9, Hi r SHORT SNAPPY, SALE of Men's Specials This Week Only. Reirular and 10.51 Shoe. Br ---- or black. All sizes and shape. Going at-- $6.50 & $7.50 See Our Men' Window. Family SHOE Store -Shoe For The Family." We Solicit THE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES AND COLLECTION OF RENTS The Satisfactory Service given others, Justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn &. Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD We have jnt received 1 car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. fciie cut lo order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 530. Service and Quality oir Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Ph6ne St. CarUire, Warehousing, and I)itrilui(iif. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Hand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. f EPSON COAL We can now Supply our " FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rant. I'rfce Ileasonahle Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVINQ. Klfminale (tie draught around your windows and iimh leu coal, 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and' Windows. (Units and Mirrors fit- all-kinds. T. RO88 MACKAY. Phone Blue 165. SCHOOL REPAIRS home in wrway Board Receives Report That , Building at Present Is Struc- . ; tu rally Unsound -v Reeeivinr rhal report front .Tfutee Parker and Ga.y to th effect I bat. structurally the Har den treef School il tit a afe rnndil ioanI lat nizht auihortort authorized loinz of such work lo the build rfllrartr, vi-fio i at hrkiny on the buildin?. I member of ihe board knvr Ibai the buildin? a lellyin? up 1r. be eentre ilh a eonequfrJ 1 . . . 11 11 . TrOlee Mfinrran reportel (bar Mr. Seoli hai notiretl lhi anil knew jut whal to do. All that be wanted wa the authority. Trutee fjlt that it wa a matter that bould not le .1- lared in rerneilyinz. Tlie pres ent condition wa daneerou and 'niirht mibly reglt in collapse. II wTMild not le diffieult or ex lonive of reni"lin?. Ilolted lim ,br upport on the wall would e.npre the tabilily of the build- linz. AH mendwr of the Jxiard fav-!oreI irrinmliate action wliicli wa (authorized. .f the prenl time repair in jthe foundation and floor of Itor-!den Sireel rVbrd are in prrjfe under Mr. Srott. !in' minor repair lo the feal Coe !NlirKd ari 'aUo t le exeeuled. MANUAL TRAINING INSTRUCTOR WANTED BY SCHOOL BOARD reMiliilfon Wan nerondoil by Iruxlen IVirkcr and earriivi unanimously. ! Mr. and Mr. A. Larn FISH ARRIVALS Pounds of Halibut at Exchange Today and TO JXUL1 JilWi UIi. 7.n1 pAQn.iat I Jr. and in,- Ufth Cii;i.aa Fih A l ' -id Sloraxe ai. itf. !.! Jwnd al tjr and UK-., and Wh.: Lily. H.OrtO tind. ai 12. an-i !.. Alm Kihere. Mr. an.1 Mr. H. Attad an-! family arriveil in the city on lai nizbt train from the Eat re- I ' 1 lurninz to Ine rnat frora a iit ( in .Norway. Mr. and Mr., Larri l.i Hn- Sport Chat J aild Ibi ny.rnin? im the Priri- If the