4 PAOE TWO TTTE IUILT NEWS Friday Ma require ft Ion? or short periou. '' rrilnry, and have now an Clear as Crystal However. I am persuaded " American whari toH '" Cna-thing, nn.l thai is Ihal while th-yntiar. ofl. We ! "' nlijoel J" The absolute purity of arc ifrrTng this cxrierimeM in the thai rnrltenlnrh w wave pter.lv t'nilcl stales. Ihey nr.' rrtaiiii foreshore an., .( p water, m... Icmonstrnllnit lo the i at'e.liaii H '"' vmci -: ''" rilicrman thai they cannot f I " '' "f " "" " SMOKE nlm.w without the American iii.h 'ml ..hie.l hut, f .... "SA1ADA" kci. We need llio Amertaan mnr.liHl Ihey wJH ! "" K-1 Tlii ? cent a pound Im'.v iHy in this re.-s4 without mi- i.n haltlon goiha lnn thai cnnnlry !intcr,,retitia it. In view t all .l.m lv eileeminnltnu the Can- rotiiicstcs .mrii'4tl in GREEN TEA n.ltnn fisherman. iiim.ii.in m.H. Mies. OLD CHUM ll ii mi irr An.i ler- In hi hct. i. Mi.- mcrican is reflected in every cup. I lie sititallon in llritih iIiiiu linlliorito Ilii-difficulty -I, ..I.I he Hill" The moit delicious GREEN TEA in the world. Inn is nin.l acute more especially in an a i an imir- in rcanl lo the mailer of fish. tile e!ltHienl JUST TRY IT We have in Hear northern part Trade Representative which ha handled all Ihe fh I wmiM uav -' It' '1 h"nld trade. Ihe spectacle of Ainerienn have at Washh.i " - tl1W, rep- TOBACCO fishermen niirkeHna llieir 11s reenUtivc. If we had tillHtel The Daily News . in llrttih t'.olumhia. and as a there a, man wh" thomiighlv Mile receivins 16 cents a pound coiierMlit Willi Ir-nle fnldflon ; PIUNCB nUPKHT - BIUTJSII COLUMBIA The Canadian fisherman is Im- in .unaiM. main ..f ihcse misun-Id dncke1 Ihe amount of jderslan.tlnir; w. not iM-cur. A x vX Pulili.hed Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince mnliaiely " Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Ihe American duly, and he re.jnUil, stationed :it Washington w Ar r f 1 1 ,n i!1 1 1 1 n i n i urn vaxw eies It cents n pound. Ani'VvuUd I IMr l lend his assist II. F. PULLRN. Managing Editor. American selling fish in a ('.ana-ilia ance it i id lo fiiinish informathm n mrl receives i? cents a from tune lo Iimi' thai would nun"r Mr. Ilolison stales 1I1..1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: poiinl ami a Canadian sellinft fish keep ii mil of iiMtiv of llu-se mi., reaaraahle dee.... there is a City Delivery, !y mail ur carrier, per month. . . J 1.00 ill Ihe same port receives only It iimterslamlings "ur nropcniv inerit lakina place on Ihe U 1 By mail to nil parts; of the British Empire and the United Slates cents a pound. .Moreover, when ileiM'tiris eittirrh iomHi our eHirt Charlotte Islands and on- I In Experience in advance, per year $6.00 we retnemher I hat Ihe xrl is ah- Ira.lc. I see no danger whatever or four hundred men are employ jj To all other countries, in advance .er year . Si.fin snluleiy free ami open In Ihe in (radius vvilli tne Ann'ricans; ii cd at Thiirslon llnrlr al ( TELEPHONE 88 Americans, we can see Ihe imme. .ur Iradtn win. them, our nn hah 11 Pulp A I'aper IU.'s h-a diale effecl unless we are nhle in I inn a Illy I nol in danger. I lie Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. there tiu camps syiule ar- s some way lo liriiiR nlroul a belter heve il i pref. r:llil'- lo keeji nor live hundreil men employed ii1 as v.rc iimmn ilnalioii as regards Ihe market. ynunx mm bar" l home, lo hviild a m i o e rirr.nml DAILY EDITION Puckley liny Willi Ihe . Miw-' '' Friday, May 101.1. in of fih. Ijist year there pi kiudk. kt .lcv.-hti Hie natiira Timber Co. Stxtttn Branches in B.C were senl east over the Canadian nawtes n.f Qanhv, and hy Irnl- .National llailunv t.Sftfl rafrijrer. Inc find itealftiK with ihe Pntted Passenvers dlsemharkitta ' Our Business has been built i'onttei. M.