pAai eix LADIES' Fall and Winter COATS Our first shipment of Coats has arrived and is now ou display. We have never shown belter values iu fact this shipment is a pleasant surprise. Haud-ome materials, fur trimmings and excellent tailoring. Colors are Sand, Grey. Reindeer, Brown, etc. All lined throughout. Priced from $29.50 to $82.50. Ask to see our LEMCO WINTER COAT. A tailored garment which will not absorb rain. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Phone 0. Mail Orders Promptly Executed. We Pay Delivery Charges Boats for Sale Read down the list. You wjll find the very boat you are looking for. AH boats listed are iu absolutely first clays condition. Splendid Cruising or Logging Boat 38 ft 10 IL, 0 inch beam. 20 h.p. Heavy duly engine. Cruising, Towing or Pleasure ? i ft. x II ft., inch beam. Kilteti with .'0 h.p. engine. Just been overhauled and is iu splendid condition. Pleasure Launch :if ft. x 8 fL, inch beam. Fitted with 14 h.p. engine. Excellent accommodation.' Halibut Boat '58 ft. x 10 ft. 8 inch beam. 10 h.p. Standard engine. All complete with gear, etc. Troller 28 fL x 7 ft. beam. 0 h.p. Fisherman engine. Cabin accommodation. An Ideal Hunting or Trolling Boat 211 fL x 0 ft. 8 inch beam. " h.p. Regal engine. In splendid condition. A real floating home. These Boats are being sold for half their original cost. DONT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. For Inspection and Trial Trips see N. M. McLEAN Boatbuilder, Cow Bay. "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert School of Music Musical Director, H. Aubrey-Pryce, professor and teacher in the art of violin and piano playing. Fall Term begins Tuesday, September 4. Pupils may now be enrolled for the season. Senior Orchestra Practice Tuesday emiings, 7.30 o'clock. Junior Orchestra Practice Friday Evenings, 7.00 o'clock. For terms, etc, Phone 674. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To 8ult Purchasers. Phone Blue 91. Special Teapot Sale We have been fortunate in securing' an assorted crate of Old English Teapots which we have priced exceptionally low. There are several styles and sizes lo choose from. Prices run from 00c lo 1.50. They are now on display in our window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 608 Third Ave. Tel. 3. 'forest FIRE 1 DANGER OVER Situation This Year Has Been Very Satisfactory, Forestry Office Reports From present indications danger from forest fires in Prince Ituperl district is now oer ac cording: to the local forestry office. No fires are now burning as far as is known. Tins mornlnp a wire was received at the office from the interior stating that all fires were extinruished ami the weather was cloudy. The Forest" Itranrh reitorts that the public has given splendid co operation this year in the matter of coping with the fire situation. The publicity campaign conducted by the department and the on-stinted assistance jrheii by the press has been an important ami appreciated factor. There have not been nearly as many fires this year and the expense will not jbe one-fifteenth of what it was; last year, it is estimated. This satisfactory condition has been seneral throughout the province. It is .understood at the forestry, nffire that all sawmills in this 'distriet which were closed down on account of water shortage have resumed operations. EXPLOSION OF BLACK POWDER KILLED TWO Explosion Occurred While Powder Being Loaded on Steamer SOI THAMBOY. X.J . Sept. 7. Two men w;-re humeri to death. scleral were injured ami several are mism$ as the result of a Mack powder explosion. The powder was Iteins transferred from I he Henu-al work to a steamer. There were a series of three explosions which destroyed Hie freight sheds and shook Hie rounrslde. DANCE At the