VAQt ronn THE DAILY NEWS Tii-if-nlny. M 1 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu, We usually talk 7 ITIrl S55T) caxsS l!T about Shoes ) ' i L -7i '7fsl O wouuont VMS' O Vi. H THT. OPSammC. J STOHPCO fcTVft WANT Hlfi TQ -OU iC 4. f in Itii I if lie space Iml for Ilip next tew day may we TO jv.r. vckj XKlM HPr Suggest von gi e 1 TM' IVia. . II 111 The Nurses' " Home " Campaign YOUR HEARTY SUPPORT. l ivie5 j 7 MJ iT rn Family SHOE Store Shoes Tor The Family. MOOSE WHIST DRIVE j AND DANCE IS HELD News Classified SEASON OPENED Daily Ads. Metre-pole Hall Was Comfortably Boat Engines 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvortlMnMnl Tastsm for Lm thn i Filled Last Night and Affair j if ftOc Was as Usual Very Enjoyable EAGLE White Sox Won Over Falcons -4 AND PARTS IN STOCK. ! Last Nlnht by 22 to 19 at WANTED BOARD. Columbian Propellors, 26x2.6 McBrlde Street Grounds Inches down to I2.T.12 The Melropole Hall was rom-If.'iiahly WAXTi:i. -Men and Women to II' A flit The liilnnder, H30 SPORT SCHEDULES fitches. filled lasl night and as BRAND The iiiieiniiK (iiine .if Mir learn llarberlng. Paid while' enle I' 137. If Tnbln Drome Shafting up to usual cerylM-ly enjoyed llirni-U.-hc Juni t llae,a l.i aiiin' i learning and tools free. Writi ' FOUND BASEBALL IX" In stock. at lln Vkhi.l drive and lilare lal nik'lif til Hie Mrllride for catalogue. Moler llarlser Senior 1 Paragon fleverse Clutch to. i iIh nee under Hie auspice of Condensed Milk SI reel Park ll reulleil in ie- College, Vancouver. H.C flit Mi Sinn ..I nious)' In ili.ko At 2'A" shaft (rebuilt . Loyal Order of Moose, U net "prepared' food at afL It It tty for Hie Willie Sox oer Ihe TKMlKIIS will he reeelved up In town store on SstOtnUy, May 51- Kmii of l.u!., j 3-10 1J.P. Clutches (rebuilt' i The early part oPIhe even inn milk pure Country milk combined with I-all .nik by a eni of J? to 19. May 19 r-ir lhe purrkase nf 12. Vi'ply Ho l OK. luily Jui and Power Onrdics aiid iwax devoted I" whisl playinj. pure sugar. The natural food for baby I lie leialell ll not lip let th ew idUrv n I 'Ill's v.. .. i when mother's milk fails, one stow now al Kelehmn's Winches, sprocket chains, Mr. N. Miillem won Hip ladies' supplying j w.i I it v Ilia I i lie Junior l,MrtK 7 lHi t i mi . complete, nourishment and being ettily Kbssjl, Cow Hay. Apdy lint MATERNITY NUR3INQ shaftings, pulleys, pillow ;rirl pri.e on a nil wilh .Mr. II. digested. eie-iK l,i lii la'r in Ike rm-ii lisily .News nfflpe. 117 IS SwM of I.,if .. . blocks, and thrusts. .1. Ilradbury and Hie ladies' eon-s.ilalnm Sena for free Baby Books Iml Hie im'iiiiii.Ii) are not in MATKRXITY Xurslnsr d.wie. - -fill's VS ,..; went o Mrs. ). Slejra- I he i,esl uf . i.u.lit i.m. yel ami this WA.VI KIi.