SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, pr month . si.Od By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $8.00 o ait omer countries, in advance per year. ,f, ftul .Minou?ii mere are sev vacant "-lores here, ilhers TELEPHONE SB Contract Rates on Aicaiion ' T!r"Wft S All advertising should be in The 11.,1v... .,.. .... ... . ... :',int of tU" VU,m may 1. eedinir nnhlieslion All iiHvo .I-.VJIj" i , . V ' Frp- iin.lMlnM fnlm the unofficial a , uviiciuiiiK rcccivcu sumeci U) nnnrnvnl F..r..r -t i. i beinir creeled, a new hmin Need Of Better Mall Service. There is great need of a better mail service in and out of Prince Rupert. Il seem enri-ons that with a dailv irain ser vice we cannot bave a daily mail sen ice. Alo it seems odd K ll. ' p - - 1 llir llf-alll III I lit" IIHIKT Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION 8till Are Building Stores In City. lijat places near this city should 11m nvr us man nyay of Van-party c6nver instead of dislribuled which i Friday, August J 7, 1923. partmenl of Ihe Dominion Oov "I he form of Ihe accounts should (lrinK- lo liaht-traaance ami iiN'f(icicnc.v. and enable rrjlicir. .lo k usefully appliet'l. To Educate Public "'" It can ran Im said a"' uillionl 1tb'ul erunieid (he need of this senirej reser-veral a,l', '"P desirnliilily of establib-'va,,0n ',at "", volume consist. are inr it as soon as possible. enily maintains this not. nanHy, ines 't,,al t'1 accounts are for the e.ii. block having just commenced on Wa9 Depend On jeation of the public and pive them Third Ave, within the lal few B"ywg Power Of Dollar. I1'"" laimum assistance in ap days. Apparenllv there are 'tte majority of factories are I"''"? gseful and constructive, a Jome people .who have faith in working full time, and matfy of w',n a de.trurtiv criticism, the place and who exbect il !. 'bem re.ort that a a result of Those familiar with many similar yrow. alisfaclor- crop prospects in I'oblicatinns at home will realize I While there are plentyv of lne Canadian West, a larjrer fon' ot t,'f, Jul?ment of the Mores here at present there is volume of orders js beinir nlaced ,,rl,'h Odunta statement, but ft scarcity of irood houses, ll i tlran for some time, savs the e Look nrov almost impossible lo rent a good Ba"k of Omimerce report. ""Tbel,!',' cither by eeneral or piace toaay. People looking for 'mpiauu is made, however. bouses have f vacated. hi uicu. to wail until on. thai- prices are tendinsr down i inert nere are are a a lew.- ' mm inni n n is niiiieiiiu'"r-"t " '"r tmunn- oluine is is mi p. ini A t.."ul "' W ,n n M.icb one ran le. this " ...m. i Z 7 rlon ?" ;nf ,"' fM Wmr. put v n , . - , .wie rosi oi various ow that We bar n nrarirnea trpin service ad that the 7- .l,ir P-vince , re wny people are making nTeaLber of the party. Honlon Kirk ' , I"? ! U rtUn ,n ca'h for" effort to popularize Ihe Xalionnl'r.air.Vt .i ii '..i.i',-' .7. n rr("'daine. from urb outlay, is sur HailWay. t is lo l.e lmn.l ll.ol r.. ,. .. """ ,J. ,.":u i i 'i '-" mioi. ...... a. i. iii-re iinin me end or Hie mr win also lie al im-ed In uLintl. rruifi i1nain. .11. J give the mail riere is alwai-, of service. U ' resU giving ei-naU from n, roiir lrom IP Willi Ihe U.t nrr.' .7 . .. ."I"1 ""n""''- Hie eln,nl I.f , " "nc wepan oi .Mount ijidnepl l.ack of the, m iMll merit to arrange. Possibly it city '" ,M '"pressed in cash form, lo miglit .e well for people here Ini - 1 ''""veil from the outlay of s once more urge upon (hat de-' Bnh.cejbe for h. n97r v.. jIl,ar"1nl like the public, works 'The Art of Spending he most for your money and a-iettingr conquering: the tendency Jo spend for trifles is possible only throueh 8 practice and self discipline. - When possible aroid the habit of buying- on credit A good rule is "Pay Keeg0' Th,ink twce and challenge the of necessity every expenditure. "Doublt our St fine,; J, CAN h, 9J7 JNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager !nsini Public Benefit wnicn nas to ! horn in mim ;ani winch no formtil account; .an satisfactorily ilTuslrale. Tliis However, is a difficulty inherent !ln local governiuent accounts and ran only be lesteil, even approii. irtalely by stalMie as lo the vol. nine or work dorfe, dock and harbors built, slreeis