Mlrrt HI l rrreel hv thej ... r l-iier than lwii Im' .TTZd "irr"i.Ji: opufiii.o t Nati . i ... i.imhm, I., mi i.i.v Tdir li 24.100 With 30 U'",i"rk Aertt Each of Land v , W In- allowed rr re. j .. , . I IT - ,. f- Mill lie rerelved liy i at Vlfl'irU, lint Jatr . o i It day or aiium, liam' of IJrence X i34, I.kpllW il. klll TIM, M". Itll II ,lir- ,i,tf .I.WjK i7 IITIDCIl OHLK A gDi ur liiirkl 'miy, !j i rr-lrd lr tt isd at Vi'Ilu, not liter ill da tt -ptruiIw, i: in", i l.i'i- X JJ'.i, U ic 'ii,i;!i and .pnire Tlr. . :: j- i in tit iinnitr of : cr rt mi, unial'lr 4H lull t mi Iw kff IMk Elation, j t laru ttltliirl. are tn alkinl fr r ill i an: iara nf tlv Chief forra-j : II if niMrlrt Forlr, " B Tral t kill W rrrliKl liy the r.mirr not Jairr I ha a twxxi a n ni nr uai w i rnt tnaa cn an luiruuwd mlrt. Ian ftmrt I f ti t rdar. HmikM-k. . Italcain f Jtara Hill t allomrd for rr llmli-- T (r 'Will hm tw.tA k ak. ..nnr. iriuria. Ixil lairr mi niw 7ia, on an art ' icura rridn Paiiin ma ll Ksnr rtat Ijnd nialriei. ai t win be ailomed for r- i !t ef t!v Ctilef Tor$- ' It or Dlalrlcl Fvrtrr, S B.(f . Itibcr bale X4725. 'ai.ita. ai Vlrlotli, hut laler . IIh lth dar. nf AuruaL I i: nt! I'hlli r,r I rMtM T 1111 i i naitAtii m. tiBrf nr ini Tin i iiiuuer ii iiii. i.asviar iaiiu ar Lr allur1 fur re- rani ulara if the Chief Fnrt a, fl.C . or Dlalrlrl rnreilrf. " ip, TIMBER SALE X B37 rrtur, iHt Uirr inn nn n 000 IMI.M. cif CAat. Inrucr. f mrl Ulll U tllttM, frt fe. tinurr. hbi a- ui air V-ii- r Ul Mflorlt,,or the Dlatrlrt rorellef, Rtrt. B.C. Velrilny- I fin el a inn of ih lmlini of .fhi province agitlul me, iwiniiiiHin ami Provincial (lov. erajiivnt wi;rc e out. Tn ex. plain litis a short reaiinfe of Jlw phsilion pf, th. Indians in uet-fk.. Mm I'rmlrir." o (lie juriitiolioii m inn errriar)' or lal for I hi (ionii for a.ijiitiir.-nl. Th Commlttlon . Tlif I'rnvinrial f.overnm', linwtr. I.Mk another rnnrin, thai f ajfrreintf In llio np.oinl. rnvnl of a Hoyal l.rninilri. Tlil rotiuniai'ion pnltiallv rv. I'lirlnl, ainl oiif of il rfmm-mpmlation liav hen R.o.(f. II in llfiilleil fn Uif re.a.jiit-riCnl ofoantin'tif reniM ami a a Mii4riiwnrr lirld.nnn aiv tivn ronfirniil, I7,0flfl aerv wtlli.lrnwn. ainl H 7,200 arr ruM-! I" Hip rrTV- in H.C. Tlir Kofrnmpit of lin rrMirn.lM on hi.niian n M ?ir..uoo in Ilia firl ilrvailo aflr tVnfii)ralii.n. f525,i)nii in th Tendrfa lll U rereled ud lo I nm. MiTiilar. lutiiat to; Ktl. tiv the cut kirn inr imiiiiiiB .iki t iri .neniie lorfr: .1 .i 1-1 !. i, addPil Dr. ' herein. au eJ.irt inch ral aler main. Inrma r f. nf temler and rrifl(allcin iiit be ob f Mr. Mrlnnail PXpri'rnl ho uineii at trie orrire or in. underwn.a.r.,..i.;i m.i i ... U.rt r any tender not nerrarlly ic-Vr."""11 I'"" "irr 001 r'r,w, ... R-nl Ijpil to anylhliiR a far n Hip lit Cuy Fntineer. a " " Srlior.. wn conrpjhp'il. FREE 10 Much