When You Want A Made to Measure AA1 i ZTJ 99 mm main SPRING Ouallti,SUITS From $27.75 Up. in a hurry Phooe Steve King PRINCE RUPERT Men's Ku; rustlings. n the City. Rate f-Monabl II Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper . vitt V'i fl I'MINCr. 111 PF.ItT B.G. HATl IID.VY. MAItCH 17. 1U2U. vtttriy't Clrr.ul,. 1 B7S (trttt ! M7. PRICK rrvK CEKTJr 1 PAMfln Will nCAI WITU fEBMANV AIOWE UnilVLi TTIL1L1 ULitUu ffllll ULiUlUjflll 1 niAJllLi ANA I AN ( HVRRNMFNT AnnkKIS R f H (IK I (II I N I h? Y AT WASH M T( N lliUIIIilll VS Vf f AJAIX llTJIJLil 1 A XAUIlUAI iiiutiau v xyvrvAi A ll A a a a ii jiauaaaiiu a vai n. ttnln i A. ENGLAND WON JOHN HEITMAN Wght of Canada to Act Alone 27 EPOONS WERE TAKEN ROM STOMACH anadlan Affairs t in is ought WILL PR02A3LY DIE PASSED. AWAY in Order Until France I'MtSU.VS. kiin-a-. Mar. to rinish in fisheries lieaty Twenty-fle Thoutand Saw I. -I. A. Millar.n (he Fisherman of Sehocner Alaska Scotland Down to Defeat iiiii'i who ha I a mania Failed to Survive A Her is Officially Notitiedl go for .walluwhiK "Iiiik Losing Arm O'lTAWA. Mai-i-li 17 Corresiiundeu'-r tabled in the House at Edinburgh of i-niiinioiis indirali-s the Onadian guMTiinieut hail difficulty iin.l k'mwn a l he "human o!rirh" al from whoe John Iti-iliiian. of (he fi-hiiiir in .ii in ii King (hat (lie haliliul fislieriea treaty between Uanadil EDINBURGH, March 17. and Ihe l ulled .Slate-. liould be fipned by (he Canadian minister I'AHIM. Man h 17. President I'm m are will entertain no Unable to break the spell tiiiiH,h J aiwi'iri were whiHiiirr Alaoka. w'io had hi of i'iherir a (he sde rcureentnlive nf Ihe King, without lh I ii.on- m i tli in Ttiiiiiiv until (lie llrrlin government make which doomed them to suffer taki'ii yetiraay. ha !!-i.opciJ nrin amniiiaieii ui Juneau rc- Itritisli ;inibasudor to the j-ub-eribing treaty. w ii dir.rlly ami olliciully to I ritflce (hat hc wants to nc-.1 defeat al the hand of it eri'n fer eentlj- r.illou-in" mi m.ri.i..nf wa V ':i.-d in French official circle. Any attempt England for the patt eleven iinj probaldy will ilie. with Ihe maeblnerv on t!.r hoal . Three. months.... ago r......l Haron....Byng II....tabled I to I Lotiddti asking i..: i a 1( ml '.nix In intervene, to provoke discussion on tlie terms year, the Scottish International 4iiien fhlx wefk al the Juneauj ion .vr' o .umciiiu on uuu. .rnri isnjuiiir. iiuniMrr of marine and fisheries On February 28 another cable from llonpilal. The reiiiaiiia will iter vlii' li a seUlemenl mlglil lie reached with (icrmauy. will Rugby team were again pa Itaron Iiynt lo lln: Hritlsh Oil-onial rK - !! by I'runii' u an unfriendly ml, it in added. overwhelmed by their southern Ihroiil, the rfiy bound for Senl-f Ill IlLIV March 17. A rrt from Frfemershe, a Hhine rival this afternoon by It" on fit Jrin"r Mary- 1'iimir-row GIRL SAVED ieerelary'hat ltritih.-xprrssed ur-pris- i. i . ..u:. I in...I l eight points lo sli. Twenty, BUCKLEY IS AT ! mortiinu. Mr. W. S. Sur-jreiil. tled.leH at Wasliniaton Anihainiador had been iv win ii a Fr.