AIRIE CROP HAS SUFFERED mA Main Ma A 1 1 nm .1 Htll '" - . Prospacta to Fair Arg In Sasiiaicnawan MANITOBA NOT OOOD .,ta Likely to Harvest Baal Cro? Since Says Freo Praaa Report in- i Ptiwillnply favorable iih! haw l'"n inning iliriniKlKiiii Mi' i.iimiinr it rniMiileriible ox I I'll I, j iliirlnif I lie pnt I li r' while romlifi'tnn in an1 ctill very fiivoriibl in-! crop ince IVIU 1- p.i, ro In luiu- nifor'il ili'lrrlora '" runt. Ileal nnl loo , i : !iir, milil nim ronili tv ulil point Dial nut much a :i Nir nverairn crop whole will he hnrvetet ; Mmiilolia Kie lre re. I: .Manllolm Die u : ny rtil, lieul ami nwf) i n very heavy, practically t i'ii!rifl being more or le ;) but - ill I he retjlral ami ; ii areas report refeifi .;,rioiiilnlii wouhl In. v lu si"'l ili promiel vre, Mpif have been fully natf Manitoba : ic wheat riillinir I fairly ii Hie (iiillii'nlrrii ill, will le iiiuilher week or v iiefore hnrveliiijr i hrnuKhoul Ilie pri'vffire. i" .Mil w em her of the pa! Willi' perhup KlvlitK he in. a iie"er itiirtimily to fill n delayed the crop from f u. v 'I'M re ha been no Tli damage from lilaek ha oeen uniloiiliiy cri Hi i being estimates! in lilK lo ftO per renl. Only ill'' iri in Hie province litT Wr r- iiiirf tin rill. i- i. Till maj'M iiy of Hi'' ror pit r n i'jMii f Hie heal( are f li 'tir top, iihlir-alinp iu,r hi uini r migiii, nnl III: of nr, .V ri-.ll- Hip lil I Ml At Hai-atm r a. i . I 'rl hy nil infection, hut " lli .uiie extent a lh be fairly trenerul h" iiii.lille nf the tnonlh. w ha alfj taken 1 loll , unrenily wnre hi the oarl nf I he province, h i been very llllle form during I he pn three Abottl .Tif poltila report y of labor, with the .ni r niiiic aiiiueieni or iu-icl : Tt0 averaue wave iif-"I a;iieir to he from W.50 M 'ier ilay. Saskatchewan inru ruiiinir in iiknirnn. will not he general 'until Anjr, 50. While many 1 rejiorf from .lijjht to . kr-ii- tt ili" fir PilliilHln.! n fiiv.ioiiMfc " 'ue ouiiook lor pmmi nver- fi'li. JinlKinir from lhee 1 'he crop In SaknJfh- at' In van ureatly, wild inlxeti, hut the major. in Hie rirreponlent tnte hutit'li A. I I - iii r-iifiiii- HT-ltl 11UI Miff a week In July hu.l llie 1 of imrniiiK Hie Hp over I'nniHii area, ami the head not filHuK 1 the Inn. The .... "' iiiiirp P li WPI'K J "li"ir In liol.l flie rul in 'k nn.l allow the heart In fill. "i in Mi'iiuirr i iiiiw reniiir. hntiff the rron to inalurily. itt-fU. .1 t . I - j niiiiuiin in repuneu ireni f'w litriel, hul mi Ihnjvhole " hot eriu. 'llie riillliip nnre Kfain" will he general 1 'iislioiil t nrnvince from " mi j. i, nini rui in iih 'e line ,,i nppenr lo he nf- "b iiiei cropn lo any inn- I'llll nlA..l ritk I . 1... ' "in. i nere ou un-n DTonlght ! IM ' IraiutMw "e. Bex imprava tfajiin allav Mi. Tomorrow Alright Vaa Palatial Canadian Pacific Liner To Go On Big Cruise kAVTtfiTHs1 I, A I 1 la la aa.r Ull-aaa4 r.ra.r U aliawa la t'aaalaa rarWt aalallal Jaaki taawa aa far 1'aalaa iitrr. allr aalma lr. ' ,! k;aiarM af I'aaala. Mklra Mill aiaa, la erut ml la wr4 taUnla.Jfa l Ua lata r .Hf .arias. olkr 4raUtr4 rr u af iavfalara la. I1 aiajatlr ar taa f aaalaa P.rlllr l.mai.ll.r I. aa ikf Dal Ml W "- lh ira.rll.r. a. la. .all Ik. wm .ra . .. ml Kaaiakara. Wlr k..- k.rr a. R.4ka. Tk Haklai lk Ma..l ml lk I'irialli ml l.kU.a. I , Tin r tl.aal Kal aa.a. .ara M.a.l.l. ml Jaaaa. Tfc Sal.a af tWaaraa. itllh raaatl. "' aa. wUl ..III.B aar Ik. .Vr..alaa kraa.h af Ik. Ir.. I. a i.Uka alH. aal alfVr aaa-aU lar far il.llara. a. a Ik. Ivr.r rickl.k..4 alrlarr I. af . a.r l.fl I. a lll.l.a k... kaaakaL U arla. llk Ik. irttlMI rmmlmr . tk. vtarU ftnou cruit of tbe Can- lilaud of ruountalai thrown up aa 'HMa of Curote. The Ubln at tbe south of A&la. U alto one of inttml rltK al.n lrlflc ttrimar '"mr bnortf Uh a fit tbouwind ft abor tb Monte Carlo canlno are forbidden to Slojrapore. tbe buy capital of tbi ... I 'flpr,M (e4 