Finer Shaves! Cleaner Shaves Quicker u ifii no skin irritation I .If you were piii for tpttrng Ihto wordi the peffrei hTr, yon would probably define it "th cleancit, qtikktat ikiiv" , Dtciuae thit'i ha lOOi) mn ioid tn a really good hv ihould be.. Now e ilk you to Judge how well we'ye put then tbfee requifitei into a ihaeing cream. At our exprnar, We're pui it up to mlllioni'.ot men. And, having tried it, they refuae to. uie. any ttther cream or"oap. There arc 5 distinct luperioritlet, (having oxw titfti, in l'almolive Shaving Cream. It coat us 18 nionllu work, 130 Uboratory experiments, to perfect them. Now judge our work. - You'll find cream multiplying Iticlf 250 times in luftftious lather. , Youll find that lather softeni the mci'l unruly beard , In one minule without any irritating "rubbing in." You'll find the lather remains rich and creamy for 10 minutes on your face, il necessary. You'll find cutting easier, cleaner, because bubbles of extra strength hold rara hair rrtel. This is important. Finally, you'll marvel at the cfcol, soothed "after feel" result of the carefully blended palm'and olive ; We ask your Judgment on these points as a favor. Failing, the loss would bt all; ours. Send along the ' coupon, for your tea free shaves. v , 1aiaV a Canito THE PALMOLIVE COHPAli't OF CANADA, Umlted , ' , ;, Uaaamal Ta' ""p ' . . PALM OlIVE SHAVING CREAM 10 SHAVES FREE HM ana roaJl Tha rloalla Cuiaii of l-aBaaa. Lid.. Oapu a T.ra.ia, oi. . -4(l Watna.-,..... .....T...'.., ' . a . citr....,.. Mr. firpen and Jit son Frankip pnl down to Ilui.erl Saturday ftherp Iip will undprpo t minor iiliprM. ton fr. .lirnin l. I , j.r. MI., ...I. Mrppo'i rinlpr, . acro;i(iaiiipd IIipiii lo nuporl whprr she Uiok Hip tMiat for AnyoT.' r Dr. Hrant rplurnprf lo hi ranrh TiiPlay Tilgtil.; Olayfon W, llnrlrnan, who ha Iipi'ii Hip irupl -of Mr. ami Mm. Mar.h Ihi wppk, loff for Prinrp mippri ami anrnuypron Vid npwiay. Mi J'ilcPii ?UpliPii of Prinrp Itiipprl I xlayiiiK- wilh Mr. Fnl Ion at l.akpUr I;ake. ' ' MI Wood who . ha bppn Maying will! Mrf. MrDonald, r luriipil lo llupp'rl Mr. Warnp le'fl fnr-Anyoi on 'lupolay. Mi- llPalriopf Whitp ha re- IlirilPil to llllppr1;. , On TiPday Vp .atip fliiild of h l'rPehylrrSan r.hnrrlt pavp a farewell tea fit the Immc of Mr. Hrooks lr.'Hinor"of Mr.. lliishon, who pxi'ippIs' To leave ooi- fiir AanebuVer. Terrace i forlunale Ihi week id hniii ah oirporliinfly if ee- Ing the moving lWr(urr taken at Hip jmnilj.r of IJip Ijunli tf King riillankh-Amen.j Happy irwiiiRV, of the "T.liiro Mining Co. wn in lowiv.NVp.lne- "lay. ,i " - Mr. Will ftinilli 'an.l family have ri luriip.1 - from Hiblone. wltere they hnver-liPCn operiditig Hi ' !uniii.eri; .t SHUTiffiRS J. S. flray jiai. tnine lo Van rouver for Hift :jurpnp. of eon lilting iiip.IiphI necial,iM!. .Nnnierou Iioi.'1 and girls of Hie' town were 'o Hie aruesls Of William Fuller, on Saturday, The wrainrc wa hH twe III hirth day and it ,waVa nterrv one; ?porf and ganiev-wvre girpntljr enjoyed, while Itir- feal of good I htng provided unhde a great hit with' llie.' yoiinp'1eri who erinie away wN Iiing Hint Willing tiirl h-dayi were nf'.mbrt 'frefpienl oe-eurrence. a Mr.i P.. F.KlifAU dnd dangiiler .. I . I .