You Want A When Made to Measure W SPRING SUITS I Oimlitir, hurry 99 From $27.75 Up. Phone Steve King l ears ana oih service 11 PRINCE RUPERT Men' Furnishings. the City. Rat Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Third Ave. Mil NO, no ' IMUNCn MPKHT. H.G.. MONDAY, MARCH IV, ll2:. Saturday' Circulation 1,0. ttraat Salaa 0. THICK F1VK CKfl'IU ""7 1G WM END RAID ON IRISH PLOTTERS HILE SENATE OF U. S. FAILED TO PASS TREATY IT WILL BE ENFORCED lent Raid on Irish Susoects QMGLEY LAID MRS. WRINCH PaMim in the Home is Urged in Britain Results in Hundreds 1 mmmum mw mvM olS$jl Warrants Have Been Issued Wife of Well Known Interior ' Aa.ln.t J. Donohue of medical Missionary Passed j Being Deported to Native Land Britannia Mine J Away at Hatelton Attributing lliu ruiisc of (lie rrimc wave thai lias swept tho world Miire llu' Ureal War to (he fuirt thai Hit" home -as losing '','' rindi, wif'- r lr. its grip on Ihosc within ii bertnif-e Hie rhildri'ii wi-re Mipplunling VMrVl-'M Murrli I" AViii- t:- Vr'l",, uii?riiitindri'l of lh Kirrnl in il ronlrul uml the disrijilinc to good March 12.- A swift and silent raid Irish . I i.. i i 1 ii'i'eary LONDON, upon SALMON EGGS iCiot u" U"' "a",u" i"IUhI. .a..wi rilizni.hi. Hum hi-iiig lol. Hev. Dr. II. It firnnl" made a cts In Great Britain created something of a sensation hero 1' r.l J at ln-r hoini" in llurrlli.n ? m'iU! iimiii.-vi.iir T awi-a-y lirring api-'al for womrii tu uo Ihi-ir inriiienre in improving tvelopmenls are awaited with much curiosity. ii Vi. L MinL i,L r'riy '"ori.i.ig follvwini: a i- -i ti zeu 1 1 i of Canada in mi .-id.lre al the annual meeting of fudging from the customary reticence of the Tree State FOR SKEENA m." m .I,..l ,,,ns ' M""irll :iiIler. DniK-rial Order Dmighler, i.r lh Knipire, .. ..f Umi lment, however, It seems unlikely much information will i in out. A statement on the subject In the House of Com- .i .1 rltirh wan Mix- AIN-." llrerkeii, " ia,. hren ullli r Imay fill gaps In the story. """"J" u'J'ZZ " a""""1 "r 'lon" ,,v ""r i!,,n fit to be citurns of Famous Atlantic Fjsh Being 11,. latl henr.l of .ar" MJBLIN, March 12.- Nearly 300 prisoners taken In the a. ...,., ........ .. ...... Planted In Local Waters in (iVIalii'ina nnl "I In I'fH.-l ,,r,i,r .niriiia ine VMir ami ine '""'i. in and Is it ind raids have England Scotland, understood, 'loronlo jihe eaniH lo llaielloti a .-t i.i -.iirre. von have hail loere lias iieen a rrinie wae inded here from British warships, two hundred men from made stall- .oliri. ar a.k4l In aUl I a l.ri.le ome 23 ri-ar tan hii.I hi ai(, ,,r (ranl. u a leiHi. inre Ihr war. Some say that l,t An Is being attempt in lH-.iliriir It i nd the balance. Including about thirty women, from an- fit. her many yrar of reitideiiee llnri! oax lin-n i-atisl by I lie oetmg IIiIiil- to hae urrr and in my Introduce the famous Atlantic to j lioiit.lnir hail ImMi with I li All were convoyed under heavy armed guard to Jail. lias ahvay Iirrii a HixiUerfnl u--iilanl experience I have Keen that it conditio!",, hy the war. I'olice salmon Into the waters romiimiy fiflin-n ytirx and during lo her lin-buml in hit nulhorllien that it 1 due t work -ay ) to taken of the Skeena, and a consignment the l;il llir-e. ui to lt' linn- lit-' women put over FISH ARRIVALS ARE ilutie-,a lomlieal niinioliar)'- '! wvll. The organization v( women Hie fact that the hoy and girU of Is now on the lir