.Mr ..piPinher 7 1923. .1 ir ir Ii, lie t tHULUblW THE PICTURES! LkAn uuvirnii oivi nre rducatlonal Auxiliary - i Yt Discovered . ; . . . . 1 . It ( I Ik. r.ainy oi mi' in . ;,y llf llllPIIIfll, III)! i. ....... .. 1 ,! i: llir i ll il K f tin vry real Mf. Hll i lUj The -'IiiIiii of nalnr', ... I. it .-a f uhlit i.o.l mil. i ! ' - " ' Itdl II , f, at: now in' marvellously I tnt, Mil lifter all, it h rii,-Psentalioii, not n m-' of life. Tin motion . . i .. ....... ,, -i 'uken from without. nn;li"l ni)' ill Ihem-.rnfuutar'y. Mtilliplip.l in a and made to follow on . I'flllllllfc' IkH 1.1111. Iff ttr npprthre failed In i: I poe t mill move fe , . ...i. ,.i ...ni i - ami maintain I hp, t llPXP ami (rllonU 1 1 ft v ii an iiim ii 1 1 ti i i it ZJHUMKi Nothing else known to cience performs the sam marvellous healing and dispels disease from the tissues as Zam-Buk does. This pure herbal balm takes the fire out of a wound or sore, kills and repels germi and grows fine new skin. CarrwBuk is acknowledged likely m- fimil. ii run Thi may l kihhI. r whether a ho f,,f i, r'lir pviiiiiiiIp if u vnnnir mnn inm Tlrey are static ,J.)(,y, Pr,1. W.re ultt aP)or i ri.io uir .norm i,,kt n grat sacrifice for the il I well to nk our- ,goo. of other, wIipii l.p find '" 'i"' ""n ' v hlin-.-ir 111 rfal lif in a similar upon Hi riing peinr- .i, .,,, n, f nai.ifuHlJy wnlH.inif II. ,,,.,.,,, ,, wl Hf rat l.pr than -,,,, ttiBic nf ,,,,, , aP, , n mnar I3r.i llif rpalily of lif lll4urir., , rM(,rary ttf'ftal lltftlipllha! I lit fai-ilia ill pail 1 .l.t-.llti Hi tlliiHlttl ll(jftlfA .... . II llll HIT 1IT '' J1V ..ill. i ... I a .... . 1.....1;.... i.: I - miiii iiiiiiiiunt ii itsiii i iii; him mill ... educational aiuiliar, w,n ffn(U ,,,,,,, Aitni. .IflV.J. It U a Well.,, .Ililalion I I,,...!,...! .nir. .1. tpiiiion i fl.d and .,, bn cnrrying aroiin(, :,:rfM. ,ll.l.l...n.o on .o , ,,,4 ,nr ,,on(r w, M1(lfn,y Ii ra- .nn.J ploanire. )Walk0 w( flmo4, ,rwM,M(J .: t .10 .i.ilion alHut M(Wor jf rmtlvrr !, at sy lh iiH.hon pklnm hol.U iand ,Ue faa wi 10S, itlllllnt IIia un u IiIUm fm r.l to until HiMri .... ,.., ,1(1 mr.fahh.hmir lihrarlp. of;i(Hk tWji,y a ,( rIpary Inspiring Factor , J( m ri(Hk (n pnnfr i a an p. urauonai i.,,,,,.,,,,,, nwiTy way .4: y hut a un in'lrlns lao li.iina:'. tn'liaMur that Hi win Hi ilay. Appeal to Imagination ully olailietl. Hip ietalor ...m Mi rhuri'h iipiaU largply In NATIONAL SCENERY IS MAGNIFICENT That. Is Testimony of Railway Visitor From Liverpool, England ''I'll ncr "to inacnifi-rent ami I ie no maioin wliy thorn mIioiiM not li n lar:o lour, int 1 mi In (! not only from Hip IJiiilpd Slalp nml llfrn Canada hut alo from (Smal Hrilain nml olhrr Kiiroirau rountrlp..' ile- rlamil II. V. Calilwpll, litrirt paHnif('r nBcnt of Hip Canailian .National Hallway nl Mvcrpool, Dntclaml, who wa Imro for a jhort vjit last o on in sr. Whil hem he inapcrlcil the Colli Slnr-;! tlnnt nml took a look arounil lli rity. rnrlcil hy Dinlrint I'a. opiiBPr aifnt It. F. MrNauKhtnn Mr. ChIiIwpII wn pry !nlliu.i. antip orr this part of Hip Hi xaiil lir Ipfl Hip olisi-n atinn far only for a fw minii(p to at hi nipaU for In iipvrr tirpil of Hip ppin-ry wiiirh wa finp all Hip way. Ilo prophptiipil n grpat luift hp in ruiiirp wiipii Hip ppnic at I rarl ion liopamo known. .Mr. Cal.lwrll i Jookinp ovor Hip country lo inform liimpf nf it loiliilitip a far a nmy Iip iIoup in a liurriiil vijl ami to makp rpar thop tliine wliipli Iip hail mail r.ml lipanl in miranl lo lli run ii try. Hp wpiiI oulli lat (liB-lit lo Yanroiivpr ami will viil Victoria hpforo rptoniinB ly llic otlipr roulp. MISS GRANT TELLS OF WORK OF PRINCE RUPERT LIBRARY WHEN ADDRESSING. THE ROTARY CLUB. ;Gontinue! from Pace one for liook. Il wa lppau of litis Ihpy wi'rp now iitunn lo Hip people of Hip rii anil npiglihorhood ami akiiiK IliPin to i-onlribiitp that amount. 