sn f KiifUnd win lo- The original beauty- Of dainty organdies, brilliant with colour, of dainty flowered voiles, georgettes, or crepes, cannot stand the" old harsh way of washing. But these delicate fabrics come from a Lux bath as fresh and beautiful as in their original newness. The thin, satin-like Lu:c flakes, made by our own exclusive process, whisk instantly into a rich lather that gently dissolves the dirt. No matter how filmy the material, how brilliant the colour, you can safely wash it uvcr suiu uvcr again in the delicate Lux suds. Stld only h nM LUX LEVEE BROTHERS LIMITED be . in .mihin m A,,1 ,,,r K'CbUH an.1 Mr. mzUi rj4tair same fr.m It rfiiT 7b!.fcSi Mr"- 'nr of Cna.fr Ikev will rir finch It tb- WIV "a,a" frtr Jn-a-i the' tiOhx Uup. If th. Canucl Canuck I TtM mtl 4M Am Ta rt an s a wk IVv -f a a ' a iae a unuld rriftre if. !ahililt "w " .. ;. " " z r-nw rrfway. ifiin : ' 1 .n mt .in irt f if.f rAnni m fWr,. ih,. Aninr nf th. tu . "w ""B"T it "ram. wtp w fl.r i ,inre Ubl l(.r,. Carrying out of th- t ' V ,1 l kr. Tbb will jv.rk left in Ibr hand of a'?" 1 M T T 'M' T !,b-rommillr. and forw .oU.'1 ,.Th- ;Vrla,, fm,lr- Cup rrir, aM Ibr' rily r.rr.r.t T r rrr Ifajrur., Tli tl )' jhavr l-n in the Old Cuntry .h b th 'ttMint match ilvn Trti.lw Park-r mquir.lvif hr ' " T , .V ' ;ssi'-.ir uivuH.aB.1 f Kn?lan.l . . ... . . an.I dausblrr. Jutldb. mere Urn . .n .1 - . . in Alaka. i-i r-i. ,.... .. i. ' , i.rtje i-iol VhJnd in Ihe taCl- mz. iiaje fe eliaiM'e for the ilrwphy. Eight Boats Marketed 94fiM' , . " . . . I Mjtou ivmrw ii jtnnireai. wb wa brn in Aln it,fl..ra U enati4Mi if Ihe (lana-lian . winifinny ehanrpioii4hlp.'taired , F.i2bf ehoner marketr.1 9i.-jal Salunlay al .rad Jtenrh. hi ixiuno 01 nam.ui al, iue U mniii. He IJe rin urnange mi three OrtO w..n all ' three Aineriean Ixial havinz l',-..!.- rrt ...1 J-... ....... 1 !Hund- and fivp LifWi.lian 'llarcdd Plant 'of Winnipeg scaie imj iM.un-i. ine naman,,!,!,!! keA wMiioejUion but the bad the advantage of bizher ;ealeni rack inUlied lrnnz irt pnre br nt-.re than tr in alljry raf. Ttw.uah !n.ri 411 Al-ra-e brtih (irl and ee6nd .11.. l.a r-ni .f Arrrval and ale: jfalier ia mu 3Vi 1 jione American . .ew Vr(miutir family Neplurie. iO.OW jiound, injirjttounie .arul Harn.Y. -fiotirne. M . rt . ..... W Til . . . . . inn vt. 10 ine inaniafi a Vancouver arnje G'dd Sloraxe f. Norma, 9,0fo pound and Or. to I lie HooJb Canadian Cak ' .Norland, 2C,O00 jHiund, tfy 1 hi unrlf. a 'c Al Itelfa! a foolba malrli 1 iheri"t ! mire idavel lelu'n IHifi al and .Sotjioli (earn. One of (Ik home uiMrler, who wa pet ioe an.i we. in me Aiun i.,tier-,n? exriled kept boulinp-i for Kelchikan delivery. j-su n m. Ireland." An old 1 Canadian isrotrhman, jttnndin? by, unable. I lmperieue, ".Ono, pound and to l.'uul H any longer, cied out: wuifiil tflil M n. ablr awe Ilfttmc m'pKmI a ii.7mm Pf". 