- Five rwiMl Would Ko out of lowti. Phone T Ufullo . viu. II. M. Simpson won the, I8c7t&tv CczMfruled 'fended mine Imt 1,1 )iwenes. li.Hise or rial, rlo im. Hisuee Itlack T73. S Ji) T iri'iilleiipen's firl plie and Malerj Mavnr .Nliin iul. til ll first ireferrel. I'erMutlMtsil leuatH : - Sons uf 4i i. i.s ( illiaill l"!iai.l, uie riiiiiu.iiiiii. VANCOUVER tin 1 1 and llier wn a ver- fulr no sitildren. Aperly Itov IM. MtSCELLANCOUS IS- Oil's t. s..... r i I i.lN.wiiiE the, eanl playing and Condensary at South Sums, B.C. "wd of ierlutnrs who e1ore.) I laity- New K.XPKR'I Manicurisl and sham-h,oiuk. lit Oslto . .. Ironworks Co. Lid sermsf or iieiigntrul reiresii Iixely inleresl in Hie profeetlins. 7 - S.SS" f I.a ii ... , . inenlK ni live Hie danee. Tuneful j I. I.aporte. mlTiiager if (he lea-- WAXTHIi. Hlrl belp at one, HesiiletllaJ work a A-.-. niuie was provided by the Wesl-liolnie hp. was umpire. three in family. Hood wage siecially. Phone Hlise 471. J-HI' ts K. , . Waterfront. llrehentra eoniling of' "I" i nevt Junior Leajme name for rigid parly. P.O. Ikix 1 10 Mr. i:..letonli N irt Ortstlo - I. . Phone 313. Charles llalagno. .Mrs. Taylor nml. i s.'tieiliiled fur I'riday evening I tally News. j AUCTION HALSS. I A--Sous of 'ai, , W V. Ilrowne. 1 -fill's vs K... , . Ix lAren (he liny S.-'iiils and lite FOR RENT The MM-ial eonimillee eotn-i I- uli "li- Ik yntr Ixuhc or ' f lrHo l.. . 'prise, Sam Anlou. I'erry f"n,- FOR fll'XT. Fnrnlshetl rooms. cur rooms. Ooods also sulo mi InUrtnedUU Summer run. X. I. Swrel. ftalpli Kief-; wild or without board, Iwmie ommission. Miy U.'dx'r. i.ettrfe Jame and Jiu j Sport Chat j crMiking. Alsi itllekeeping H. H. HEftlWIinos, Auctioneer, ?9 -(Veils VS. II..' t - Slazard. Cake were donated suile. Norfolk llooois, phone) Third Avenue Jn l,y Mrs. K. Seadden. Mrs. Tbor' n 1 Itlack 319. U (Dei ny Allen's Old Store) I-- While Soi . . COAL 1 Jiiiiiun. Mrs. James llaeon, M ra.I ,Mm',,'aas A tueeliHr between Alex. fly. Phone black 136 and Oreen 471. 12 High School u a.t. II. Kerr. Mrs. Chrilianten. MWj - i lie I,wjiI lijihlweighl iMter, utfl TIUM Hoaled Flat fur rent. IM Colts vs. Hisl s ;W. MusaJeiii, II. M. Sin.on nrr. Wul l-lainl. me Mr l ie Manilla, Hie Kelrliitftn star. Ilesner apartments. M, M TAXI ?6 While S., and Itarpli KieHiar. V li1. I. Ji.'di'ra.e H II. HIl.H i i iioA' on liif and mar m Sle,ien. . . Taxi C7 Phone. J;.' Jue SlagL'ard. floor nunager reeJ, J J l.uaca-i' i . S Morn- ,,, I .iff nHie fiitie I hi 8 suiii-.N'eiroliatiiHiK FOR rtf'NT Housekeeping Mmnt l ull lo-or-" or (itistj lllth KpImmiI k rwilioiiiu'ed Hint the hslge wns""!!. I. J Williams and Riiy . . sk-Irt . . are alo un- 410 Sillh Avenue 1'mL Phone Ross Brothers. 10 (Uills s Hmh I rv pla'iniiix an 'lafi.nate pienir fr l..'i-ll. Va i. :,ur wmv fur luitJi II,.v ,i.l lu,ulln Five-passenger While M" ' lllue 2(7. If Touring Car lite en fly iilniner. I,P. M Mull' i. Mrs. K. flUoii and (,, Harry IlLunfon. iif Slew- Prompt Iay and Nlalil Service Jl HlKb Seho.,1 v- Wl Mr. and Mr. II. J. William. art. J-'oilowilig NMeh houle. the MOIHUIN four rnnm flat for Stand: Doston Qrlll Third Aewue P'- Cnfls t II ist' K Nanaimo-VeDinglon FISH ARRIVALS