PAGE fllX TUB DAILY NEWS G.T.P. BOATS PRETTY WEDDING AT TERRACE NOTES TELKWA ON FRIDAY ok... tfl -rll r untiet- rr Combination I'loyd Hall, of tmlltirr, penl ' ,,"M" vr W""U I T. Phonj7. SAIL THRICE a few day in town last week. Blss Bertha Wlnnlfred McDonaM CANNED Becomes, Bride of C. n. Mr ly. of Usk. ws In town WEEKLY NOW Qoodacre, of Victoria Mii week. A iUiel but extremely pretty Mis. OM. pnvver and Iter bahy Summer Schedule of Canadian wedding was held at Ihe home of i el u inert Crom Hiueltou Hoapllal FRUIT National Coast Service Starts Hie bride pa i en I. Mr. and Mrs. IliursdhJr. This Week T. Mehotinld on Friday even in t al five p.m., when Mi Iterlha The Secret of Mr. smmI .Mrs. LtoMlewtfA and Infective Willi (lie "1'rlnrc Winnifrcil Mrltoiiald beeaine the family MM nssneil swm from OUR BUSINESS HAS DOUBLED THflOUMOUT Special Mtipoil" southbound from Prince briile of Clarence Kenuld (lood-acre, Its Success lk and iMtatMl nsakina their OUR DIFFEflENT DEPARTMENTS lluprrl Thurs., June 7, (lie Grand son of .Samuel lioodacre. home here wrath. THIS MEANS 1 only, (in Crabappln, 214's I'm nk Pacific Coast .Steamship of Viclorln. SOMETHING. TO YOU I (in will inaugurate (he Irl-weckly The ceremony n rondueleil J THE SALVATION ARMY Mr. iilrrt has rrinrnrd from only, Mums, 2M's. service and In future bonis will by llev. W. IJ. Mawliiuiicy, under not only believed that there Pniier HurMrt. I only (in )cl Monlc Peaches lenv Prince lluperl for Vanrou mi nreli wlileli was a ma of was hope for the worst, it went dlced, l. tall. ver every Monday, Thursalay and rose iiml oilier Rower. Mm after the worst in the slam, Mr. m Mrs. rtakor nl Mis Quality at a I only, liu )el Munlo Apricots, Saturday at II p.m., making d! bride who was jrixrii away by tier the Mamarel Uaker left for Vancou in the reel connection' at that fo while! gutter, in prison I'. (alls. point father wn very svveel in ver on TMrsday, I only. (In Ilaiustcrly Farm Vicluria, Seattle and all point crepe do chine. Hie carried It is still doing this all JllackbeiTys, Must and South. lloats will ar while earnallon interlaced with Tommy Lever has relurnel Fair live In Prince Ituperl from tin Miiilav. Ilie oriiupc hlooius on over the world from his I rtp Mt. Price 'oiilli every Monday, Wednesday the veil were some which the 5 tins for $1 and Friday at 3 p.m. I ll bride' mother wore, and which J YOUR contribution to Tlie I he lrMa ejnlnit W est ihrM are n ireustiie now. SALVATION ARMY Annual lay are (llletl with Indians vomit nELIADLE MERCHANDISE BOUGHT RIGHT SUMMER EXCURSION Mis Pearl Mclionald attended to ihe canneries. SOLD niQHT WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S l In- bride and won mauve satin SERVICE APPEAL Table i FARES VIA CANADIAN and a lanre black picture hat. is a wise investment in practical Mm. H'Mson of HKnto. Siet y GUARANTEE BACKED BY Rupert Supply NATIONAL RAILWAYS Her liouijuel wa composed of Christianity. irmipie m amt in terrace, ai-iieiidina; OUn FAIR DEALING OF SATISFACTION pink earnnlion and uiiiiden hair Ihe rrgular Parent OR MONEY BACK Phones 211-212. fern. .1. J. McNeil supported I lie I leaehers' mellS)r and Ihe whi' Annual Service Uic Canadian National Hall room. Appeal drive and 3Mt. ways have now on sale ummcr