Ifs Just Perfect- 114 ' r : nr. with fruits and TIMBER SALE X 5512. 6 lll b rtrrtd t th : V ' ' J St VH-tarl. M uir t ..- tttr itm rtajr ut iwitir, i M t Ur-urr lilt. it rf tlrtniors. rir. i v sHnvn) fat rr if .if iIm rstrf rr TIMBER SALE X 5495. TIMBER SALE X5511. TIMBER SALE X 553S. tm t trfird fr sU tl raMIe si nmn nn itw tili.ilr m :' :a llir nrriM. of ih Duinrt ""f nri lltwv. ItIikt nui.1. Ihc s, in mi ki.ooo Jtrkpin I Hf Ttrt, ti 4d trrt tltutlnl im mr'- ! l&r Al hnlll I lit. I. ft I ) httisr 4. C.. (.tiki llUlrKI tin m tit Vr stloVH rr f- " n iinuvf 1 rtrnrultr hf h Chlf rr- '-(it. B.C. or iHiirtft rwlr. TIMBER SALE X5S50. 'f Un.li. si Virions, not Islrf "n n llMt . flh .l.r tJ llrlir. i n iv t"irrhn f l.ifnn x 5ti. frt of rUr. .pfllt. t tnit lulism an in irt-s iliMltil inwiumi cirtu, t.rpuu .nsnii. i. hii iniinn; '"! trt tx slkrit for r- Unhrf MtlieiilsM f the Chlf Ton I- - icmnt. nr.. nr. nuirirt lorn iff. nvivrii il it. TIMBER SALE X 5515. JM Ti-ihWs IUvi rrrlS by lbs i'lrt ,f it,d4, .., lirtnrls. nnl llr " """ni sin iiu . iiri: .Air -tir iiriiuMr. " "r IIm fiurrhsw or l-lmirc X tilt. " "7a.aio trr of fir snrt lpri.rl srnl mwI '' 'rP" Ties .'il sn Sr fir Kill llnnt for rr " - 4.1 ... . . "mhrp lisrilrnUn nt I hi. r.hlf rnn-l. i 'ii.rli Hi- ... iii.iriri rnrnlrr. TIMBER BALE X 5429. m liB orfarct Tnr Slr s l,''" i2fft t noim.iU'iiw liii iy f "" - J. In lltf ..fflni .if II I.Mrtrl "Jln ur, .rmr linprrl. Il XHfll, lo rul 1 0U.SOil 'srkiiw mars- TIM, mi su sirs lliilltrt ml wi'V ''. f , lit iown st Up-'" luiix. 4. iisil tJind UUtrirt. Jsr' "Alll hf slliiwril fur tlinlwr. , I'sniiiilsrt of il CJikf frff ifii,ru, li e., or imirlft . FiimtHT. Iiiiii, n,tl TIMBER BALK X 547S. J iM Tnni,.r will 1 rwrivrxl by in ''" f l.tiiii, st Vlrtoru. iwi lt-r ,M on ihi Jill .lay nt ori.'lHiP. for itii. i,i..ril..A i ....it x Jim. Jl I til,0iMi frfV .if ll.viil.irk, rlttMilil. sml l,ir, tm su sn Uluttril inr iifTrvt Nil, ,,miinj.n Hivir, lunin. Jii.l utfirih. . isrt HI br sllownl fr rr f'u"l'r inrlicultrT. of ttis f.Mrf rorft. .-, lnc "''"f'. li.r".dr 'tumid Kvrtiirr, Iert, B.C. .XW cereals BECAUSE of its creamy flavor and rkhnest (double that of whole milk). Carnation Milk it, ai users write. "just perfect with fruiu and cereals." Carnation it juit 100 per cent cowi' milk with part of it natural water removed by evaporation to reduce the bulk and give you doubly-rich milk in convenient, t'ued contaioert. Nothing is added, not even sugar. Thus St creams coffee, cocoa, fruits, vegetables, cereals, gravies, etc, perfectly. Order a supply of Carnation with your groceries today. Prove for yourself that Carnation is your safest, most dependable, economical Pure Milk Service. MADL IN CANADA Carnation Milk 100 ft, trl mill CnwW The Man in the Meon SAYSi- s; ' ' n sum llwtlrdiUoillil lllnil it Wl! lliil i t - I HA VI! rm hjrl)fn to Imsir iMir nr lH.hl,r, hair, hut lhal hair ainl half vnrtrly i an aii.Hinna (t.Mi. - $()V lhal wr- nr r""iruf hark ' yt VKtam!'Mnlrj,', """"al wnr iimn, whal alMiii' "w iin af r wii'it.'t name ..f aurltoii t.r iJ tor rU?Tnr"SrJi 'i"1 ", !" ,r" r,,,,,, hwmltnl, - '-rfih tttorr ot man . i I'otrw-i (t' of itm rm rt ir tH.lrtri i4rir. .... Ten Years Ago in I'flitc Kupert . j October 1, 1913. " V? uifZ! W. II. lonk,,.. wrallhy nnuuitr tu vj. i itrlubrr. IttS. for lb ni.il nf SiKiliinc lias onri'lial-il M. Alport, inanair.T of Ihi e.lliolliip l.iinihrr CU rrjiirncl from VniifiMirr on llm I'rlnco iiiorff Ihi morYiinir. Ho an. noiiiifcn lhal hi roilijinny i im-IHirllnK 5,000 Ion of roal from Jaiati lo I"" rrlafliHriiw. .' . Arrj.nllnir l T. J. Vaughn-lthy Ho1 I'orllamt Canal T.'Kion i Hie inl dirnlfiriK"minoral hMl "in Norlll AniiTiral .Mr. Vaiuhati-Hhyn ha ln hne for IliA vnil 'Mk In rhiirn "f Hint .ll.trii'l' f xtilt'il l Kxhihl- Unit. II won nri pnr.i ir luunlily of i'm-o. 1 , HOTEL ARRIVALS' Prince Rupert F. J. l,anraliT, .1. Nixon, W. A. Allah, H. I'.. Uwoim, nml T. f.arri'li. Vnnrouvrr; Ni'l John-ann, II. Ji'Iiiimiii, Marl In Anlr-mhi urn) I'. I'r.lerfon, S.