-W. on iaeliKlMi Mrs. It. P. Local Member, in Speaking to alor cars loade.1 with fish for Ihe Elates;, We tlIJ he able to k.ss II. Pennv. Mr. and Mrs Itai American market. Kach one ot uir v-oiini eSen at home ralher Quality, Price and Sens kar. Mrs. K. J. '1 matey and Mi- Ihe.e cars fai. lo Ike railway onilhau ee litem i r.N-ee.1 acro th Budget, Advances Case of Port Tiaaley. Allied Moore. J. i'. 10- H riff Pkone lor Prices. We Retail Feed loi average of t.M0 for traffic l-order In seek a livelihood, an or ia Aij Qui, linson. Ir A. II. I lay lie. T here to lake Ihe duties of citi charges. 'ITie trade is growing on and Deals with Fish Situation hy leaps and IhmiimIs, ami this zenship, hy douiB winch they ar. Kelly,Williams.tieorge l'4olhler and M- The Brackman-Ker Milling Co.m year Ihe reronl will he eveujlntl to w and I" '"enaila forever The Prince John will ie. f. greater than thai of last year. Fertlllxer Machinery .Spenking to Hip litulget in the House ir Common nt Ottawa American Misunderstanding I Another mall-r which I am the Oceeo C.liartoll Islaed-the last week. Fred Stork. M.P. fur Skeena district, took south al K p.m ioini.ii" advantage t am persuaded that (his acut:-silua.Aon. very pleased wild is the admis of the opportunity to advance the claim of the jmrt of Prince a developcl there. Is sion into Canada free of duty of llnpert as n shipping point and spoke very ahly on the matter. due largely to American misun- machinery use.I in the manufac. Your life I The complication now affecting the handling of halilmt derslanilinir. The American fishermen lure of fish offal for fertiliiiiib MR. FISHERMAN! often rJcp through this port were aIo dealt with hy the memher and some whu are iisins linailiau purposes. We have several pro-insilion upan GOOD TAM valuahle suggestion made. Mr. Stork' speech vva made afler Mrts ilo nnt want this duly. II nn the coast for Uie TIMBER SALE XS133. . h.ive he 'i in iking lank- lur (. 10 p.m. Iat .ronday week. does idem no articular frond. rmhiuraclnre of fed ilizers. The ten vi :ir-l "lid W(! h.iva yet U get ,t Recorded iu Hansard, part of Mr. Shirk's speech wa a The American people themselves machinery lo ! u-ed in connection SvaUsI tiwsw Sill be rerll l Ihr W.irkMia i-1. .p. follows: do nol want this duly, anil Ihe with those plants is or v.-rv Istrr IMsirs-t Iks II 1 l,r-4rr.Ml IBS rnir Itltt .U)Hns-ri...I J.iis.tm.i WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CJtl I notice Ihai the principle ofiship nf that ljie. Hi I saving Canadian fishermrn certainly do vital ioirlani-e. This conce. I3. r.nr me urr'fts- ul Umr -in. 0O FOR YOU. the liritish preference is Iiftnsr off.sels any handicap that the not wanl it. Tliis ritual ion is siou will also cucotiraKc the de. Ml nn.Iks reri wsilh isf sisi r .sauik. Ins-1 I i extended with I lie object nf ile-velopintr northern port mishl suffer in due very largely lo the action and IniclUm of p.'t such as iioa Tu ' sar sill u. sIsmstsI r. ROWS SHEET METAL WORKS w asjtsl T testier. Canailian torts. Thfe cointcting with the Panama allilude of lownsile Loonier ir fih. We have a ureal variety ," I sriser riirs)Uri sT tk Se-f i minister, in naming thetrinriph-lorl (.anal route on traffic destined Ihe neishhorinif stale of Alaska. fish which prey onin coitum'r-i Mkr Vtrtasts Hj .sr ihe liol i l i r Second Ave. PlKM U hssrl. . of (kinada, wa irnoil rnoush for ports in Kumpe. Iliey have made representations ial Tish. and this will nssj.t it sier, pnsre H i In include wh portu on the Pacific So far as facilities are concerned, In Washington, and the authori a v tv ureal ari ift the eter-uimiiion TIMBER SALE X4941. coast as Yancomer, Yirlnria this ttnvernment has already ties at Washington