IESTS MADE eggs leniuiied n y:tr ngii, wiim iceii-iral lo a cliorl lime before her death, into iirh a wonJerful movement have nol been un.Jer the discipline to Terrace where the j i way inaiia-T. , HEAVIER AND PRICES harilly a ilay a-nl but he vf the home in young fish will be raised at Tin- iiifiii-oialioii Koi lal-l a the Daughters of the Kiojiire is an previous gener- the Lakelse hatchery. This IihihiIiix" W. J. ile.1 llir lniilal Iriliiintf a orl a .llcinliil idea. y iitions. Hoy are nol being taught PLOTTERS JuiK-' tISH ARE id-aiii"! ly LOWER AS RESULT of iMiinforl an.I fymimthy to llu the duties of the home and are fish Is of special Interest to ley. of K.I l'ao. 'fex, vlre-preni-j'irnl "I'hamclerK of men and wonten there. Her ilralll wiH'b" -.offerer not unjr the disripline of the sportsmen because It Is a -f Hie rniiiiaiiy. nee formeil in lli -ir childhool and I i-li DMivaK vn-rr heuvlcr n mailer uf deep repn-l In all llo home which fits them, for tht game fish that will rise to tin- Impressions reeeived then last tight Landed at Dublin 1 1 1 1- ni"i mint .mil Hp- price were " llaellon ieuib anil lu-r many discipline ol work, ltevord lmv the riy or take a balL Unlike i for yearn. When the women are England Custody or I. !. Tw.-uly boal marketed the Pacific salmon It DISTRESS SIGNALS a 1 1 1. r i ii k frii-niU and ai-quainl-unceti iiitliie- witli loyalty and patriot. that one out of eery- 12,000 per- IH'.i.Ouo uf bahbiiC tlirouuhoul tin- rr lit nil in poinds "' Liiueu rMaie. i? Troops does not die directly It has ism there will po forth from the American boat yrUins close i.i ! TROUBLE OYERCOML terior. .Not long ago Slr. Wrincl nuiiiierco. wnyT lieeaose ilia ' spawned but returns to salt .. . si i. n i... iu. f: . 'loines. boy and Kirls, (lie M)PI1 UHLIX Mai li I. Xmely- l. for frrt cmn doli ami WaaV VU Svt'll 1 IIQISME1, .HHmVFU-1 noun- lull io discipline Us water, A Winnipeg despatch gi tomorrow, carry- liine.. ;i, i u .i.r. n r.lM "''' ' received this morning says: l.nMinX. M iiM-ne.?..- inemners." jiuwrfd ami V.-otlund wrir Arrival ami .! were a, fol- "Millions of salmon eggs srtiat- fi"io tlii l.madian I'aci-mid- ill HI' " -Mill. UuJ IMl....' m s- f-d"iioii' them by their mother . ' "menuous imiuefic irXiled t'lierr; ili-iduy In custody low: from Newcastle, New Brunswick, nlrann-i M Inn ii in u...-u.v.,.u uV..e , wMrT(ov,n u, rarriml on from 1 "p women are ine querns oi f'Free Mule Ir-onp. No explaii- Kvuliiln.ii. li.OOll pound, ami passed through en Allanlii- were lain followed by itieneratfon lo feneration Ihe home and a child l'reM.-iil. 11.000 pounds, to Hie n- i-i ii. u;i,., i Ihe mother inure lliun anv otlie- Hon hat'bcn .nit rt!anllint lie Kn.'i route to Terrace for the Dominion i-.-ai-siiiina nn-ssntrr that I lie offer unit uIih-Ii they arc ritmHn Fmli A Cold hlomiiUOi. fish hatchery. This Iroolile aboard I lie tivtsel had U riiich i survived by fir child-: Justice, Fair Play, Truth member or Ihe home. The mother harped loil It i i -IoihI they al IS.Hi mill Or. Is the first eiperlmenlal attempt been ovei-ronie ami slie wa pro-reeding ren. I.eoiianl. who i alt-inline Ihej ' "I'lir spirit oT jiislfre. ralr play, lias a Ireiiieii.lniis influence in a vi" IWiiJnv - .1 ii a l"l Imperial, .".,000 iiimiiicI. Anil to Introduce superior lo Si. John. I'liiver!- of Alberla at Vdmon-jnilli and riuhleoiisne lie (h hearl of Ihr boy. I"4jn you ga1nt the Fr. Ii J.IM'll.