UiHy celulives ami a few in- Kxrursion Tickets at exceptionally limatefrn-nds were u-eenl. The Adjutant Kerr, financial Henry Mojrle Toronto wh.J UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. low fare to Winnipeg and Point mother i Hie bride hi rep pearl irrey ha simmI in lows) a nit al liu- lui resentative, ask only that be be Outfitters To The Whole Family. in Fastern Canada and the United ntill received Ihe pilots. sprhian fe past DM With, left (i (ilvcn (be fund with which to Summer Elates. Anotlier feature that will After tlie rejrister was sijrocd. serve Ihe community for another the eaal an Thtsrashsf kwnimi We Prepay Mall Orders. Satisfaction Or Monty 14. no doubt appeal (o Prince 'Ii'-iiitI Hie truest pin-look or n very iK'iiple is the very low daiiily wi-ildor.- hi-i-jtkfa.t during year. lr. A. M. ilaynr of Prime Id, I Special excursion Fare to J jl- hieh II." 1.1 .(!. rut Mi.- cake perl, arrived in town the 1-ii.i ..t wa wtnle rl with a yol.l pin Shoes 'iiimiiIoii and Calvary, willi Hit1 The it it: - pifl In I lit- Mule pearl solitaire, Ihe bridesmaid the wek. He amMUMd. Collin i -left privi!"Ke of travelling in l 'i ST'ld Mr pin. for IikelHe llol Mpriny- s.(t ireelioii via direct rail line or WESTHOLME Many Imndsnmc prese-nls wer urday luoraina;. THEATRE it you desire you may travel via Wen's All White Tennis :i'reieal hv Ihe who inin couple Shoes, pood heavy nle direct Hie oilier rail via in Vancouver one direction and and Coast i i LING .ii- ery popular. Iiolh having Waller Walon Of Ihe llol Tonight Only, Monday, 7 and 9 $2.75 Steamships at very little addition. i ii on I lie lalT of the Royal hpritia'a is In loivti. Brown Canvas Shoes, from al col. Tickets are smmI fir liiink for a .uiiiiilier of year. A $1.35 at route. l.inri- wa held fur them in the rise Marenr- Teaelirr' -- t stopover point en any The Tailor . oriatton held their elosinit meei Men's Fine Shoes, from and bear final return lin:il of wiling al Ihe IVIktta Hall, when ina of the staon al Ihe KiNum-Lalum 'Pink Godi 'Inn- Wflied Iheni $4.50 October 3lit. No mi'1 should Phone 649. In.iliV srhool. Mr. MrKarlan.-vra LECKIE SHOES, from $5.00 mi Hie opportunity of stopping i tc i i K liappnii'-. Ihe iieaker of Ihe etenniK s per pair. over and viiliuv's Newi the uhjecl of his addre-s N-nii.-"The WE DO DRY CLEANING Ja"T Nal tonal Playground. ASSAILANT OF MISS SHOE REPAIRING. Park. Full information at City AND PRESSING OF EVERY Hoy Problem." II wa vn I 1 1 Ticket orrice. V.18 Tlnrd Ave. DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. i CALDWELL NOT FOUND inlerraftny and Inspiring addi-e WmiH 1 ii"! (. H r "iF V GEO. HILL Phone SCO. tl Krhlay iiisjstl there wit- a The Shoeman. When you buy advertising you Many Answer to Description whist drive and danev. under Bebe Daniels, James Kirkwood, Anna Q. Third Ave. buy CIRCULATION, and see that SUITS Given Culprit Believed to their auspice at the l'rore-Cluh Nilsson, Raymond Hatton Opp. C.N. Ticket Offic . you get it. tf Have Been a Flsher- Hall, lo raise fuiMte for the J man play vmiiiid eui(i(riil of (he eliool for the primary' depail-llient. COMEOIES "PLAY BALL" and "NO MORE GASOLINE." ordered to l lo-re have hern further dr. Twelve I aide were ilayid Admission 35c and 10c wlopmeiils in Ihe mailer of Ihe and ovr fourteen ilnllai- nn-i-.l Clean and Dr. E. S. TAIT Up measure The firl orise wiiiiot- were a-.aiill of MiaVftonia Indwell on ,..'