PAOB TWQ THR UAfLT KEWS NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS The Daily News READY FOR NURSES' NOME BUILDING SIX THOUSAND imin:k hui'biit - nnmsn c.ouimria IS YET NEEDED Published Every Afternoon, except Hunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New, Limited, Thlrtl Avenue. (continued from pape one) II. F. I'UI.I.KN. MnnhKiriK K.tjtor. Milward Xlckcrson I. II. PilM.ury in.nn SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Krncl I ifwin I O.oo City Delirery, hy mail or carrier, er month. . . . . . . . $1.00 It. K. Ilennn By mail to all part of the Rrilih Knnire and the United Htale. rlliur I l.i I ley I ll.llll Hyde Trnnsfer KI.Ol I in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year .$7.Mi Mr. and Mrs. H. A. .Mekersofi lo.on TELEPHONE 91 , Maine 1 o.oo I-:.' I'mad Id.iio !' Transient Display Advertising. .... .$1.40 per inrh per insertiot II. C. Illaek 10,011 Mrs. II. Carter and Ti rransienl Adverliinjr on Front Page $2.0 per inel. Otok I n.oo Loral Headers, per insertion 2,"c per 1 iri- T. .1. Shenlon ."..on Ulassifled Advertising, per insertion 2c per word V. II. Toby Legal notices, each insertion IRc per agate line llhief Macilonald .'.no Contract Males on Application. W. H. 5.00 I.five S.on Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. .Mr. X. ftlirvlcli 3.00 Mi K. Karl r..oo DAILY EDITION Thursday, May 17, I9S.1. -M. llliarlc Slarr .. r..oo S. li. WVMi .'.no Value Of Combinations I'eler J. Salem , r..oo To The World. II. While 5.00 IJvcr since Ihe hegiuniug of hilory there have been combination., Jack .Mclo, 5.00 Mwjal, (Mililii'.il and iudulrial. In pilc of, Hie ;. A. Ilrynnl ..... .'.Oil oeinli ny, there were hd nf hiiMiic combination lung before Ilnwnl 5.00 fi mm? Ihe hegiuniiig of (he development of modem machinery 1 1. W. I lone . r.oo one hundred mid fifty car ago. The co-iipcralive idea i T. W. Ilerne 5.00 gradually dc.velopiiip-. Mimelimc in what i known a" huiuc .Mr, ri.hor 5.00 combination and umeiime in oilier group. TJie movement Hart on 5.00 i Meadily growing and will continue In develop, iindouliledly. Ilaunan 5,00 Jul w hcreevolulion will lead u no one can wy exaclly. jome II. Klkln TkOO socialist leaders Iry to picture Ihe end and Ihey think il will J. Ilaenn 5.00 come tomorrow, hoi lhoe who lire wier ay Ihe end i a very T. Cm 5.00 long way off. TJiere i much lo lenrn hefore very large rum-hiualion Slraehan 5.00 can carry on successfully. XI i War 5.00 In Ihe IIoii-p of llommnn there is a measure heing pul Davie 5.00 through with Ihe olijecl of controlling combination in restraint Friend At ti Ave 5.00 of Ir.ide. While we agree with our neialil friend that il will A. Carln 5.00 uol he very much good, yet on Ihe other hand il may verve a Mi M. Wel 5.00 very ucful purpoc temporarily. Only recently Ihe iigar inter-cl i. I. Tinker 5.00 put up the price of Ihe conimodily Ihey handle lo uch an i. II. Miinro 5.00 extent as lo 'rob Ihe people who were forced lo buy from them. II. K. Moore . 5.00 Ill such rae Ihe slale will be able lo lep in and force Ihern lo M. (!. IMsar 5.00 charge a reasonable price fir digorge their wealth. Mr. Slevcn 5.00 Down in the Okanagnn the fruit grower have recently S. I. Jolmslonc 5.00 formed a conthinalion for Ihe purpose of securing for themselves :. v. i:iii 5.00 belter prjee for their product and at Ihe ame lime lo lo.cph llcnl 5.00 ecure better distribution. They have engnged a "high priced li. II. Arnold .. 5.00 manager who ha had experience in similar combine in C'di-fornia. II. SI. li. 5.00 In the Sunset of Life The who fruit will have lo people- consume pay a II. Sleen 5.00 higher price for it, but in such a cae Ihe government will not I. llamula , 5.00 interfere miles an inordinate price be exlorlrd from Ihe consumer. l. I.iiinh 5.00 TJien the new law may be applied. John I lore 5.00 Dan MeKenie 5.00 A comfortable and old carcfrcc and Canadians Controlled I.. Amadio 5.00 happy age, independent Bv Combinations.Ill (Canada we are-ViJlrolJeii byfcOmlunalions -Shif we dojs.I. Wriaale.wo'rih(inwlhnrn ...'