-nlllo; W .1. Mrl.miiK'M nml W. nn-Slrwarl; . FHPl,f, Miniieapo-ll; Floy.l Sinilli, I'nily. nk.; ' 11. Hill, Anyox; llroru.' Jhivi-r, IViiar..; Mr. ""'I Mr. A. I.. Wnriitr. I ol .-.til. Mich.; S. Scl.o-firl.l ami W. n. Walon. Wlnnl-p).)f; II. Maoki'tiiln ami M. S. Yountr. r.il",ii'""i M!, w-Nohl. Mani'lM'!''!-. !wa; Mrs. S. S. .MhboIIIii, I'rini'.' ItuiMMl; (.ui'l Maillalr.lvilli R. II llaiiM'ii, ja.Mil,,..., City; Mr. M. I.. Wan!, II. Cniii.ahan, Mm. W. 1Um,uiI lllatu'lic IVll. Ilurkli'y liny. Ctntral UUlMirrl MnHiull. 4IU . .. .. i ..... an. i koii. city: iiin.l .Mr. r- . ll S. FlltniiuirlcP. uigny i.n.., (ii.iu, -nnnck. J- U't'?"; i!vs'ry. v. v. KM.r. W. WaIUm una M. (lerslifieM, G..V.H. 1 1 Movies and Movie People I ( i ! ! ! ! i Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who WEEK AT THEATRES HEARTS AFLAME IS forol of niajflir ihiics entertain the public. Monday ainl Tuesday. "Heart Aflame," a Canadian picture. Pal ho lleview. Woilnc-day ami Thursday. Agnes Ayre in "HaHng Heart ' Comedy "The Flivver." Tin1 ww Leather Pusher. It'tmiil S, "When Kane mot Abel." Fox Now ija.elle. , Friday Saturday. Itiuhard Hart holiness anil Dorothy (i.h in "Fur'. Topic uf tin Hay. . n a at at a harkxriiiiiiil for th" notion. While in I In' Oaiimliaii wdikN, tho ilirorlor launchiNl Hit firtl thrill of t li iiotiire. Iiloulntr hp a .lam ami rrluiiiir ton thotinmt Imir.' log In fro rarinff inmlly ilown llm rlwr. II o luul to run. Irnrl th. ilant otpcially for I ho trono, tuakins il a Mihtlnnlial ami a rornvt from an niklnr-or-iiiK lamlp.ill a thotiph it wrro lo lny . for yi-ar. Thi was in'comary in oMt to hohl hi nml priivhlo llio propor offivl in Iho oploion. Hill' Iho iironl.Nti font in Iho picture, ami Inchloiilally on.' of I he mot ilarjnR projecli oT al-cnipl,.il , for Iho jicroon is. tho raflnr fnro fir. oilolo which lutiliW up I'1 Jiow-crful Hi mm of Iho lory. Stapoil un.lrr Iho iicrMina) iiporviln of finitiity IVa-oilor Sluarl J. Flinlhnm ami hit forco of iiiio luimlroil ioiu. Ule.s, lift fin sweep through twenty acre of pint? Iree while Anna (J. NiUson hrate tic flame nl ih throttle' of a loco-mollve in a wilil ride for powder In ilynamilc a whole ADVERTISES CARS AND SAVES HER FATHER Agnes Ayret In Racing Hearts Plays Spectacular Part Tlial il pay! In adtcrtise j demonstrated in tin- Paramount pirtii r. "Itacirig Heart" starring Agnes Ayre, which will bo shown hereal the mid-week. Mi Syren hi Hi" rule of Vir ginia Kent. iJaiighlef of an atiln- I mobile manufacturer, is benl on popularizing the, Oranada car, hr father' product. An a mans of obtaining publicity, fiingor, a i fciiown, n at norsou TUDII I IMP CTfiDV i lnKlLLlNu OlUKl arrested for speeding several j ;lime. She also has a f.ranada Fire In Canadian Woods Pictures aeing er luilll under her miwt- as one of Scenes In This - jvision. ami it U with (hi lhal t Story '"lii wln lhe' racing classic. Tho j ' '(frand Prize Haoe. Thi. along ltfilliii I tlii outstanding ber Mher exploit . (aue f-atiire wf Iteglnald Marker" s '' favorable comment oh thr lnlft