Whan Yau Want A FURTHER DROP GERMAN MONEY: Slreseman Administration Falls to Pmvent Economic Ruin Japan, the steamer F.nipress of ItusMii sailed lat uigbt for 'Hie Canadian National tdeamer frinco Oeorgu, Capt. Donald, due to arrive at 3 o'clock this after-ooii, reported to have been '"-'toyed by fog und will not mukc v until n o'clock loalicM. eriiinent ha declared a thirty day inoralorium. I .MOSCOW. Sept. ".The Maud l.o.MrflX frpt. 7 Hrulei den- frlres or llonm ha Im en ' -111 Hcilm indicate the merved and no Iran- of it 1 new Chancellor Jslree. mains according to u Harbin de ntin cm.ri I.. i.ac i.erniany (.patch flitch ay that another ti mt financial ruin and that new oarllmoaU Im. il.Mmtli.iml ..!.,... ...lit ... .... . .VA.l. . . . . -if - . s m - 1 l.l ...n.-i- nui uhif jn irr luuim im iiiun Hi Knnciiui uir iiiLin j n-yi ' ril Ir fit from buying Missionaries Safe f'T.-nrn currency and otherwise TOItO.NTO, Sept 7. - Acrord-Unli Umr Ibe lialtonal reoure. hip In word rrceivod llti inorit-Tlii' urreney i expected l drt inir the cnltre Mrlliihlif I mis- the 7 llr-t....l l, i !II.I.sm ...i.l ML- T 'iT'iii. till?. l riui'ii 1 aim M Jcffars. Canadian lied Cross nurse, sailed for the earthquake lone. The llusslu. carrying Canadian etier supplies.-will be the 'firnl vessel from Hie American coulin-ent to reach Japan although several vessels from Seattle, Taeo-11111. ami Portland sailed ahead of her She will overtake them. CANADIAN'BAR CONVENTION CLOSES Paul Mancel Advocate-General of Franoe, Gives an Address MONTUKAI,, Sept. 7. - The ci8lilh annual convention of the t'luiiidlan Uur Association closed 'Hh an Hildrens by Mail re l'aul Miincel, advoeule general of J'wi'ls, who pleaded Fraiice's cause in Kuropean affair. He an honoiary inember of the """oelallon. BOAT 18 VERY LATE I C.P.R. PRESIDENT TO VISIT RUPERT TOIUJ.NTO. Sept. 7. President lleally of the Canadian Pacific Hallways, who I en route to the wcsl. said today that, .with 1ils directors, he will visit Alaska and wilt inspect plans for the extension of the CP.lt. coastal, service. The important parly w ill visit Prince Itu-perl en route. here today.' "The Canadian National Hail-ways, since the advent of the present luianageiueut, have been planning active and effective or gauizalion to ileal with I ho portun' need of .Canada On llic opening of (he hunl-jjug season 1 lie Daily News issues in solemn warning l those who iBo nut with guns lu use every lea re in order thai no tragic w OSAlvA. Sept. 7. The Tokio enn.t observatory reports eidenl may lake place Ibis vcar. Ihat llic seismic movement ha l.een progressively Jim in lolling Seldom does a season pass vvilh-unlil now Ihere i no anxiety fell a. to a sudden revival of the 0,11 "'""'One I'eing the sufferer. vu.lriit shocks. From .Seplernber t to veslrrday at 0 p.m. Ihere r"ll ho are htiriling lose were IM distinct shock fell. On .Saturday and Sundav there '"f"" presence or mind or are ..... ...... i ... .... fillni-iil. ltiiwl,.il inlii ti 1 1 wti.L in tr were on .Mommy zjw, i uesoay 17.1, Wednesday n. ana ,r 0. veslrrday up ui last evening. PKKIY Xepl 7 In Tokio many of the victims of Hie enrthqoakp perished merely from the stifling heat of the at- iiiiiisplien- during the fire. The illo rmouifler rend 1 is I a height of it SO destine Fahrenheit. OSAKA. Hr.l . 7. Tokio today i Mill practically cut off from tin world and iHiiuiiiuuicalioii lie (w-imi 1 hf capital and Osaka is wry difficult. The Japanese guv. 1 ! I 4 t 4 4 a man l it n I . f.-v week to about 300.000.0000 lonar fomin Japan a well a! c tiisikM 1 ine iiouini ficrinig aim uieir la mil iff are are. tltr creation of m new gold cur- SAhA. Sept. 7. All the prin-trvry ignoring the old one At clpal hank in Tokio are n-open-"Uig dlKCUoocd by the Socialist ing. The Hank of Japan U virtu-ado union. (ally lolnrt and the coiilenli of NKW VOKK, Sept. 7. Oennaii Hie vault of tin- .Mitsui batik are murks cnlinue toward the van-(also saiil. Four oilier big bank '-dung point being uolsl on the are also reported in goisl condi-forelKti cxcIihiikc market at one Hon. and three quarter cents a million. ' 57.130.000 marks I ti an dollar the Ainer- C.P.R. STEAMER OFF TO JAPAN Empress or Russia Will be First Relief Ship From This Side YAXCOU.VKIl. Sept. 7. - With more than two Ihousand tons or Canadian (lour ami 500 Ions or I'lief supplies for the people of COUNTJT UP! Germany's Floating Debt Reaches Incomprehensible Figure HF.HI.IX. Sept. 7- Germany's floating debt at August 31 hai rear lied in round figure 1.235.