Auditorium' Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings From t Mil 12 o'clock. Pryce's Orchestra. Admission Gentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Come and dance your sorrows away, and remember our miseries no more. I. J. MAUHKN. Proprietor. Phone Illark IPJ. Dr.F.P.Kenny. DENTIST Helgerson Block. Phone 109 For Appointment. P.O. Box 953, Prince Rupert. DONT BE A MUD FISH! at the bottom of the Ocean of Life. CLIMB UP1 JOIN THE TECHII Classes Commence Oct. 1st. at Prince Ituperl, Terrace, llazelton. New llazelton, Sndlher. Telkwa, Prince f'ieorye, Surf Inlet, Hwatison Ityy. Anyox. Alice Arm Hewart. Northern Polytechnic Institute o B.G. Syllabus issued shortly. Write for particulars lo the ltcgitrar. fiox 882. Prince Ituperl. or see Hie Local Hepresenlative. THI DAILY HIWB This famous household cleaner and disinfectant is now made in Crystal Flakes instead of powder. It UtheA household lyc on hc market. Use it for cleaning and disinfecting sinks, closets, drains, etc.; destroying vermin; softening water; nuk-ingsoap;cIcaninjJ floors, fircasy pots and pans, etc.; removing paint, etc. Avoid inferior and dan Serous substitutes. Get the genuine article in cans as reproduced BELLINGHAM TO RUN HERE FROM ALASKA UNTIL NOVEMBER 1 Mot or? hip Itelliuxtiani. Capf. hen Williams, armed from Krt- rliikan this moruittK with 3.700 cases of salmon from Hie Sunny Point cannery for transshipment over the Canadian National Hall way to the Bastern stales. The Hellin$haui will return to Ketchikan this afternoon and will load a rarjro, of salmon there for Seattle reluming north' with seneral rarvo. She will l back lo-re in altoul a fortnight with 0.000 ease of salmon. The vessel will continue plying to tin port from 'Alaska with canned salmon and herring oil until November 1. SMALLEST BABIES EXAMINED TODAY Or. Cade and Dr. L. W. Kergln Judges of Infants Under Six Months Uabies under six months of age entered in class I, of Die Keller Babies Contest held under th" auspices of the Kxhibilioii board were exami'ied this morning in I he new building, next lo lien-son's Studio. 'Third Avenue. Dr. J. P. Cade and Dr. I.. W. Herein made the examinations assisted by Mrs. J. Ue. U.S.. Mrs. C. Wood worth, K.N., and Mrs. J. (j, Steen. CANADIAN TRADE Hon. COMMISSIONER IN JAPAN IS MISSING OTTAWA. Sept. 7. The Jap anese foreign office is being asked to ascertain If possible the fate of W. K. Ilryau, Canadian trade commissioner for Japan. wno uas ieen unheard or since the earthquake. MINISTER ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION E. M. Macdonald Returned Unopposed for Plctou Ridlno I'ICTOt . Sept. 7. Hon. K. M. MardonaM. minister of national defence ha een elected unon- posed to Hie federal parliament for 1'ict'iu. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Philadelphia I, New York 5. Chicago I, pilUburg 5. American League Hoslon Philadelphia G. SI. Louis-Chicago, rain. Coast League Sail Lake 5, Seattle 0. Sacramento 10, 1'orlland 10. Los Angeles 1,- Oakland 5. Han Franciscu 1, Vernon IU. Why not subscribe for the llaily NeW and have il mil (o y ur ti'.tiip regularly? tf AM FH Lot for ieo III y it. r . i.'l We, i Six Boats Arrive with 71,900 Pounds Canadians Get Bst Prices Six boats marketed 7H.V0U pounds of halibut at the t'i)i Kxchanae this morning. Tw American boats had 63.500, and four Canadian had 15.100 pounds. The prices were con siderably lower today. The (Ian dial) boats obtained higher prlres for both first ami second class catches than did the Anifri cans. The arritals and tales were: American Otnaiiey. 58,000 pound, at lx7c and 10c; Reliance, 5.500 pounds, at 13. Ic and I0.5r lo the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Canadian Gibson. 