production. lleai (' ,5nnula Motor, ami they Iwgin , flame." which present Frank1" rapidly. In Ihi way iin- K ii mi and Antra Q. NiUon al "v ,"," fatlir-r from hank. thi" hwi.l of a -Irmi? rn.l lonivhl niplry. Iiifiil-ntally. i.fio win lh -u Fr.un .larl lf flnih. thf pirinrr. " t a iMiKlufiil chap-I rarriii with il an air of r'aliiy ami mm wt ion that only liiii ro YD ON SV.H00NEH effort ronl.l iro.lnN. ! ...... tin oii' iMva.ion onrinp mo n llllljil riLUllIlU TUAI I AM soma In ak the r.hior 1',n", nnniN in Ihf filmuifi' lu i.ul.lih llir Onr n. ,f a ,,or "p en,,r" Richard Barthelmess Spent Three Ti lirtt.iT." I., miiiic in.nid "miM- "P '" tr.H.k. Ilrit.: w . w w T . ' ? 'Zr.h'ill Zt'JSr.TMx, naiiilinu rnlillr,! -11., I'rinr A Sc.- From R,5aaU B.rk.r's t'-l II tCli I MVluf vrr tll I irflaard fof r John llurkinir a Slnrm. which rroduiM "iwtm "ma w.m a xolil IH.-.UI ami .liploiiia al ,,, (.oluiubia. wh. ri' Im inl the nvnl rliilnlon. h. yrn w.-k kH"ik womlerful Horry S. Owper of tli l,am',r'iit.loor rn with an nt.Miie I'rinr limrpiti. I In arliL S. t:. . Hayiln of lh Marine ami FI'liTi l',iartnii'iil al Ollawa lia'jMt-il an onlir for a iinilar Company roinmiir hy li. W. i.riffith l. f on of llie rfatt iiii-tur.' fir pr.Mtiest nn.l n .lociiinciil fr.uu lif.' Hirlianl liartlielmi!.' iiw olarrinc pnltM,ll(iii.ii,'Kur'." in whii-h Itorolhy iili play i.jiioir li in. it a rlatr of the im aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam -W V UCHABSUKTHEUESS iTary" nea. Unlike the vvn must jiic-lures of the sea nre miufo, . Mr. Itarthelmess ami his siiortinK company livn! fof lllree.w'eek on nn til.l schooner minus all r;om- forls anil conveniences, uili'Tjrn- ip Iho same experiences as fall to the men Who still salt Iho :even Vas in wi nil. jam mors. - "In spile nf the hantsliiiis' il was Iho most fascinating Juiirney I have, ever taken," Mr. Harthel- mess says, "1 he lualhemattcs r naviiralion hecamo clear lii-ine. I Icarneil o read Iho compass nn.l sleer hy it, Tho stories sumo of Iho olil sails wi-iniil loll (if Iheir SB'am JHBiaaawssSTv nw: .SkWiaaaasak. . jmskajm', vbbbsi - t.i.-..- ft BARTHELMESS Dorothy OUh t'JVW At Wcstholtno Theotro Friday and Saturday. A wortklvhile Reputation The head of one of thi country's great manufacturing institutions says: "The Man who . builds and the man who buys are both beneficiaries of reputation. To the one it is a continuous spur and ihcentiye-to the -other, , the strongest of all guarantees that what he buys is worthy." Patronize the manufacturer or merchant who has a reputation for honesty and fair dealing. Such motives must actuate the consistent advertiser. The man who invests real money in building a reputation for himself and his merchandise cannot afford to risk . any of it by taking unfair advantage of his customers. He must retain the good-will of the buying public Without this, his business cannot succeed j Every time he advertises he puts his reputation in your hands. His products or the wares he has for sale must make good. His service must be as advertised. That is why it pays to read advertisements, to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised goods. Yes, it is worth your while to Read The Advertisements pxperione'! won' romance carriwl(i.orKe; John Will, W.xnlcock, ito Iho Xlh .loirive. K. F. Mirh.nnl. Hi. a lone.somo I iff though, in fipito of tho fact lhal you are 'never alone. There i no privacy. Ilut lo le cut off from the worhl Ifor lhre week, without any communication, not eon a wireless, makes you realm- isolation