-007.000.UOO.000 mark. for a deer or else Mioot- direct ion where a o uniiiiifii nunc tiiri-j there, tllft III if n Hieiiniiiy 01 uijiiriiig sonie-one. Particular care should le Inkeu willi pun on Itoals to cee that they are not left loaded and flint when hemp handled the miizilc of the gun i turned nwav from oilier member of the Mrly. To point u gnu at a per-miii U wore than criminal and should not he tolerated even though the gun he empty. Hunting i one of the mnt enjoyalde ports in tlii .district loll the fear of itccidonl from cnrelc!' ItiMiluiK Jiai'.inade it a Mime what liaiarthMii "rerrfalioii. Thi rtr itt iHijifMhatMhrTr will he a freedom from acei- ''nv There i no need for them if onlinary care is taken v ihoe who carry- dangerous WHALENCO. IS BANKRUPT Receiver Appointed Claims Will be Paid Orr and Operation Continued (Special to Dally News) VANCOUVER, Sept. 7 The Whalen Pulp and Paper Mills, operating plants at Swanson Bay, Port Alice and Wood fibre, today applied before Mr. Justice D. A. Macdonald for a receiver In bankruptcy. G. F. Gyles, resident manager of the Price Waterhoust Co., was appointed as receiver and manager of the firm. He Is given power to carry on the business of the company and Is authorized to borrow money to take care of wage claims and other preferred creditors. Manufacturing will be continued. DEMPSEY BUYS HOME GAItliFN CITY, N.Y.. Sept. 7.-? Jack Dentpsey has purchased a 905,000 residence here. Will Bring Desirable People Here and Take Care of Them as Well TiumvTii K.M.t 7 "It is the intention of the Canadian National llailwuy lo use every possible iifslrunienl in the Do-minimi uT lliiiinilii inn I Hi., lifitish Isles not only U bring desir able people inlo the counlry but lo lake emtv of Hiem after they arrive." Hindi was the earnest declaration of NV. H. Hobb, vice-presitleul iu charge of colonization, developninil ud oilier de-parltnerils of the Canadian National ll'ailways, iu a speech 011 Ininspoiiulioii l the lunciieoii of lliu Canadian National Kxhl- ltiliou director greater population. The policy of I he Canadian 'National llailways must of necessity be. regulated by that of the Dominion government Im- und Canada's ability to absorb and for aimilat uew oomer--, in said- penses paid. Miss May Held,' the- candidate Of the F.Iks and Hoyal Purple, it is understood, comes fourth winning a 910 ivory toilet set. She will also be a maid of honor. lift total was 01,503 vole. As final return Tor Miss ,Mc- llae, the Huckley Kay" candidate, dislric.l prize for having over 1 50.000 vole. This.will.be the choice of a 26 niece Community .silver set, a 07 piece dinner, set! or an ifHH Itruitswick phono-graph. j - The Queen ot the Carnival will be crowned at the Exhibition Hall! by C. ll. Onne, president ol the Northern H.C. Agricultural A. ln-duslrial Association, on Tuesday ariernoon immediately following (he 'street pancant and the for mill opening. Tliereafier she will preside over the carnival activities at Iho Fair. Hooni Jiave been reserved at the Prince Huperl Hotel for the queen and her retinue or maids. Costume? for the ijuee.ii. inaidi TAXIQQ mm P.R.F1SH Phona MARKET 671. in a hurry fJ Fresh Killed Poultry, Fresh Killed Meat. Ptane J J Fresh Sausage Dally. mI Oars and Best Servloe loa PRINCE RUPERT In th City. Rates Reasonable ""'In Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper A Trial Order Solicited. VOL Ml' XO. 211 PltlNCE Itl'PKHT, B.C., FHIDAV. SKPTKMUEH 7, 1W23. VtaUrtftr't Circulation, 1478 StrMt Mm MO. PRICE FIVE CENTS.