pam pa Tbt Short Heavy Figure , AN -sideways extra shows inch terribly when one is only five feet nothing, Up and down 1 tfossard Corsets for the short and not so slim figure coax it as close as may be toward slender-ness without sacrificing a jot of precious comfort. Undemanding your type ii one of give you the proper proportion! o! the the mot important aid to beauty you type to which you belong. Gossirdt will ever find. Remember that what- are moderately priced, launder beautw ever your figure may be there are fully, will outwear two or even three Gottard Coneti w:th jutt the lupport ordinary coneti and will give you a yt need at your age and weight to comfort luch ai you never knew before. Gowd trade marked Corsets as low in price as $230 H S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Are You 1 on the Special i Committee? AViii'ii' you have to provide for .the festivities of loiljrt', Huh or .society, four ei us 'help yoif in selecting suitable aiut distinctive. cokes.1 We 'make cakes of any design with decorations to it ;tlic occasion. Talk il over with the bakers at ElectricWindow Bakeries Summer COAL Grejtit satisfaction! Repeal orders being filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Quick tFlrel Lasts Longer! 'Coals same a? other N-it Coals. Phone 116 or 664. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL , A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. You cim'l gel thai flasli heat to necessary to baking cakes unless you Use clean Coal. COMsUMlillij COAL, cleaned free (mm choking shale, burns brightly. It sends clean heal direct to the oven steady heat jvlilcji slays. Our Coal Is free ifroflj soul. I Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. CANCELLATION ,Of RISER VI. NOTICE 13 lirnrnv mi-rv ... - . Uon Of lhk'.lkn Llanri IlaV.t- ......iv... Lot SS3S, Range S, Cotst District, Is cancelled. C. R. NAnEX. . .. Ieputy MInUU-r or Lands." Lands Department, Victoria, B.C. 881b July, 19J3. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE IS lirnrnv r.iviv n..t ... ----- - -- .w.v.. mi- ikiiuj lumiriij Oeld under Timber Licence Ko. IU94 p Is cancelled.' 0. It. .NADE.N. nnnfv Mini. I.. i Lands Department, viciorn, b.c. 5tn July. mi. Watch This Space Tomorrow l'or Fresh Meal SpeeiuU. Our ear of Fresh Meat from (aiuer's Independent backing .Co., Jklinonton, will arrive Monday. Our new bone grinding mucliiue, with Hamburg steak allai-luni-jit will be installed and running this week end. e will be able to supply your chickens with fresh ground bone shortly. FEED PRICES. Prjre l-rlre SliiKlr Suck. J Sa k Bran $1.90 $1.80 Shorts .... 2.00 1.90 Wheat 2.60 2.50 Feed Oats . 2.3S 2.26 Scratch Feed 3.46 3.35 Cracked Corn 3.00 2.90 Developer . 3.75 3.65 Whole Corn 3.35 3.25 Crushed Oats 2.46 2.35 Five sack price applies mi an order of 5 sacks assorted oi straight, FACTS WORTH KNOWING. Ogilvie's Scratch Feed Is prepared from coin, wheat, Oats, bar-ley and buckwheat mixed by experts ami guar, anleed lo get results. Positively no wasle. Protein It per cent, fat 3 per cent, fibre 5 per cent. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281. Dr.LS.TAIT DENTIIT. Helgerson Hook, PRINCE RUPERT, O. Offlee Hour, tm 6. Phone CM. Open Kvenlngs Only Pop peolal Appointment. VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES LAY SPEAKERS TO METHODIST CONGREGATION T. McClymont and Dr. XW. T. Kernln Gave Addresses DANCING ADVOCATED The Methodist Church. wis fit led to capacity last nljjht, Hie occasion being it congregational rally. Magistrate McClymont gave an excellent address stressing the value of the church to the com iminity. Heal estate men always advertised the number o f churches in a place," for the man who knocked the church wouldn't . . . i i i i. i i'uj real esiaie in a cnurciiiess city. The speaker also stressed Hie value of the church as a builder of character. The Ihird point