Terraee; .1. M. lUniiermmi. Win-Hieg: fiebl would be open fur liny and rent. Wesleiibnver llrosj. If An--' - J. K. Sli-aav, SMDMyiile: Manilln l meet either here nr al FURS, FURS. 7 Wbtte s..t I- i FOR FtKXT. Front flat in Smith Nut Coal P. Carrigan. Haielliin. Keirhikan proxidiiijf nf eoiirae .3 - lllgt) Set I U l & Mallei lllock. NOTICE TO TRAPPERS. Ten Halibut Boats Sold 80,000! Central ri f4u ii,it. ?i. I Iml the Stewart boy. hy hi per-fnroiiilires. lion I .. v. your furs until f.i:i k !: Longer.' Pounds at Exchange This II. Wrijfhl, Poreher Island: .! iui upeel the FOR SALE have you f7 WIlMe S..S - It- f-osis same i- ..ilici Vil Morning , Mrs. fv- W. Il'.bie and ll. i: ;..iiiilil v f im'Ii a meelintr. ..a of me i,(y every rjs--iriphiii, Sfpf'Blt'. ' finals. ; Mawhiiuiey. (dipper ftKer; It. II. A i-.ill belwe,.i Manilla anil FOR SALIC Four acre ranch; ll: ra (iir. al Irest I -lliab S li.x.l v . Ulul Phone 116 or 564. hour American finals marketed Uitmmtm i; .n . s;. Aruter- IUhhIihi i plunne.l al llyiler for cleared and-under culllvalion. I rice. W. on; in vol r ralrli.'S. Junior 51.500 pound, and ii lnadiaBlw,n jiuiilliers; W. li. V'.l..n About ll aero at rau berries QOLDBLOOM, Msr July I, a im I Hie i-lium-e are that "The Albert & McCaftery foal marketed 28.&O0 ,tl, xv,A,.,hx , j ipir-riMifi and Hoy will ineel lllanl-on J.efore anil some fruit trees. Al Iteinn, Second Trapper's Avenue.Friend- IK.scouts v. I al. Luliliul al Hie J-'ili Kxrhange Mr. a'mf Mr-. Albert Werrell. Ilia I lime. U.C Apply ownsr, P. O'llriwn. SI WhMe So v s. LIMITED thi morning, a lidal of Kti.000 Vaueouver. . y Usk, I I.C. x z - Futeosi. v- Whit k mud. While Hie Canadian boats MAIL SCHEDULE tfH senilis -. I nl' ' - Ibe last Consenjueijl upon FOR SALi:. I'ttmesl oak suite, firti ' reeeivrd a frarlton leu for ARRIVALS SI While So v - ,JKr.BOAT Aineriean polo ittil In I'.ngliirvl, ila iliey gol nearly u pen I moiv AiniiHsler rug. LiiMleHHii. Only For the East-Mondays. June The C.X.H. eteanwr Priuee ft is a Joint eoile of rules lias been for eeond el'in fish. The fir-rivalH uetl year. Cash or lerms. Are You Wednesdays and Hit. i-Walesm win, t- i Contemplating fieri, Caul. J. )iHabl, reaebetl j adopted atwl itiireeal upon by Ibe Write llox 105. Daily News. were: port fliMii Ibe mKIIIi al S.30 e- JllirlU,sbaiii Puln Club and Hi urd.iys, nloses at 7 p.m. H i'fiii vs. Far"" -II American iejslan aflernoon. Among Hie jAnieriejiii I'.dn AsMieialion. In FOR HALF.. Kngliali Iwtliy. iyr-riage From the East While So, v. S... Building a Home Mail). 