..- 1 . . 1 T 1,. 1 . 1 .. Ti 1 1 ' ' Mle Hii-hmonil ami KuWli'i ami I ilil.i) nlicht if) -H'e of the effort Fi .'I H ' T'" l ' Second Avenue. f fl (Jy wolH'e. Chief Ihe eniiolal mi orie- Mi- 1 ! DENTIST. Paint Up Now Opp Po.l Office Corner. Vieker -lali'i! this aiorninir that 011 and Kiiii'ia M. 1 -1 1.1 1 1 , Helgerson Block, lany x r-'ni- an-wered the de. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. eriplion uim-ii by Mi Cllwi-ll. Office Hours, 3 to 6. o the l.-.--1 1. i, i.f tlie culpril in Phone 686. Marlln-Senour,100 Pure Paint. INSIST THAT IT IS pietloli I- i liffM-i'll matter. One Stove WOOD H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Open Evenings Only For Hum wa ai ri -li il mi Kiilnrdiiy j Special Appointments. Alabastlne, bill he w i i I j - : wh.'n In- aa Sanitary Wall Finish.. i! sallsla' ii'i ai'i'i i.iii Iinin.i'lf Kyanlie, for Ihe 1 1 1 1 in pi. -limi i-erai W. hae ju-l receded 1 13th Anniversary Fraser Vuruisli b la in. ther peroii I i vniiiir- ai in.ol nf tip river wooil. Neu-Tone, 'I. Ill'' man who rommitleil lln- K'l.n atiti-i'd eeasrtni'd and LINDSAY'S Flat Wall Finish. -".lull I ix-lirwd lo hav- Ihi i, dry. Sue rut to order. Summer Sale Vltrallte, .i f i-Ikm nian Also Kindling In Sacks. Cartage and Storage Long Life Kuamcls. VJev Barretts Special, RAILWAY OFfTcIALS" 1 For Prices, call StarU Tuesday, June 10lh, to Saturday, June Phone 68. Hiingle Varnish. We .iwm lll.ikr tin- event H lolin Cartage, Warehousing, and PASS THROUGH CITY HydeTransfer ii iriiMin o liu' v iiinlel Idl value- olfeii 'l liislribiiling. Team or Motor Hervlce. Kaien Hardware l'ln We ilileiol to rViH all jui vi" llo- Iiiiiilel li-l l.i liiw will MHiif nle.i ' Coal, batnl and Oravel. COS Third Ave. ICE Party of C.N.R, Purchasing and Phone 680. K've liu- Sole. lie rllfileil l Iiiimii al We Specialize In Piano and P.O. Boi 1646. Tel. 3. Stores Men Enroute From Kei vi. b and duality our SUITS. Furniture Moving. East to South Last Motto. ..nlii - Suit, .ii iniiii $15. to S35.00. Night i Hummer 1 lout- al 20 - Discount. CREAM (iniKlMiii Ure-e- lo I..M. Hale Price $5.50. FRESH FROM THE GARDENS party of offhrial of the Canadian Iluii-e li'e-, Milne- lo ?i.7.". for $1.75. St. Regis OF B.C. National Hallway puri-ha-i Ladies' Vesl al 25c, 35c ultil 50o em Ii. ii K and lore ijrpai Inwiil pa-i i KING GEORGE Chiblren'. Vsl-. :l for $1,00. throii)ih the e la-l mulil HII H- WAIST8. Vegetables The Height of Purity mmu on I he I r: 1 11 frnni. tin- Cal Vnit. t do.. In 7..M. for $4.45. Cafe laud -Hllllii ( .1 Ihe Si.iilti mi the CAFE' Voile WiiiI. lo :t.7."i. for $1.75. i I'riiiee Hiin'i I The parlt iiielilil-II. Lellure, Celery, Tomatoes. Mnbllev diu.. lo 1 ul $1.50 mill Prince Rupert's Leading Itudiahe. Green Onions, C. a lian. direeinr of First Class PURE 8ILK HOSE. 'pureliaw- Montreal: CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. .i.i -luri--. Restaurant, spinach. Cabbage. New Carrol, Wm-Mfiie Mld "'I Peumairs. $1.50 pan M.T.LEE ' II. .lenkiii.. hvwuhI li. 