10,0011 pounu ai isc, ami f to it on ifrorrt K. J. Willi. uiriuleisdeiili ,0r- ' Hoyal Fih Ho. Hie Jefd mon, aiid mfil on Ihe 'of eduration, ftatiu? that there were everal feron in tlie eoiilh' liualifil lo beeorne manual I rain- jinjf irrlruclor rl I'rinre Hirfir and tlral it wiMd take W. V. ;Talteral of (hi nly- at leal v.M( eion at iiiurner rioo to fit hintef for the piition, rliool board lail nigtit derided lo idvertioc. la Ihe eftutl? for .1 uc. r-oor lo It, II. Sux-kley, rpipi - ed. Appliealiontr are to l- in by Aiisut 2t nnd a alary of l,HO0 ji offered lo start wilh. A Mipsrefclinn, wa mnde that be left wjlb the Oepiutmenl of i!-luraion to appoint the infitnio j(or bul Ibi wai opKifd by Tnif Hop Cacey wlio amicil tlin du- parlmenl of Iryiiifc' (o rontnd 1 1 11 job and band tbetd. out lo tlio. in excluive cirrle. ''Applyinjr to llwv ilcparlnipnt for a leacber wrujld pive them juol -wliat lliey are Jookinif for and. I am opposed (o xurli a course," aid Mr. Caey. BOOTH SCHOOL REPORT IS TO BE PUBLISHED Statement Prepared by Qeorge Rorle, Chartered , Accountant, Will Appear In, Local Press IH-clarliiK til intention nf liv inff up to hi election promU Hint h would lirinz about un in vi!liiMiUon of 4bv liootli School affair or, failing t hat, Hie iwilili- cation of an ncdltor' report o czin'ii'lilurc. School Tnixli'f nimey movul nt lli inccUnir o the board Irl niglit that lie -iclniy be lnlructcd to iiililfli u report prcparcii by 'orui iioric cliiirlrri'il accountanl, In (lie lo cal puper Kivinz tin IichI rule. Tin1 r ' BRINGING UP FATHER . By George McManm aBBlaBaal """ S" """""""""aaaiaaBa, BBMBiaaBMBaBBaBIBaaaajaajaaaaaaaafe BI-,'W---BSlBBaaaaaaaaaalSBlWaWa " ""T""""! RflUnFN STPFFT URWYEWCITY - - -T. Daily Nejvs Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PEA WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvrtUmnt T-k.n tor L.. hn BO WANTIB WANTED. Men and women to learn barberina. Paid while learmnz and tool free. Write' for calalcgue Ddle?e. Vancouver, II.C, i;(K)l Ht.niH pii (Irahain Aenue, setrtion t for fair."? room ami bathroom. Apply Mri. It. J. SutlierlaiHl. r 1 j i FOR RENT FOR HUNT. A I Aliee Arui. pool-mom. barber hop and 'ruar lore. I.iyina riKini tiplnir. AIo led for rfnl. Apply Art Jtlaudin, llox 4t, Alice Arifi. U.G. ll9 10 HK.T FuniWhH ro.m?, with liftt and cold water, by day or week. Moderate rales. orfo!k Room. Phone Illaei 329. ' tf STEAM Heated Flat forrenL Hefner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOR RF.NT HousekeepInK rooms 410 Sixth Avenue EaL Phone Hlue 2t7. If MODERN four room flat f. rent. Westenhnver Ilros. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSE. 10 Seventh Avenue Went., Phone lied 119, Furnished suites. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue, phone 137.,.- If TAXI Tasl 67 Phona. (Call Oeortr. or (Just) Ross Brothers. Pive-pasnena-tsr Touring Gar Prompt May and Nlicht Service. Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue roe, bul I tell yp, mon, ye canna dt on Ihe llulle.' - Rotary SPORT STANDINGS Senior Baseball W; l. Son of Canada .... 