3C.A00 pounds, at M.le ijiasseiLitV'sr hei-e wpre W. J. the premraliii of this tinitcmal in first class condition. Mondays. Wednesdays and FrL II - Fea.ns . Ul' ' -Q and Oe; l ulmak, f,,.'n0 pounds, itl Jefrerm. A. Anderson, M. tis-I eiide f here has been give anil lake Apply llox 107 I tally News nf. days, b 30 p.m. repot" Fai' ' L'l.iie and .5e; Cora, i.000 These ate good lulldin el I ii, Victor III'MinisUsn, Miss A. on both sides hut in Ibe main Hie flee. 116 it While Soi s S, loundx, al 13.iir and ttr; Viking, From Vancouver-Sundays J5 Win'- s -Fnleons ts. Alli-i'ii, Mrs. S. AIINoii, Mr. Kuglisli penal lies liave been Hi 1 08 at low prices; :,nnn poiiii.). ut I3.;ie and 1.5-, jm P. M. seputs v. I aim Lot I, lllk. 35, Sec. 8 Iipslej-, Mr. C. W. lluvi'Min, W. luainlaiiied. II will govern Hie lo the Canadian V'ish A Cob first nf Jhis iiiuMlli, lliei'e will lie H'edneaiLaya 3 P.M July Lot 3, lllk 45, Her,. 8 Slorago M. llufke, V,. JohtiMiu, S. Morrison, lul play Ibis year. The fifleen liiiiriiainefils ul llurtlng-liam, Friday" a While Sox Kc Mr. and Mrs. II. Andrew. oreinier l.'urnauu'jil of Hie J.on-il.ui A.M. v. Lot 12, Hlk. 38. Sec. 7 and Canadian HaneUsli Roehampton Saturdays 3 P.M. fi FalAms ts ln, f Mrs. A. filivin, II. II. Shorlreed, polo (he Hiirlinr-Uaui The 3 for season, (J250. (usred II, lO.Oiifi iMxindj, nt-I3.3e elubs. April 13 and 23. t Senilis vs. Fa Iron Lot jUr. V-'L ZarHII. V. fi. Champion lakes pluee 19, lllk..32, Pec. 7 25Q. mi.I lie; Murgiilire. 5,000 Cup, To Vancouver-Monday 12 Wlfile Sot vs Sr ' Lot 7-8, lllk. 15, Sec. 7 M00. l-'fji-ltfr, Mrs. I-:. Xock, Mr: and luring Hie week of June 25-.10 pouiiiU. al l.1.5r uml Hie; Neptune, Judge Keiiesnw M. Ijlndls, di-ns'lor (train) ... ...7 J 7-- Kalenns . Whlb S i, Lot 25-20, Jilk. 21, Sec. 7 1,000 Mrs. A. A. Ifixon. ll. J. Williams, filial Hie first week in July will baseball in pjq pounds nl and iif iirganirisl Tuesdays. Mall closes 5 P. M. 2u -Seoiils t. ITih'ii'''' 250. (Or; lo the Canadian l'iti A. Cold Y. J. Uiiii-asler, JL KolTiiiaii, C. see flu' I'Oiii'luiliiig stages nf the I he L'nifed Stales, sees in Hie Thursdays 10 P.M ?3 While Kox vs. Si-n 17. lllk. 49, Bee. 7 150, t-Ionise f. C. Westaway. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Inler-lleimeiiiiii Inuruniiieiil uf unprecedented crowds al Ibe New Saturdays .... A.M. So Kaleons vs. Wblb f- I Oliver Typewriters. Toodie, 1,5WI pouiids, al I3,?p Sam and Child, Hoy Kush. . J Hpi'lingbum tin- blue ribbon of York American's new park nnd Sundays 10 P.M. 3j -fie(,it vs. VsAlrtn Cary Safes. (nd lOe; Mah, 5,000 pounds, itl Polls, I-'. L. liurkley and Ml.. lArmv iolo. Jliiring Ibe London Hie Xi-w York National League C.P.Il. April 17 and '27. August FIRE INSURANCE. I,'t ile and lOe, In Hie Allin i'isli-erie. Jutlin. , 1("! -e.a si i n u,iej iipeneil al Ibe puln firoumls -this season a To Anyox, Alice Arm-Wednesdays 3Wljlfe Sox tel. Sr " grave and alarming danger In 9 P.M. fl Ka Icons vs. While t- 1 N. S.. 3,000 jioihwIs, 13.5i-s.iul SIX- baseball. Die possibility of lop. From Anyox, Alice Arm tt Seouls ts. l alciti Dybhavn & Hanson Die. io Hie lloyul I'Uh (.. flttf llllillllllllllllJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMirTTT heavy league races, ,ue In (he Thursdays 0 P.M, 1 1 -WJille Jiin vs. Sc Third Avenue. ini'rease.l financial slrenglh uf To Stewart and Premier 17 - J'aleia ts. White Sot. Prince