'l atfelil. Furnished Rooms to Rent. 25c A Bakery Unsurpassed. iicels and Turnips. l.adie' O.lloli llie. Ilbo k, liiirler Top. Montreal: i: :. Iihrir, purcha- Pi 11 e ll' Osnn.ililr-Phone Cliildreii' Odtoii lloe, Turn Top. Ilrowo Third Avenue. uiif asu-iit. V.ineoiiver, ami K. A. Blue 471. The Ladies' and :i imiis for $1.00. Fruit ;Uioinli-y, -ii ri lary. Second Ave. !' $U5 CORSET8. Ten iloz. Indies' (rel. on - Gentlemen's All (iii-anl ami oilier lllake of liir-el- It r ANGLICAN GIRLS HOLD GLOVES. Slrawtfierrics, (iooseber-rles. , EPSON COAL Pineapple. Cautelope, Tailor 1 v. .1 0 i.oaiiinl I Kid lilnve.. a.."iU (mir. lor $1.75 i $1.25 SALE OF HOME COOKING 1 Cherries, Aprieols, peaches Milk (,Iiim -, 1ag11ia Maul iliulil. l."' I""1 Plums, ISanaiia. Oranges, NETTING SUM OF $27 I'ow iie-- l.i-le liluve. l.5f5 mir. for 75c ' "' Leiiiun, and Grapefruit W e have ju-l cnlartced our Towels, Towelling at Sale Prices. We can now Hupply our Our uatily i eood and hi ore to make room for our Curtain Muslins from 15c yard. FAMOUS EDSON COAL "ur price- an- riiflit New Hpiiug and Hummer tin Jo Auxiliary ':i SILKS. in any quantity, H'ck. Pi are .nodeiate iikIicjii l.loireh W.. i I .1 Menliiir. eli .. value, (o '..'. for $1.05 F.W.Moersch Cleaning, Pressing, -ale of Iimih, eookiuif ami i:ieie-iie-(;iiiiii'. value to SJ.7."i, lor $1.85 Prince Rupert Feed Co Repairing. (ill Ihe Iteil i:n,u llol on wm'ihi lnorgelle. value, lo ;'.7.'i, for $1.05 I'll''1 j Willi the t -1 j I that !' w.i- eil.l-jln ml . foe $1.75 Phone Red 136. Ti ii olellr. rnji. Sf v. Phone 58. Phone 13. P.O. Bos 123. N xt in .nip,re Office. the 1 1 .i- 1 1 . I In- all.1 11 tt .. 20 DISCOUNT ON WHITEWEAR .111 the i-ii. hainl- nl Ml- Ii ''hikIijjiii. 'il in., i v . ril- for $1.00. W'. Itoni' , 1 lii-liuiiu I" ' w 1 Ids Hliei liolf. I'i nil. varil- lur $1.00. -e erul ii- .f Mm am 1 1 1.1 y 11. $1.00. IMInw TnliiiiU. v'.' in . - Mini lor FRESH MILK DAILY HOTEL HUDSON 1 liidiny I.'Hi ii-Imiiiu'i' iiuil Fi n'i 1- )'.li,' ii'--.vlillieeiil Tl.'!."'. ft., iy Dress Goods, 20 Off Regular Prices Dr.A.H.Bayne Oall.y. ami Covyim J willi tiaiuiai tied (asiie All Sweaters Marked In Plain Figures at 8weepin From 773 Seymour 8t. tlons. Our Government Tested Near Hndnn Hay Stores, For the small apartment or' ftlbbons A variety of widths at 25c yard. DENTIST liiHtrv l iMdlll'-', i'nlenl Herd of Guernsey Dairy VANCOUVER, B.O. rramped liv iiik room, the Jap Qrats Mats, reg. $1.25, for 75c each. Cows. Rooms 4, S, 6 Helgerson C Westergard, Manager-Late I11111111K iicinrrr for the provincial DOHERTY SMALL PIANO LADIES' HAT8 AT 13 OFF. ailed tin- ji'M i ninenl. BETTER MILK. Block. Phone 109 of W innipeg, Iirandou will be a favorite. Tin iIjum .(. in represent Mil u -' I 1114 1 lie I'rltirr-- l.'.ni-i-f" BETTER SERVICE. aid Moose Jaw, uuaiiiy ninl tun" have not been v., 'i. i'1'ui ! ,1m v. off.'riiiK X 1 1 1 1 ,m hi- a 11 n 11 1 1 '1 Office STANDARD DAIRY Hours, 9 to 6 ModsrnFlreproofCentral f . . . , .ii 1 il ii i i f'.I- 1111 P;p'i nes-. T.'i- 1 i.i'iileil Willi '1'' " 'Id'' i.i-;.. I Ilia' ill-1 1 " i Tuesday, Thursday, Satur We Appreciate Your 1 tt' I . Il- rit at .1 Kee unr w inli'w 1''I' ehiraf Phone Black 61. day Evenings, 7 to 9 Hu mess, Mall Orders Promptly Filled. We Pay DelWery Prosper . regular cudmuuous advertising advertising mean." Walker's Music Store Ltd.