'Hip ImmiVh wptp iippIpiI Hi iMiiPinn appeal riplil away l.lriv fl.t IIia llnnfriia.1 imi If r"eM '"rill. eliurrl, I. wi II will learn n,, ,,n"r ll. i.vrl.nl..irv ..f II.P .....Hon ' " ",0,i," n,", , . nirlum. II i ml pikmicIi to will J' ' " "" II.. u-ul w WP oio.l imnirinp 11 if "j.fii. iiipj- rr ior,- Hi library wa lo kpp ahreas Midi moprn thouclil and Ivp! THE DAILY NEWS At Bent's 'iarajgatarararararaarHMi I hP lilu-arian said Hip aim of . l" W'" .,.,l. Iliov n.lulil ..! .Ii. Illl" "Ht.". " - . ... j , with 3.01X1 hook. 'I'll loek nut i . . . -t . il lt .nl nun i .. a ..r.irr.im.1 IK" rriH'wrti ami a'i"i m. i-. flti.'il Cll tr llmiun li.ln . ' .1 ... . I I ....I.. anywhere Iip knpw from, Alaska to Mexico ami Iip had lived in a wooit many of Hip pla-p. Iwil.ir " .....m.fc, t'il.,lt. I. ll"r.f 7kAr"Hl.rl"ll.r l.l'.r II1I.MI. fl". "IIIJ .-... i.. . ......... ...... . ii inn u.-.i -. ....a.-."...,- ....... im.u l-.i iii u-nrit umipr hip itesi k.' Milllf ri.Il.IllK.il UI .. .. .... i:.. 11.1 jniii..inn I... I Tfti nil III.... " "'"-;....... I.... I.. ...,.l ....Inn. fl.lnlr III ..ii..-. unit..- c i.iii.ii. i ... i il. v .... .. ;...i.. . ii. . - .... i... ili'PHlt leal or P.iriOH-. rm l-i.ui. , rv....i.i- i-i " ""'- '" " , lli-caii lli-caii of of this tins he he ten fell' i ,wliie. lenp forlli on the pur or To. preprllon for pig-!(. mmnonl lia, f(ir Xn MMn T. Ross Mackay tur Jilra u:BPlr.l h) ... i., .i..i. .. Mr. Mackny conirrnliilatp.1 Mi ...... other and thus show the placp .. i... i .i i ii. f ii.. ol .1. ....... llir iirina ... nrilher sure (rim' Itupprt would Imvoiiip. a crcal imliKtrial cenlrp.' Thi i... . ...... ii. i. PWluirt drop at once I'"-.': v.-'... ,V.: ; w 'llrant on Hip ahlo way in which omar, ....... ,i.-.,. ...... " .. . ., , r-imi m- Il'l'...'- ...r "; " ,UB Jpon.elou nilml. I wtiei'' ii i ilnlixp.l .1 ' y of Mi nml. TIip iKKPtlou only now ned ;hli nccuioii wIipii il will j Ml Anne ':nnl ui)cotpriouly into from Victoria ' at'i)n.lina action. ,lrollif, 5. A Suggestive Power iiiiuinur engineer, .1... I I... Ml IIIjj in s::t woiupii and rliildmn i.itn ii-.l by 1 . . ii. . . .......... I.- ii n..vi.Mivi.'r iliornry. hp aio iiiniiM-.i Arcidnshop of Calpdo'nia.'fl'''' lrmlllil In ad- jl,p advantages of this. Study conauions I.i Mr. Mackay sanniip worm was ii,.... .. n.u ...hipri. At Ololhier I here c. timo it wa con rd a di. ''"f'""-l ilh possible changes., visltlnir with her PrnP,. (, lr a )K..kVorm but lime A". "n "'p ii,n,i,l -ousprvntip.: Clnlhlrr. resident i.n.l rhamrcd and with il lb ideals eie asmp.1 ha Ihe cl.an.es si,,, j accom- f II,.- pople. y , " 'r Agnes Kingliam.: Tliew were ppssimisls in the'"" " ' .,,','' I llienii'lv doing, wllli- ilrr of Mrn. S. 11. Johnston nf eily. Mr. Mackay said, t: cmirl nine h 1 11 w c i I etlv. TliPy will leave on m- hipsp pessimists wninu po in j.iss 'iil.l never have dreamed niaht's train lo r'iid a wpek In (Irani sl.p would st IIipiu right L:M.,1 . . . . ... .a .!..!., IL.II. .....inn II.. .....1.1 n.,1 l.nl l.nnii. ... Illll Pnil I...I If liiarr. ii J ei.n.lillons. inn nroaumimipo until was one who read all sides of every iupiiou. i.pii capita. I ii iiip uiPii nan nni icpn ine 1 orran- nisirin. n"in 3 .hp im..u.. n-.. ..u. . ....-- - . ii1.1,1..,u01 an f.,P l'p'l lo llieiu by Ihe inolion la.lie nre Iralnlnc for nurs1 at.rlusion that Hi time wa mining t"" ' . . ... ... ... ..... "r Urn xuggesHuii In for and are here on vacation. I ni.nMl St n liilAnilalk IIII1V MM I Illll iclona, when I'rinc llupcrt would i.pcome : This U:.'.iually Iru Ih .Jublle Hospital, . .. f nilll,.inil 11 rpiitrp or norinrrn civuiza. - 'mi 11 lo enable I hem to lake a I just put a spoonful of LUX into the bowl of warm water and work up a rich suds. The Lux suds are so pleasantly soft to the Sure rinds, and the China well, we knew Lux was the only thing for dainty clothes, but really we had no idea how beautiful our China was till we discovered the virtues of a spoonful of Lux. LUX LHVKR imOTIIliRS LIMITED Toronto, U1T I 3 m PM w pencral view. . 