ami roads con--lnicleil, and so on. j The volume. Is capable of improvement. In this parllcular, and i'he statistical results or facts es. :iiress.j j durnnwrizM sjate. frneuts of work done or in Ihe I form of eosts per siillal.le unit of jwork ilone, mtght advantageomly ,1-e incorporaleil fn fulure vol. lime. "These accounts are, however, far ahead of any publication by Hie Uriliftli envcniment lhal li 1'hiKht almost appear captloun to rain wfirr-rain. IF Wordsworth had llvet I. ere ing?" ... f ne wouiii nave wrillen: "It Is not raining rain lodav. Il' ralnbitr . ... o iingiii sunshine." Aren't you balhine Ibis morn. "I bad rny swim before break. fasl." "Uefore breakfasll AVhv there couldn't have been anyone lo se youf" BbmmU ebIeY I Ik LADDER PAOB TWO TH1 UAILT HTCVB Friday, uro, l7 Its Sale is Phenomenal. Its Quality is Irreproachable "SALAM HMt Is the Purest and Most Cleanly Prepared Tea in the World The Daily News , PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited", Third Avenue. ' II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. . GREAJ SUCCESS i FOR LOCAL MAN Oeputy Minister of Finance! Praised by Municipal Journal of England AHEAD OF ALL OTHEJtS j Tin department of finance ove. ;whieh K. I. Johnson has rliarv iunder Ihe minister of finance has just r.vrived a well deserved com- f . . 1 . . i a I'liiiirui. iiimii r.nsiaun. 11 i ex pressed m an article in the )lu. nirinal Journal under the e.-intiin rl-omnial Account a I.sfri fi i Kngland," and a follows: "liritish Columbia is a tvnical example of efficiency nnd loyalty in colnniialion. From the ae-rouuliiiK, point f view it is aUo a ko'mI instance- of Hint freedom aim elasticity wnicit you Hi so freelj impart intojthe rigidity ; the home systems of. an nlt coun try. "We have before us, in selling ilovn these reflections the i.uli. lisliptl accounts of Jlrilish Coin in bia. printed liv anllioritv of th lleirislative assembly for the fisCfil Transient Display Advertising ilAO oer inehS,er i.rHn,.i'':?r Ain arrb 3t. 19??. Transient Advertising on Front Pae o. t.i. Ancr formal prefar- to the Local Readers, per insertion in. L liV- vu,un""'' p"n-'in.of two lines Classified Advertising ner insertion ' ..'. . : M n"nl friinw the minister of Legal Notices, each insertion y"" I any modern conveniences js which Is labor, the mnrg rsrin An n r.n (a 1 . P v. -n. k tZ I '. - I . - - ma ;nappea up long lierofe Ihe vacating tenant leaves. port much heller than lha Saskatchewan or .Manitoba. ..i.a gOOd ill Sflile. of the enrlv r,,.. t n.-. nii.-i I mi ny ,,,1 other nests have ilin i,;. .. . . ' Kill T-vt .-nuking iruin me ue- ,,. . tli;.,i t IJniled M.Aleliei i.A r:-: ----.. in uii in mil 1 u 1 yar will be an averapp one but Lr' n"" m.e?.ns J .1; hit- in.iuip He IllstailCeil. its worth when i.eei Tn general term, the arrange inent of Ihe simple, the bouses of a sort offerintr but a l make a corresnnndinir reduc- Sections ar-sequential and losri njle.wlljp)raltd le afvtl1lTIie?ll!l Kouse Ko.i.o WitliwMiiiii ..: '.-(iiiii 401 i-ftsU, iTil lh the chief oilier it ;i,m tern ..t of.cai cal in n oriler nml in fnm. t.nii - - ... Ulll llr.w' I lie statistical annen profit is ronlraelimr. Workmen'idices, which might be innroe,t leaving for the IFnited .Slales,'" classificalion and, ' lndeet, 'I'l.lim Mini rr- 11..1 1 UHllltil fj.rtil fll. nn.l.... - A . n I. n .... A . . r I .' ..I n I . . . . .. f I I V 1 . .. piuww vrujj is "ic ii n imiri- lavornine iass;",'r sn mm in 1110 hook rapaine Best On Prairies. man hi umnoa, mi( it is not sol"' arraugeiiKnt in as tohI Accnnliinr i 11,0 1,1,4 niucii ine actual amount naid.1'1-1 ai accounts themselves c --- ..v- ic- ...t,i , ... -. ...i.;l. 1. . ., .. the- Alberta wheat cron is IV . . u i,nnmni ' "mi" v"'" "lausiics. eron in nunc. nruirj 1.. a ,,nlJar "P"' in the Unitedi ,,'r' ' govenunent which Hie latter province it is not verv ? Wl" ,,I,J aS m,ic'' a" h!1'1"1"1' a balance sheet. .More the long straw will ifinke vesting expensive with no lar- rm ill. ifi llllilllim- Ifrav 1 1 1 II I u 1 1 lllllll'm lil III III IIIH 11:1 I open he w thai question, but as lone anr! 