- SEISMIC MOVEMENT IN JAPAN SUBSIDING CAMAMAH NATIONAL RAILWAVS SEMOUSLY TAKE UP IMMKKATKIN MATTERS During Past Six Days Earthquake Shocks in Orient Numbered 1029 EDITORIAL SOLEMN WARNING TO MEN WHO GO OUT HUNTING. I 1 "j'pSi a mmazm BT,' .Mi Miji-jorie l.eeming. of Victoria, is Uritish .4vlmulw4 Jeudiug imuh .player, .-.ijhelia -won lhre championships in lie United stales and Canada this vear. Miss Adeline Hendricksen is Officially Declared Winner of Exhibition Queen Contest Miss Adeline llenuVickseii. candidate of the Fishermen and .Moose, will he tpieen of the F.xhibition Carnival next week, it wii. it f.iin1lt' miifiiii.u.l 11.; 1... i 11.. 1 I prepared are inoud riug and will be a maid of now. being tepared at Mrs. HiU honor at the carnival having her i ditch' store. The queen will expenses padl .from Prince wear a gown or ivory satin with George lo the city and return at. crown or pearls and court train well as while she is here. Mr ivory velvet fur trimmed. A Miss Margie McDonald or Any-ihal or satin trimmed white geor-ox is third with 87.575 vole. She J pel le goes w ith the costume as gel 11 $15 ivory loilrt set and willjwcll as tdtoes, gloves etc. to aiso ne maid 01 uonor wun tlx-, ma eh. A sceotre is a so .be nir The maids or honor will be gowned iu while organdie with hats ot while georgette .and complete out fit lo match. Two little flower girl' Mi Audrey Treinayne ami 5Ilss Mar- been ..... ...... ... , . . "i r- rge. cnair- , p111111ii.hc- nl.i l,,,il,t. man 01 lie c.iueM committee. Hesides presiding over the car-,.,. nival and receiving other honors of the occasion. Miss lien- ,., ". .,lvin s,Jk-. " .. a,i " ' .V. uayins, l .f. .Iri.t.M.. vvii.i . In5., lit V.... V....I I :.. fi itf r epf nsf hi imnif 1 1 lull w tin s. " -v UllU ILIIllI UIIU O 1 i)U III -Till II. .1 Miss Hendricksen received a total of 31KS.850 voles occordin? to ; the final count. Miss Kathleen Ilrown of Prince (ieorire comes second in the contest with a total of 11 0,100 1' voles. slie will receive a tlia- nr honor and flower irirls Miss Grant Tells of Work of Prince Rupert Library When Addressing the Rotary Club At yesterday's luncheon of the Rotary Club Miss Muriel "rant, librarian, gave n very clear exjMtsitiou of the present public library .situation and made an appeal for support not only next week, during the big campaign for money with which to purchase book?, but also throughout the life of the institution. T. Huss Mackay uImj spoke most interestingly on the need of u library in order that local people might keep pace with the trend of modern thought. llr. V. I. Ivergiu, in introducing (he speaker, mentioned the value of such an institution to the city and at the close, he nil 1 17 Y) A 1QV DAM thanked the speakers most hear- ITI M I . f fAliir, llHIl lily tor their excellent addresses and ur?ed suporl for the cant. jiai-wi about lo be put on. fill .miss (rum saiii-siif coiifiiiereu ; garel Smith, will have dreses or.llloki n Ilu,Ui, thererore it was si'hIIiuh'iI iirciiintii' with wrealhs' i...... ; i . ...... i v. - - -. .fuj iu pre nuw iiiuiit-uuaiv are not yet 111, mere ts some 0f flowers a head dress question as to whether she or complete outrit to. match. Mis Elizabeth Slrachau ot Smillter will be lite fifth in the standing. The flfllt candidate wins a 920 cut glass bowl und will also be a maid of honor. 1 Miss Slrachans lolal is vy.373.1 There i a .possibility thai Missi Mcllae may even come fourth. j WOOD BONDED Miss iiemlricksen also wins a;pMdH.ni Af Pnmltr Co. Puis un $1,000 In KEEP PEACE Vancouver Court Special lo Ifiily News VANCOUYF.il. Sept. 7. It bonds or $1,000 to keep the peace! r 1. II... i.. . 11........ : . I..' MIIM IIUHIIIIS. .Ml?. IIUJVV 17 111, turn under it a distinct honor to be allowed to address the llolary Club hut Expert Deems Protection May be she would not have done so had . Discontinued Under Certain it not been for the dire need or; Limitations book and her keen interest iu tbei ; suecess or lite institution. .The; HKLLI.NOllAM, Wash fcepl. 