1'o.lay old form of reliRipn ivver passing away and there was little of a liiuh order to take its place. If lliey were goiugjo re-move the evil altraclious Ihey must provide a substitute and one of th substitutes vas a good library. There was nothing better I liait a wholesome Jieallby set (if books. Efficiency Demanded This was an age when effi ciency was demanded, Mr. Mackay .aid. People must know their business, F.ffiriency wa looked for in every direction. It was onlyl by reading they could study pro-' hloins which surrounded them. The serious problem t In pro vide Hie books which were costly. They were told that man did not live by bread alone. The mind lireeled. bis activities. -If Ihey provided for Hie body Ihey nfust also provide for the mind. The lime would come when the re sources of the cpnnlry would simplify the library problem. He lrute.l I lint some of those who became wealthy would endow a university here and build a li brary for I'rinc Huperl. Only n fpvv years ngo it would have been n joke lo suggest mat anyone should do it in the United States He told of a tourist who bad spoken of the beautiful town and had been high in its praise but when ah own the library had ex pressed scorn for its. outward ap pearance, the lady had expressed Qolhing but contempt and pity. H. V. Chambers, It. V. Sinclair, V. H. floudenough and Mr and Mr. Waller I.eoi arrived in the city from Invwiieoa cannery last night. FXCM ITVl The most of the best for the least During Exhibition Week Fall and Winter Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Third Avenue ( lelinuilM' i'iniiiiioiis nprt iiric n was posslliIP lo l.p ouiotKirit m We have on display' for your kind inspection the widest and mot munpleie riui?e of Fall and Winter COATS, SUITS and DRESSES ever displayed in Ihe north. Tliee Iteaiitiful model were selected', and ome of Iheni werp dei?ned hy Mrs. Hent on her recent trip lo Kaslern (Jiuada oir a personal huyiug trip. OUR STOCK EMBODIES THE GREATEST VARIETY, QUALITY AND STYLE IN LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL IN THE CITY. We guarantee every garment purchased in this store, regardless of price, as lo fit, workmanship and material. We realize from a twenty-six year experience in Ihe Ladies' Heady-to-Wear lmsiness that satisfied customers nre the onjy permanenl hasi- on which to build a successfill lmsiness. You are cordially Invited to call in and make an inspection of our stock. We are here to serve you faithfully and well. DCMT'C LaW Ready. PHONE 651 to-Wear Store "The store where you get the most of the best for the least" Opposite Bank of Montreal Fine Dentistry like fine jewelry must be made of HIGH CLASS MATERIAL only. " J USE THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY Thi; is admitted by LOCAL DENTISTS. Cut Prices for the, month of September My Motto is-- Volume of Service That I may render to the people at large that which is due them, REGARDLESS OF FINANCIAL RETURNS. I am here to serve you PERSONALLY. Can you meet my prices in the City? Does your DENTAL WORK have a money-back guarantee? 21 YEARS IN ACTIVE DENTAL SERVICE Does this appeal to you? I am known to you, or your friends. ASK THEM. OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE are requested to make while In the city. my office, their headquarters DR. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST Roomsy 7, 8 and 9 Smith Block Phone 575 This Office is Maintained for your HEALTH USE IT. OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12 1 to 6j 7 to . LADY A8SI8TANT. KIND TREATMENT. IEtT DCNTAL SERVICE.