Rupert, B.C. TEA AND SALE BY Hie Yankees and (Hauls. "The Saturdays 9 P.M, i0 Krouls vs. falcon? danger of Hie silitalion may fe From Stewart and Premier-Sundays 2.1 While Sox ts Scn! -2M BAPTIST LADIES merely theoretical," the judge jt... p.M, -Falcons u While S I EDDY'S ays, bul ii.lviiiice fears are To Port Simpson, Alice Arm 131 SinmiIs vs. Falcofis We beg to announce that Thirty Dollars was Cleared at seemingly justified when uiw Anyox SeplcinlM-r we have disposed of our Successful Affair Held Yesterday i'lly is i-uialili- of seutjiiig 75,mid Sundays 10 P.M. .' -Wbile Snt vs. Si " '? Cartage lliisiiicss to , Afternoon In fans ii a ball game while From Port Simpson, Alice Arm another is restricted by structural FOOTBALL LINDSAY'S CARTAGE COY. Carlton Block Anyox TWIN BEAVER and population limllaiiMiis Tuesdays A.M. Senior itnd lake this opportunity of The ladies of Hie liaplial I., crowds of :'5.ll00." The judge To Naas River Points May 22.- Sons uf Taiisdl " Ctiiirrh Heared about .)0 at their aid he bad 0 roll Itnbetls referee thanking yon for your jmt-iHinaire no Miiggeslinn i. Tliur-.lays It P.M. o, in the past, and lea and sale of home rooking WASH BOARDS offer designed' In meet the silua-I From Naas River Points May 28.- Pons of I nrln1 would lxiek lor our sue-iv.sors held yesterday afternoon In llm ikii. but listened iillenlively lo Saturday- A.M. Sons of Canada, lussei rei yuiir fill Mi l- business. Carlton lllock, Third Avenue. a desciipllon of a plan in vogue Junior Many ladies called and were very made o?E0DY'S famous Ui the SoiiHiein li iirfiii' by Which May 17.- High Srlioot We Hi' anxious lo cl generous in their patronage. INDURATEO FIBREWARE rides of u smaller ionilal l"ii Ma kts lie tehool, Campbell reiofr up 'iir affairs, and an early Mi. James )lainlon was convener are euiildivl l.i pompele on een May 25. Colls vs, II"!' 'Mi, d -all accounts of the pommillev and those I'Tins willi larger riln in the -The richest Pullerlon rfen. . ., mil be itppm'laled. assisting included Mrs. K. Ilainli-lin, outwear all others buying und ass.-mbling of players, A '4k t-w,,. .arhr- Mav 31 Public fi'li" " Mrs. Ivarson and Mrs (I W. refers We will 4Vijiuue in Ibe eompuri-d Willi Hie pi"--il.ili -ly V. Colls, Darker Warehouse lliisiiiess, liand J.ihnsinne. of Ibe two Now Yolk clubs SmooHv ."" " rv-'. . A 1- 1 lin llai'kmfh Coal. Tire. wild greal vwallh 'iblainulilc TIDI Quick Aolotnnliile-. Hoofing, und HOTEL ARRIVALS OASALE BY GROCERS lliroiigb ciioiiiuiiis alleiiilanri' rRINOC RUPCRT ' , oilier line Prince Rupert AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS "illiiiddiiiK iiiiv i-niil .-lull Shave it Mr and Mr- fieorwe Mr A fee Friday, ly Pacific Cartage, Lid I Mrs M Miller and Mihs Marian "llbei(r dayer Iriit-'im for Hie "ivii'.' 11 1Kb 2 l ni ..I Miller Georgetown ti, Y, Wind-,'tor It If pm. 'J, Mr und Mri HHiiii.imiHmiifMrim."""HmfmTT Low 8 59 am, und it, A Wug Advertise lie 7 lit Daily Nuwa, , 21 01 p.'"'