iWll Known Plonr Cltlzan tf.i rfH'l m niiisarr' uhfii STATEMENT ON OBLIGATIONS TO INVESTORS Ctnadt Will Not Pay Anything to 4. OrndjXrun'1 Shareholder Kl'oet Thtlr Due . .iiU'lKtitifliKMi liio L (! fault 4 t 1 rajVUHtf aiMl iJinaiia lta 'l-rt) lll Vkili C'.IIIIIHIr- ( 4 ' rtfrlollar "f lifr 4li- i 1 "uik Till liiu Milfiir- 111 4 Malrinnt looiii'tl llnulUuf- 4 v lirrr mh1 in l.iHNkin, Hue- 4 1. It)' LJ" l"iiiiHHn iJrrn- ill h'srar' rlaim of n ami Jlunk Hallway rr-firri-e atHP pimmiimhi bar'-' 1 i.irr fif Tr.iniaii.iiair ai- nirrrp pnATQ YFT wa..T 1,. ni7im,i...i niiuOiruiiv niuvjr.i Dunu 1 li ,.1-rrj ai io(,t. I Tlir iilrilirtil rotilam no III- I cP,.,n l.ul uy .o.,.a.M.tnalr -louanrc I h.c ,.a..l. bul m It., .n.rar, I. Main H.a. rvrr) .lot- -r of .rr . UuIh 1 rriccl ,f j lrntiirllii l ifin mrl tif tit-r liuitlftl hijhiI- I ll who Ilia) HI rriltl If .... ..i 1.... 1 .-,,, ... . o,n, .. ""-(.Jn,IIWM ,,ar,r,r Hallway, an. r-r , B0 II..- 'tnoll,l , VunrMiixer la-l uce ! rauway iuarp nr.1 (.ni. ru SALMON FISHING STILL GOING ON;. Prince Rupert, lnernest Somor-vllle, Lagoon Bay and Lock porta Canneries Continue to Operate The (.allium rioiiirrir art' Mill "iwrnllntr 111 Hie I'"-"' iMiniiiittn Hhfrl' ilUlrk'l- I'ruifo lltiprit niirt Interne l ei-nii Hlter teclioii, Sninertllle n I lie Nua llttei' iiikI Lauouii Hay ami l.iekciurt' mi H' Qiireii Char-J. InUo MiiiuK All oilier piam have fen'eil oi.erallon for lie euMtii anil will he clneil i" il.u ,.r 11.11 iil f.'vi' ilii'ii. 1 ..1 1 l il.i. 'oiiih' nil ornm ' " ..... . .. t. a t I .! aeltlitilal naiiiiauil ami roii... on the liaiul. All ieliiiiif on the maintain! i ehifjeil frrtui September H' bul Kill nel of Iiol li Ihan W me .,1. ...ay Mill l.e o,.erle, ami a nuiiil ...iber of are now bein Ue.l 011 I lie Jtkeenu ami .aa lllter. FMiU r U llll v ".. 011 me guevn imarioue iciium." wllh iiiire celnes of ' lc" ineli. All fishlnlf hi Ihe tllMrlel will M-uhahly be cluceil by October 20. The Ooiiilulmi l'llierleti olllce ..... ....... L in' H'UIIlt I u IIMI.I MHO. oil Into ill lltriel No. S " 71H.53I ca.e. cxelualto ot Ihe Viiee.i Charlotte. harlotte Island IMamJ, pack pack which lirrmau rriirily ixilire lurU'il li'mlini: littu I lie nmli of rum-iiiuiii!" aiM Ihrlr juipnlliiff r. l leu.l (wrnly wrrr klllcl ami liumlrttl wrr wiuiialrtl. Vrvtt -li iiillllnr- nullnrHi Hairn l ! Irlnl In iirin( llir lM'll, lrM "hUii l.iil DOMINION LOAN OFFERINO BEINO TAKEN RAPIDLY l h- in w 1-niHii.iii i;.i. . friiiiM-nt n-ftiiiilinK laii Ha rt-arhnl f 6l,Mo.ilOn tt Hip ltrl of puhllr ilflf I Ml).' ut'l ll " now rr tt 11 in tit at 1 ll i.ij-ilif ft I7?.IMHI.IMM will m lirail) nrr.ulril M FOR ALASKA ROU h 7 W( , Cn,r. J FUr lh,n Prnc, p,lrc i'lif Iw'o lirw ttlraiiirro whlrli i:. W. tlfll. prffidont of the oulil he hiiill hy hi eoiii.nny for the Ala-ka lourlt ertlee. w ill be lanrcr than I he l'rliiee. Cliaiiolle ami faMer Ihan the I'linrec I'alrieia, areonliiu In an itiinnuiireiiicnl niaile hy Canl. V. Tniis niaiianer f the t rlffl. lt;! I lie Intention . . II. II... 1.1 1 111 iri nun 1 in in.