as nothiiiK else will. It sure .... .. i I no urst eiecinc nunis. in me new town system are now in operation. Isaac Martin, fpresl ranger, has heen lransforro.il In Fr.ifciiis Lake ami has coif lo assume Ueenieil pooil In huy a newspaper his new ilutie.s. Mr. Martin nml when we rowe. into (Sloucester snn expeel lo join him ;as soon and also to feel some nt the rnni.Us he uhtains a suilahle fesi. forts of home once asain." ,'ileiwe Ihero. TERRACE NOTES Mr. nml Mrs. Waller Warner have ef for Kaluin Lake Thurs- .iay, IIioiikIi Mr. Warner will liol reiunie his duties immediately. t Mrs. A. While ami family have left for Vancouver lo join her hushaml. Mr. and Mrs; llnvks celobrae.1 heir Iwenlv-ninUi wiHldi'uK iiii- )iviMary oiil'hursday. Tho. occasion was celebrated hy a little dinner. Annuig those presenl were "r.ramlina" l.itllo, Mrs. tiriejr,- Miss Onalee (iriesr. Miss Annie. tVnisins and Mrs. Annie Hoss and HIIwo.mI Hronks. Charle.s Durham of Usk was in (own Thursday. F. Kckhanll, K. Harrison, F. H. Johnson, James l.loyd ami II. O. Her; made a Irip In lowir Ihis week also Anions those registered Ihe past wyek tit Ihe Terrace Hotel are: Fred .Myers, Vancouver; 0. (I. Divian, J. Turnhull, llazellnn; Mr. and Mrs. I. Marlin, W. Warner and wife. Olof Hanson, 11. W. I'arker. TIioiiihs W. I'arson, I'riiu'e llnperl; W. 11, Hucknall, Vancouxw; Mr. and Mrs. Ilraken-huVy, Anishury; Mr. and Mrs. Harris, A. J. fiook, Vancouver; J. Lfc Wilson, Victoria, O, H. Heig, 0.k; F. 11. Johnson, John Oliver, Victoria; M, Williams, Trince A packed InniSio welcomed Hon. Joint )ljer on hjs 'ap(Mrance hefnre Ihe cillien', of Terrace. Most of the meeting was'friven over lo rofulinff Ihe charjfes ;aiil aiiiiinst ihe present goyernnienl hy Ihe other patiies". , The. following , weia reftisteiisl at the Tonrisl llole'l .luring asl week: Mr. ami Mrs. Skatlhro. Mrs. Smoke ami Irs.. Itrowu', 15. It. McKay, K. F. I )uhy,'."n, n1er-son, A. Oslerhersr, l. M,', II tick in, Mr. and Mrs.M. "(loiuales, p. Denhadig, W. Pudjyk, W. rtich-j aitls, tlus, Johnson, Jos, (ligeus, J. Krlandsen, M. AHard, J. CI. Knight, H. 0. Wilcox, II, iJelf, G. It. McKay, J. Marcel, .1. Helway. t'.corge HartTey, William Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan,- Hert Wilson, S. Kohinson, W, Aird, I,. Sherman, O. W. Oraham, W. II. Scoll, Miss I.. Spudding, T. Tor-kelson, W. 0. Mennie, II. Her?-man, John tirendell, Alhert A. Cole, Fred G. Myers, W. 11. Shockley, M. .1. McNeil, W. F.dgar, J. (.raves, F.. I'eersou, I. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Angus, J. Sherman, V. It. Minilon, J. Ilngman, II. S. Iterrytnan. J. I.arsen, II. K. flenereal A. I), McKuo ati) Mr. Whileside wore passengers on Iho .sleamer Ganlena last night goinic lliniugh to Anyox where n meeling will he held lonight in Ihe Interests of Ihe Provincial Parly. Loggers & Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shots from $4.50 Mien's Brown Calf Shoes, in Goodyear Well', wide or nar-row Iocs, from $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 REPAIRING. ' GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Next SI. Regis Cafe. SUITS Made to individual measure from various fabrics for you lo A-hoose froiu, in all the very lalesf, colors and male-rials. Kvcry suil made exactly fo your measure. ' Guaranteed To Fit. Come in today and we will how you our new fabrics. Prices Are Moderate. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING BY STEAM. Service night. LING The Tailor Second Aire. Phono C4B. Opp. post Office Corner.