.."Z 5.00 5.00 such can be your recompense, too, through life'insurancc. X nol object bccaiie by IheTr mean w'e gel boiler servicer People js Mary Garter " 5.(10 are always ready lo encourage combine a long as Ihey benefit i:npi. John llannn .Z 5.00 " Canadian Government statistics show the need for this provision: Ihemsches feroiially. Here we have our sugar combine, our big jj scoit 5.00 meat companies, our big fish compauies. our lobacco com pan ins, p,' Iionney .......1..!.".. 5.00 iiu iiiiuurru iinij.ooe mnrr oig concern inai control me ouipii; n. j. Dunean 5.111) in ifieir paruciuar lines, ami an inese are Itenericial lo Hip nation. C. Milcliell . 5.00 "Nincty-five per cent, of men at GO are dependent upon their daily Take a an example the meal companies wilh which we Ilnwling- 5.00 earning or on others for support, and not one man in thirty who all do businesn. They give u ervice. Williout Iliem should ofleu have a glut of meal and then again .have none. There J.A. K.Caswell Kniichl ... 5.00 5.00 retires with a competency is able lo retain that competency to the would e no mean of regulating Mipply and demand and of u M. Clark 5.00 close of his life." mujiuK nrr ine uroi. rximciinie. larmers couipiaui or ill-ivy li. Cornih 5.00 jiiuce irom me nig companies ami sometimes ihe cotc-umer think Ihey are not well Irealed. but on Ihe whole Ihe big concerns People are realizing this fact, and life insurance companies in make for stability ami good service and we should be much worse off without ihem. There is not a small butche- Canada are beginning to pay out more money to living policyholders in Ihe mi ril r .I hn I ,l ,.1.1.. I., irul ..I...,, m..:il....,l lt.A . .. ne the big couiMiiie in supplying him with meal at a lime when SUCCESSFUL TEA AND than they do in death claims, despite the thousands of he is unable lo secure il elewhere. The community j bene- filed by lb service Ihey give. ( bALE HOME COOKING death claims annually. Of course someone will remark that Ihe bii-ine ha made millionaire. It ha. A few- people have become rich because Held Yesterday Afternoon by The present is the time to make provision for the future, that the of Uieir organizing abilily and they deserved what Ihey, gol be- Catholic Ladles at Home of so cau.e of Ihe service Ihey gave in return. Today P. Huriis K Oi. Mrs. McCarfery $50 sunset of your life will not be overcast with shadows. I.ld. pay aboiil seven ncr ceul. iulerest on Ihe common lo k nf1 Realliad the company and a little e Ihaii thai on Hie bonded iudebled-nes. That i nol on unfair profit for the service Ihey give. I! About 50 was realized al a Any life insurance representative will be pleased to show i iiixmi ine current rale of relurn for industrial iiivolmeuls very sicceisfu sale of home where there 4 alw.iys rik of gelling nolhing. - The share in conkfnp and a lea held yesterday you how to prouidv a sure income for your later yeark. lhi concern are scaltrred Ihroughout Ihe country in Ihe hand afternoon by Ihe l.adie of the of people who have saved a lillle and who want lo renl Iheir Catholic Church at the home of money where it will hnng a steady income.. Mr. M. I'. McCafTery. Fifth Avenue Wet. Many ladie UFE INSURANCE Sf.M'ICE. Government Takes patronized Ihe affair. .Over Combines. The raffle resulted as follows: The Coverumenl in lhi counlry has commenced absorbing Mil(Tel kcl, donated hy Mrs. H Ihe combine. They have in Iheir hand Ihe pol office and lb.