b. ,0c,nlc cton from tbe ititl jtbe twenty tbouiand local Inhabitant! I Malay itate. U Ibe next port of cat: of Canada, po.ted for tbU com- un.atornaj Jho. however, hae tM on-olaUon of and Brit if her on the trip will be tit alnur. U attracting murb ttn , jbeinc exempt from bon tbe foun '.atioa of tbe new (ion hot only In Canada but In tbe 10 vt",T ",T t Naplea U the next port of call, tbe natal lv which is to be built ther Called .State and Mtilco. Tbe hie Gibraltar, reached on tbe mornlnr ilarceft, bmleit and moil populous .oon. il.06 tun llnr U especially aJaptrd of. tbe twelfth day out, standi on .port in Italy. Here opportunity li :o world rulilni and havlnc won the iltuard like a rock-mounted policeman (Hen to see tbe chief points of Inter-.ped record of the Pacific, lb torn- on an octsn trait. This famous fort- eit la the city and to visit FonipiL pn Dai cboHO tbfi boat to be tbe resi of tbe British Kmplre u ori-j port Said and then Cairo and while flcttblp of rruUrrr for Ibe winter jrltally named after a Moorish In- ! the bot proceeds to Suei tbe,. tidr of the elchth eenturv. w bose f era w ill be chen four dars In tbe ' ' Tbe circuninatUator on tbe to castle still remains. Known to the. land of the Pharaobs. Iliner will steam for Manila, the capl- rea uf t nda will telurn laden 1 ancients as one of the pillars of Her- "rn " 0.TriWK 'V.?' th 'V11 lUtlfg- on i Itb IL rich exprlnce and mentil rules. It was formerly considered as , lh s,1"1 rtucat'onal centres m trtsiwres gathered from tliion of the western extremity of the world. 1 From there, the visitors move on the world. Money by laws for schools lLl..a dlffaranl conntriaa and con. Already from the SlrsUS ol un- ui ug o. ikii, muuki ish mij is u uimih m uct with Ihe roetumes, ersfts and ralUr the ratied purple and green .lillltallnns of flfie different races. 'and orsnce and blue of tbe Atlas It ill U a lour lo port of a thou- mountain has cist tbe spell of and mmsnrei. unfldln'Jh.- rue- Africa upon Ibe toyager, and now at i of Ihe world lnm id cultured leatly morning of tbe fourteenth day aest lo Ihe Urhallc splendor of the the ship casU anchor In the harbor east. Shrines, tnoaquei. temples. of Aljlers. facln the Ivory terraces cathedral, palaces, and the sacred Sand minarets of a still half-Arabian treasures of tb fabled Orient in teuy retealed to tbe gaje if these fortun-, Across the Mediterranean the ibip sle-epysgeur. , to turn lo Monsco, the high-itep- lasting New Voik at a time when ping principality on tbe south-eaitern (be Inclement weattwr drli those coast of France, at whlcb alt the hn ran afford to eicabe to more i Pnrttaisiworld bakes Its finger. equable f limes, tbe Empiess ot Can-1 Within iu tiny area more fortunes ada li due tp reach nine days later have been lost and won tban lives the balm " 'res Colo hurt fnmlly; Mr. U. Thotnti- on nml hah' girl; Mr, McDon ald, Ml Mabel Slexen, Air .and Mr. K. Annolrimg, Win.vKvanV urn) .lack MotTeli. uHehger from Anyox for Ilia diiulh ri'i'i'iilly Included Mrs, C. Cujidill "I'd children, who are Kngland hntind where ihey will spend a year; Mr. I). 'IV Kviins for sipokane; .Mr .ami Mrs. K. Dredard, JSew Vork": Mrs. John flonway and. daughler Sheila, ort Slni! "'. McKuiglit and daughler Mury, Vaneotiver, where Mis McKjiiglil will iillend the Unfversllyj Mr. and Mr. lenni drew n tair ir.eileniwd lo the hall grotimfp, where n nally :goiH exhihiliou of the game wit 'witnessed, lu the firt half the I Smelter managed to nenrc u 'goal and ufler thai tdere vas uo rluuifi f'r either sidej t lie Mine working hard on Hie agivs-,ivr, while Iheir oppontenls 'weni eiuiilly jletermitied lo fcirvven! Idem.' fri'in eiiualizlng, Kvnn. wdi I hy long odd Ide het fo.Mhnll referee lo ollleialo Ir. Anyox, dandled ld wdislln and gave general sallsfactlon. Line, up: Smeller: MeDougnll; Mair ( and Kirklaml; llowan, Hoss and Main; A. Kirklaml, Wilson, West- Ksfjod, lireenwell und Armstrong. Mine --v tirkle; I'ynne. and l.ntige; Oane, MeKeown' nml C.ur-rie; 'IVaddle, Kvnn, Harnes, l'rot uml llalverson. ALICE ARM J. Calvin report m Idal develop-inenl work on llie lluxen group on Paul Klayduo tJreek is blowing up good ore. .The Haven was slaked hy Chnrles Munrw nml I now owned hy .1. 