-n.h I;imii (ruin oUided willi a freight. five thousand people saw the of llHiellon. iler nf ie- inelnieteil behalf t of nu;n on ..i- were lelcs,-jed. Wl k PPrTT Hf IT f ,i rM'd. '" '' f wuih game. the Kins, (Ii belief lil'KSKLIiOHF. Mareli 17. THw Herman were shot and Each of the winning teams I flNir I I IV 1 1 1 I iw'" botlv ami alleiioV.1 Mo- that Canada's eoii-ti.lerinc signature wan ' I - rcem-h -entries during the night, one at llc-ktinhauen had beaten Wales, Ireland suffK-i.-nt and the mailer being and this liy a wifiv two dansihtrr and France was and Flagged it to Prevent Destruction Mih-ly one of eoneern to Canada. the final for the champion, Arrived There on John Yesterday . m.ii. H wan 15 yi-ar of, Iiai-un liyng ask.l (hat ir Auck-laiiil at Risk of Incurring ship. Ticket had been sold Material Arrive fop U''d na:iv.' of Norway an.I had HALIBUT PRICES ARE lie.Jiii-ii tie instructed to slay TORNADO during the closing hours before plant Schooner liei'n rilimg ill tin Will- Revenge out. AWAY UP AT EXCHANGE the match at Immense Loading iiiniiy jreant. DUBLIN, March 17 De- Four day luter the treaty waa who prices to those were sigii.-il at Washington Mr. by f vlna orobable revenge of the the contest. . .. bound to see la. m m HIIIIIIIIIIL IIIII ' " ' " alone. LlUulilJi American Boat Received Nearly ri-aoiv I. liorki.x nra.J ol nil- H II IIIKHIIaXrllK ' rMoulm nrainliatlnn ff I.'apointr 20c. a Pound Today and ;Mio.hi TimlN'r li... I.W.. arrive.1 VILnilll lVllUlllJ. , tha frustration of their . . . . .. j i , wanau lana vnw wnn FOOTBALL RESULTS w.t,.-..iy n.rMi-i- on the ; Tl 1 OI PTTI 1 T f plan, a farmeKa daughter nilin loi kivv inu viiiayv: . WHALEN LOGGING h..f. Ufklla. .... .T....M. 1 A RIAIl 111.... . i.i.-.hii.-. iTi...-.- John al Buckley; KANKH I Ktt I ' near Balllna flagged the hos- ;IUr ..n his fir-l rlp of inspee-j unu!Ui L UrXVU ENCLICH LEAOUE. piU lr4n of the Free State 4 n Ilalilml prlee -were soaring Division I. ,ll... .in.-.. IIm IH mill I her j troop, ..a ,topped It with- CAMP WILL RUN iIl:lMI(r r ni... Mar. 17. afaiu lltia morning at (tie KUli Ar4ual ?. oUtum 0 UrteJ rottina rant, for re- AnvoI Team w, , Her. to, Hn a yard or two of a ditch I.(. , I.. .-. I.tr.il tatmal iMM Fichange. Two American Wats IlirniiniiJtaw t. A-l"" Villa n. iiiM.Kif.wHur. al Lo- Angtle. He p,, Loc, on Wednesday J duo by the Irregulars where "" Ii TW10 at--rveejra-al-fli imlH ' This Week' " thS rail, were also torn up. ! niMflm Ilfarfclrinr 'mVAlU iijr iii ""n 1 ftia ,,. Vv ,, mii.i iu.M-ii. io i-eiurn in an-- ON BIG SCALE " ' r IKilloii aii'l''i'-i - I. '"calle which w i Mi. 4elt ..Hinlrle, . ' eonter on llie J .hn early nel A 'flfnunt wan r-.-i.-il thi; of llie X , M..l..iWi tea! , ':c: Ilud4erfir.l r. llumlH 0, tsl. nioMiiiiir l.y Iii.-k lii-.-iiiweTt Tliat !VICTIM OF SEA i The f.nanefal lo. la tiarilirr Cit) f, Mktdleaboro . 'llT. lilgl.li . I lw! Two Hundred Men Will - - i mrar l. llale. aecond lt Air. Anyox baakethntl ten in will be Em Wax! UmHieh 0. ClieUtw 0. , lloekley in tlx- inanaKement of here on Tuenday in r.'adin-".! for ployed at Thurston Harbor ioo.noo. Tl.. ili.-.- .if Sax aga Rferlon 5. Mi ffirM l nHr.1 I. den Ui. if lO.Hr and lU.fre. MaisrhfUr Cily I. Literputil 0. , the miH, arriveil in lln- eily llii'u hlf ehampionsliip Kaiii'- wild MASSETT INLET Thl Year vti II..... IUiA U..IIN.I. I.. lLat I'rin.-.- John Prince dozen . huiMlrt.de It' Muk' TiitleiiliMni HoUpiw 0. tnoruiny bj- lln- an.I lliiperl on eJnciMlay lUxiih I ixherie Canadian Co.. al eM-i-l l lenxe her.