7 I nil 3 r, ffrollo i) J Intermedials Baseball win fl While Sox I 1 J(l(cti Spbool 0' Junior Baseball l-alcor. .... Hoy Seoul While Sox 3' Stuart Shield, Football W. II. I.. S. of Fy .1 0 I S. f- fl I 1 2 (Initio j J 2 OHhuly Cup Football, S. of K, S. of 0, Orotlo , 1 0 I 2 1 HOLIDAY RESORTS MASSETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL MAIL SCHEDUII ... For the East . Jlondays. Uednemlays arut Friday. clie at 5.30 p.m. From the East -MoMlayn, Thursday and Salunlay, 1:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday Monday 4 Wedneilay Friday Z. Friday llP.lt and 27 Tq Vancouve Monday ... Tliurxday , , Saturday ,. Sal unlays . .. C.P.R. Aiitru! H, il, arid 29. To Anyox, Alice Arm Wednesday a, From Anyox, Alice Arm Thurday -..P. M. . 3 P.M 3 P.M. A.M. 10 P.M. 'A.M4 10 P.M. IH, 22 8 P.M, 8 p.m. t The Ideal Mollt sa 1 Moler llirber For Urto aoply uroonrtre: 1 WAXTFJ Tu pntCHASK. ' t Mkern nJ-aad .eeti r.-mefl hHie ih' Ml lKalily. Phil-l.ll, HvjH A tU Sreond Ae. FOR SALE FOR 3.U.K. New hull. IC feet by 01 feet. Seine boat iiunIcI. Conslrucled of firl cla material. Karzain. AMre, , T. F. Johnson. P.O. Ibu Ketrhikan. Alaska. FOR '5AI.K. I have for ale er- eral btal zol fur pleaur; and work at eirepllooul bar-s-ain. They mul le o.l. Apply X. M. McLean. !w Hay. UVjlH lfMiS for Sale Two female Inb water aiuMt iree rnoniii old. li.00 u . i Fra-er. Marine ,iatiorr. f!W Mr. J. 1. S. Ounil. AUCTION A ALES. Condu.ed in your home or at our room.. mnJ aluo old ou cofnmlion. H. H. HCMimtnoS, AuctlonMr, Third Avenue (Cei.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone black 136 and Oreen 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, lfrtiiw Rupert, 11.0. lloir: lu to l: to I; ? lo ri. Phone Hlti- US., , IlemJen-r. i,rrn 136. 067 r.oo 333 PI. a i 3 s 3 3 2 To Port Slmp.on, Alice Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays . . .:. 7 From Port Simpson, Alloa Anyox and Arrandale 'llelJ.y . To Stewart and PremUr Arm P.M. Arm A.M. Fridays 9 P.M. Sunday .'. 7 P.M. From 8twart and Premier Salunirty '.. H y.Sl. Tuesday.. A.M. To Alaska Points Au?ut 3, 0. 13, 17, 21 and 27. From. Alaska Points AiibihI K, II, Hi 22 and 29. To Queen Charlotte Island Points A ii trust 8 und ??. 5.30 P.M. From Queen Charlotte Points August 0 nnd 20. To Naas River Points Thursday . 10 P.M. From Naas, River Points Saturdays , (- A.M. Pet. famtiiauuiawji'ijWksJSjB ; Ik Sotel TORONTO In Centre of Sbopplno nd Business District 250 ROOMS 100 wrin Private Sttht t, WIMWlir THOM(ON. MAM'S. I E I i. IBI' i JMM I K.u u httf mi. tw Ulik S ' f 4MV IB M I Hrl. vm. Mttt per Mm 1 1:1 1 i ' f!0 I I' I I UlHtf ! l rtHMvw o4or. eftw. trrm af tte CtN TrVf mm fce rvMHffBJBy f'VtlBW llMf VSHi MriW M.lr f t: .t 1 I. . 1 Chtml I fm ! . HOTICI. 