7. club had shown ils interest iu llie.:il'e protection given seals in the library- on Tornicr occasions, es- Pribilor Islands by the United penally last week in giving a Slates ami other nations has donation and she hoped the in- reached a pojnt where their kill tercsl would coiilinue through .'"K for commercial purposes is next wt-ek. t ' jnow practicable and advisable --Outtfitinliat-haiFbtTO'donerwithinfcer Miss Grant said it was a year a no contrng to the view expressed .to-thai she came to Pi ince Hupert to day by Hepresentalive Liudley II. take charge or the work of orgau- Had ley. who has returned from a iziug Hie first library in the pro- 'J500 mile tour iu Alaska with Sir vinre to be organized under the Jo',, ' enr- O .Malley, Public Library Act. She had at United Slates commissioner of that time felt weighed down with fisheries. the sense or the responsibility Heferriug lo the salmon fish-thrust upon her. jeries lladley said that the great Work Has Grown (variety or physical condition?, vvi.mi. 11... i.iatt-''n- ..:,-...t iL Hie nature or feasible fishing gear a'"1 H'" of de- lanih...- 1 ihf i-iiv f,,nfii i.. varying degrees lasi.le s.5U Tor the use or the !'.!,,Uo.n.'?f c!,!r?e upily In , borrower and these members iu eluded all classes of the commu nity. It also included lighthouse keeper and people from the canneries who paid a ree of 2.00 a year for the use of the books. Visitors ji the city also made temporary use of the library. This summer it was used by tourists who when tired of sightseeing would sit and read when waiting for a boat or train. Their impressions of (he library, she re minded her hearer, was part vt their impressions ot the cily. The library was now loaning !hii average or lltree thousand auiljiiin nillff linn. Mmtiliprs liml al Police W. ready read about all the books dealing with the particular Hue in which they were interesled. This was particularly marked in the Ichiblren section, where she was continually being asked vvfieii they would get new book. The riclion was old Keep Costs Down Miss Grant said they under stood that just now it .was their duly to adjust themselves to the conditions which obtained her Hie fishing districts of made legislation subject until today there were nearly i300,vt,v'- Alaska in dc- tail wholly impracticable. Hadley expressed the opinion 1 ... n... 1 1 . i. .. 1 1 1 1 felt that iliil raiuudu aim rairnanKs ami juciiardson : highway, one of ils feeders, have "abundantly justified them-, FORMER GRANBY Friends Anxious as to Fata Miss K. Hoffman Now, Residing in Tokio of Special to Daily News VA'XCOrVKll, M'pt. 7 Friends' hero are anxious about I lie fate or Miss K. Hoffman who' bold an executive position wit li an importing firm in Tokio. She was formerly emploed by the Grauby. Consolidated Co. She visited Van- couver this year returning to Japan three months ago. SEATTLE STREET CAR OPERATOR IS SHOT Police Endeavoring Mysterious Deajh Lamar to or j. Solva W. I'he library boanl had coiisiilered Hie mysterious shgoling of J.tAYV these ronditions and had tried to Lamar who was operating one of Wood, millionaire president or, cut the expense as low u possl-tbe Main Street ear on Ninth the Premier Gobi Mining Co. who hie. They had considered it well Avenue and who was found at; the started a September morn de-land decided that $1,000 wa the, end of the line early this morning monslraliou suddenly in trium-jlcast annum! with which they wjlh a bullet ltofe in hi iteck. pliant entry of the suite qf hiscould carry on . The feeling of Deceased had not been robbed. crslwhilo friend, Mrs. h. C Hoyee, the board could be understood while al tea in u room of the then when Ihey were told that Hotel Vancouver, has-been bouitdjbey were to pet nothing at all over in the ponce court ncro on (continued on page flvs) W; E, Draney, inanaper or the ugreeincnl not to seo.Noiihern H.C. Fisheries cannery him for a similar period. Sho.ut .Mill Day, reached 1 tie cily last had charged him with tluoaleii. ni'.-ht and Prim- i reglsleretl Huperl. Hi 111 SEATTLE. Sept. 7.The police are today emleavoring (o solve . FUNERAL TODAY The funeral took place at 2.30 Ibis .afternoon from Haynor IHother chapel of the: lati Louis llrissoii, of Anyox, who died in lite Geneeral Hospital on Kun-day last. Father P. J. Mcrtralli