7,500 pounds, at It He and I -3c to the Canadian Ti'h .V Cold Storage Co. Annie May, 2,700 pound, at 13.8c and IIJ5e; Kthel June. I.20O Hund at II. le and U'r to the At hit Fisheries Ltd. YV. A F, 1,000 pounds, at and 11.5c to the Hoyal Fih Co. Itoss T. I'rdxiu, accountant in the oiUce of the Graiiby Co. at Anyox. left I iy lti.1 mailt tram for MiniieaiMdi where he will pend a two month' xacahoii. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY tin-use. Mrs r-ujih Ate. PRESERVING FRUITS Our fust shipment of Peaches and prune will arrive Friday boat, our heaviest shipments on Monday and Wednesday of next wek. Peaches, per rase . . . $1.50 Prunes, per rae .... $1.60 Bartlttt Pears will arrur Monday. Per cac $3.50 Gravenstein Apples, the finest apple now on the market. 2 lbs. for 2Sc 5 lbs. for 50c Per case $3.76 Large Cooking Apples, J lb, for 25c Per cae $2.50 Ice Cream Melons, penal, per lb 5c Malaga Crapes, basket $1.00 Outdoor Ripe Tomatos, per hakrl 40c le'al Prices on (Juanlit I.Ol EXTRA SPECIAL. Golden Bantam Corn, Our Wednesday shipment mis--ed the boat, and we will have a double shipment on Friday's boat. run dozen at 40c per doen. II will ncer be better in fualify. and we doubt if it will be cheaper. Sweet Potato. 2 lbs. for 25c Choice Celery, i lb, for 26c Wax or Green llean. 3 lbs. for 25c Table Peache. basket 60c Table Pear, per basket 50c Watch this space Monday for a real special on n popular seller, which everybody need. A limited quantity only and we adtise you lo phone vour order early on Tuesday. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211-212-2S1. if TVlltlUDolirrtj' Coapuvd Willi ordinary lird pitsf WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRACTICE? You can have this Utile favorite right in your own room at less than 23c a day. Walker's Music Store Ltd. I Phone 376 Jhe House Friday, September 7 i. FISH SALES Phone 3U of Quality Knit to Fit To Give Those Extra Days of Weir ALL WOOL STOCKING In the Popular Odors llrow u and HI x Cirele- Mar Slocking made exclusively i ,. the Circle liar Knillinff l. The know wli girl require in stocking they study the cr d LOOK oven oun specials in school stockinci EVERYTHING FOR YOUR BOY OR QIRL TO .START 8CHOOL RIGHT. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Outfitters to the Whole Family. Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay Mall 0r4v l'rompl delivery to all juris of Prcs -e It fr ' BVsxHHHBSBVsflsflsHsflBlBVBliSBBH WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. The George Melford Production "You Can't Fool Your Wife" With i jsiwerftr! fhr- f tion. Jul of ft'tnl niruoii eoe and jr.-i I h " A picture that hit home. Nm icI new in- a tiling and Hie tea ptrt. (taring. onijiiiii- .i.' f. i Iravaaiil. Hrtlliant tssl LEWIS STONE, LEATRICE JOY, NIT NAL0I and PAULINE GARON. COMEDY -FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 35c and 10c Shockley's P'g B Is Are now Sole Agents for the lumber tatp I el Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. 8PRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP-8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. t i RAINCOATS for the Stormy Days Ilainroat and Ituhber Hoots dciy he anMintnaJ storms bud nowhere can every member of 'he funnly '"' a largeV .selection of lhee necessities than in our "lore- Raincoats for Boys and Girls from $4.50 up. Raincoats for Ladles from $8.50 up. Raincoats for Men from $8.50 up. "Santa Claus ' Rubber Boots This briiild is famous mid we are exrltisic ageul--luive Ihcm in Ihree-quurler length, sixes 8 to 1" " boys and girls: nlso lliree-iiuarler IeiigUif Mes II l" inissej, ami froiii V4 to 7 tor Indies. Kvery pair of "Hailla (Jlaiie Itubbcrs is guaranleed by u. Get rigged out for the wet days to come at Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner Third and Seventh. phone WsltBHHHHBsBiBHsBBsff 645.