- for Van- night. Warrie Anil-rs.n. who K. Allx-rl uf ..-i' ii..iii.(.--. Sunderland t. I'reiilon N. '!. Moore, lodging miperin-len.h-iil neiijil. i.7". anil in.iV. Dlv'slon II. urnii-r tin Ihe next l.-amer. Ik on hi way nuth on a' holiday Young Indian Boy Lost and Remains for Ihe Whalen I'ulp &. There also will for the viil. Canadian ariie. al lluekley play of Paper Co.. returned to Ihe. city IUrnl- I..W iMM-rhamplon 0. George Doughty EDMONTON WINS WIiii.. I.ily, P.nuti Hinlk. In flay on Ihe Prime John I hie .rraii)c'iii'iil nre Ix-ni niH.le mi the Prinre John this morning l In- IIihiIIi I'inlieHea Canadian Bradford f. ,.;,,,,;..I. ii.i i.'we-k a large -l.ipi.wi.l of eemeiil l.irally lo rnlerlain lh- vi-ituig Discovered from l.orkeporL after having ' ( 1 .7c anil I0e. mtd hn.-ks whieh I lo be useu leant al a dam i- in the K.Iks" Hall 1 ,,M? Crystal I'alar.- I. Leeds I nit.ti 8. MXSSKTT K,,"' tortnighl on Mar 17 The HOCKEY SERIES ,;,:;My S K.tHK) titwnO. In the in innirox ing and extending Ihe 'ueday evening, - Moresby .Island making )rrb i loiinly I. Kutherham U. se.reli. for the bo-ly of a prepara-Indiaii. boiler I at Ihe mill. ywng Ih Flatter I'.uiiaJian Co.. at !.a..ll...... l W.au.L L .....I il plan Buekley - f"r ",p WHPniliK or eom- H7,ri and I Or. ipuii ciiy" i. Nv..., a. i. . . I -PREMIER OWNERS BUY Ma-.ell named lUml. l)aM ha be..,,Bell,.of arried the ',aMV '"Winsr ramp al Thurs- i Entitled lo Mcel Winner of Mall"Wi-r. O.IMin unln. lu ie..s.T Cily i. Coventry city I- ' n A IMC CAIMnW DIUCD "" ' tml her Iribesme,,. for '"" '"'''" m'" 'H lh' Citiu.liaii 1 A i;.'Ill ltur- l"r"Uon" a' ulH6'1 nn Vancouver.Ottawa Tueale In i-li Xoll Connly 3. I'Upl.M Ori-nl I. tLAliUJ jAUllUil ftlltlV ,,v,.r u xxilhoul result. The Im' '"!'loyed Ihere this year. A Final )'... ni li.Gi- tiiul lo'. U rdii.-.lav- ?. Soil I h Shield 0 I ..II Timber Co.'IM .. . . ....... man went across Mbsm-II inlet. " arn,r" al "" ' ""'I' n Soiilhiiiiiplon n, Ilury 3. liearnmz oui sun imiiu-r ,bv 'ri"rr J"nn ,M an'1 in hi laiim-h. to obtain a num- steam rho...i r 1.1 Cedr.. i Mill .i- ,,i.-v if nuii ina as niili-h i:i,MMVi.,v Mam, I:. .... BODY OF MRS. TINKER Division III. (Northern) llav loading for l.o a. ber of logs. Later in Hi y ,1,or" w'" b" ,r'P- al lluekley r n,H jrrral inineralij.-.l ine in T'"" "alion al Thur. V I i maiia IKiekot w.tx i 3. Walsall 0. hi lauii.-h Ashintlon was seen floating with failing' Angele and also a salmon Hixer of the WILL BE TAKEN EAST s.-.-lion "''i'1' 1"" Halifax Town 3. Harrow 0. the tide. some other Indian '". ' i wli.H.iier lakinu on old spruce purlland Umal il the ib. ...ii. ii.. .Niwr. ..r lln as can, "leraled for uIm.iiI three yeara, h Iarlin:loii I. luilham Cily U. Seiiltle. boanle.1 Ihe xessel and found Ihe for slock !Cil!Uenheim inlent. now in rnii-.Irol wl" "u" ai tiMav.. -rfrH fur.lh" m. Tinker Will Accompany Re l'arll.-pooi ii. ikqii lloro 0. engine running, but Bell wa "-"i" An of the Premier mine ami I ii.. hi - ' IvliiMinli" main of Wife to Neva Miu-oin Cily 0, C.heterfield M. missiiiK and ha not been beard ""'""' " "Me te. on the neil r.illowi i- a (TMHto Scotia Nelson u. Ci.