0. Tretheway. Miss I'earl Wilson nrrived hero last weekfroin Vuneouver lo Join her fulher, W. A. Wilson, r l'rovinelal Police ghlef A, G. Mlnly was here last week from British outpost and on across tbe tlement the longitude and latitude of the big liner Three daya are booked for litis port The trip to Rangoon, tbe greatest rice port In the world, and also one Mile Donald left hy Ihe wiufei lal week fiir n forl-niffhl's nrosneeJinir trio into Hi" iieorglu. lliver seetioij.' - Large ralehe. nf IrouTnre. I aken in the Kitsault .and II- jlanee Hiers and I.ime :Creek. Anynx visitors -at Alien Arm and' Silver Cilv include Mis.. Mabel Elevens, Wjlliam s,. jncK .Miiiinii, - .Mr; aim. .Mrs. r.. Armstrong, Mr. hnd; Mri II. Arinsli'iinir niiil f.iniilv. Mrs. 1). jtlole nml family, Mr,. O.'riionip- son uml dahy, Mr. MeDnnald, Mr. ami Mrs. r.an6, W. IrVKve. O. J. Ilulehlngs. Mr. V. M. Kelley. Min ff. (Iragan, Mr.JI). J. Iluli'diugs and fnmily, Mis Vera Kve. Miss Kathleen Kvo- Mrs. Mnrelay und family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh .loluislnn and family, Mrs. II. Sorey and' fnmily. STEWART During the mnulh of duly 22 sleamer dichargil and loaded cargoes ul Slewnrl. William lllimillon, pioneer prospector, suffered n iparnlytio stroke last week but is recovering nicely. J. Mcllugd, engineer for Ida Dominion Fisheries, has, .completed his season's work at Mexiaden Lake and has. returned snulli with hi parly. Mrs. W. C. Cameron was taken lo llie hospital last week suffering froin an attack of iulluenza. Mr.- and Mrs. .1. .0. I, yon' and family dave loft foe Pavilion where they will spend a mould's vacation. W. T. llal(er.hy of Prince Rupert Is relieving Mr. nt in txji Atoa. Croeslnbe equator the Einpres of Canada will then to to Uitatla. tbe capital of tbe Dutch ICaft Indies. With ber none turned north the Indian ocean to one of th greatest Prom Manila tbe travellers will porta la the world. Bombay. A stay be taken to Hong Kong. Canton, of a week has been allowed for this Macao and then to ShanjuaL and port, and many trips Inland har je peclal arrangements hare been made been .arranged. to see China as China u. After leaTigg Bombay tbe passen-i Tbe next port of call will be la gers will know where they are going! Japan, where all tbe leading porta as several hundred miles out from! will be rlslted and the Japanese Jtbe shores of Ceylon, the LeavUy .Government Is making preparations scented and spicy breeies Indicate! to demonstrate to tbe visitors that Japan Is a friendly little nation. From Japan the liner will go to Honolulo and on .May 24 will terminate ber cruise at Vancouver, tbe , passengers going overland from hera of Madeira, anihrv been lacandered on the ba'tle-lrf ' crest lumber districts of the Uo their various destinations. iMime lUin&pe from hail, varying from 1 1 sr li t In heavy, ami ome lumuite run) rain ami vviml which ha loilfte.l Ihe yrain. A few tiuiiit rVporl frol. Lalnir on Ihe whole Ihrousthout the imivinee I fry earee, wild iviice loing olTen'il from J.I.Su ii i5 pei4 ilay w'ild hoanl. , In Alherla llie oullouk U very iMirounildiig'. iin'l there I every pripeel' I1'! iiro'vlnce will liar. vel lh liet rroji xiiU'e.. Ill I ft. I he wlfnle prnvinre appear to he irai'tiru'l(y free from rul and the wheal heiwl are on Ihe whole heinp WeJ) fille.1 lo Ihe lip. Wild on hlluhl or runt, very lil Ho lamane.' from jti'UK.liopier ami t vly n few ilWIrirl weriounly hit hy hail,, all rorrepondenlH nro very piijnilie lo Ihe outoik. I he wheal erm : doe not appeur lo he iih (ul -.iy it was reported, nud wild favonliile wnrm weather fnim nrtw i)it eiillinir should he BeneniOiSoin W. lo ift. The rolling of eoar.