- Slar. o.iMMi 1.1.mill., in Un- l'uri-1 quality Mlramlchl salmon Ion: Oooper. or the t nioivllai'k Itin.l lli llrilisli Kmpire.' ami wonn-n not ue that tufliienre in lent. fir Fisheries al Ij.Hr aud Or. Into British Columbia, BIRTH staff al llaiellon: Miss llulplirna, these are primitive morals oii" inj.- tlo-i-itiii-u-liip of l"Uin-who Curoh'ii. I I,mm pound, and was eulbil home reeisnlly ou'w-itirli nr.. founded the manhood ad.i? Cannot you do a wundcrful! 10.000 oUlld. U Ihej arroiinl of Ilrr luuther' (line tali iialioiihoo.1 of Ureal llritain. w-ork in milliii--- inlo the Kim.ire Mi- 1 M. Whiil-iw. win. has A ilaii.-lit.M- was leirn to Mr., FRENCHMEN ARE Paeifie I i-lirrir ill 5.0r nnj Vc.l,,,,,, ilMllf ill 'In- rlfy f"l the ami Mi.s. S. Leslie. Ninth Avenue, from attending w hool ut Ijliuon. ;Ven now thai pirit of llrilisli end (lie Itoiiiiniou boy and sirU liroiiii-r. 1 1,eiiu ounu. in ion; A 11 11 r. who 1 ali.-ii.ini-- honeslv and Iriilh 1 heinc rsi-m- i.r whom I In- nation and the em. lisl r. lu::l,.-d I -k On n I llu- lirn.-i al ll-is,ilal on March: lln- Hoot It li-li.ri.'. linuilian 1 lligji Srhool al Vanroiier, und ..lined in her delermiiiatioii to I i r- will be proud?" Salinday tnnlt li.iin. to. ASSASSINATED i... mi I uinl Hr. Han.Id. al home. Iav 0rr, despite the almost oe--. Srmii. ; iimiiiiI. ninl Ail--I The funeral will lake plae ul .wlt-.-tmitisr difrieullie. her Ire- in.-. 5.0IHI iKiumU. Iii llm IIikiIIi Owes llujelton wi Thureday. ank, ,i,,,,H wtir ,i,ts willo.ul uusli- PATTULLOLEFT Railway Company Mosrjs. mauavi-r of Hie H.I'.. ' "-linir who rl Anil-French Dtmonttra- I i-hi-iir- r.unuilian 4i. al I5.?r her own debtor. 1'i-oiite ptlon Yet Seen In Ruhr: ami Or. d'-rlaker here, Iraviiifc- on lo. ,undertake iirli a tak a that Reprisals Certain Nutliiiial. ;'i Miiifli. In i.ighl' train l lake rliar'i-. liliist be a wonderful people. The FOR THE NORTH I lir A 1 1 1 ruhrrir- al iinJ City $339,000 Default Iremeiidoo innate hoiiety of the liCht IN' IIAl SFV Mai. I. Ur. PIRACY UPON lliili.h people i bronchi out 0 io I ' iv ts 1 1 1.-1 . mi' ofllrcr Mm ii. O.noo iniinl. ninl Ail-.u-!ii. it- IremendoiiH national houeslv. Will Travel by Way of Prince it civilian. iMiiind-i. to Hie Tin- alor of llriljsli u-n doe Rupert to Ottawa to Meet fbfc-'U"1-'MUl 'I "II Hip -I j .-.-1 - It al iinH Co. al IS.Kr. iiikI Or. on Taxation Contracts RUM RUNNERS I,o 11 1 lo be rererretl lo here. Dominion Cabinet ilrr J" WHuniay, in un- Jiiliamiu. CI.OOO I'uiiiiiI. ini'l Vtn 1 all know that, too well uu-l U EI' i I i I'lU ll ll'HI"li-l l il Niit-ni'ii, 10,000 immiIiiN, I.i tin perliap more lullmaieiy ami VICTOUIA. March I -To grt JjT -'ii in II nil- Un r.anaiilMli I'inll A Cold Sturuc A brief hii.i been prepared by Aid. liollarl showing thai Man Wounded and with more heart pang than I. (iruud Trunk pledge wilh regard fit HlllIT WllS Bill-ll-I V i:i. iii I Ii. mid Or. 9:i:iM,000 has been MiveJ Hie (i.T.l'. Ilnilwuy Go. in Ihe past One and Cash Taken jl.iiinixh be itlo say that il all goe to I'rinre IJupert carried out by in l.iMiiloiw. 