-w Alexander U. BANDITS SHOT .oilier lar(fe prorti"-s. has pur-jclia.s or sinee Ihe 3rd inslanl. Hi ,nt' ""-' l'rmce John, Ihe Mineral Basin group huh I i Ii' I .1 ."in'on aiel IliH-h.lale n. lli-udford 3. 'ol small boat was alo missing und . .1 Ik- . ....,l. . IlireOi SoiilliMiit I, ACerlnglon rlaims. says Ihe Hueoux.-r il i thai the 1li. remain nf llie late Mr. -. World. Thi adjoin Hi presumed wind and IIJCT UAH V II'" i'i i i- (1. I'. Tinier will 1-5 iuKen IUil S(aleybriUe 3. liriiusby J. TRAIN HOLDUP iXortheru I.ighl pmpi-ity group, routed uf tide carried the man out to sea. JUul AiallHU I ilfli T..II Ml.n 111' I 11 KMtlll n tiinight'a train hy 1h widower Wrexham ?. Trannlere llo.-i 1 Search, parlies covered llie whole SiBer SUik-Ii i held by (he B.C. f I - i. .mi I-. i olhii'i;: I llll- anil interno-nl will tain pi are at Division III. (Southern) 'Corporation, harked by Kim-li-di of the north coast of Craliutu MAKE RESCUE i' ; ; F.In i .it 1 1 hi a inn- iriial lead Ibe family hum", Hprinif Hill. Ilreulfoiil (l, Newport C. 0. Auto They Were Driving Riddled (.apital. The iufc.'-nlieiui, hold a island, from Hose Spit to Lan-j in nr i 1 -'isiii i will he llrlstol Itnvers 0, Brighton 0. Island. The result ofi Xuvtt Keotia. There a With Bullets by Citizen i.ne.hird interest ill Ihe B.C. Sil- gara only ehnreli erice eliere on llie ilay Charllon 0, Alwnlare I. Ihe search ia lo discover Ihe ii new KKiiiiiaij t.f the funeral in the Fuf. I he Kxeler Cily I. Millwull 2. TACOMA, Mar. 17. Two of' ii Mcllrew and associate. remain of the laic tieorge Boat Overturned by Storm and M Ala-ill A aftua UWIBMU Man Sank When Rescue I'orUinoulh o. tune tu h? annuuneeil later. Northampton 3, three men who held up the were Ihe original owiier jf Mill Houglily. which were im.e.lde,i GERMAN SETTLEMENT Klowi'i wert" reeeieil from Mr. Norwich C. 2, Bristol taiy . Niirlliern I'aeirii- train at South t-ral Basin. While Ihe surfiic.-slinwiiig in the andNon the beach nearj Part PPpoached uiij Mrn. .Mnrte llrultf,, Mr. and l'lyinouth Argyle S, Swindon 0. I'rairie (hi morning were, rap-lure.! here are not esiieciully Ihe place where (he remain oft. '.,,,.,.. 1 IIF.III IN iliii-. li 17 ftuiiMira Mr. IteKinatd IleuuiiKint. Mr. Beading I, Oillingham I. badly xvoiinded. An automobile aUracllve, il i .ai.l that the Mr. Doughty were discovered. iL::Jianh e-Id'iitl- Mr. and Southend i, (jnei-n'a I'ark I. shorlly aflerlhe wreck or their f,r a ,N' '.' ,m ..rtrom. and Mix i. A Mi-Nichol. Ihul (jernui'iN liud made freiih used by the bandit was tioup lie' on the main slrike of ef Watford i, Suanea I. felAumuie'r. ,nleknnme,l "Happy" Port lirerine n in.-.iU mi reparation Mim. sieve Kin?, II. Mel.eod. Mr. riddled Willi Mud, from revol the ore,, therefore is attractive I 1 launch . fi.her- Metthyr Town I.iilon inifiig. - Muchltlilt- fVov,nn,l, Washington. ih" ii'd nr the liiivrrnni'nl. and Mr. C F. apd Min Kemp, ver and rille by Die cillien of.Hie iig eompany - "'8'' drowned In a lorm off Mr. and Mr. J. II. BurkleyUayliJri'Maell Inlet. John t'arroll, Buckley. n Mm ear puel I ii riiwniv entlulim thai her ftund SCOTTISH LEAOUE lend yesterday. ihe wa. Ihe see-iTTor a great deal of il'HUliury FARMER WENT CRAZY Hnoii2li that town, j 'In fan. n hefuri- and freh Division I. 'Jiarlolle wa jiaaninr .