-largest Hatcher, won hy Mrs. A. Meajfher railway system. Home day hey wi lake all Ihe railway Hani, donated hy It, Moore, jiisl a will be done in the 1'iiiled Stale and in Creai llrilaiu and won by Mrs. Hroek. muaical k roii 11 may alo jret o- all einployrnenl aaenrie iiiiiI a ha already been done in oilier romilrie. u j, ,,,,11,. ,M,,j flake, donated by Mrs. O. lie. (relher. A Kreal ileal of lnlerel ill fuluie he liceoxed, Ctntr1 ble when lhee have been made n micci. that (he li-t will e tier, won by Fallmr P. .1. Mavralh ha been nhoun by the Inwn- The Management of Britannia Brewery Is one of added lo unlit in lime, geueratioiis ahead. Die whole machiuerv ien(le in holh centre uhlrh British Columbia's best booster. In return boost I'. Sharkey, ailant district proiiiUe we for the fall lerm. The Man in the Moon Britannia Beer. ! t fi r 11 I ti f a.j.1 1,innil l.w I fi-1 nltflil v .1. I'l.MlKIl-MOfJS. ciali.l .will have been fulfill SAYS:- DRINK " 'Oin S 1I41Sjr I If I W III J I 'III IHI I If llir- I II I( flir Iiireclnr. rr 011 a we ore hiki give Ihe llct service iio.sibb' on deiarl menial lnislne. under fisliif cuudilionc I IICIli: S u limit to eery-lliinif Britannia Beer Ten Year Ago etrenl lo the uiuounl u In the Letter Box perou may nin lo ii nurses' WI Can Now Do My Work In Pilnc Rupert home huildinir fund. Premier Ale Without Feeling Tired" j OROANIZINO POLYTECHNIC Afler hainor hiked overland TIIK latent development In the mi, a. from Ihe uniier rearhe of the (fiairie province I Hie change "THEY CANT BE BEAT." Monatt, Kozton Falls, Que., writes I Kdilor Daily New, Klikine Uiver throush Ihe from railnir wheal to ralxinu- h'r" "I tufftrtd j Vou will he lrilereled Prince Rupert Government Store always ha freeh r"rliarN frcm Oroundhofc- s run-down lyilem country and south lo lar?e annual enis of iolilician. nd nrrvoui drLIIily. I could not tlcrp lo learn Hint final arrnnireinent Ilozellnn. Joeji i'liner. a pracli. - - meni arrive weekly. ' or have .een mmle wild Ihe ehool leal This ftdverlltenmiit is nut uiblifthed by the fjrt I (uiuiriK engineer and nro. II' I had only sve reit t nijht, sad felt my money I puld k not .... Hrlih Oiluinbui Ilosru- 111 inim i- iiihi iiuzeiinn , nerinr. in rmu.- in n, !!1. 11 lil liinli, what a m lime I or hy the l.ujuor (nlro walk say diitsncc. I tool fevers I in hoi i-lne under Hie lnll-jlule that aay a simr of Ihe 0.T.I. could have had Ihl monlh. tonici. bul lKy only helped me neil full. The prohahle should be huill from llazeltnn In wliilt J wsi Ulini them. Mother 4cjNe In Terrnee will be a lap Ihe CroundliO( Valley ami I I' Is .lilileuli for a pirl lo tell adviied me lo lake IV rt e lluklne Man's ciur In Kiik-lih Ihe i:pfir Naas. a barefaced He neaie she m STORE Nerve Food, sod I lelt (rest bene and llookkeepinir, a ile. nol uualy burefared. Prince Rupert CIGAR til Irom the first box. sod con iiiiakinif uml millinery class, one J. V. Met Inn.ilil lias reliirne.l lioued taking severs! boxei. To- in poultry and mall farmiinr and lo Hie city from Foot I and where rili:ili; I mo much heurd "The tfervlce Ktorc" dy I feel like s new wemi sod ia inu.icui cia eiiner vocal or lie (rave a sere of ImmiKralion about Ihe wriu lurnjritr hut never WE CASH sm sbie to do my woik without ui.irumeiilul. (leclures for the flanadlan tfoV. it whisper about the Iron I i,j( CHEQUES. that dreadful tired feeling." I In lloelliin, ul m meellii(r of a ei'iiiiienl. I)a rampui('ii was luniN a it 1 uboul to lake Hio Have you doim your bit n ah) of DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 'here.- II uuiiiber wiih ilMeiilpil of In properlor! f.i 1 he says, worm, The Nurses' Home? v.W k1. etl lili.i.wn, IiaiV a ., ua. Turciao a laKs in minerabury and lhep.1 Chief Vlcker has received no. f H.ese ijay when everyone If lint, we w ill pludly receive jour douation, ijinf 'n " ' " niiriiijoii rr mi me pepurimenl'iM lalkina about Bijidenliiit e en lo receipt jou, land one In ll..ine I'.nirlish, Alof Immlsration al Ottawa lhatw nien are marry inu rakea