have had no of Hie doif fish and and F'rincn fUiperl. in Ihe (iort of Prince Hu. fviileiice lo Ihe contrary. The oilier iet. SetfcM TeMlrrs sill hr recosd br Usr Mml.i.er f UK, SI VlrtarU. l Ul.r Using Prince Rupert perl a sHendid new freight ware- Orand Trunk Pacific Itailway Ihss tmmm on Ihe lll af sUr. 11. This povirnmcnl lias a verylMiue i-apahle of takinp care of runs In Ihe fishin? grounds. Al rsr lis- istrrHas sf Unsss X ttit. fc. .ItA.siss reel isT slir, lletsinrk, alss. Prince CIGAR Rupert lare hnjdinp in I'riru-r I)ijrl. Il oceari golug ,Mislne.s. . That isjihe present lime ihe advantage of ml snmrr. 11 an tirt sllasletf un in-1 Ten Years Ago v.x-ih sisire ot hisr f. has the terminus or fhe fnadian Evaiiaoie or inc reeni monienl thai railroad is largely Willi III una lioirv-t. Ukr, Xational Haitway there. II N n for Ihe shipping and handling ofj mcricans. and Canada has I In Prince Rupert To 't. wars IM Is iidnH r.,r pr The Service Si.irc port which has nol hen lined up 'sai'ke,! what with a very umall keep up and fool the hills inci nsrtil Cnriher nt lins)r.rstrtleaUrs nt Itis I Mr ..r-. WE CASH CHEQUES. to the present tlm. hrtt I notice cddilinnal eipene in ronnerlinii dental to carryinH: it on. The 1913. MT. VlrllSM. B "... or Ike IHslrlrt I'.rr. May 25, . Crinee naprrl. IM . Have y..ii iii.ne vonr I"' in the japr to liaiKl loilay that with hmiUng faiililis. rnerican fishermen uses our K. A. McMasler, U.T.P. aenl (he first shipnvnl of lunl xr lo Reciprocity and Fish ports free: hut if he should hoy received a messaire frhni laplain TIMBER SALE X 4939. The Nurses' Home? Japan is starliiiK from I In- fwl of I am slad to hc also that re. in a Canadian port fur his hoa! ll'Hrien, of the steamer Prim lnt Traders sill ls feeeosd lit the Prince flupfii the middle nf nejt ripiwily is reaffirmed in Ihii any supplies such as Ice, or hail. Atherl, which -went aground at MlnJslrr uf tylosis, si VM-turW. nni tai.-l If nol we will gl.u)i re. i-tve vonr monili. mere is no reason why uudpet. II true (his hau fw-i 1W1 IK. II.t da,' tti VIS, ISS3 is iuelion or jrenr, or even if he should rc.e.pt to ' Port Simpson yesterila uiorniiiz.!r nt x nn1 the uirrhse i.iresm- i i- the freight, to Hie Orient should was 1 fori; the in country 1911, paint his hoal in a Canadian porl the I M.uil lr.1 m nemSM-a. i soar, saisais. pot gn IhroiiL'li that northern lul I am sorel Mr. Speaker, that the moment he lands hack in trial vessel was successfully sisniee aist rir. au area siittaiil floalesi al lugli I He this mni--ing, VikHIi sisice ir tJmw lake, aanae t. port, heause we ai 500 milts lli- coiilr-t as carried on in 101 1. American territory, he pays 50 Ijlsl liislrtrt. with Ihe assistance of Ihe nearer Hie urient iiimo any other wb not rouxhl out on the merits fier cent duly on everylhinK h Tu ti )r- sill alsiw.il f'f r. port on llie continent. I find that of Hip ra. The (rt-oplc of tlan has hoiishl on the Canadian side lug Lome. As far as could lie asival risrllier ir lawis-r.partimUrs isT lis. l:hir l,.r GOOD Fl" seen Ihe hull was not leaking Vlrusrla. Hi . nr Iks lil.lrlri i..r. nn xiienRMr to tft, i, ivsi. April,ada have hail twelve year in even though tie nail rree access B LING i. I.r, HHts-e lisprrl. 23. t3, there were 3.8 12,1 77 !which to reflect, and at thai time lo Ihe Canadian port. ami Ihe steamer is pmceeiling fiushe)f wheat liipcd lo Japan,the sloyau was "No truck or trade Make Investigation under its own steam to prince TIMBER SALE X 4620. TAILOR llirmisti the port of V,ancmr.iwilh the Yankees." Totlay I think ItllplTl. CWk The iresenl silnnliou is h most THE TAILOR SHOP. Ladles' and Csnfs .