-e grain. will iVol he feue'ral. Ihe Ul week in Augul. The mnjor-ily of dilricl. reMirt a shorlnge of lahor, while llie nxerage' wayo olTered appear lu he from 1 lo - I .."() per day. ANYOX Anyoxile holidaying at Alice Arm I III Week include Mr.. I). hilney. I'nijiv Ittiperl; .A. Xitfkerxon, Fred Whilleker uiid II. Mill, Vancouver. llelnriiing Anyoxile from thaj hi(i Jiy luNl'ilraml Trunk Kiat were- Mr. and Mrs. IK Muir, Mr. and Mr. J. Hulcher and Mr. J. KirklHixl amldaiia'hler. A won was horrent the Anyo.x; lloxpflnl i-eeently to Mi. and Mri Neil Marshall . ' i FiHilhall ( npnin going mkI ami llie lal encounter. .Htaged liefwi-en the Mine and Smeller I'rinre Iluperl. An oilirer i lo he !lationed here lliis-year and a huitdina in town ha been selecled for a jail. I. yon in chars hulcher shop. e of P. Burns' Jimmy I.yddeji, pioneer pros pector of this district has re lumed nflpr an ahsence of several years.-He arrived here from Swanson Hay in a rowhoat, the trip havrns taken 2i days. TIMBER SALE XS346. , . Seslrd Tendrrs will' be rerelved by tln .Minister or IjihU at Vletnrla. nut latrr llisn rrnon 6n the join day of Aumit. 11(3. fiy Ihe. purrlia. of Llrenre X &J46, li mi s,,i jarsplne Ties, on trw a.w.k of iJit 701 and an-a aitjolnlnr, Hanre I, Cmtl Land Dltrlrt. Two i years, will be. allow edfor removal or tlmlier. I'lirtlier nanleiilars f Um. fjil.f rnres- tr, Vlriona. B.C, or PUirirl Forester, rnnee niirri, h.c. TIMBER SALE X 5240. Sealwt Tenders will "be reoelved by thi" Minister of Lands at VlrturU, not later llian in mi on Hie 36ih iU? of Aiiriisi, lJ. for the purchase of IJcenre X i0, lu nil a.Tua Jarkpiue Ties, mi an area sltuatnl apprnxlmaiely Jl miles south of lliioe Lake, (Unadian 'HKna1 Hallway, llanire , Coavt Land nislrlrt. one i . year will be allowed for re. iimval of umber, Further particulars of the Chief fores ler. Vlruirla, B.i:., or District Forester, I'rinre ltuerl. H.r.. TIMBER SALE Xt385. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister nf Lauds at Vlrlnrta. nol latrr .'lian ikioii Vm the 7th day of Srptrniber, fur tn lurrlMe of Urrnee last lo nil g.unu lineal feel nf Cedar Poles and IMIinr, on an area adjoining Lot HIS, lUsslar Land nislrlrt. on (i i year will be allowed for re moval or llnilwr. Knrlher particulars of Ihe Chief Pores'' trr, Victoria. B.i:., or Pltrlrl Forester, Prince lluprrt, B.C. TIMBER SALE X6365. 1 Sealfd Tenders will be received by the Mlnl-trr of Lauds at Victoria, not later than noon m the' 7th day of September! IVvJ, for the purchase or l.lreii-.e XS301, In cut cy.OOo Jackplne and spruce Ties. on an an-a sltualed In the vlrlully of IM-rkrr Like and ariroMmatriy ivj miles iHirlii and east 'from ueckrr Mke sution, C.VIL. Ranee i, Coast laud District. Three (3T years will be allowed for re. moval iif Umber. FurtliPr particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C., or Dlstrtdl Forester, I'rlnee Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5341. Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester, not later than noon on the Kth day or August, ttis. for the purchase of Licence X 1341. on an. area situate on an unnamed Inlet, Fast Shore Laredo Channil, Range 3, Coast District. v - t Uses Less Fuel Save money by ln? SMP Enameled Ware cooking vessel Thy use Jess fueL To satisfy yourself try this convincing test in your kitchen. Take an SMP Enameled Sauce Pan and one of equal size made of aluminum, tin or other metaL Into each pour two quarts of cold water. Place each sauce pan over the fire. The water in the SMP Enameled Sauce Pan will be boiling merrily when" the water in the other is just beginning to simmer. Save your money. Use 'A Face of Porcelain and a Heart of Steel" Tkrta fattest Ptul Wars, twa