Mr. McClymont stressed was the value of the church as a creator of proper environment. He contrasted the environment of t lie liar room and that of the church. "Some will not agree wild me," he said, "bul youth will dance somewhere and I believe that the church should provide dancing under proper condition.. I strongly favor the gymnasium and the swimming pool.'' Greater Co-operation Or. V. T. Kergiu gaxe'a splen did address on similar lines to Mr. McClymonl. The doctor urged a greater co-operation of all citizens in church work. The in fluence of the church extended far beyond the regular church goers. 1 he average man was just as honest and philanthropic us were men' of past generations. The carelessness of men in Church going was due to post war conditions. The church always stood behind all movements of moral uplift ami the Doctor was sorry lo say that things luul drifted in Prince Itupert to conditions whlifh were nol creditable. Or. Kcrgin said: "We are all to blame for present condition-. We have been loo lax as citizens Let us gel behind the church ami put some pep into its activities. The minister cannot carry I lie whole burden. Morals of Young In conclusion Hie Doctor said: Lei us remember that the church leaches our boy's and girls the morals and work of Jesus, and Ibis is the one thing we cannot afford lo neglect." Solos were very pleasingly rendered by Miss Davies and Mrs. C. Woodworlh. Following ihe service a social hour was spent in Ihe basement of Ihe church. A song service led by Mr. Frank Oibb was much appreciated. Mr. Clifton of Hartley Hay rendered a solo in the native language. Orchestral music was furtiihed"fly Prof. Prycc, .Miss Lancaster, A. J. Lancaster and C. . Wood worth. .Needless lo say these numbers greatly pleaded Ihe audience. CELEBRATES 25TH YEAR OF WORK IN CHURCH MINISTRY In l(i sermon yesterday morning llcv. II. It. Oraul, I .!.. gave some reminiscences of the past L'5 years of his ministry. which he has just conudeled. Previous lo that he had five years missionary work under tin Home Mission Hoard oil the prairies. Dr. Oraiil has pioneered most Use Our to Recipe Department Ollile ofli'lt we irot u teller from xoine woman who asks if we supply reciiies foe llilnus in wlih h Pacific,. Milk js; hoi useii, 1 v Yes. we do, gladly. This dc. pailnient is for cooks am cooking, and it does not mallei what one wauls lo make, wt waul to be of service. Pacific Milk Go. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, 'B. 0 Factories at Ladner and Ab-botsford, B. 0. TH DAILT RIWB Monday, October 1, iflJS, A Rusy Machine Won Work What are you doing with your thinking machine? KEEP IT OILED. JOIN THE TECH I Class Commence Oct. 8th. at Prijico Itupert, Terrace. Hazelton, New llazellou, Smithers, Telkwa, Prince Oeorgc, Surf Inlet, Swanson Hay, An ox, Alice Arm Stewart. Northern Polytechnic Instilule o B.G.- Syllabus now distributed through the Post Office. Ask your local postmaster for one. und see the local representative in vuch town, or write the registrar, P.O. Hex Hi, prince Itupert, H.C. jf his life. He was stationed at ileil Deer Lake, and Pinclier Creek, Alberta, at llosstanrf. rer- diu and Vancouver before coming here. He is now in Ihe tenth year of his pastorate here. FISH ARRIVALS Price Reaches 19c Level on Ac count of Scarcity of Offerings The halibut price look another rise al the 1-isli r.xchaiige this morning when the bidding reach. ed tlm I He 'mark. Arrivals were v'vry light, this condition being responsible (or the brisk bidding. SJx boats sold a total o f 28;?50 iMjund, font Americans having 3,500 pound and two Cana dians, 5,'JOU pound. Arrivals and sales: American Forward, 10,000 pound, at IDc and lie; (ienevieve, 1,000 pound, at IK.lic and lie; Kaslern i'oint .'