'beet which even govern irk ma n is of the nm'n. "tent officials rouM un.lrrslan.l it does, lie will im tuiTbere is a sumnufrizeil slntemei.i males. Ih&re i.s.ii " income ami oulciaiiL's o cep vieM ti.o,. t..i ti... unani-!"" government sup-rior loiiy ,it.:.. in i.i . .... ailvan- iuonieu in imiain. ai'i liiePS (niilVlI hv I .'ill if in lr.a PVPl) I li;t L I M (r 1 1( 111--, V. - "rf " -'J " mt-t V llli: two w" countries, couinries. as as is is evidence evidenced :p,Marative siurlicity of ton of the nrain lhal shir.s i..:. '".e ?eU,r many men wfiii.Tiiinent by a legislallve a.embly Hritish Columbia has (be croo ulet anr prnrliral experi-j1" HrllNh Odumhia, there 1 uf. lwiwever, which is something ufnCe , ro",,ilionR ' CnnadH,f'-i''"l t prove that ihe m.iv w ihankful for iriridine. i-onipiex ronuiiions or national z -. tir-t s. a- - GOEDEUC SURVEY Will Measure OlsUnea anrl Signals From mount Old field gov in ureal iiniain no not ren der impossible the publication of Isinrole slatim0nla munn.i. PARTY ARRIVE giving the nation', financial nosi ,'ion. and its annual turnover in simpie jorm wnicn coulil f un '.ileretood by the rople. i "The details of the espendihiM I PI veil in full, ilown lo Hie Inim. ferfeml ffri-i. ...'Ult mongers salary. wT.uld ot i,nu, i " ; ' I7 :ur Ire 1m, great at hom for orrAiin 11.1- ; in a nanny volume, Many rumor have been cir. culaling Copcernlng an old Ihree. iinasled Japanese sailing shin which Is moored at thn quarantine wharf. jshe wa suspee.led of being a smuggler but it turns oul Mie haHienisd lo make this her find port of call ("inning from the Orient to .New Wc minsler for oalmnn. The pa age aero Ihe Pacific to.k lliirly-eight day. "You ran Dlale misilivelv I here wilf be no delay in com- Pieung I lie liuildinz of Ihe nro posed trail from Stewart In the 'Oroundhogr so Hint hv neii II will be ready for He." is Ihe announcenieiil by fi. .1. Oilline. .ham, road superintendent. PEOPLE ARE ALIKE EVERY WHERE fcome niralfle were talking of Hie Atrange sight lo be seen in a great clly, and one naiil trl. mile lo New York. T don't believe nnv one of von could Ihink of any combination of circumslnnre thai hasn't al ome, lime occurred on .Ihe slreel Ihere,' b" nld. " I reckln I know of one lhat' never occurred Ihere" sniil KI Wilson. "Whar lhal?" aftked Ihe olher curiously. "I gue " said 81 slowly, "lhal you've never seen, nor ever will ee, a iras band lhat' going in one direction and Ihe baft of the folk goln' In Ihe other." I Kverybody'a Magazine. ! -4 GOLD CREST Virginia Cigarettes now 25 per package of twenty "It pays to invest ,' '--f in famous Gold Crest " ' suggest the improvements men- honed." i The Mao ia tke Mew SAYS:- O.N'K of (he Senator ha wakened no and slates be thinks Ihe Senate should be allowed to run Ihe country and Hint ilm House of Commons should he abolished. JT will be mod new lo lota. bands who pay-the bills -fo knfivv inai women are lo wear Iheir dresses longer. OUHVK from the. nrozres. iveiles in limn I . tllOt," if1 tlol ... . ... j Ihink John Oliver should ay he Ikes ins job or Dial be. is celling HI paid for il. Happily John is not a professional financier or n millionaire or even a. general. MARATHON'S mav be nil rlchl in the runninsr gani, but we bear now of a man who was-drunk for forty-eight hours without even a stop for meals. IHK diftlciillv in M.i. he rounl'ry IhU year I lhat the In Ptinc Rupert Au;ut 17, 1913. II. C. Brewster, recently "ap. pointed leader of the liberal oarlv in Hie iw - - - m c T 1 1 I "s l froiiHlny message of cheer lo all arls of the i.rovlnce. He nre- blicls an early return of the parly in power. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service 8lore.M WE CA8N CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Term Arranged To Suit Furchasari. Phona Blue ti. Travel East! SUMMER EXCURSIONS ON SALE DAILY. Union Pacific System The U.P. follows the original weitern trails covering scanery of the Storied Watt. EER-Tlie city a mile high. StYE--The ,Mai,IR '"'"'ry. THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND HIGHWAY and many "Ur attractive plnce. Double Track Steel Equlpmantood Meali. A I KIP IN COMFORT Have your fmnimer ticket rend "U.P. one way. Ask any railroad ticket agent or write. FRANK 8. ELLIOTT T., P. hV. A. W. H. OLIN Asst. n.K. ft P A. UNION PACIFIC STATION Seattle, Washington