raata af srartr-srey aaaawl.lasM sal' aut Ui.ia.aa Sar. IIn. M.fa tl.k. j n. siaV. arkiu Uaing. Crrstal War., tkrta mu, sslh last. aa4 aat, wltk karal sjlaa Tnree -3 years wilt be allowed for re moval of Umber; Further particulars of the Chief Fores ter, Virions. B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 4725. Sealed Temleri will be received by the Minister of Eand. it Victoria, not later than noon on the Sith day of August; I9y3. for the purchase of Llrenrn X 4723. lo cut 3.VQ0.0U0 reel Of Hemlock, Spruce, Cedar and Balsam, on part or lot 78ft, .North shore of Alice Arm. Cassiar Lain) District. Two (t years will be allowed for re. moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, rrlnre Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5376 Sealed Tenders will be received bv the District Forester, not later than noon on tbe (1st day ol August 19JJ. tor the purchase of Llrenre X S376. near Lot SOS. Dundlvan Inlet. Ranra 3. Cnast Iinirirt to cut I7J.000 F.B.M. of Cedar. Spruce, anu iirnuora. Two () years will be allowed fur removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, or the District Furester, 1 1 . 1 . .. . li . r. riiNv nTri, o.. TIMBER SALE X 5378. Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester, not later than noon on the Slit 1ay or August. ISvJ. ror the purchase or Licence X 1378, opposite Lot 33S, West Shore Johnson Channel, Range 3 Coast District, to rut 133,000 fii.m. of Cedar, Hemlock snd Spruce. ' Two (til years .will be snowed for re moval of timber. Further particulari of the Chief Forester. Victoria, or the District Fortner. Prince Iluperl. B.O. Local Agent Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd., Third Ave. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT.' S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX . . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. Fee Port Simpson and Stewart Monday, S p.m. Vancoavar via Queen Charlotte Islands Wednesday S Jn. Skasna Rliar Porta Sunday a-m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY: Leire Prince Rnr-ft S.tS run. t r riUr.E f.EortOf:. EDMOTOcHPT' WPF.O, all points East.rn lUnada, United tat.; A0CNCT ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, S2 Third Ate, Prlnct Rupsrt. Phone 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAI B.C. Coast Service Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, i kOfo August 1, 8, 11, 18, ,22fofff. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skauway, August 3, 6, 13, 17, 24, 27. 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information front v W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings From Prince Rupert, Fee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean rails, and Soinsoa Bay, Tuesday, B PJL Fee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, snd Swanson Bay, Saturday Noon. Fee AN VOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa Islsnd, Sunday S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON ana Naas RUsr. Cannsrlsi, Friday A.M. Hi ynd Avenue. i. Barnaley, Agsnt Prliuir tluprrL R.C to rut 4 10. 000 feet ot Cedac Hemlock,, Spruce, Balsam. , two m rears ni De aiioweavror re moval of timber. 1 Further partirulxrs of the Chief Fores- ? trr. Virions, or the District Forester, rrlnre Rupert, B.C. j TIMBER SALE X 5146. j Sealed Tenders will be received by the! Minuter or Lands,, at Victoria, not later! than noon on the Ulb day of August,; ISIS, for the purchase or Licence X5II6.) io rui iv.uuv jam rine urs, on an area situated about l miles from Palling station. C.N.n. Range s, coast Und District. LING The Tailor Phone 649. WE DO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. SUITS ordered to measure SeconrAveniie. 0pp. Post Office Corner. NEW REX Cafe On Second Avenue.. Tim best place to eat. Good, Service. Nothing- but the best. Under New Management. i . s