- I - I . 1. 1 :T I . l . vviiu- nave neon-. . iiniiijaying in Kaiiiloopd are iiaeV -iii Iown. J. K. klrhy. riiihlhg reeor.ler. U 'bri a, vaenllotV;-'puH of ' wliieh will he perit C Vancouver and olher cortsl cilies, of .mind, and would be grateful for a few weeks' of dry weallier, Large oiianlilies of hay are down, and ii is a heart breaking task In have il about- i.-t i.i iimi- .. Jiisl ji. ui'i'ui- ready r.iiiy for ir nie-vhay-iiiow- IlieOiay-iiiow- when when another leiiipe I i Auur 17, IM3. sSSa noirmi IIIUWIi - r Y ,!! f the Chief l"(.r4.' tin iiiatrin nrr( - V CUD 'BRIEF HISTORY OF INDIAN CASE jsary. Shortly hflr II.O. camp in.. ji lVnife..-rillion iiesfuiialiiiti. . rca a.iji!nnir, muse ,i 'lit look place la, between the .. Dominion In. m allowed for rr.""'1, ,'V"'' M a I J. i .. I ' n Vi.7r..T .r.TiV'r.l" -''W'V "mi In.lian He h . . rr'i" .iiiiuihioii wjii hi, i ......i a ii . v V tCMA l -miii iiiwii l ,VPT. Alii i-l-iinii I ' lt.M.(K,l.l lLTI..I.... .... .. nun-;, aim iilllieri ni i- r-riTri ir iim- lrot.- Allnliiwnt uf reserves i iiMfu, urn uTfr(riiniinin'ti iimter hip nmi;niion h.AU. xT'i'mui later under Mr. Sproa' lone. r flea, mi -Tr a w'll as llf SIIPCPnrii. Jiuliro L'ljr lullr wuth ,fcf I - an .aiHnai nuiaT, Wl Iiinrt v .III I altl tuY nt- Mr tit il f.lilf Totm-r Mirlrt rrpir, r. I. ''lily, ami Judge .. V Vowa-ll. in i.mi, me gncmmeiit of lU.. ff'TH'wil lo set Hip any more land for Indian. urrlinz Ihi! Hip coNPrmncnl linil .l.n. il. part iimlr flio 'IVrnn of I'nimi. - im tm rnvirrd tiy tiwillip Indian IK'pnHinnl lliriiimn -; irh:d.r.f Vpi.'fr11' ' lr.-J. . J. Mr- Iiaw taf Urrnrr X 31i.iK'tlIia. Wtlll tillll hlrH in ISM SZUtZ im.1" K'Ual-.. wjlh sir nirhanl i H'.Mrtrt .Mrllrik. iilPivlin? Ili applicallou .f II W,t rnrra- wnirll illli liaf IVHUUinI ill. pillo )mIwcpii , Imijnion nii.l rvontl. ll)M'i) in li lliinl. l,-I35.iiki in Hip fonrlli. 3.709.non In llif flflli Mcal, ll.sflH.o'oo in iiir ltfJI.22. anil lh volfl for lh riirront yar l 7.1,l.18. inn ariHBi joiai i'niii on Iho Imliuti- of H.i:. from 'iinf-. frailon up lo Marrli 31, 10?n, l (M.SMM.32H, of wliird e500,0iN chip on i-fllif. I on adl In aKtlrtillniT. on rnlili-rnl aiil. ami l.32l,.T.).l on iiliirnlinii. Population 11m opiilalion of ablrigiupV irom H7 lo IW23 ha linn ory Hill rhantrn, varyinir froni 25,oofl o lo,oon fn ilirf.nt; vparn, Uip aojtiai laml IipIiI in II.C loiluy liy 21,500 In-liana on iprrvo. M 30.75 ncn.'