30T1CC I Hrsrav rn w i. fmHStM4Pki ln mtn 14 um wui- a n riwv r SrttMl ixj, t-i . ai wti cr l u -M tt Httt ll Imrri'tMBrr 1,1 .1 r) - ttltwritlQf lb U if l li Urn v ll. (tf S 4 f-4 rr Ur t r o imjr. j rii . fc IhmiuM i:( .;.) trmvrr, ,io rjr for u i ' i Wl Wntrotait. DtRv j t- -v. tn ef mum rcdm s t ro i:u tfi tbt rwNfcM mm) l- ' r ' mtlt W iur iad 4Hl r-J - "3 : rl tlti. n4 rt i Xkti w. tntf trmHtir v. i isivitir-v nif la tu., tlx) r .;- c i c nrai rr fl) ami l iw 1 r: re mvr mm tilt i t itrnaier 111' irrn Ml f IH tod tnafiriMar t : iswt r. finnl br rrt ft- . ) l um I IM Vifcl t ir r- itrt mt ll Miiiwii h- i : t U" 3 J'.M.lMhWr tivl viiMUoar tui4 t iv - a i Uoanl la tlia WaartMl I ' ' : wart -..aur. ... , .a. ,,, ii,. . . -- fr tA 10 P.M. Tueday. Mail clone at I P.M. far lt ri of Mrrtinf lt oi tvtwtinr ft r.rp4lki tod ' " r urailntit t iv du n r I e MfWBI af MMIml tad ir.irrrtl a liVio-eiarvt aiiUwrlird l N K mm tirt it Mt ntV h : ' bit ti im air f ftiact rrt-i iik rtr f Jxr. itti i r jom NrtWf fr ll Aff ! .inl. 0 Mttblrtptlliy K lb Cllj A rew nupn. NOTICE. It 'THE M.tTTtH t in ,rr' : e' thr fa tf rroMOonil Crtf Till tl 'lill lfillr bf. I' T.U (), !4l lwlo( til. SnbtUtlMfrti bt IM Ibrt tt ?.rrt ittr-niiM (H). Tee of Tf.frso- ? tirf mrr rewf of i im CrtrK f Till mtrpi u tutirr lrn iriiurS m im II n iron. to 'tftMie, rir Um tpiwj imnita fnn lb first fuMii tio f, lrrolil'ul Cerlinrit J"" Ih sot lind lo lb Mm "TT" .fnlll. Tb orirliul Oriin.-i if TWJ ltS th Itth AorvO, l" " " umbrd 1 f 401. H Lnd RtiMrr Offir. PrlB' tutfm-BX. . Ill iurii't. , Blinr l Till PRINOC RUriNT UNO DISTSICT, QUHN CHSRl.OrriltLAl0S 'T"?fV Tk XMtf Uul Unisrt TiwM Ui spply for prnuiln lo ' tt.'2f, l1nf (Werlbrd rorih i ( point ll.ie thiot wfi'lM,rty.l!i in north!! comr ot U to. in nnrihrttrly dirertioo rf!?LJi low tr mrk of HUon Istrsnj WHiUirtlrrlr iixl fi4loIOI H lr intrk to clulni. mot or P-ini il rtiunt twrtht fr rfil, ir IM n.m on ih imr line V"' I(i0, thw southMiurly , llnr nnrthiilrrly to thm. B,r.rJ li, to tlx pf'lnt of tMiiniofnK-n w rinittlnlnt 10 ifr. mr nr !. I Pni tnu tsih dy of J"'' ';: m H. niubiniwn. iJ2L- LAND ACT. Nolle InUnl! to Apply U WW la .rnt Und l"lr'lr, nff,,f,"(,W2i trlrl of I'rlnr llnnrt. irnl ltM" CpUlii Cy, Pitt lilsnd. C.B . Tii rioilr that V. Jffro, ' fonirr. orriipllon rnnry ,,. to tpsiy for Krinlitkin w Pur,bA', ' follmiii (1rnl.l Uml: CHii''-'n' s pot planteil un the nuih m,kS? tilni Cove, lwnr x.utt) It tMUi Ih'J wii to rhlni ibHii'e north ".'" f Imrei thi-nr f..llolnf iliore tp V r , roniiiitnrmnl nj rimulninr 'rv ncr.,,,, w. .. ,Errrk..t Mnio of AptM tMtait 7lhlulr. tt- jtV j QUIIN CHARLOTTE LAND 'W'Sj;. -Tins .iotic uist'w u. "( 'rrj.'n iruiivr, n.c. mimr. inind xESn - llli Minister of Ijim!) Tof l ."'"S;;..,,! prtrl for col. pftroic tiro ,tt rn over ami iimtr th tollwll,?fl!"l,w land. Utinioil on SU.Iont' ln";, " ".,! I.I. net. H.C.t cwi.nifnrliif at tx'' r al Ih mutlwad rornr ot "".h.iif lhnf' 10 rhilna aoulh. lo pol"" " inenremenl. ' Q M(QKBIS. Piled fuly It. ltU.