- DM lioiinljy amlW firt hoill arrive "it the Ttat fur M'nlee nexl year. The boat will be 111 tin Alaka route in Hie Milliliter" ami 011 the Seattle-Vie-loria-Vaiienuter triangle run in I lie winter. FIRE ON STEAMER IS UNDER CONTROL Diana Dollar Has Been Burning for Three Hours In Number 6 Hold I A IX AN(H.I.I. tut- I the 1.1 . Ii..ll,ir 11 .IIMIIIIKIIIll IMIIIIU i" , ..... ,...n 1 u in mc ."Mini IireiKliier, hfire UlT Hit wel eoal of Mexleo near Miiniunilh.. The fire in Number D hll which ha been humlim for three hour hour 1 re ,...rle,l u, he u r eonlrol. DEPOSITORS IN ,.T HOME uniin BANK TO GET FIRST f DIVIDEND YERY SOON rolin.Mtl. Oft. I. l-'i'ly payment of S&' Hie l" 11. .t....n.iiorM 1.. it 11... lie Home lli.iii'n i'uk Hunk h ha "'I'- been .hM-le-l ' upon. ' Ihe Oi ,.,.,,(, ,p J "".,.. " " J ha been tln.iugli U.o Patted Away Aftar Month's Sarlout Illness Our f I'mic UuKrl !! known Mini rlwuil tiiirr riliiciio tlieil rlnlay nutriiinv al 1 1 oVIix-k In llif tif ,,1U u MllcliPlI tr UlU-vn iari 11 ineiuln'r of Ihe i.lMir of Stew art & Motile), Ltd.. wholesale grocer. Iiealh .Krrurreil at ilie reMuViirr of oeceaie.l on Flflh Atenue WrM afler a uionlh'it eflou lllnei.. JK The tale Mr, .MilftieU, wh. wiw i AiMTnren, .ronami, ranrr 10 1 Priiiee Hiuil in llo- prtn of I I'll H ami for a few moiiUix wa; en(fn(el on (he !-i.ilf of Ihe rela'li firm of Krlly-liai 1 ill her Co. Mil. lie became aM iaIt'l with Slew, arl A Mobley in Ihe fall of thai year ami wa wilh that firm up 10 the lime of ln eriou illne-. an.) .lealh. Prior lo eoiuiiiii to I'rlnee IliipeH. Mr. Milehell w or kill for Ihe firm of Kelly-OiHislao I-'.. I.I1. in Vaiiroiner. iHeu-eil i jurvitetl by hi father Aii'ierMin Milehell oT Scotland, who iMlcil here n couple of year mko; hl. M-ter. Mi llarl.ara Milehell. who ha rrM.htl in Ihe eily for eteral yeart a brother, Jaine Mitchell, raiit'liili? in Alberta, uml auolher brolhe In South Africa, lie wa 11 member of Ihe PreMiylertan Church. SI. Ainlrew'f .Society and pioneer' Aoeialloii. Fiiiierat arrangement an" in Ihe liaii.Nof Ilie I'n.lerlaker and iiitermeul will lake place 011 Thursday afleriiiH.n al 2.30 o'clock from Ihe lre.bylerian Church, Itev. Or. II. It. (iranl ulllrialniK. LUMBER FOR JAPAN ARRIVES IN CITY Two Carloads to Comprise Part of Canadian Highlander's Cargo In From Pitman Spur Two carload of hemlock lum ber arrited at the week-cml from the lloyal Mill, . I'iluraii . i Spur, and are Pedis Murke.i ai the, lumber aembly wharf to eoiuprle part of the shipment of 500,1100 Teel which will go forward from Ihi port ! Japan by the C.O.M..M. steamer Canadian Highlander due here on October '.'0 lo load. DISASTROUS FIRE EAST BELLA BELLA Indian Houses at Cannery Were Oestroyed and Five Native Children Lost their Lives Word wa brought lo Ihe city by Ihe sleanter tlardeua last eteitlng of a disastrous fire at Hella Delia last Thursday In which scteral of Ilie Indian house al Ihe llosse-Mlllerd cannery were deslroyed resulting In Ihe death of lit 0 nalito children. The cawucry wa not damaged. . .. V. I -f '''Wi- I mP?rlal Conference 1 lil "wv; v Premier Baldwin Today Tin iiiohMt memorial mvnpie Ihe i near Hie pv-eriinienl Free Slate offire in Iiiibliu, ami t to the memory uf Michael llliii jiml Arthur (irifnth. Six Railway Cars W When Car Ferry Barge Takes List Coming to Rupert from Swanson Bay Si railway ear went oterboanl with their roiileiil of pulp, th llnre remaining car fell over on their iile ami were badly damaged, rail were IwiMed ami Ihe eraf! ulaiued minor damage when Ihe bwaii-ou Hay ear ferry iiorllibouud lo thi port lowed by (he In? I'ouit Hope, (la l. Slauuanl, liHtk a Midden tiM in (ireutille Channel between Point Culvert ami Valou Itock al thi inorniup. The eeuied lo be pomp along well .M-Miibera of the crew of the WALTON STOPS THE ELECTION Reconstitutes the Election Board and. Popular Appeal Is Checked RIVAL FORCES ARMED OKiailOMA Ul. Oct. t. . . . . . .I I'layintr hi Iruinp carl, Outer-1 nor Walton today re-coutituled Ihe lale election hoard and order. were iued by the new .....1 ...... . 