-tixily durlns the past week. There l5,Ood lOI'KKA. Kansas, Mar. 17. ifK il imi I-'n i an hi' uii'iii. Hi I. Motherwell S. wa a exprei Ainlrii'onian Two large motor-driven boat 7" """.t' T" .'" I" package on the train which the John Motilajiiie went .-ruiy and "ul ::"y 'line Celtic '.'. Duud.'.- I. lT' """ u ''t and while OTTAWA WINS were loading lumber Mr Ihe bandit were after hut Ihe messenger, un.h i- Ihe inlluenre or Ihe mania Iluuiillon I, Itailh Hover I. 'l" 'arlv W 1 Angele Product l.lmlted, while hearing (he firing, hid shof and killeil hi wife and FIRE AT VANCOUVER " Ui lU" wa nsln Hibernian I. Clyde S. the parrel ami 'he baud II were diuinliler and hot and Injured a large ecliooner wa. also loaded V Ncill VI U. Mar. 17. I'ro- " ",' Crttft FIRST GAME Kilmainw-k '. Alhi ui Hover., n. unable to find himself. with limber for Seattle. A num.'"' r""4 (" r,U.r,?J "f a-.'oo.OOO reeullwl wa" h hvmi v -s Hanger - Falkirk, not .lay h. her ..f loggina .-am,., were larl- ,u1s,"k' n"'r mi a Tirf wlm-li ih'lroel Hie Allou SI. Miin-n, nvl played. ,'n'!" -,lulI1" "o1 rP,C0,re'1: ed with (he or a bu.y li m: I 'll I ;ri'.mol niji unci 1.u lil- Beat Vancouver In Laet Five Third Una Hi Ayr U. o. Strict Censorship in Dublin season ror alt c'nee-ued. )n!,tn Charlea 'ir 4 i luit niiiht. Minute of Oonteat at Morion 0, Heart I. . .'eming, two mure Port Towmee-d Vancouver, Arbroath 1.Division l orfbr S.II. over Despatches: Even News of 4. i-ut fishermen luifore ore the niiing.alorm which They cap.put 8T PATRICK'S DAY V Wt'.Ol VI II. Mar 1 7. Ill- Ilalhgole 3, Jxiiitt'et l'ark U. IRISHMAN WON BIQ ueii iuartrom boat. CONCERT lawn Irnikey li-am rrei.li irointno Clydebank t. Cowileubenlli U. . Siki Fight Tonight is Barredl FIQHT AGAINST SIKI ,lmm Journey aerua llie conllnenl. lluiifennliui- '. Ueen' I'ark n. GRAND TRUNK HOTELS Wedholm Theatre 4 .l,.r.Hleil ValMwUer in Ihe firt Johntoiie i. Vrinadale I. DLBIIX. Mureh 17. l.O.MlON. Murih 17. The for the rigid censorship Mike MeTigtie defeated COSTLY TO COUNTRY SATURDAY, MAR. 17, '23 of Ihe erie of Ihe three out ofiSl. lleinurd , lliiinharton rcusou ui H I r. p.m. ru-a iii iniullfv for Ihe final III .Hi'iihuusn Mum I, l al l ift' u iniMi$d in Dublin cterilay preventiutf tliu uo of llie telegraph Baltltug Siki UMay for light ihe Kluulev Cuu aerie. Vule of Iiven 3. Ilmihurn 0 und leleplioiie lines except for brief iiieuge approved by Ihe neavyvvx-isni ciiumpion.i.ip . o'l'TAW 1. Man h 17 - The S'mi- und Muie of Ireland I I'lve ininule before Ihe ifuine.lloiie S, H. Johii.tono 0 uutlioritie. is not known here. London morning paper have of the world in u SO round liraml Trunk Imt.-U m iVf' eol ly Hie very tiel ended llroadlieiil pul through a aire!) anj thing from Dublin. Kven lute items of the Hiki-Mc .outel. McTeagu.- won Canada i d.-m il i.rll7.00 in. 'ulcni UVUlluLlli'. 'm,ni for Ottawa unillL' the .1. II. I.iiiiuVi t. Dominion pub Tiguo fight were not ulliiwcd through except wliut reuelied BiJ on point- ,-iuUini. ml. i. .1 unit dcnreeiatioii Penalora a vainu one goal to'lie work eng r. returned 'ut lukt through truvelltr. T he fight take place ut eight o clock charur. Tli.-re an- rix holei in Iv Tiviii 0lJ tlii- evening ' .Jcr u alroiiu guard of Free State troop; it iS4!'J- nle cun.