21 .000 i)Ulnt. Whiskey to re fleet lo the honor of the Ihe t.unadian .National llailway i an- wilh ihe It eii mill iiri-am eleven years through taxation ugi-evinriil.s oily. i Schooner Eddie James tin- lUiolli l-'Ulirri" Culimllaii (lie llrilUli ruee. and lo Mettle matter relating to iti ,n poinleij out thai the company made certain pledges to oily i:.. al in.Or. mid Ve. in connection with il development program in return for concessions HALIFAX, March 12. The British Spirit Indian reerve. foivshore and II ( 1 1 lias been Iran- Ilnsi- Spit, 5.1100 pound. Maude iuiminralioii. Hon. T. I. Patlullo, it and failed altogether to carry them out while the oitv rum runner achooner Eddie "While we are loyal to llo-l.ritish Ed III 'In- irii-e -iT the pound and Atli. 5,000 fulfilled its end of the contract. James was waylaid by pirates flag lei in be. loyal in our minUter of land, left fur Ottawa Hank of Huiinm-i'm in.nn.K. In the llunailiun l ii-h .V The document will bo given lo Hon. T. D. I'atlulhi uud K. off the New Jersey coast recently. heart to the llrilisli spirit of Sunday night. He is spending Today li-i..n- lllllt.-l I III i:...l siornire '.u. ol 13.7c uud Dc. in Vancouver and will sail for G. (libbous. local delegate lo Oltawu who will leave 011 Wednesday The pirates fired ten honesty the underlying moral . He lefl fur llu- Inliiioi- lo, Illllll. I.iioo pound, lo I Ii o night for the Kal, to be ii'ed u an urgiiinetit in their shots without warning, factor that make the nation Prince Itupert tonight, travellinc llli hi new hihI on Sator- Iloyiil Kh (lo. ul I3.MC and He. oust" for railway uud port development ul Prince flupcrl. wounding one of the crew (.real. Let us take it into our. then on iiloiii-tho Canadian Nationul lo the Hallway with tho Prince hiiKhl f rain mid a number Alliance. 3,000 poumU, and then took the wounded -rle.s. into our business and into At lilt ritherien ul P.He. olid Ve. llupert delegate lo the Canadian ii fi-lriidt Wi'l-e out to hl'l" home in order to man, saying' they would care our preserve f'o IT The fskmnlia, with 75.000 Halibut Treaty Fails to Become for him. They also took 600 that high plane of citizenship capital. oilier and two or three pouuii. cases of whiskey Intended for worthy of our ancestry. Plie inauu of Hie lull- John mniiMer vcl aio reported due the United States and from "Who can beller teach Mies.-riurlplc FISHERMEN LOST Law but There Will be Fish Iljornt-tod, who died nn rial- tomorrow morning. no eight to nine thousand dollars than the women of y In I he loriil hospjliil, were In cash from the crew of our home? You women occupy tipeil on siiioi'iiay ceniiig in WIRELESS REPORT Taken by Boats after November IS the Eddie James. a htraleuio position in Ihe triiiu-:lig LIVES ATLANTIC Slhalla, N.D.. where lllteriiiflil S a.m. The ship suffered Injuries i f Hie future citizen of Hun -tola II fiikn plare. i:. A. HJorixlinl. I ill.I tV Ifsl.ANH. Dn-ivasl, to the deckhouse and rigging for the host training run be Ihrr if iJi-i-fUT-t. is ueeolii- calm: tiuroioeler, 20.00: 1ein-moolh; .SKATTI.K, March IS. A Washington m lal lo Ihe Times from the gun fire. k'iten In the home. :Schooner Helen M. Coolen Found liyiug Mi' limly l'ii-1 nn.l oine perutore, ;I7 ; ea 7.30 mi I I1.1t ulthough Giiiigic.s udjoiiint'd without passing Hie Act "I can remember when Ihej ered and Survivors Arrive at in 10 Iim al ma-"n made mi 11.111. Kpoke uleamer I led wood 10 enforcing Hu provision of the treaty prohihiliiig halibut fishing YOUNG LIBERALS ARE I'iiiih- was the citadel of the na- Halifax fot-l fi'iiin I he I I.I'.. I'lider- tulle kouHi of Ktfliihikuii outh. 111 I lie lorih PacHic waters during ine winter inouuis, 11 i ocr-taiu Hon, when the mother und I'arlci- l (hi- I lain. liiTiiiur that 110 fishing will be pcnnilU-d during Ihe closed musoii BEATEN AT REGINA father weie Inti-n-slcd in tie-' HALIFAX. March l. Four iii:vd riir.i'. I'oi.nt. :ii-nr, for Ihe iitvxt fie yeari. The treaty went lo Canada fur rulifica-(iou home. 