. mp cajiilu, i .in i ii iii ajaj , - -U. 4m mmfmw N O T I 0 t. an airalii.t Uip follntfihtf'.in'-i'aiu oi irovinrp, t . Ioviiipp AIoripinp Arn MVva ... 2,000 itul .Nw KruiHwirk f .h f A 2.5 I'.ri. ... 2U2 4:5 (JiipIipc .. .. 13,000 fl.(i Ontario , 2fi.l00 . 52.5 It will tliu lp hii Dial I he Heleallon aU for fivf tinip a iinifli lainl a llf I ml ia ii al pn:. rpfit liolil in lliu iroinrp. i ' FOREST CRUISING PARTY IS HERE ON . WAYTO INTERIOR TIip provinrial Kovprnnipnt forcul rruiinir narly under K...K.I (Imrit, junior forvnii r, wlilrSt ha lppn working in Hip Anyox lii. Irirl for Hip pat fpw ppkx, ar-l rivp.1 from Hip imrlli on Hip Prinro llupprt lat nijrlit and will procfpl from Jipro to fip Irinc 5ptirrp dinlrirt wlierp Hipy willj work for Hip l.alaiup of tin; epa. on. lllip Mr. Tirpjfg, Hip parly roniU of 0, C Tprnan, If.1 Piirdy, K, iKiinonpy. J. I pti- np(t. rrnieprx, ami II. Yoiidait. ilrafj-iuan. All arp unrou1-rJ np'n. ' r-- . POTTER' BILL IS ' : V NOW LONG OVERDUE ' -I-, . . . But School Boarat' OIM AfcM Uct'a Claim Another HoUt y Laying It on lhVr ' TabU IndoflnlUiy J W. 'ollpr , Arcliilivl, tin wlllpn lo. Hip fdiool lioard fr'm Lo Anprlp akinc iant"iit of an arrount for 2i300 wliirh In (ipprilp ii loiiK omtiIiip. TIip nciunl J for ipnifpj m rop, iiprfion with Hip' ImiiI.Ii'iik- o( ijio iVooth Srhowl and aUo j'tipcrvin. inp rppair on Ihn Uipw and JJonlpn Slr'p fhoo!. Tin- nc- fount wa laid on Hip lati in. tjpflnllply- on motion af ThisIpp Parker and Trna 0ae. Trnpa Mt'l.piiuan fell dial Mr. 'ollpr nvtplit In- pnlitlpil to ko'iiiV- lliinfr for lii. riprvirps in ronnec- tliin. wilh ri'pa(r- to Hip HonI-ii In-! mid VVpi-IvIpw SrhooN. "'FiiIp-ii. wp fpp Hint Iip 1 lo Miini for I In Hoolh .M,hoi af- TOkCE NOTES V -Mla F,Me Klnny who ha lirpn Dppndinst Hip. nimmrr at Mr. Hillim.n rojfnx'al l..tkpp, rolnrnpd lioinr J'rloay fiiKlit with a eprainM ankle; . Mr. MpFarlanf who lia. (ppn iii Ihp I'rifir ltUfprl'.Ho)i1tal for Hip al roiiilf of wppm iiirprT In? from a ipvrj allark nt ppurl.y, rpluMifd ! ln 'IVrrapp Pdnpuday flight. . . 4. , - Mr, I.p1(p Skjnnpr lfl for Vanrouver on' Salilnlay wlmrft fh will Iip I Im vhpH of Ml a lrpn Stwarli y, t, Ml Chplon' who ha hppn vMlinft Mr. II. St. irieorjre I.pp al lipr Aiimnipr jilar on l.akrle l.akp. rpdmip lii' Prinrp aiipprl. V 1 Dr. Wilson, winprifilpndpjil of Prpli;prian Mls-n'ona, arriv.-d in iown on ruriPday. . a Blind Man's Buff 'tt i - t 7 VEN in this age of enlightenrrfeht som folks spend , their money blindly. They buy ' v with their eyes shut. They grope' in the. dark ' as truly as if their eyes were bandaged. And all 'the time a powerful light is being . ' 1 thrown on the very things they need and wantl Advertising is a beacon lo gui(l$ you in buying. 1 1 shows you what to buy - , where to buy and when to buy. At 0 m the same time, it protef tsyou against J raud' ' ' and inferbfity. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise deliberately focus thousands of ... eyes upon their wares. Their Oalues must ' ; , be honest and their prices right, or they ' f , could not advertise success ully. Don't play blind man s buff with the elusive dollar. Spend a few minutes each day running through the advertisements in this paper. Then buy the. products that have proved up in the light of advertising. ' , jfT" ; ftiirfe.1 by ineinher of the t'.ha-' Cuiiciua .commillee, and it I not Vxppc'leii liial any defteit will yxi'ft when llie enlerrainmonl' rtiii -All an working .hard for a puree!fuj chatauqua,. f The prospeelol-s of the di"iVricl are -evincing .keen InlPrP.! in Hip andsome. .ilvei- oup pre.t;nled a... i i i..iI.:a- r.n.A Kai J, 1. ivuilll .11- I'-i i hvlion of. l)roperlor! sample aV (he forihcominir full fair. If $he display of or i in keeping wilh the award then, indeed, il' fill be a large one, a Mr. hilhiP s genprtnily I exempll-ied in Hie priie he lias donated. 'jlie'cuji i now on view in the fllee ofhe secretary. I5-' a HOTEL AURIVAL? Irlnc Rupert A. J. Walklnson, Port Kssing- lon. Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Monl- While Hie people of Prince 'ginnery and son. Charles Pie- Hupert have been rejoicing in,Wl. T. F. Daw.on. Mr. and Mrs. ruin Tall, the farmer's of tub In- J, a, Kruker, K. K. tlregg, 0. Ter-( lerior arc iiv. the opposite frame dnn, 11. Punly.t K. Immoney. U- Yhudall.'J. Hennell, Frank Heale,T 0, J.- Fletcher and F. V. Delcourl, Vancouver; John K. Johnson, ! .Martin Tonnessen and It. M. Wiilslow, cily; Mr. nnd Mrs. H. H.I 'i . i .. .. . i.' Harper, I i i i i i.oiniou, a'M."v,, tint.; n., .uuuuu .iiuiiiii p anoiherliarner Lalluop, Iais Angeles;-!' inpesiuou,s downpour .comesjAlolly McKe(uie, Oall, Out.; K.f, aiid causes .i serious fteUfllalen and' 11. '(tray ley, Kefrhikan;! c'k. -The farhiirKd ard.lielngJl.'P. Wilhinl, Victoria; II. L. along lotig' l.a seriously, bandicapped Ibis fall.jnrown, Woodcock; Mrs-0. Joluu and" falling a lenglliy spell ofienn and Mabel 1. IhUiike, Oak dry weather many -Jons of Imy and olher fodder crops will, be o.M, A roprenenlafllvei of the cha. iotiiiuu which oppns here u August ,ti is tu tirwn, ana a special ticket selihilt chninalarn is undp wly. Good prorei i re- land, California. Oentral T., Fosler, flrandon, .Maiu;. Mr. and Mrs. I.arsoii and Mr, apd Mrs, It. Alveslail and family, Norway Uhrls Dlxoit and Jit, 1;. Ulark, Ufyirgiitowii. v AdTertlis .la the Daily News. r- , Read the Advertisements. FISHERMEN AND MOOSE 1 you have less than three weeks to make your candidate ' Miss Adeline Henrickson Queen of the Carnival The Little Fishermaiden" GET BEHIND AND BOOST ! St. Regis . Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. ( . Third Avenue. N E W REX "Cafe On Second Avenue. The. best placoo ea't. Good Service. Notiring.but tli o best. Under New Managerrent