- Sealed Tenters sill M rsreoed I.) ihr tins unooiihteilly should have the hoot is entirely Die olli-r on uneiiial one. At Ihe preen vtlnliler of Mists, al Vk-tsru. sol lai. r Phone 649. Pressing and Hfrl pnne via Prince It u pert. This tool. The On the arrival of last cv coins . f'ordney tariff says moment the Commissioner of titan maua llw stti day nt Jurs. I 1 1 L would nil he Canalian Xational, 'Xo truck or trade with the Can. train, Krnest 1'. Ilrnndes, an ris- Us- Mirriiase "I l.lernra X iatu. m .m : i l.,n. - Customs is on the pacific const f.lat.son reel Srra, Halsant. Han. : r.nines. rin,i rrm Hcplt-nihcr rlians." T he 1'niled Stales for ami Ihe Minister or customs employee .if Hales lluyers, was Ss k arsl i e.ir. as area Mluale.t mi, i Vai n . Woollen Fahrn s In .ilis Made te 0r 1. I-J2I. to April 1, 1U23, M.rtTji years admitted fUh free Into taken iii the amhiilance to Ihe Its' Vs-th bare ir lyi lake. Hana-i t ' Tjsl I'ulora in !( k. 'Mr. Ilureau has requested him ljs. Ufxl ImirM. Phone 1S6.W""1, cars of wheal orritod at Yancoo- Iheir counlry. Oanaila insisted general hospital. Mr. Ilraudes . n, tear sill Is- alk.aeat n-r ' In proceed lo Ihe North and lo made to Opposite Emprt..iwl ver. Ihe Canadian Xational was ralher severely scalded upon maintaining a duty of I invsi(rale Ihormrghly Ihe whole lurllx-r fianirulars nt Us- Chler f.tee-ler. Jtailwcy hauled S.fiH3 of those cent a niiiriil on American fish situation. I trust when his re. ahoui the face amk arms a couple V.n.rfU. Hi., isr tne IHalrs-i too,. measure Crliie. H i'. mf.eei, cars, and Ihe Cansulian Pacific cominjr from the Pnileit Stales. Kirl is received hy Ihe government, of days afio while workuiK in the er. Itailway H.'JHrt. The 1'ordney tariff apparently hey will ho advised of all vicinity of mile 1113 TIMBER SALE X5059. Grain Elevator says: 'Well, if ymi like it, and Ihe facts and details in connection SUITS Dr.A.H.Baji , Ity deyeroplng Ihe of Sealed Temter sill Is- rreOsl l the porl if yon helieve in ihe principle' n! thai Prinee with this matter, and PRINCE JOHN IN Vim.rr iJtwi al Vrl's-u. mil lat.r lluperl. any traffic that I cent a imhiihI on fish, we will Ihey will give this their imme- than ihsmi "SI Its- 1st U or June iv i i coine into dial porl will naturally ..r Us- Hirrlia-e .r IJrewe X -nut , nice you ori that issue, and FROM ISLANDS DENTIST we liale al lent ion and endeavor lo em ata.siHi reel nr rir and llemik si an Up To The Minute. rome in nveV our o7i rail-w'ay. will impose it duly of 2 cents a expedite act inn. area siiiial! isi tne el iIwsy or I s-an and Coma right in let us i.haiiis-l, S miles boiiiIi nt Nauilisi i He'jefl I am advised hy competent IKiund on fish in Rooms 4. B. 6 your comiuir into -aullioril) Kverylhirig po sidle that can Nearly a Thousand Men are Em uery. Inure 1, (isM laiwl liliirlri. show you our wide range of that a drain elevator American territory." he done shnulifhe done to negotiate Tsa It: rear sill be alkiaed for re styles for Block. Phone IW located there would effect a savin The Americans ployed In Lumbering In U.ml i.r utnls-r. are apparently a settlement of this ii;ch-linn. Charlottes ruriher r-arileiilara of Us- Chief I'm 8PRINCI AND SUMMER 1923. Off Itourt. 9i' if of 25 cents a ton in luadioff tryintr lo demonstrate lo. Iheir Canada has heeiiireiierou Queen ester. Virions, H.I . or liliirlri inreslri. 