'Out of such home euine fishermen out of (llouci'sti-r and eiilm: hHiiNiieler, SV.02: lemper by pailiainciil, und Ihe elate ilepurliiient ieiiieled that action Lose Hockey Match to University the slerlin- men uud women who two out of Hubbut'd, Nova Scotia, CANADIAN CLUB ' aline. 20: m'h sinootli. bii expediled. One of Ihe firl ueU of IJie, new GongiOMi will of Saskatchewan on Satur-dy have iiiu-U- the iiuuie uf I'jnaiUi went to their dealh in a liurri-t Illl.i, IIAIIIKHI. - llalniug. be the passage of a-law providing a penally for the violation of resit. cane which. wept the .North Al- Prince Rupert Branch - ouihcl wind; barometer Hie Irculy, Deterloratlon taiitin fUhins ground Wrdue. 21'.78; U'lnperuluii', S8; light An Goiigre iloe not meet until iifler Ihe closed m'uoo be-ronro lU'.OIN V. March I-' I uivi-l-nity "TiMlay. I think, the home hu day and Thursday. The aehomi. '1' Ii e .in 11 iiul general NVM'II. effective, Ihe flair depai liuonl will teiiuesl Ihe ti-euury of Sutfkntehcwun hiK-keyi! de- lost il uiin 110011 lliose In the er Helen M. Ixjolen foundered and 'Heeling "f hn uliove club Noon ik-iiuiliiieiil In use the coast guard culler rcrvice in eiifurciiig fruted Vancouver ounji i,iueral,iome. Iiisteud of the nurenl urivor were brought to mil lie liild al the new IlllillV IXI.ANH. Chia p. culm: the luw, and official nf eow-t'lMirU will lie iiistniclcd lo oixe Saturday fhe to three in the first i-tiiiiiiiisr the home IIim rhitdren ure Halifax toduv. I 'iin-l Houhc. Pi iiicn llu-pi'ii barometei', 21'.70; I it 111 p future, uny i-hlpiiiciiU of hulihut lauded ufter Niiveiuber !.". Inf u two game it lie to decide luiiuiiiif it. Thai I not a ii II.(. on Monday. H: eu KliHiolh. Tho iifficerti of Hie Hkhing Vcnl Owner Association who sliull compete with Muilltu. khould tie und, n a 1 m -imiiii-iii---. TRANSPORT CAPSIZED Mar Ii I .'. 10.'a, at H p.m. liKAl) lltKI'. POINT. - 'lear, ure in perfect iiccord wilh the treuly between Ihe t'liiti-d Ktale ha in the mil-final for tin Al. llu- home i delei-loi-utiuir. Let 110- 1 lie elivlliiu of ofllcerii rutin: haroinelci-. ,'0.0;i; leinper. and Ouiiudti. closing hulibul fUhing froni November 15 lo February luit Cup. li-ll you Die uulioii i the Mini or GREEKS LOSE LIVES uid yeiii'i'iil OilHinesh. ul nr.- :iT : s.-u. mnootli. to. il was utated ut the heuibiliil'tei's uf dial orguiiixutioli. lis individual uud the liiiuu i. W.M I I It UAU . Ill 1,1. IIAItllOll. (Jvereuat 'I liey iKiiul out tliut htilibiil ure growing -c.-u ' each year uud Archbishop I II. llu Veruet the unit Ihut is putting the 1I1 VIIII-.XS, Muivii . T, 00 tSerri'lury. frrrh s..uihw. -i wind: bui'iuiii'ter that i-alchi" ure thcroiuro deereaoing. One oiru rr suid Ihe ua u paeugt'i' folio lore.idule ..-li into the iiutli-ii Tims 11 is liivi-l. irunspi"-! Mexaiide'- cap.. a la ii'iiini'i-alui-i'. 10; una hulibul begins to spawn about Nouinher I. und Ihut under pre the Huckley Valley "ii uiur- llm i-i ueiidou iirol'li'in of tlr-- ru-j uud foundered with lliwlo , .1 . ,(1;! . Pmu a::d' ,; UJf ' -'il - 'KC . f.'eey yeai- ' :' t u'u . , . ... jo t- iLi :e :ttf eadora,