1.. ..11 .1... iw I'l'HIU aim ft-.n ...v 1vu.1t. j board to ha I Ihe ,.ecial statu election i"r h.i.hmiom. TDI.SA. Okla., Oct. I. Armed force 'faced each other al noon loday at the court house a Ihe hour approached for Ihe distribution of election supplies to Ihe precinct polling place for to-inorlow's special election. MANY PUPILS IN SCHOOLS Total In Public Schools 680 and In High School IIS Besides Catholic School The tolal enrolment for Ihe public school for Ihe .month of September wa OKU and fur the High School 1 18, making a total enrolment of 7PH in addition lo Ihe Catholic school which Is uteri one hundred In Ihe public school there are ;U:i hoy and il37 girl, dislri-buled a followsf lloolh Memorial, buys IV I, girl 185. Horden SI reel, boys 122, girl 13ft. Seal Cove, buys 27, girl 22. In the High School there are It boy and i irls. ea wa- mooli and everylliiu when Ihe accident occurred. Point . Hope arriving here at ISiJO today were apparently al a lo lo definitely account for Hie caue of he accident. One reaou el forth i thai Ihe barge iui?ht hate been unevenly overloaded cauMht Ihe water in the (oulnoii to win to one M.le oceaionin Ihe lit. The car ferry left Swauoii Hay yeleiilay moruiu al l i'-cltK-L. Afler'lbe accident occurred lid inoriiiiiK Ihe tir,' ran dead .i6V;Xunlll daybrtak when .1 ' II mi 1 t ii .-?,, ... ia. im aiii ii"tuuip yuiu s-'v , ... ,- - ..!.:. . . ...1 si. . , .. r.. wa .lone- ...vine Terry .-. fiiow moored aTlhe slip oir .V.tview and the t'ujr i .lied up 11 1, Ni'.. t ... I, 1 v 1.. K- .m. .. ITii..! u , tti ... K. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League New York 1-2. Huston 5-3. Cletelaml 0, Detroit :i. Chicugo 5-0, SI. Louis 6-5. Philadelphia 2. Washington 0. National Leaque llrooklyn 5, New York I. Koslon 2, Philadelphia t. I'iltsbur;; I, Chicago 5. St. I.oui I. Cincinnati 1 1. Coast League Vernon 2-2. Seattle l-t. Oakland 5. Poilland 0. Saeraineiilo I, Lo Augele 2. Sail Lake 3, Situ Francisco V. SUNDAY GAMES , Coast Leacue Vcriioit :l-2, Seattle 13-C. Sacramento It -7, Lo Angele 5-1. Sail Lake 5-5, San Francisco t-5. Oakland 18-ft. Portland 2-0. National League Philadelphia 0, llrooklyn. I.. Pillshurg I, Chicago 5.. Hosloii 3, New York I. St. Loui 8, Cincinnati 5. American League Chicago 10. SI. Loui 2. Cletelaml t, Detroit 3. I'h Jad' liiliia , W aslnue-tuti LONDON, Oct I. Wilh all the j.remier ufthe Empire except Preniier Unite of Australia In atlendanreiMlie Imoerial Conference opened a ix vek e.iou today and alter silting' two hours adjourned thi afternoon until ten o'clock. VediieT jday morning. An official eommuiiii!"e iued ;i( the roijclijioii of today meeting aid Premier Haldwiu in welcoming t)ie jil?legates reviewed the international Mtuation and that Miorl repl'ie were made l.y rremier .Mackenzie Africa, Maey i.f ew ealaii.l Warren tif Newfoundland. Co-arave of Ihe lrih Free State and A. Ilaraja of A I war. rrprienting India. The deleKaln it wa ?ai'l were much iniiree.l vnlli Premier lial.lwiif slalfinenl. . loyal addre wa ent to King tieorve and a telegram lo It he Kmperor of Japan eipifpins yiniialhy with Hie nation .in View jot Ihe etrllolunLe calamity, j I'reiHJer Uniee of Aulralia will arrive tin Thursday. PRINCE RUPERT NOT SEAPORT FOR ALASKA Governor Bone Expressed