'and port rhaives. Willi a 7,500. own satisfaction Unit frlliee Hs-rl, h.y.. 821 Second Avenue. Tuesday, Thurad.y.H they can in her treatment of her American Inn ship, with a full cargo, a eel alonu very well without Can. cousins. DurliiK Ihe of The Canadian Xational coast. TIMBER SALE X 4312. Opp, post Office Corner rlav Fweninst. ' progress axina of 25 cent ton in loading adian fisli. do nol know how wise steamer Prince John, Capl. the Canadian free war ports were and port charges would eijual Jonir il will lake them lo find lo American vessels, and AmiTi- Niilden, arrived If poll al H.15 Sealed Tender! sill he received Ihe fine Mlnl-lrr f Mii.l". al Vlrlorla, mil later! I,HJ5. Thai is I'fiiial In Ihren out In their yeslenlay mnrning afler a own satisfaction au purls were free to Canadian than Ma "si llw aiti dat' of June, mi l i days' operation and profit fur aiwhclher ihey do . II voyage from Yancoiiver, calliiur rr llw nurrltass i.r Urem III. Ii. may vessels Nol lonir nun the Ameri al the (Jiieen (iharlolle Island !,ti.,ui'0 reel or anrure, u-iiixk, inik EPSON COAL DENTISIR cans rescinded thai agreement aist vaisain, nn in area siiuaieu on us porta en mule. I'rom Vancouver siHilh ilM.re or MHir lake, lianas f, as regards themselves anil withdrew Ihe steamer , passenicer accoiu- IjiuI liltlrtrt. Used After Ihe use of Iheir ports from Two If. yean will Im albmrd for re Shaving mislalion was (ated lo Ihe limit iix.nl i.r iiinlrfT. Ihe Canadian fleet, hut in We can now Hupply our we of Its- anil a nuurlaer of lotrvers ilisem. tnrtlier parlirulart Chief I'.ire-Irr, Camilla have still continued the Vlrinria. H.C.. or Urn plslrlel I ..re. FAMOUS EDSON COAL Maguire Keeps Skin harkeil at llucklev Hay nnd ler, rrlnre Hu-rl, H.i:. Dr. J. Soft and Smooth Mirlesy and our ports remain Thurston llarhor. Iii any quantity. open. Very often Canadian gen. TIMBER SALE X 4621. A. II. Iloti-'oii, who has Many men suffer from Irritation erosily is misiilldersloiul. hcen rcl:. u on tHirser.Hi" ilcamcr Prince Rupert Feed Co Room. 7 and 8 M J Concession Qlven Mealsd Teislers Hill Is- rrirOrd liy llw Office Hourst I of the ikin as a result of Prim'1 i,c for the pasi moiilh. PI-lrK I I..ruler. I'rlnre husri, le.l 111. r " We are nol small or ipilhldin Phone 68. Lad I r.'ji.ii' i h pt-ir t John at Van- ,,"n """" "" "' ", nn. Phone 87S shavinj. With some It assumes in our dealings with our neighbor. gnu lis, iirriia, in i..crar s tsii, ih'BI l.'.ni Lake, h i , to " III S0V Irtl l,t I ..111. a form of eczema and becomes In fact, in the norther'! and lleuiHs-k most annoying and part of my constituency up at tin- tJI T.i i a. ri HI bs alkiued fur re unsightly. iis.ml .if Umber. Sprl"! nil of Ihe inlet, where are local The Latest In rurilu-r iariieular nf I lie chief rre-! By applying a little of Dr, id Ihe Canadian town of Stewart BLrnaBBaaH VKiiiiia, U.i... ur lb lioirin l'..i.-ni, BQSTQN 0H,..mmF , I'.Hire llusrl, H. . Chase's Ointment after shaving and the iielahhoring town ' ready; LADIES' the Irritation Is overcome and tlyder. the Salmon- river flow's TIMBER SALE X4313. Barber's Itch and Eczema are into Ihe inlet and hriiiKs down GRILL . onnaffl gravel, sand and sill in such larar Sealed TrleVri sill Im rceeOed by llis prevented or relieved. (uaultles lhal il has more. Mnn.lfr f l.aieli. al Vieiorli, ih.i tain SEASONABLE SALADS. Has rn mtmm ttiau Isaai isi I lie Ilo day of May. Iwi less filled up the American end r..( I lie uretiasa of IftiH-a X lai I ! SEASONABLE FRUITS. r.ili in ii ml vie of tjwj inlet. In ll.elr search fur ill pis.Ciou feel of Siriire, l.eilir, ll.m SEASONABLE MEATS. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT lb -k and nr. I'll au area un Xorlli tlsira ..f Readi'lo deep water and harhorage. tln More and Better jl nr bake. Nanta , Coait Land liuiri' t Cheerful Hervice. BENT'S OnU all have, aci'ordiug lo Ihe hesl ud ihe Box Itnntal Ts of if looter years mill Im ll.mril fur . OPEN DAY AND NIQiJT. a boi, dealers, or latnra, lUu t Co., Ud Turunlo Jiuncs to vice I have received ' ii lh ipies. I l uriliar paiilriiUra of 11m f'.lilef Inn-Iter 3rd Ave, Phone 467, .... Hunk ' M1 1 Vli-turia, ur i.r lb Pl-irm I up "IT' ' li'Hi. ml" C.aiiadiMi (tome nfi i r. I'm,. iiisrf. a I