.500 pound, al IH.Pe and tic. and Sadie k", 10.00(1 pound, ill IH.yc and tic. lo the lloyal Fish Co. Canadian ' Klliel June, 3,500 pound, at 15.Dc and 1(1 I e. lo the Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Co. Mali, 1.75(1 pound, at 15c and tOe, lo Ihe Atlfn Fisheries. TELKWA Mrs. Thoma McDonaliUstient the early part of this week in Smilhers a Ihe guest of her daughter, Mrs. Perry Chapman. The SI. ,kphen's Ouild met at Ihe home of Mrs. F. II. Chellle- hurgh on Tuesday afternoon, Plans are being made for a sale pf work lo lie held some weeks distant. Mrs, llrali .Hoop is spending n few days inlSmithers. A meeting of lhoe interested in Ihe Library was held on Tuesday evening. Miss Thompson was re-elecled president, and Hev. .1, S. It lay fit-lil, sec.-lreas. II is hoped I Ii it I before long, Hie coin, uiuuily will have a building for a Library. Mrs. W. W, Noouaii has returned from a visit lo Terrace. Little Miss liorolhy Maplelou enlerlaitied a number of lillh girls on W'edriesdny afternoon in honor rjf h(-r sevenlh birlhday. 4 Mrs. H. Wearne is u visitor in Prince Huperl. SEPTEMBER WEATHER Sjun 8hone on 23 Days and Total Hours rf were 160 8.78 Inches of Rain The following weather summary for the mouth of September s issued by, J. O. Crewe, Dominion meteorologist: Mean leiiiperaluie, 50. Maximum temperature 7f., Mliilmuiii-It'iiiperalure. 10 on Seideniber IV, 20 and 22. Main, H.7H Inches, Days on which sun shone, 23. Hour of height, sunshine, 100. i -i 1 i i,i i in mi n -u-1-u.J 1 ojaa BIDDING SLOW AT TAX SALE jOnly 63 Lots Purchased of 24 uirerea Tnis morning Though there were a good number of citizens present, in clinliug most of Ihe real estul IiiiiLith in Imvn. litililinir ' wns 'ipiiel at the municipal lax sale tin morning. Of Ihe 218 lots offered. 03 were hoimhl bv nri I vale purchasers and Ihe balance. ino, irwrieu io me cny. n ine 03 sold outside, only eight real ized oer Ihe upel price. All Ihe lots offered in Section One reverted to the city. The highest price of the sale was paid by l. II. Mct..ugaL.for lot 13, block 37. .section 5, H59.;ti. oilier, pur diasers were O. p. Smith. Aid. Collarl. Fred Stephen. A. Nes X. Worobee. F., A. llohiuou. James ami Herbert Hampton, S. II. Leslie. T. O'Mrlen. W. H. Holland. A. V. Ooodiniiiiilseii. P.. II. Morllmer. T. Ho. Mackay, Fled Mepheu. II. II. Iice, Jack Leach. A. J. Oullaml. Mr. A. II. Hailcy. Mr. F.I he! Ffloxl. W. M. Wright. J. W. Moorchotise, K. Mctloskrie. I'.. F. Jones and l. Cs Sluart. The sale wa couducled by Cly Treasurer Matheisou, assisted by Frank Vickers. IPAVING WAY FOR ROAD BUILDING ON ISLAND TO SKEENA J. A. Heameii. allau( chief engineer for Ihe Canadian .National Itailways. arrhed from Winnipeg mi Saturday night' train and sailed by Ihe sleauier Prince lieorge for Victoria accompanied by a. P. Tinker, local rcprcM'iilatiw of the (iruud Trunk Pacific leelopiiienl Co.. Ltd. II i understood (hey will confer with the provincial guv erumenl regarding Ihe transfer of land belonging lo the development company on Kaien Nliind in lieu of cash iiaynieul of the share of the col of lle road which II is proposed to build from Ibis city to the Skecua lliver. TIMBER SALE XB271. Si-alwl IrlMlrr. will lm write bj Ihr Mlnl.trr of Mini, al Vlrluna. m( lilrr Hun msm mi lis- mil iU uf rli4irr. I.l. for llw .iirrl.M- uf l.lrwirr XifJI. In nil l;.liU0 fret nf ilr I'vlr (ifl I'lllnif on in irr nljitlninr I ! H1. wjiii ii or skpt-ua (.moKiiir. t:ur lu inn. Ti )ir Mill lm llunl for n linrtal of IIiiiIht. nirllMT i4MHilr of I In- (lilpf liH-r- trr. Virion. II .1. or IM.lrlrl liirfilrr I'ruire HuMrl, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5559. Si-nlist TriMlrr will I rwleil br lln Mlnlnti-r of UihI., it Vlriorl. inil jr llian ihmiii in Uh- I Hlh dy of Orl4irr. ivfj. ror iiw pnrriuv or i.irrn. lo rul 7.3SU jliri-iHc I'Iim' anil llrinlork Tlr mi an art-a ulluansl iImhiI iwi, mllp friHii li)jnalr staldni. lUnadian allui4l Hallway, ijolir lflrlr. Two if i irara will Im allow til fur rr