Opinion n Vancouver Last Week That Shipping Regulations Would Not be Changed Although lraupoi'talion is probably Alaska's m... preing need, 1 inventor Scott C. Hone, of (operated from thi port for a-Ihe northern territory, doe not (number of years. Sue was built ! believe I hat there wilt be any 'in. Hull in I8l2. She was not well : amendments lo exisUtt Uniled designed for Hie coast service ;' Slate coastwise regulations Inihere and was always looked on as '. allow of Prince Huperl Inkim; Seattle's place a' Ihe sliippinv point for Ihe territory- This opinion wa expreM by Ooter-uor Hone last week in Vancouver which eily he visiled while on hi way lo Washington where he will spend Ihe nexl month. A former resident ot Seattle, the ?iuir(iKUi.' t si, 11111 iiivi U i ! anteudmeiils might . eventually lake place. LINERS COLLIDE COAST OF IRELAND ! Cedrlc and Cynthls. Make For Liverpool Under Own Steam Ol'llKNSTOWN, t. 1. The While Star liner: Cedrir and the Cunarder Cynthia collided in a fog pff the south of Ireland. Hulh tessels made for I.iterpool under their own sleam. Neither is beliexed lu be seriously damaged. LOCAL JAPANESE WAS KILLED IN DISASTER Word ha been leceited lu Ihe eily thai a Japanese named lli-higawa witli hi wife ami one thiht' was killed in Hie recent Japanese disaster, lie was formerly a cook in Knox Hotel in this ily and wa on a tUil (o I-..1 I.. I f I .... I ii.-l .. ,.)..... I Mi. I lon.u, in- j.-i houe on hi arrival there, when tlm intake occurred and Ihe house fell on him. STEWART NOTARY VICTORIA, Del. 1. -Among the Sir' Henry Thorntonv Makes State-jment In Regard to Deposit Ther. TOllOX'H), Oct. f-No poYfti-- -s cat influence or influence Of any sort iiisligaled the ilepusit, de-clartvi Sir Henry Thorn ton, lu a slaleniftit relative to the million dollar deposit of the C.N.It, In Ihe Home' Hank last .May 1'H and which ya willulrnwu on June 2. The btWd'bf directors uf the Canadian, National meets on Ihe fourth Monday in each month, he proceeded. At the time of the meeting, prior lo making the de- ,lkit II U'l.rf iii,..mI.uI I.V It !"'li the Home Hank' be giten a sluice of the tiankiuif buiue.s. A deposit of a mill lot! dollar wa made but t remained in the Home liank for a .few days only a hoilly after the deposit wa made it was brought lo my, attention thai Oough was an active olllcial of the bank. ' nminmtn tUolUIflj KLVUlUt ON THE INCREASE O'lTA.WA. Oct. t - 'lite revenue of the department of custom and excie totalled "5151,-' p I'fii year. provincial- appointment made at 000,000 for the lul sit month. Ihe week end wa t It it I ot I'. $.(ThU I an, increase of $20,000,000 Jack of Stewart Hi be nolary.over the revenue for a similar jiuMk . King of Canada. Smuts of Hoiilli PRINCE ALBERT ; HAS BEEN SOU) Will be Replaced by More Modem Craft It Is Expected Very Soon ENTER LIQUOR TRABE. The Canadian- Goteriimeitt . ine iieauier rrlnee Alliert wliicli li:. l.f 1 koIiI I., ih Wlprn t 1'1" -," a iniuor carrier oelween tan-router and Mexico. The price paid l said lo bo 70,000. She wa the pronerly of Ihe (iramj Trunk Oevelupment Co. and the sale bad to be confirmed by the rourt ow ing to I he fact that (he owning company is bankrupt. The Prince Albert lias been a while elephant. It i understood that Hie: Prinee Albert will be replaced as ' soon as possible by a modern roasting steamer tliat wilh be belter adapted for Ilie local business. " r . ... . r a tT 'tr fJATr7 IN HOME BANK' .'MMsUI ' aaffaffaW' . '..aaaar