moval of liintx-r. lurllu-r lurllriilam of I Ik- I lilpf, It. Vlrlorla, H.i:.. or Plilrlrl I'orr.ier l-rlnre lnirrt, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5565. Si-alwl TrinlvM will In? rpri-OH lir tli Minl.lrr of l.anl. al Vlrlorla. ihI Ulrr llinii ihnhi on llw HiU day of OrlolMT. iwij. n.r mi- iirrii4. or I uiurr x at.i. In rut Su.iiuii Jaik l-int and sprmr 1lr ii an "is-a niiuaicii i-ar itoiw, nan i. Coa.l I'l'lrlrt. oiif (l- yrar will ! allowiM for re moval of tlintirr. f nrtlirr partlruUra hf Die Clilrf rorrt nr., Vlrlorla. B.i:.. or Pmirln rorror. rrinre niiwri. h.i:. TIMBER SALE X5491. Si-alMl Triiilpra wilt lw rrifltrrt b tin- Mlnlnlrr of ijniN. at Victoria. no later than ihmiii mi I hi- Ith iliy of OrtolMr, ih. ior mi- iurrua.r in i.ircnrf . a t V I . to rut SOo.oihi fret of llrniliHk, miam, Cntar and sprui-p on ait area illiiatrj on inn foiiiii mire in n i ir ijtmt, biii-mie etian-nc I, luiiKf :i. Coa.i liltirlvt. Two (. yrara will I allowed for r iiKival of timber r un tier narllrulara of Hip rhir trr. Vlrlorla. B.C.. or imirlrl forMirr, I'rlnrp Initwrt. B.C. H Tli"Llttl Doherly Conptrfd with oijluarj, tf J pun Sewing Machines, Pianos, Phono- giaptis and Player Piunos For Hen I by Week or Month. Walker's Music Store Lid, Phone 376 The House mSM BO of Quality ANNOUNCING NEW ARRIVALS OF BOOTS AND 8HOES. "BOOTS THAT NT--MULTIPLY THEIR WEAR. It soiuuN reasonable iloenT il" Fii jour fool don 1 jiisl cover or clothe it. Why do oti Imij u oit. a rap -aiiltiiiiK le,li fit? H look lie Her tloenT it? Fee' heller keeps it shape ami weurs loitg -r. Tin Hpplir more In footwear than aiivtliiug ele oii wear Take v weigh I ny ll5ioumls on take UMiil step n day. V poiiml 115,01)11 Hiiimls into u pair of -hoes per day. The., why mil liny dep -mlable shoe-, stu h u sLATKIl, Ml 1 1 It.W I.OMKLV I-ANY. VKM'S, STKMLIVli. THKD-IUTK an I IIKWrriVSON ami gel lliem filleil il UNIVERSAL Outfitters to WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 8 p.m. Reginald Barker's Engrossing Photo-Drama "HEARTS AFLAME A speclai nlar pliolu pLiv of Hie gn -ut liiiibcr t.'iml with Ihe iniisl r iilisln fores' fire ever Mined. Thnili::;; scene iiicluiliug the bbiwing up oi a large ilaiti. the tlyt: Hilling uf a hillside. Wnlves mid hear- seeking escape lithe flume mill a girl s wild ride tin a locouiolnc llinu , the Mazing forest. FRANK KEENAN, ANNA Q. NILSSON and Superb CaL PATHE REVIEW. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage. Warehousing, and 'Hstribiitlng. Team or Motor Service, Conl, Hand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Phone 376 AND SHOES!' TRADING CO. the Whole Family. 99 Admission 35c and 10c EPSON COAL We on not, Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any ijjantllj Prince Rjpart Feed Co Phone M. CHANGEinSCHEDULE COAST STEAMSHIPS Effective October 4th Sec this space tomorrow or enquire City Ticket Office PA3SENQER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. K.1!,Mr. ,'rlnr'' M",r, ,uf chi.nce utOHor. ehvu?ito', wi.v Ml'l.n, all Mmta Kaitrrn Canaila, Unilisl Ulair, AatNCY ALL OCCAN STtMSMI UNIS. Cltr Tlcttt Offlca, B2S Third Prlnct Ruptrt. phn t(0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service! Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and 8eattle, October 5, 12, 23 1 November 2, 16, 30 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, October 1, 8, 10, 29 1 November 12, 26 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanion Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Siillniri From i-rlncs nuprt. ror VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Oct.n f, Swanaon Ra., Tuaadar, S PM. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Atari Bar, Swanaon Bay, Saturdi Neea. Far ANVOX, AUI1C ARM, STIWART, Walaa, Sunday PM. tor PORT SIMPSON and Nata Rli.f Cannartaa, frldaf A.M. U Inrt Avenue. j. ar,i, a.nt. l-rtnce Iturt. B.C